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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 14. 1909. 13 BURKE ROCHE SUES - WIFEtFORDIVORCE 1 SS' K-r i , .. i i i j ' " . . . ... - : fdn. Aurel Batonyl in riding costume and one of her favorite horseaT Sha ' U Med for a divorce by her former ..husband, J. Burke Roche, who ac ', cusea her of bigamy. In marrying the noted whip. , ' , Newport, Nov. .The long- threat ened ault for dlvorco of James Boothby Burke-Roche against the wife who di vorced hint It years ago in Delaware, and who U now Mrs. Aurel Batonyl, haa become a fact. The- action -has bean brought in an English court. Tha flraf lnkUn that it had . been begun came today, when Mrs. Batonyl was served at Mlddletown With the neceesary papers, which recite that sha la charged with bigamy. Tha case Is to be tried In England this month, i Mrs. Batonyl, - when asked lsst night for a statement, said: "I married la tha Cnlted States and after a very unhappy married Ufa I returned and obtained a divorce In tha -ITnttert" States many years ago: AlI am an American citlsen. I have nothing to do with laws outside of the United Jttatee. J em much annoyed. Otherwlae 'there la nothlne- further to sav." Wot Beoog-alaed Divorce. The Engllah courta have never recog nised as legal Mrs. Burka-Roche's di vorce, which was procured in Wilming ton, Delaware, and which caused a great socisl aensation as well as a row In . Chief Juatlce J. P. Comegys, who dis sented from the granting of tha decree, declared la print, when aaked for his position, thst ha "did not find tha least evidence In tha . ease . that tended to m V. n ht k , III. I , Inn..'. . kn.K.nil waa guilty either of the offense of de sertion or of the wilful neglect to provide lor., tha .support of his wife," and that no ether legal causes were al leged In ihe petition. - . Mr. Burke-Roche has aver staunchly contended that he was not divorced, and once warned the official chronicler of ths , royalty and nobility, Burke's Peerage, i far having aet him down as civorceo., . - , . r . . j . .- The pYesent Issue of tha Peerage contains .his nsma at 11 linked with that of Mrs. Ba,tonyl, and .the English pub lication of notabllltiea, "Who's Who." The el Wave 15c If H yout gtoWKfundsiwuf money. ; JAQVCS maintains, by Its record, that tha mar riage atiU exists. Tha divorcehasneverthelese stood Iegalljrinlhla country, and the eeocet marriage of Mrs. Burke-Rocha at the Empire hotel In New York City, In 1006. to Aurel Batonyl, professional whip and manager of Mra. Burke Roche's farm, Elm-Court- Lodge,- near here, was never queattoned either so cially or. In the eyes of the law. The marriage waa kept secret for nearly a year, cot being- mads publlo until July last. , Xer rathe Angered. Frank Work of New York, tha bride's father, a retired banker and a millionaire, waa ao angered by tha new alliance that he has alnce declined to have any relatione with his daughter, and has cloaed the doors of his New port home to her and her husband. After the announcement of the' mar riage, Mr. and Mrs. Batonyl vlsltedthe parents of Mr. Batonyl In Hungary, and made a tour of Europe. ' Before the marriage waa announced, and while Mrs. Bstonyt was abroad Jaat aprlng with her daughter, who Is now Mra. Arthur Scott Burden, J. Burke- Roche had JnaerteLin lhal French hewapapera a warning to the merchanta not to trust her on his account. -. .. Za an Irish Vasr. J. Burke-Rocha is the brother of Baron Fermoy, art Irlah peer, to, whose title he la 'help preaumptlve. He was once in parliament During the Rua-alan-Japaneae war he .took a forpedo boat from England and delivered it to the Japaneae; alnce then he haa not been In England, the. offense against the neutrality laws being moat aerioua. ' Tha Burke-Rochee ' have four chil dren twin sona and two daughters, The boya are at Harvard and visit their mother at Intervals. POPE'S POLICY IN SPAIN IS NON-INTERVENTION Vatican Will Not Attempt to In- 'terfere, Knowing Thatthe -v '. People "Will. . " (Jnoratl Rtwdil SrTM.t ' Roma, Nov. Hj A prelate belonging to the ofnoe of the papal secretary, of state says that the pope'a Spanlah policy constats of complete non-intervention while the cabinet la atrtvlng to pass reform meaaures, leat their, failure be aaeribed to Vatlcaa Intrlgueaaud. jiot aponUneitr of the people, who, being good Cathullca, will not allow tha over' throw of their rcllirton. Hence the pope will not protest, even If the climax la reached. Tha Vatican knowa that the reporta of an Imminent rupture are purpoaely circulated lnlhe Frenoh preaa, the view of tha latter being that aeparatlon must neceaaarlly follow In Spain. Tha pop auurna the policy of reprisals snd does not Initials active measures. ; PROFESSIONAL DIVER REPAIRS WATER PIPE (Siwelal Dlapatek te The Joarnil.) McMlnnvUle, Or., Nov. 14. During the latter part of last week and the fore part of this week McMlnnvUle residenta were without a water aupply. Flrat the pumps st tha city water works were out of order and. then the Intake from the- river became clogged so that tha supply waa completely ahut oft. No one here could do anything to relieve conditioner eo a - profesalonal diver waa secured from Portland. The diver came up Saturday, and It waa not 'until some time Sunday that water could again be pumped. Home Ua Circle IS tne noma wuu ir . - kTeoV where -the ' linert of bfacoits, dooghnott, CAkev end pic and othef food thtnjs erefy . day.Th baking is always delicious and wholcfocne bccauie . K O Batting Powder ?th nakino twwdet otthe ware circle,, b Used. . ' . ' . GetKC to-day 1725 ounces for Isn't aU tna we wf laTO. CO. IVIIITE PLAGUE TO -DEC0L1BATED-H international Congress on Tu berculosis In Session Today r in New York. .. PLAN LEGISLATION TO f PREVENT CONSUMPTION featurefJMeegJBporta From ' Great Number of Open Air Campa Where Patients Are Being Treated Successfully. (Journal Speflrt ScrTice.) New York. Nov. 14. At the . Hotel Aator today acorea of eminent medical men,-: publlo health offlclala, legtalators, clergymen and repreaentatives of for eign governmental with - others - Inter ested In the general welfare of hu manity, aaaembled for-a 'Joint seaalon of the American International Congreas on Tuberculoala and the Medico-Legal society of Mew York. The chief object of the meeting, which la held under tha aanctlon of the United Statea govern ment. It the formation ""1 urging nt legislation to prevent tuberculoala. In cidentally there will -be acientlOo dls cusalona of -the-dlseaaa and the later diacoveries," relative to ita treatment and prevention. , Vromlaent BCem Sraaan. Tha personnel of the congreas Is such as to tve weight-to-ltsjdellberatlone-and oonoluslons. The roli call, showed an attendance of many medical men and others, of national or International reputation. . At the Initial aeaalon thla morning, following tha delivery of sev eral addresses of welcome, Prealdent Clark Bell of tha Medloo-Legal society, Introduced Dr. F. B. Daniel, of Auatln. Texas, president of the congress. Dr. Daniel delivered his presidential ad dress. In tha course of which he set forth the alarming and ever-lnoreaalng spread of the dreaded disease and the necessity for the co-operation ; of all governmenta In legislative and other meaaures for its prevention. - The remainder of the day waa taken up largely with ths Introduction of the foreign delegates snd tha arrangement of the program for the succeeding sea- atone- of the -congress, wfeion - wll. tlnue three days. ' Preventive Kagialatloa. The congreas plans to discuss every stage and symptom of tuberculoala. New and powerful light will be thrown onmany phases of - the disease, and It Is Intended to enlighten the masses concerning It. Preventive legislation will be urged, also governmental anfl municipal sanitariums throughout' the world. Boards of health, , state and provincial medical societies and medico-legal organisations throughout Xtn erlca and feurope will be aaked to co operate In the movement. ' A feature of the eongreaa will be re ports retarding a great number of spe cial sanitariums and open-air campa In this country,' The model '.camp, known as Camp Piny .Woods. In Sulli van county,' New Tork, will be studied; also Saranao Lake, the City of Last Hope, -the army 'sanitarium 'for con sumptives at Fort. Bayard. N. M., and other places where tuberculosis Is be ing scientifically treated. - PATERSON ANARCHISTS. IN IDOMNCPIlUNJMLy. Woujd-Be Assassins Sent Abroad to Kill Victor Emmanuel Promptly Arrested. , (Jenreal Special nlte London, Nov, is. -A dispatch from Naples to ths Central News statea that the polloe these have effected two lm portant arrests, thereby frustrating two conspiracies hatched In New Jersey against the life of King Victor Em manual, the Duke cf Aoata. who Is his cousin,1 and the Duchess of Aosta. Information was received-by-rhep-lies that an envoy had left Patereon, New Jersey, charged wltn the asaaaal nation of the duke and ducheea. This anarchist waa promptly arrested upon hla arrival In Naples. " Meanwhile the Italian authorities learned that an Italian anarchist named Gabriel LausettO had been chosen by the Paterson committee to compass the king's death. Thanks to a second' warn ing from tha American police. Lausette waa also taken prisoner aa aoon aa ha atepped ashore at Naples. NEGRO RUNS AMUCK, MURDERING POLICEMEN ' (Ineraal (periil arrrtce.1 Aahavilia, N. C Nov. 14. Fighting In defense of their police captain. Pa trolmen Charles Blackstock and William Bailey of this city, were ehot to death on 'South Main street at 11:10 o'clock last night by a negro, who ran amuck, and also killed one negro and fatally wounded another. The man gave hi name as Will Harris of Charlotte, North Carolina, a desperado, for whom a large reward haa been standing for some time. Prior to the death of ths two officers a negro restaurant-keeper named Ben Allison waa shot and killed by. Harris without . provocation. . Another negro named Tom Nell was mortally wounded. LOGGER IS KNIFED ; BY HpQUIAM TRAMPS - (Special Dtapateh te The Jeerae!.) HoQulam. Wash., Nov. 14. A well- known-logger -named -Cr- Pi- MarehalL aged 10. now lies at the general hospt tal In a precarious condition from a knife wound In the back. Ha waa as saulted In an alley some time tn the morning, and waa fonnd about 4 o'clock by Officer McKenstry. rie waa un conscious when found. Tha officer then went on a hunt for the assailants of ths Injured man, and rounded up five tough-looking customers. G0HL HEAVILY FINED FOR LEADING ATTACK " t ertal rtepavk te The Jaerael.t Aberdeen. Nov. 14. For having led an armed attack on the schooner Fear less, In tha lower harbor last June, William Oohl, at that time the. agent of the sailors' anion, wss fined 11104 In tha superior court at Monteeano. Hla- bond was placed at 41140, pending aa appeal.- . " , rfhTTTTTh TPTT?TT? II IT 1.1 1,1 M ConsultatlCafFrcc Varicocele ABSOLDTC GOmslEE HO FAY UNLESS CUI 1 1W cur . thla disease without operation or Jlgature,, and under our treatment tha. congested condition aoon - disappears. tha ., parts are restored to their ' natural con dition, vigor end, etrength, and clrpuUtsan Is reestablished. . . . - i.a mt.nvran tnattee There Is not a man In existence who is suffering from anv weakneas that we-cannot rebuild and afrensthen -with.ur SrSW JBSAX TMATsCBBr and bring Daca to roouni. vigurona will never' aaaln be a sign 01 violation brougblao, y .disalpstionj nature. Toe ' A person affUcted with Blood Poison cannot feel safe while any of the virus or poiaon remains In the system. -This disease, with little doubt, ts one of the most ho rlble snd deadly which affects the human family, from the fact that though Its beginning Is manifested by only a smsll sore. In a ahort time it becomee constitutional; the blood Is contsmlnated, the tissues break down, and a multitude of terrible symptoms follow, such as un sightly, skin .eruptions, sore throat, falling of tha hatr, pains in vsrtoua parts of tha body., Inflamed eyes, general emaciation and debility. Later may follow dis ease of the nerves, such' ss paralysis, locomotor ataxia, softening of the brain, Insanity, etc. We will cure you if your case can b . cured, -"Writs If you cannot call. 1 Our best references are our patients -whahaveijeen cured by Us, as they send others to us in great numbers. . - T -;r Hours I a. . to ( p. m.; Evenings, T to 1:80; Sundaya, a. ra. to 11 nooo, i - St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary ' , oobvbb noon ABB TAKXZX.X. STBBBTS), pobtxabb, obboob. Chronic Rheumatism Cured 5,000 BOXES ' I hsve s secret com pound for chronic rheumatism In all Its forms. My secret remedy waa found after Buffering for aar without - re- Jlef during - which Deformity Of known remedy for t. k.-J. 1- this agonising, dls- time I tried every iu nanus iu ChrbnicRheu mtiam. eaae. . Much or tne time I was so bad I could not walk. I1 cured - myself snd have cured thou sands of others since, among them men and women who had suffered for thirty an-I forty year. If you have rheuma tism In any form let me eend you a free trial package. Don't doubt, don't delay. Address: JOXPT A. BBTXTX, tort Bldr-amwmukee. Wis. INJECTION BROI WILL CVU GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHER TREATMENT Sold by all Druggl. ta EtlilVROYAL PILLS IaSleal A,k your Dnisfttt win BlUV KlbOoe. 1 U4MUM y Hu- W Mtv Irurrln U4 Mh for nti-CBra-Tru-a rveusit, the DIAMOND Blt.1t PILLS, S Pr.r,' Mfwa mm hmwt, ftfa,t. Alwire !I,M. 8M by Driirrlm -ennlir. ' ,v. rim,ini ra. REJECTED SUITOR CARVES LOVE Frenchman Persecute Woman Who Scorns im and 8tab Her Twenty-Five Timet. MAY ESCAPE HANCINQ THROUGH NEW STATUTE Public Indignation Starts Movement to Delay Abolition of Capital Pun ishment Until Murderer Haa Paid ' the Penalty. Paris. Nov- J4. Tiurdy justlaer-hsi bean meted cut et the Paris assises to one of tha most callous rurnane Who ever stood In a dock. This was a man named EUenne Hubert, who haa been sentenced to death for ths murder of a Madame Velessek ' last February Tha accused was employed In a restau rant under the Oare Bt. Lasers, ana fell JtLJove-: with . Madame Veleseek, a widow, who waa cashier of the estab lishment. She . repulsed his sdvsncea, whereuoon he began a systematic perse cution of her, which he continued after being dismissed from tne restaurant. The woman . at last complained to the police, and Hirbsrf was sentenced to a ahort ternvof Imprisonment. Aa a result of the annoyance to wnlcn she wss subjected, sha lost her- posi tion, and, dreading tha vengeance of Hubert, sha Quitted tha neighborhood. changed her name, and opened a news paper shop la another duarter. Hubert, however. tracked her down and con tinued hla insults.. His annoyances earned him,, another ats months' Im prisonment, ' which rka completed In February. , . . . Oa hla release he announced ma utea- P (MIA - astabUsked SS Tears ..: la rortlaad. . haw lone tons standing). AND ST8TEM thla countrv. and method. We never we take. w " of the laws of Are " Vmt Safe Walle- S Sa Any Oaae Without OosapueaUoaa. j O Right Methods i pay me TREATING WHEN CURED "WEAKNESS" The beat way to do a thine is alwaya . tha right way. There la usually one . beat way. If my meth ods of treating Meakneaa," Var icocele, Contreot ed Disorders, H pa cific Blood Poiaon, -.Stricture and PUea are rights, then all other methods In -use are. In soma In treating so-called "weakneaa"-1 employ no tonics or stimulants. "Weakness" In all Ita phasee and In practi cally every case that cornea to ma for treat ment la merely a symp tom resulting from a state of. chronic lnflam- mat Ion existing in the proatate gland. Thla In flammation may be a lingering reault of soma contracted disease or " may nave been brought on by early dissipation, excesses, eta In by far the greater number of , cases the general health ' of the patient la per fect, there being no lack of either physical or nervous energy. No decree stimulants or tonics are needed, and If employed tneflL. because I am ahe to cure them both ' wmild-bhiy result In" nnunnUT and thoroughly. ' ' temporary excitement of - tne runctions ana posi tive Injury to the ten der and already disor dered prostate. My treatment is a. local one entirely. It removes all Inflammation, swelling and tenderness rrom tne frostata gland, eatab iahea normal circula tion throughout tha parts snd reatores per manently and complete ly all natural runctions. By thla method alone -4 peaelble to. brln complete restoration o strength and vigor. eeeeeeee NerYOUS Debility Aa Certain nat Mlaht Follow Day There Is a fixed penalty for thd viola' of nature. The punish- tlon of anv law o: ment. which surely comee sooner later, may be either sickness, pain, de cay or death. If you are euffertng. It la certain that you have, knowingly er unknowingly, transgressed. Tour chief concern, of couree, ie how to get well, not how you got sick. We are restor ing men to sound health every day. . ; ME IN OINUY.. . ' As ws treat diseases of men only, the position we occupy among spe cialists is unique. Our methods of treatment are unlike those employed by other physicians. -They are original with ourselves and are ths most effective methods known to medical science. They Involve the eclentlfla sppllcetlon of every curative Influence In the treatment of men's diseases. : Our offices are an exposition of delicate and costly equipment, much of which la especially conatruoted to meet the requlrementa of our distinc tive methods of treatment. We have hesitated at no expense that could add to tha efficiency of our work or tha comfort of our pat lent a. There is no ether equally .equipped medical Inatltute in tia Faclflo northweet. We Gaarantee a Core in Every Case We Undertake or Charge No Fee -, PAY WHEN CURED Any person taking trestment with us may deposit tha Price of a cure -In any bank In Portland, to be paid to us when a cure Is effected. If tha patient prefers? we will take weekly or monthly Installments. Consultation free. Letters confidential ., Instructive book for men - mailed free In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at . omce.-wrlta for ouestton blsnk. Home treatment successful.. r Office hours a. m. to pm. Sundays ana hoJlJaysL10 a. m. to IS. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Ofioea tm Tea Koy BKrkel, eaya Third at Corner rise, rortlaad. Or. tlon of killing tha woman. At I o'clock one morning, just ss atsaame had 'opened her shop, ha rushed In upon her with a huge knife. Attacking the defenseless woman with aavage fe rocity, he plunged tha knife ! tlmea i . - ii a .-r h a nlea of In sanity, but the doctors declared that ha waa perfectly sane. . Tha crime aroused such a degree of n.Klt (..tlneHAn that B mOVCmCnt lS afoot to hare tha abolition of capital pualahment already oeoiaeo upon ny the government, deferred until after the mimm hM eaerated. The ebaneee. however, are that the man will be re prieved because or tne aisinciinstion 01 tha authorities to carry out death sen tences. . 1 We Cure UEl ONLY LICENSED TO PRACTICE, MEDICINE - IK - OREGON We Tresl Uie Followlag Diseases Only ' Bhetunatlsm, Aeate aai Cnronle. j Blood Pclsoa. - Oonorrhoee, : Tarleocele. ' sTearaataaala. Sferroaa Beallaa. Paralysis. Oleas. ' ! ypallls. Bllea. . I Btldaey, BladAsr aa AH XTrlnary Blseaaes. sTBTBOBM TREATINO are aupertor tc any- In our cures are the reeult of the fall to effect a cure in any case il l A I IE 1U BEEN CE- CEIVED BY UNSKILLED SPECIALISTS,' AND, PER-, HAPS HAVE BECOME SO SKEPTICAL AS TO THINK THERE IS NO CUKE FOR THEM. If you suffer from neglect, for want of money or from unskilled practice here Is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled specialist, a graduate physician, with yeare of ripe ex perience in treating complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLY. It will coat nothing to talk io us, and msy be the means of restoring you to health and happi ness. Why not call todayf Our offtees are very pri vate.. Tou see only tha doctor. If yoa caaaot ealL write fox BZJUTXS, aa wa extend the earns liberal offer to those wae eeaaot call. Xa re, tbre la ao exease ' for bain disordered or slok walls thla liberal offer re mains, it la a OXTT of prloeleaa vataa, within tie reach f all. Bemember, only fl(Me f or aay disease. t We never disappoint "our patients ! TjT. We accept" any incurable cases! We never hold out false hopes! We never fail in any case we take! - !MMtM st least, Dr. Taylor I The Leading Specialist . -wrong, oecause my- - treatment tn each Instance differs from tha ordinary and la original with myaelf. Tha treatment that la quickest to cure, surest to cure, and that cures thoroughly and perma nently. Is ths right treatment. Tha test ap. filled to my methods proves them so abao utsly right as to class all other forme of -treatment as Imperfect and wrong--'. I like to : make this test. I like to treat tha difficult j oaaea that other Dhvstclajis hsve failed to i . . instractfvecolored chart given free , upon application. Consultation v free at office or by mail na The Dr. Taylor Co. j SS4Vs Montsoa tkX, Cor. sssBd, Portland, Or. 3 ! eeeeeeeeeeeeee or tJS BBBBjaamm TRANSPORT AXIOM. S. S. F. A. Kilburn Far Cass Bay. Baraks sad Sea Traaekere, Beat salltag from Femasd. FrMay. Woe. IS. Hex Balling from Baa FraBelssa. Thar., Mov. 14 CBUB. B. BTBBLSMITH, Ageak C:X Street Dock, Phone R!j!a 253 tt yra nave acv aas-arereC T Jmmr hJ TTant Ada lately yea aavs gorasa i.ii; . in TRANSPORTATICM. wmi v J Trains to the East Daily 3 h-Thiaarf Palloiaa ataadarj aa4 tearlat atoee mm-fmrm Amtlm . . . . a - I l . WOm, VIIKIKB, O 1 . , poise riyer tt t:0 Till sat I -OS fm fi. u''" S,pnm the Bart la HnnMnstoa. ell..' s:l Port.B- !)l(ta lotrl far an . PrJBita setweea . Bista .. lad -ortleed, d.llr., ......... .. S:1ie ifi.i.mni a sites piTinioir. r Aetorla and mmy Mlata, eoaaMtta aHt teemer tor Ilwaea aa4 Nnrtk Beach. ' Steeaiee Utmula Amhtt, decs. Wares S s. m. 4U. 'lP' ttrndmr; SatanMT. 10 d. . ArtrteS abeet S p. si., axrept Sirater. tsmrill aivra sorrra. ror Dartoo, Oreroe Cltj aa4 Taahtn rtwe polnta, steamers Kate sad Mmlo. Aaa-et. 4mk .d.llr. , BnaCay (water s sTI 1 1 f rnar 1 . iwiu s . ew i SoaUay. ' " ' SNA an arvitH aotrn. - . TO Ull,,-lifilM.- aar hh t T.'40 S. .. or spoe aniTal Train e. 4, aallr e Sarsrdsy. Arrres 4 S. sw I!r exeeot rrUJur. ixaet Offln. Third sail Waahlactaa rts. . Telephone Mais Til. ' O-. "TINORK. City Ttrtet Afaat. Wbj. McaruaRAr. Oeseral rassaaaer AsMt, EAST v SOUTH Antre, OrerlaaS Visress Tratee for aaJem. Koeelrarg, Ammy iBBd. HtmBMHI. lmAw. a Franetoe- gtocktoa. ... . . Las Annies. Kl Paso. - Mew OrUeaa sad tbs east. S: sat T ill sal Maralns Usui roaasete at Weodbara rf.lW SaBCir wttk Maeat Aagel SBd Sllnrtoa feral ... . H-Mia . JB as Cottare Orore ptweer , eoBB.-ta st Woedlinra and ' 1 . ' dr, with tralss tor point. ...v . - 1 ., oa WaodboTB-Sprtnf 6fd isd hruvphM.. 4-1(l bib ll:0m aieaay 01 1 Sao-- CottIiib puBeaavr eVOO mm t:80 pm BD.nain paastarer M:ieta mm uroT. puMW. o am 7: in rnret Orore jMMeBa-r. ... tS- fm WtM aa vaiiy. IHJ.llr exrtt naaaaT. , -JZrrEBSOK-STRSRT STATION. ror Dallas sb lateraMdlate setnta dally, t:SS a. a. sad 4:U p. Bk , Anlfe Partlaad tOtlS a. a. and 4:28 p. aa. For time aad eard ef Oeweee selmrbaa liaise spply at City Ticket Office, or startoa. Ticseta to neatera potota aai JtnropBl aiss fapaa, Cblne. rlnnolnla and ABatralla. City Ticket Office earner Third ead WsaV Inatna atrrcra. Faone slain Tit. O. W. STINOCll, Wm. HcMrSBAT. City Tlesat Afent. Oea. Faas. Ageetv TIME CARD -TRAINS Portlandi ' Lea re. . Antra, Tellowataae Fart rtaneae Clty SL Loala Special tor CkebaUa, ' I'earraila, Olmpla, Urar's Harbor, snath Bead. Taeoma, ' . Seattle, ripokaae. Lewlatoa. i Batte, Pllllure. Dearer, Obm mm. Kaasas CUT. St. Leal tod,h!,-."'r VJ"- WBlJf aas Sorfh Coaat T.Imrted, electrle .. llrtited. tor Tecona. Seattle. Spokaaa, Batte. kllBaeapolts, " St. faoi and the Baat. dallr. 1:00 ass T4S Sar Fnt Sound Mmlted, for ClarrBBrat, Caefcalla. Oea- " ' . tr.lla. Taeoma asd Seattle enlr. dally 4:10 pot S:SS pss , Twia city sipreaa ror Tace sa. Seattle, Spokane. Relena, Batte. St. Paul. Mlsneapolla. Llnaohi. St. Jaaroh. Kanaas Cltr. Omaha. St. Loais. with- .--'"----' eat cheese ef car.. Direct eon sect ton. for sll points Bast S BBS Boatnaaat, eaiiy..... U sal 10 H cat TMt COMFsITASiX WAV. ; JJ 2 Overland Trains DtOy 2 Tmm Ortoatal LhalBad. the Fast stall VIA SSATTT.B AWD SFOKAWa. Fertlasd tlBM sehedale .-. DaTly, Party. Leave. Arrive To sad from Spokane, St. PeaL Bfleneaeolla. Pvlath and sll pouts Best vie Seattle i:9 am T-ee am 11 44 pm 4 AC pa Te sad from Bt. Feel MlBaeepslla. Dnlnth ... and ell points Bast vta Spohaae S-1S pm S-OS am aveat Vertaara atoasnsaip Oa, Sallimi from Seattle Sw Japae, sad China porta and htaaus. aarrylaa Pee ' aencers and frelgtit. - S. a. Dakota, Xevemser M. . I. B. Mlnneaeta. Jaaaary S. VrFPOM Y1XSEM XAISHA. (Japan Mall Bteamahlp Ce.1 f. B. Aki Mara will . sail flash Brittle about Not em bar IT (or Japan a ad Chlseae sorts, carrying peeseacers ssd trelsht . Fee tickets, reree, - berth. - iisms tiooa. etc.. eall mm er addreae H. PICK SOB, 0. F. T. A.. ItS TMrd VartSaaA. Orssea. Faeae Kala 440, I Astoria & Columbia ; River Railroad Co. VV Depot - :': : Usee. Arrive. Fee staysera. Balnler, Clste- kaakv- eelport. Clifton. Ae- t t.U. WerreBtooM . rlarel. Hammcad. Fort SreVeas, Wear- it aa a- hart Park, SeeWe...i S:00ae ll.HSsi A.torU aad Beaaaore. espress. ami, ?:O0saj lam All trains dally. , J. C. Mill), u. m m a AaitA Aa. I u. u. r. ew, r . ... - AUet siraat,, . rheae' Mala "4. - C. Upper Columbia River i STEAMER Cha's. R. Sn2nccr leaves Oak street cl'""! every M-, v"Jnev i-l Krl r - I a rum P4iT s-i 1 r eonnectnK r. u a ' orMwa w " fur a i - n. erH'-e J rtu.n.l 1 .i-v sr.4 t 1". V tt I P a ,-r t a j - UKiuioH. nr. m nit mm m . uu mm ;. lftt onti: ini' TifririrU asm in iiiil nti-niit ri-iisii isiii ill n:.xi 1