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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
. r '.' . " v '! L-.-." ..r-nu nATtv tftttoMAt . DOPTT AMn . WF.DTJKSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 14. 10C3. ' - . c TO DAY'S MARKETS i lain.aam. wi I II III III I mm BnaBBBBp IWI Mil I. JW'J 1 !- "' - - In Order to Unload Surplus Sugar Some of Sellers Are Disposing of Large Lots Ten to Fifteen Cents a SacklUndejLthe List Price.' TROUBLE lH SUGAR CUTS PR1GE SomeBuyers Who Purchased .Joo.HeAYiiyrej 4 li der Quoted Figures. ; . TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS ; ' SLASHED OFF VALUE Hopa Art Dull With a Few Salet e- ported Both for Eastern and Lon don Account Eggs Are Firmer With Eastern Selling Higher. - fTmerpal market featorea todart ' Eaatera sgge selling higher. ' . , , Mot Improvement la nutter. , Dimu veal U quoted signer. n4 Rreer spplae nil kick. . v Orsps market rathar alow. ' IToaa . r 4-11 atut whuinA. x -'.,-. Bogsr Vrleaa Being Cat. ' afar piicaa art beta cat from lOe to lSe - per sack by KM sellers today. Thla Informe tl positive, hat bobs of IlK fcililauB Bill admit that the ara tha eaee doing tba catting. ' Several ratallarf have parchaeea gooa-alaea lota during tba put taw daa at tka lower ftguree, bat seek wss glveo tba tip that tha km neta- ' Una was enlj a personal ana. It la snderstood that tba larger department stores and retail . grocers hare been fives savsntsgs. of--thhT. ' Sams of tba Barters of anger admit that they have Dot beaa paying tba list prime Waa tba alecosnt toe aaTeral days. It la reported, but thla cannot be (oafirmed at thla time, thai Baaa Bros, of Saa rraneteee baee beea tba Broa. are aald to be very closely connected with the officials tbat atand sigh t the Wearers Sugar Refining company. It a esM that thla flna aloof with many otbera porehaaed verg heavily of sagar Just prevlono to the last as- . clue aad that they are enrtooe to onload, aa prospects at thla time do not abow tot wall lor klf her or area today's footed figorss. Rasters Xfa leUmg Hit War. A ear of frees eastern ansa arrived oa tba ; afreet dortaf tba paat Se boors. . Tba ton of tbe aft market la much better, and with the mmm J.C lull MMllb. it M tk . t sones aalro of beat eaatera hare beea mads at flforea very eloea to thoae quoted oa local reach. ' ' ' Batter stsrket la Improvlas. riM-IAee-M ium mnnnatBI H Botaa the kattet aarhet today. Supplies of beat butter ara bclnf rapidly cleaned op and tba aiarket t. la tbe boat abapo of recent tredlaf. Many order bare beea filled for cold atoraga dnrlnf the paet few dare nd auppliea of tbat grade are getting Jow. In la may eases f adraaca la tb freak atock durlsf tba at few dara. No cbanfe today. Cbreee la bring cleaned op eery rapidly -ad tba aiarket Is firmer, tbonf It sncbanfed. aa re - farda price. " Preaaal Teal la Quote Hlfkor. Aa adraace aeerafinf abont H a poand Is . aoted la tba dreaaed Teal market. Vhlla an p. pllea of real and bona hare beea eamewbat bet ter ot late, demand baa tnrreaard materially asd srllrre eiperlenco practically no difficulty in dlapoalnf of the arrlrala at tba blaher flf area. Dreaaed kofa eery firm, but pricaa ara sncbanfed. Ckiakaa Impreremeat TBI Vet Raid. " : While moat dealer felt somewhat better oa roe cnicieo aiisaiioa ye(eruj w wusn would not atand for tbe propoaed sdrancs la the price and ealea are beinf made at the old flguree. Kecelpts are lacreaalnf matead of crowing, smaller and tba trade at this time dare not anticipate higher ealuee until afu-r Thank nrl ring. 'Joe seaaoa for turkeye la now at baad and demand from bow oa will be auatly la tbat Una. Chlckene will only be taken whea there are turkeys to offer. Rerelpta of dreaaed tarkeya ware auiia raw or a etartar today, bat quality iwaa dmappotnt 'Trig. for tba trade fcad-ee-led to bellera that producers ' would "fwhUi" -tbrlr birds before eroding to market, Tbe mtny circulars sent out by the trade advocating the shipment of only the best birds gars them, reeeon to bo Use this. . v ; . - lesas Expert tales la Boss. Walls tbe bop market at rather aotet ea account of the car ahortags and the sicoedlag ly alow demasd st all markets for sU gradea of sops,- a number of sales hare beea reported Is tbe elate during toe pest M boors. - Most of tM'Uaiamtloao-weeo- ear em.n iimwia The bus Unas was divided belweeo London, and eaatera boslaeaa, thus ahowlag that tba latter baa placed as boycott oa bops from this stats. Klaber. Wolf Matter bars purcbaesd several lots for export sround Aurora et IBe dsrlsg the seat U boors. Lew quality anew lbs pcta clpaf weakaesa.' - 1 am irvoe F" - w , ; strsst. Pricaa said sblppers are leas isfaiaf WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL, MARKETS e : . By Bherk, Quae t Graham. d Shipments of poultry hv d -' been somewhat - intarrupted dur- . d - Ing tho past week on account of d the heavy ralna and tho conso- d quent delayed trains, tho result d tM-lnc that some dsya tho mar q d rt waji ovfrstockej v.m,ai otvd d others supplies wars nototiual . d d Uid jjemand. Tho prlco, how-. d ever, has vdrted birt-tittro-ana holds ateady at. we present tiino. w Many Inquirleo la - rRr-t "W shipments of .turkey for tho Tbunkaglvlnf trade are . being; ,d received, eonslsnero being; gen- d srally of tho opinion , that the ' firlco will advance about that' d time. While this may prove to d d ' be tho case, in our opinion- it is d quite douDtxui, as me' quota. e tlons at the present time are very good and the extra heavy - d shipments that are bound to bo made at Thanksgiving time are likely to prevent an Increase In price, J"or those- who Intend 4 making shipments" of 7 turkey d dressed for tho market we would d dvlso that they dry pick them. -d q leaving tha head, wings, feet and q d entrails inuct. Those wno live q d near enough the market to ship w their poultry atlv will take less d risk by so doing. . . , i II. IW peraoaTniTict: TeTcry. eoiqaoc per aja: ?reen corn, 11 .bo per aack: aunitnor aqoaah. Srtfll.OO per boy; errplant. II. per crate; pumpklna, . lo; craaborrloa, locsU tV.O02JM; jewy. 110 rwr bhL UKIED rRl'ITS Applee.' erspoTsted, HSrTe per lb; aprlcota, lM4O10e per lb; peacnea, llOHHc per lb; aacka. tfce per lb leva; pranea. SO to 40, Cte; He drop oa eerk 1-lt emsIM alee; flea. California black, aO"1 Pr lb; Caifornla white. SiUdte per lb: datea. golden, PS.M per box; fard. $i.40ttl.M par 19-lb box. . wrooeries, auta, xts, ST7GAK All rerinerlea Cohe. S5.40;'' pew- fruit. cranuUted. . aS.sat dry (ranulated, 4(1.10: - conf. A. S.1B: ettra A .; golden C. ti.M: It, yellow. A4.6S; beet, granulated, MM; bbla, 10c; H bbla, Wc; boxes, 6ba advance oa sack baa la. (Above nrlces are SO dara net cash. Quota tion ) HONKT gaso per -ersta, - - ' COrrKE H.cka.e brai.d.. f lS.tSOl.l T8. SALT Coarae Halt sround. 100. SS.UO Bet ton; fiOs, 19.00; table, dairy, 50a, glt.iw; ions, 117; btlea. II. M; Imported Liverpool, turn. iis.uO: iUUa, 117.00; SM. 110.00; aitra flna. bbla, Xa. oa, 10a, 4.6otS ftu; Liverpool lump rock, (19.50 per ton; So-lb reek, Ss.OUi tuwa, fS-00. r . - i (Above prices apply to sales of leea tka a car mm. Car lota st speclai prices aubject is sucTD.tKma. i , BICE Iuoertal Jaoaa. No. 1. del No. S. SVc: New Orleans, bosd. Te: A lax. Be: crenterrme: lars white, Limae, iiI Oratn. rioa and reed. OBAtN BAOB Caicstta. Stte buylag prtoa; WRLiTieed!L21.00i railed. mM; ' VoSSi-tS, sTTXWi eracked. US 00 sm .BTbV-S1.S per ewt. '''"" OATS Sew Prodseee price No. 1 white, $M 0o.O gray, 123 024.00, ruf a Kaatara Oregon patents. It SO; straights, $A.5 ; V M-M.' valley SS.40; graham. H. WL whote wheat.. S.7S; rys. Soa. 14 00; bales, I Its. sUtisTDrra Bran, 15.9 per tonj arid idllnga. IM.OO; ahorta. couatry, $170; elty, i &0; chop, tie.ooejll.00. i , HAT rYedscers' price Tlmetby, Willamette valley, faery. flJwjl-M; ordinary, .0O 10.00; eaatera Oregen. I1S.00SJ1S.O0; mlied. i0.0010 Mi elevsr. 7.00; grsia. e7.60OS.00; cheat, 17.00. . - Bntter, Eggs and Tealtry. B1TTTBR P Ax F. s. o. Portia sd Sweat aream, Vi; aoar. MHe. BUTTEhV City creamery, soc; eetslde faner, , x7Sw:(Oc; ordinary, z7Hc; tore, 14Hilftc. BOOS Bitra fancy, caadled. 16c; local and eaeters ' storage. ao'SSOe. CHKERB New rull cream, tats, ItOltHc; Toe-1 iff A men, BOPB Pure Manila, ISHe; sundard. UKei alral, lie.- COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Cases lHe per gal; water white. Iroa bbla I4e per gal, woodes 17e per sal; headlight. liO-deg. eaaea litis per gal . uuu,a-ooag, eaaea zatia per gai, iroa bbla 18c per gaL BBNZINB a-de. esses tSe per saL Iroa bbla 18 c per gaL bbU. sue per gal. WHITB LEAD Too lota.-Te res lb: BOO-lb lota, ac per lb; leas lots, Ve per lb. wihb WAiLB rrtaant noam at, LINHKID OIL Pure raw. la o-bbl lota. SOc: 1-bbl lot, Me; eaaea, Ac per gal; genuine ket-tie-boiled, reaea. ooe per gal; S-bbl lota, oae; 1-bbl lot, 66c per gal; grouad cake, car lota, .00 per -too leas tbss car Iota, 130.00 per T" fitni.Tki Mixed .chickens, IimaiSC ' per lb; fancy laraa, lc per lb; rooatera, old, lOe per lb; flyers, lie per lb; brollera, le per IV, f. mv. mr, - w- . w ,2T7v lb for eld; dreaaed.-30 lb; equaba, $3MQiA . mops, weaa sos auaos. HOPS lWOu crop, choice, -noet prims to choice, lc; medlsm te prims, 10UHei me- dium, 13c. WOOL l0t clip Taller, SOOSSti eaatera Oregon, SOc , woHAIR New, somlsal. -. , SHBEI'HKINnV-Shearing, IBQlne each; short 'wool, xSQene; medMua wuoL. aot76e . each; long wool. 7Vll.O0 each. tALLOW-Prlma, per lb, SH0ti. Ne. and greaae, t'aSHc. --- :itlTTIal BABK-tUe. ' . HIUKft Pry, No. 1, Id Iba and up. ItHCl 17 W per lb; dry kip. No. 1. B to 16 lbs. Ic dry ealf, Na. 1, under Iba. lie; aalted hldra, -. u 1 An lbs end ee. liiuflt.- Mwa miiy: atags asd bulla, sound, StJTet kip, IS to 30 Iba, Be; ealf, sound, uader 16 Iba, lie; m-rmmm neelted. le Iraa: culta. le Per lb leaa: lores hides, aalted. each, II a.3l.76; dry, eaeh, eolt hides, S66oc; foat.aklna, eomnwa, ears, lOlsci Asgors, each, lacJ s . .uu. . .. . .. .. frslt aad Tegetaelaa. ' P0TAT0BS Bnymg price, eaatera at o It no ma k and Clarkamae, 7Sao0c ordlsary, luQltti - sweets, fl.aew.lio. . .. , i. wkva j,onlne Drlee New Oregon, sorsl II w, txirlnc price, 701 76c; garlic. afflSc In. PKIWH KBIiTS Apples. 7Acl.U; erangea. Valeacia. M R0; benanaa. 6c lb: leiaona, choice. !6otl 71 per boai fancy, If.ou per boa; Unwe, Mealeaa. l. per loo; pineapples, t(Mjfc.i per doa; grapes, tl.4ottl.2S; peara. l'.; hackle he rr lea. lie; ground cberrh-a. or.7!W- per hoi pineapples. I.c per dossal . . , . . r.. I ft,, k., . . . V Hi KT A HI r.S Turnips, oew. ofvatt sack; eatrota. T6.-UII per aark; beets, 11.26 per sees; - Oregon radiekes, 2"e see, doa; esbkage. Ore. . rm, llv,c; bell peppers, Be per Hi; ataca, 7 :. rwr eeate; paranffs. poceil : tries peana. Osegos. 4f , Ht lb; t c.nM- tfaxier. K.till m per one; peaa. . i k-vaecadUh. ilo per lb; artli-Bokea, 7 He per Sua; eaaaa, T6c 11.00 per box; eggpmaL BEANS Small white. gSSO, tS.lU; pink.' U 90; bsyoa, (3.T6) aieiiraa reoa. 4e. M'TH Peanuu. Jumbo. Se per Ibl Tlrglnls. SUdHc per lb; roaated, TH per lb; Japa. e ii ii , .w.rv, iwiiei, luiv pn wi. nuts, b,(pl0c per dos; walnuta, 17e per lb, plnennta, l(iill2Ve per lb; hickory ante, 10c per lb; cheatuuta, eaetern. 16kllnc'per lb; Braill buu, 16c per lb; Alberta. 14ig)!6e per lb; fancy necana. I&e: almond.. lktlSe, asta, riak aad Provlaiana. PBE8H At EATS Profit Street Hoea. faarv. Se per lb: veal, extra. S3S4e ner lb: ordlnarr. I74 per lb; poor, 4t6c tier lb; mutioa, fancy. D -T 1"' i" . Dvm HAhts. BAfO.N, TC Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 14 Iba. lVae par In: 14 to I lbs. lc per lb; breakfaat bacon, 1SQ22 per 1W; plrnlca, loHe per lb; cottage, . I Ac per lb-. regular aliort clears, anamoked. 12c pee tt; emosea, ie per id; near saess, anauioaea, 12c per lb; emoked. ISe per lb; Union butte, 10 to It Iba, unamoked, Sc per lb; amrfced, 0e per lb; deer belll-s, unamoked, 14e or lb; mckedr IV per lb; sbouldora, 12e peg lb; picaiea lonfuee. vs.(.i qaerier boj. LOCAL LAKD Kettle tear. 10a ISUe per lb. 6a, 13c par lb; 60-lb tins. 12e per lb; at earn remiered. 10c, Ue per lb; oa, 12b per id; rnmpouna. ion, CANNED SALMON Columbia river, 1-lb tatle. tl.SO; l ib talla, I2.T6: fancy, 1-lb fats, ll.til; fancy Sata, 1.16; fancy 1-lb ovals. UK: Alaaka t.fla. pink, 6eoe; red. l-60; aomlnal , tan, s.ini, - PIKII Hock cod. 7C nor nr Aonndcrn. Be ner lb; halibut, Te per lb; craha, l Ofxai lK) per das; striped baaa. 12Ve per lb; catflah, 10c per lb: salmon. Columbia river Chinook. Te: liver- aide, Sc; ateelhvad, Te per , lb: barring, so pet lb; solas. Or per lb: a brim pa. 10c per lb; perch, ac per lb: Mark end, Te per lb; tomeod. .Te lb; illver amelt. Be per lb; mbatera, loe lb: freah mackereL He nor m: crawflab. 'ak per doa: sturgaoa, 10s per lb: black baaa. 20c per lb. 0T8TRKS Cboalwater bay. per gaL tf.Znt per 11Mb sack, 14 In: Olympla. par gallua, 12.33; per 11Mb aack, 16.00 to 3.60. CLAJflS Hardehell, per box, llOOj raaor clama, 12.00 per box. .. - raist, ooal on. xts. RECEIPTS i OF SHEEP ARE ' SMALLER AGAIN Lack of Arrival Keeping Market Very Firrrj but Prices Are Showing No Change - Portland - t'nloa tteekyards, Nov. 14. Live- noes reeeipra: Boca. Cattle. Sheen. Today ........... ISO .-- - ... Week ago 03 . ... ' ... 'Mouth ago .... .' Teer litmnm,, .... , lit r, . '.. TO 'Sunday. '" '.' " ' Recelpta of aheep of late have beea eery small snd tba market Is stmsser thea ever, though, quotations are unchanged today. Cat tle Juirl ateady. Hoga ara Arm. Cnndltlona a year age: Hogs wssk; cattle atean to arm; aneep armer. Ornclal livestock price. : ' Hog Best etiters Oregon,- MTS; a tochers and feedere, 826t China fata, n.H.V3.5l. Oattls Beet eaatera Oregoa -wteera, - IS SO; feeders, H 60; beat eowa and belfern, ,A20 tuck era ana reeaerv,; naiw, si.du, beep Mixed,. 4Q&a; lambs, 6VC ' EASTERN CATTLE LOWER Clik ago Market Dropa loo to 15o Xog- aad BTheop Jtoady, Chicago) Nov, 14 Llee.fork rerelpta , . : Hog..- Cattle. age .'.J..... .....SO.Ooo , 21.000 e.otio heep. 2.0i0 S.OHO 1S.0O0 Ctalea Kanaaa City .......12.000 Omaha I.60O 1.000 Hoga are ateaily wltk 4.100 left over from yesterday. Keeelpte s tear ago were M.oto, Vrlcee: Mixed. 6.en30; good and heavy, 1.1feJi; rough, 6.75itf S.sH; light,. ti.WHl a,. . cattle Steady, lOe to Ita-lower. - Sheep Steady. - POBTXAKD BA1TX tTATXatElCT. nearlnge today..., ( learluna year ago. Gala tm'ay. ....... ...... a. fl.42t, 400.44 TU2..141.22 1 . .'.'..t 34,31t2 HAY SUPPLIES in CITY SHORT Prices 1 High on Account of Scarcity Here, but County-Of feringe Are Heavy. LOCAL CRAIN'MRKET, "tatTER ISSUE NEARLY HAS VERY QUIET TONE Chicago . Market Holds Steady but Closet Just a Fraction Over Yeater dajr Liverpool - Hat . Gain All Through. . : ' '.. ' BELATIVB OTTfEAT TALCM. - -- Nov. 14. Nov. IS. . Cain. ' 1005. December ,741A t .74 t .0014 $ Mi May 7HB ,7St4 .0011 IWS luly .T7B .77H .83t4 uay m very scarce In the local market ewmg to s great ahortaee In cara. There la nlentr of bay offered at ahlpplng point a, but lack of irenrpnriatioa geens local vaiuee nigh. Local wheat aud flour vary quiet wltk prices unchanged. N Chicago wheat held steady with trading ant so active. It rloaei s fraction higher. Liverpool opened atrons and closed Ad to ad over Titeaday. r " z - 1 urriciai ctucago prices by UrerDeca, , Burr A Cooke aompany: ... - ' - WUBAT. ; ;. ... Open. . High. . Lew, December ....- TS'A ' TH July T7 " nJ7T7aJ BN. . 42H . tS5 December May .... July .... December , , , May July ....... January "ay December January 1.., May ....... January .... M r . C0BN. . 4214 . 42U .- 43 ... 44 OATS. .. 144 4 ... -SIMi SB l . 38J - saw - . 1IES8 PORK. ...1420- 1440 ..1436 1463 LARD: ' Ms gun ... 646 . sad , 840 S60 8II0BT BIBS. T42 -TTT r ... 777 787 . 42 4 4.1 'J ' 44 141T 142T too' m 837 " rTi-77a . Close. 74 M, A 7PB -7TB 41 m 4SB 44)4 84HA I64B S3 1440 . 14&2B . S0 855 860 -TTTS '.it , 787 XJTZmPOOL 0BAIN XABXIT. - Liverpool, Nov. 14 Official prices: ' .. WHBAT. ..' Opes. ' - Cloae. Nov. 18. Oara. TMMiin1iae--ra 4id s 44d ea mil March ...... AS fit s BVd - ea 6M,d May a i se 4d cutis. ! December .. 4s 4d 4a l'4d . 4a ti Jaauary .... 4a fed 4a U 4a tad its PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Sales Are Better ,000 Xappy Day -. -at Tony Cents. . Trading oa the Portland atock market today waa quite lively and aales were better. Tri re action, .were 2,000 Happy Day st 4c; SO Ae aodated Oil 8 per cent at 8K4. 1.000 Alaaka Petroleum at 17c snd 2.000 British Columbia Amalgamated ' at Sc. Official prices:- ' ' ' . v ...:-,.( f, bank stocki." " " . , BM. Ask. Bank of California ..' 106 ,-. Ranker. At Lnmbermen'B ........ 106 166 110 too 1S2H 120 so 91 -lot -IVtm Equitable Savlnga A Loaa .. Mcrrhanta' National ....... r Oregoa Trnat a Barings .... l-orll.nd Truat Co .V. United tUtes National BONDS. Associated Oil 6a 98 4 City 4k Suburban 4a o. K. n. ay. s .............. n O. W. P. a Ky. s .v... ........ 101 , Portland By. 6a ".; 100 - af ISCBLLANBOt'S STOCKS. Alaaka Pick era' 62 Aaaoriated Oil ...... ........... .61 CampbeU'a Oaa Burner ,ar. Cement Products ... Home Telephone ......... ... '' Independent ilea .....,. ; 1. C. Lee Oe ... Oregoa City Mill a Lumber,.',.. - 0 t Paclde States Telephoos ....... ... Puget Sound Tale phone M. ... t'nloa Oil ' Taqulna Bay Telephone .714 - MININO STOCKS. tti "Tarfolenni ...-.TV-rrr..... 12V 'T Blue Biver Gold ....1026 T10o" 9 to . . 46 MO 105 IO 101 Vi 60 S08 10 British Colombia Amalgamated .. Bullfrog Terrible ............... ... Caeradla SO Mile Meadows 08H Oellaher 04 . Oolconda " ... . ' v: Internatlooal Coal .............. ... Lara Creek Gold ................ 014 Lockr Boy 02 Hnunisin view ...,,,,.... Mela Coal Coke North Palrvlew ... Oreeon Recnrttfce , Standard Consolidated .. Taeoau Steel COEUB D ALINB DI8TUICT, IS 28 12 84 21 04 , 1 826 , IS , It , 04 T"2U lOti 12 Alas A la meda . . Bullion Copper King r.ertle ...... Happy Day Hcrla Idaho Olant . .v.-c.i.- park Copper Bambler4:nrlboo , Rex Ruth Consolidated Snowanoe ......... tuowatorm ....... 84 06 800 05 OS , 05 H 08 06 02 07 H 10 So 51- 14 24 IS S 26 tH 82 l 1 14 84 24 18 ' 100 44S TmlTTD BTATES OOTnaTaTJCsTT BONDS. New Tork, Nov, 14. Oovernmant bonds Twos, regprtered do coupon Threes, registered do con pea Small bonde Fuura. reglatered do coupon . . . Pours, reglatered do coupon ...,, Psnsms 2s do coupoa ; IMatrict of Columbia l-fl 6a.. PhiUpplae laland 4a Bate. 1. Opt. .. Opt. .. Opt. ,. Opt. - ......... 1007 10OT 1029 Kid. 14 V4 104 1S 103 10214 102 14 190U 12& 104 V l'H 116 . lot Aak. 104 104 (T lOR'J 103 V4 1021, m mi loBH 106 la ITC 7011 COTTON MA4XZT. Nsw Tork. Nov. IS to 24 points up Official quotations Cooke company : January -rebrnsry March .. April .. May ... June . . , July Novsmber December 4 h8 I.I U. Cottoo fotares eloeed by Over beck. Start A Nov, Nov. is. in. 004 07 1004 PS4 1014 004 1020 Kt 1024 . . 1004 1034 lono losi io:ti 1024 - w4 1014 - iwj 1004 084 Bag (74 -Open.nigh. Iow . . . . , ... .1.. 1000 1000 1IMW 1014 10IS 1004 ..... 1021 . KI2I 1021 .-i-.n-12- 44 1014 ..... 11 1028 IOIB 10S1 10S2 1022 IAN rtAWCltCO LOCAL BTOCXt. San Praoclsee, Nov. 14. Official prices: Bid. Contra Coats Water : 64 Spring Valley Water 2H Hawaiian Commercial MS4 llonokes Sugar r.k.-.... ....... Ilia Ilutcklnaon Sugar 14K Alaaka Packrra ,k AMeiclatrd Oil Pactflc States Telephone .. 62S ..104 Aak. 24U 83i4 Mi 106. ATTEOEA HOP NlWg. ST. PAUL GAINS 8 AP nAMIMAP I IB lllll I .' a W I .llWIIIIIIIWIi Heavy Advance In Stocks With -Reportot.JM elon-Cuttlng 7 'S by Jiorthom Pacific. , - FOUR ADVANCED Southern Pacific Two and Three Fourths and Union Pacific Two and Ont Fourth Pointt Higher feead- - ing Cains Several Points Today. .JfKT GAINS.--... TIA Katy .r.....r.7... ... llNorfolk - r....ver ... lVa Nalloosr.JfSd IS ... IViN. Y. Central .... 1 ... V OnUrlo A Wast ., tt ... lu!Pennaylvanls ..... .. IV. Peoole a tiaa 1W iiro.ijn ......... l neeaed steel uar.. i Baltlioors Aaaconds .... Amalgamated , Sugar ....... Smaller Car a Poundry Locomotive .. American Wool Cx lor. do fuel Bt. Paul ttton Oil .., C'au.illau ....... Krle Loulaville Northers PacIBo. Heading 1 I kenubllo Steel .... V .. ev, .H..uthern. Ballwayr, axiMoutbern PaclSe .. 24 .. lV.liukB Paclac..!. 2V ,. A IU. o. Dice i ....... -7 i. tlTexas PaclO ... IV Ttlii r r- Tbe stock market today, ander the leadership of Bt. Paul,' mads a tremeniVais advance in values. There waa a report of "melon-cutting " la Northern Pacific and this forced St. Panl S potnte higher to 184. From thle It reacted to ihzMi. tnus anowing a net gain or bis poinia. Other heavy sdvsncee were Northern Pacific 8 point., t'nton Pacloe 2Vi points aad Booth era Vaclfle 2 points. - Official ououtloas by Ovsrback. . Starr Cooke company: ' ' " DBBCBIPTION. Amal. Copper Co. Am. Car Found., com. wf preicrreo. ....... Am. Cotton OIL com. Am. Locomotive, com. Am. Sugar, com.,,.... Am. Smelt.,- com. ...... preferred Anaeonda Mining Co... Am. Woolen, com..... Atchison, eom do preferred Baltimore Ohio, eom do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Canadian-Pacific. com. Central - Leather, -eom.. oo ore r erred Chi. t. West., com Chi.. Mil. A 8t. Paul.. Cbl. a Northwest, com. cneaapeake st onto, com. cow. fuel iron; com., Colo, Booth., com do 2d- preferred. Delaware a Hudaoa... D. a K. 0., com do preferred. ........ i Erie, ton do 2d preferred , do lat preferred.,... ruinate Central Loulaville a Nashville., Manhattan By.....,.,, Mexican central By... M. K. a T., com do preferred .V Federal Smelters...... Dtatlllers Mtaaouii Pacific National Lead e. New York Central . N. T.. Ont. a Western. . Norfolk a West., eom... do preferred....,..,.. North American Northern Pacific, com.. Pacific Mall B. 8. Co... Pennsylvsnls Railway... p. e.. l. a o. oo....,. Presaed Steel Oar, eom.. do preferred. Beading, eom HO's ota 85 70 u 1M 164U 112 43 35 TSV. 1434 1R 117V,!11TV. 272 sos P8V. 101 Vi 77 vi .H4i 87 l7ii 176 art 63 61 874 64 214 884 86 434 It" 142 Vk 24 4U SUV, 84 i, 74 27 Vi 3V4 278 811 SVi iom "8 774 17-flT84U7a4 214 no 144 KB 62 V4 v. do 2d preferred..... do let preferred ...... Rep. Iron a Steel,- com. . do preferred......;.!. Sock laland. eom do preferred ,. St. Lai. P., 2d pfd.. do lat preferred , St. L. a S. W., eom.,., do preferred , Sou there Pacific, com.. do preferred I Southern Railway, com, do preferred........... Tennaaeea -Ceal Trop. Texaa a Pacific....... Tol., tt. L. a W.. soot. do preferred v TJnloa factflc, com.,.. do preferred 0. S. Rubber, oem.,..., do preferred. D. S, Steel do preferred.......... Wabash, com... do preferred Weetera I'nlon Telegraph Wlaconein central, com. do preferred.,.,.. Th-gmla Chemical 144Hl4 its 4 2H 0 VI SO 24 Si lie 324 H0'4 ), ss" 78- 138 164V4 117 270 08 Vi 101 It 118 77 87H ifvi 184 204 " 63 Vi 62 874 644 21 85 H 43 !4 7t" 1444 87 404 SO SO 4Vi 73Z 43Vi 8Vi 87. 176 Vi 201 604 61 87 VI 66V 210 8014 86 4314 7" 142V4 228 8U 1S fwk 8BVi vs 24' en 44 24 M 114 88 Vi so 1414 2'i 48, '44 104 14 42 .C'i 7"l 84 so 1034 84 V 44 47V4 106 1914 42 7V4 214 86 248 62 144 SB 7 OS 44 24 '2 118 324 84 14 141 91 46 . . 44 104 19l 42 26 Totsl sales for day, 474.300 sbsrss. . csll money closed per cent. 84 St 202 64 624 872 64 214 3B 86 48 47 74 ITS 144 142 23 W4, wts ou 43 76 128 4.1 IW 84 48 222 34 144 88 624 7 14I5SJ PS 84 85 7 24 V, 444 44 44 24 68", 4 11 8314 86 4-64 183 104 47 104 '4 1" 42 86 26 H Y PRICE OF NEVADA STOCKS IN FRISCO Belmont Caah Boy Ooldea . Anchor. Horns Jim Butler ... MacNamara . . Midway , Montana North. Star ... Ohm .14 60 .10 .44 .20 1.66 .40 S86 4.10 .63 .24 Tononah Eaten. ,7.2 Vj Ophlr .., Mexican Caledonia Rxcbeqner norcroae I bid prl, 83 40 ...... 1.46 .64 ...... ' .42 1.20 Oold Crown ... .24 Orest Bend ... 1.06 Hesrus 24 Black Butts It. .IS .(Tramp ......... 1.60 Nevada West End ... Adams ...... Atlanta Bluebell ..... Booth . Columbia Mt. Coo. Quarry . Piain ondfleld Dlvle . .- Oold field .21 . 3.36 . . .22 . .45 . .63 . 1.80.. . 1.13 ... .88 . .47 .30 Montgomery lit. .42 Pnnaet .20 Sceptre 40 Manhattan 14 . Aaylor-Bumpmy. .14 Dexter ........ .46. ulranny ......... .34 - 0014 wedgs ... .18 Lone Star .43 r.t. Bend (.... - .84 (it. Bend Annex 84 Jumbo Ex ten... 1.7.1 66 ;."T18 lcreeceut Cowboy 1. Denver Annex, IS 11 44 1.82 Bulls Bnsrs.,' .10 Jin I Hiacg . nock ...... .jo N. T. Consol ... .24 Manhattaa Cob.. 1.00 14 4.10 ' .44 1.40 .44 .74 1.70 1.76 .41 1.60 Little Joe Marflower Jumping Jack Red Top Ex. Mn.tang .... Bn II frog Mia Triangle m. Btarltrht Lea Dilloa .04 .49 .62 .24 .17 .40 -,4T - .40 Kendall Lagnna. May tineea Mohawk Red Top ....... Sandatorm Sliver Pick .... St. Ives) National Bask., Denver j. ...... RcMpee ........ 0. Bull Prog... Stelnway Con. Cal.-Va... New Terk-Lsndea BUvsr. New Tork. Nov. 1, Bar silver 71e U don, 82 16-144. NINETY PEASANTS DIE ' UNDER TROOPS' FIRE MM M (Joarsal Spsclsl tervloa.) -M!t4U,.Nor. 14. Tho troopa wont Into KroutsbersT. where the peasant wer preying; upoft property and coram tttlno depredation, and kiuea o. y :. SEVEN ARE KILLED BY KAMLOOP'S WRECK ' Llverpeel Cettea Market. Llv-rnonl. -Nov. 14. 4joltva futures Closed I nw m mm rrmtw stif um t - - i -. ... - .-.-V,.- -t ----- - L- ISoscial M.pstrh to The Journal.) Aurora, Or , Nov. 14. Tha bop market here Is ontet snd aothlng doing. Dealers hsvs no mrsld order In hny, and but a rew salea have been made tba la.t two weeka. F.d Miller a.,1,1 hi. crop to Klaber, Wolf a Netter for Ifiel IJonrnat Special Service. ) and Yn Yergen received the earn price for I Ottawa, Nov. 14. It I reported that tITL iT"l k.rl.ii:'itrTJi?i-,.ri.. J, vm personk wer killed tn the wreck thrlr hoM to nuttevll sad skipping by boat, I . PHMlll rolitmhla vaet-e. aa It la Imposalhle ts gat cara le.luuadi what I at Kamloop, lirillsn LOlurriDIA, ysster aisasuse sets. ' 1 is ts LUGARD HAS LIFE f.,t rA mat has durlngf one of hi brief holiday trip homo. Ho eaw that alio waa ,"th on woman in. - tho world for mm ana uuu ai.. w., ,e AmmH and SUliCltV that CnrSO- terlsed hie military exploits. . They ar a well roatensd .eoupio. Stirring; Career of Englishman Whd"rRecerrHyQuit- Nortiv-- ern Nigeria Post. ' ENGLAND'S MOST FAMOUS : AFRICAN EMPIRE BUILDER Made Own Opportunist Landing on Dark Continent at Half Pay Ad- venttirMeorr-U gatulsUtorjtht J British Flag. , . (Joarssl Special Berries.) London, Nov, 12. Sir Frederick Lug- ard, who realg-nsd hi pot - as 'high commissioner of northern Nigeria on ac count of his health, has boon appropri ately - described a a ."1n do si eel e" Cllve. Now only 48 year old, with no one know what great deeO still be fore him, his career 1 on ot the moat dramatic and romantlo to be found In the list of African emptre builder. Tali, trained down to nothing but skin and bona and muscle, wtfsi bright. keen gray ayes, strongly marked aqut- .0 .Tv lav V Sir Frederick Lugard. line features, tanned to tha color of a plgakin olgar case and a ferociously bushy mustache, he 1 tha beau ideal of a- modern soldier of fortune. He came of military stock and his father was -a chaplain lnthe Indian army, but It was as an adventurer, tho spiritual descendant of Hawkins and Drake, bent oa such an enterprise a "singeing the beard of the king of Spain,! that he found hla chance to carve a nam for himself In tho dark continent. . nor of IConey. . With ISO in hi belt and with prac tically no outfit st all - except an old .450 Express rifle, paid for in India In tho absence of fund by ahootlng a I man-eating -tiger with a reward on hi bead. Lugard got on a tramp stesmsr bound for Naple and Sues.. He had already, won three medals In the Afri can, Soudan and Burma wart, but he wa oa half-pay leave, hla money waa running ehort and he wa reduced to Strang ahlfta. "so -h toos a dock pas sag on a timber ship bound for Mas sowah. and slept among tha cargo. He took hi morning bath among th sail ers In the forecastle and bis meal of broken victuals with th Italian cook in th galley alongside th engine, snd that in th Red sea whsrs th heat waa enough to grill a black stoker. -Is ateoognlsed. , An Italian boatswain saw through Lugard disguise, told him he knew he waa a "gentilhomme," and astonished him on evening by saying with a fer vid imprecation, 'I do anything . for you. Tou want shirt 7 Her la my other shirt; I give It you because you have good heart,'. Never waa present mora acceptable, but th . incident throw flood of light on the personal qualities which enabled - this half-pay captain to sav Uganda for th empire and to rise, in th space or your years, to th rank of brigadier-general. He made hi own opportunities. Hear ing that a trading post in Nyaasaland wa besieged by Arab siava trader as a bit of recreation he organised a relief expedition and drove th Arabs off after a sharp right In which he wa badly wounded, The affair led to hi enter ing th servioo of th East ASrica com pany.. When Carl Pater wa trying to gain a foothold In Uganda for Germany, Lugard made a dash for1 It with a hand ful of black soldiers, two whit com rade and a Maxim gun. He bluffed llwanga Into a treaty which ended in annexation. He played -a big part In tha early stormy day of Uganda. He marched against and defeated Kabarega Lof Unyoro . with a. force largely, com posed of Ugandese. H led th Chris tian levies of Uganda when they fought and beat th Mohammedan rebel. Then b passed to th other aid of Africa where something over six year ago he waa appointed high commissioner - of Nigeria. His eel sure of Bokoto wa ac complished so-rapidly that th order of th colonial office to avoid - action only reached him when he waa report ing th accomplished fact. , Zm4y ZiUgard Travslsr. Had Lady Lugard. been a man h would. probably have rivaled her hus band as an empire builder. Fw women have been aucb Intrepid trsvelers or passed through s many adventures. She ha had a finger In most of th modern Imperial pies. 8h waa a con fidant of Cecil Rhode and waa mixed up tn the 111-a tarred Jameson raid. That wa whan aha waa atMl Mis Flora Shaw and th eolonlal specialist of th London Times, In which capacity ah vlBlted most of th remote region of the empire. But' perhap her most as tonishing feat tlra ' tramping afoot lihrouaa tha Klondike, gix v rrdrck DISAPPEARAf.CE IS SOLVED AFTER LOKG SILEHGE Mother and Sister of Rainier Woman Return Home After; : r;:7 ''7"Sixteen."Year8.''''i-'"r' (Special Meoatca to "ThsournaO r ""Ralnler, Or Nov. 14. The mysterl oua disappearance of the mother of Mrs. A, Bener of thi town, who disap peared from ,Mrs. - Boner's homa IS years ago., ha jrrstTPPen "solved. Sixteen year ago, Mr. Bener and her mother ahd Uttle lster lived together In thl town, pn morning they awoke to find that the old lady and Uttle girl were gone, and eareh failed to reveal them. ..." Th best of detective were hired, extensive advertising was done, but no word was heard of the missing one, and they were given up a dead. Th Idea of murder wa never enter tained, and th affair remained an en tire myatery. - .- The other day an old Iadyv with a young woman accompanying her called at the home ofMra. Bener, and they proved to be the long-lost mother and child. The mother, It appear, had mar ried again and had been living in Cali fornia all th while. But lately h was widowed, and then a desire waa created arlthln her to ee her old home. Her daughter I alo married. Both of them married very wealthy nn. WHITE RIVER VALLEY T f INUNDATEO-BX-FtOOD (Baeela! 7lspsteb te The Joarsal.) ' Seattle, Nov. 14. Live ar lot, bridge- swept out, towns-- and farm Inundated and general havoo created by th terrible flood, which la sweeping over thl section of the northwest. Th Whit river valley I inundated by a flood th Ilk of which I beyond th memory of resident who hav llvd there for yeara. Thre bridge ar swept ' out, on at Buckley, which was constructed two yeara ago at. a cost of tS.OOO; another, a steel structure at Struck, and still anotner across to. Snoquallmle river, whloh 1 th hlgh t it has been sine 1881. Th HtU town of O'Brien 1 deserted. every family formerly residing ther having taken to the hills, and at Kent condltlona ar nearly aa bad, th. people remaining In the town removing tneir things to th second stories of their Swalllnga. , MAGNATES PRESENT AT PULLMAN MEETING (Special Wins ten to The Joaraal.l - -Chicago, Nov. 14. J. P. Morgan, W. K. Vanderblljt and Frederick .Vanderbllt ar her today to attend th meting of th Pullman company directorate. None will talk. It la supposed they wer attracted by th threat of th corpora tion counsel to fore th company to pay' it undivided aurplua for tuxes. It Is announced that nothing wa don regarding th proposed change in th preeidency. . .' . ; MUTINOUS SAILORS -1 1 - ESCAPE PUNISHMENT Kronstadt. Nov. 14.-Twenty-five all or condemned to hard labor In Siberia for Ufa for participation In th August mutiny escaped last night while they were being deported. They overpowered a guard of II men, killing one, and only one waa recaptured. . . : OFFICE WILL BE KISTIGMED- Interior Department Will Prob ikbly TaktiJUp Charge Against Trie Dalles Land Office. MISS ANNA M. LANG. - - : RECEIVER. IS AFFECTED Clash ot Authority Between Mias Lang sd"r4oIah"Tliiatrlnoddy" Taking Side of Woman and Incur, ring Enmity' of Man. ' . RANCHER WOUNDED BY ; SHOT FROM EMPTY GUN (Special Dlep.teh te The Journal.) Corvallls, Or, Nov. 14. A. J. L. Cator, a prosperous ranoher residing , five mile west of Corvallla, had hla ankle shattered at 7 o'clock this morning byJ a shot from a IS-callber rifle, a aon which An lnvestlgatloav-ot the- land office at Tha Dalle will la all probability b or dsred by th Interior department at an early date aa th result of the charge whloh hav been filed, againat th of fice. The charge presumably affect Miss Anna M. Lang, th receiver, and forced the report made by Register Michael T. Nolan prior to his reslgna- , tlon.. Although no of t lclal announce ment -baa -been made It Is- held' tn of-" ftclal circles trrat the department could not well overlook such charges a hav been mad or fall to order an Invest!-, gation. . ' . It wa reported today that Mis Lang would ask for an Investigation of her Connection with th alleged irregulari ties, It being argued that she could not 1 well rest under th accusations mad without an effort, to -vindicate her rec ord and prove her lnnocencej Miss -Lanavinowever! when-asked for oonflr---nation of .the rumor, would make no statement aa to her Intentions. - "I, hav not aeen what, has been printed concerning th matter,"'' aald aha, "and I have received no late In- . formation-regarding what has happened or 1 going to happen. I do not wlaa at thl time to stats whether I will ask for an Investigation and I hav not been Informed that th department will order one. When th action la taken, however. I will porhapa hav aom defi nite statement to max concerning my position. Until that ttm I cannot talk of tn difficulty." . There 1 much discussion among those interested concerning Register Nolan's resignation and hla attitude.' It is stated that friction began to be apparent between Mia Lang and Mr. Nolan eom Urns ago; In fact, not vary long after their appointment waa aeoured by Mr. Moody. According to th rules of th . office, - Nolan was th exeoutlve officer and had a hi right all th executive work of th office. . Nolan had no. ex- perlenc ln : land offlc buslnss and muck f -t he-detsJl of theoffle fell -to-th lot of Mi Lang.. Nolan, aa ha learned the ropea by ssrvloe, began to pick up the loose ends of authority and ' friction resulted. . ... ... A the relations between Mis Lang and Mr. Nolan became more and mora -strained, the olaagrsement waa taken to Mr. Moody and th latter took tha aide of th woman. From thla tlma on a eoolnes began to grow, between Mr. Nolan and his patron, Mr. Moody, un til tha friendship died and war waa -declared. . .. ' Vt hon Nolan was appointed an tha last day of Moody's congressional ca reer and entered Into the dlaehaxae of ) hi 1 duties aa receiver, he waa perhapa tha most vociferous and vehement op ponent of ' th anti-Moody faction In . Th Dalle. At that time he had tha agency for a Portland paper and in many way waa especially obnoxious to th Williamson faction. Hla ap pointment therefor cam as a great blow to the opposition of Mr. Moody. Up to th time of th rupture be tween - Mrv Moody - sad - hla - appointee, -Nolan -eemtinue4-lir-t0B't friendly -attitude toward th anti-Moody camp. When tha final disagreement came, th exact cause of which no on seema to know, Mr. Nolan wont over under tha shelter of tha anti-Moody nag. Not very long after thla change of base th complaints wer filed against th offlc. and It is thla fact which gives rise to the rumor now in circulation that the allegations were inspired by. Nolan. amilllfls Vb B-a. - Tstltlflh J mVtj supposed to be empty, whnth waaposvi II U Intimated both sth Dallea waa dlschaxgsd. STANDARD FEEDERS .. INCREASE CAPITAL (Special Dlspsteb ts The JoarnsL) Harrlsburg, Pa Nov. 14. Thre pip line subsidiary to the Standard OH company filed notices of increase capi tal today. Tha Crescent Pipe Lin com pany from 11,000,400 to 11,000,000., Tha Southern, $1,090,000 to $10,000,004, and th Northern from $1,000,000 to $4, 000,000.. . .. , i - TOWN OFPRESCOT IS FOUNDED BY MILLMEN tSpeclsl HI. pates te The Jowrnal.) " Rainier, Or., Not, 14. About $H mile from Rainier, Just between Rain ier and Ooble, a new station haa sprung into existence, which promise In a short time to make a nice little town. With the recent advent of a big mill, the Beaver Lumber company, came 40 men as mulhand. - Many of these hav slnoa brought their famlllea and ar preparing to settle. - Th station has al ready received a name, being called PreacoL . ' ."".""."".7', : ----- KAISER'S POLICIES - ARE TORN TO PIECES ; ';. ,. .- -y Berlin, Nov; 14. In on of th most draraatlo session of th retchstag ever held, tha policies of the kaiser- today were attacked mercilessly and nobly de fended. - Bassermaon, the National -Liberal leader, who 'attacked the foreign policy, said It 1 a complete failure. Voir Boslow In a 'great srjeerh- defended the policy. He went into elaborate de tails and said that Germany was not iso lates. - -. . ' Milwaukle Country Club, v Bs stern and California racee. Tak Sellwood and Oregon City cara at First .and Alder. t - PENDLETON HORSES, BURNED TO DEATH Pendleton, Or., Nov.-14. Flr"early this morning brnlt. out In the back and of Wray's mnrble works. A span of driving horses burned to death and part of the marble works proper burned. The cause la unknown. Th lo is $1,000. Two men; on of them, a preacher, se. cured $0 pounds of honey from a cavity In the roots of a tree, after smoking the bees senseless. Th bees needed the honey this winter and now must starve; wa bob it la well araoksd. and In Portland that sensational alio-" gatlons will ba made ahould th official investigation ba ordered. , . LEONCAVALLO COMING TO HEILIG THEATRE Leoncavall 1 coming! ' A world ot expectancy - for local - music lovers la bound up In that little sentence. . Le oncavallo, on of th greatest of liv . ' ' Leoncavallo. Ing Italian composers, is perhaps best known as tha author of 'TPagllaccl,' , which has been sung 4n - Portlnnd. by organisations several times. The great mualclan come her at tha head of th greatest operatic and orchestral organisation that ha aver been brought to thia city, numbering 81 poopl and including tbe full 'or chestra from La Ben la, Milan' fore most lyric theatre, and a half score of brilliant vocalists, both men and women all rendering airs from Leoncavallo's numeroua composition. Never before tins Portland had th opportunity of hearing one of th world's, most fnmotia composers direct a full orchestra In the interpretation of hie own music. - but that opportunity wilt be afforded at the Helllg theatre on Sunday and Monday nights. Nov. IS and 14. Out of town mall orders will be received In order to accomodate out-:' of-town people who will be drawn into the city by thla unusual musical event. The regular seat snle Is to begin at tha bos office of tha Helllg nest Saturday. morning. , sxtSatu -I: l I