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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 14,- 190J. 13 NEW TODAY. . v.-v. II i Portland. Heights - ThU yet weather is rather dis couraging to home buyers," but at th price we are" offering Green- way lots you are getting the best of the" weather man. We are not offering a few lots at $500 and then up to $800, but you can buy any that strike your fancy, no matter the price marked $500," $550, $600 tnd up to $300 Ir J0nl$500 for Ten Days Only Come in and pick out your lots H. P. PALMER 22 Failing Bldg - Main 8661 FINE LOTS $170 EACH . 7 Inside. Property Lota 10x100 feet 'each' with traded streets, gidewalks and eltr water piped to every lot. Tnla traot ta known aa "Alton A'ark' and attuated about ona mlla and a half aoutfaaast of Madison traet bridge on the Bellwood ear Una. Tha lota ara ail cleared. In aTaaa plot and command a flne view or be river; 10-mlnuta car aervlce, and the price of theae lota la SO per oent cheaper than adjoining- lota aold for, which are now built upon with comfortable homes. Lilm.ied number for $50 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH Title pes cett free abstract furnished with arery lot. Take Bellwood car and . get off on Harold street, and you are at the property. For particular, call on . f.l. J. CLOHESSY -7 - BOT SKcXAT BVZXSarCk -- - Site, 110x100, on railroad awitoh, Ex cavation for basement nearly completed, ' Modern 14 -room ' residence, quarter : block of ground, on Holladay avanue. fti G. Nease 04 Lunbw Bxohaoffe aUdlac. Tel. 1UU 734. ST. JOHNS SOxlOOwith-liouserl" block f ; from car line on Oswego St. $750 ;Vi $2100 Terms ' 4 Lots in Point View with new modem 6-room house 2 Lots from center; r good , business location $5000 Ul. B. COUVIIM J fx, f J F ' Tor a beautiful quarter block on 14 th '1 and Taylor; new modern 14-rootn -hpue oocuplea 10x100, bavin 76x100 On tha corner, aa ideal location for a large apartment house. That Isn t all, either. Tou can't beat this. . GREGG BROS. wfcoue mum noa. sir-lS rentoa alar, - INVESTMENTS Stores and f lata, Wllllama avenue .......I 1,100 lew, ornce and flat upstairs, . atorea lower floor, Belmont street ' U block Eaat Morriaon $20,000 f room a, new, wcat aide, doaa in. full Iqt '........S.(00 A. C. QAGE bt aaeriock aidr- Third and Oak. Fbona Pacifle 1411. Better Investigate Thoee eljhty acres near city at 181 per. C L Parrish & Co. O X.nnsbe Bsc bang-a. rone Mala Oil Jack King The hot-air marohant, puree RHE7XMA T1KM. Never fall No cure no pay. The only eosnpjete bot-alr plant on tha Warehouse Residence klA e4 WaaUapai van, NEW TODAY. CHOICE HOME SITES ALBION, t Iota 100x100, 10. feet -from rortland boulevard ....-$ WO Arbor-lodge,- !.,,., ., Arbor Lodae, 10 lota 1T60 Alberta and Concrete ata, lOOx.100. near Piedmont car barna.. .9 Too Alberta and Congreaa atresia, tlhi " ' 'near Piedmont-car barns. . ITS East Pine street. .100x100.. ...... .flfoa East Pine street, 60x100 790 Rust 27th. 100x160 East Alder at., 60x10ft-. Eut Portland Heights. ,$aooo 60x100... .f DO ....$ 00 850 OKA Frari'et Addition. 76x104 Excelsior, 60x100. Kiceii or. Dviivv... t'....,.. l-.i lM,ilnn near 26th. 100x100. .$3300 Eaat Salmon and 26th. 0xI00rrrr;W Ev lth and. Weldler, cor., 60x100. .81400 H. Kttt and WeLller.4nslde, 0x194 11200 Eaat Oi and Weldler, 100x100. .. .$3000 Eaat 17th and Weldler, 60x100. ; . $130 Hlvhlnnd. Union ave.. near Wyxant. 0xI0O . ......... tB400 Howea Addition, lota , .S10O0 Holladay Park. 100x100. 1835 Holladay Park. SOxtOO 969 Holladay Pnrk, 60x100...., SHOO Irvlnirton. 60x100 .11000 Irvtnirton Park. lota ........... .f 800 Kllllnaaworth ave.. 00x100. .flBOO Uwer Alblna. 60x100, on Kerby at 800 Lrogaa'a Addition, 8 lota .180O Roaa at, near McMillan, 60x200 .'. $3600 Richmond .$ 400 Riverside, I lots tlOOO South Sunhyalde, 46x100 .........$ 475 Bunnyalde, . lota $8800 Bt. Johns. 7 lota' M $3100 St. Johns, 1 block i...$8000 Saratoga, I corner lota, each......$ $00 Bellwood, lota ...... ....,...$ 7SO South Bunnyalde, 60x100 678 Taboralde, Montavilla Una, 60x100 lota, each ...f 100 Tabor Helshta. 26x18 $ 160 Woodlawn Heights, 60x100 $ 400 Woodstociilns, near ivaanoe, eacn a xeo Hartman & Thompson 8 Chamber of Oommsroe. Wn MT SO KXTCsT yos-fcalf-sise llts -muuh -farther, away. when you can set one ooxioo on ueia- ware avenue. 80 -feet from rortland boulevard, for only 1276? HARTMAN is THOMPSON, t Chamber of Commerce. WEATHER REPORT. A weak hlsh pneeure area ta central over Borthera California, and the barometer ta rela ting, kick ever the aoath Atlantic states. A trough of low preaaore extends troai Baakatche- soatneastwara te sfrmeeota and tfcenrs soath ta the west snlf atatee. The New Eng land disturbance conllnuee te adTaace slowly sertheaetward. Moderately heavy rains bare fallen ta the aorta Feclfte states sad westers Montana, aad snow Is reported la the eppec Ulaalaalppl valley as far south as Bt. Louie. Abnormally cool weather continues is the seat tulf states, and heaty froet Is reported at Char lee ton. South Carolina, aad a light (rust St Jacksonville, riorlds. . The Indication are tor rata ta this dtetrlct Muht and Thursday . It will be cooler tnnlf-ht la eoothera and esaUra Orexoa, eastsra Wash. Instoa and Idaha. ; Obssrvstloos tsksa at S a bl, Pacifle tlBMt . Temp. hfax. afln. PTeetn. Beker City, Oresoa. ....... 00 M .08 Koaton. sfaaaachaaetU.... 84 , 80 T. rhlcage, Illlnola 86 . 80 .0 Denver- Coloradn.: 82 ' S3 X) Kansas City. Mleeourl US ,. so , Urn Anseles, California.... 8 M ' New Orleans, Louisiana..,. 00 44 New York. New Xork 40 82 Portland, Oregoa 62 , 6T Roaeburg, Oregoa..... M 80 Halt Lake, Utak 02 82 8t Louie, Mleaoarl '., 40 80 Sea rrsndsco, California.. 78 M Spokane, Waahlsgtoa....... 80 42 Taenma, Waahlnstoa. . . . ; f8 - t 84 - Walls Walls, sWahlagtoa.. 64 M Washington. D. 0 46 82 MARRIAGE LICENSES. f all TV aixmssa . sssu atMkinui g wmww Mrlnbell Mott, 14.- M. J. nark. Uftbtoa. VaahrutMm. S&t Btket ortara, is. - (WDfJ IlVWalita, su JB Due tv lasswaas) w. Joha EweUeL Hllladala. Oregon. 82; Anna Ttnnier, xs. Knrt r. Heirna. nix arni n. Lsms, a. Plord Xellr. 66 North Xleveatb street. 20 Tlola FruDdrldge. Is. Tbeodor Benrtcksos, 001 Becood st, 6; ktsrls Kuaasrlnso, He, I A. J. Vaaght, 80S, Clay street, 8T; Jennie A. BfeKes, 26. . Weddlns CardV. W. O. Smith Oe.. Wash. tngtea bldg., cor. Fourth aad Washington eta. weouing enis muos; ' .in,.. . printed. X. T. K ash too. 822 Vt Wsehlngtea St. T0N8ETH .A CO., rLORIBTS, FOR FLOWBRA OF ILL KINUa IKS SIXTH BT. rail dreaa salts for rest, all el see. UnJeut Tallerlng Oe., Sua BUrs St. BIRTHS. ANDERSON Norember 8, to Mr. snd Mrs. Charles J. Anderson, 1828 Tildes, a girl. Hl'FrslAN November 10, to Mr. end Mrs. C K. Huffman. lttO Chester, s boy. riHHEhV-Noveniber 10, to Mr. end' Mrs. Joseph rwier. sex rirsi. s soy, DEATHS. JOHNRON November 12, Allefsra Jofaasoa, at rears. Lean. Ms age. i ITNEY November 12. A. Lincoln Whitney. X3 years, seo xsst uarruoa. aemorrnage so. Inwlne nerrnratloe bv ballet. WARD At Bt. Vincent's hospital, November lg, 1806, Margaret aesaeoy nara, peioTre wife el t. H. Werd. aged 4T years, s native of BrtetoL KngUnd. Friends caa view the remains at Iiunalng. McEatee A Gllhsagh'a chapel. Bevents end fine sis. FUNERAL NOTICES. ABMBPIOER At 'the residence ef her em. Klmer Armspiger, st sungaTer, m amies seat ef Pertlaad. ea the BecUoa Line road, Nevembsr 18, 1808, Mertha U. Armsptgar, s To reara. 6 months and 16 dare. Funeral srlll take plaes Thursday, November Is. st I a. m., rrors r. a. vunning a cnapei, t East Alder and Bast Bltth ata. mesds Inrlted. (Illinois sad Kansas papers please eopy-r UNDERTAKERS. rMnntne. MeBatee A Ollbsngh. andertakers sad1 embaltnere; ssodera la every detslL Bsveath and Pise. Mala sou. asiuy asaisuiai. a. n. Beawtorfc. andertaker aad embalmer. Beat Thirteenth and Umatilla ava. Phoas Belt- wood 11. Brtckaea Cadartaklng Co., sad embalming, 44 Alder at. Phons Mala 6183. Lsdr ssslstsut. J. P. nnley A Boss. Third snd Msdlsea sta Office ef county eoroaer. Phone Mais a ' Claras rtroa., w wnn-r int sHrwvre aas torsi designs. 288 MorTlsoa sL Edward Helmas, andertaker, 220 Third st. BITER TIIW CXMXTZBT. m. - .,n 1.. aim a et am The only cemetery la Portland which per- Ml.t.lM anS carM I, . Irpta. Bnr rnll Inforaiatloa .applg J9 WjK. Msrkenxle. 'Wor ses tee block, city. W. M. Ladd. pr.sldent - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Peter Miles to Msrk Mllns. sndlrlded . H of 601 100 feet beginning st Inter. secttos ef north line ef Dlrlslon street with extension ef east line ef Thirty second i ..C....8 1 Henry Miller snd wife to A. Krsuse, lots 87, 28, 88, 40, block t, Pesluaular addition m I W. A. Lovs snd wlfs to Charles H. Klneey et al., part of dona tloa land claim sf N. B. J owes, teewhip 1 ' south, rangs-Asest 400 T. O. Sands aad wife to Clara and Heleae Ostmrn, south 88 feet of weet 70 feet el tot 2, block 24. Alblna .... 2.850 Oregon Trust A Savings bank to Clsra. . lisburs and husbsnd, south 88 feet of weet 70 feet sf lot 2. block 24.. At bins ' 1 Aloroo A. Knox et el. te B. Henry Wemme, 88 acrea beginning at point In west tins ef, Maryland avenue 817 - feet north and 806.6 feet east of cor- , a or sf sections 21, 22. 27, 28, tows ship 1 north, rsnge 1 eaat ........... - 1 Paul I. Issthora to Martha M. Cau thora, Int a, block 10.' W ood.tock .. 400 $. B. Headline ssd wife to A loose A. , Michael O'Brles snd wits to Mary A. Shaaase, lot T, block 4, Lash's sddl- ...a... ...........a. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. v Kaox. T.S aerae cotnBMadnc at point , Ja . aectlvalla btwe ttaiia yr. , , . Its, liii.T fiit ai.utlt oi m-Uub mrner , , of .nHlans XI, XL, XT, S8, Uwaabls . 1 nortn rn 1 tM 1 Qeori W. Urowa to Mary Sbaaaoa, lt 10. blark 0. LaunlwuuS .7.... 100 Point View Real. Hmt mnr.,, a" ' f Mjiraa It. Bisad -aad -wtfe,- tots- ! wm, ukh.1 a, mui view .... 1 Cberlea B. Hall and wlf. to Abraham Melater, lot , block . elty 12.500 atlnnl Falk t J. J. Blue, lot $, block , to J. B. Raaaitlne, -earral " " r lead eommeartnf at U eeetlne corner betweoa aectlons 21 and ri, tow nan Ip 1 nor lb. raus 1 .tat. belug , t polut wkera eenler line of Pattoa treet . lataraacts soath Use of oak -street , ...J Security Bavlusa A Truat company te . Julia F. Lnaau. lota 1. a a a l.Lk a ' Keanltb M. t lay tot!.' U, gers, lot 1. Mucs XI, Katnarlna rictut iV R. KaHUlea et al. ts.Chatloa-; . 11. h"tf. lot 8. block 10. First addition to Hulladay park addition 680 K. B. Holmes and - wife to Mabel C. " ' : Hurley, lots 17 snd 18, block 4, Bceolc ' Piece 460 Eailly Daniel te decree P.. Klsenhsver, ' lt 10, biuck 18, Clwserdals Bitenaloa ' No. 8 223 Earl C. Brooaugh et'al. to O. W. Tej hr, 17. SO acres commenclug la north - . line of McCartney's go-acre tract 111.824 chains west of 14 aecttos ctirner ' ' between sections it, to, township 1 north, rang 2 vast 18,000 a. noosria jr.- MWira w. Bar tholomew sad wife, lot 10, block 68,. 890 800 rVlluam Reldt sad wife to Fllllpo Lobua, . lots 1, block 4, Home addition - M. U Holbrook and wife to Edna D. : Ttmms. lota 4, 6.. T. block 24, Hot brook's addition to St. Johns, Oeerge W. Brown to J. B. Martin, kits 20. 21. 22. block 2. Kenwood Park. ' 78 Joseph Vurkhard aud wife to Joeeph" I'aquet, blocks 87, 6. Eaat Portland.. Otella DeWItt te Oregoa A California naiiroaa company, a strip or laud so feet sooth from revised center of rait- -road of Oregon, A California Railroad company serosa northeast W of south- weet U section. 17. township 1 south, range 1 east BOO H. K. Reed and wife to O. R. A N. no., strip 100 feet wide beginning . 60 feet on each side ef O. R. A N. track staked eut ever aorthweet 4 of southeaat Vk snd northeast V ef south- weet U of sectloa 8, tow ash (p 1 north, ranae 6 east !.. .-.-. -.v-.-n. ,r. i-m-ci T60 Robert Lochhead to Sarah E. Lambert, kh 10, discs ss, Banaysiae Becood se dition 0. W. Taylor and wife to William lev, lot A. South Suunrslde 70 Security Savings A Trust company to atarie -. Mouse, - part et let -i, bmcb- 1. PortUnd Homestead A0O0 0. W. and Charlotte A. Pattersoa to . George M. Beatty. lot , brscJL. S, . Woodlawn Helshta .77... 260 Louisa B. Yark t W. Wr Wlndls. lots ; 24. as. 26. block Z4. A. L., Miners' sd- dltlon to Bt. Johns ; 860 M. E. Thompson and wifs to William T. Plgeoa and wife. Berth 82 4 feet ef lot 8. block 82. Central Alblna .. tso Title Onarsotes A Truat company to J. SL riaseitine, ondivided H Interest la ftrcsl of land formerly owned by D. ' ' .. A bra me coesmeuclng at sectloa enrner betweea section 21, 22, town ship 1 north, rasas 1 east, said . section eorner being at point where center line of Pattoa street Inter sects south Hoe of Oak atreat 1 0. W. Stapletoa, 'guardian, to J. B. Hae- , . enme, . earn properly as osserlpsd shore shuts. Setb Rlggs to W. A. Wash and wife. , , 1Z.K3 acres commencing 884.77 feet east of soathweet corner of south- vrcet earner of oorthesst t4 sectloB Y SO, township t south, range S asst. - H. M. M. Crulkshank to Leopold " Cru'lk- , ensns. mta 13 snd IS, block IB, Trs- mouf Place S00 Charles Norton to M. E. Thompson, lots s ana 1, sues iu.ti,unora saaitton to Alhlna .' 408 Albtns Oabiiella Page to M. B. Thomp- eon, tots 1, a, a, blocs a, ventral Al hlna ....1,180 Fdw.rfl A. Jewell and wife to William rtsslle. lot T, block 6, Wllllama Are- .... sue addition 1.660 J. H. Nolts and wife to Oscar and Emma . UtUey, lota ZS, Z8, 84. 28, block 6. ' , Tremont Place 400 James Buck snd wife to MoUltf E.Wete, undivided H of lot . 10, block 68, Sunnvslde .1 W. H. Morrow snd wife to Otto A. Frankopt, lot' A. eubdlrleleei et tot l,!-u. ' block - 14- PortUnd Homastoad addi tion too Hlbernla Savings hank to Jacob Proeb steL loti 1 md 2. block 8. Carter's addition to Eaat Portland 1,180 Nlkod sad Betty Ulna te vnanee i. McKee. lot 24. block 2. Arleta Park No. I 400 T. i. and Barbssr McNamee to Jpha Rosa, lota 1 and A block 26. AlBlna Homestead 1400 Per abstracts, title Insurance or ssortgags loans call on Pacific Tltls A Trust company, 204-8-4-7 railing building. . Get your Insursncs and sbetrsets to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Truat eoa pany. xav w aaninsiou screen, earner usi-usia. NOTICE. NOTICB OP DISSOLUTION - OF PARTNBR fJHlP Notice Is hereby glren that the part nership heretofore sxiatlng betweea H. H. Hlrschberger snd t. W. Sweeney, andsr the firm name of Hlracbbereer A Bweenev. dolnc boslnese at 202Buraelils et, PortlaaoV-ites. goo. Is hereby disaolred by mutual consent. All secants dus the ssld firm srs to be paid by the said U. H. Hlrschberger. whs wlU continue the business, snd sll debts snd lia bilities of the said firm will be ssld by the ' ssld H. H. Hlrschberger. Dared at Portland, Oregon, this Sd 4sy VI nVfSBBW, swvo. H. R. HIRRrHBEROER, " J. W. SWEENEY. THB sew City Wrectory Is now ready: copies can be secured st the vface, 620 Marquam hldg., If needed, before regnJu, delivery Is msds. WANTED Homes for t good boys: mar ss adopted If desired; ages 10 ssd IX. Phone Kaat 8800. Room 4. HEATERS repaired ea short sotlcs at Air-Tight Stovs Ce., 271 First. Phoas Pacifle 1112. EXCAVATING and grading. C. B. Pet tag e, 4M Commercial et. Pboee Beat 8180. MEETINO NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Something- Dclag: TO-NIGHT! BETTER COME WASHI50T0N Chapter, No. 18, B. A . M. Regular con rocs tloa thla (Wednesdsy) evening, November 14. 10i6, ' at 780 o'clock, Masonic ball, Burkhard bldg. Leo tore by Onmp. O. A. Dearlng, -''Ths Royal Arch. Its History snd Tra ditions." Members urged to attend. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. . B. B. SHARON, Secretory. if . ALL woodmen snd their friends srs rsouested to attend ths opea meeting of George Wish lng too Cemo tonight, 10th and Washington ata. s One prosramehas bees arrsngsd snd refreshmenU will be served. H. 8. AARON, a C, . H. A. FRTtlRlCHr-Oak. M. W. A. BVEROBEEN Csmp. t,4rt. meets Wednesday evening. Alleky bldg Third snd Morrison sta.. PORTLAND-- ORCHESTRA Mnalo for all -cestons; reaeonabte. Mala BooAer 46 Lscrstla. M. W. A.. Oregoa Orape Csmp. No. 6.876, Moa dsrs. '7th snd Marshall: rial tors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. rot?Nl A place te hare hair mattresses rsm- vstea ana retumea seme usy. . xtn rroat et. Msin 474. rortland Carled-Hatr rsctory. U. Metxger, proprietor. LOST Lady's watch, Tuesday evening, sa Washington betweea Third aad Hareuth sts. ; " Inltlsli "H. H. W." ea case. Hetttra ta 26 1 YamblU. RewarA a LOST Ladr's (old watch and neck pla with - asms, between Mechanic snd Mankeftaa ata., on Union ave., north. Return to 44 Manhat tan at. aud secelrs reward. fcOST-ecker spaniel enewerlng to asms of "Mg"i collar set wltb blue atnuea snd - license teg M7. Rewsrd if rstursed ta A. Grether. 1H8 Park at. LOST-Ths person whe found the lorhet snd cxela st US wane jempie euncay night, ..October 28, will plesas return to 8K2 13th st. roCND Hull ef sellbeaC fsg saskS Isaulrs test sf ClulusshU St, i rvsnru ejaaaJesirW LOST AND FOUND. rOITNI Coat, - 'yl1 ror' erder-hook saws hy calling st Journal 01 S lng for aA LOHT Umbrella, Grssd theatre; reward. ' 422 Morrlsoa St.,, room 12. ' I LOHT BuU testier, anawera to its me ''Tnotet'; HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED At once. staeeholt-eutterS: good nsv. stesdr work: 1.40 s eerd. Apply Weeters . Ceuperage Co., S"6 Stesrns bldg., Portland. Oregoa 1 or lluullffs, Oregon. --.. .- WANXED -AT -ONCK 600 Sound yeung men, , age 18 to 85. fvc flrrinrni and bra kf men ea loading western rnllroads snd for new road, now being completed; exerleuce unnecessary I firemen fluo per SMnrh; brakenieo 876; loel tloua now open' write st otuw for particu lars. National Railway Training Association. 7) Pashm block, Omaha, heb., or 031 kidge bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. AGENTS WANTED To sell superior, high-grade nursery stock; complete outrit iurnieua tree; cash weekly; writs today for choke of terri tory. Capital City Nursery company, Salem, WB get work for oar members; special roess sers. (2. X. M. C A.. Fourth sod Yamhill. DON'T work for s small salary; see or writs .Pacific Aid association for a good propual tloa. 324 Lumber Bxcbange. WANTED Young men to prepare for railway telegraph service: weres ia to 880 per sinnlh whew uualiried,- Expert College o(,Telegraphy, fifth floor Commonwealth biug. WANTED 10 mors solicitors; best position In I'ortlsnd; men srs making t6 dallj; call after noou, 2WlVi Stark st WANTED 8 coatmakers; stesdy Job. A. t. rlrault, Hamilton bldg. v , OOLLRCTOB and salesman; city work; bond required; must ne anitf to start te work al once. Apply immediately at 404 Ahlngtoa building. SALESMAN, experienced, for domestic desrt.4 msnt ; boys, relisbie, anout it yearsof sge, to leara me fnaineas. uias, worttnan a King, 6th and Washington streets. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH BT. Free employment to our palrona. Weekly rates: Room, 81.25 p: raom board- 04.8O up. - Anderson, proprietor WANTED Salsemen; many mass 8100 to 8160 per month; souis seen more; stocs cwea; grown on reservation, far from eld orcharde; cash adranced weekly; choice ef territory. Address 'WssliUgtos Nursery, company, Tup aaalsh. Washington.- . r MEN AND WOMBN to sears barbsr trsde is eight wseks; graduates Sam from 81B to gaj weekly; expert instructors; catalogue free. Moler System ef Collegss,! 86 Koth Fourth St., Portland. ENTERPRISE HOTEL. 822 SATIEB. CORNER 16TH. ' Ws sre In the factory and mills district; corns in snd hare a talk with us; .good board and good room. $4.00 per weak. WANTED Twe or three flrst-elaas, all around ma come men; permanent position, gooa waxes. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WANTED Machine man to' work la furniture -factory s also hoy to work la fsrtnrr, CH 1O0 North 11th St., city. OB 8 boys sboat 14, to work sfter school or Saturdays: can make good wagea selling notions for 8V Cslvei, 824 Gaatenhela are. WANTED At ones, aa upholsterer, r 72, . cere Journal. ' . J . BOY WANTED st Nss'a drag store. Sixth sad Morrison. - . JAPANE8B baring good experience would like situauoa as second coos, cau st racina 2346. WANTED Men to leara to operate motion picture machines; pupils supplied with com plete outfits; slse positions secured ; good - saler r.- Per -terms snd particulars. Newman's Motion-Picture Machine Co.,. 14frtt Sixth SU IN 4 weeks we educate you ta salesmanship. Secure yoa position ss traveling salesman with responsible Arm. - Address -the Brad street System, Rochester, New. York. BOY whs kss some knowledge et Straagsd In struments. Lory's Music House, 171 4th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FIFTY Extra Salespeople Wanted. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. ' : v ' CAPABLB WOMEN WANTED If yoa work, why not .ara more thss s living) Be independent; do good. The Vlsrl Co. already employe 12.000 women! the work - covers 22 countries of the world; we -will entertain applications from capable women: not caorasalog, hut helpful, dignified work. Address by mall only, Vlavl Co., Lewis bldg. HOMB LADIES' AGENCY. 188)4 Pourth et., eorner Morrison, apatatra, Phone Main 6826. " Alongside ths X. M. C A. bldg. OIRLS Chocolate dippers and peckers. Aldos taady Co.. loth and Gllssa. OIRM WANTED Operators to work ea shirts sad overalla. Lessons glrea to tnexperteaeed. Apply at Standard factory Me. 2, ttraad ava and Eaat Taylor St. WANTETV Young lad lee to pre par. thsmselves as stesographars; papiht as ana sa capable are permitted to do work Is our public stenographic rooms; wages and practical ex nerlno. Call er writs Oster's Expert Col lege, flftt Boor Comon wealth bldg. WANTED Orris te make -Boss ef AU" ever, alls at 78 First st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOKNCT. 848 Wssh ingtoa St., cor. Seventh, anstalrs. - Phone Mala 2062. Female help wanted. FEW ladles wanted to assist making easy fancy work spare time at home; good steady ao experience required, tue tteuwer Idg., 407 Washington st i ' r - WANTED A good cook; good wages. 670 Hoyt. WANTED At Ths Dalles Steam Lsasdry, Ths Dalles, Oregon, ens polisher snd ens marker; women preferred; wagea f 3 per day. WANTED A middle-aged bnslnees-llks lady fog partner is bnalneea, to trar.l; s rara op- rtnnlty. Addreea or call Thursday. 10 is 2im rirst at., room 24, Portlsad, Or. 878 DOWN snd terms buys a lodging-house. Boom 88. 288 Third st. - WANTED Ledy assistant cashier. Address r ,77 eara Journal. WANTED Olrla and ladles for housework; ' SoorVinoeltlone from 8 up. . Metronollua Employment Huresu. 2.3 Alder St., room 10V GOOD boms for an aged woman to ears for 2 little girls during sharncs of mother while st work eech day. N 03, cars Journal. WOMEN Experience, st Arnold's Clovs Mans factory A Tannery, 1360 Macadam. Take . Fulton ear, . QIRL for seeoad work. 224 King St. Phone Main Kit. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED First -class lady and geatlemea esa vsssersi salary and commission. Call at Agency Bnrean. A2 Fourth at., Portland. Or. WANTED Actors, streets, mnsicisas. dancers, etc.. for dramatic and vandcvllle companies; good salary, steady work. Newman's Theatri cal Circuit. 146 Sixth- at. , HELP wanted and supplied, msle er female, n. G. Drake, 20SW Washington st. Pacific 187U. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE I OIRLS wast t sestet la general housework! sges 14 and IT yeera Csll 778 MlssesoU ars., ear. imch. .. , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Posit los as watebmss or clerk la elitar store: not able to do manual labor. hi esi 1 wax st: . . ,.. WANTED Poeltlos sa landscape gardener or pruusr. Address F 6V, cere Jourual. ItJCMARUfl Bia winti IVJaltloii m oUrta rf$rnc$wi. t to, osr )turul. 'y, WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents la every couaty for tlie Ohio . Stes m Cooker; a money-maker. For uinrmatioa oesi or writs 374 First sf.rrert- wnu. .... AGENTS, peddlers, canressees aad street work ers, get your supvlies from R. M. Plummer, 800 Third st.; new goods, bottom prices. -EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CJtO.Sd EMPLOYMKNT CO. Jinsghig.-eeHS sad fans hsln a specialty, 20 North Hecoud at. Plions Mala UV. Vis pay ail vtegrapa enargea. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CS . w 'x ' FOR MEN. 26 North Second at. Phone Mala 1824. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFKICB. - JtiOU Muerlaoo at Phone Pacific tf 27 Northtoond St.. ...... .Phone Pacific 13ua ALPINE Employment Co.,'. 20t4 Morrison st. Male snd femahy help. Phons Mais 1817. v. WANTED TO RENT. . WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, fists, -stores, offices, rooming-houses, eta. Land lords will do well to call on 1 POUTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. . - Phone Ex. 72. 8. K. Cor. 8d and Oak. HAVB 8 parties whs each want ts rest room. - ins-bcene, --1S -rewsis- up. - Fos uUk returns list your places with the MetropoUtsa llsslty Co., 2o8 Alder St., room 16. GOOD piano by reliable part lea, . Phone Msta w, r ou, cars journal. "WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy o-room bouse wtthrn walking distance or tstcouc scoooi. Address r Bi, csre Journsl. WANTED A small house. 1 sere around: hills tirvf erredr Tnuet he cheap terms,-ahort time. I C6. cars JournaL FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HAl.ti and ballroom, separate er together! new aad with all eoneMHencea. Phone Mala 44. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. vravn a siu. Furniture I For 'Furulture ' - Spot . , euruiiursr 1 i.ssn. t PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. til First st. Phoas Mala B66S. WANTED Bull pup; most be ef good stock snd pries ressonjbls. Address P. O, Box 223. llaleey, Oregon. WANTED rrom 25 to 80-H. P. marine engine a no Doner. Aourras iocb 0OX xa, BU eonus. Pbone Bcott 4081, car ScotT 1138. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off cloth ing. Phone Pacific 44. Uncle Joe, 62 Third. WB WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN 8ALTAGB CO., 427 a WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T84. SPOT cash paid foe your furniture, stoves, etc. T prompt attention. Pbone BastM67. HIGHEST cash price paid for aU kinds see ks nd goods. Pbone Mala till. 82 N. Third. EXCAVATING snd grading. 0. B. Pottage, 4s Commercial. jt. Phone Bast 618S. WELL DRILLING Water guaranteed. Box 47, Root. 2. Qreaham. Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT STEAM-HEATED rooms st reasonable ratee. Hotel Royal. 10. i Fourth St.. between Wish ing ton snd Stsrk sts. Phone Mais 4234. THB RICHELIEU, 8Vt North Sixth St. Kle- gantly furnished; siesta, best snd baths. THB HUB," 44 Bieveath St.. est rooms with steam best ssd bath. Stark! rUBNISHBD rooms and furnish sd housskseplog - rooms for rent st 702 Tsseoavsr are. Tifw nnawn aku. si w m.a for gentlemen il.Si per week sad Bp. LINDA TI8TA. S47U rtftk Honsekseplng reoms with bay windows, and sleeping -rooms. THB KINO. 808 Jefferson st Booms with svery modern conreoleoce, 82.26 snd 82.80 per week; free be Us; new build lag, central. rCRNlSHED rooms,. 426 Fifth St.; SMMera eoa vealences; no children. . NICB suits of t large froot lost ths thing for 8 or 4 mea; thss catting sows ecsta. scvk stars at. LA RGB furnished room with gas, bath and yard, for two, 88. Call 230 Front or ' 605 Water snd Meade. S08 TWBLPTFl 1 -to-A ale. rooms wltb-e horns cooking; priests family; gsa, foraacs vain, puoos. 1S8H FOURTH ST. rnrslahed rooms; dav, . week or month; lowest rates. Pacific 2630. ONB or two large sew, gaa, bath, phone, close In; room foe three la ens room; reasonable. Pbons Esst 21U6. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING.' FOR RENT 8 unfurnished housekeeping. rnnms, running water in kitchen; very dealrsble neighborhood, nesr school. Pbons Woodlawn C3. UNFURNISHED bonsskeenlng suite of t Mil 8 large rooms; both, gaa. Ana neighborhood, easy walking; referencea. 204 Williams are. 81.26 WEEK CP, clean, furnish ed hoeek .wa in k rooms; psrior, oats, launery, heat. yard. 208 Stantoa, II car. fl.BO WEEK np, large, clean, furnished bones, keeping rooms, leundry sad hath, 184 8har man south, rortland. t NICB honsekseplng-rooma bath, ate. .468 East Morrlsoa. Phone East 700. - THB MITCHELL Housekeeping and transient roome, reasonable. Seventh aad Flanders. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, 80S North 16th St. ROOMS AND BOARD. SUITE of rooms, with board for family of 8 sleo single, Main Ida. 206 14th at. FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN T-roota bouss, t lots, food barn, 888 Beat Morriaon, . Aa axtrsmely handsome new snd modern .. 6-room Queen Anas cottage, 1181 Montana sre., $20. Bee THB DUNN-LA WRENCB CO, 14W First St. ' rOB RENT. 1 sere et good land, all IS cultivation, en Powell rood, with 4-ronm sous, snd ether outbuildings, running water, 10 block. to Be serf lust the thing for chicken-ranch and only lo per month. F. ruciIS, Z21H Morrlsoa st, -FOB-RBtiT 4-reom modern hosse, one oondltloa, IS2 -Tsncoorsr sre., per raomn. j OTTO, CKOCKET-i. PARKSwJl BBALTT ' CtTlilPANY. r ' S40H Washington st. FOR RENT Houss No. 288 N. 19th St., 4 rooms, the pla ce for s laboring men a rooming - bouse; rest 20 to permanent tenant.,, For particulars see araewer, e. aourra ex. 8BVERAL lots, house, barn, valuable fralt, nesr cerltne, on Bees Line rend, v.ry res son -able. Tel. t'nloa 640, or r 78. cars JouratL POR BENT -Modern 4-room boose, good eondl i i. w.lklne dlstsnce. west side. SJA. Hatheld Smith, 1S6 Fourth sL 114-4-ROOM eottsgs; gaa, bsth, yardi ess. venlent East Ankeny ear. 808 Nelson St. ' Esst 628. 7-ROOM hones ea csrllse, 812. C. H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkey bldg. FOR BENT Neat 4-room cottar, near $. . earsbops. 812. Phoas East 8422. FTRNISHED 4-room eottsgs, new. fn view and lawn. 8 blocks north crematorium. Ball wood can $18. . 4 8-ROOM sottags, 4.14 11th St., $14. laqslrs Blford Brue 147 Froot at. . , FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Modern g room boose la bast part . of vunnysida, one block rrom ear line; enuita. lii.S Ure, J. S. W lnslowSA ASAt-iSlA SU ruone Kast oouo. FOR BENT Modern 4-room hoassi cement Snore, wssh trays, shades, ate . $88 test Alder. - Phone Keet 2K70. FURNISHED HOUSES." MODERN t-rooaa cotrsge. Analy fnrnlshed. 1 blrck from rarllne. I -J pee month. Pbons fca.t BtUtV No. 764 iislght srs. ass 1 i. 1 1 -arr-rs r i. 11 11 i, " 11 ssasawas, FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OfflccslostXcntral. Lecattoa In ths city, north west eorner Sixth "snd Wssh lng tou ata; new elersror; Set sed culd water, light, heal snd Janitor asrelce. THB MORTGAUB OUARANTBB A'TUUST 4, 84 Seventh st. OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnished rooms snd ess. ', pie-rooms, tor rent., truodnough hldg. Apply s ler s tor. PART of shop to rent, suitabls for psintar or plumber. 204 Fourth st. DEMI BABLB efncee, Including - electric lights, hot ssd ' eeld wster. Janitor ssd sl.eator service, is lbs new, airy Commonwealth . bldg., old postofBea alto. Sixth ssd bur sal ds sta Agent room 41L FOR RENT Deek room at ressouable rate. . Inquire '200 Good nough bldg., over Joaroal ofOce. ' FOR BENT Store. Flftb-et- " elds Ooodnoogh bldg. Inqulrs elsvator In building. STORE rOR RENT 2fl month for fln. .tor. building. 828 Williams are., sor. Weldler; - ea I table fur. grecerlee, hardware, etc - In. quire Emporium, Alblns'a soul department store, Wllllsms are. snd Knott at. PERK ROOM la one ef the best sfness la ths sity. xuo-s Monaws Bldg. FOR BENT Store Firrh-at. aid. Goodoongh bldg. Inquire st .l.rator la building. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR BENT Fruit snd dairy farm, 100 acre.. Bear Portland.- Address N 64, cars Journal. HOUSES- FOR t- RENT FURNI. - TURE FOR SALE. . FOR BALK Furniture of 4-eeem ssodera hosse, nearly all- new; rent eeaeonable; twe blocks from postofflce; good traualent bouse; will sell sf a bargain If taken by the nrst of December. SuS Fifth! st. . ,, FIAT for rest, furniture for. aale Complete snd up-to-date furnished Sat, close In, Snc location, toe rent rrasonsbte. Inquire Cevell Furniture Co., 184-186 First St. BARGAIN Nrsrly new fnrniturs ef 4 room.; 'modern honse In fine repair, la good locsllty; will exrhanre for real satsta 212 AiUky bldg. Paclnc 2218. BUSINESS CHANCES. - Inyestment In Cafeteria Want party te back me la opening a cafe teria . In Portland; none In city; big proflta, small inrehtment; I mean business; am from ths east; no experience seeded, as I am a flrat-claea cafeteria and restaurant man. Ad dress F 74, care Journal, or phone Msln 1146, aad arrange Interview with Mr. Kimball. McFARLANTTS AOEXCYT304 Steams- bldg solicits listing or your properties for sale; handles reel eetote, farms, hot. Is, atorea aad other business plsces; valley and eastern Ore gun reaity dealers pleaee mall lists; - we ad vertise foe borers; sll klhds et Portlsad deals now offered. - SAVE MONEY Anything in printing see stan dee. Odd reiiows -ismpie, rirat sna ataer sts.1 upstairs. 7 r FOB SALB Apsrtment-hooas of IS rooms 1 aU newly furnished; easy terms it necessary; in come $100; rent 810: located en Morrlsoa st. Apply Cob Bros.' garniture Co., 180 First. WILL Mil halt interest In bakery store for $sqa. Addreea U 81, csrs Journsl. - HATB party who wtebee to bay late bnalneea of value shoot glO.OOO or less. 617 Comnasr ' rial blk. Pbone Mala 6120. WANTED Boms one te put smsU s mount of money Into developing promising claim; sot s stock proposition: strictly legitimate; - would-be partnership deaL O 10. JoarnaL 1,000 SHARES of Mount Pitt Hydraulic snd Quarts Mining stock for sals at 16s per : share. H. Tucker, Newport. Oregon. HOTEL furnltars for sals; long leas, sad Vow rent 1 city. C H. Plggott, swaer, , lawysr. room 4 Mulkey bldg. CONPECTIONBRY and cigar store lot sals. doing good bus si ess, good toes tloa, gau; King in ether business; sny kind of terms, ions Psdfte 516... a" OR SALB Rooming-house, 24 roams; good proposition sna seay term a. inquire pnwws 10 a. m. and 8 p. a.,' 48 11th st. LI'MBRB YARD far sals, central Oregon; good businesu; satisrsrtnry reason tor aeiung; re 44,Ukl X-J(,- ears sovrmti. $78 BUYS half Interest payins eetlng prnpoel. I ion i giinrabice e u tiw - wvw.u, moat have . working . partner. , Inoalre 248 Darts St. CHOP house mast go;, come, msks offer. 842 jaaiiisnu. - , $hao BUYS 1 8-room bouse, rinse In, with 8-year 1 lease; rent 826. 242 Msdlson. DON'T BUY that rooming an til yoa see the 14 snd 16-room bouses with ths Portland Business Chance AfVncy; they ars fine, profit. able and cheap. 146 H First St. DRt'O STORE Right sp te dsts, Sns Sxtarss. freeh stock, very fortunato 6-year lease, la good part of Portland, tor sale 88.2B0 cash. Morgan. Sweek A Chspmaa. S18 Abtngtoa bldg. Pbons Mala 2016. GROCERY business: ws guarantee 860 per day eales snd will sell st Invoice; It will pay you to Inveetlgato this opportunity. u2 I.umber Exchange. FOR SALB A complete restsnrsat outfit. Has a 7-root steel range, cnairs, lanaes sds siisd, ranch counter, 8 hlgh-etool barks, linoleum, ererythmg sew. Inquire betweea It and t p. m. at 804 Bamalds, between 6th sad 4th. A 6-ROOM house, aesf cenrthouae; sew foral- ture; must go. 242 Msdlson." FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. COSY little boms, Al sondltM, near car; high, some fruit; s bargain; ass It today. THB CONTINENTAL CO- 24B Stark at. Sellwood Morehouse rreneh, 1670 B. 18th. T" Phone Bellwood 7A City Ylew Park Iota $878 sad apt Bess Addition lota. 6100 and bp; $6 dowa sad $4 a month. Homea from $500 te $8,000. Lata $204 and up, in all parts of Bellwood. List yen property with aa; we will sell It. $2.200 GOOD 6-room hosse snd 80x100 1st la ths beet residence part of Sonars Ida. lOTVa 8d street. MODRKN 8 room konas, corner lot, esst treat 84.6U0; JJOO,$28 monthly. Owner, pbons Kaat 476. ' " B-ACRE tracts 4 miles ssst ef Portland, H T sillo from electric line; all la cultivation, sood soli;' $lnO per a era. ea easy terms. F 67, ear. Journal. BUY a lot oa the east side; S-mlaate ear esrv . ire, within walking distance! fine bonsef going np; prices (rots $000 to $860; terms If eslrsd. K iB THOMPSON, 84$ Mississippi ave. Phons Wodlaws SOS. 14 ACRES 1 Bill weet sf Clackamas railroad atatloa; pries $8,2"0. buildings so placet come snd see. J.. Mohr, MllwaukU. Oregoa. - B. P. D. 84. , HOUSB at Mount Tabor............ 62.0O0 14 block and bouse st Mount Tabor. ...2.tn0 2 bonnes, Bunnrslde Extenetoa $1,700 VI blnc, Portlsad Hslghths; nice hnss with fine view ef city-end mountains; terms ,.' 'iii .8t.8o0 I lot nssr Ysrnoa, 80x100, $78 down, A leosnane othersthat wa weald bs blessed to show goo. . ' " VRatncnpra & Co. Main 6120. Slf Commercial blk. NEW, modern bones, ens block of street ear). will he nnieneq ry owner imu soon morni; porcelain bath, tol let snd sink; wired for eleo ' trie lights! nice home: only gl.BOO, 6O0 down. Moms Land Co., 143V4 First st. 1 ... LV..-.L wV ! U, . - 1 - -. ' 1 :--s ' . .1 ii. 1. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. YOU ABB CORDIALLY INTTTTO TO CAXL 8800 eash, 828 monthly, for choice ai Severs! T, 6 snd 0-room bouses. . $aaO essh. $20 monthly. Cog eneisa ef I bouses of 6 rooms ssch. ,-'.' $8x0 essh, $16 monthly, for ebeiee et It eottsgss of 0 rooms ssch. $260 esah, $12.60 monthly, for obstea at . $ cottage, ef 4 ruoma .ach, . $100 cash. $10 monthly, for choice at sev eral lota with t and 8 rooms. - $60 cash, $10 monthly, for choice lots oa Bast 87th St.. near Hawthorne ave. . $20 cash,- $6 monthly, tor low la . Boise -Addition, ea Bellwood carllne. $o0 essh, $10 monthly, tor eorner lot la Highland. 1 T $10 cash, $8 monthly, for lot la Arista No. a, .. ..'.. STATE LAND CO., . - ' li)l First at : BARGAINS IN HOUSES. ParkTl Q"tmrti hou tot 100x100, IMltoa room 'bouse, Tsbssso addition, lot 60x100, 7-room modern new house, 48th sad Haw thorns, 12,000. . Two 4-room bouses to good repair aad ea ana 23x100-font lot, west side, sloes to, at a bargain. 22.000. o-rwun new wiwncrn -wpe-sow, full naao- ment. closs to Steel brtiTs, I. TOO: terms eseyr- 6-room rery sttractlvs modern np-to-preeent-hour. fuU basement, with 'tuU tot,-$4,200;-elos. to steel brliig.. rl-room good houss, Rodney sre., fine boms,. $2,200. 6-room good hones, bath and toilet, lot 60x100, west side, cloee In. 84.800, - These are a few of oar msny bargains. -Tsrms caa bs had oa any of tbess. . USD A CO- . $24 Lumber Exchange, Second aad Stark. - $2,504 down, balance long time, buys sle - Bank axwra oooiv, new it mniwiiro, iu cvsi veutssces,' dealrabl. neighborhood; thla won't laat a day; call quick; $6,700. cnuyleman & Co. Boom 84, 227 M Wsshlngton St. $1.000 Good new 4-room bones and S lots la vernon. on corner, wnu otuer .iinproremente, and is very sightly. Beglster A Co., 107 V 3d street. , '" ' YOU CAN PLAT THIS 20 seres sear Van- dtiunutji h runiTtted: e-rootn ami S-room bousee; barn 2oxis; an ros.l; great rlsce tnr poultry and fruit; caa rales anr hlng; good home, or good speculation; gft.SOO; $1,600 down. Home Land Co.. 146H rirat at, ' BY OWNER leaving city, modern g room cot tage, corner tot, cast rroui; s osrgnia tor csah, or will sell on assy terms. Inquire 1021 Height ave. . Phone Eaat 6032. $8,780 AN elegant new S-room house snd twe lull Kna la rieumnm, oraumui wwa, gar ment wslks. CaU 107Hsd etreeU. 6-ACKS tracts ef Sns land 4 miles from Port land, on Sne wagon-rosd and 1 mile troca rsllrosd; price 8100 to 6300 per acre, ea essy terras; water ta piped te each 8-acre tract; there Is nothing better ea the mar ket. F 68, ears Journal, - ' BEST buy in Portland 810 down. 810 per month. lots level, ooxiou grsues etrvete, .water in, t blocks south of , Ilswthorne are., on 44th St.! owner ea grounds.; price $160. HAVB good acreage oa carllne, would trsde for grocery stors or ether business, 617 Cam, merclal blk. Phoas Msia 4120. - ' " ' ' ' ' ' $1, too NEW 4-eeoa houss. lot 80x100, In goad. aubora of tns city; siov case, remaiBos ssoethly. Call 107 H $d etreet. . BRAND-NEW bouse, select selirhborhond. near car; prices sdvsnclng all around ; terms; pay ' rent to youreelf; see this. THB loNlINSNTAL CO, 248 Stark St. BOMB OP OUR BARGAINS. A fine snbarbsn modern house snd t lots, . $2.2.10; 41,000 essh, balance (no per month. . A Room cottasa at T re moat, $1,176; $460 essh, bslsncs $28 per month. I Lots st FlrlsnJ, $600; $200 cash, bslsaca $0 per mnoih. . la Lets st Oak Grove. $300 saebt half cash. A Boom bowse. North I rr Ingtoa, $1,400; $4.10 , -- earefieev- v w- per nweiiii, ganpiB, isinsuc er 1, 411 Marqaam bhlg. $1,8004 ACRES, mostly cleared, with send 4- - room pwnas, Hn, cusraea-aouasi u ysang fruit trees, situated en good road and near car tins. Resists. A Ce., 107Vk Sd street. EXTRA BARGAIN FOR SHORT TIME. 21 seres beaverdam, 18 in cultivation; John. - see creek - runs through It: extra soil, ae graeel; on tine road, oas mils from Leara; worth $500 per sere for gardeolag; price sely ' -. $260 sa sers, ... . O. B. ADDITON. Lenta, Or. Take Mt. Scott ear, 8a. B-ACRB tract, most st it la a ales stste ef cultivation, ao gravel, out ins very neat eg gaedea soil, oa good graded road, 20 minutes' ride.-to center ef city I lost the pises lor a alee hams; tardea tract and later to plst into Iota BTETNMBTB A CO., IBS Morrlsoa St. BY OWNER A 8-reess well-built established BossB. uu ai auaaeu, er caw veiay SU t8,2M BUYS A room house assr stoat bridge. Vail 10a Bens w, waaia, . $1,400 6-ROOM house snd foil 1st ta City View Park. Beglster A Os.i 10TV4 td St. BBST BUY IN OBBOON $-scrs tracts ea Oregoa City ear nasi tse soil, good wster, easy terms, w. aTxaidlaw, $17 Commercial bldg.. Sd and Washington ata. Phons Mala 8120. It LOTS, with a 7-room asw pUetered house SOU ewia. irw w ia mmmw aM,,.. for ssls very cues. Beglstes Ce., lwthj Id sosst TURNER A WALKhTB. Best aartste. Farms and took Baaohss. Exchangee. ' 408 H Washington st. ' DO yoa knsw ef anyone offering aoreage seat Lents lor leee uen seuv to souu per sorer No, 1 don't think you ao, Psttoa a Ihapsoa caa pat yoa asxt to a svg-scrs tract tor $600, 1-1 cash 1 8iA Bsrss at $700, 1-t sashl 4 1-8 seres, $1,000, 1-4 eesh; 41 seres st ' $8,600, fins strawberry land, moetrr cleared snd jet to berries I tortus to salt, 802 Lass. bar Exchange niog. K4 FARMS, small tracts snd arts: bargain, sa o. W. r. eiectne line. u. a. aoaiusa, beais, Oregoa. take Mount Bcott car, be. -t- $1JK0 4 NEW 4-roem eottages; sbodemt berh as. 61.860 Beer Albins shops, SOS 4th. at. set. ran. aYia. er aaam seen $1,600 NEARLY new 6-roota heeae, gsn good location; easy tsrms, $1.800 Tery sasv terms for good 4-N - eottsgs, walking dlefence, good hicatieB. , K FtlOUS 231M Morrlsoa St. - BBAUTIFBL lots la Alberta at a bargain t lots cleared off ana streets grsoeu sna ersealadl see us. C. L. PABRISR A CO.. 42S Lam bee Exchange. roaa Mala MONTAVILLA BARGAINS. t-remn eotugs snd lot, $1.1801 S-rerra ; OMtage, corner lot, tl.tnO; T nest, $1.404i roome, ga.i: small eesn payment or .scans t. ntana. tram or what bars roar Balance inns IIU1W, y.iui-Hi ,v -' . , - W. J. Burden. Pbone Es 4184. -1 .... .A - - 19 RiML t HATB a fine east elds residence lot, 10 mine ate.' walk from Btuuslde bridge, with build ing, for someone on Installments; 81,000 Mown. Kroner, Cambridge bldg., room 1A $1,8008 AC RES, good soil, nesr Lenta, with smell honse and nthrr Improvements, on good ' mad. nesr car llnei easy tee" Baetstet Co., 10714 84 street. :.A -.jv.