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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
,Tiia QRcbory daily jouuai; pctlaiip. Tuesday evenino. November is, ; izzx r ' 1 ic;7nic;: . tobiokts xtnntxurta. - HIH ...."T1 Ufm a& ta Mew' as.r ...... ix.tTwtitjr-ror boura" laiolre..,,, ..."A Told la tit Hills" L 7 r I. , . . ititMt.im4.u.. . "Tor ty--N la" ' ......... "A bus at Ujrtnr" Or.nd Vaadstllle ; fttuiM , Vuumui It was said thla morning that th Red Front's sale of the big stock of clothing bought last week from th . maaufeo turers and wholesalers, Messrs. Nathan Werthelmer. at f 20 Broadway and 114 Croaby street, eVew York Cltr. would be ,'gln next Saturday, but Inquiry at lb atora left th data uncertain. We can. not tell exactly," tha manager replied to tba Inquiry, "but expect that Saturday will ba tha data. .However, th time will be duly announced In tha new. : papers. But tt muat be understood that tha aaortflcea In values refer only to tha Nathan at Warthalmar stock of cloth ing, and not to our own gooda, which wa 'always have aold at tha very lowaat figures. Nor does tt refer to furnishing gooda, hats, caps, shoes, eta, which wa are renowned for selling at smallest prices, but this N. W. clothing will ba aold at such bargains as never were be fore known In tola region. This wo guarantee. Tba stock la the whole , production of th big factory and that of tha wholesale atora and oonsists of all gradea of men's and boys' garments. It will be tha graateat sal of tha kind ver held in this elty. . . , . . Tha Northern Paclflo , Railway com. pany announces special azcuralon rat from Portland to Kansas City and re turn account Trana-MUalsalppl Com mercial - congress to be held at Kansas - City, - November 10 to J J, Inclusive, Tlcketa will ba on aal November 14 'snd ' IS. with going limit of 10 days from data of rale and with final return limit oflft days from date of sale. The rat will be 110 for tha round .trip, returning via direct Unas. If tha tu nnnra of . passengers wish to return throuch Call fornla tha rata will ba $71.(0 for th round trip. Ticket will permit of atop over within limit both going and re turning. ,? i:.fy y,..j, ... v; , . J. It. Bmlth, manager of Beach ' A Bowers' minstrels, was sued In tha state circuit court yeatarday .afternoon by B, B. Ttppel and Emit Kliment, ao tors, for several months' back salary. Tippet and Kliment allec that on July : It, at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, they an- terad into a contract with Smith where by they war to receive 1(0 a weak each for performing with th minstrel troupe. Th state that they left, th u show .November - because . their sala ries had not been paid. In th circuit -court- yesterday - after- noon Judge Cleland Imposed a fin of on Airs. Mem Washington (col ored) who-was found guilty some time ago of assault by shooting her husband, George Washington. Her defense was that ah shot to defend herself from tlJIP kti.hanif . .. i- ii have beaten her. Her attorneys gave notice of an Intention to appeal to tha auprem court. ,v- Invitations have been issued by th Portland Meat Dealers' association tor a smoker to ba held at Eagle hall. Sec ond and Yamhill streets, tonight All retail dealers In Portland as well aa tha presidents and secretaries of all labor -unions in tha elty have been Invited to attend. Th affair promlaea to bo on of the most successful ever given -by the organisation, James Mallet of Bell wood, has charge of th arrangements. 11 1 , Th civil service commission has an nouncea tne louowmg examinations to b held In Portland: Laboratory aaalst fcnt (qualified in optica), with a salary of 11.000 a year, November 10; arbori culturist in dry Isnd agriculture (male), salary $2,000 a year, December I; plat prlntery bureau of engraving, December S. Full information can be obtained concerning th examinations from Z. A. Leigh at th postofflc. , Th regular Republican organisation laid plans last .night for tha formation of a social branch. Members expressed themselves In .favor of fitting up club rooms; some even declaring for th erection of a club building. Details of th nUn -a k. . i. ;h agreed upon at a meeting to be held next Monday. , '; . '-.t .A ,, , .-, Plant Bulbs Now Nothing w411 Im prove th appearance of your yard and horn so much as a nice bed of flower ing bulba They ar so effective. Our Importation of French, Holland, Chi nese snd Japanea bulba la In. New catalog tells all. Call or phone Main 471, .Portland Seed Co., Front and Tam hUl, atreets. : ... .... , A. H. Frellnger was declared guilty of stealing a typewriter by a Jury In Judg Oantenbeln'a department of th circuit court yesterday afternoon... Fre- iiiBr mmm mwummu ok renung macmnee from th Smith - Premier agency and pawning them. Deputy District Attor ney H. B. Adams appeared for th atat. Will a. Steel gave an Interesting lec ture last night in Orac Methodist church. His subject was "In th Land of Max ma." The lecture was Illustrated with numerous beautiful aceulo vlewa A warrant ' waa Issued yesterday for the arrest of Abdoma Allah on a Twas set so vary leag age that Larry waa . -aeagaa- la eelUoc bus for sailors, till the atat be. eaiae eareed. sad br fesuutire satis lead the people eaaatae Whoet" . Toa've raa a raoa aUraealoas, bat S farther saau imam get . It waa bat s meat lata tea tax Larry . tott tb wa -Uka uw sua b takes Parsaa, aaylag '1 was all rua dowa"i Bat bar he nana baa koa agahv a bieatad aauiiooaira, - - aad aaople kasal Before b. ra, they tt ea ta eoaarel - tws yestareay the paaars salii "Ba eagbt a U JaL , , Ibsay tt' "larrr'A waaoarfall Why, aaaa. ta a wkilal 7 "Be'a avaay klad f vasuikla that Wfeaa autaciM4 . ttrll toll fee, waul atUUea he worta.". 44 aa It got forever, aad forever It wilt so A taUaw'a worth ta aieaaan a acaoroiog aa hi "duufb"; , ... tot tba Cnioa Laosdrr'a silgkty glad it Uvea ta bamas h tarts, For the aoiy aad tulf raasoa that It "Joy . -ti r-ttrrlxi rcttrr3. Cdh Ycrra nii Dcl'ritcr Now ca Sila Enrclicry Vcrlx. SUrrrir-t to Ordr Was aver A marts. Tat Ifala eM. scsad aad Columbia. charge of an assault with a deadly weapon. Also Gallia, tb eomblalnant. alleged that Allah struck bim on th bead with a scaling; hammer. Both men ar members of Lh crew of th eteamer Asteo and th row occurred la tha hold of th ship. ; .1 ' ' , . . An Information charging Andy Oataka witn sailing tobaeoo to I t-y ear-old Ray mond Comer was filed In th - iroult court yeaterdar afternoon br Deoutv District Attorney B. B. Hansy. ' Oataka Is aoousd of selling two cigar and quantity .of smoking tobaeoo to th hoy on octobar XI. f. Overcoata It la not too early to order your overcoat., with th rainy season already her yon will soon need an overcoat. The best place to order an overcoat or suit is at Armstrong's, IZt ... Washington street, corner sixth, Jo Wendelbergor of First and Mar ket streets haa Informed the police that a sneak thief entered hi room Bun- day and stole 1120. He I unable to furnish any , clew . that would lead to th apprenhenslon of tb thief, 10,000 Roses. Our first stocks " of choice rose bushe are ,; In. We ar ready to fill early fall - order, The earlier yeu plant th more bloom you get next summer. Portland Seed. Co, Front gnd Yamhill streets. , , - George I,' Baker, manager of. th Baker and Empire theaters, announces that boy under II will hereafter be re fused admission at night performances unleas accompanied by parents or guar dian - ' . - ( Three attorneys -war- admitted yes terday to practio before the United States courts. They were A. M. can non of Salem, J. B. Hosford and Charles V. Galloway of McMlnnvlUa, Friends of B. F. Willis, formerly a resident of Portland and -well known In the city, nave received word from him in Spokane that his 7-year-old son Is at th point of death,- : : " I". , Portland Elks will hold their monthly stag social Thursday night In their club- room at Seventh and Stark streets. An Interesting program Is promised. Yowr Syes Examined Free. We are still selling eyeglasses at 11.00. . A per fect fit guaranteed, v M eta gar Co. jeweler and opticians, ill Sixth street Steamer Jessie ' Harfetns for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday, Leaves Washington atreat cock ma , :. -, . - ,. ... Dr.' O. M. Wells has returned from the eaat and will be found at bis office a naval. Residence phone Eaat Silt.' Woman' Exchange, 111 Tenth street lunch 11:10 to I; business men' lunch, Acme OH Co, sells the best safety ooal U and fin gasoline. Phono Eaat ft. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go t Morfi rastaurant. - Dr.' XL C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marqnam. Carl Jones tot reading. 4th and Wash. '. t Carvers f: Fifty kindg and sixes finest mad. . .- - Plated Ware Ektsnt desigTis everything for th tabl in aamt pattern. Tabic Cutlery Pearl, horn, ivory and celluloid - handles. , - - - , , Manicure Goodsu In seta, cases or in single pieces. Shears and Scissors 150 stylei and sixes unlimited ly guaranteed. Uand-F.Inde Razors Money back if unsatisfactory. Pocket Cutlery Finest and largest line in north west motto, Quality," BASSETT & PREER 343 WASHINGTON ST. Seen in Portland Stores By A. S. Monroe. Crcccry -zzlzl--20 Liz. Dry Crgnttdl s-tr g 1 .CO Mdsr Q Frttit Ftn:oci riocha t J Java CclT 24c Lb, " - ' ' " w 1 : . . M 1 ' - i , . . W ean't aU visit th shah of Persia, or peep Into his rug-filled palac and spy th wonder of the age In rug making but a taste of ice cream tells us the flavor of the ereara as surely aa to eat the entire dish and a visit to the establishment of Attyeb Brothers, deal- era in oriental rugs, furnishes a good bit more than the mere taste; for here, right In Portland, carefully laid away In thla store and carried to a secret vault very night, there I a wonderful Per alan rug, th mat to on In the ahah'a palace, these two being the only one of thl pattern In existence. ,The piio of this rug is $11,000, and the owner are not anxious to part with It, for rare oriental rugs. Ilka Portland real aatat. advance In value with every added year. A signified Interest In rare old rugs, however, will warm np the heart of Mr. Atiyeh. and he will unfold thla 10-year-old fabric of a llfe'a weaving and tell the story Of Its production, the meaning of the peculalr and' beautiful patterna. and how - that- vlney. pale opalescent strip running around the quaint squarea la really Persian poetry, easily readable to one of th Initiated. He will call one's attention to the charming changeableness. of Ita colors and make one realise that here. Indeed, Is a Jewel from the orient, ready for re setting In aome occidental . home of wealth, but until that day acceastbl to th view, happily, to all whoa Ustes ran In this direction, - Front-rug to waist with equal i tacy I Just Ilk a - woman man would aey nd why nott Th eyea lately dreamy 'and miat covered from oriental ruminations are now excitedly dancing with pleasure from gaslng.on "those perfectly lovely Dresden waists." I noticed the excitement about tb win dow where women were grouped and joined the throng. And I could, not belme them - or- think the transition st rant.. It waa tb store of the Bar tholomew company, and th showing of dainty colored silk waists la delicate Dresden patterns wss truly a work of art. This is a new firm In Portland, carrying salts and cloaks of exclusive designs, but for th tlm being It was th Dresden waist house, and nothing mora, in th eyes of th woman who thronged about It door."-', r- Thanksgiving and eutleryt Carving sets fit for the king of birds! That's tha euggestlon conveyed by a visit to Bassett P rear-a. And the time will soon come 'around for th aatumn daya go quickly and on festival prepares for another that anarka the waning of the year. A wind one a temptation; th ooenfoti t the School and Colle; Pnoant Bt DlqJay In tha City ..Tbh-1 Floor Wa Ar Sola Portland Agnt for "La Pecanr CoraeU Second Floor ThoIV2ei3pG Frank Store Draivn-Work Table Pieces--$2.ftQt6 $3.50 Values for $1.38 Ea. Another great special offering of Japanese HsnoVDrswnwork Table Pieces; splendid , assortment of patterns, in centers, squares and scarfs; 30x30-inch, 18x45-inch snd 18x54-inch; values ranging from $2.00 to $3.50 each; your jthoice. st C 1 IA this extraordinarily low price. . V Special lot of Stamped and Tinted ttllow Tops, to be embroidered;-handsome floral and conventional designs, valuea LQ-aa up to 65c, on sale at this low pne,.f7l Special lot of French and Eyelet Stamped Corset Covers, to be embroidered; AQo -great values at this low price...... ,NfV French and Eyelet Stamped Chemise, same to be embroidered; beautiful C 1 1 Q .' pieces; special vslue, esch.... V EmbroWeryorOon your orders i& Christmas early as possible. Second Floor. 11 wvVniamttw Sawing Mchlns..$IS to 13 -Tea Yrs' Cuaraat) Custom Shad and Papery Work Owr Specialty-. Very Lowest friosa Meier Q Frank Store i Sheph erd Plaid 4-in-Hando 50c Vals atc Eacli For 8 daya a sale extraordinary of 400 doien Men't Checked Silk Four-m-Hand TicsFine quality 2y inchea wido and made French told Black and white, blue and white and broken plaids in great assortment Styl ish, handsome neckwear that haa always found ready sale ' at 60c each We've aold' them by the thousands at 60c each ; other stores have done likewise An advantageous transaction with a large eastern manufacturer en ables us to offer them at one half their regular value 25 c iii I ii 11 iii i ci i i ; ' See Morrison Street Window Display. " -We are sole Portland sMatsjQfilhef elebrated Jsmie Linen WeshUnderwear-s-Shirts, DrawersUnionSuits Night- Shirts, Paja mas, etc Every garment guaranteed. Let us show you Kami.- 1500 Smyrna Rugs at $110 Each A great Thanksgiving offering of 1,800 - Smyrna Ruga, fringed.- good showy patterns in large variety, sis 0x0 inches; tb grandest rug yon ever ' bought for th money, . t If) ach .,BeaV 760 Smyrna Ruga, In handsome designs - - and colorlnrs, slse Ix71 Inches; maiw , velous value, on sale at this remark- ablj low prJoo-jrour ehojo . l.Jfl 500 Pairs of Lace Ciirtains $2,65 Pr Sal extraordinary of S00 pair of whit and ecru Lace Curtains, It pattern. In Clunys, antiques and Irish points, 4S inches wide. 1 and t yards long., handsome designs, large assortment; regular U.7I and 14.00 value, on sal . for a fw day only at this wondarfuUy low prlosecj . u per pair... 1,000 yarda of Oriental Strip Tapestry. suitable for draperlea, couch cover. pillow tops, etc.; 60 lnehea wide, hand- aome design and colorings; reg, Qe 40o valuo, at, par yard.. Z. Custom Shad and Drapery Work our specialty Third Floor. T Next Satortiay "Poll Shov, The Meier ft Frank Store's Great Annual "Doll ShoV takes place next Saturday, November 17th An event of the great est importance to all the little girls in town As usual, grand prizes. will be awarded the winners in the different classes A special prize, will be awarded, every exhibitor Last year over 300 dolls were entered in the contest We would like tn ace BOO this vear All entries must be in the Tov Deoart ment. Third Floor, before 8 p. m. Friday and allowed to f effiairnuntimhe iollowlngMonday Theprize listrf ollows ; First Prise, Best-Dressed Doll Musical .Mechanical Doll, value S35.00. ' Second Prise, Best-Dressed Doll Doll's Fitted Dresser, value $15.00. Third Prise,-Best-Dressed Doll Handsome Qrgan, value $7.00. Smallest snd Best-Dressed Doll First Prize, Wsshstsnd, value $6.00, Smallest and Best-Dressed Doll Second Prize, Toy Refrigerator, val. $5. First Prize, Lsrgest snd Best-Dressed Doll Camera, value $8.00. Second Prize, Largest and Best-Dressed Doll White Enameled Desk, $6. Most Original Dressed Doll First Prize. Doll's Trousseau, value $6.50. , Most Onginal Dressed Doll Second Prize, Manicure Set, value $S.O0i Special Prize for the Most Comical Dressed Doll Work Box, val. $5.00. 't ' - EASTMAN KOIUKS MOM ZJCaJk 0SEG0N PEOTO STOCK CO. m sxxTaT r . sanr. wasx- . XSTwTOat ABTS ST. SOtrTBSTXB TOUVOAMDM. Hold Fast Mounting Don't WIQOLE or COMB OTT. Try them ono and you will . wear .. no other. . - . . ' - . Portland Optical Co. ' Refracting and Manufacturing Op ticians. ' r 1 . OCULIST prescriptions filled while you wait ' 3. 9. OtrSAOK. oirotcjiTmrs. sto Azaxm. raoa rui itis. poof vrrotch who toast carver In wield ing a knife with an edge to it quite take away th sting of paying th hill Th cutlery man certainly ha an ad vantage. . . I was alttlng In Jack Coffman'a eosy orsng-hud confectionery parlor sip ping a cup of his delicious chocolate when an exclamation broke - upon the dreamy quiet: "Oh. do look at thoa ex qulait whit suit across th street r I, too, looked, and - It - was Indeed a vision that could be mad no fairer save by the addition of the woman whom auch aulta would just -set orr. It waa th window of th H. B. Lttt suit houae. and the window dreaser had Juat placed two complete outfits In pur whit within It green velvet depths. . Tb gowns were of white broadcloth, deml-etreet style, with long fluffy boa and large fluffy muffs of ostrich feathers, all of the purest of whit. Th effect waa etartlingly beau tiful and brought to mind the fact that all the fashion Journal have been tell ing u that whit 1 t be the thing thla winter, even a It haa been th leading color, or lack of color, all th summer, but X am sure none of ua had realised Ita mate hels a beauty and effectiveness until the H. B. L4tt company plaoed thea charming toilette in taelr win dow. MURDERER HOSE TO BE ' T SENTENCED TOMORROW Henrv Hose, convicted of th murder A window-full of carving sets. ahfbf Madg Doyle, will be sentenced by Judg Uanteobala la to eiroult court TUZSOAT ATTVOOaT. A Uniform Price to Everybody Leads to Fortune Ask A.anamaker, Siegle-Cooper, Marshall Field, and Other Famous Merchants if this isn't so But Price Jobbing and Trick Advertising Leads to Disaster Ask Short-sfghted Merchants Anywhere '. if this isn't so. ' - . , ' ' . ' ' A Beautiful Cable-Nelson for $260 Spot Cash, Sells Wherever It Is Known for S400. This Price Is Good 'Til Thursday Night Only. v A prominent gsntleman, Mr. James ft. Androsa, well known tsp. Detroit, LL : - M,enlt;an uw. our placard. "Cable-Neleoa piano IIS0 oash," on on of thaae Cable-Nelaon planoa, he eame Into the atora to see If the piano could poaslbly be a new one he said he knew th Cable-Nelaon piano Intimately and h raver knew of It being sold even In It horn town for leas than four hun-.'- : dred dollars. . ' - " ," Thla statement of Mr. Andreas confirms what w hv told you regarding th lownaas of price of a first-class piano. '. ' There Is absolutely no profit in this deal, and wer It not that w ar , carrying out th order of our eastern office and th Cable-Nelaon peopl ' themselves, ere could not think of putting this price on th piano for a minute. We agree with the CABLE-NELSON people, a couple of dozen of these beautiful , Instruments placed in Portland homes will be of wonderful value to .the CABLE NELSON people as soon as the pianos are a little better known; nor should the price we are making in any way prejudice thei piano as not being first class, for the Cable- Kelson-piano ii strictly r among the top-notchers of America. ; . . ' ' , t , v - r ' ,' ..... '- 1 ' - . Even if the weather be stormy we want you to see the CABLE-NELSON we would like for ypu to see it tonightwe would like for you to. try it put it in your home and if you say the p&no isn't the best value you ever saw for $260. send it back. , - . . ' -.- . .v . .- ,. , -: . .. - ;. : 0260 "CASH" Is the price (the piano is in every sense of the word a foiir hundred-dollar instrument). If. you want sixty days to get your cash together this will .;- be Mtisfactory.-T r'1-,-- '. . , . ' ' - . - r -h REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. -FROM MAKER TO PLAYER Sixth and Durnslde Streets .Da'cr.ov;:: grraad amd Cawtiera Ar:: Trve-atory roae r-tr riaa Apana- i -- -nu. 4 kJ A model home for permanent gu"! Jheerful fireplaoee In every auMe. Fin eat table and elegant aocomnitxla tlona, Lowest rate for th splendid orvlce, Eleotrio elevator service day and night. Gas and alertrlo Iwihta throughout th building. Office, kirge parlor and din-Ins-room on ground tloort Steam haat. telephone ana not and cold water l every . room. Six car - llnea pass th door and 10 mmutee' walk to bualnea center. . Tor rooms an teservatloa apply s premlaas, o ring np Tel. BasS. SOU , m 7 mw- SATS TOVS NQSfBT And wear the gooda while paying for them. A watch or diamond Investment I sensible one, b canae you can turn A DIAMOND INTO MONr any old time, ; $20 at 50c week , )S0 it 1.00 a week . 100 at 1 a week, ad wm- Metzger & Co. ewlr aartrptlehtaa,- . Ul STXTal ST. ' . afow ts h ttnt bay yw . - Ohrirsmaa ysaaeaSa, . 4 . Tear ye Sttad far araflaaaae It- (3 h " htttt f i AjcoanRxsorra. 14th as TL. U.lll Tk.... WeealBstot IIIC liCIIIC I llCdll C HmfU TWO PBKFOaMANCKa TODAT Slattaa - TaSar, S li. "XBK LION aVO hmat Vimtm THt MOUSE." The Oraataat Dramatlo Hit Is Vaia. tjowr fknr, tint 10 rowa. $2. la.t ram, 11.60, Balceaj, first rowa, II. 10; aaxt t rows. Hi last S rowa. Toe, ant Ira saUary (no reMrra), 80s. - Boxes, SIO. Saata selling at rh.atra . for easasament. JStiZL HeUiThettr sSTt Wedneailar a TkarMlay Klfhta, Nov. 14. IS. Lettle Blabr Farkar'a BaaatlnU Oraata, 'Under Southern Skits' A Big Bit at the Ksre.aaai last Tea. f SICKS Xotlre Imw tloor,,l balaoay, aad VK, gaiiCTT, aoa ana so. Seats eeUlng at theatre Co( easateaMat, TS D.V. Theatre . Pbooe at.U lOT. uanil I iivau fc oreto Tbaatra oav. Lease ' , KoaM ef the Baker Btsok Cmpamy, , TONIGHT ALL TUlSjVKSa, . -.v.. v The Bcrvatnios rarr. uoaaea, "LOSTIS HOWBS." A three-act bunt ( btatotar. sfarlnae Saf ; awAa. Btbt aa wee aitrada Isalaat sets eaa ce a haadaooe piano. But WMk '"Ike USdleaaaa.1' . FREE! Moving Pictures! A Slluttoa Takaa fot a Thief. BUppeaUag ta a Stoeetea. Bt a sraaxe Was ataaa. . . ... ' . tr VaclaVa Teetamaat. HARRf bHLf AM, Business Boomer, General Advertiser phone Main lsil. Sd at Morrison. 1:10 to 1:10 Every Evening. EMPIRE THEATRE KatJnMe Weeuedar aaa Sararitar, Bvaty Klgkl This Waek- i firaat Waatara flar, "AS TOLD IN TDE BILLS" Baa-alar Kaiplre Prlcae Win Prevail. Vest Attraettaa "fxa'l BU Bay.1 tomorrow morning. Hos was aoeused of murder In th first degree, and the Jury found him guilty as charged. Tho law of Oregon prescribe only one pun ishment for murder la ta Brat degree. It la death by hanging. ,Thla will be th flrat death eentence passed by Judge Oaatenbela. Hoae was takaa Into the courtroom this morning by 8herifIStev n. While he stood. Judg Qantenbela aid te him : - "Tou have been eonvkted by a Jury of your fellow-eltlaena of th crime of murder In tb first-degree. The tlm lot alias a saoUoa for a aow trial has elapaed, and no auch motion ha been made. Tha court now gives notlo that It will pasa sentence at 1:10 o'clock to morrow morning In this courtroom, TOUCHES LIVE WIRE AND' IS SERIOUSLY INJURED Whll an gaged la repairing aota elec tric light connections on th ' Alder street dork last evening. Guy Black wood, a fireman on the eteamer ! Ilea City, wa seriously Injured by corclrg in contact with a live wire. He was knocked from th dork to th deek of the eteamer. . . Upon lha arrival of tha patrol wagon th injured man became delirious nd H required th ervios of several men to eubdu him. He wss removed to the Good Samaritan hoabltal and although his condition la serious he ts expected to recover. Caracas, Nov. II Castro's tUneeS Is critical, and he 1s likely to 41 at any tlm. There la fighting In tha yrov Incea, and his death wUl precipitate a crisis, , The Grand Barry aad Jaaaaaaw , I Week ef .. Is. m' Kerry Bioharda IWarlok Vahaa. Oewsaay la . BUseld Baft, ; If AJTD 000" , SraalLaeae. UYRIC THEATRE WIEX BEODTalBO VOTHUZS 18. , "Porty-Nine" A KOuf KCB Of THI SIBBBAS lit hVa AfiTS. Waw-k f Nov. II, WBTSTS OF BBgWL Week of Nov. II, HOST Of JMM tOXiJ THE STAR Week ef MevemVer IS. Ption Mala SeM. tHm AUJSN SrOOK COairAhX .. . . Prases t , . "A Man of Myittry" Bfatiaea Tuesdays, ThatwtaTS, Batardars ai4 Sandaja at S:SO p. m. : arimMetoa 10 a "4 A eaota. Iw? mala Keae Id, W ad SO ay ui ,S f . ; 1 s 1