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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING," NOVEMBER 15, IliMtSllf J8 H .. V " ' "T. --- - - SHORT CROP; What Production of th Pajout .CotintryBetterJTb an. JEC v , ptcted Earlier. . . ; ICcnCureCcnssr At atoms Wltho.1 reia, riastet.o Ope- nnot u4 X Tell To Blow, X. 8TATE YIELD SHORTER THAN A YEAR AGO Potato Crop Is; Good , and Present Price Are Satisfactory -to Growers ; -Heavy Yielda or Oats Reported . Some Run Very High. . (SdmisI DhNtek to he JovmiL) . Garfield. ,'Wuli, , Nov. Is. The lg - whitt- harvest threughoat the Palouse country is over. The train baa been - housed and the machinery that assisted In the work baa been put under eorar -for the-winter season. - From all over . Whitman county, Washington, and Latah county, Idaho,, come reporta of yielda of wheat far beyond the predlo- ' tions in the earlier part of the season. In Adams, Franklin, Lincoln, Douglas and walla walla count.Ua. which la known aa the dryer region of eaatera Waahlnston, the yield of wheat Scarcely more than half a crop. In the vicinity of Garfield, Pullman, Palouse, Rosalia and Colfax the fall-aown wheat easily averaged IS bushels ' per acre. many, flelda in these localltiea averag . Inf 60 bushels, while the sprint wheat snada-from 10. ta.tS, bushels aa acre. The. ehortate Is at . least 19, 000.00 -bushels for the state, which la due to the dry hot weather .that prevailed dur- Int July and August. - The oat crop also out short, owlnt to the Intense beat andttrouth of the summer months. Early sown oata were ' of poor quality, but the lata sown were of a better quality and In several In stance neias yieiaea iwa pusneia 10 me acre- and "better. Messrs. Puling . Blahop of Oarfleld harvested 109 aoree of oata from which they threshed nearly 10,000 bushels, and from one balf acre - of land they threshed 10 buahela of splendid oata. Many of tha bit wheat farmers de clare that tha grange, aa Influential - body of farmers in tha Palous country, voted to boycott the O. R. A N. Co. be cause of tta refusal to grant Joint rates on train. Tha potato crop througheut-ths P-4 - louse country Is now . being aug ana tralnloads are being ablppad out to all parts of tha country by tha farmers - and local merchants. Tha fannera are receiving from It to 10 eenta par hun dred pounds for their potatoes and at - thees prioea are melting money. J. W. I Howard of Oarfleld, who baa Just sold Ms crop from 10 acres of land. Said: I bava cleared this season from my potatoes II an acre after paylnf all expenses, and I sold the potatoea for 0 eenta a hundred pounda. On tha same piece of ground last year I cleared 11,000 above expenses raising oata, and 'I sold the oata at IT cents a hundred pounda Tha fruit crop la tha Palouae Is a poor one thla season, owing te - lata ' treat' laat spring. Tha apple crop and the Italian prunes '.' are now being eared for and aeverel carloads will be shipped from this vt flnlty ;hls Season. The 'Allen Fruit Dryer company, Ave miles west of Gar- - field.' aaid to b tire 4ajgost dryer In tha . world, la now- running - night and day and hundreds of tons of Italian prunes are . being dried for tha New Tork . and . , Pittsburg . markets, . This . dryer was built bare about six years ago by Mr. Allen of Portland, who Is Interested In fruit dryers all over the northwest. When It la running to its full capacity It gives employment to an army of men and boys. Tha dryer company paya the farmers It a ton for tha prunes as they come rronr the orchard. Borne of the largest prune "orchards In the northwest are located In this district I II I Save rtovea Casoe Oaa Be Coral at Home BTo re4a, sTo. Plaster, BT STnlfs, Dr. Wells. I havediscovered a new and seeming. ly unfailing remedy for the deadly can cer. I have made aome moat astonish ing cures. . I believe every person with cancer should know of -this marvelous medicine and its wonderful cures, and I will be glad to give full Information free to all . who write me and tell me about their case. Peter Keagan, Oalesburg, ill.', had can cer of the mouth and throat Doctor aald "no hope."- Mr. Keagan wrote:, "It Is only a question of a short time Tinukt die." Today his cancer la healed up and he la well. , My marveloua rmdta tlsed fluid did it. It haa other Just such cures to Its credit. It Is saving Deonle every day and restoring them to health ana strength. - it you ' have - eenoer, write today and lemrn how others have been cured aulckly and safely .and at very small expense.. No matter what your condition may be, do not hesitate to write and tell mo about it. I will anawer your letter oromDtlv. a-ivlne- you, abaolutely free, full Information and proof of many remarkable cures. Address, Dr. Rupert Wells, 1(60 Radol Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ... . .. WEES NEW BILLS AT STOCK THEATRES , 7 The Lyric ". - . Torty-Nine.' Joaquin Miller's play of the Sierras, Is the bill this week at the Lyric theatre. Tbe popular stock company produces It In a suitable fash ion. Yesterday's crowds testified to the play's merits by generous applause. - Herbert 'Ashton -plays the -role -of "Forty-Nine."' the old miner, and In this character does a bit of clever work worthy of special mention. It may be said without exaggeration to be one of the beat characterlsatlona he baa ever given at the Lyric. He plays tbe role with fidelity and once more gives an Illustration or bis capability. Piles Seattle Oentlemen Cured With Lets ZX-lThin a Box by the Pyramid Pile Cure. Asyose Oaa, X sally Test XI aad Prove It, f or a Pre ample la I eat by ; scan te ao. .. .:. -. Seven out of ten readera of thla pa per are tortured with pllea or aome form of rectal disease. - You are, or . you would not be reading this article Thirty years ago doctors carried a lancet-In . their- veat pocket -end bled people for all sorts of diseases and bled them bard sometimes a quart at a time. It was the faahlon then. All that la changed nowadays and a doctor with a lancet would be "considered . a curiosity. ' .. Five years ago doctors "cut out" . Plies wherever they got the chance. All that haa been changed since the marveloua soothing, healing and oura tlve properties of Pyramid Pile Cure .have become known. i By every mall we get letters like " this: - - - - v . "Wishing to give credit where credit Is due, I feel it my duty to humanity as well aa yourselves to write you re garding your pile remedy. ,1 have not finished my first boa and am now well. .After the drat treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure,, the soreness left, and the swellings have kept decreasing. I also used your nils and am feeling like my self again. ' Thanking you kindly, I .am. yours truly,. 0 Crowley.. 171 Hh. ' Ave., Seattle, Wash. f -- If yoa want positive proof of the curative value of thla remedy 'send to the Pyramid Drug Company, (1 Pyra mid Building. Marshall, Mich. You will receive a free trlalpackage by return malL Try it,' then go straight to your druggist, get a lOct box and get well. Lily Branscombe- makes - another hit tha week ae Carrotte, the waif. It la a part that suits- her personality, and aha makes the most of It She Introduces a song that makes g6od7 Charlee Con nors Is good, aa usual. Lillian Grif fiths and Wards Howard are a little In the background, but they , do their work well and up te tha ' standard. Frank Fanning haa a lawyer-hero part that doesn't exactly, suit him. However he makea tha moat of it and In aeverai scenee acorea highly. ' "Forty-Nine" Is a good bill all around. Director 'Ashten baa staged it well. It will be tbe bill all week at the Lyric. with a matinee each day. ' : v , 'Tha Star. :' There Is another delightful ahow at tbe Star thla 'week, where tbe Allen stock company Is putting on A Man of Mystery. The play Is Interaatlng. There isn't as much dramatlo merit In It ae la aome that have been produced at tbe Star, but It holds an audience and rushes from climax te climax In- a manner calculated to please everyone. "A-Man of MiUrr".l n excellent bill. It te Staged appropriately. It la well acted. Henry McRae scores this week. He playa tha title role and makea good. He haa a aort of role that la difficult and he aoqulta himself well. Miss Verna Felton clays well thla week and B. Xorlng Kelley Is good aa the detective. The' other members of tbe cast do their bits acceptably well. "A Man of Myatery" la the aort of play that holds an audience spellbound. It will be the bill at the Star all week. with matinees Thursday; Saturday and next Sunday. . ' ATrTHE VAUDEVILLE THEATRES The, Grand.- Gymnaats are the headllnera at the Grand this week, and a trio ' of , good gymnasts It Is, In the persons of the Three Zoellera.- They are easily en- titled to need tna new Dili which opened yesterday. A great part of their work la . orlginat There ia grace to . their movements. , They do not make a bur lesque of -their work and tbe act is pleasing to a great degree. The other numbera ef the new pro gram are good. Harry Rlcharda and hla company give a lively skit "Dollars and eenta," which takes well. Barry and Johnson are pleaalng In a travesty turn. Billy Moore is the blackface man thle week, and glvea ua a few new onea. areld Hoff baa another success In "Can't You Bee I'm Loaely." Frederick Palmer doea a slelgbt-of-hand trick or two. The motion plctiyee fill out a creditable bill. ... ....y The Pantages. Tbe De Noys trio of dancers head the bill at Pantages this .week. They give something a little new and succeeded yesterday in brlnglnt down the house at every performance. The Randaila, expert marksmen, . depart a little from the conventional vaudeville shootlnt turn and score both on tbe stage and off. The De Noye dance aa well aa the Randaila ahoot and between - theaa two teams the glory of the program Is about evenly distributed. Tbe other acte fill out oredltably, but they don't add to the bill's value. ' The Mualoal Defrays are good-tn- their-Una;; Fealey Brother -do an aorobatlo stunt that Is above the ordinary. George Sherwood la the monologulat Leo White has a new song- and sings It with much success, and the blograph pictures complete a good bill.. Pantages is making rapid strides in publlo favor. The theatre haa been bothered some .of late because It le situated -en a, corner, cut off by piles of material for a new building, but those who make their way - to tbe theatre are . amply .. repaid for their trouble. - . GRAND JURY PROBING -UNION PACIFIC FRAUDS Salt Lake City, Nov. It. A. federal grand Jury was Impaneled hare yester day and today began Its sittings. Ru mor has It tnai presentments will be made of evidence gained by the Inter state commerce commission, during its recent investigation of Union' Psclfle coal holdings and developments In con nection with the government suit to re cover land acquired by the Utah Fuel company, but no official Information- la forthcoming. Even the names of the witnesses subpoenaed bare not been di vulged. " '- -- -', W. The "DUhnni Stort"- WE OLDS, VJ0RWmi & KING DAILY STORE BULLETIN f- ff'S r - ' I-.-., t . .i. - r . y PORTLMID'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE OPENS AT t A. IJ.ACKH0'lEDGtD FOREMOST RETAIL ESTAEUSHMEHT ON THE PACIFIC COAST ClOStS AT S P. U. The Store's Second Grand Sale and Exhibit Plumes and Feathers Opens Tomorrow in the of Magnificent tiluhnery Ostrich Salons ' Sale r ar sa. am aw -l say . u -n m m ' a ' ' A Lace That's Making History Is on at This Store THOUSANDS OF YARDS GO OUT UNDERPRICED Firat Floor. : : ' ' Again we're to have a winter of laces. . Paris says so. ' She haa made the dreaa goods in such ef fects that they demand laces and trimmings to fin ish their scheme. And her pet . laces that are to work out her desires are just those that go to make! up one of the most important sales of laces ever Jlanned for Portland women. The story: -RETIY- LACES The kind youneedf ortrim- ming wash dresses and underwear. They are the" famous Zion City Laces made in .America so no duty on them; consequently they are cheap here even at regular prices, but for . the sale this week the values are wondertul Our 6c and 7c values. Special at-thtyard. Our 8 and 9c values. Special at, the yard Ourx10c value. Special at, the yard Our 15c value. Special at, the yard Special at, the yard 4L 94 4 Our 20c value, Our 25c value. Special at,. the yard..' ,...16e Our 30c value. Special at, the yard. ....... ... .19 PERSIAN 'BANDS, OALOONS AND APPLI- ?UES WORTH TO $1.00 FOR 25c Beautiful ersian Bands, Galoons and Appliques, yi inch to lyi inches in width: suitable for trimming waists, coats, etc.; all desirable colors in the selection; reg ular values to $1.00. ' Special Sale Price, yard.. 35 Lace Bands and Galoons 48c Very pretty Lace Bands snd Galoons, in cream and white; our $1.00 and $1.25 values7 Speciar Sale- Price,, the yard .-r8e Handsome Black Chantilly Laces, Galoona, Edges and BandsIn beautiful designs; all specially priced for this sale . .... . " Our 35c value. Special at, the yard... 18 Our 50c value. - Special at, the yard...,.....,,. 25 Our $1 value. Special at, the yard ... , '. . . . , , ...48 Lace Net Bands 9c White and cream Lace Net Bands, in narrow and medium widths; our 15c, 18c, 20c and 25c values. Special Sale Price, yard... .8 Venise Lace Galoons 9c White and cream Venise Lace Galoons, in very painty patterns; our 15c to 25c values. Special Sale Price, the yard. ....... . Venise Lace Bands and Galoona 19c White and cream Venise Lace Hands and oaloons, some in net top; our 35c and 40c values. Special Sale Price, the y srd ."... ... . . . '. . , . .-.. , . , ,i 18 Lace Bands and Galoona 38c A lot of Lace Bands and Galoons, in white and cream; in desirable widths; our 50c, 75c and 85c values. Special Sale Price," the yard .t. . , -r -,, ,-, r,-., ,-,38 ANNEX-SECOND FLOOR FOURTH $W,000 of Elegant Plumes n at a Sveeoina Reduction Jrl ekav ( . ' An Educational Exposition From South Africa In Portland's V , Greatest Store Worth Coming Miles to View An Exposition A SaleA Marvelous Exhibition Come and bring the children. - The ' aale opens tomor row morning in the Bijou"- Millinery Salons, and contin ues thru the week. Many, will remem ber the former ex hibit given at thia store last July. It sttracted and held the attention of thoussnds . for. days.- 1 the city, an endless source of. wonderment for people-of all ages. And now we have arranged for the Teturn of 'the attraction to be exhibited in connection with our Second Great Semi-Annual Sale of Beautiful Ostrich Plumes. A stock of $10,000 worth to se lect from, and all at a uniform reduction from the lowest regular prices ever offered by any Portland house of one quarter.. Every plume is fresh snd new, bought from the world's . foremost manufacturers especially for this sale. Every manufacturer' of plumes of consequence has advanced prices from 20 to 35 per cent, snd yet in the face of this fact we make tomorrow's offering. piumes were never before so fashionable as now;, every woman wants to own at least one. At this week's prices the opportunity of fers which enables most women to buy snd own several. We could easily sell every plume at the regular prices which prevail today a third more than was ssked a few months ago. We do not expect to ever be able to get such beauties sgain at anything like these prices. - But this sale will be the greatest advertisement for our Millinery Section we could possibly obtain. IThe other benefits are all yours. Don't miss the novel and unique exhibit in one of the large show-windows of the store. See the evo-1 lution of the feather from the plucking off the ostrich, in the raw state to the finished producttheT exquisite nd magnificent- plume. Note the special prices which will rule during the sale: . lGRANDEXHIBITJND $2.00 12-inch Plumes $1.45 French curl, hard flue; not woolly or amaxon, but soft; natural cur); good, big plumes with French heads; reg. $2.00 values at 8 1.45 $2.50 13-inch Plumes $1.98 Fine - wide - plumesr-with big, fluffy , Erencbheads regular $i.3(J values tor $3.00 14-Inch Plumes $2.49 Simply beauti ful, genuine.ostrich, handsomely made in masterful style, plumes you would read ily -pay $3.00 for, knowing they are splen did values st that figure; special. .83.48 $4.00 15-inch Plumes $2.98 Solid blacks or . whites, the finest stock obtainable: best ' regular $4 val. here tomorrow at.. 82.98 $5.00 16-inch Plumes $3.49 Fine French .,' curl, genuine ostrich, solid r blacks . or . whites and finest $5.00 values;' this sale at -' . - ..-...-.......... ..... 8349 $6.00 7-inch Plumes $4.49 You couldn't wish for a handsomer plume than youII find in this lot of splendid $6.00 beau ties; sale price tomorrow-, rrrr. .84.49 $8.00 lg-inch Plume $5.98 French curl, hard flue, broad head; a handsome plume SAlEJMIUINERLSALONS-SecondlloorAnnez. that would grace any hat, no matter how expensive it might Be; instead of $8.00 . they're marked to sell tomorrow and dur ing the sale at ...85.98 $10.00 19 to 20-lnch Plumes $7.49 Hand-' some French curl.-with extra lirge headsr , solid blacks or whites, examples of the " finest $10.00 plumes; special tomorrow at . .;. $7.48 $12.00 20 to 21-lnch Plumes $8J9 Natural curl, beautiful feathers that can't be bought anywhere for less than $12.00; in this exhibit marked to sell at...... 88.88 $14.00 22 to 23-inch Plumes $10.49 Mag : nificent plumes that you'd be glad to buy anywhere at any time for their value and 1 regular price of $14.00; speciar here to morrow . . . ...J..f.ii.!.....,.J,f lOj.48 $16.00 24 to 25-lnch Plumes $11.98 Exquis itely handsome, big, broad French heads the very finest kind of ostrich goods on the msrket, in solid blacks or whites and regular $16.00 values; special during this . sale at . . . 811.88 - - 1 Thanksgiving Suggestions HELPFUL TO HOUSEKEEPERS Third Floor Store : Dinner Sets, ' Turkey Seta. Table SUverware,. . Carving Seta, Table Glassware, . Candlesticks, Candle Shadea and Trimminga. We have everything for the kitchen - needed for Thanksgiving. Covered Roasters, size 9x14; spe cial ....2T Covered Roasters, size 10x15; spe cial . . . . 80 "Round "Pudding' Molds;" special. 15 Large " Pudding Molds, special.. 25 " Ovsl Jelly Mold, fancy shape; spe cial.. . io Round Jelly Molds, fancy shape; spe cial . . .8 Vegetable- Presses,- specisl......25 Fancy Cake Cutters,, special ..... .4 Soup Strainers, special ........ ..16 Mayonnaise Mixers, special... 8 1.05 English Porceain Dinner Sets Square shapes, border pattern 50-Piece Set, special . . ...... 85.80 60-Piece Set, special.. ...... f 8.T0 -100-Piece Set, -speciakTrrrf 125 During the Great Annual Thanks giving Sale All Table Linens STAND REDUCED Unen Shops First Floor " Annual Sale of Richardson's Fsmous Bel- - - fsst Table Linens. Below we quote you prices which prevail prices that are lower than. -they look for- the "valuea" quoted are those of last yesr they're really worth, and cost in market today, 20 to 25 per ceeU advance. So the bargains are really greater than they seem and the linens are the finest snd handsomest we've' ever shown. , Read on: Every article embraced in the stocks of Tsbledoths, Napkins, Dsmssks, Matched Sets, Tsble Covers, Tea Cloths, Doilies, Stands Reducedl The most complete stock of Table Linens In Portiandl Tln sddition we offer st extra discount sn entire special lot of Tablecloths and Napkins the remainder of factory lots remaining with Richardson's Belfast linen mill after Fsll orders were filled their overproduction which comes to us snnually. The Jirst shipment is here resdy reduced as follows. - The cloths, are 2, 2J4. J. iyi and 4 yards in length; the nspkins in both breakfsst and dinner sixes: .. .- , , Lsst year's $2.75 vslues in Tsbledoths or Nspkins worth a full fourth more today will be solif at ......................... .w.......f.... J.OO values st ...... .82.40 3.50. value at .V. ;. 82.78 4.00 values at ........i... $3.25 75 values at .................. i ... . .... .83.85 $5.25 values at .84,20 $6 00 values at -,,..4...... 84.80 $3.25 values st '..82.65 $3.75 vslues st fS.OO $3.95 M45-fS.lO $4.50 vslues st $5.00 vslues st 'SSSirvatiierat $6.25 vslues st Above prices spplf to cloths or nspkins in dozen lots. Some msy be hsd to match, others sre not to be matched. Besr in mind thst ALL Tsbledoths, Napkins, tc, are reduced during Jhjs sale!. -. . .-' THE MAN AND HIS SHOES Excerpts From a Chat With the Shoe Chief in the Annex Shoe Store. ' ' " Firt Floor. . , .. ' Tsken in a generaf way, commonly speaking, the genus msn is a mighty poor bargain-hunter, and has much to learn from his frailer but often wiser. sister. And yet, if once the msn finds he can get what he wants at a store at a little less price than he's paid else-' where, he's pretty spt to be loysl to thst store. ; It takes the msn a little longer to find out these things thsn it does the woman shop per, that a all but once HE is "on," he won't forget We've the largest stock ofMen's Footwear in the city, snd our prices are far below those of the exclusive shoe stores for equal values. We psy extreme attention to the fitting of our shoes, and. promise satisfac tion to our men patrons unattainable elsewhere. . We give a wide choice of styles in Fine Footwear shoes smart, indeed, at 8 3.50 and $4.00. But we ask particular attention today to two very high-class -numbers in shoes found amorrg the week's new srrivals: "STYLE 655" Men's fine grsde box cslf stock, Blucher cut. one half double sole, full brown kid-lined mind you, NOT SHEEPSKIN hand-welted soles, snd made from selected stock thruout. There Isn't a handsomer or better shoe msde for men's winter wesr thsn this model no matter what the price. And thev cost but 8S.OO. -STYLE 656" Men's highest grade of Vid stock, cut in Tuxedo - Blucher style, with mstt calf tops, msde over a medium round-toe lsst, with the heaviest weight single sole msde as heavy as many double soles. This gives more flexibility to the sole snd insures longer wear. Every piece that goes into the making of these shoes from the eyelets to the soles is of the best It isn't possible to offer a better shoe at the price we make, and yet, instead of asking you $6.00 for these shoes ss other local shoe stores do1 we sell em for 9S.OO. We went to serve you by shoeing you may we? Tlmtlf Hints to Thrifty Women Who'n KNIT UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY WANTS Floor. , : -; ...,.,.., v,,.i; t Women's $3.00 Vega Silk Union Suits $2.38 Swiss-Ribbed Vega Silk Union Suits, in white, pink or blue; long sleeves, ankle . -length, i half-open - front, - '--great--$3.00-' value; special ssle price, the suit.. 82.38 Women's 25c Cotton Hose 18c Women's Black Cotton Hose, sesmless, fashioned . ankle, good weight and' our 25c value: special ssle price, the psir ...18 Children's 20c Cotton Hose 12e Chil dren's Black Cotton Fine-Ribbed Hose, all sizes 6 to 10 values to 20o: snecial L Z sale price, the pair ... ........ 12 U ' . ; 'First Women'! $1.00 - Merino Underwear-75c Women's White and Sihrer-Gray Merino Vests and Pants, fine ribbed, winter --weight,. rlong-sjeeve, vests, . French-bsnd psnts, our $1.00 value; special sale' price. the garment Haviland China Dinner Sets -Pmkr decotatiotir"fullgold--aToandr edge of each piece 60-Piece Set, special........ 822.50 100-Piece Set, special........ 829.95 Cut Glass Wine Sets One Decanter and six Glasses, regu - lar value $8.50; special . . , . . ,86.80 One Decanter' and six Glasses, regu J lar value $14.00; special.... 8 11.75 One Decanter and. six Glasses, regu- iar value $22.50; special f 17.0 One Decanter and six Glssses, regu lar vslue $27.50; spedal.. ..f 22.00 Mid- Week Miscellany A Bargain Melange From the Small Wares Stocks On - first - Floor. t5e bsr - White Castile . Soap. Spe- ; cial . ...... ..39 75c solid back sll - bristle Hair Brushes. Special ............45 Me celluloid messing tomos. spe cial i 12 35c solid bsck long handle Bath Brushes. Spedal 18 7c roll fine Tissue Toilet Paper. - Spe cial 4 20c pack of Pit Cards. Special.. 35 60c Rubber Stamp - .Outfit - Spe cial 35 15c box Ruled Writing Paper. 10c Memorandum Books. Spedal. 6 20c can Le Page's Liquid Glue. Spe cial ..12 3c box Assorted Wire Hair Pins. Spe cial ........3 5c card Hooks and Eyes. Spe-- ciai . . . sue? 35c pair White Silk Dress Shields. bpecial i .....l"f 5c paper Washington Pins. Special.3 Large spool White Basting Cotton. Special ....3 Women's $15 Underwear for 98c Wom en's White Merino Underwesr-in extra sizes 40, 42 and 44 fine ribbed, very , elastic, long-ileeve vests, ankle pants, our $1.25' value; special Sale price, the gar ment .-'r-i .vs - $ i , . nnmti .,.98 'Grand Wind-Up Tomorrow of This Remarkable Special Offering of SILKS and DRESS GOODS Annex First Floor Fifth Street NOVELTY SILK SUITINGS - -AT HALF PRICE. ; 1 Right 'in. the midst oftht. . busies L silk-. selling sesson in years comes this surpris ing opportunity. Silk-buyers should pro vide generously for their needs and. what" woman doesn't need silks now? . 'Tis only a question of how few silks one can do with, today, so universal has become their use in feminine dress7': Here's the detail: ' Thoussnds of ysrds of Novelty Silks, in dsrk and light colorings, new wesves snd shades to select fronv in checks, plaid, Wednesday st HALF PRICE Regulsr $1.25 grsde; special, ysrd...62 Regular $1.50 grade; special, yard..... 75 DRESS GOODS. A monster sale of New Fall and Winter Dress Goods ends tomorrow. In it is em braced Farfrron's .newest weaves snd color ings in plsids, overplaids, checks, stripes and mannish mixtures, represented in this lot at a big saving for - tomorrow only Wednesday Regular $1.00 grade; spedat, yard.. ...73 Regular $1.25 grade; special, yard., .. .89 Regular $1.75 grade; special, yard... f 1.20 Special Sale Waterproof Fabrics. "The rainy sesson is on and Raincoats are wanted. This- sale will enable you to saver money in buying your waterproof fab rics; every wsnted shade brown, tan, blue, stripes and broches suitable or waists. 1 green. grsy, mode, and oxlord, 54 to . 56. suits and trimming. For tomorrow only incnes wiae, tor. tomorrow oniy Wednes day Regulsr $1.75 grsde; special, ysrd. 81.38 Regular $200 grade; special, yard.. .81.59 Regular $2.50 grade; special, yard.. .$2.09 Metis 1 Mid-Week Specials A Group of Savings In the Annex HaberdasherieFlrst Floor Men's $1 JO Golf Shirts $1.05 A line of Men's Golf Shirts, this season's newest styles in light and dark ef f ects. attached and detached ruf f , . . regular $1.50; special ...... .$1.05 Men's 20c Hosiery 12c A line of Sesmless White-Foot llose, bet 25c vslue; specisl, pair 12s Men's $1.23 Flannel Night Robes 97c Domet Flannel Night Robes, reg- 1 ulsr and military collars, msde extra long and large, regular value $1 2S: special , . . ........ ...... .....87 Boys' 15c Ties 5c A lt of Boys' String Ties snd Silk Shields, val ues tQ 15c;spscial ,....8 Men's 5e Underwear 47c A line ef Men's Wsrm Heavy-Ribbed Hero 'Balhriggan Underwear, very se'--' iceable. regulsr vslue 75c; the garment