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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 13, 1SC3. coupons D1RHED FII0L1 L1AGAZK1ES ,H 15 CURED mi The Boot Qualit-jr rr E.MW Mil K'tA T SB. WTT.TJsfS' rUTX TVL1M roos oiru enraroasv. A V Il.T. ). I AVfctfelatle Prtparaiionror As similating frFoodande$u!a ling tite S bracks aKLDowels of Promotes DigestionCheerful nessandRestContalns neither OpiumIorphine nor Mineral, lOTKAB.COTXO. : A perfect Remedy for ConsHpa Tlon, Sour Stooiach.Diuriuea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish nrss and Loss or Sleep. FuSimiW Signature of . -vr- IE: EXACT COPY Of WRARPEB. Per Infect m4 Children. , Tin-Kind Yo'j.llavo Always Dought , Bearo tho mm Signature Km Oso Postoffice ' Department Rules Against Reply Slips tn Corners -;. of Advertisements 1 WILL BAR PERIODICALS ' FROM THE SECOND CLASS Publishers Granted Four Months in Which to Effect Change la Form of Advertisements Where Return Cou pons Occur,1 '' V.' Y''..- For Over - Thirty Years s TEN MILLIOH GIVEN- POOR rPEORS-OF- MEXICO t ' Pedor Alvarado. Richest Man in outhern Republic, to Give Away All His Wealth. v (Journal gnerlal Service.) Oalveston, Tries, Nov. II. From Par ; rat state of Chihuahua. Mexico, cornea a ' story , that Pedro Alvarado, tha owner of v the Psmltlo mine, whose wealth, rear he 1;,. $100,460,000, announces a public bene-'r- faotton of 110.000,00 to poor Mexicans. ' Since his rise' from a poor boy to a Croesus 1n eight years,- he has given " ftoorend for churches and schools. His Intention l - o bulM homes for the poor.1 educate children and aire lend upon which to eultlvajte crops. , .Hi has bean working on a plan for the distribution of f 10,000,000 for many weeks." ' ' ""Alvarado some time ago- offered the Mexican government , to . pay the debt pf Mexico' but the offer was declined, because President Dlas was advised that It was a political move to entangle the administration. Alvarado says he will renew the offer to. Dlas In peronnpoh his visit to the olty and aasurs the president . the offer ia from bla heart. Alvarado says he expects to dls poor, but to share his wealth and happiness with Ms less fortunate countrymen, while he lives. . . . : Kansas City and Return $60. " Account seventeenth- annual session Trans-Mlsalsslppi Commercial congress, the O. R. eV N. Co. will on November 14 snd 15 sell round-trip tickets to Kaa sas City for C0. with a limit of 10 days from date of sale. Further particulars by calling upon C w. stinger, city ticket agent. Third ana wesmngion euieeis, Portland.' ,- - - . After March -4, HOT, publishers of magaslnes and periodicals will have to eliminate return Coupons In advertise ments or pay double rate ' for their postage. , This information was con tained In an order Issued by Edwin C. Madden. ' third assistant pottmaater generaL i The- rat applied to . maga glnea is ' the asm as newspapers and all other .second-class ' matter. The coupona are held by the assistant post master to be writing- paper to be uaed by the reader lor future- correspond ence, henc belonging to th class of mall matter' listed as - merchandise, for which a rate of one cent an ounce Is provided. - Th order, which wss re ceived In- Portland this morning, fol lows: . r : i ;' ' "The practice has grown up of placing- In "connection- with advertisements to' periodicals- (mas-eslneel -a -coupon or order form to be filled out end used In sending a message back to the adver tiser; or a coupon wholly In print not requiring to be filled out. but stilt-for the purpose of return as a message or evidence of some kind to the adver tiser, or advertisements themselves to be detached In their entirety and used for that purpose. ' . - Where the taw Stepe In. "The law provides for the Inst Ion of the advertisements only and rec j 'res that they bew permanently attaensd. There la no authority for the Inclusion of coupons or order forme or the like concerning ths-advortlssgant -or of ad. vertlsements to be detached. The peri odical Itself, entitled to the second-class rates,' is by law made" subject to.-the higher rate- which, any jnatter of ,lht class inclosed with It le subject. "Blank coupons and order forme to be filled out are not permissible psrts of a periodical,' for sheets or portions of sheets, whether large or small, de clined to serve as means for future eer- respondenoe between the reader end ad vertiser, are not advertisements, but writing-paper furnished the reader for bis convenience. As such they consti tute merchandise end are subject to the rate of 1 cent an ounce or fraction thereof. Printed coupons providing no space for elgnature or insertion, and advertisements intended to be detached, are third-class matter and are subject to tha rate of 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. It la unlawful and detrimental to the poetal revenue to place auch higher, class matter In peri odicals and transmit the same In the malla at the aecond-class rates. , , The fsct that auch articles serve the con- eeeeeeeeeeee Of Holiday Shopping. utility and artistic beauty, are combined. In. our. rernarkabledisplayo HAMMERED ART BRASS ANTIQUES in Sconces, Candlesticks, Jardinieres, Trays, Scuttles ' ' , ART COPPER, wrought into beautiful and artistic designs JAPANESE BRONZES, CLOISONNE and CARVED IVORY - :: - BOHEMIAN ART GLASS and POTTERY ; HOARE'S RICH CRYSTAL CUT GLASS endless variety, every piece a gem Fine Imported .; Perfumes 'i' Piver, Pinaud, Roger and ; Gallet, Le . s-Grand, , Atkinson, Bayleys, all the new odors and packages Everything New and Desir able in Leather From the finest imported German travel ing bag to the exquisite Turkish leather card case plain and beaded hand " : painted Silk Opera Bags. REMEM BER, WE MARK ALL PURCHASES V FREE, only select now and save time. Swell Stationery Eaton-Hurlburt and Hurds, In delicate -and fashionable tints . Kodaks and : Ca meras J For every age and condition from the Buster Brown, a perfect picture maker for 81.00, to the elegant Tourist Outfit for. $150.00.- All Films and Plates ' Left with us are developed the same day - At no other place can you get good work so promptly. - .. ' r Careful Folks Are Buying Now .This is the time to make satisfactory selections no jostling crowds and our .store service U as near perfect as men, money and experience can make it. Use Our Phone Private Exchange! I 1 Nine Trunk Lines 20 Extensions. You never hear the response, "Line's busy now," at our , ' " Store. . - ; WoodmdoClMke&'CQo o .. ( . f , . ' .................. Fourth and Washington Streets They Are the Stoat Widely TJeed and oeeesru aiemeay zor u rerni ' ; .-' ; f BehlUty. 7" ' -"rT Anaemia, whether It results from ac tual loss of blood, from lack of nutri tion due to stomach - trouble, " or what ever Its cauaa, is simply a deficiency of the vital fluid. Dr. Williams' Pink PIUs actually make nsw blood. .They do that one thing and they do It well. As the blood directly feeds th nerves their action oe the nervous system is often remarkable and they have euredS many nervous disorders that, have not yielded to ordinary treatment. ' "As a girl," says Mrs. Jessie Fink or ISO East Mill street. Akron. Ohio. "I suffered from nervous Indigestion' and when I was II years old- I was reduced In weight to a pounds. - I was anaemio, nervous, couldn't eat or sleep, wss short of breath, after the least exertion and had'- headaches almost constantly. 1 had a doctor, of course, but I might as well have taken so much. water for all the good his medicine did me. - Finally my vitality and - strength were so reduced that I had to take to my bed for several .weeks at a time.. I could not digest any solid food and for weeks I did not .take any other nourish ment than a cup of tee or beef broth. "While I was sick in bed I read of Dr. Williams' pink PIUs and I atopped all other medicine and began to take the pills. Soon my Improvement was very noticeable. My strength began to re turn, my stomsch gsve me no pain and Just aa soon ae I began to take solid food I gained in weight I shall never forget how happy I waa when I real ised that I waa really getting well. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills certainly saved or Hfe.Taht now perfectly welt. have regained my. normal weight of 118 pounds snd I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a. wonderful medicine and. I have recommended them to hosts . of .people.' ' Dr. Williams' "Pink Pills are recom mended for stubborn stomach trouble, for all cases of weakness and debility, such as result-from fevers end other acute diseases. They are grateful to the most delicate stomach, are a power' ful tonic without- being a atlmulant and are guaranteed not to contain any harm ful drug. All druggists sell Dr. Wil liams' Pink PIUs, or they will be sent bymail postpaid,' on receipt of price, (0 cents per box, six boxes ' for 11.10,. by the r. Williams Medicine Co, Schenec tady, K. T. . . yenlenc,.pttheadvertlseraprothers gives no warrant for waiving the lawful postage charge on them or on any peri odicel with which, one er more may be Incloaed. waver. In view of Ite prevalence and the desire to avoid unnecessary hardship. Inconvenience anV loss to pub lishers and advertisers, and that it has grown up through a misapprehension of the limits of the publishers' privi lege, the practice will npt be interfered with before March 4, 1(07. on which date the next session of congress ex pires by limitation. It is possible that by that time congress will have so changed the statutes In relation to the aecond-class mall matter as to make express provision for the treatment - of detachable coupons or the like. - - - - "Postmasters wilt immediately notify publishers, of periodicals within their respective Jurisdictions of this ruling In order that they may have ample time to adjust tneir business to the condi tions.' ' : y AT THE THEATRES. Last Performance "Lion and Mouse. The last perfaraasee t", this city of "The Uos sad the atoase' wlirpe gives taoisht at the Rslug tkestre. Foarteeoth asd Washuurtoa streets-CsrUls at S:1S eckck. . : .- Seat Sale for Theodore Lorch. The seat tele will sees turner row for the clever ranog star. Theodore Lorch. who eomee to the BelUg theatre ssit Friday, flerordar and Sunday slirhta, November Is, 17 and 18. with s popular pries matinee... SatnrAayr-ea- Blioiiwa Houses. 4a "The Slga of the roar." Mr. Ureh Is enpporto4 by Josephine Deffry sad a SMSt eapsbls company. The Marriag-e of Kitty Coming. Hi riersnee Gesr. la "The Harriets ef Kitty" will be the attrsetkia st th. Uelllg the ater Beit Monday Blent, . November - JO.-- Beat sals rrlday. "Under Southern SUea." Few piers ef recent years have seeared sneb a strong hold epos poblle fsvor ss has "Under Soothers Skies," which comes to the Bolllg theatre tomorrow and Thnnday nlstats for the first time this season. The play Is wU re siembmd hers from last season, the tmpreesloa It tboa left betng smt favorable. Since It baa hers seen here "Uaoor Sostnors Skies" sas ap peared rs many, el tie. end always te larse and eatboaiasttc aadleneea. Seats are now soiling tt the theatre for both Bights. Sest Sale for Leoncavallo. The edrasee sale of eaats for Leoeesvans sad sis fsmoas orchestra from the La Seals theatre. Milan. Italy, will opes at the box office of the HelUg theatre sett Sstnraay, . November IT. "Saaa will be gives Sonday night. November 25, 'Fagllsert'- Moarfay, November a.---,. , ' , At the Baker. This la the week ef "snrbter at the Baker. Everyone who has witnesses' the roaring farre "Lost Twenty-Fear . Hoars" la ' pralslne the pretty stage eattmg and the excellent acting of Drtiild Bowles, Lllllaa Lawrence, William Dills, Howard BussoU, Frsaees Slossos. William and Mine Gleam and the rest of the favorites. It'e a scream from start to finish. . It ts fan, pare and saalloyd. The lansbs yon have are worth more than ten visits to s doctor's effies. Useeds laager--- Empirt't Big Succest,- nAs Told In the Hills" U the sTmplre's big ss'ss to fsr this mux. Foil of life, action, brimming ever wltste sir ef the free sod ro mantle western enastry. tt Is ss attraetfcm stre-gorrs simply cannot reslat. Tboassnds have been tamed away. There will he popnhr price BMtmeee romorrow sna nsceraay sine. noons. Don't miss "As ToM la the Hills" st the Empire thle week. A NEW DEPARTURE The Ooet ef Zottrmests Kae Been Oreav ly judneed by the Xolmaa Vader taklng Company. ... Heretofore It has been the custom ef funeral directors to mike ehargea for all incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Hoimaa Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July U 10. will depart from this old custom. When ths casket la furnisneo. or us in cost win Include an ehargee, such as conveying the remslns to our chapel, outside box. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all services which mey be required of us except clothing, cemetery end carriages, thus effecting a aavlng of I to 171 oa each funeral. r ' THE EDWARD HOLMAN TJNDERTAK 1NO COM PANT, -.-.- tit Third street, earner Salmon, Portland's Fastest - Qr6ring Giorer The FbMcy of&is StoQ Is to gain the friendship and esteem of every patron who enters within its doors. We want you to feel that every atom of business intelligence we possess is being used to further your buying interests, firmly believing that by so doing we best further our own. There are no clagg distinctions here. The young and old, the rich and poor can alike feel assured of a cordial reception and a careful consideration of their buying needs. ' It is to the loyalty of our buying public that we owe our growth. Here's a fresh list of bright, new merchandise to pick from;" NEWEST HODELS 3S. & (S-. Coir A complete showing in all the late : models. Every pair guaranteed. Our expert salesladies can tell at a glance just the proper model suited, for each different figure. - -'.V -'. est Styles ' .379 .and j439-r:V)fidcl3 i drlJhqseinclined r to '' bestout These: styles , give the much desired circular hip effect. " They arc -made of coutille and have hose sup (fl "tl tt Ov porjters; colors drab and white;. V ' '''"p) JL :-eaee-a-W ' IN THE HEN'S DEPARTItZESTT This department always has something especially attractive to offer, ;both as to price and value. A comparison of the value given with those shown elsewhere will convince you ofthe economy of buying nere. . HEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Fine Wool Underwear, in flat and ribbed,- also Dr Wright's Fa-1 mous" Sanitary Garments. . (( on sale ...... .;..l51aUU Australian Wool Underwear 72 Men's Plaited Wool Ribbed Under wear, in mixed gray color, all sizes, extra values; regular price Hjn I est V, mM1 $r.25."Dn saTe; WOOL AND KID DRESS GLOVES . All Wool Gloves Men's fine all wool Gloves, in plain black and g -colors; also a large variety of fancy colors; 35c quality. .. ..........afUW Australian Wool Gloves Men's fine Australian wool worsted Gloves, the famous Lamb Knit brand, in plain and fancy colors; sold at most Cfr places for 75c. Our leader for -.. ................... ......Oyly Fownes and Meyers Famous Makes of Kid Dress Gloves In Cape kid, T- t I ! J t MKA.V.nM anil mmmQla C 1 Vt'.nd ' rm si SWA $2.00 values. Special.......... .........epieUU Rosebery Kid Dress Gloves--Made from heavy stock lambskin, AA in tans, reds and browns; $1.25 values Speciali1r.ww,ap I eUU Dependable Merchandise ' 1 Purchased far below actual worth, and sold accord ingly, at specially reduced prices has made this The Busy We study thepeople's wants and the goods most called for, hence the following specials, for Wednes day's selling: - ; ;. A Double Reduction In Valenciennes Laces & Insertions Hundreds of Pretty Patterns for Wednesday-Only Regular price, bolt 20c. Regular price, bolt 30c. Regular price, bolt 45c Regular price, bolt 50c. Regular price, bolt 75c. Regular price, bolt $1.00. Regular price, bolt $1.10. Regular price, bolt $1.65. Regular price, bolt $2.25. 15V 25 35 43 62 75e 05e Special Wednesday. Special Wednesday. Special Wednesday. Special Wednesday. Special Wednesday. Special Wednesday. Snecial Wednesday. Special Wednesday.fJ.uJO Special Wednesday. $1.75 . : . Special in Laces . : 20,000 yards of Laces including all the new desTgns in Cluny, Duchess, Torchon and Normandy, Vals. with Insertions to match. On sale Wednesday, iT per yard . . . .' . , .v. . . . . :i . ,. rr. ............. ... .Uw" Alloyer Net Waistings 48-inch Allover Nets, with beautiful floral patterns 'the ideal fabric forfancy, waist or evening dress. Specially priced for Wednesday at, per yard if 9fi ?2.40, ?1.70 and. ................ ... . . . eP I --U Fancy Dresden Ribbon Another large shipment of fancy Dresden Ribbon, all silk, printed warp, floral designs, rich colorings ; sold atl tver the city at 35c per yard. Our ''.jtZp - DriCC w rTTw-tT-'---- -- -- - - -- eeWl V -Crepe - do Chine - Scarfs A beautiful line of Crepe de Chine Scarfs in dainty shades of light blue, lavender, pink arid old rose, from 2 to 2l3 yards in length. Special Wednesday QCrv at, each; r tt-i -, ,-,,.. vt v Ve V-- Three Specials .in - Woolen Dress Goods Better-Values Cannot Be Found In Any Other Portland Store. - Lanadowne $15 Our stock ' of Lans downe is now complete full range of evening; shades as well aa the" staple col ors, also black and cream. This is Wil liam FReatTs-celebrated-BQQds, war ranted - silk and -wool;, our tff price, per yard ....7lsJ Or ay Shadow Plaids 75c All the sea son's New Gray Shadow Plaids, 48 inches wide, warranted all wool, endless assortment of patterns in pretty plaid and checked designs; choice, per jC yard . . .77. . . : . UC New Ombre Plaids $1.25 lust received a new line of the popular Ombre Plaids, large variety'of patterns, made from the finest selected yarns; colors brown, blue, gray and green, regular $1.50 f "7C value,.... .aPleaweJ Blaok TaiTeta Sillis We offer an excellent line of Black Taffeta Silks, 36 inches wide, warranted pure silk, spotless dyes, ( rich and lus trous, at special money-saving prices, as follows: Regular 95c Quality, 36 inches wid7 Spe cial, per yard Toe Regular $1.25 quality, ;36 inches wide: special, per yard ............... ..51 Regular $1.65 quality, 36 inches wide; special, per yard ........1.25 Flowered Silks Printed Jap Silks 21-inch Tap Silk, in pretty designs, suitable for fancy CA waists or scarfs; price, yard....... UvW Printed Habutal Silks 24 Inches wide, large vsriety of floral designs, rich col orings, fast colors, suitable for waists, scarfs ndt5i!insLg5wnJ!: JPr!iL Pompadour Crepe d Chines Besutiful line of Pompadour Crepe de Chine, pret ty floral designs, in pink, light blue, lav ender, etc., sold everywhere at JE $1.00; our price.. . Oy LITTLE PRICED NOTIONS At Our Busy Women's Supporters With large ab dominal pad, 4 straps, all colors, black and white ...................... 25? Chinese Ironing Wax Neat little ball wax with handle. Special price... le? Hooks and Eyes Adamantine Hooks and Eves, black and. white, all sizes. Special price, card 1 1 Notion Counter J Children's Hose Fancy Toilet Soap Three cakes in box ; reeular 15c quality. Special, per box Supporters 'Lisle elastic, velvet grip, pin-on style. Spe cial, pair . , 7 L Dress Shieldsj Washable double cov ered Dress Shields, sires 2 and 3. Spe cial, per pair....... .. 01 Elastic Belts Women's Elastic Kelt., in steel and beaded effects; 50c values. -Sppctar-TTT-TTT. i . . .7. C? ? Holliiter's Well Known Foct T i Tcr bottle .