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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINO. NOVEMBER 18, lSCS 1 r w i 1 : . . r i. r PHdTLYHCIIKlG , BY ARREST ' ' . ."" x. .:," P uyallop Negf o-and-lTWhit Wifa Taken Into Custody to 1 Save Them From Mob, r. 'ACCUSED OF INHUMAN PRACTICES ON CHILDREN ' Cass On of the v Wont 'That H t Com Under Notice of Washington Sute Authorities Neighbor Want . to Hang; Both.;-. "'. . '' (KlMkl Dlnwtck as he ImmI) ' Tioom. WmIl, Nor, IS. John Doe Lewie. negro of Purellujl,' end Mary Jim Xiwli, hi wife, who I white woman, ere in the county Jail here and -information bu beta placed in tin banda of the prosecuting attorney which may send both of thara to the penitentiary. : People of Puyallup hare been on the vere of mobbln -the negro ffnd he la probably aaier la Jail than Ae would be lr riven hla liberty. Merely to hold Lewla until he can be prosecuted on graver charges he waa taken Into euatody yesterday charted with Inciting" the white children of bis wife by a former husband to stealing potatoes. These children era a girl be tween It and If years-old. and twe mailer girls,- Both children ran away from their home -and eught refuge in -the iuime of. a white family of Puyallup. The oldeat girl there made disclosure end the negro's arrest followed. , Assistant Proaecuwng Attorney Gal lagher went to Puyallup last evening and secured Information making' the case one er the worst, he declares, that has come under his observation. The older glrL upon whom a surgical e Dera tion has recently been performed, la In precarious condition. The negro Is ac cused of . revolting practices. Humane Olf leer Brown has takes the children In charge. , . , ; . The mother of the children will-be bald during the forthcoming trial by At torney Gallagher 'as accessory before the fact. 8he Is declared by the peo ple of Puyallup to be aa perverted la nature as her colored husband. . '"Got - Liewla- just la time A - prevent blm from being mobbed," said Attorney Gallagher this morning. "People of Puyallup are greatly wrought up by his Inhuman -practice and many of them want to bang him." t-HOBSESSEBING'" ' (Continued from page One.) , wrldge. . he landed on hla feet, but re ceived Internal Injuries. Ula spine was probably wrenched, because he was un ,ble to rise, although hie legs were not ,. broken.!- " teap lata the SUve. ;'.-''.; j The hers that leaped into the river made a clean- dive from the ear. He came to the surface almoet Instantly nd struck out for shore, as if he bad performed the trick a hundred timee before. The ewif t current carried him down stream alongside of,' the San , Francisco Uner Costa Rlea, " which was ' closing her hatches preparatory to sail ing, later in the evening. " The longshore' men had seen the horse make the plunge end Albert' Johnson quickly procured e boat and a rope and finally succeeded in towing the animal iihnr. . SAII FRANCISCO GAR LINES -:M RUSHING -AGAIN United Railways Begins Opera tions' Which Were Stopped by Earthfjuakr-and Fire j Operation of 11 miles of the lines ef the .United Railroads company In San Franclaoo has been .resumed, and more trackage Is being put In shape for use as fast aa possible. The running of ob servation cars baa been resumed. . ane these oars are unable to take care of the Immense number of sightseers Who see to take the JS-mile trip about the city. The fare for the trip la ft oenta. J. A. Hamilton of San Francisco, who haa for some years had charge of the observation car traffic of the United Railroads company. Is in Portland On sight-seeing trip on, his own account He has taken the Council Crest ride and also gone over other lines of the Port lend system. He said: The Council Crest ride Is one of great attractiveness. - I imagine that on a clear day the view would be - most beautiful.. It la quite an extraordinary Una to be-operated by electricity, on ao oount of the grides, curves and height Of the hill ascended. " "Baa Francisco's entire streetcar sys tem -was temporarily put out . of busi ness by the flre and earthquake, a por tion or the system waa immediately re habilitated, but wa ceased operation of the obaervatlon oars for a period of three weeks after the disaster, for the reason that we did not wish to glv a chance for criticism on the score of making money out of the catastrophe. The observation cars are now running nd the equipment Is not sufficient to take care of the immense business of fref . - CHINESE GIRL ''' MAY NOT-DIE Physician Says There Is Some Hope for the Recovery of Chin Gin, blocks from where It hit the water. He was uninjured and was returned to the stockyards later In the evening. It was rumored that four horses es caped from the ear, but Inveatlgatlon try the railroad company's claim agent this morning made it certain that only two got away. ' - : - . i . , HUNDRED KILLED BY WRECK IN INDIANA ; (Jeeraal Special terrtre.) - Valparaiso, lud., Nov. 11. ey From St to 100 persona wvr killed In the Bsltimore Ohio a) wreck yesterday, according to -Coroner Carson, who says that - wnue tna ucxets issued by the railroad anow tnat - about to were killed or burned, a number of families bad children, for whom no transportation waa la- sued. The Inquest was continued pending the gathering of evl- dene. , S A '' V LOS ANGELES PLANS : TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY (Jearaa'l Special SerrW.) Los Angeles, Nov.. 11. Tb proposi tion to annex a atrip of land half a mile ' .' wide, extending to the ocean. In the vl . clnttr of San Pedro, carried by the nar . row margn of six votes. Included in the snnexed territory Is the Ascot race Vf track, and possibly racing will be killed when tha annexation la accomplished. , ....... Obiaf Downing- Bead, 'Jeereal- Speelsl nnke. ' . Nebraska City. Neb, Nov. IS. Chief of Police Charles Downing, aged S, an ' old aoldler, waa found dead in bed this morning. The causa Is supposed to be heart failure. - nut uraaiT ov mamt. ' Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Water Works. Shullsburs. Wis., writes: ' tvs tried many kinds tf llnlm.nt K,.t I 1 nave never received much benefit un til I used Ballard's Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pain a. I think It la the best, liniment on earth." 26c, 0c and 1 00. Sold by Woodard, Clarke Co. AU day aad-eyed Caleatlala wind their way up the etepa of the Good Samari tan hospital to Inquire after the little Chinese girl. Chin Gin, who was acci dentally ahot by her brother. Chin Tow. . Tha child Ilea .. unconscious most of the time and her left aide Is paralysed, but Dr. Holt C. Wilson, tha attending physician, saysT that she ha a slight chance of recovery. Dr. Wilson thinks that she must have been kneeling, facing her brother, at the time .be flred lb shot which doomed hie baby slater to partial paralysis, if not death. The bullet entered the top of the head and there were two holes made, one where tha bullet entered and another where part of It passed out. There will be no effort mads to probe for the pieces of bullet, which sre still Imbedded In the brain, until the child 1 stronger. , The run used by Cbln Tow In target shooting, and with.;" whloh he accident ally shot hla sister,- was ef .tt calibre and would not ordinarily cause trouble. It would be Impossible for such bul let to penetrate the skull of grown person, said Dr. Wilson, and tt wa ow ing to tha nearnesa of the boy when be fired that the bullet entered the . bead br the little glrL . The parents of the little one ars at tha hospital continually, and thla morn ing little Chin Gin spoke in Chlneae and smiled when her father entered th room. - WewUfetotlhieOidl - - . . t MR. ZINAH HAWLBT. Mr. Zinah Hawlcy, who is eightyvthree years of age, .saysatDysJPya e Malt Whiskey has kept him young and vigorous. He cannot say too much' jn praise of this great tonic stimulant and re newer of youth. ; "";'::. 1 J ;:'' .'v-V'.':-' . - l have t)uat passed my 13d year and I have always enjoyed good health Until about one year ago. , whan I commenoed to feel the effects of old age. Purine the peat six 'month Z have been taking your Duffy' Pur Malt Whiskey and I have been greatly benefited. X consider It tha means of prolonging my life, arid at present would not be without if Zinah .Hawley, Edwarderllle, N. 'T St 'Lawrenoe county. Mar 17, 10. Ill FRAUD CASE Duffy's Pure Malt Whisuey - la an absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating - stimulant and tonio, builda up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to ths muscles, end richness to the blood., It brings Into eotlon all tha vital forces, It makes digestion per fect, and enables you to get from th food you eat all the nourishment It eon telne. It Is invaluable for overworked - men, - delicate women and alckly chil dren. It atrengthens and. austains tha ' system. Is a Dromoter of good health and longevity, makes the eld young and - aeepa the young etrong. Dunyi is me only whiskey that la recognised as a ' medicine and is guaranteed absolutely ' free from fusel oil. ' 1IW1H of dangerone Imitations and -evbstleaeeev They are positively Harm ful aad are sold foe profit enly by um sempalosa dealers. Ziook for tha trade mark, tha "Old Chemist," oa the Label, aid be eertaia tha seal aver the ooa-k is nabroken. AU dngfists or grooers, or direct $1.00 a bottle. Doctor's adrloe and medioal bookie free. Dairy Malt Whiskey Co Jtookeetev, aTew Tork. 17.9 I V f - rtt CATTLE FOR JURY Idaho-Trials All Hinge on Ability of Prosecution to Convict Robnett. : -"r ' (peelsl tMtseHi te The JoaraaL) Moacow, Ida., Nov, II. Tha work Of Securing a Jury in th Robnett land fraud case In tha federal court here is still In progress. When an adjourn ment. was taken at noon today, the gov ernment had passed en eight Jurymen, but had ye three peremptory challenges to exhaust, , . It la believed Jury will be secured during the day, although .there le noth ing positive as to this. It la known that sevaral of the Jurymen passed by the prosecution- sre acceptable to the defense, while others will be strenu ously objected to. The evident pur pose of tha district attorney Is to make determined effort to convict In his first1 case, which le acknowledged o be fully aa atrong aa any . that will be tried. . It la generally conceded that failure In the Robnett. case means a complete failure to convict For that reaaon mora than usual precautions re being taken In jth preliminary work. , THREE CASES OF SUICIDE FOLLOW A MURDER TALE OF THE TIN SIGN-AND WHY THE PUBLIC DIDN'T SEE IT end wait anxloualy for hi parents to return from the hospital so that he may hear news of hla sister. ' ' , RESIGNS TO PROTECT- (Continued from Page One.) ' air. Moody end of Miss Lang were men tloned both In my rport and my res ignation. That le another reaaon for my resignation." ' "Did the complaint filed with the de partment, and which caused the report. secrets to Mr. Moody or his friends, or that Miss Lang told these people when land waa about to be opened to entry, and that they had benefited from such Information to the detriment of others not so frvdifar' .- "Now," aald Mr. Nolln. "you are put ting ma on tha witness-stand, and I must enter the objection that your question la leading, and must decline to answer. I think all this Is official business with . the depsrtment, and should be stated from there. I can almply aay that . my being forced to make the report placed me In a posi tion of auch delicacy that I considered It would be impossible for me to re main in office longer after tha report had been made. For that reason I re signed." . Mr. Nolln's resignation was filed with the department on October 28. and the fact of Ita having been made was guarded with great care from the pub lic, Mrs. Nolln and Senator Fulton being- the only persons who were told of the action taken by the register. The resignation has been s crept ed, to take place as soon aa successor Is appointed and qualifies. BRITISH TARS' TRAIN WRECKED IN CANADA Victoria, B. C, Nov. II A collision occurred 1 miles west of Kiimlnops, on the Canadian Pacific railroad main line last night, and a naval special contain ing tha old rrew of the Shearwater, en route to England, was wrecked. :- . Five sailors are mlsalng, but are ba- Rlvalry between the two high school classes of '07 the class of February '07 and ef June '07 haa reached an inter esting stage and lively, development are expected aa a reauit or an achieve ment Saturday night Thla achievement established the supremacy ef the Febru ary class and retaliatory measures ere expected at any time. Members of ths June class quietly raised fund for a .large tin banner, conspicuously descriptive of their class, and two members were delegated to place it where the February class could see but not molest. It. Accordingly the two members climbed telephone pole on Morrison street near Fifteenth at 11 o'clock Saturday night, and by meana of a rope auspended the algn between two poles, SO feet above the sidewalk. A member of tha' June elaas was In discreet enough to tell member of the' February class about It that night Tha news spread 4)uloklr, and It waa de-4 term In ed that tha publle should not see the banner. i At I o'clock Sunday morning twe mem bers of. the February claaa climbed the polo, ' aad after working Industriously among the electrlo wires succeeded in lowering the objectionable algn. The February claaa are Jubilant' over tha success of their efforts and are waiting for a movement on tha part of their rivals. They declare that they are pre- pared for any errort at retaliation oa the part of their rivals. But members of the. June class er by no meana discouraged. They simply say, "Just wait" -. - ROCK PILE PHYSICAL CULTURE PALLED ON THIS YOUNG MAN Seely and Wife and Helvlna J Houghton Found Dead May ' Have Been Killed. . ...., 1 ; ' (Joarnal leeeta! ervlee.t ' Owosso. Mich.. Nov. II. Officials of this county aay that they don't regard the supposed suicide of , Bert Seely end his wife es conclusive evidence that Seely killed Edwin Edgar. It is possi ble that tha eonpla were murdered. Seely left a note ssylng that he took poison, directing that no suspicion be attached to Dewey Seely, Bert's brother. The sheriff eaya that Bert and hla wife may have been murdered by Ed gar's murderer, to keep silent their knowledge ef the crime. Tha supposed suicide of Helvlna Houghton on the same day that Edgar was murdered Is alao being Investigated. Bert Seely was suspected of murder ing Edwin' Edgar, a farmer who was ambushed and alaln. He waa round dead in bed yesterday wlthhls wife. It wss at first .supposed tnat each had committed suicide aa the result ef ulclde pact. ; CLEVELAND BANKER r IS SENT TO PRISON . ... A. ': - Cleveland. Nov. II. J. R. " Zimmer man, formerly director of the Wooater National bank, waa sentenced mis ' ';VA' ' . :V Kit IS.- .r -TH2- CELEBRATED TELESCOPE HAT In all the newest fall shapes and colors espe cially adapted for the younger fellows. -Also the newest . blocks in this famous hat in ' Derby shapes' r '.'" - r" ARE GOOD ZZi In fact are ; thejbest money; can fbuy. We carry all their leading staple and fancy shapes . in all colors." : ' Y V:.-- :f rr 04.00 to $12 Kneipp's Pure Linen Mesh Underwear i For wet and chilly weather ' 5 ' $6.50 a Suit 269-271 MORRISON STREET morning In th federal court to two years In prison and a An ef 110.000 for aiding President Obligor In embeaale- ment. . ' .' .. ' When- Charles Royal was ' first con victed of larceny In th police court and sentenced by Judge Cameron to serve 170 daya at tha county rockplle, he re membered what he had read of-the pare fresh air the aweet babbling Bull Hun water aad tha smell of tha pines being free to all prisoner at tb county' good roads Institute. , Visions of heroic deeds In tearing away the face of the 10-foot bluff at the quarry, establishing a record for the amount of rock taken out that would be the envy of all succeeding tha accumulation of mighty brawn that would make tha work of earning a liv ing seem child's play, flitted athwart tha mental vinlon of Royal ae he lis tened . to. - Judge Cameron's voice pro nouncing . nine . months' benediction upon him; and he lifted hla head and threw. beck his shoulders end was glad for th kind . thoughtfulnea of th county court. ' ' , ' On October t Royal went to the rock pile. For two weeks ha sweated end struggled, - and, tried to- - make himself believe he wss hevlng good time. Then he concluded be waa not and cent for hla attorney and directed him to appeal to the circuit court end learn if there were not some flaw in tha pro ceedings of the police court. The ap peal vtaa filed October II and Royal was brought back from-tha rockplle to the j.ll th xinrt hniiaa tn iMll tlal The case - was called In the circuit court thla morning, but because the complaining wltnesa is in eastern Ore gon the trial was continued until s week from tomorrow. Royal . la thue assured of at leaat seven days mora away from the rockplle. . . OWNERS OF OREGONIAN (Continued from Page One.) Utin, were badly burned and are In the hospital. The baggage coach waa de stroyed. The crew -had - lust finished three years' commission at this station. -V I' CUT GLASS FOR THANKSGIVING For table decoration, on this occa sion, cut glass enltvene and attracts, -More than usual color and brilliancy and beauty of designs prevail throughout our stock, and ths fol lowing suggestions are timely:, -. Bowla, Dishes, Spoon Trays, Bread Dishes, alapplss. Sugar aad Cramm ers, Com sort a, stem Taeee la all aisea, Oaraffes, Water Mtohsrs. De canter aad ether appropriate ideaa, JTOoea are lateceskutg. I BiAJcoro X.SA9SM or n voararwaflT. .. Manulacturlnc Jewkra. Cor. TWr4 and Washington St. managing editor, appeared at their own raqueat before the grand Jury. Much excitement waa caused late yee. terday by th fact that Henry E. Mc Ginn, attorney for the Oregonlan, forced hla way Into the Jury room and made a vociferous defenae of his clients. "It wss the most outrageous thing In ths ' country." aald District .Attorney Manning thla morning. "Tea, w put him out, but not before he had talked a good deal. Ha had no right in there at elf XoCHaa Hay Bet BUs. It 1 possible that before the close of. the day C E. S. -Wood will aasert hts rights aa a deputy and file Informa tion against Henry McOlnn that will lead o hla arraignment for contempt of court It ia declared that thla can be done under tha law. McGinn having violated all regulations concerning in vestigations by a grand-Jury. . Ha did oot appear in the- vicinityof- tha-Jury room today. -The only repreaentatlve or the men under inveatlgatlon who kept an eye upon, the Jury room wa Lealle M. Scott, son or th editor Of the. Ore gonlan. V. m grlid Juwri'neartnrthe evi dence are: It' R. Colson, foreman, Oreshsm. farmer; Charles Ah 1 sen. Hills dale, farmer; Abrara Dllley, 114 Curry etreet, capitalist! J. B. flchaefer, I.lnn tori: farmer; William Stanley, Oreeham; farmer; Phillip Lawton, tt Flrat street, carpenter; 'James H. aVhram, Claone, farmer. "- Those who were called as wltnesjea end sppesred this morning wsrs W. M. Cadd and Mrs. Ledd, C. F. Adsms. W. B. Ayer, F. Knapp of Knapo- Macksy. real estate men; Mayor Lane end Rob ert Livingston. - It Is supposed that these witnesses were called that the grand Jury might learn their interpretation . of th car toon. What ths Cartoon Wee. The cartoon showed W. M. Ladd In clerical clothes, holding up e sheet marked "Editorial Page of The Journal." The cartoonist who didn't care to sign his nsme hsd filled up th sheet with an extract from en editorial which ap peared In part of one edition of the New Tork Journal end Advertleer not long before th outbreak of the Bpanlah A merles n wsr. -lt wss written by e drunken edltorlsl wrltsr. and the presses were stopped es soon as It was discovered. From the attitude of Mr. Ladd in the cartoon it waa evidently the Intention te show hla M n4orsing and approving th following: , v . "McKlnley plays tb ' coward end shivers whlts-faced at the footfall of an approaching war. He makes an Inter national cur of his country. He Is an abject, weak, - futile and Incompetent poltroon. McKlnley la- th moat hhted and despised creature in tb- hemis phere; hla name Is hooted; bis figure is burning In effigy. 'The bullet that pierced Ooebel's chest cannot be found In all ths west. Good reason; It Is speeding hers , to stretch McKlnley on his bier. Tf bad Institutions and bad men can be got rid of only by killing, then the killing must be done." ' What the lw Says. Section 177S of Bellinger V Cotton's code makes it a crime to publish any printed false or scandalous matter by picture or words with Intent to defame or annoy a person or his family. This aectlon makes It the duty of the court to read It te every grand Jury and the duty of the grand Jury to Investi gate end th district attorney" to pro-ceed,-whsther the injured party- wants to or not - This Is entirely separate from any suit for damage and is intended aa protection for society from th tyranny and license of unscrupulous newspaper.- It I a matter the grand jury la ewora to set upon, - regardless of the wishes ef any one. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD PAY VISIT TO GRESHAM A large delegation of Portland Wood men of the World visited Oresham camp last night They were accom panied by State Organiser H. L. Day, who waa making en official visit to the camp. Prospect company of tha uni form rank, under command of Captain &. A. Johne, took charge of th floor work, and William Reidt acted ae con-ul-comrMMder of the evening. Th neighbors were treated to a Surprise. A delegation from Troutdale camp came In and a rousing! meeting was had, after which all present gathered around the banquet board. It was decided to visit Troutdals camp. Saturday, November 17. MISSOURI ROBBERS - CONTINUE OPERATIONS I - ' I Jon rail Special 8rTtre.) Walker, Mo., Nov. IS A bank safe wa blown to bit .this morning and X,0C tolen. Th robbers escaped. aatTBBJr OTJTlimJg COMJAJsT I BAtlTBBJr OTTTTTTTsTO COatFAJfT 1AITMH OTJUHIUIO COltTJjra I"1 J " Saturday From 2 to 5 o'Clock We Will Give Awayj: Presents to Children Under Eight Years of Age " The ever increasing popularity of ouf ' Waist Section is due to a combination of. . favorable circumstances, chief of which is exclusive styles. - Portland women were quick to learn that whatever is new, in Waists is to be found here first. Our "Eastern buyers, ever on- the alert for newer things, forward us almost daily the latest novelties as rapidly as they appear "m' New York. It is well known that our .-prices are always moderate. Then there , is our deferred payment plan for those who do not tare to pay cash7There la nothing extra added for this privilege. Always-ask to see -the -new Waists whether you. care .to buy or not. i "nealherbloom" Petticoats "Heatherbloom" is an established fabric one that makes friends immediately by ' reason of its pleasing rustle and go6d wearing qualities. We have sold hun dreds of Petticoats made of this material, , but never have we' heard a murmur of complaint. Blackx and all colors extra sixes for stout women our price. . . $3 There Is no style idea this season that hat ' been more heartily adopted .than the Jumper .Waist. We announce the arrival ' of a new lot made of a superior grade of taffeta silk, effectively trimmed with shirred silk ribbons and French knots, tucking at shoulders, on front and back, pretty flowing sleeves. ; Priced more cheaply than you can buy the materials - v and make the garment yourself. , . Special Sale Lisle Dose Extraordinary good quality Lisle Hose. ' silk embroidered all colors special 50V long Glace Gloves $3.50 & Si We offer perfect Glace Finished Gloves in elbow lengths colors to match all costumes ,TT7XTTiiti?3.I0 to 84.00 -Long Silk Gloves -$1J25 to- 91.75 New Sweaters for Women Far more effective than those that have gone before, we present a series of newj models of Norfolk, Tourist Coats, Basket Ball Sweaters, " Blouses and " Vests in white, colors and combinations of them". Regular $3.50 Vests special. . . . .82.75 Sweaters, Blouses and Tourist and . Norfolk Coats. ... rr.rsv.f 3.50 to 80 I n - - Eastern Outfitting Co: ...... I 5 Washington and Tenth THE S TO R B WHQRB YOUR CRBpIT 18 QOOD tt . i T -V l r , . i- .... L "I .