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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
' ' NOVEMBER 13. .1803. , ' ' .-. . t - . . " l-fc-.i r. i wr i n I om from h but i , t i , S m on inn nnflnn q ..s: ir ,.. ; ; ' .These are the . handsome Gilt Embossed err . Leather Aoyerea x otKct oavings uanss v "u or black' leather), which ;welare lending' free to every one: who wants to Save Money.. ' IfThTsTinie ried in the vest pocket or in .a. lady's hand'bag.V;V Any orie can earn money. , , . . . . .. ,-.,r;.-. t Only the wise save money, ; V ' v-; : Thousands .of the wise ones today are saying , their; money,'.' in ; these. Jittle 'up-WKiate pocket ; tsnle onI . i v a Kutlrlinor. im cnrtcfanttal hitnlr ac - banks and are building up substantial bank ac-? . counts. ;-."W'i-:r.'VJ V v-i .-'J VH:;,T the-Bank: f,v;)t i ,t. .... J Is Your Best Friend -'rintimrofn'ee Vv write or telephone nd .we will deliver you one. 1 This means you, if you i want a bank. account. '. , , " , " . ' ' ' v - , ' C V v ' i ' - . r. . : . : ' .- . .H ; ' v , 1 .... - . - J' . . ' . .. Merchants Investment &;Trust Goi ! " J. rrnk Wton;.,..,Prldrenl . TK. H. Fr... ...... 8crUry R. X Durham. '.Vice-President g. c. Catch Inc.. Aaat. Secretary . 'TrIntefe7rfPaW , . any time." f : , v i' X" MMM.M l,tM.MMMMMMM.nm.M.MMM.MMMMMMMfMM; f HEATS 849-351 OAK ST, vuvr vv vii vvvi v vu 343-35Q ANKENY ST. Tomorrow Is Bargain Day At Portland'! largest and chcaoest Grocery and Market. Read the list below and tee what the big new atore on Oak street, near Seventh, has to offer for its regular Wednesday Bargain day $1 Will Buy 21 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar, " 20 cans Star Cream, 10c size. .13 pkgs. Seeded Raisins. ,;'.' ,'; C 12 pkgs. Cleaned Currants. - .14 pkgs. Condensed Mince Meat. ' ' 12 pkgSji Dn Price's Breakfast Food.-'t1?:'!- t: 1 crallon Maple Syrup.r-:"-'' .; .-r.-.:-r-:.:' ; 30 pounds Eastern Rolled Oats. ; y. "' 25c Will Buy 5 pounds best Italian Prunes, ' t -', : 5 cans Star Cream, 10c size. ; ; 5 pounds Gloss Starch. . X v-4 pkgs. Sapolio. ' " ' " t 8 pkers. Puff Rice.', , - - ""l pound Fancy Mocha and Java Coffee, pUUUU3 filial! tflllLC ilU9i t g -pkgs. .Table Salt,;-; SCHOOL DOARD IS :IIGIIY ABOUT IT . PpesnThank City ' Auditor for Sending Utters to Principal -vvr': of City Schools! ' " ' ABLE TO ATTEND TO ITS.. OWN BUSINESS, IT SAYS Thinks Auditor Should Hav Notified 'Director! and Given vThem thi Op portunity' of . Delivering ' Initruc- dons-. Qate of, "Butting Iiu" ; A FEW OF OUR REGULAR PRICES - .;i.:..;...,.-:.i.i5 t X Rose City Flour, per sack, , Fancy Creamery Butter, per roll. . . ........... . ".......,.....,.............. .60r o 100-lb. sack Best Dry Granulated Sugar. , ..... ... . .7. .'. . i . . . . ?-.8) ; ; J -We-delivcr,on East Side .evcry-other-dayr ' ;t 'f' . ' : . "'. ', 1 ,. When tt.waa dleeorared Uat avanlng that the oitjr audltor'a oJca had aent lettara -'- b prtnolpaOa -ot '.tht city achoola calling attention t tha ruling of tha exeouUva board that aU rubbish around f urnacae and chlmnaya uat- ba taken away tha achool dtractora ahowad plainly that thay don't rallah any Inter, (renea,-.-,.'--' - - "It'a their buatneaa to notify ua and lAt'ua notify' tha prlholpala." aald I. N. Fllachner With aoroa warmth. . ' The principal of tha Mount Tabor achool reported In writing that ho had complied wun ma oraera 01 tlve board. He transmitted the letter signed "8. 'Grutae, chief deputy city auditor'- It waa then tha raembera of the board of education found out the auditor's of flee Aadn't even waited for , tbent to -Uua anjr orders but Jhad wfUr ten lettera to all the principals of the schools Individually. . Chairman Beach queatloned whether . u Tihn. uhAnl m JhmUm the WW JU uum .city Ittnits but waa assured that It la. There r seemed notnmr- un in- oitw tors could do; though -they-rankly re sented any Interference. A number of the recommendations made by tha exe cutive board concerning the safety -of the school building from fire .have '-already been curried put by the directors, f r. ' jsatteew Waa . Kosa Fay, ...... . The Janitors of aeveral schools asked for a raise In salary. Thla was re ferred to the flnanoa committee.- As Mr Wittenberg yas not present, several matters had to ba laid over until there waa a fun" attendance. Among them waa tha election of a director to take the place or Richard Wllllame, realsned. ' Superintendent Blgler. eaHed .atten tion to the need of more high school .ii-tit that -tha other rwuia. mmm rooms or the new East Bids high school be finished. The aireciora naa consid ered 1 rooms would be ample for the rest -aftheTear?-He-sW"lt- rooms wilt ba full by the time the building Is ready In February. It had been the plan to fit up the rooms as the attendance '"mt! Rlgler also declared that some thing must be done for the relief of the Arleta school. "Sixteen rooms will ba needed iext year." said ba. There are (S and 60 pupils In a room there now and tha suburb Is rapidly growing. : . ' Bad f o the VwpUs. .I K Flelschner declared that the law giving the atata superintendent the right to fix the time of holding the convention of the State Teachers' asso ciation be changed by tne legislature so that tne PorUand directors would have something to say about it. He considers that the three daya,, November tt, 17, . which will be taken up bT.the convention, coming directly after' the Thanksgiving vacation will upset the pupils for more 'than one week. Usual ly the convention meete Just before school opens In the fall. ' ' Hereafter, teachers who have taught fojuf years, two of whlcfc-hava been In Portland,' may draw the maximum sal ary. At present four years' teaching In the local schools Is demanded. The directors declined the request of the Visiting Nurses' association to visit h. Kw.i to ittM-t cont&aioua dis- ijiaMsand vermin among Jhepuplls. Tnere IS a imniv wm u j -ameU In one of the rooms of the Chap man achool. The principal thinks tt comes" from the ftirnace, but It has bean suggested that-something on the expo sition, grounds alongside la the cause. In vali have ventilating englneera ex amined the building. Several times the room has been olosed and the children aent ' home because the odor was so strong. Further Investigation ' will ' be made.-- "-, 'Br H.- P- Wlnehell was elected one of the teachers in the night school In the high school - building. Miss Grace Brltta, teacher In the Davis school, resigned, as-she. hn,g-"m.ade other ar rangement for the remainder of TThe year," a reason which made the direc tors smile. . ', '. i-;. ' - . , ' DAY OF L HE! IS GOJE SAYS Dawson, laii Says Day of Big ' - Corporations Has Como ' .t.V.-;. irf Alaska.' 1 The Onggerinebn': Exploration company is buying heavily i In tha Dawson City district. The corporation has acquired most of the properties on Hunker and Bonanaa creeks, and will operate on a large scale, using electrical machinery for mining. -The day of the Individual miner la about over lqrthe Dawsoy country. The era of large capital and -syndicate oper ations has come in," said J. Elmer of Dawson City, who ls-in- Portland on a business visit. "The Ouggenhelms are putting in a ditch 60 miles long, to carry 6,000 Inches of water, which will be used In hydraullctng the hills along Hunker and Bonanaa. They have spent several millions In - purchasing the propertlei along these creeks. They are putting In electrical power tobe used for dredg ing and other operations. The power plant " will generate - S.000 - horsepower; Theyhave in " course of construction three dredges, -each one of which will move about 3,600 eublo yards of earth daily.". ' .'..-! The easy riches that were In the fa mous ereeka of ' the Klondike are ex tracted, and It ils now -necessary- so- (n for the , more difficult operations. There are two classes of claims, the creeh claim and the bench claim. It Is said - the deposits of the Klondike do not freexe deep .again when once un covered by removal of tha muck that oovere the earth' there. -- The reason for deep f rosen ground encountered in Klon dike mining. Is said to be ihs vaat depos its of muck,- covered by moss and tun dra that prevented warmth from pene trating to the earth underneath. Once the upper etrata la removed, the earth can be handled much the same as In other minlnc regions.- Wherevervit-la reasonably dry. the earth does not frees to. a depth materially greater than in temperate sonee. : ' ' .'.?"'. i The mining season at Dawson closed In October, and the laat boat for the out side, left Dawson City October J 6. Be tween 15,000.000 and H,OM,PH D14 was taken out of the ereeka tributary to Dawson this season. - - Mr. Elmer Is manager of the Lewes River Mlnlne Dredging company. operating on Discovery Bonanaa and la also consulting engineer ror xne ina dian-Klondlke company, on the Klondike river. He will spend the winter in Portland. Seattle and the eaat. - "One thing concerning which there Is much misapprehension irf this country Is the vegetable resources of the Klon dike country." he said: I have eeen seven tons of potatoes grown from a planting of 17 pounds on a piece of ground access tha rtvar from Dawson City. Vegetation of all kinds Is luxur iant In the eummer season.' LOS ANGELES TIMES - - , r- PARTY IS RETURNING . A party of people who passed through i m - KMaw m r sn rAlltsn tA thA IOrilJulU e iu vu vaa asf,vt w. - orient, are scheduled to return through this city tonight. They were to arrive today at Seattle In the eteamsbtp Da kota. The party took the trip under the ausptcee of, the Ioe Angeiea limes. They have seen' Manila, Chin and m tmnA man t the oriental potentates ' and scenic points of mter r -in ii i aim In a ansflsl train over the Northern Paclflo from Se attle -to Los Angeles. , ' ' j mmmmmmmmmmmmMjmmmmammmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmm ! Select Your Coat, Suit or Sltirt from the Largest Stock on the Coast W---y .About 200 Coats: ? I ' W ' - '' '""'' A ' - .'. H . Regular Price $15 ; ; r K ;zz droaaqoin loai received by; 2 : ined in black and blue 'only. a-i ' " " ' - ; - . . ii : .. 7- " I $30 Suits WEDNESDAY' f & THURSDAY $22Siiits WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAY ' 4 H t REMEMBER THE BIG FUR SALE - f Awr NOTICB '' te out-of-town I III III merchsnta. ; We are pre JLlj ULX pared to furnish you with enata, soils and skirts at Nsw .Torfc price a . -.V',.. - . ' Wholesale and RctalL 131 FillhSt. bcl. Uashlnglon & Alder LOOK! Lest Tnu forget "We are he only firm tn Fortiana quipped for manufacturing We have expert factory employee, and garments purchased In our store will be handled expertly and with dispatch and -Underwear? & Values i .. ! ' . V YouH find sterling values among . ; ' our stock. ,We feel that we have the best and most satisfactory! brands in the market today. . We r , will show you the finest grades of all wool, wool mixed, linen, silk -'-"- - unA stllr -anrl.vmnl' ' '.' " ' and silk and wool1; $2.00 f $13.00 M I s J lfTl Ik I .v.; Cpp. Postofllct' 10 TtUt K8SE CM GIVE tCTIEi. in Wbii& Vf This -0 7 i better With ' PerfsctWn Oil Heater yesi casi keat eold bed-reesn. maxe sick-root more comisrUbla, warsa chflly hallway, heat water quickly, aad do tnaay thhtf rr thma oaq be done wita any other stove saawee fnelltbnraa. Theaaporiority ofUo . - PERFECTION OH Healer .Wi mm & i . .' : .' S U-J . '.-- ....,'. --- ..;i'..,.--wttM Saeokcl Derrle lies la the fact that ft geaeratel Intense neat Witheat emeke m- i I. Th !! feaat aac lae wick earlier are ssaae ef baas . Urouxhont. wlllO tTOTTTt4Hr. Otseegtest hestataasaa cost. Feast has ell Indicator and beadle. Heater le Ug ht aad K table. AbMlately safe aad etsiple-'irlck caaaet h.tnwd high or tee low. Oeereud es eaaUy as a laaip. AU parts eesO cleaaed. Two AaUtaes alcket aad jasea. fcvery heater Tf m ot wmmt -"'- write oearset aceacv fee descriptive circalac . . . - - ' The jRajb Lamp &hzZ ,:mtr ' . a aleer. euady Ught. la thM soieet Is mo van eaa bur. Braes thranghewt sad Wiekel plated. Bqelppad with ' the latest isprmd Vmroer. Msaasean slplot(sfaetory. Btctt lamp warranted. Write to aeenet ageaey tf yea caaaet get it froia yovx aoalM. r " -. -r -..r - STANDARB OIL COMPAlfT FRANK L SliHTI1 1 MEAT COMPANY ttj m axsu RinTriiTWUi xxmut axb raooao . mPIOHTINQ THE BBt3P VTRUST". mltk la wualag Ma way. Xe la gaialiia; each ear. Trade wtta Porterhouse Steak, per lb.....12H "T"-Bone Steak, per lb 12 H Blrloln Steak, par lb .....1O0 Tenderloin Steak, per lb..... lOf Round Steak, per lb. .10e Hamburg Steak, per lb lO Prime Rib Roast Beer, per io,....ivr Rolled Roast. Beef... per lb.,......10 Pot Roaat Beef, per lb... '"5? Beef Stew, per lb Boiling Beef, per lb 6 Corned Beef, per lb 6 Mutton Shoulder Roast, per lb. .....8 Mutton Shoulder Chops, per lawgiver Mutton Stew, per lb......... &V Mutton Loin RoasW per lb......lSHf Mutton Loin Chops, per. ID. ..... Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb...,12ti Pork Shoulder Chops, per lb....!2H Leg Pork, per lb lr..Z. Pork Loin Chops, per lb.. Pork Loin Roast, per lb...."X" Leaf Lard-per lb Salt Fork, per lb UL... ftAMJt-'.ttfJ. ItHe) Veal Shoulder Roast, per lb. ...... 100 Veal Shoulder Cutlets, per lb...,,.10e Veal Breast, per lb 8 Veal Stew, par lb...... ..... Leg Veal, per lb.-. 12Het Veal-Rump Roaat, per Ib..,...12H4 Veal Loin Roaat. per lb...,....12He Our Own Lard.-1 lbs. for.,,......60et Hams, per, lb............ 17 Breakfast Baoon, per lb 1TH Liver, per lb...... 6e) Txosa n tbttst luinni They may torn them aad toes them and eaaaaw ttaai as they wlU, Ths small ef ' the beef treat wffl ' ollatT to them raa. rATSOvm xoaci imouvvart i Clarke,Woodward v Drug Co. Wholeeale, . ktaaafaevarlag aa4 Importing Drngglats, ., Announce the eompletloa of their .Analytical Laboratory, completely equipped In every detail for the analysis of foods, rocks, oils, fuels fertilisers, drugs, mineral waters and for technical research. Our establishment, eerae Math, and Koyt, and conveniently lo- eatee near union If pot ana rer minal Orounda, is the largest la the northwest. . " Dealers la Oaaaara mark. BaU easa Tlx aad erode aragevot the BorthwesK ' " 1 I Th. OIULGON DAILY JOUIXNAL an k w, ,r a p s R ,P .; a ttytH e : fJt OHI I .1 -...