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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAE. " PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER '13. 1003. UJlFOULl diuqrce LMV COHGRESS Lawyer, Clergymen and Men of I ! Affaire Gather at Philadelphia to Discus Statute.' V TO ABOLISH SECRECY :i - IN SEPARATION CASES AH Proceeding to B Mad Public ! Remarriage Not PerrnittarJ VUntU . . Year Elaptea Cauaea of Divorce : aa Determined Upon. , . l ' ' . . Special 8 err Ire. Philadelphia,. Nov. II Lawyer. ler sryman and man of affairs representing ; many states sssembled at the Bellevue tratfard In thla city today at the open "ing of the national congress on uniform divorce laws. .The attendance waa tsrg . ST and of a more nnpwntitiua nhiMK. . 4er than that of the. firm . waa held In Waahinrton laat spring. Tbe . present meeting, which will be 'in sea- Bat fa. ssaMrakvell lafa tan a la .L. . draft of a statute which -the congress will seek to nave adopted In every state : of the Union. The statute was drafted y a committee of eminent lawyers and jurists and prominent clerevman all ef ..whom are conversant with the so-called divorce sviL . .... - - JTew law Proposed. , ' V.;.' The act is divided Into three chapters, the first constats. of Jurisdictional nro visions; tbe second procedure, and the ' third general provisions, and la entitled "An. act regulating annulment of mar. rlage and divorce." While little or no Changs Is made to. the -given causes for ' divorce as now existing, certain pro ' visions were evidently made with a view si inwuni ini increasing aemarra ior legal severance of marital bonds. Un der these provisions secret, or "star chamber" sessions for hearing divorce eases before masters or other repress. . tatlvas of the courts are done away with, and -"all hearings and trials shall be had before the ' court a e and In all ease be public." - It la also pro , vtded that "a decree dissolving the mar riage tia so completely as to permit the MfnaprllM iif mftha. nrf v ihmiM tint -J become operative until' the lapse of at reasonable time after hearing or trial upon me merits oi me cane, tot Wis consin. Illinois and California rule of one year Is recommended. Another part of tbe proposed law pro hibits the solicitation of a divorce case .by advertisement, circular or otherwise, and prescribes for such an offense a una or not more man ii.ovv ana im . prisonment of not mor than on year. Annulment of the marriage contract, as distinguished from dlvoroe, will be made rnr the rniiaanner causes: imnotene. aonsans-uiniiy. exist ins lormer numup. fraud, fore or coercion, insanity ana .Illegal age. , . , I Divorce. It Is provided, shall be . of two kinds absolute, and divorce from bed. and-board. .Under the first classi fication the grounds shall be adultery, Unnr. ' conviction and sentence for "crime, followed by two years continual imnrtaonmeni: extreme cruelty, wuiui .desertion; and habitual drunkenness for two years. , The same cause will prevail 'in the second class with the additional cause of "hopeless Insanity of the hus- band.' No dhrorce shall be granted If It appears - to the satisfaction of the fcourt that the suit has been brought by collusion Dr - MA 111 (imit., mm r- eured or connived at the offense charged ' . Van .ui.l nn 4 I , r Vi Kami viiJltw adultery not condoned. The new law also mskes some important changes 4n cases and their trial.- Pernou etrlkebreakers. - -; " The moat famous strikebreakers in the land are vr. King's Mew 1,1 r nna When liver end bowels go on strike they ?uickly settle the trouble, end the puri ylng work goes right oa. Beet euro for constipation, headache and . dlsslness. t(o .at Red Cross Pharmacy. ". - Mama, be Warned 1 Pro ject the Little Ones! AMI Don't be frtjJitenecV but be warned! ' Every" Mother TtnowiTor should know that the ter- 1 rlble Mortality among children la caused ' Stomach and Bowel troubles. Collo, '- Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer ( : Complaint, Measles, Rashes, Scarlet Fevers-even. Mmps hsvs. their first cause In oenstlpatlon.. t ;i . . .. The .Delicate Tissues of a ' Baby's Bowels wll) not stand rough treatment. . Salts are loo violent,' and Castor Oil will only frees the passages,, but will not " rnaks and Keep them Clean, Healthy and .25;:. . ' VVV..'rA;-' V--There Is no other medicine aa safe (or ., child aa Caacarets, the fragrant little Candy Tablet, that has aaved thousands ' of families from unhapplnesa. ' The Nursing Mother should always ' , keep her Milk Mildly Purgative by taklnr : a Cascaret at night before going to bed. No other medicine has this remarkable and valuable quality.' Mama takes the. , Cascaret, Baby gets the Benefit. : Cascaret act Ilk strengthening Exer- , else on the weak Hide bowels of the growing babe, and make them abla to " get all tha Nourishment out of Baby's " Natural Food. -.. , , ..,.,, .- ."j (,r ':; j , ' . Larger children ' cannot always be watched, and will eat unreasonably." ' Tha Ready Remedy should ever be at hand Cescareta to take car of tha trouble when It oomea. ': No Reed to Fore or Bribe children to tak. Casoarets. .They ar always -- m!? nV to eat tha sweet little '.' bit"oT Candy. ' - '. : ' Horn la not complete without th ever " ready Boi of Caacarets. 'Ten cents buys a smsll one at th Corner Drug Store, ' B very careful to get tha genuine, -' mad onh by the Sterling Remedy Com- " pany and never sold In bulk. : Every tablet stamped "ceo.- , . ' ., YT IT WHAT IS CATARRH7 Simple Way to Overcome tha Dan gers of This Disagreeable Disease. ' Catarrh is an Inflammation of .the muoous membrane, of the nose, throat and lunea, with- many annoying symp tom a la this , climate there, are few who do not suffer .frbm this disagree able disease, often. In a chronic and dangerous state. ' . Fortunately, within the last fe years, a simple and. reliable treatment for catarrhal troubles .has been found Hyomel, . a combination of healing and germ-killing balsams. that. when breathed through the neat pocket . In haler that oomea 'with every outfit, reaches the tiniest calls In the respira tory organs, carrying its healing , and health-giving properties to every part where the catarrhal poison Is present. Used In this way. Hyomel kills all catarrhal germs, drives the poison from the system and heals all Irritation that may be - present in the mucous mem brane. ' If you have th ordinary catarrhal symptoms, such as offensive breath, burning pains in ths throat, cough. raising of mucous,-dlffloulty m breath' ing, snseslng, husklnsss, dlschsrga from ths nose, droppings in the throat, cough Ing spasms, etc., begin the us of Hy omel at -one-,-. r - - A complete Hyomel outfit . eosts "but II, extra bottles, tf needed, SO cents. and I sold by woodsrd. Clarke & Co. under an absolute guarantee that It will cure catarrh or money will be refunded PRESBYTERIAN COIfVEHTIOn HOLDS SESSION Organization.. Plan .to.Jnqlilde , , All Men's Church J ; Societies. . -; ". . V; ; ' (7oaraal gpertal Servic.) Indianapolis,- Jnd Nov.OS. The first convention of the Presbyterian Brother hood, an organisation' planned to Include all' men's societies In the Presbyterian church, began a three days' session In Indianapolis today. The general as sembly of the Presbyterian church, at the recent ' meeting In Des Moines, de clared In favor of the organisation of th brotherhood and' a committee of five pastors and five prominent laymen waa appointed to arrange for the organ isation, of alt existing men's societies in ths church Into one big society, Tbe work of -th-committee was- successful, as Is evidenced by tbe large and repre sentative attendance at th present con vention. ' It Is proposed to make the Presbyter Ian Brotherhood broader than tbe simi lar organisations of other denominations. The Young-Men's- Oulld af th Church of Scotland Is said to b th Ideal on which th new organisation will ' be based. It was organised In 1881; and It unites all societies. Bible clssses and associated bodies for young men and old connected with tha Church of Soot land. In ' the Presbyterian Brotherhood ths organisation ' of Njocal branches will be made as elastlo aa circumstances or requirements of any congregation may require. - It la proposed to build up a systematic and compact body which will also reach all the men of the Cumber land church, which after, next year will be a part of th church In th north. . , ; ''.- preferred SVeek Oanrnea Oeoda, , . Allen V Lewie et Brand, ,: ... . 1 ''i GERMAN ARMY SPY FOUND !H EKLISTEO MAN : Reward of fifty Dollars Offered for Arrest of 'Alleged De ; serter at Fort Adams. . '' tJosraal Special Serrlos.l v . ' rfewport, Nov. H. A reward of . $50 has been offered at Fort Adam for the arreet-f Private Qustavus UssendaM Of th Seventy-ninth company of Coast artillery for desertion. It Is Intlmsted at the forta about Newport that he la a German spy. He has been doing cleri cal work, showing, much ability as k draftsman. It Is thought he haa valua ble drawings In his peases a Ion. , Private-T.j.-jJUogtL oftbsame company, says he recognises in Liesen dahL a German army officer, who was serving in Peking during th boxer up rising. When he spoke to Liesendshl on th subject th man .would only ad mit that he was a private in th Ger man army. Thla admission led to the belief that Be was a spy and his serv ice in the United States army bad been for a purpose. He haa been absent from Port Adsms for It days, and every ef fort will be made to find him. :, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES ENLARGE THEIR CAPITAL Additions Being Made to Enable Concerns to Withstand " Frisco Losses.9 -t '" ' ' (Joeroal Special Service.) Chicago, Nov, II. Large additions are being made to the capital and sur plus of American fir insurance com panies to oname tnem to stsnd the strain of th San Francisco loss. Tsn new companies have been organised and 17 old companiea have paid In auultlonal funds sine the conflagration, either through assessment or by Issuanoe of new stock at premium. Subscribed contributions and new cap ital are tlt,77!.Sf f, and to the surplus llS.lal.ttO. a total of Ul.tS4. 14. Of thla ovsr t2S.000.000 ha already been paid, most of the remaining Install ments being due before the end of the year. '. ; - FEDERAL COURT AT -: SPOKANE IS HOMELESS ; ' ' (HpeeUl IHaaatel te The searael I Spokane, Nov. IS. Owing to the fact room suitable for the purpose, there will be no November term of th United Stkte district and circuit court held w- It la nrnhahla that tt will Ka several months before on will b held. ino in leue oi uie -vvernmen( upon rooms In th Auditorium building expired several weeks ago, th federal offices In this elty have' been main tained In small crowded rooms, waiting for th completion of th new Hutton block, which will be occupied -for gov ernment business until the new federal building Is constructed, which will prob ably not be for tw or three years yet. Mm This Stock JumpsTto 75c at M EXTRA IVfTTlCP f We have increased our factory room 80x90 feet, as r""- , 'T"- t-T". large again as we have been- using, and are now pre paring to build a factory on three acres, of ground where we will employ ftOOmn as soon as .money and push-will da it WATCH US-GROW.-; -: ,. . .. , ' . , ... y , . ,- I Have Made Millions of Dollars for Thousands of People by My Patents I expect to make millions more, r This stock has incressed in value more than 150 per cent in one year, and should make you a life income in handsome dividends. Be a safe and sane investor and get ss much of the stock ss your means will allow. The natural increase of business and inquiries for motors have forced the price of stock up several times; it will soon go higher.-. '.: ','':'' ' ''''. .'." ; V;;' :" THE BIDWELL COLD MOTOR KILL DOUBLE THE CAPACITY OF ANY MOTOR mmn-m wwweinw snnu Inventos f th Trolley Car SSystem. lavento? of th Oearieaa Motor. Savsntos of She Bailway Oas Tele phone System. ' Zaveator of th Bldwell Cold Motor. Inventor of the Water xiswtxte - Kvery dollar Invested will represent on hundred eentg of the best stock. Every share will be exactly like every other share. The profit on every share will b th sama as th profit on every other share. ... I have a lifelong reputation for sauar dealing. I will personally se to It that every stockholder gets a aquarb deal on thla More money la msds every day by good Judgment in Investing money than by sll the labor and wagfce In ths country. Bate and shrewd Investments in this stock will make fortunes.- . , . . j Tou will neer get rich on wages. No ons evr did. Every man in this world who ever got - blr- money got it either by ' speculation or Investment.' Speculation is unsafe, Tou stsnd more chance to lose than you do to make. In vestments ar right the other way. Make a safe investment . and it is surs t bring you returns... .-. -' Don t hesitate about tals stoo. It is absolutely aaf and A . I r . ." . Here Js an I niportant Point to Remember There never haa been a failure of consequence In electrical manufacturing. Btop and think of that. All are Immensely successful. All pay big dividends and hav msds their In vestors wealthy. . ' ' r-.-- " ' This company will soon be on of th biggest In electrical . manufacturing In th world. . This Is bound to be so, because there Is not a place now , where a motor or generator is used but will hav to sooner or later chsnge for the Bldwell Cold Motor or generator, why? Because w make something better , than any other kind known.. ;:. , ;. ;, .- Hetty Green, the Richest World, Says: "The Way to Get Rich Is to Invest in Necessities." J Th Bldwell Cold Motor Is on of th greatest necessities ' ' th. twentieth can'urv. This, stock hss already taken I ten Jumps up. Now is the time to buy. . It will soonjump again. Th profit 1 -our. . Dont speculste invest. Her you nave a neceseuy. mwk mi mia of these people mad hi fortune by necessity: , . t , . ' : nna cooru , i XoCOKIQCK ' OAMWUOTM K t socnrzuis itsiToa oxxx XSIaTSB -rruisusT STnSHiXEB TAXMBAMKU SCAOZAT MlUXaU msZ.D uma Ajtntotns - swirt - meat r , . Koavoasr SDisoar . TAjrroms MOOSI LIIDS '.. TiSOBKSILT oouxvo Ki.Moarr muusvaa These Are Cold Facts You Must Act Quickly If you want aome of thla stock at be aold at. th present price. .... . , , I firmly believe that within a short a case of. comequlck or not at all. eney. - ''.. '-".. . ' Iti order to mate It possipie ror. every men ana womsn to get in wiin me on tnis nig aeat a nave oecioea te eeu the s'ock for a abort tlm only at th following prices: . ... ". - SO shares. Out, g3S 100 Baares, Cash, B70 ISO Bharea, Oaaa, SlOSt too Sharee, Cash, SleOt SO Baares, Oesa, first BOO" Bharea, Cash, BS10 SOO Bharea, Cash, BSSOf 1AW0 B hares. Cask, S700J 8,000 Bsaree, Cash, $3,000. . . BOO Bharea, goo Bharea, BOO Bharee, . juaa Bhareav - JOQ Share, '. Send all money by bank draft, express money order, postoffice order or rejistered letter. Special to Electric Light Men and Manufacturers vi are now prepared to accept your orders in our own new factory, whers we have room" to employ 10 people. Wr now manufacturing th Bldwell Cold Motors. Ws ar taklna orders for cold motors snd cold generetor for srs and incandescent lights on a guarantee not to burn out for 10 years. Also self-cooling motors and generators, guar anteed not to burn out for thre yeare. , . ''.': . , ' -j BIDWELL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Chicago . - Th undersigned Is sa suthoHaed" broker for the sale ef our stock In th weet. Cell and see him and let him explain anything you do not understand. - - " ' ' Ofle Open very S-realmg This Week VsU 'Oloek. Mail Order Wostsasraed Op to MUaight, Veveaase if, Win ' " f?oucannoY"caH, write and ask for our free booklet .It give full Information. " Address all order and fnquirie to ... . ,:, ' ' '' i : , . '. : ' , .; J H . JOH NSTON, Broker r. 425-426 Flledaer Bldg., Tnth and Washington Sts Portland, Or. , rrrm t never mads an unsuccessful invention. Mr first Invention was the eleetrlo fan, Just as It is run all over this country In hot weather. I didn't get a patent "on It, but see what a tremendous success lt-tsr- r- ; r-r-, I nsxt Invented the Trolley Car System, Just as It is run today.: I made It perfect and successful right from ths I invented It Look at the millions of money It hss made for the stockholders. Ths stock In ths trolley manufacturing companies sold below It cents a share In lltS and ISM. Poor men could buy that stock then. Thoussnds e thent did . it. and ,nn ana wha 4M on to It Is a rich man todav. . Next I Invented the Railway Car ; wlch passengers or trsln ersws can telephone from still or moving ears any . where the same aa if seated In an offlc. It Is a more perfect systsm in opera tlon than any other telephone you minions xor tne stocanoiaer. ' ; This Is Tiy Greatest Invention Now. I ha v Invented something bigger and greater than either of the above. t-It is called, the Bid well Cold Motor... exaotly the kind of a motor" the steam raiiroaa people nave Dean looaing ior. It wUl ehang all the steam railroad systems pver to eleetrlo roe da, because It will be cheaper to run than steam and can be run faster and mor safely, than any present method. . . . Th on drawback ths railroads hav had In changing over to electricity baa been that no motor a at present made can be run 160 mtlea at SO mllea an hour without burning out. It would melt the ery wires. rrrr- , .-- By using ths BldwsU Cold Motor a train of cars could be run "Tronr New Tork to San Francisco without a stop at the rat of 0 or SO miles aa hour and not sven warm up and without a hitch. . . Besldss running renter, they would be mor safe and sure than steam, eost less to operate, and would last longer than. any other motor now known. Ths Bldwell Cold Motor Is th greatest invention out since I Invented the trolley ear. : " ""' ' . DONT SPECULATE INVEST The Opportun I want to give every man and- woman a chance to come In with me en this, for I expect to make millions for the stockholders out of this new patent. - Tha stock will bs sold on the square. There will be no hocua poeus about preferred or common stock, nor any other scheme, trick or wrinkle by which anybody can be frosen out, - , , ' , Woman in the. nm wiw. r.'.i un supplying some great ' Til BIBOTBIO QQSKIB OATS, And this Is only suranc or trust in ten resrs snd sity now known so lsrge that it ths present low price you must com In , f- - time the stock will- be celling at IS a .As to our reliability and financial atanding we refer you to any commercial : ' . ' . . '..'. . ': ' '.'. ... .. ... .. ..... .. Our Monthly Payment Plan SO Bhaees, BS.SO asa, Svs aaoathly payments f as.SO eaca. 100 Bharea, caah, six ssoBttoy payssent of S10.OO each. ISO Bharea, SiaO eash, six saoasaly payment of B1S.00 eaeh. "SOO Bharea, B03.00 easa, swvem ssenthly uayiuewt T 01T.OO ahw- B3030 eaeh, seven aaeataly payaaeat of asauM eaeh, srrea xeoathly paymeate ef aaiAO oesa, tgB Baoataiy paymeat or B30 mm B704K eaan, tea jaoathly paymeats ef SS4-00 eaeh, $050.00 eash, tea saosthay paymeats of $300.00 eex WW start. It has never been Improved sine Telephone System. It Is a system by ever saw. This is on the road' toward It. la guaranteed not to burn out. and la ity of a Lifetime. srowzu cou motok. .. wat m aBnrracTTTmura btooks Ur srzCKasiTTxa nun rirst Bold at Vow gold at TVIT , IS 9187 Co SunOS 46 914S First Sold at . Vow Sold at r.- - - - u-' f' ! j i 5 1 1 1 i r.. . .. - ' . ': . ' ' " .. i :, . -. .: c '.. .4 ,,,r AMEXIOA V BADIATOB, Commas ... 33 BlOO AMXSUOAX BMJBIiTim ............. SO ,1SS a few. Bafer and surer thsn life In stocks. All this sdvanc has been mad less. I will supply the greatest neces In the business world. , The demand is will make a'l of us rloh. If you want to get in with me on tnis you win nsve u om quica scout lb Th stock Is selling like hot cskes. now. There la only a, small amount to .- , , ,. , . share. This la your opportunity. It Is -1. BaiJM each. Sas.oo eaoh. Great Auction Sale Of Japanese and Chinese curios, conainting of old Bronie, Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brass, Sat suma, fine decorated Tea Sets, - Lacquered Wartr -r-E H o-n y Carved Furriiturc, Embroidered Screens, Oriental Rugs, tev Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store, we -sre compelled to ditpoie of ogrj. great stock at auction. The ph14cordiaUy JnYlttd. ta at tend , this sale. Unprecedented bargains sre certain to, be had. SALE AT 2:30 AND 7 JO P. M. DAILY. ,' . ?. -r;: Andrew Kari& Co. 287 MORRISON 8T. f The Portland T 7 PORTLAND, ORKOOK. 'tUHOPKAN PLAN ONLY HBADQUARTERS FOR TOURfSTi AND COMMKRCtAU , . TRAVLER8. Vf, "iverythlhg t eat and drink," and It costs no more In th ' Pertlans Hotel Rathsknr . than elsewhere In the elty. Kvery weekdsy night from S;tS to 1. Bt. e. lOVm Kasarer. HOTEL EATON 00 . MOEJUBOW AMD WTtlT PABX STS. NEW" " naMfflelr fnrnlalied, etrgastlr equipped. Sreprnof, Ave aileutee' walk traai beart et hopping end Sualneea dUtrlrt, tU lr. Irr. eutelda roonia, eteees keetMl, eleetrlr llshta, t'lephoM la each apirtmrat. Ho. Large efBne, leuoslns, SDKklns. writing. aAUe'-eaaeptles - narliira, , rlmiim raief fed br ail! or ulepauae. . Prieau eassibas aaau taaias aad steasaera. Rooms $1.00 to SS.00 a Day ' Speeial Bates e OestsMtelal Mas. A, AaJtiTaOSO, rreprieter. LEWO Portland't Widely Known and Successful ; Chlnesa Medicinal. - Root and , - - it Herb Doctor; Ilia faaaa nmadlae. the tnsredlaate et kick we laport direct fraaj tke Oriast ta large suasUtlee aad prepare as sat sp tar see M kla sp-te-date labaiarr. Me SMreerr. pilnsa ar dress ef ear kisd Saad. . twli rasatable. Tba Dorter treats aeeeeeafeny aad geareetaee ta anre all eteaiarb tmablaa. eatarrk. aatbaaa. lens, throat, rheasiatlaw. , sareaaasasi. Urm. klrtnae osd Vat manhood. rinar s gmoBBtsa-Aarn... an WVAH . , oisaasB.' ' Ho tllaa ar silalaedlaa; ststeaaests ts the art let ad. a oafa aad laatlas ears la tke ssies eat poailblo time aad at the leereet east pas, alble foe fcoaeat treatawat. If yte eenao rail, write for ayeapteai blaaS end envslar. tHeVM 4 emta ta etaaips. . eovsoxTirtov rxix Tke a Bee We uaiaaoo 'atedieiae Oa., lSSH t lla St., Oar. Merriae. feetlaad, Oa, Plaeee SMSilea this Baeat, Every Woman wiaaanaaao ana aooaia snow eooui tne woaaarrai MARVEL walrliwt Spray aaw Teeiaei arnaaa. tmtf. a. Ileal sat. if ba eaanutearelr the Htatll., eop ao MMr. but aand alamo for llliiatraiad aoia aal,a. tt tall eerllealare aad rfirartiona tm. TaiueNe to la.1ln. JHB Bl. rAt . aa aT.. a at toaai. woooako, CLaaas co. aas lavx-paviv oauo co SToaca. Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Foe IaSasiss4tea wOstsrrkef tbe BlartAar and Pliaaaod ale. aers. aeeoasBerar. Cures alrklr aad Bamaaaaiir I ha roraft aad eiaeee, se waller of auar ot bow Aseelsielr by drnfaieta. LirnLa Sold long ataadlns. Prloe ti br siall. paaa said. I0,l besaa, w-Ja. TKE SAMTAL-PEPSmca by Weedard. Oarks a Os, PurCf ftafc, Sure BalnndCotton Root'l'l'ae! The beet and only reliable remedy for DELATED PE RIODS. " Cure the most ob- aUnale oases in S to 18 daySf rio- 2 per box, mailed In plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE, IX O., Ill First street. Portland. Oregon."" CatfJtwd. AraVm, BVBB stOWaT aiS Ththi i Kstraa et Ceaehs sad Oopubela j OePBULK. Mil..i. aad itiaaaioaia fn Slaoa, wanoa, eee, aaap , r um a atartla a, Sol Waahlairtne) rartlaad. Oresoai r by aull frees Tbe ta Co.. 44 Matins at. Mew Vera., I at, rw hnui TRANSPORT AlIOM. S. S. F. A. Kilburn . Vw Caea Bar. BareSa aad Baa rraaetaaa. Kit aalllos froaa FonlaBd Mar. Ortobar II. Kaat aalllos tmm Baa rraaetaao, Tkare Oct. . cnaa. a. steels iiith, Aget. C;X S-c:t C:c. rh::.2 f.!: r" CGI L TTt.1 a at' '.m ':V7!,TJa.,V'a s."J,Yi.3''.7rv,l ilV'jrV'Sra V oar jacvi, I nee aas aurfu a. vvyv ea-MoaCaaTOlaat. - rNwoaeaw Ui laaaa4lf. aaIWnasMlaepL 'W'i f - ' .iT'I- tl aW 7 1 1 i b; See Bale a. m TR AKS FO HT ATI C wtz, ' 3 Trains to the EsjUkUy- ' TV1illBias"'t5aJd" aad awrlat elaae a-ara Sally aa Oaiaaa. Cbtoaso. apkw t-wlet-slaaplBs-eara dallr te fcaaeae C.i Tbruogk mliaUig ebaireeta (eaaia tree) tt at dallr. ( Vaiea Ikap.4 Leaea, arrtva , JtlMfO-Purilaod Snarl at far -ta HojiiiBgioe. dir. SiSSast I oe pe EiT.." . " Eaatars Waabtastes Walla" Walla. tarladiB, Oooar d' Alalia aad - - . 2li:-,..N,l',, tar.ri,T SIS ea 1 SO atlantle Kipraes foe the. Kaat . ttU'"aln.o. d.ll, SitSseS ' a fwt.aadjiitra kie:. for all pabiia baiwaea Sitae aad hwDeed. d.ll, ... "..".. .. a iSaei' S:SSpW- OOLUKRU BIVSR OIVTSIOll. ' ... ro Aatorla aud war pnlala, eaaaeeltet ertnV ul'S'l T ',w" ad orb Beaeh. Steamat "aadarj a.lard.7 JO pV'aa. Arm bout S p. a.. aieept Soodar. - w ' TAaJHTLt, RIVER- SOCTS. .rer Darloa. Oreaos Cltj aad Samkin re falala(ataaaere hulb aad Modoe. art at. doaa, ', dally, aieept Saadar (water par- iaada. : p. st. eaii. aaoan '"r- .' "' SWABS BIVRR ROtTTB. m. lewlatoa, Idaba, aad war petnts fe "IP"!!- Waah., aiaaawra and tewto. T? i"".,B 40 .. ae spos Traia S.ii.-f""T 12?''' "la- Arrlre 4 a. sw II. Wldae. Tleket Office. Third aad Waabtafto Sts, ' ' Talefrtiene Main Til. aa J,wWt;T,Norl, MfT TVa Area. Waa, McatVRRar. Oeaeral raaoanser Aaafc EAST v SOUTH Onloe Depot-. Lear. Arrlra, owlaad aitpreat -Tratea ror Salem. Roeebarf. Aah aad, Maeramaate, Onl.a, as yraaelaco. Stork loa, " T ' ' ' oa Sasalae, El Paao. New Orlseaa sad the eaat. t:tt pes t:U eat Mnralns trala eoaaarto at aodbars dallr etoept - ... ' . Sundar Wltk Mnant aad fUlreet, lecah ...... . tMt sa - t ass - Cottaga Grore paaaanser ennaerta at Woodbnra and i . Alhanr dailx.. aaaapl Sob- - ,V:, . i ' er. wlib tralne for notpte on WomJbars-aprlnsfleld aad . .'. ' Alliaar.Latianm kriu.ka.. i llf aaa It rlW aal Coreallla paaeangor. etajam S oOpoa' nerldan paaeeaser MilOpsi aio SO am roreat uroee paaaaacee. :oo an iit ooera roraat Grora JxManaor. . . , Ha m pat 111:00 pa -wauj. Mnaiie eteeaf pmaoae. . JErrERftON-STREBT STATIOtl.' far Daliaa aad tatersMdlate aeania dallr. T a-ai, aad ;,- p. au . Aarlae fertlaad OCaA- e. St. ad S:ES p. Sa. - for tine aad eard ef Oawese enHnrtoaa trataa spplr at Clly Tlrkat Ofrica. or atatloa. Tlrkata le Eaeteni polo l a and Euroysl saw Janaa. Cblaa, llnnolnla aad Anatrall. ritr Tlrkat Orrica enraer Third aad WsstH tngrna mwu. Phone Main Tit. 0. W. STINilRR. Wat. MeMURRAT. City Ticket A feat. . Oam. Paaa A (est TIME CARD or TRAINS- Portlands . Leers. ' Atrtea. Telloweteee Park -Kaaeea City St. UmIs aeerlal for Cbeballe, CantralU, Olmpla, Or, f a Harbor, Booth Bead. Taoooaa, Seattle. Knot a a. Lewlatoa. Butte, BIlllBse. Deeear, Oaia aa. Kanaae Ollr, St. Uls tnd Boatbeaat. dallr......... SiSO pel 4:SS SB orlb Ooaal Manlted. eleetrle ' Hshled, for Taeoaia, Seattle, . ,. . Spokane. Batte, Mlnaeepolla, ' - K Ki. Peal aad tbe Eaat. dallr. SiWssj t:0Saa Pitsaa Souad Uniltad. fee Claraneet. Csialli.5Cee. ' ' ' .. trails. Taeooja raad 8081118' enlr, 'dallr-. d:0 pea SB pas JWIB' Ulir sl'iaaa for -laee aia, Seattle. Spokane. Beleaa.'. . ' " Butte. St. Paol, Mlaaeapolla. l.ltxwln. St. Jnaepk, Kenaaa ' Clta. Oaiaka. St. Lsala. wllk. ' ' . . ,: . : . oat ekaare ef rara. Direct aaeaeetiona for all aetata Bast tod Boutbeeat, aanrv. 7 Overland Trains Dally 2 The Orteatal LlaiMad. tbe Vaat Rua" VIA BgATTt-B ANB SPOKAWB. - raetlasd tUs sosedula Dallp, Dallr. n-.-rf- i-i- Leaee. - Afftta. Te and free Spokane, St. Pail, Mlaaeapolla. - : Dulatk aad ail potate Baal Tie Seattle,.... Tfcai 11 . paa .&0 sa Ta aad freei St Paal. v . HlaaeenoUe. Dalath v , ' and all polstt Kaat 1a Sankaae SilSpts S-eaa Rartkara Steaaaaktp Oa, Sanin freea Baet'le Cot Japan aad fklna porta and ktasUa, eetfiag paa saasare and frelsfet a a. Dakota, Xeeaaabw SS.. m ... a. g, alinnaaata, JaBHarv S. mrroa tvszr kaibra. ijapaa Mall Slaaan.hlp I ,.) , Taage Kan will a, II froaa Baattla a boat Korasibav It for lapaa aad Calneee parts, earrtag peaao&ere aad fralabt. Par tlcketa, re tee. harts, wares floae. ae.. call ee as sddreas M. DICKSOB. 0. . , A.. IH Tkfrd . fliMM . Tkaoa Malm SaSu Astoria:oIumbia River Railroad Co. Cams Depot ' '.' J Lea re. . Artrra. 'Ptap Maysera, Ralnlei ," Ohtte ' " " " kanle, Weatport. tut toe, Ae- liirla, w arraaiom, fi, . . - hawmond. Port Sioeesa, Uaar- bart Park. Beailde S;0S aa 11 Uaa Aatorla aad Soaabors, eipraaa , 1 ,U trains dallr. ... ....... - - . C. MA TO. . v. ans r. a.. "". . iTt'W , ,T i !! AaoaL ' S4S AMar atraek. . rseae Mela Sue, Upper Columbia River STBAMER Chas. R. Spencer I earee Oak Street dock every Mondae. tv.l,.e..l, r and rrirlay .1 I a m . TV.M PAi-l, sml t.,,1' e.r.i.fii.g !' ' ' 4 ' I aa f-r . I 1 MAX If suwatT. y ISluT'atJ t ' J .1 r