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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
it THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 13. 1906. FO DAY'S M ARKETS SHARP ADVAUGEJU WIRE IIAILS r Values Co Fifteen Cents a Keg Higher Owing to Strength In Steel and Iron. STORM CAUSES MANILA ROPE TO MOVE UPWARD Prices G? a Half Cent Higher on All - Gradee-Chlcken Demand la Better Hops Ar-Quiet on Account of Car Shortage. .,;-.. Principal aiaras features today: Mentis rap Is hlshet. - VHre Mill show sharp tin. Chlrkea market la lanproved. Efts ara rira bot uncnaassd. ' Jack rabbit season la opeutd. Hop trad eonttaaea alow. Pressed meat aiarket excellent. Scarcity of raaur clams. ' . Wlra Valla Advaaee Bharp'.y. " ' There waa a sharp advance of l.V per kef la the pries of wire Sails today. Tbla actloa nsa uesnr expected Raraoma Time ea account or tbe great strmfth shows la tba Iroa aud steel trad, and tba orerabuadaBoe of ordere ta aU llnee. Today's base oa wire Bella la 13.80, sod tba market la eery firm at (bat figure. , . . Kaail Btarax Caaaaa Aavaaoe, Ah advaae at He a pound la quoted today Jb Manila rope, , Tbla actloa Is directly due to tba recant storm in tbe.isisaaa, Reports say that a eery larss dsmaae waa dona the rope industry by tba storm and that prlree will an- eoohtedly bold firmer tad probably make Xurthar upward moremenC' Tba price of pare Manila rope today H !&. Standard is footed at J3e and pore alsal at lie a pound. , Chieaea SUrkst la latsrevea. While no price changes ara at pre. tot sbowa m tba chtcksa market tbe tone Is eoaeldersDly Improved ever wbat It was a week am. Re ceipts are not as besTy and demand la trowing-. The future of tba cblcaea market depends altogether upoa tba attltade ef ablppera. - Tbla being tba season of tba year when tba receipts " are genially heavy, snipper ransot . be too careful la keeping the market from being seer bardened with arrlvsls. Walla n occasional aals of fancy ben la reported at Ue a pound tbe gaaeral auarkst Is 12Ciave. Most dealers tried to secure 13c for tbeir arrivals tba morning, but big buyers did not rare to pay this price. Tba tnrkey market la fine abaps for quite gooa arrivals, neceipis uiuv iu sura u srssIL '.' . Eirga are fh-m at tSe for strictly freak ranch leek. B ere lots about tbe atsse, although some oeaiere save Better suppues man ueu . , ' Bea Trade' Coatiaaes Ught. A Terr Ugbt trade continues m tba bop market with tbe ehortaire la cars the principal' thing against buying. Dealers asy they hare a 1IW vraeni W un ui nn -, a.,.... of aecarlng cars eauaes them to re slow In their i pgrchssss. There Is some buying for Bngllsb servant at as better tfaaa 15c, and H takes . - Hi. Win ht f "K w.rWat stands In about tba same position ae a week ago, uury It la-aomewba -duller. Prices. are nispged. ' A - . - Jsok kabslt Saaasa Opees. ' Tba aeasoa en Jeek rabblta opened today wbea Page A Son reported tba first arrlTala from the eastern pert of tba state. The ar rivals were In good condition and were priced around IS a doaen. ' ' . Tba dressed meat aiarket cost In nee with ex cellent tone, limia sat am turn wm iv mV to demand. Prices at tbe, top. - bat unchanged. - There m considerable scarcity In raaor clams owing ta the stormy weather off tba coast. , Brkaf Sates at tba Trade. ' Hew orangea are not expected ta tbla market for aoma time ea account of tbe better quality sbowa ey eld crop. Mew crop a too greea for sale. .,-..' Lemons ara quoted fh-mer sr1t a ear da from tbe south today. Prices uaehanged aa yet. Chttttm bark la alow, with soma dealers of fering at Te, with no takers. . Kasteruere ara Inquiring. That's about all. Pomegranates are In larger aupply. Small had botes see arrivtn and ara ' Quoted . at 11-8661-00 boa. .. Potatoes ara ho Id tax steady, but daalera ara afraid to buy as accouat of tba car abortaga. Only fab- tone In euioaa with practically aw shipping demand yaet now. r Apple market abowa . eery goad aaeveauat, "with price ea best somewhat better., Tbe trade pays .tba following prices to front street. Prices paid shippers are . leas regular conunaudoaa. - '-' wrsmy -at is . i ' OHAIrt BAGS Calcutta. SMa buytng pries; selling t48e. . WrliAT Nsw etab, Mel bad tnssisa, Clsi ,iriTrI.'!a.o r-w. meei brewing, S2S.0O. COM.?l V.00U. 2T.00i era eked. (3B.M per BtK 1.M per cwt. ' OATS -New Producers pries No. S White, 24.uoM.OO; grsy, (23.00326.00. , rLOta Rasters Oregon patents, . SS Ml trslgbU, eaport. 13.06s ealley , tj 40: graham, . 3 6"; whole wheat. i.Tt; rye, lot, A3.00: bsles, I1TL- TlhLMl'urFS Brea. tls.M par toaj mtd dllnas, 2 00: short a, country, (17.60; city, (18.&0: chop. (K.e21.00. . HAT Producers' price Timothy, Willamette alley, fancy. (11.00Jll.oo: ordinary, (VOOQ 10.00: essteru Oregon. (1(.00J1A; mlied, 10,o6l0 6ft; cloear, (7.00; grals, (7.0O.0; chest, 17.00. ; - . attsrr-Es- oad ultry. .' BOTTER FAT W. e, b. PortlaaeV-Cweet cream, 21 eour. flVie. 7 BITTEBV City creamery, SOe; Mtslda fancy. gifjuc; oroinsry, Afec, vimv, nnwiuc t KM8 Eitra fancy, candled, 15c; local and isstsra atorage, ae2w. Tt'HKE9sV--New Pull cream, fats, ltQldtAe; Toting A merles, lbl&Vtc I POlXTar Mixed cblcksns. He pee (hi fsaey bens, 124 lb; roosters, old, I Or Fib; fryers, lie per lb; broilers, lae per Id docks, 181e per lb; spring ducks 12 geese . ) 10s per lb: turkeys. Ial7 per lit eld; dressed. We lb; Bona us, (2.60(JI.t er doe; plseoss, 12.00 per aua. , Xeaa. Wed HOPS 10u.,e"bece. lct .prime U choice. lBHi medtuoL to prime, 100l2ei ma- dWOOlr-ie0 slip Ttlley, ao12teS sastera Ores'on, SOe. - MOHAltli.rr.-BiiOTw SHAKPbKINg Shearing, lQ3ne eeeb; short wool, gnu; medium wool. sdQl&e each; lusg woolT 7Vl,00 seeks TaU-OW Prime, peg lb, SHtct Ha, I sad r.nH2,BAHin.A A . ' HlbEA Dry. M t, IS lbs sad up, 1H IT He per lb; 'dry kip, Ne. 1. S to 16 lbs. 14c; dry calf.- Ko. 1. snder lbs, lie; salted bides, steers, sound, eO Bie sad ever, lotglle; ami, (Wl'4; stsgs and bulls, sooad. 07c; fcla. 16 ts (V lbs. be; cslf, sound, under 16 lbs. lie; treat, unsslted, le lsss; culls, le per lb less; orat bides, salted, escb, (1.2K41.7S; dry, each. 11. I 11.601 colt blrtea, SoilMici goat eklno, romas q, each. 10416c; Angora, sees, cJ (1.00. , TegetabbM. POTATO"! Buylug prtcs, eastsra Mnftao meh and Clackamas. 75&N0e; ordinary, enaTV; ruling price.- (l.OOtllJeJ per ewtj . sweats, 1 OMUS a Jobbing price (few Oregon, 00c Il.oo; buyrog prlca, 70'tf7V; garlic, 9e lb. rKK.SU Ht'ITI Apples. 7V(u$l.Sn; ersnges. bsleMla, t rr.tin.OOi basanaa, 6e lb: lemoue, eiwtre. M.M 71 per but fsncy- (7.0U per b..i; rlmee. Meii-aa, (1.16 per l'K; pineapples, i4HtVii fr de; grapes, (l.eol.26; pears, linLtl.Wl bucAleberriee, lie; groood eberrlea, te per bos; pineapples, (A,ou per dusea; Boswerrenatea, (l.Xltl.6i psr box. VKilKTABLCA Turalps. aew, (1.00 per sack) ferrets, (1 pee aerk; beeU. (1.60 per eark 'gim rfllae. ie r doa; cabbage, Ors fm. lailtc: bell peppers, (c per lb; te tMt, 1Hie per ersts; psrsnlpa, aoedjll 00; 'riot beana. flregoa, Ac per lb; ran II. t...r, evictftl 00 pee doa; pees. dtf.V: k.-rMrdUh, bJ!Oe per lb; SHIcbokes, Tie ai soiisah. Tn 11.00 per hot; eantplant, si ert pee dos Merhee; celery, d00e per doe; rees SMs. (1A pel eakj sammat swaaah,, WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS e S 4 4 - -.'' " ' ' By Lovjr BpleaU Tha poultry market opened up ' aomewbat alow, yeaterday on sc- -count of lack of buying by vtb retailers by ' their purchasing a ' full supply at the low prices the ' previous uraek. Prices ara about -. tba aajoe last track. . If tha ' market does pot become glut- : ted prices ahould be better when tha retailers work off their sup' .piles the next few days. - Eggs, Teal and bogs In good . demand At former prices. 7V$1.00 per box'; eggplant. (l.TS per Crete; pumpkins, lei ersnberriss, local. (Al0JO; Jersey. (10 per bbl. ..XllUEU rHL'ITa Apples, ersporsted, (HQTs per lb; sprlcots, 18Hl0o per lb; peaches, I2QUHe per lb; ssrhs, t per lb less; prunes. So to 40, etor: Vc drop oa esrb l-l( amaller else; Prs, t'sllfornls black. OOflHe per lb( fail'brnis white. (UdUe per lb: dates, golden, (6.00 per box; fards, (1.40l.n0 psr Isfb boa. - Oreeerles, Nats. Xte. ..... : SrQAX All refineries Cn he. (40: pow dered. tS.Si; fruit, grsnulsted, -(6.S5; dry (rsnnlsted, (S.18: conf. A, (6.15; extra C, 4.HA; golden C. 14.65; D, yellow. (4.86; beet, granulated, (4.S; bbls, 10c: 4 bbla, 86c; boxes, 60c advance ea sack basis. Abovs prices ara (0 Says set cash gluts tlona.i , . . HO VET (3.00 pr ersts. ' .COFFEB Pscksge brsnds, (1B.1KQ15.7S. ' SALT Coarse Half ground, loos, (0.00' per ton; 60s. (8.60; tabls, dairy, 60s, (IS.00: loos, (12.75: bales. SLR6: Imsorted Liver muL 60a. (1N.0O; lWis, (17.00; X14. (10.00; sum fine, bbls, Js. 0s,10s, (4.5rnbO; Uvvrpool-tnmp toos-(i,60 psr ton, -OO-W rock. . 18.00; Vuus. (woo. ... (A hove pricre apply to Bales of less tbsu csr lots. Car lots at special prices subject ss Onctaatlons. ) KICB tmperlet- Japaa, Its. 1. 0c; No, t, BV,c; New Orleans, bead, Te; Ajax, . be; Creole. 5 He. . -"' ' BEAN8 SneTl white, (.0; laree wblto, (S ia;: pink. (2.00; bsyeu, (3.76; Umax, Bi4e; Mexican reds, 4c. NLT8 Peanuts, Jumbo, e per lb; Tlrgiala, Hc per lb; rose ted, KrJSViC per lb; Japs seae, 63Hc; roasted, 7 (a 7 He per lb; cocoa. nuts, b&tittoe per doa; walnuts, 17c per lb; plnenuts. 103HVts psr lb; hickory Bats, 10c psr lb; chestnuts, rasters. lBkllnV per lb; Brad! sots, 16e per lb; Alberts, 14416c par lb; fancy pecans. 15c: slmosds. lVgU0o. Masts, fish and Previslsns. FRESH MEATS Proat Street Bogs, feary, 8c per lb: veeL extra, be ner lb: ordlnsrv. Or7o psr lb; poor, tdtic per lb; mutwn, tsacy, luV per lb; last ha. c. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland peck noes!) bams, 10 to 14 lbs. lHe per lo; 14 to 10 lbe, lc per lb; breakfast bscoa,-ldesas -per In; picnics, 10He per lbl cottars, ISo per lb; regular short clears, ansmoked. 12a ner lb: smoked, 13c per lb; clear backs, ansmoked, ! 12c per lb; smoked, lie par lb; Union butts, 10 to IS lbs, uasntoksd, (e per lb; emrked. Be per lb: clear bellies, a Demoted. Ise lb: 1 smoked, 16 per lb; shoulders, 12H4 par lb; nlcfcled tonnes. IA.00 onsrtee bbl. . . LOCAL. LABD Kettle wr.- IOs pel lb. 6s, le psr lb; 60-lb turn, lt par lh: stsam rendered. 10c. 1214c nar lb: hs. lSWe per ti' , compound, ass. CANNED SALMON Columbia river, 1-lb tails, (l.tto; l ib tslls. (2.75: fsncy, 1-lb data, (I SO; Ti-ia nary aats, slid; rsncy l-ll ovsis, (2.7s; Alaska tails, pink. 86 90c; red, (1AO; aomlBai l, CS1I, SX.W. y sIHH Kock end. Te ner lbl Sounders Ibi nee lb; halibut, 7e per lb; crabs, (l.ooul.60 per dos; striped baas, UVie per lb; cetflsb, 10c psr id: sbjuoo. i.oismors nvsr cninooa. 7e: silver- elde, 6c; steelbeed, 7c per lb; herring.' Ss per lb; soles, Sc per lb; ehrimps, 10c per lb; perch, 6c per lb: black cod. 7e ner lb: tomend. 7e per id; silver emeu, oe per id; masters, luc per 10; rrssn mscserei. ee per io; rrswaan, per Oosi sturgeon, lOe pe lb; bUck Uas. JVC ner id. OYSTERS Oboslwster bar. nee asL MCA! per 115-lb sack. (4.26; Olymphx. psr gslloa. si.zn; per iid-jo sscs, sn.uv to 0.011. , CLAM 8 Hardshell, per boa, (2.00; . rsaor awsns, .ov per sox. Psist. Oesl on. Its. - ROPE Pnrs Manila, Uhic; staadard, 18.c; amsi, le. COAL OIL Pesn ar Astral esses lHe per fsl; water wblu.-sroa btls 14a psr gal. wooden 7o par gal; headlight, 170-deg, cases ils per OA50UNB nO-deg, cases StH per gal Iroa bble 1WC per gsL BENEINB 3-dcg. cases S5d per gsl. Iroa bble l"c-per gsL TCKPENTINB la sasss Ma par. gaL woodea bbla, Sc per gaL WHITS LB AD Tub lots, 7;e per lb; SOS-I lots, Sc per lb; less lots, (Ue per lb. WIBB NAlfJ Present basis at (2.80. ' LINSEED OIL Purs raw, ta S-bbl lota. (0e 1-bbl lot. Me; esses, 68e per gal; gasulne kettle-belled, rssee. SOe per gal; 6-bbl lota, 6-tc; 1-bbl lot, (5e per gal: ground cake, car lets, (20.00 per ton; leas taaa car lota, (30.00 psr CATTLE . MARKET iIS; JUST . HOLDING 01,H Tone No -Weaker but Duller Sheep Market Fully as Firm " Hogs Continue Good.t Pertlaad TJnloa Stockyards, Nov, 11. Uve- sioca reeeipras .- - - . Bogs... Cattle. Sheep. Today i". ....... 14H .76 160 Week ago .'..100 28 ... Month sgo........... 74 . ... 1-1... lear ago -62 ' 81 27 The cattle market Just held Its owa today. Tbe tone la not any weaker than yesterday, but Is duller. Hogs and abeep remain firm . with values unchanged. Today 26 horses came In. Onadlttoos a rear ago: Hogs weak; cattle slightly mors steady; abeep firm. Official livestock prices: lloga Best ssstera Oregoa, fd.TB; storkets sad feeders, (0.26; China fata, (S.fesla.SO. Cattle Beet reefers Oresost steers, . trt bO feeders, (3.60;' beet cows and half era, ' 52.60; atockera and feeders, (2.751 bulls. (1.60. .Bheep Mlxad,r 16ct. Asmbe,7ii,. , --y-- CATTLE AND SHEEPrsTOT? Chicago acarksi Is Xoldlag Wall Hogs QutUt Wtsk. , ' Cbleaga, Hey.' 15. Uvuatock receipts: ' Hogs- Oattls. Sheen. CblcsgS . .22.000 11.000 .! ..26.000 Ksnssa City ...... .17,U 4(.0(i0 a.Oto Omaha 8.600 - 1. 000 SO.OtiO Hogs Wssk at yeaterdsy's closing, with S.loo left over. Receipts s year ago ware 17,000. Prices: Mlxsd sad butchers. tB.wn9M; good sad heavy. (9.2n.42Hs rough anA beevy, (S.6.26. light, (SsCaoS, ' rsnieBfaady.- ' Sbeea Steedy. : i .,, t Tnrrrzs statzb ooTrairimrT bonds. Raw Tort. Roe. !(. Government sonde Date. Bid. ......... Opt. lot Twos, registered . do coupon ..... Threes, registered upt. Opt. Opt. 00 coupoa Small boode Konra, reglstsred do coupon ......i. Pours, regletervd do coupon Panama 2a 00 eoupoa District of ColumMs (- 5s Philippine Island 4s .... TOBTLABTI BABK STATOtXBT.' Cleerrngs today .... Olearings year ago .. Oala today ..... ...l,2M.0a.l( .........( sOd.260.U wosxivs asAiB sxrppxr. , . Chtrxge, Res'.. U 'World s vlstbls supply: Today. Xeer Axe. ' Inc ' Bushels. Bushels. Buahele. Wheat .M....n.747.s) (1.721. on) T.0H4.0TK) Oora 4 b4.0r 2 eO.OOn ' l,(vi OOO Oau 10,630,000 27,(41,000 l(,8o2,000 UecreSee, I Xsw Terk-Leadea Silver. I New Tork, Mot. U-Bar silver, Tls; Lsa Kns, (34. . , , Ask. 104 1"4 . loa 1S S4 103 103 i lf7 1( . 1024 1007. Itr3 tm 1028 lMi 131 1823 l4 131 .... 104 lU .... ii Ji .... , 116 ".M .... lov E r.lAKES Sale of Thousand Shares Made : During Session at Ninety--. :''':'-" Seven' Cents.'. " , K ' PAR PAID ON CURB FOR NINE HUNDRED 4lsnnaaassnsBvnUSBas . Larrr Sulllvsn's Unlucky Lucky Boy . Going . SteadUy ..Lower'With iftc the Highest Bid O. W. P. Bonds Sell During Day.. ' Snowshoe made Snotber xsln la vsro ea the PortUnd Stock. Kxchaags) today. It sold at 07e a snare lor 1,000 shares, but attar tba aessloa closed, a trade oa tbe curb wss made st (1.00. Other Coeur d' Alene Issues wars bid for, bot Bo sales were recorded. Lnrky Boy remains unlucky, and bid prices would not go above e today, wblls holders asked. Ill Is Is one of tbe Issues owned partly by "Larry" Sullivan. Jn today's trading (.000 Oregoa Water Power S per cent bonds were sold at 108. . Official prices: ' T. -- - ' " 1 wa: Bsnk of California 806 Bankers' A Lumbermen's '- 105 Equitable Savings A Loan ' 07 1 Merchants' Nstionsl 165 ... Oregon Trust A Seringa 110 - l2ti Portland Trust Co UO United States National ......1. 300 Z - - . BONDS. , ' i : Assorlsted Oil 6s SS ... City A Buburbsa 4s O. B. A N. By. ss O. W. P. A By. 6s 100 PortUnd By. Ss : 110 . MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Alaska Packers' ..........,. SS Associated Oil ' 61 Campbell's Gss Burner ......... ... Cement Products ... Home Telephone ...4.. ..... 25 Independent Ctas ... J. C. Lee Oo Oreron City Mill A Lumber ' 5 Paclac Statss Telepboos j".ii'T:JVe 07 101 1Q8M 62H 6 80 , 43 . SO 106 10 60 Puset Bound Telenbone I DKIO tlU- Ml laoutoa Bay Telspbons 754 10 4 , MININ0 STOCKS. Alaska Petrol asm Blue River Gold 1036 ' British Columbia Amal tHhi IT 1100 00 " S : isuiirrcg lerriuie Cascsdls 81 H Dixie Gsllsher Golconda 04 Vi 06U OS ss 02 ' 0 . " 10 ' 14 International Coal .............. S Lsea Greek Gold 01 . Lucky Boy 034 Mountain View 01 U Nicola Coal A Coke ........... 04 North Palrvtew ............ ...... ... Oregoa Securities 024 Standard Consolidated l Tscoma Steel .' Ui( - COECR D'ALENB . DISTBICT. Alax 1( Atameada ;.M......i.......... 22 Bullion ; 11 Copper King 3d ' Gertls ,. tjt.'iiuijiuu.Auv-21H HsppyTJky ,. .TTT osij Heels 82ft Idsho Glsnt 14 Si Park Cupper 11 Rambler-Carlbea ................ - 20 v Rex , 25 Buth Consolidated ... Snewsboe 044j Snowstorm ....y. 800 - 14 . f- 40 -24 j. 06 06 . 10 a:i3 - z 15 100 425 ST. PAUL GOES NEARLY . 5 POIHTS; HIGHER Announcement Causes Heavy Rise In Values In New - ''York. . ; RET GAINS. ' ... HI N.- T. Central ... ... S.Ontsrlo A Wsat... Amalgamated CeMoa Oil .. rfWsMBOt 1 Tfa TiimT reuueyirauia .... Sugar i-eopie a . uss .... Rsadlng Rack Island Southern Pee.... Union Psdfla.... U. S. Steel do nfd. ........ Smelter 1 Atchkwa Csnsdisi Central Leather St. Paul ...... Cbeaspeake ... Erie , . .. Wsbssb . Louisville . ..1 pra. Missouri Pacific.. . Hi ' Trading la Nsw Tork was an a more ea tenslvs scale today. . Money rates opened at 14 per cent, tbs high mark, but went to 5 per cent st tha close. St. Paul waa the eur st trsetloB and an Important news went to 170, closing at 17, a net gala for the day of nearly ( points. . - Offlclsl aaetatwas by Ovsrbsck, Starr A Cook company : T DBBOsUraOR. AmaL Copper Co Am. Cotton OIL com'.. Am. Locomotive, coos. Am. Sugar, com...... Am. Smelt., com..... Atchison, com , Baltimore A Ohio, com Brooklyn Rapid Transit' CsasdlsB Psclfic, com Oentrsl Lssther. com.,, CM., Mil. A St. Psul.. Chesa peaks A Ohio Erie, scorn. 100 110 108jllo- 84 72 132 1M 84 72 73 132 72 182 lft'l't 8 118 loo 164 08 lftn 07 117 76 on 117 77 118 7714 78 174 86 170 62 62 173 174 178 no 42V 170 '62 62 42Vi Loulsvtlla A NsahvUle.. 141 J 41 141 021 120 V 141 Missouri Pacific NaW Tork Central.... N. T., Ont. A West... Pennsylvania By...... P. O., U. AO. Co Reeding, com......... Rork fslsnd, com Southern PselAc, com Union Psclfic, com.... U. S. Steel Oo., com. do preferred Wsbssb,- com.... 02 03 127 45 lif, 45 127 138 187 137 1 87 S ss 148 20 01 14.1 144 142 2N 00k 20 02 2 Si OO1 180 Iftll 4ft 1M en 40 104 104 104 ! 10 20 Coke Company, dividend of 1 per rent Total aslsa for day, 706,000 shares. . Call money closed per cent. AMERICAN ANARCHISTS PLOT TO SLAY KING (Journal (pedal Service.) Naples. Nov. 11. Oabrlel Lanxatta and matt wbosa nam Is unknown, but said to bo Lansatta's eousln, wars ar rested today te prevent the plotted ta sasslnatlon of ths king and duks and ducbess. - tiansattA acknowledged his commission, at a secret meeting In New Jersey, to kill .tbs king, and bis eousln tbs other two. Ths New Tork polios ware told, but too late. Ths officers expect to find evidence which will eause many arrests In America. . SENATOR CLARK HAS BOUGHT ANOTHER LINE ' saaMMMeaHS, ( Journal Spsetsl Service I Ventura, Nov. 13 It Is rumored that Senator Clark has purchased the con. trolling Interest In An Ventura-Bskera-fleld rallrbad and that the road will be Immediately completed between . the coast and Saa JoaquU valley te Bakers- field. '. . ; .'.i . , SNQWSDO Another Operations of New Pure Food Law Wiir Cause Considerable Change in Canned ' Goods SituatldniTomatoes' Won't Pass, RUMORS OF FLOUR Reports Say That Some , Fair Siied Sales Are Being Made for Oriental Account. -, LOCAL SELLERS SAY NO BUSINESS RESULTS Chicago Has a Sharp Advance In All Options Shorts Get Scared arid Cover Sales December One and Three Eightha Cent Higher. BELATIVB WHKAT TALUKS. . Nor. 1A Nov, 11 Osln. - 1006. $ ., .87 H .bats December ....( .74 ( .72H 9 .01 May .TS' .77 .OlC July 77 .7014 .01 Then- are oulet rerjorta of aoma fstr-stsed sales of floor to the Orient during the past few days, but millers will not acknowledge re ceipts of tbsm. Tbs reports Indies ts tbst the business has been accepted by Interior millers for .delivery after tbe first of tba year. Some expect to get care about that time and ara taking tba- orders with that e4ierelaed!n Lo cal flour, sellers ssy they bare bo business ad Dote from tba Orient. Portland wheat holds steady with a very an let tone. Car abortaga tbe only csuee. Mill- stuffs sra firm and scare tor tbe same reason. vets ana oeriey eieeay. Chicago wss showing considerable mora setlv rty oa account of reported da mars and aharp advances in vslnea were canard bv a acare ef aborts.. December closed lfce higher," with May and July llc a bushel aver Mondsy. Offlclsl Chlcaxo oricea bv Ovarbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.: ... , , - WHEAT. Onen. Htrs. ' Low. ' Close. December 711 74W 72- T4 May 77,. 7S't 77 78 July 76? 77 , 76 " CORN. ' rvcember ...... 41 42 . 41 . , 42 May . 43' 43 ; . 43 1 a : ": ' ' OATS. ' " ' Decembar ' 84 84 " (4 ' 84 May 36 86 (6 ' 36 VK8S PORf January . ......1400 . 1422 1408 1415 ; ..isiT . isai v' isiT 4in EASTERN OREGON LAWYERS FIRM IN DEMANDS Want Supreme Court Building and Legal Library Situated ? j In Pendleton. 1 ' ! - Tbe- lawyers of eastern Oregon want the-legtslature- to -provide- that-the su preme courts ahall hold seaslona pfL suf ficient length In Pendleton to give the attorney of , that part of the state an equal chance witn the attorneys or tne western part of tha state. The judges are being paid some considerable part of. their salaries for holding court in Pendleton and ws of eastern Oregon think it Is not fair to ns for tbs court to hear eight or ten cases a day and walk away without giving us adequate time or opportunity to present our argu menta.'' This- platform, laid down by Mayor James . A. Fee of Pendleton, ex-clrcult judge -and one of the leading attorneys of the eastern Oregon country, - fore casts one of the ' Important measuree which 'Will bs brought up by eastern Oregon at the coming session of ths legislature. - Eastern Oregon will ask that a su Drome court building be erected at Pen' dleton and further thst the a tate library at Salem be overhauled and all dupli cates sent to fenairtqaf to lorm me nu cleus -of an auxlrtaVy state library at that place. To this it -is expected that the state will add duplicates of all other volumes found In tbe stats library at the present time and that In the future the two collections be cared for. Impar tially. . The else of the .appropriation which will be asked for this purpose has -not yet been determined, but esti mates are being made. The principal contention of the at torneys, however, will be for extended sessions of ' the supreme court during the May and November terms at Pen dleton. If this eontentlon Is successful It will in all probability mean that ad ditional Justices will be provided by the legislature, aa the present court is over taxed for time under present arrange ments. ' SALVATION ARMY WEDDING TO OCCUR Unique Ceremony Will Be Per formed at Local Headquarters . -Tomorrow Evening.'. A wedding In true Salvation Army style will be celebrated tomorrow night Salvation Army wedding are not like any other weddings, so the lads and lassies themselves ssy. 'The ceremony Is unique throughout, and the only wsy to appreciate the fact Is to go and' at tend one. - ... U The principals In the wedding will be Adjutant Andrew Loney, now of Spo kane,' but formerly of Portland, and Captain Louisa Eborall of Portland. The place will be the headquarters 'of corps 'No, 4, at 10 Fourth street, th hour.' I o'clock. Brigadier Jenkins of Seattle will conduct the eervioea. He will be assisted by Major White and the members of all th live local branches of th army. First Is a short service of a special character, then tbe wed ding ts performed after the manner pe oullar to the Salvationists. Then there are more services and later In th even ing a private supper le given In honor of the happy couple. Adjutant and Mr. Loney will spend several week on a wedding-tour. In which they will visit many Pacific eoast points. They will make their home in Spokane. ' ANOTHER VICTIM MAY 1 t - DIE FROM INJURIES (lourasl Special S,rv1e.l Chicago,-Nov. 11, Of 11 at. Merer hospital injured In the B. St O. wrack yesterday, all except one are doing fairly welL Most of - them are ex pected to recover. One unidentified Im migrant has been unconscious sines -the wreck aod may die at aay moment, BUSINESS OUR FEE $10 -."' OOJfSUIaT Varicocele OOrSUZ.TATX0ST nil ISOLDTE CIMMNTEE MO FAY Ualeis ' We cure this disease without operation er ' ligature, and under our treatment the congested condition soon disappears, the parts are restored to their natural con dition, vigor and strength, and circulation Is reestablished. . " -i LOST VITALITY No matter how Jong standing), There Is not a man In exist ence who Is suffering from any weakness thst we cannot rebuild and strengthen with eur NEW IDEAL, TREATMENT and bring him back to robust, vigorous strength, and " there will never again be a sign of weakness brought on by dissipation,, violation of the laws of nature. . . , Tss Are Vevee Safe waOe Syphilis. Elood Poison Xk ta "A person afflicted with Blood Poison cannot fsel safe while any of the virus or poison remains In the system. This disease, with little doubt. Is on of the most ho.- rlbls and deadly which affects the human family, from tha fact that though its beginning la manifested y only a small sore, la a short time It becomes constitutional; ths blood 1 contaminated, the tissues break down, and a multitude of terrible symptoms follow, such as un sightly skin eruptions, sore throat, falling of the hair, pains' in various parte of the body. Inflamed . eyes. general emaciation and debility. Later ease of tbe nerves, sucp as paralysis, locomotor ataxia, softening of the brain. Insanity, etc We will cure you If your case can be cured. Write If you cannot call. . Hour a. m. to at -' usr su - -v.. SISTER TO SOLVE MURDERER'S FATE Trial of Murray Will Really Bs Trial of His Sister Character. 7 v c- DEAD MAN'S RELATIVES , ; i v MAKE THEIR CHARGES Declare Reason Whitney .Would Not Marry Girl Was because Ho Had Excellent Reasons Her Past to Probed by OfQcIalsC While Orlando S. Murray le to be pub licly tried for the murder of Lincoln C Whitney, his fate will depend largely on what will be In the nature of a oe cret trial of his sister. From aa au thoritative source It waa stated today that Murray' acquittal will not be vig orously opposed If it can be established that Whitney wronged the girL - It 1 highly Improbable that the ease will-, b taken up -by -the- grand - jury which 1 now In aeaslon. Relative of Whitney have declared that he had good reasons for hi refusal to marry th girl and. th charge will be thoroughly Investigated. Member of th Murray family ve hemently deny the s recusations -of th Whltneys, characterising them baas- lea slander circulated to divert atten tlon from the perfidy of the man who waa killed Murray himself declares that the originator of th slanders ar worthy of th fat which overtook Lla cola Whitney. , 'j 7 ' : Has Utile stay. ;. ' . Murray ha little to say with refer ence to hi crime smo hie detailed eon fesslon to the district attorney yester day. He ta somewhat nervous, pacing back and forth In hi cell for hour at a time, but keeping hi thought to himself. A Jury Impaneled by Deputy Coroner Arthur L. Flnley returned a verdict last night that Whitney came to his death from the effect of gunshot wounds In flicted by Orlando 8. Murray. The- Jury wss composed of A. B. Stuart, R. X Pryke, William L. Wiggins, B. K. Craig, M. W. Rath and Al Salmon. ., Th mother and sister of Murray tes tified that they were two block awsy when Jhe shoot)ng occurred and. neither beard the shots. Mrs. Murray saw her son running away but paid little atten' tioa to him, ebe said. . - TACBIH CROOK ARRESTED BY PORTLAND POLICE- woman . companion Enticed a Contractor Intp Room Where ' : He Was Robbeekby Foley.' Edward Folsy, alias Murray, who with Lily Franklin, alia William, 1 wanted In Tacoma. Washington, oa a charge of larceny, was arrested at Fifth and Washington street laat night by ' De tective Hellyer and Detective Ledyard of the sound city. Tbe crime for which the couple must answsr ia the theft of $410 from C D, Elmore, a contractor of Tacoma. It Is alleged that they enticed their victim Into a room In a lodging, house and that Foley robbed him of tbe money. - The woman waa arrested by Captain Bruin laat Sunday and made a full con fession. ' Following tbe commission of tbe crime Jthey-came to this city and registered at one of the hotels under the name of Murray. A quarrel aris ing they divided the stolen money and the girl Bought a former friend.. She turned her shars of the booty over to him and took up her residence orr Fourth street. Having been told that the local police were seeking her she determined to escape to Vancouver, but was ar rested just as she waa boarding a oar for that place. Foley'a arrest followed last night and the two prisoners were taken back to Tacoma last night by De tective Ledyard. . . . e D. M. DELMAS WILL DEFEND HARRY THAW (Jssrusl SBsetsI SerWe.1 New Tork. Nov. 1. Delphlsn M. Del ates, a leading lawyer on the Pacific coast, has been retained to defend Harry K. Thaw, who has been Indicted for the murder of Stanford White, Mr. Delmas was .In consultation with his client at the Tombs prison and agreed with him on the line of defense, whloh will be justification of hi deed and the de manded enforcement of the "unwritten law." . - ; ' 1 It 1 understood that Mr. Delmas will be the chief eounsel In the defense of Thaw. He ha been admitted to prac tice la the state fit New Tork, -' 'V. ' - ..". , St. Louis Medical Ueensed : We CUttt aetabUsked SS Tears la worvuuiA. r CONSULT 178 ON ACCOUNT OF HA VINO BEEN DE CEIVED BT UNSKILLED SPECIALISTS, AND PER HAPS HAVE BECOME SO SKEPTICAL AS TO THINK THERE IS NO CURE FOR THEM. If you suffer from neglect, for want of money or from unskilled practice hare Is an opportunity te get the ervlee of a kill gpeelaJlst, a graduate physician, with year of ripe ex perience In treating complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLT. It will cost nothing to talk to us, and msy b th means of restoring you to health and happi ness. ; Why not call today? Our of floe ar very pri vate. You see only the doctor. If you cannot eall, write for. BLANKS, as we extend the same liberal offer to those who cannot ealL In fact, there la no excuse for bolnr disordered or sick whil thl liberal of far. re mains. It is a GIFT of priceless vs,lue, within the reach of alL Remember, only $10.09 for any disease, ... . unless may follow dis lp.m.1 Evening, T to 1:10; Sundays, and Suroical Dispensary ooKpTtm noon us tammtxi. irann, roBTXAjrs, osusaoa. w KM Let Me Guide You on Your Way to Regain Your Health and Renew Your Strength MY FEE IS ONLY $10:22 r IN ANY UNCOMFUCATXD DISORDER Do you feel that you are not the man you one were?. Do you feel tired in the morning -and --easily-exhausted? Is your back weak? Ia your memory falling? Do you have diffi culty In fixing your thoughts? Are you losing ambition? If you have any or all of the above symptoms you surely do not, desire to remain aa Let me explain to you my methods of re building the vigor of men, and refer you to th thousands I have cured. I guarantee) to cure all the Special Diseases of Men, such aa Varicocele, Hydrocele, Stricture, Contracted Disorders, Contagious Blood Poison, Nervous Debility. - - ' . r ; ' GetiCuredLNow It I not a question of whether you can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait until It Is too late. The euro I abeo- ' lutely certain. ' X 'eause no pain. nd. you need not be' detained from your work for. one -day. X especially solicit those easee In whloh the many so-called treatment have failed, or where money ha a been waated on muaeum doo tors, eleetrlo belt and, other appliances. . ' ,:;r:?T: r; examination free i ' . I. offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but every one that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without'' charge. No ailing man should neglect thle opportunity to get expert opinion about hi trouble. If you eannot call, writ for Diagnosis Chart.' My offices ar open all day from a. m. to t p. m and Sunday from " " " the DR. TAYLOR cb. coauraa sxcoxtd An icoavmxsosT btjuexts, romTXAjro, oxxoov. Private Sntraao S3H Korrlsoa Street. - The Doctors Who Cure W want every man who 1 suffering ' from any special disease) or condition to . eome and have a social chat with us and we will explain to you a system of treatment which Dr. W. Norton Davie ha developed after over 10 years' ex- - rerience In the special dlsesses of men. t Is a treatment based upon sclentlflo .knowledge, and one which has proven-, euperlor to all others, inasmuch ss It has been tried by thousands and proved successful If you will call and see us, ws will give you FREE OF CHAROB .an honest snd scientific! opinion of your case. If, after exsmlning you, we And your case Incurable, we will tell you so; If, on th other hand, we find your ease is curable, we will guarantee a cure, allowing you to PAT WHEN ENTrRELT "ATI8FIED THAT A CURE AHS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, or you may pay In monthly payments should you desire. , . v Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 Instructive book for meo mailed free In plain wrapper, sealed. If you csnnot call at office, write for question blank. Thousand cured by Bom treatment OOaTSVXTATXOaT AJsTS AS TIC! FBM. . Ths Leading atpeolallste of Ska gortlrweet. saWlshed XSSS. ' Ofllce Komres iTaiTt"S y. as. aad T o I f. Wk."' Saadays aad JKoUdays, . 10 a. as. Sola aa. - DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Van Noy Hotel, II H Third St Investigate Before Taking Treatment Elsewhere Wse ar afrlletad with HBItTOfS DBBILtTT, -se Falllag Streasfh, , ermiBwnlr sailed "LOST MANHOOD," xUbsustlng tralBS, FlapUa. Lame Back, lauemmettoa ot ths Bls4d.r and Kldaeya, Hlftily OdI- ' ered trine. Imputeacy, DeepoBdeney, Fslllas Kssanry, Less of AabV u..i.l wr-v. reanlts ef exeeea and overwork : VI 1m. vMatnla anS Brdrorrls sr othsr weekueea, seae, Flsssure or sxasrla. ...... . .. I ,. sTe euro, Be par Bleed Vrolsea, eaeirraeteg er keredltary; Sale Ptasssas, ' Rbeumstlssx, Seree. Swslllnrs, Diseharses, Oenerrkeea, Oleet, Strletexe, Es , largsd Preetaie aad Hydreeele. steasst Dealisgs, Bueesaaful aad Osa eoUatieue Bervlce, Seasoeabi Charsea. CU at write BS. T. . PERSONAL Mr. and Mra M. ' T. Nolsa of Th Dalles ar at th Perkins. They ar ac companied by their daughter. Senator N. Whealdon or Tne veiiee Is at the Perkins hoteL Mrs. Frank Harrington has returned from a month's visit with friends snd relative at Berkeley, California. Mrs. Harrington Is. the wife of Frank Har Medicine la Oregoa. only: treat the following dl So rraotle BhaamaUsm, Aemte and Chxonlo. yUood Folsoa. !norrbea. TarUiooals. aTsarasthsBla. Hsrvoua P soils, raxalysta, alee. Syphilis. mie. Money, lddt and All UrUary Disease. ' 0T7 atlTXOSS. i 'r AND SYSTEM OF TREATING) ' ar superior to any In this country, and our cure ar the result of these method. We never fall to effect a eur ia any ease we UVT MEN NO DOUBT HESITATE TO a. m. to II noon. BS. TATXrOB, . . The Xstadlac SpeolaUst. You Pay When Well What better proof , or . more sincere assurance can I offer than I 'am willing to wait , for' my fee until I , effect a' cure? Could ! afford to make such aa offer if I was not absolutely cer tain ef curing every ease I take? , . Corner Pine, Portland, Or. wklek abeorataly ssat taea tor Study, Sua. flXACB, III Flrrt St,- yartlaad, Orsgea, rington tf the-Pert land -hotel cigar and news stand. ' '" Judge and Mrs. T. O. Halley of Salem were In Portland laat evening. , They were at the Oregoa hoteL , - Harry Whit, ex-mayor of Seattle, but now reeidlng at Los Angeles, Is at the Portlands Mr. White ia also an old time Alaskan and- visited with Governor Hoggatt, whom he aoeldently met at the Portland yesterday, , . . , r v- .