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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
, . ......... : ;.. ..j . , .J..Lu.:L.Jl:l.;-.J,:'.:..Jj THb OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING-,' NOVEMBER 13, 1906. ID FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. On 6 room hnuM, modern. $l,fmO; on mm bouse, modern, 12.400; (In location. Phase Woodlswn 1IT. . ' BEMT BUS IS OUtGON . S-acr trsets.oa Oram ttf earllaaj 8 a Bull, good water, hit terms. . W. A. LAfDLAW. Cnamaralal a4dg,f r end Wxtttrattos Sta. rnoB uid siso. It LOT",, with T room new plestered bonse , and atio-ft.. Him frontage, near Mllwsukls, ., I .e wl vt?rt .chesp. Heglstsr A to., 101 Ha atrset.' " ' , Tl'k.NEa A' WALKER. Baal Estate, . Karma and Stock Bangba. .. , , Eic bnf ea. . , .S08V Waahlngton St ll.Joo8 ACHES, send, soil, car Inn, with iniiji .none sna oinr improveiueat, on good ; , road, near car Una; aaa terms. , Krxlatc A . Co.. lOTy, 8d street . " l1Rot TWU oaw d-room eottsr, ' wooers : 81.330, bath, a, Albtnt, mu shop. SOS - rourin at. .Tat Pacific 212ft or Mala 8VHHI. EXTRA BABOAI.H . I lota 401 1O0. cleared, all trteethee In ems . tract.' for 2300! e)oa to sO-roota school at s-suts; no location; ntH ttaa) 60 rar to .Af any part of Portland; terma. O, R. Addlton, ' owner. Lenta, Oregon, . . FOR SALE FARMS. SO A( KK. part cleared, near Vaacaavex, oa . count road, ll.XuO; term. ---.'SO acrea. eloa to Portland; (nap . at j s.,uu.-.eaar . ifrau.- 40 acrea of rlrh lrrlrst.rf land with water ngni ana aomeeteaa; ool 300. & Co. Main 8120. SIT Ootamarclal bin. ' DAIBT FARM. tsa acre., cheap) fine watery Improd. THOMl'KON ft OGDEN. Phone WooUlawa 203. 848 hllsslsalppt At. . JTl'H 8ALE Oood. proaperoua .wbeat-farata . ha , aioirow couniy, on railroad, su per acre: kilgbt taka aume trad. -. W. A. Laldlaw, BIT t'oaimcrclal bMg., Second and . Waablnktua. I'uooa Mala U0. . . . .... . . ... -. FARM FOR SALS. II mile weat of . Portland. Waahlnrtoa ronut, rue caah only; 88 acre, 28 clear, i! I treated. 00 creek; good W1L anrtna. fin fruit; nr wlr fence, good 8-room fcouaa, barn, booaehold good, chfrken. bee., tool, etc. 1 1W mllea from railroad, acaool and cburrh. Telephone tin, milk rout. U. . f. D. $4,800. Mr. A. B. Lwucbar, Bearer ton, Oregon. v 80 ACRES, well Improred, nopbou, barna, etc., all mil lapd. railroad atatloa oa land. ' 840 per acre; tbl la a aplendld opportanlty. 840 acre. 40 cra la bopa. two hopaona, w houa of 8 room; a fin property. 8ea 8. 420 ComnwrcUl bldg. . fl.000 160 acre, part Improred. 8 mil from Oaaton. 208 rourtnvTel. Pclfle 2120. TIMBER. "WOOD, 40 acre, low estimate, 4.000 corda, . f lrat growth. 10 mllea of Portland, t mile of O. W. . P. Un; will trad for boa and lot or appl land, and aeanm. mortgag or pa ""c..h difference up to $1,000. or will aell for $UO0, half down. Uoma lad Cov1148U rh-at at. r : x BTUMPAOB Trlbotar to Colombia rtrar. at a bargala Jf aold at our. N 69, car Joarnal. COWI.ITZ rlrer timber land: ry raonab!a, : ronalderlng It altoatloa. Bphlng Agancr, ; 8trk at. RTTFIEU (crip, "a !' piece; lowt price, . W. O. UowaU. 838 Cnamkar Of Com merce. ' ' MINES AND INVESTMENTS. BIT HURST SWITCH STOCK Boceeeaful . teat at Salt Lk City prove that tbla atock ' will yield larger return thaa an mining . .lock Hated. Portland offlae 4. I'. Marat ft ' Co., 2t McKay bldg. C0EIR D'ALENB MININO STOCK , I am alway la the market either to an or aell any act Ire mining atock; loaaa mao oa an Hated oorltU. . T.- P. B ROW Nt 461 McKa bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS BORSES and bncgl for reat by day, week v and month; special rata t wiiiaaaa 1 81lth aa4 11 a wt Bora. .East T8. FOR SALE rin dapple-gray team, 8 rear old, .....weight 2.800, aoaad aad geatl. Phoa Roatt WE bny. aell, rent, eichange bnrses. wagons, addle, harneaa. Hubert ft Hall. 206 4th at. JOB SAtBrin W team at a bargain 1T - tul 2 .1d j hnn Kaat IH9. I MARE. rear old, aoaad, a host poo, -, cheap. - Idlamaa'a atablc, aad of Monterllla carllnev . TOV CAS SAVE MONET - In new wagon and baggie at Portland Warr bona ft Trnfr Co, 840-.142 Eat Waahlagtoa la tea placev MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. , 1X)I eeroDd hand Ceclllaa cabinet ptano-player for sale; $123 caah or terma to ault. . 880 ' Aider at., bet wee a Seventh and Park ata. , FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. A FINE bu.lneaa rig. conelatlng of a T ear-ol'1 .mare, welgb I.OS0 'lb; nw haraeaa nd huag. 212 . Allak bldg. Phoa . Pacific 2218. T ' - .--... r ' " COWS for Mle, 848 S2d at. -. . ear. Tsks Richmond 2 FRESH arst-claaa Jersey heifer with carve. . 417 Urat.d are. and Kearney t- Moatevlila. . Phoa East 4122. FOR SALE 8 fresh cows. 87.1 H Eaat 11th St. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. IMPROVED' bomeataed re ttaqulb meats $100 to I $r0. part trad or work. Oae claim 180 acres, good bous. tracing and barn: 26 acre .lashed, 10 cleared, oa county road, free ' mall delivery, acboolbooe M mil, enough ehlttlm en, claim to pay for It If marketed: ' would make fine dairy farm. Alas no acre f rich deeded lead flOner acre; oaa third ' rash, $100 per year. W. C Purdla, Ada, ' Laa Coaaty, Oregon. FOR SALS' OR EXCHANGE for atock of froccrlea, ll acre chicken-ranch, 2 mllea rom O. W. P. electric line, 12 mile from '. ' Portland; I acres fenced for chickens. 8 seres clear, balance, easy to clear; 4 chlcken , booses, 8 beoodera, large lncabator. good ' - 4-room bona; price $1.4u8. U 18, Journal. CNITKD STATES and Canadian ps tests on alarm door knob Just Issued will fit any door lock, exshanxs for real eatata. W .88, r JournsL . FOR SALB OB TBAPB A new No. S Ihyna soore typewriter. Pboo Wood lawn 468. . FOR SAI.B OR TRADE A eombtnatlo 2 r 4 . nsseengsr aatomohlla with sap, Phoa Wood- t Uwa 468. . . A COMBINATION 2 or 4 Bsssenger auto te , trad tot a light runaboat. Pboo Woodlawa 4 46. : -"T . ; ... FOB EXCHANGE 8-rona mod era bona. Booth . Snnnyslda, for tola r acreage. T 84, car i 'Journal. .... 160 ACRE9 cedar aad fir. era las 6.000.000, near - Columhl river; what bare roar. Paul Bam- met. 207 Alder at. . ... , XIVERT BTARLR, complete, la fa moos Ps iotiss caaatry,. doing fair amines; good open ing for man who understand bu .loess. H. W, .. Lindww, Latah, Washington. CO EXCHANGE 40100. "doee In. weat aide, t 6ts snd cottage, nay 12 per cent an In tnt: price 88.2nO; will exchsnge for east eldarbons find lot win glee term aa balanr to snlt. M. B. Les, mem 20 Raleigh 1 bjflg., 228 Washington at, Pacta 69. TO FXOHANOB Start rrorarle Invoicing $78 for anharhan lot e anything of Ilk vain. F Tl, care Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOB SALk-roaferrlsr nan. aA Ehv s.. ( Montavllla. FOB slF- O. K-I3I Phone East 1$. ash for Evans. F Oliver typewriter with tabulator, wmm .ma SI. raona MSI BiVW. FOB SALE Oysters, carefully picked, for select family tredv. shipped daily from beta; they bar th correct favor and (mark of freah neasi retail s whole.. I., A. Rent ledge, 27 bread a vs.. north. Phon Eaat 962. SEWING MCH1NES -bonght. sold and x rhaaged. $5 aad aa. . Wssura Sslvsg C., - Ul W ashing too it, " , - . , . . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ir vou want - A new stove, ge to- th 8 , . , . ' A new range to Co the 8. -To trada stoves, go to tba . A water-back put In, go to the f. Furniture, gn te the J jUVlrst at. Mala 83T4. Tr t Barraln Sale f furnlturs atiU eoutinnee Taesdar, Tnors day, fcaturdev. t lit RUSSELL ST. ... BOOKS bonght, aold and exchanged at the OM Book 8tor. . 229 XamhIU at. - ARTISTS' material, picture and framing. H. Moorbou ft Co., 812 Alder at. H0WCASK8, eounter. flxtare. booght. anld or cbangd. Western Salvage C.. ,827 WaablugUia at. Pacific T&8. - SCHOLARSHIP for aale In leading bu.lneaa eoU Irg; good In an department; will sail at dlacoant. Phoa Main BOUl. ' WE print our name oa 80 calling card, proper . ala and style. 6c; 250 bti.lne cord. , $1. A. W. skhiuale Co.. 229 First, Portland, Or. 80 8LIOHTLT damaged sewing machine at very low price.; 81ugr, Whwler Wilson. Domestic, Whllte, Houaehold, Da via and ' otbera to make room tor new atnek 'Wheeler ft Wilson and Singer. 8. 8. Slgsl, SM Muc rlson at., Marquaat bldg. . SHOWCASES and future, sew and second hand. Carlson ft KalUtrom. m Coach st. HOLDER'S RHECMATI0 CURE Sure cor few rheumitlam. - Sold by all drugglatv, - SHHND-HAND bar fixture, pool table, aafe. Ubl, chair. . Wtem Balvaga Co 82T 1 Washington at. BILLIARD AND POOL tablss for rent or tor aale on eaar nayroenta. . THE BRUKSWICK-HALrTE COLLENDEB CO, . 48 Third at., PortUud. $000 NEW upright piano SIM. another piano , $50, argan $30. 24lfe Flrat, apatsjrs. . - FOB SALE A nice lot of young chickens Brown Leghorn end Black Mlnorkas; muat sell at once. Phon Baat 874. PERSONAL. ETEBT mother should us Webfoot 0U Black ing en her boa' hoea; make them watar preof and the wear twice aa long. MANICI'BINtl, hairdreaslng, special $3 coarse, on week only; trad school for women aad girl. 894 Alder. Tb Montgomery. TES. Palmo Tabl.ta make oa aleep perfectly; the cur nervouanes and maa yoo strong; price &oc a boa. 8 boxes $2 60;' guaranteed. All druggteta. or ddre BroiA Ltug Co., $7 North third at., Pertlaad, Or. CALL Pactflc 278, Baa Francisco Tailoring Oa, W do repairing, preaalng. cleaning and dye ing; ladle' garment a apedalt; at wwt - price. 27114 Taylor St.. ... . HOLD ON Thar I an thing that will rat rheamatlam. ' Aah onr drogglat for bark tonle or address or call J. li. Clmnoa. druggUt, Portlaad. Or. MA NLT ' vigor Igor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve One month's treat meat, $2; 8 88; seat sacartlr sealed by malL uioo iiss. Bsoaths. " Agents. Woodard. Clark ft 0a Portlaad. Or. HOTJIEN'S BHETMATI0 CURB Sura cure far rhramatlsm. Sold by all L-ucgista, SUITS pressed while oa wait, 60c ' Ladle' skirts preased, 50c. Gilbert, 108 H Sixth st, next to Quell. Phon Mala 8088. PHYSICAL culture, all branches, and massage; Individual and class Instruct lop - print bom "treatment If desired. The Klugler BchooL k S0 Alder st. Phon Mala IP&L DETECTITB AOENCT Confidential lnvestljta. Hons; reports furnlnhed on IndlvldaiU. tblr character, responstbllitr. etcr bad debt eoV " looted; missing relative tooted; charge riseon.hle; correspemdence aolldted. Oregon Detective Service, ofnee SU8-204 Flledner 'bldg., 10th and Washington ata. phoa Main 8818. I OUR shoes ahlaed free of charge at tb Modal Barber -8 hop; shaving 16. BEST magasln dabs .ever offered; BiwkPtiiT? 291 Alder St.. Portland. Or. , ,. MOLES., wrinkle, mpevdnooa batr re Boo red. No charge to talk It aver. Mrs. if. 1. Hill. ' Room 8& Flledner Bldg. Phoos Pacific 186. TURKISH BATHS. 300 Oreroolan bldg-e ladle day, gentlemen Bights. Msla 1988. VIAVI CO.. Lewis bldg.. 8JS0H Morrlaoa; health talk to aromea Thursdays. 2:80 p. as. WEBFOOT Oil BlacktatT aevat tb leather; h olutcl waterproof. , - MANICURING, cblropodr and alcohol . rubbing. Parlor 21 aad 22. 288H Stark at. DOLL'S HOSPITALi- Repairing aal 4s 1 street THB NATIONAL INTBODUCINO BOCIETT. We have member In sll wslks of life, from the government or r tela la to tne tarmer, ao ttetv ladles to work Ins slrls: matrimonial reg' - later- with photos finest pabUshsdt-mem bora ana nu luc. a kusssi mag. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity sos pltsl, quiet location; special cars. Dr. At wood. room 6. S50 Morrlaoa. TsL Pae. 1768. GERMAN bonk, msrsalnea. novels, -ere.; Oer ma. English. Preach. Spanish. Swedish aad Italian dictionaries: foreign books at all kinds. Schmsle Co., 229 First et MI8S RAYMOND gives mieeage treatment, 2SSA Morrlaoa t., room 14. DR. SAWVEU'S Squsw Root, guaranteed ears for female complslata. '461 Goldsmith at. Phone Bast 44H1, . - mntfrXrpORTRR ROBB, electrical massrnae, nervous troubles and rbeomatlsm a specialty. Phone Msln 4172. 189 Seventh st. BECENTLT opened manicuring parlor.; ladles sad gentlemen. 861H Morrison at., roam 12. I II INK PILLS ear all form of Bernm or muscular weakness. For men or mvmen. ' Price $1 box, $ hexes 88, with full gusr - ante. Address or call J. G. Clrmensnn. drog (1st. Secaad and 'Tamblll (., 'Portland, Or. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FUBR1KR. Expert fitter, furs remodeled, repaired and red red: SO years' experience Insures entire as tfaf action. Phon Pacific 2407. Lewi bldg. BALM OP FIG4 tor Q female disease. Bast Belmont. I bene East 4084. - 828 DR. O. V. KETCH I'M care promptly private . filaeiae, kidney, nervous, skin- snd special femsl trouble. Call or write. Office 17,' 14 - Third at., ear. Yamhill. Phone Pacific 2229, ANY man or woman esn ha strong and happy by Ming pexin, puis, the great tonic; prlc . $1 box, 8 bote $,1, with full gnsraete. Address or rsll J. A. Clemeneoo. druglst, cor. Second aad Yamhill aw., Portlaad, Or. DB. BINS CHOONO. Importer Chinas root medicine t sella Chines tcs. certs la cure fnr all dlsesses. 191 2d. bat. Yamhill aad Taylor. BEFINED lad gives masssg trestatents. are chiropody. SOIV Third at., corner . Taylor. YOUNG scientific msssensa gives electrlcsrH alcohol and medics ted trestmeeta; rhlropodi.t - and manlcarlstdl Balslgh bldg Sixth and Washington at. ... t YOUNG ladle give maasag treatments. 1161 Foarth. corner Weshlngton. MARR1AOB PArKR of highest character I0e. mailed; many worth $inr to $100,000: tenth ysar. L. L. Lots. Box 1000. Desver. Colo. A WORKING man 88. wis he to meet ladyf nhject msrrlmony. Boa 1275, Seattle. Wash. LA DIE: r,ill.ii Ash rnrtr nrngxiet for Oitcheetefl Diamond Brand Pills; regarded as best, safest; slwsvs rellahlei boy of your ' druggist: tk no other. Chichester a Dlemoad Brand Pills sr old By nrnggist Trywhr. C:itchstev Cbsm. Co., Phil., Ps. REFINED young Isdy Just arrived from New York; masssg. Boom 8, 291 Va Alder t. SHIRTWAISTS Bhlrtwlt alta a anecislty. 2ns. Market St., bet. Third and Foarth eta. ' phone Perlfle 863. ASSAYERS. 0ABVIW' CTANinB IXTRACTTOlt- C0r Montana Assay Office. M Morrtsna at. ATTORNEYS. C. H. riGGOTT AND J- A. FINCH ' Attorneys st lw. Prsctlc la all mart. 4 Mulkey bldg., , earned Second (ad Morrisoo. J. a. WINCHESTER, stfoeaeyt-lew. ostary public. 68 aad 69 Wssblngtna bids;. ARCHITECTS. SEE Jnnneoa ft Btorra, trehltect aad ho II dees, .'boat your modern tnr bunts. 4v4 taat Morrlaoa L rbM 8878. . ...'.. ART. FREE LLSSO.VS In embroider ever day, new stamped ahlrtwaiau, corse tuvera, ro- : ler acketa, hats, ambrellaa, etc. The Kwdlecraft Shop, 382 Waalilngtna St., Im tween Weat Park and Teata ata. FBOFE88OR R. MAX METEB. 848 Alder, portrait and landecap artlat and teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B l' TCH ICR SUPPLIES S. Blrkeawnld Co.. 804. 9i8 Evrett at.; largest butcher suppl boue ' on tb eoaat. Write tor catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekaaa, , iai-113 First st.. carries a full line and com. plete ' sasortmcnt at . lowest msrkst prices. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWIE, PAT 18 ft XILHAM. 108-111 Second St. lll.nk books manufactured; agent for Jones Improved Looee-Laf ledger; see th aaw Eureka leaf, th best on tb mrhc CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST : St. George St. George . CAN TELL TOUR FT'tl. NAME. AGE, OO ' CUPAT10N. $10,000 Challenge for HI ' Equal $10,000 Commands by education aad Is endowed - with tbe mysterious powers of ths Esstern Magi' to hf.l th ill.- week. sick, sf dieted; ran (e tb pa.t and futur of our af fair crlt.l cleart reate a divine Influ. cue to overcome domestic, love 'or busi ness failures; makes plain to yoa ell thing hidden,- doubtful, - deceprlve: that annoy, perplex or prevent ucccmi: tbe only .' Yogbi mediator of secret Influence In America; Implant la your life' and being a : marvelous for to gtu our wish' la mar rlsg, lovo. mlntug, money, baalnea. win- ring -luck; remove vll. cure drink bsb ' Its, sll wesknesse which depress you or cosrtw th will, restores lost vitality, find 'treasures, mines, .- missing ones, papers; Kt rpllan astral dead-trauc medium, ps 'clilo pslmlst, mystic healer, complete , Oriental llfercadiug clairvoyant; ' positively .guarantee thbct cnc ou have ever bad aluiply b taking your band and look- Ing at you; tell everything with names, dates, facts and flffures; alwaya reliable: oldest, most experienced la U occult and .pedal work; uggeatlona, ucca . vlbra. tlona, . mentsl telepathy; basteua marrlax. restorva lost love, reunite th separated, 1 outwlis rivals, enemies. Open Siindsy. WA8H1NHTOM BT-t-COR. PARK 8T.r-tT .v- 'Opposite Star Tbestre.. ' Don't mlstsk nam and place. A SPECIAL, $3.00 READINQ FOB $1.00. lead! lead! Read! THIS IS FOB Tom READ CAREFTJIXT THE FOLLOWING WOB08; - if : Madam Barth - : Is permanent located In her ewa home, 828 STARK -ST. This wonderful woman, ac knowledged by the world to be tbe greatest clairvoyant alive, without on writing a ques tion or altering on word, she tells oa lust what you came tor, how man la four fa ne lly ad all about tntm. ' Tell names, dstes nd facta. Telia oa of lor, marriage, . death, business peculations, Investments, etc. ; locates otL gas and minerals of sll kino, removes vU lallnenee and teaches . oa now to oontrol th on oa love, aulte ths separated and causes speed and coa- - genial marrlagsa, No matter what oar coa dltloa ma be, MADAM &AKTH WILL HELP TOU. 429 STARK, COB. 12TH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, FEB WITHIN REACH Or ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL IP. II. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. FOB A FEW DATS ONLT. A SPECIAL $9 READING FOB $L Ai.WA CONSULT THE JE8T. rnui, a. a.aiisiu. Oreatrst living astral dead-trance elatr myant of tb age: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIBS OF LIFE; whom oa -will marry how to control th one ou love, even though miles away; reunite th ep arated; glv secret power, to control. I will do all other, advertise to do, and a great deal mar. TUB ENTIRE WOULD HAS BEE V STARTLED WITH THS POW EH8 01 THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAVB AT MT COMMAND, and I pro It to eu with. t prloa by glvin you a FREE TEST FRBB We h.etnr vonr NAME TOLD fIN FULL1. JUST WHAT TOU CAMS FOB. and glv w hdvlc bsolntsl FREB before oa decide 't -bsTe a-resdlng. WUOAN0B WILL IK- WORK l lUnaiK ins on.a.riir HO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY AS IT WILL NOT BE Ofr-'FEBED TO TOU AGAIN. PROF. K. K.HIMO, (rm.netl. Locsted In Ills Own Uoma. " HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILT AND SUNDAY. No. 266 Fifth st.. comer Madlso at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. I. a. MELTON, the carpenter, 204 Foarth st Btor and otnee wora. at. in net. CLEANING AND D YEINO. Portland Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Work; prao . tlcal hatter la connection. 211 4th. Pacific 807. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 par Bsoata. Unlqus Tailoring Co., 809 Stark at. H. W. TURNER, professions! dyer snd csssnsr. 606 Jefferson St. Phon Main 2618. CAFES. THE OFFICE 286 Wcabtngtoa st. Mala 771. Ssmuel Vlgneax. CHIROPODISTS. CHIB0PODY and Pedlcarlng. Room ' 830 Flledner Bldg. Mr. If. D. HITl. Phone Par. 186. -CARPET-CLEANING.: STANDARD Carpet Cleaning C.. Urgeat plant an tb coast.' Lncing and Harding ata., tele phone Eaat 20. Carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; both ate. at and latest com pressed air process; renovating mattress., snd feather a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning. oet1oB and com pressed air combined: carpet cleaned on 800 without removal. Msla 6684. Msla 8200. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Mala tmtsT' Smithing Co! aad ' Coal for Ship .- a specUlty. The BT0BEY ft BBOiiKFS FUEL Ca 1 Incorporated.) Exclusive agent for K EMM K HER COAL. - COAL, COKE, CHARCOAt Office and 1 ard Kront and Kesrasy sta. THB PORTLAND FUEL CO.. Successor to C. B. DAVIS FUEL CO.. . Pboo Eaat 2. T Eaat Morrtso St. ALRINA FUEL CO. Dealer In eardwood. coal and green end dry elsbwood. R. R. and -' Alblna ave., 2 block eeat of ferry. Bsst 674. TEFL BRIDGE FUEL CO Dealer ta coal, - eordwaod aad dry elsbvcpod.- Phoa Baat 44. OREGON FUEL CO. All kinds of soal . ' wood. - 284 Alder st. Phone Msla 86. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. Hraee aad bUcksmlth cosls. - Phon Mela le; TAR BOXWOOD CO Phoaa Mala 21 U for box., block and elsbwood. DANCING. DANCING leaer. 2-tc; or prtvste: walta Ing. twojtep. three-step, etc.; stsga dancing, buck and wing. sog, reel, skirt. Spanish. Highland fling, et. Prof. Wal Wlllsun, old est recognised tescber, bldg Third and Morrlaoa sta. WOODWARD DANCING-SCHOOL Clase Mos Thursday and Bsturday eve.! aortal, fancy ' and step dancing tsugkt; fencing taught; Private lessons dully. Wester Academy hall, becoad and Morrlaoa; - Psctfic low. POBTLAND IHinclng Academy, leading arhnot; ballroom etiquette, orrrt eoefal and alaaslc fisuclag; both sese. -. young folks, adults; tn siructh'n dally. 808 Ahler. TL M. 196L " Prof. RlnglCf. dancing master. PBOF. BATON Dsnclng school; else for ladle nd gent Monday and Thursday avaalnga. Arts ball. Phone East 2604. BRAWN'S Dsndng Academy, Btivkhsrd hslL M7H East Bnraalda. Pbooa Mala $718, Daa ' Ttiesdsys. mBBa.BraeevmmsSBnBSSBXmsassBm ELECTRICAL SUPPLaES." PArlFIC EI.KtTBIC CO. Engineers, eoetree tors, repairer, electric wiring, supplies. 94 First, tor. Starh. Msla 9&s. M. H. lets. mgr. WESTERN RLECTRIO WORKS. 81 Sixth Sf. Coatraetars. electric snppiles. asster and ' djaaaMa, NS.taauU UiAt and powac (iaata. DRESSMAKINO. EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUTORING Teacher wjth anlveralt eiperleoce; college preparaiorv work a ape . cl.ltr. Rtudlo bu ottl .lith aU Fhou Pacific '754. , ' """" "'" MARY DAVI8 MAOINNI9. teach'! tlwal and naturallatlc etiln; water-color bead a specially. Studio 821 E. tth st.. N. v FURNACES BOTNTON fsna slr furnsee save feel. J. C Bayer Co., 268 Second. Msla 461. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB ft IRON WORKS lets' Flaadera St.. cor. Third. Phon Mala 20UU. . GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINB engine, all alee, ssd at las. t lowest price. Kelrso Machinery Co., 1S2-4-8 Morrlaoa at. HOTELS. THE BELLETUB. Fourth and. Salmon ata. Rooms 600 up; rates by week or mouth I eut-ef-towa trade eollclted. Pacific 2lu8. HOTEL PartUad, Amertcsa plaa; 88. 88 per d. BELVEDERE; European plan; 4th sad Alder at. HARDWARE. POBTLAND Hardware Co. anlldt opportnnlt to quote prices. T4-dlith st. Psctfic 4o. Insurance. aBaaasaalsansaa ISAAO L. WHITI. ir InsurtDc. M4 Jbse. . luck bldg. . J A 8. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and In dividual accident security bonds of all kinds. - Pbea 47. 8u2 McKs bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR BALE Land scrip, all kinds. Including approved forest reserve for surveyed, unsurveyed, timbered and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, Th Port land. Portland, Or. MONEY -TO LOAN. 7 MONET TO LOAN - On improved city propert or for bunding parpoaea, for from $ to 10 yearn' time, with privilege to repay all or part of losa after two year. Loans npproved from plan aad money advanced aa building progresses; BjMrtgsgea taken up snd replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Flnsnclal Afeat. . 242 Stark at. ' THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earaer, can get on bis not, without mortgage . Month. Vk Month Week. SA0.00 Repay to as 818.88 or $0.60 or $8.86 $28.00 Repay to ns 6 83 or $3.85 or 21.85 818.00 Repay to ua $ 4.00 or $X00 or $1XJ 210 McKs bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS an salaries, Insurance . policies, pianos, furniture, ware boo re ceipts, etc.; any deserving person msy secure a liberal advance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments, oliEW ltBA-..LOAN ft TBFST. COMPANY 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLPJ Just on your ewa- same no other security; don't borrow until roe aee me; my system 1 ths best for railroad men, clerk, bookkeeper. . streetcar men and all other .employee; bnal Bess strictly confidential. F. A. Newton, 424 "Ablngtoa bldg. ' , - MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other upon their awn namea without security: cheapest rates, - easiest payment.; " offices In 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terma first. TOLMAN, 228 Ablngton bldg., loott Third St. WANTED " Notss, mortgaawa or eontrscta aa any kind of real estate In Oregon and Washing ton; second mortgage nnrcbawd If well ae cured. H. B. Noble. 812 Commercial bin. . MONEY to loa In sums to snlt, S snd 6 ysrs, aa low ss 8 per cent, on Improved dty peop erty. Moult ft Soobey, 6ul-Columbia bldg., 868 Washington St. x DON'T borrow money 00 salary aottl yoa s i Hutton Credit Co. . : 612 Dckum bldg. MONEY laeaed a farniture. pianos aad athsr sees rltles. W. A. Hathaway, room - 10. ' Washington Bldg. Phone Pactflc WAN TED Applications - for mortgage - leans, direct from owner, from $500 to $1,500, for term of years, low rate., moderate charge. W. B. Wsrd. Attorney-at-Law, Allsky bldg. MONEY to loan; Urge loan. pectslty; abn building loans; lowest rate fire Insurance. W 1111am O. Beck. 812 railing bldg. CBKSCENT LOAN CO., 42S Mohawk bldg. Honey to lend en easy pavment plaa to atrlrtly confidential. MONEY to -'loan -- ll kind of secnrlt. v,ll .MSI n VuhlnvlMi hM. LOW rata on furniture, etc.; confidential. 22S Flledner bldg., 10th and Wash. Psclfle S669. QUICK loans on all eeeurttte. S.. W. King, 46 Waablngtoa bldg. Phone Mala 6100. WILL maa SS.OOO or less, real estate carlty, 9 per cent, sarrlngtotw reptoa bldg, TO LOAN Same to eult on chattel aacnrlty. R. a. Frame, CI 4 the Marqnsm. A LOAN for the asking Salary or chsttsL Tb Losn Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. MUSICAL. THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gui tar Instruction; Glbeoa mandolin. 875 Alder. LBHMONS 60e, nlsno. guttnr. banjo, mandolin, violin. Mrs. Martin. 241 V. First, cor. Main. PIANO, violin, piano, trombone, clarinet. Pi a. . a mi is. no una. mia atua. VIOLIN tanght at your residence. 68 North 14th. Msla 2826. M. Man, MONUMENTS. NEU ft KINORLEY. 288 Flrat St. Portland' leaning mroi ana granno vrorsa. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Mining. Mwmlll. log ging mscblnery; bydrsullc pliiee. easting; all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth. AUTOMOUILB machine works, guaolln motors, traasmlsaloas aad steetinf gears, n. M. Beo on. 266 Grand era. TBR H.' .0. ALBEB CO. Becoad-hssd ma ehlaery, aawmllla, etc. 248 Grand ave. A. I. PAUL. 102 First St., engine, bollera, easy mill machinery; vricx tiros.- gaag. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DBB. ADIX ft NORTH RUP, 416-117 Dekum bldg., Thsra ana w asninaTOB ana. rnoa MaTs 848. Examination frsw. OPTICIANS. B. I. MILLS . Ontemetrtst sad Byesigtit Poedsrhrt. xssr. s wssoioajues aireex. PRINTING. TBR MODERN PRINTERT ArtlstK printing. 28 ftnasel Mag., svaria asm marrissw. r boo Pactflc 1626. ' ' 0G1LBEE BROS., printer Card, billhead; etc. rnon hbib two. iwq em, n. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. sanitary plambsra. 281 Snond, bet. Mala aad Salmoa. Oregoa Phoaa Main tiol. DONNEBBEBG ft BADEMACBEB, rsnvrad t Wo. x arnuu sa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every descriptloal bsak, bar and alore flslure. made te order. Th Lath Masuf.ctu.lng Co., Portland. . B, H BIRD8ALL, deelgaer; sseat M. Winter I Ca.. $ tuaiuisa Mag. Mala sow, 1 FINANCIAL-BANKS. LH ft TTLT08T, BANKERS (Zstahlratad ta 148.1 ' Traasaata a O.seral Baahlag BwaiBss. CDeeOona mads st tl Pstns . . Letters of credit laed avallsbl la Eorope aad aU " , Bight Exchange nd Telegraphs Transfrea sold New York. Waahlagtoa. Chicago, t. Lsats. beaver, Omaha. Saa Fraaclara and Montaaa sad Rrlttsk Columbia. Exchaage es4sj ?J yOl Psrls. Tlerlls, Ftsskt'iyt, Honghoag. Toaobama, Manila aad lloaolalq. Kfl MERCHANTS attowaz. lisv aoari Aktri. nacanxr. ill. ? FRANK WATBON . President I - w . ssuii. cashier 1 iraaaaav a omoaral Baahlag Bisstasss. Drift - AU Psrta et the World. u BITES STATES NATI0BAL BANK OF Morthwest Corner Third Traasaata a Oes.r.1 Bsnklng Buslseas. vUZl?!s- O. AIN8WORTII I """"ai.., ft. l.BA BABNB8 Casblsr. B ABXEBr ft rtJMBEBMIM 8 BANK Par Commsvelal sd ssvlngs department. Interest paid a ssvtags aosoaata. Draft and tyr!- rdll Issued vsllable la sll parte ef the world,-... . ......., pvesiaeal 1 irVHii ?' BOTHrfliLD,.. First Vlee-Pre.ld.nt J 1 ,.,.T: -ejeeopo V lei Vlce-Pre.ld.nt I PI THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1888. Head Offieo, Baa, California. Capital paid a $4 annana Surplus snd undivided profits. $10.088. 403.22. nrsl R.riklng and Fvehanrs Business Transacted. Interest 0a Time bsvostto. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accmnts may be opened of $10 and upward. ' : r Pertlaad Breach asmha of Commerce Batldlufiv rM- d- MACRAB... ...Maeare 2, T. BUBTCHAELL Assistant Ms seres FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OBEwOM. . Daslaxated Depository snd Financial Agent af the Hnlted State. 'L 1 a ...A L. MII.U I C .shier.... 1. W. F'rWWvt. Assist ant Clashlsr.rt....,i..w. C ALVOBD (Second Assistant Cashier B. f.STBVBBS ' 'TS" ''' '-ttr-s of Credit la Eerop aad the Essr-ra States ' m ' ' a. r' rchnge and Telegraphic Trsnefer sold aa New York. Boston, Chicago, St, Leals. u Pssl, Omshs. rn Frsnriaco snd th prtaetpal point la he Northwest. Slrht and tlav bllU drswa in asms to salt en Loodnn. Paris. Berlle. sv.,,kfrrt-aettMsTa, aoBgkoBgsfteAaa.erC fterebrMocoer. Boetekw-. J TRUST COMPANIES.' .-' - "'J POBTLAND TRUST CO NT ANT OF OBEOON The Oldeat Trast Oomsasy in Oragwa. BBSOURCES OVER 8I.75O.O00. General banking, 2 per rent htereat a check necoanta - (even hundred.) mt dally balance, ef VS) or ever. . letter af credit aad exchsnra oa sll fa "7" o'. tb world. Ssvlnra accounts. Tiro certificate. 8 to 4 per centt shoet CslI epeclal certifies tee. gitOO or over. 2U to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. Sooth east Corner Third snd Osk Rtreeta. Phone Privets Exebsnjr T2. B7;,,02",, President I H. L. P1TTOCK V tce Preeldeal B. LEW PAGET Secretsry I J. 0. OOLTRA. Asslstsnt Secretary 'ECTBrTT SAVTNOS ft TBTJST COMPANY ' nmua a, Osaeral Baahlng Bastaess. 8 Tim aad 8s vine. Account. Acta aa Uwait Avallsbss la Au a Vifr9-" President I -ILL-" Second Ylce-Preeldeat .President I GEO. F. BU8HELL.... part! 'E MOXTOAOE OUABANTEB ft TBTST 1 . Traaaacta Oeaeral Banking Business." areiwruaeaxj a nsr cent laterssl allowed, O. W. WATBBBUBT.. .V.rYesldenVVii . 9. LOGAN BAYS F'xs- Temple. Seventh end Stsrk Street. Phon NOBTRWESTERB BTfABANTEB ft TBTST CO MP ANT Portland, trragam. .... .. r Lumber Exchange. S. B. Corner Second and Star Street 1 second car). FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. ' Stat. Ooaaty. Msnlclpsl snd Corparatloa Bends Bought and Sold. New enterprises ergistml - - , and Snanced. Stock and bond guaranteed. . 'ITLB 6TARANTEX ft TBTST COaTPANY 88 WA8HTN0T0W STBUT. MORTGAGB LOANS a Portlaad Beat Bstats st Lowest Rsts-- . .. tlea tasaeed. Ahsteaets raroled. - ' ' J. TTlORBriN BOSS.......... .... President I OBORGB B. BILL. vies- IT wis. sf BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BBOTKIBSOhambsr s Oosxmsros Mnnlclp!, rsltrosd and D 0WTOH0r2aS-CIBfPABT ratahtlahsd BTOCES. BONDS. OBAIN Bought Private Wlr. BOOM 4 CHAMBBB HI , 0. LIB COMPANY 18-88 Lafayette Brokerage Department 8c TTa Before Baying ec Selling Itocks arnS Tr-WIXDB HOMX TELEPBONE. r Member Portlsnd Stock Exehanes. Corner Sixth snd Waahlngton Streets. Portland. Oregon, Ovcrbcck. Starr & Cooke Co. BEAnr, PB0YI87ON8. OOT TON, STOCKS AND BONDB. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUBIVEBS. Coatlaaoua Marksts by' Private Wire. Qalek Servica. REFERENCES Ladd ft Til too. Bash sm, aad U sited SUtea NsUoasl Bank at Portlaad. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Pslnt Co.; window glsss aad glaslng. 186 Flrat at. Phone 184, RUBBER STAMPS. sa. ava 1UD tVADVI Ah A m vrihta-kjh f, U, HI SWiOB i ww v I xxov, s-se nwi rw ? Mala 710; rabbe-r lUBpi, Mat. itMdls; tM- mmgVt wminw case, mm hb" " - RE At ESTATE. P.RRinn W ATKINS ft CO.. . tts. Immrsnc. rental aad I ' sgeots. 260 Alder st. J. W. OOTLBKE!. real estate and loana; astab- - Bahed lsoa.- loi rirst si., room ii BEAL ,E8TATB,0AND MORTGAGB LOANS. Pboo Msln 6388. 622 Chsmber of Commerce. -ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. guttering, rrpslrtng and gsnersl tubbing. . Los", xia jenorson si , r.o SIGN PAINTERS. FORTE B ft KLEISEB SIGNS." are here bnllt SB tha larrset sign I h the city by flrht-clsss work snd keeping ear promlsss. Our prices are right. Fifth aad Everett st. Pboo Ex. 66. W. P. BEBGEB ft BON. 24 Yamhill at. Sign af all kinds. Phone Psclfle 2232. "SIGNS TTtAT-ATTRACT" A. H. 2N7 Btarh at. Phon Pidfle 1608. SEWING MACHINES. PHONB PaHfie 27.t nd I personally win call and repair your sewing-machine; work gusranteed. S. Sams, adjuster, 8H1 Third ef. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., Mil gnt for Herrtng. Ilall-Marvla aafe and Manx a nee Steel Ssfs Co.'s bank aafe. Th Isrgsst. sesortmest of hlfh-grs.le fir snd burglar-proof sales ,4a tbs Bostbwsst, 82 Seventh st. DIEBOLD msnganese and fire-proof safss: lock outs opened; metal fixture: vault and Jail work: jack. J. B. Davla. OS 2d. Mala lsf EIGHT coad-hand fire-proof aafe and two second-hand bank safes for sals sheep, t 70 Sixth t.. Portlsnd, Or ' STREET PAVINa WARREN Const rod lo Co., street paving, aide walk snd cross lug.. 814 Lumber Excbsnge, TBE Barber Asphalt Paring Co. sf Portland. Office 866 Worcester blk. TRANSFER AND HAULING. TBB BAGGAGE ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. Sixth; and Oak ate. I bsggsgs checked from hotel or residence direct to destination; passengers therefore svold rush aad annoy- ' ance at depots, private exchange 88. SAFES, piano (nd furnltur moved, ptchrd ready for shipping nd shlfpcd; all work guars n toed; Urge, 8-story brick, fireproof wsrehooee for storage. Office 208 -Osk at. ' Olsen ft Roe. Phono Mala 847. O. O. PICK, office 88 Ftrst at. between Stark .. and Oak ata., phon 608; pi a 00 and fnrnltur moved snd parked for ablpplng; com mod tout brick warehouse with separata Iron rooms, treat aad Clay sis. CUT ratea an household goods to all points east' we mske np earlnsds; specisl mora for trunks while waiting. Oregon Auto-Despatch, 18 Flrat st. Phon Msln llV ROBE CITY VAN CO., office 141 Flrat t., phone Main 8226. Furnltur end p ta no-moving speetslty; we guarantee eur work. OBEGON TRANSFER CO.. W4 North Sixth, Phoaa Mala u. Heavy naming sn storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGB ft TRAN8IBB CO. torsgs. as ntsra s wi. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 2U0M Wash ington st. Phone Msln P82. ss TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Oomb. brush, soap. J I per montn. rortissa usanary sno jowsj upply Cw.. Ninth snd Conch. Phon 410. TELEPHONES. THE nly xrlns1v .tektrhoo baas. B R. Electrte a leiepaeva saauuissisring snue. paa, 82 FUUi at. . . . R. t DURF1 AM. .T1frele HOTV. Assfietaet O uaoKUB w. and Letters f Credit Collections a Specialty laeaed AvsUsbls t FOETLAhT). CBE00B. nd Os Street. DBAfTS 1S8UBD AvatlabV ta in Wise et , ble Tersss. acnuvtl ' Cashier.. W. A. BOH A. M. WBI0HT Hand. Ovesea. Comer Second and Stark vtrsata. a . c MRAnn. vjasBiee H. D. STOBET.-. ........Aes1sst Csshlw PLATT ft PLATT. .tseaersl, Ooaasst . tad Morrlsoa Street. Forties. 0 rages, . SAVINGS DEPABTMKNT. Interest Allowed Trusts for Eat.t.a. Draft aad Xettara ( Parts ef tb WerlO, L. A. LEWIS. .Ftrst Ylos-Preeldest . ....... m .sVaeracarF B. Q. JUBITI... Asslstsnt Becretary COMPANY BANK. Interest Psld ss Tl m " DspoSlts.- compounded: quarterly. Ties-Pr art deat alatsnt Secretsry . Main 164. Open Saturday BrontaR I 7NO. B. AITf"Hr0N. ........ ........ecrstsry x. x. buxxhaxi .Tr nrf Bldg. public erv1c rcrporatioq bond. 188 BBOXERB. and Bold fnr Caah aad Msrgta. ef COMMERCE. Phoa Mala ST. Bldg.. Portlaad. Oregaa. .-. . . H. W. Donah, Manager. sv Roods. Cas Always 6a v Yea Money. B0NTJ8 . BANK STOC (Member Chicago Boar ef Trada. 102 Third 8t.. McKay Bldg.. Portlaad. Orsgo, TYPEWRITERS. UBADgUABTEBB for new. ssd re bnllt tp- writer of all mak; ase ear window; If yoa are going to buy a new typewriter se a be- rora Buying; srs can save yea money; have parts for repairing all machine; stats gent for the Vlalbk, Pox: w buy all kinds os iuvwmerB. ass .typewriter Excnanga, sbv,v ... e. aiiMM. sBsnsgsr, as 'xaira ax. WB aeU Remington. Smith-Premier. ' Dene. mores, ste., lower man any ether -company wnsiiiiw. vnuerwooa 1 7 pe writer uo., 00 ata. BL1CR ENSDEBFEB typewriter.. 840 snd XVI : supplies, repairing. Boa ft Rosa, 291 ft Stark. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BBEYMAN LEATHER CO.. Jobber. f saddlery, hardwire, horse goods. Issthsr. find ings snd shoe itor supplies. Fifth aad Oak. M. A. GIJN8T ft CO.-. .. DI6TRIBI TOllS OF FINE CIOABoV. PORTLAND. OBEGON. SHERK. QA.E ft GRAHAM (Inc.) mmmiaatoa mercnams. jooers ox xruiu, peoanca, ts. consignments solicited. 128 Front at. EVERDINO ft FARBELL, produce and com mission merensnta. iu rroai St., Portland, Or. Phone Msla ITS. ,. - , OREGON Fnrnltur Msnufseturlng Company manuraexurera oi. iurnjtare xor th txsd. Portland. Oregon. WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale grocer, manu facture ra and eommlasloa merchant. Foarth and Osk ata. FTJBNITTBB mansfscturlng ami special areata u, nuveravBy s isnuivrf rsciory. out S root su ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission and produce tmer. ensnu. r ront sua imvis sis., Portland, Or. WHOLESALK crockery aad glssswsrs. Prssl, tirgei a 10.. iiaj ie toe riitn, cor. stars at. WINDOW SHADES. GAtK WINDOW SHADE CO.. 207 Salmon at. plain aad fancy shade made lo ruer at lowest price. Phon Mala 8fi78s WINES AND LIQUORS. COLCMBU8, California win depot; sll kind ef win. Be rises. Cooks' aad Oeok' Help er Headquarter. 148 Foarth at. Phoa Pa cific 21M3. P. Lorsti. POLICEMEN ARE WANTED BY CITY OF PORTLAND Eleven Vacancies in Department and Few. Applicants for Zth Places. - Though there are 11 vacancies in the police . department only four applica tions have been . .received Jj ibe.j;tTU service commission. An examination has been celled for November 22, but - applications have been coming In very slowly. The ex amination lat month did not result very satisfactorily for the men' who wanted to be policemen, as but lone of the 42 who applied was appointed after going through the teats. Two other men passed, but unintentionally spoiled their papers. It Is ths purpose of the civil service commission ss well aa the executive board to raise the stsndsrd ef intelli gence and genersl capability in the po lice department. Ths practical questions given tba applicant are mostly from the book ' of rules,- though some - are answered by sections of the 'ohartef re lating to police matters. Ait was a test of the common setae of the applicants, and all but three of the II men who got as far as the written examination showed all too plainly that they had not studied the-rules et all. The edtins- tlonat-test counts but 18 in ths written examination, the rnmmlaslon consider ing that the practical questions on what patrolman should do under certain clrctimatancos are the beet teat of hi qualllloatlona. . - . i FTefsrrsd Stock Canned Ooods. Allen i-awl' Btat Urand. BETTER .SEBUIGE 11m Car Shortage Is , Not Felt Co Much,Tterw, Declare Mem- " ber of Hop nrrris RED TAPE CAUSES IT ; HERE, HE DECLARES Says Poor Management In Railroad Offices Is Greatly Responsible fot Car Shortage and the Damage to Business Resulting Therefrom. I '.'..." ' ..'...,.' ... ; Harry Plneua, on fit the hop final Of Iaaao Plneua ft Boris, Taeoma, gtatad to day that whlla tha ahortaga of ears it aptarn( In Taomsv th Northarr Pa cific 1 Klvlnit much bottar aervica te Bhfppore on th sound thaa la balri -ttlven to Portland. Bpcakln ef the do lay cauaed In Portland and Oregon, Mr. : Plncus aaij: . . . "We have te wait About 40 day to Bt ears to transport our hope In Ore- . Bon, while ln,Tvcom and ; In . . local Washington point, w never have to wait more than a week. That muoh 4 lay, of course, la not proper. The 00m- panle should have more cars than they are supply-in, but we are thankful that the situation In Waahlngton te not so bad ss It le In Orecon. . . ' "I think that tbe raaaon for the delay -In -Oregon Is 4ta greatly t the poor - When we want a car we have to go to half a dosen off totals bafore we gt any satisfaction. Each official refers ns to another and before we are through we have gone ths gauntlet without secur- Ing the cars. We finally get them In days. There -is altogether too muoh red - taps eonnsctsd with the offices la Port land. -r. ...'i,--... ... ....... ... : On explanation of this ta bscaose everything in Oregon centers In Port land. Portland le Oregon and Oregon is Portland, ao far as business is eon earned. In Washington oondttfcms are different It le not a state of one oity. . There ere Tecoma, Seattle. Spokane, Everett, Walls Walla, BeUlngham. In fact. Waahlngton has about elx cities. aside from ths large ones, with a popu- -latlon between 10,000 and 10,000. They are continually after tha railroads for -better eervlce, and that la what makee eondi tlona there. . "The ahortaga in ears on the sound - has resulted in most ef the mills refue Ing to take orders for more shipments. Unless relief comes soon many ef the laygest mills oa Pugat-aottnd will have. to close down. Some of these have done so already and others are, bound to fol low. Otherwise than the ear shortage. business conditions - are in . th same prosperous condition that their are el Be where along the coast. The building operations In Taeoma at present are ex ceeding those of any period in her his- ' tory. The oity is growing and with ad ditional railways coming in we expect great things in the muture. Several terminals have been thought et for the Chicago, Milwaukee. k St Paul, but no body knows - whether any of them will . be used. That new roads are coming Into the-city is felt certain, and with their advent the whole northwest will be benefited as well as-Taeoma." PORTLAND RAISIX6 LIH TO ADVERTISE COUHTRY Will Do Her Share to Supply t Northwest Development ; " League With Funds. As a result of the recent harmony meeting of Pacific northwest business men at Bpokane, when It waa decided to spend 1100.080 next year In systsmatlo advertising ef the etates ef Oregon. Washing-ton, Idaho and Montana, the Portland contingent le busy ralaing Its shsra of tbe fund. At a meeting last night of the) exec utive committee and the board of gov ernors of the Portland. Commercial club action waa taken toward raising 8 15..800 as Oregon's 'share of the fund. The money will be- expended under the au spices of the Paclflo Northwest Devel opment league, composed of repraMnta tivss of the commercial communities of the four states. This action la contin gent on Brattle- raising a similar amount, Taeoma and Spokane raising 111,100 each, and the coramunltlaa of Idaho And Montana the balance. It waa also decided by the elty that Portland should give a rose carnival and livestock show next year. The rose show will take plaee in June, when Portland roses are at their loralleat and In greatest profusion. Tbe live stock show will some later tn the sea. son, at a time to be decided upon after other evente of the year are considered. ' It is said this city is. ths logical center of the livestock Industry ef the Faeifle northwest. The greatest llvaateok in terests have their seuicea here, and) Or - gon is famous aa ths home ef the world's premium milch cows aad fat cattle, to which class of llvsstock the gold medals were awarded at the 8L .Louis world's fair. , . Committees will be appointed to work out tha .details of ths rose carnival and the livestock show, snd raise ths iteees. sary f urnla. . Aa tha livestock show waa ths most Important feature of th Lewi and Clark exposition snd of the St, Louis fair, it is believed there will be no difficulty in making next year's show one of tha most Important events ' of the year 4Vr the- entire northwest. HOSE BRIDGES TO - BE USED ON STREETS The Portlsnd Railway, - Light 'A Power eompsny has ' ordered what' Is termed a hose bridge, which will be tried as aa experiment when a Are. oc curs and lines of hose are laid acmes ths car tracka It can be laid on the rails and over the hose, so that ths ear wheels may pass over without damage, , "There sre so msny cross-overs t eur tracks that the bridges sre not al way nece-enary," said F, I. ruller, gen era! manager. .Tke the firs t snd Washington ' lst Saturday sf ter noon for Instance. Only two cars were caught at the lower end of Washing ton. Tbe Others creased over snd th traffic was kept rlear. But we have Ordered a set of the bridges, and lt -will he given a trial. At li hlur fire there were 10 line of hoes a the tracks and It W'tui.J have he most Impossible to get the cats them." " t c a c? 1 it f t : T.ka IlltllVt I"". ' ' I . r - d e.-r ' ' in . . 4- ' - - ! -