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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
$5(a) Portland Heights .' This -wet weather is rather dis- , couraging to home buyers, but at the price we are ottering ureen- . way lots you are getting, the best of the weather man. y We are not offering a few lots at $500 and then up to $800, but you can buy any that strike your fancy no matter the price rriaffeed $500, $550, $600 and up .to $800 For Only $500 for Ten Days Only Come in and pick out your lots It P. PALMER 222 Failing Bldg . Main 5661 FOR THE LADIES The thoroughgoing, prefrsartve policy . --ut the: - "OLDEST TRUST OOnTTAjrT XM v ouooi . -- - , - Affords Its WOMEN patron- Tery faculty for their convenience. The oosy, homelike quarter eapeclally de ' signed f them ar under the super- rleios of - HAiim t Kooaraotnw, Who win aealet you In erery way to make- banking plessur. Ws par I par mat Inter eat oa SAVINGS AC COUNTS and 4 par cant ON CK6V In bustnaae sr eall fur free booklet ef ... r . JLLVaTBAnon." ? ---fry Portland Trust Company of Oregon Southeast Oonwr Third snd Oak ts. Phone Exchange 73. BENJ. I. COHEN. .,... Prldnt L. riTT-Mlt.......-...Vtc-PreJdent . B. LEEl PAGET Secretsry J. O. aOLIBA......Aaltsat Secretsry FIHEt LOTS5170 EACH Inside: Property Lota BOxlOO'feet each with graded - streets, lde walks and city water piped to every lot. Thla tract Is known as "Alton , Park" and situated about on mill aad a half southeast of Madison street bridge on the Sellwood car line. The lots are aU -cleared. In crass plot and command a Arte view of the river: 10-m inula ear service, and the price of, these lots Is B4 per cent cheaper than adjoining; lots sold for, which are now built upon ' with comfortable homes. . Limned number for , . $50 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH Title per ret; free abstract furnished with every lot. ' Take Sellwood car and off on Harold, street, and you ace at the property. . , For particulars call oa 3 " I : H. J. CLOIIESSY 07 KeKAT BOlXOZsTw. , Sit. 120x109, on railroad witch.' Ex ' oavatlon for basement nearly completed. : Modern 14-room - residence, quarter block sf ground, on Hollariay atenue. M. G; Nease 04 ZfOmbar Esobanare Bnildlaff. . TsL acaia 734. ; A Home for $2000 ; ' lyot B0100, house modim. porcelain ' bath and toilet; eras, cement sidewalk: houaa piped, for jf umaoaj wlll j-ent jfor , (' XAKTMAsT fe TKOntPSOaT, Ohvambet ef Commaroe. ; $27,000' ' Fin quarter block on Tenth and Flan- ders, if sold this jnonth, The Shaw-Fear Co. 7.; " T.. . T U'6'A StiTrk" Street ; ' Snap In Highland Park A non-resident p rope rty-ownrrr' has placed 4 lots, in above addition In our fianda for Bale at targ;an price: t lots face Alnsworth ave., t Enst 8th st: all adjacent and must jje sola as one piece. Albee-Benham Company Main 8004. Concord Bids-. Holladay Park Lots ' Cheapest on market, 10x1 IS, facing , soma on viacnnmna wipj iii rear or lots. Only tte casa reguirea Balanrs 120 a month, . - ' . h,. HABTlaUsT TaTO-tywOaT, t Cbambef of Cozaunsroe. Jack King Tr.e'hot-1r merchsnt, cures RHKUMA- T1(M. Never rails. MO -cure no psy. Trie only complete hot-air plant on the eoasr. tIWO ATnT, - t lenaU aU WatluarM IM warehouse Residence REAL RCAL ESTATE. At-Bee ; R CNMAM V . CONCW CM. St Johns Business Block -i - - lOOilOO, ONI BT.WK ' V FROM O. R. A N TRACK. -'. ur, A BARGAIN at 5,000. . ,..',?; ....... v Albee-Benham Company Main 1004. . ' Concord Bids'. WEATHER REPORT. i Sturm waralnre were eontinUBd It T i. B. C an atatloos la tula district. The barometer la sgsln falling otf the Waak' Ington aoaat and a new dlaturbance la ap proaching thla dlatrlet, Tbt. atorm yesterday baa eroeeed tba Rocky eoantalna and la central this tnorulng north of tba Dakota. It mused tba followlne wind veioclrle veeterdari North Head. Waatilnfton, Til miles,' aouthea.t; Seat- tia. as miiea. aoiirnaai ; roniaaa. mi wh. uutbeaat, and 8kaoe, 26 nlWa. aooth. Uibt to modwatalr hcar rain baa (nUen fanaraur la th north Paclfto sutas and la Montana aa1. the Dakofaa. Tba Naw Enaland dlatnrhante w adranrli doa toe St. Lawrenre Tall. y and' tba weatvrn blab prraaura area otorilea uia Hiaaiaaippi ti Wy. Abnorniallr eonl weather praaalla In tba aulf atatea and kllllor froats haea eeeurred aa far aoulh aa JarkauaTllle, FlorlUa. Tba lndlcatloua are tar rain ln,tlila dlatrlet tonlbt and Wedaeaday, with a anutberly fala tlonir the eaaat ani freaa, (oaty, aootnerly wlnda In tha Interior? Ubaarratlooi ttkem at S a. m., paeine wroa: ' , Temp.- Btatkma . klu kiln. Praeln. 4 . .U8 M .0 2H - ' .14 Baker City. Oreroo. . .. Hoatuo. klaaaarhuaetU 't rhlcaso, lllliiola.. ......... M Penrar,. Cokirado. , ,. .ujitjt 4 .0 Kanaaa City, Mlamrl. ..... 84 Loa Ancelea. Callfnrnla. .. . S New Orleana'toulalaaa.... fid New York. Naw Xork. ...... 44 Portland. Orefoa M Roaebars. Oreson. ......... Tl Salt Lake. i:uk.-. 03 St. Loolay lilaauurl. ........ M San rrArlaco. California. . TS 8nokano. Waahlnirtoa M Taeoma, Waehlnrton 03 Walla walla, waanincua.. vt Waahlnirtoa. O. C M MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Tborae. TO Kant Paris street,' 9; Vic toria Blaaalek, 20. ' William 1. Miller xn; Irene varaweu, st. Andrew Loner. 364 fourth a treat, 40; Ixmlaa Kborall.n. , - Lou la 0. Backitrom. l;JkUim-ra J. Tom p. klna. S8. Spencer W. Kentner, Newberf, Orefon, 41; Anna A. White, SS. Weddlns Car . W. O. Smlrb On.. Waah inttoa bids., ear. fourth and Waahlnstoa nta. Wedflln and ealllns cards anararad or printed. H.- T. Boabtoo. I2SSi Waahlnstoa at. TON8BTH A CO., FLORISTS. FOB fXOWXBS Of AlAj KINDS. 123 SIXTH ST. ran yiiM em, not. Mjpa-iaatni Tallorlnf Co.. Btark at BIRTHS. BETZ Norember 1 to Mr. and Mra.' Jo I Bats, W6 Vaaeoaver arenne. a ftrl. PEER Norember s. to Mr. and Mrs. Denial Peer, Good Samaritan hospital, a (Irl. PATEB.HON Norember av te Mr. and Mrs. WlUUm U. PateraoB, PortUad katernrty hoe- Dital, a boy. - : . juneb Noremtier a, te Mr. ana sirs. ames R, Jonea, 964 Van merer arenue, a boy. DEATHS. ARMHP10EK At the realdenca of her eon, Klmcr Armaplsm. at Allkcaear. TH viilea aaat of Portland, oa the Meeting Line road. Norember 18. Win. Marrla t Armanlser, a led 79 years, months and 16 days. Notice of tha funeral will be fteen later. TBA TIB Norember 11. Bnaaa O. L. Travis, TS rear. 160 Eaat Tntrtyevantb, old are. - HOW ETT November 11. - Gay Ilowett, 1 mnnth. 8BT feaet Bverett, fronehltls. , NAKANO November S, N. Nakaoo, St. Vin cent tmefittal, aato IntozleattoB. fAUCRTTB November , Loalse faneerte. I yeara, Belmont, between Baat forty -tort and Baat furty-fifth, eonvahiloas. EPFs -Novembar 10. Jane Appa, si years, at. Joboa, primary byperrropolto. COOK November lo. uaariotte twos, si years AM Ma alia Ilea, valvalar heart dlaaaaa. - UNDERTAKERS. Dnnnlnc. . MeEntae 4k Ollbanf b, nndertakars sad embalmera; nwdera la every detail. Seventh and Pine. Mala 430. Lad aaatotaat. A. B. Heme took, undertaker and embalmer. Eaat Thirteenth and Umatilla ave. Phone Bell wood 11. Erlekaoa rndertaklns On., and embalmlns. 4A Alder at. Pboaa Mala lSs. Lady aaa latent. 1. P. Ilnler Bone. Third and Madlaoa ata. Office of county eoronar. Phone Mala 4. ft.A HmJ rWllhTlu " SnWAM 'aKa floral deeltaa. !W Morrlaoa at. Edward Hoi mas, andartaker, 330 Third St. ETfxa raw cutxTUT. Klarle era raa. 110. family lota. tlOO te 11.000. The only cemetery la Portland which per- etsally mauiaina ana earaa lor iota, rar rau nformatloA aoolr to W. R. Mackenale. War- eeater block, city. W. M. Lead, president. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joca p. and Inert Nelson to J. . Btnea, eaat H of lota T and n, block kVB, Hawthorne Park aOdltloa ,. 4. BOO . L Eckereoa and wlfs to U N. An- mack, lot T. block 15. Hlshland Park. . 150 Paeehal BUI end wife to . McClave and wife, north eft.MT feet of lot 11, block t. nlU'a addition to Kt. Johna. . 1.060 Mary Bonaar to tba Edward Maedanball -company, anmrmea H or lot e, Diors .- 1DO. city; lots 33 and 23, block la, ' . Arbor Lodce; lot 41, block 14, Allilnaj , eaat 4S feet of lota and 10, block e, Proebatel's enbdlvlaloa: and all other Cnerty sTmnu' poaaeaaas as belr of rah B. Uam ' UtD U'E. and I). O. Remlnftos to Anna M. ' BmitB. lot A, Dioca e, Wueea anna niC( ,j . . . t nmnuumrf.., frank C. and Marfaret Baker te f . A, , waeniuipfl IOC . ill. BMiea IT. HMDI . Tabor Villa BO Ellta O. and M. L. Hushes toO. How- ard Kable, lot n, block s. Jobn irv-, lot's Klrat addition to Eaat Portland.. , 1,100 Samuel E. and Ilettle M. Hnlironk to Joaeth-A. and Florence E. 1'etUt. - - lot 4. block I, Gleneoe Park .......... 400 Charles H. Malcolm and wife to Ells KlraeL lot 86, block 14, Alhlna 3.3O0 a H, aad Jennie Hlee to Mrs. W. L - - Oreenleaf, lot t. block , Beanvolr .... 400 Hiram T. and Lanra C. French to O. i, Addltna, block -4, Mount Bcott View., I Mary M. end B. B. KleS' to - Charles - Adanie et . al.- lota T and 4. block - 16, Holladay Park addition 3,000 B. B. Rice and wife to (Ttarlee i. van. dun Sa B and 10. block 16. Holla " day Park addition- 1,400 Lonla Burke and wife to Annie T. Park buret, parrel of land bestmilns " northweat corner of tract -conveyed by - Anola T. and Alfred-. L. Park buret to---i Lonla Burke v Henry Kummel and wife to. Bdsar IS. fhlpman, a atrip of land , M feet - . wide beclnnlnc at anetbea corner . , of weat of northeaat of aoutb- t at u of Nathaniel Ilamlln dona- tloa land claim ' I neor W Brows to Francea i. Vunbar. lot IT. block 1. Kenwood Park 140 Victor Land cotnr-an.l to Marsaret Ald ' riok. lota sa and so. block 23. Treanoot '4 'lace ...... ,.TT,inwr,y,TTrmri1 1T4 B. I. r.ckr-eou to Inel MrK. Ecker aoe Lrf 14. block 3: lot . block 4. Center addition to F.aat Portland . . , . I Katharine Bnabr to William E. Kellainr. ii .. L,t&. a mi a hLu-a Fjat Portland 4.000 Antolne Myer to Klluabetn P. Meyer, nndlaldcd i of 4V acres commenrlnt ' ) at point in aoulh Une of donation land elelm of Thomaa Carter and wife, 16.40 rkalnr eaat from enrner sections 4, . 4. 4, townebtp 1 aoutb. raufa 1 eaat . U A. Harlow and wife to 0. J. CoU naa et al.. kt 1, black 25. Flral ad- dittos to Trautdale.,, .... : 40 W. H. Tattle and wife to (Irant O. Bramaa and wlfa. let 1 block 10. ' Maeslr Hlblaa4 1,400 Company. a .v ' OH .0 40 .0 R4 .0 6 ' .B8 A ., .. .US . 50 .0 id .0 ' .0 46 00 . . .TO ' 64 ' ,. JO M .0 Caroline B. Jacobs and hnehand to Wal la.e W. Ayere, kt 4., block 4, Sunny. Walter "E."jacooe" to Caroline Jacuba. i weat 11 t feet of tot 10. block 4, buniuelde Alfred L. Parkhurat aad wife to Louis Burke, parcel ul laud lu-gliiulna -at-la- tereectloa of borlk Une of donation ' land elalm of A mod N. snd Mallnds . Kli A. L. Unebaush and wife" te Ceryl . W. Llnebaufh. weet H of wta and 4. block 3. Murray HUI addition to Eaat Portland ArU'ta Land company to Mary A. Kol. Wk, lot la, block 11., Arlete Park No. 4 f. Llaale Peter, and kuaband te Walter. M. Btrbtmyer, lot 4, block 11, Central Alhlna Security SnTlnra A Truat company, true- . tee, to William Dunn, weet H of bit ' 18, block 10, John lrrln a Flrat addl- tkm ,.......v- Oeorse F. Rltter to Emma J. Liver, por tion, of lota 1 and 3, block 81. original townalte of Alblua ' W. H. Morae snd wife to fleoree I). Bar ton, tot . block Tk. Woodatock 1. A.' A da ma and wife to Henry frvbclder nunn and wife, lots 4 and 6, block '4. IrrlnstoB llelshta Lnce Wtuuia Thomas et aL to John 400 I 400 . (00 f 10 i 1.400 490 . 1 4.000 s.aor 400 "liooo , 180 c.irdano. weat 00 reel i a, uoc 133. city B. L. Stevena, aberlf f. ' to .-Charlce K -Hall, Wn 6. block 0, e"ry ............. Frank Villa and wife to Artuer J. Teter, lot 1, block t, Henry's audition to Eaat Portland V James Ienholm and wife to Charles Krrrhor"eTst.i lota -4 -en-T, block 6, Wataon's addition Elisabeth MldJletoa to Madeline O. Fralley. lota 8 nnd 4, block 4, Point View C K. Zllly snd Wife to S. M, Lasers, kit 4, block 84. Carter's addition Lores A. BowmaB and wife to Nora W. Harnett, lots 1 and 3, block 4, Walt's 'In... Anmew ... l.BOO T T40 John l. Hetltt and wife te Fred H. Htronf. lot tt, niocs it; , ..4 L , a hiAfe is. Oeaten ' .1 114 1800 Charlea Arthur Naah to. Charles W. MarahaU, lot 4, blocB xa, wram I." A.Dean " and ' wife 'to" wifllats ' 'mc Lean. part of block 81. McMlllea'S ad- rfll-,B ,n wtam Pnetland - Clarence H. Pslraa and wife to Oren- ville c. Ituri, lor i, oaoca o. 28 and 34, block 1, Maater's addl. - . . 7;f; . -rr - . ....... .-TTT-.-.Tr' Oraurllle C Buff and wife to Clarence It. rairan, lota in, so, mi, e, t U.a.u'a .Alltln. . . . ' 138 11,000 400 Martin Mattaoa to D. kt. Dooaufh, lot 1 1 KlAk aa Sellwood .. B. a'nd Laura M. Hafedorn to Hlberala BaTliura bank, lot B ana aouoa e e klAlr S fltenne'a addltloa. I.mM n. Tlart and wife to John Welch, lots 4, H. 6. blocs e,-j-aooiue Darld'and TWa T. Mulr to b Hootatraat. aoutb 60- feet ef lota 10 aad i KLruly AA MnnnTaltlsB ....... see .16 490 1.400 4,680 140 i 1 180 Edward and Ellaabeth Kruerr to JobB H. and te. Erne itennav, aua i, vv K K....V. Inln.lA' .... W.'O. TbompeoB to Joseph Tomllnaon and wife, low sno o, o-a Vvrth frelnetnn Louis P. Beno et aL to J. W. Warner, eaat so feet ot lot o. oiocm .e, . . X, L. Gary to Frank B. Potter, lots IT. 18, Bunahlno Park v" r. A. Potter and wife to U. U. Har- ir ..a is. annahln Park. , Herman Metsrer. truatee, to M. C Har- (Tova, lot 14, diocs a, aawrrou se Mraeta title InavraBce or stortsare loans call on Pacific Title. Treat sompany, B04-4-4-T Falling building. . , . - . a A Btatreeta to real satats from the Title Guarantee A Treat com pany. 340 waablnstoa atreea. eoroor NOTICE. IN the dlatrlet eoort of the I'nlted States, for the dlatrlet ef ore eon. ; in ui Fir- White and Berths White, bankrupts. N,rtlce la hereby given that on the eljth'h day of November, A. D. 116. f- T" and Bertha White ot Portland. Oregon, were duly adjudicated bankrupt, end that the Brat - meattnc of their creditors will be held at Mom aoa-o r anion oioa.. x ... ,A , oa the flfth day of December, 1808, at M a. pa., ai wun-u uw. - : : r may attend, prove their eUlma. appoint a truatee. examine the bankrupt and transact such other bualneaa aa may properly corns before enek meeting. Dated November 14 wn. CHESTER 0. MtTBrHT, . Beferee la Bankruptcy. state or vregoo-,n '-''.." ."1. . or Laura j. acvmi . .1 V.I. I . hereby gives that the sode reigned has been .DOT. nameo -,,-J AU iMrinoi baTtnf claims rlnt Mid ff T . a . A e. - - A Vvan m a ma was - are nereoy reqoirew w " J7 7" . -. . . i v. ra Raet Third atH north, PortUnd. Oregon, dnly verified, within six -months from the dats hereof. Dated tbf 80th day ef October, 1 406. J. c. McQCAID, Admlalatraror. NEWTON McCpy. Attorney. . THE new City Directory Is bow ready; copies . . T a .a ih evMao, KOfk Vfsmiis ess bWf., IX atod. betyt rgult dcUwf ia HEATERS repaired cm alwtl J il1 EX CAT ATI NO aad vradln. C. ". . VotUgm, --1 MEETINO - NOTICES.""" 'WASHtNOTON Chapter, No. 18, R. A. M. Regular convocstloe. this (Wadueeday) evening, November 14. 1806, at T:S0 o'clock, Maaoote ball,. Burknard bldg. Lec ture by Comp. O. A. Dearlng, The tt , Aw I . niA.. . iA ajVe. " dlt'lona." Members urged to attend. Visitors welcome. By order m. tt. r. & B. SHARON, Secretary. AIJ. woodmen snd their Meads see requested inxtoa Camp tonight. 10th and WaahlBgtos sts.i a One program has bees arranged and refr-h-enu will bj g; a c ' H." A.' FREDRICll. aerk. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 4,466, meets Wednesday evening, auaay bus.. mmm Morrlaoa ata. " PORTLAND OBCHEBTRAr-Muale for all oo caalonai reasonable. Mais 6004, or 44 Loeretla. U. W. A., Oregon Orape Camp, No. 6.4T8. Mose naye. ilia ana wiowin . . " - LOST AND FOUND. FOCN D A place to have katr mattnaiaa raw d and returned same day. 328 frost at. n 474. Portland Curled Hatr factory. H. . vated Main Metis er. proprietor, LOUT Black watch fob with Poreater pin, es Fourth at., between Jefrereos aad Morrison. Howard u reiarnea to rourui LOST Small leather puree, between Taylor and Mill, oa Firm) St.. west side; name In- elne "A. M. L"uma , wmanie rewaru. eoos Flraf st. Phone Pectflc 4tSl. LOST Lady's (old watch and neck ptn with name, oerween nrmimr , H,mniM. -i on Union are.( north. Betnrs to 4fet Manhst ua ei. mh wie ,ww . . . - FOUND Coat, evidently a froceey order-boot Inalde; no name oa It. Owner eaa have -same by eaUlng at .oornatinea aao pay Ing for aa HELP-WANTED--MALE. AGENTS WANTED To aell sunertor. high-grade nareery (tnck; complete outfit furnlahed free; eaah weekly write today for choice of terri tory. Capital city nursery company, asiem. or. , Tt Br S" worm iui vi, ,n.r.a bers. 83. ' T. M. C. A.. Fourth ssd YamhllL . DOtl'T work for s small salary; see or writ Pacific Aid aaaoclatloa for a. good Dfepoal - tic, 224 Lumber Exchange. ' W A NTKII Yoong roes to prepare for railway telegraph aerrlee: wajree fod to 490 per mnoth ' when rialiriel. K inert ooueee 01 Telegraphy, ririn riour unnnniwHiia duis. WANTED 16 mora solicitor; neat position - tn Portlandr fa BTaklBf-8 daltri tall srter sooa. shiw stars aa. WANTED 4 eoatmakers; steady Job. A. J, Branlt, Hamilton bldg. . COLLECTOR and Baleaman; city work; bond reiulred; must be sble to Hart to work al once. Apply Immediately at 404 Ablngtoa building. SALESMAN, ainertenced. for domeatt depart ment; bore, reliable, about IT yeara of age. In learn the bualneaa. Olda, Woftmaa 4 Ring. 6th and Waablngtos atreeta. PIANIST prefer young man desiring experience a mualcal director of big local production; " unueually good epertuntty for amblUoug smateur. A oar eaa w is, ears itovaaa. WANTED At ence, atarebolt-cuttera: (nod pay, ateady work; l.40 s cord. Apply Weaters ' Cooperage Co., Btearn eiug., rurtiauu, Oregon i or Uoulton. Oregon. , WANTED AT ONCE 00 sound young age 18 to 45. for ftremes snd brakeinea oa leading western railroads and tor new roada now being completed; eapericnce snneceaearyi firemen 4100 ier month; brakemeo 175; uusl Uons now open; write et once for partlcs fevr. National Railway Training Aaaoclatlon. T30 Pal ton block. Omahs, Neb., or tWl Bldg - bMg., Kansas City, Mo. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. . - yYae employment to our iietrons.- -i Weekly rates: Room, 41.3S up: room sad board, 44 50 up. AsdsrsoBj, proprietor. WANTED Saleamea; many make 4100 to 4100 per monthf eouie seen more; aiors cieen; grown on reer ration, fa from old orchard! , aeb adrancoj weekly; choice of territory. Address Waablagtua Karsery eosipany, Top penlao, Waablngtoa. MEN AND WOMEN te lean barrier trade In Ight weeka; graduate ears from IIS to 4U weekly; expert tnatructura; catalogue free. , Moker SyatejB of Colleges. 44 North Fourth . t., Portland. . KNTERPRUR HOTEL. S3 4AVIKB, r CORKKK-4ATH, We are tn the factory and mills district: com In and bar a talk with as; good hoard and good room, 44.50 per week. W ANTKIV Two or three . flrat -elan, all' around macolue men; permanent pesltteu. good wag. Oregon furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WANTED Intelligent, honest office boy moat furnlah flrat-claaa refersncea. t'boue Mala TT. WANTED-rA tailor buahelmanl si oat he good nreaser. Eaat 1 'or I land DyS A Cleaning Werka. 148 tirsnd ses. , WANTED Machine man to work In furniture factory; alao boy to work la factory. Call lOS 'orth 11th at., city. w- WANTED At once, sn, opboUterer. F TS, cars JournaL i BOY wb has some knowledge ef stringed to- Strut-cats. , Lvy s uauc uouss, in e.n at. PLASTERER for smaU lob st Lenta; material furnlahed. Be Jotceiyn at new ator oi Stalgwr Shoe Co.,- Waablngtoa and Fourth ts. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FIFTY Extra Salespeople : Wanted Llpmaiv-Wclfe & Co. . CAP A BLB WOMEN WANTED Ir job worn, wny sot earn mere than a tivlngl Be Independent; do good. Th Vlavt Co. already employe 13.000 women; the work cover 38 countries of th world; we win entertain appUcatkins from eapabla womenL. 'not canraaatug, but helpful, dig-1-'1' work. Address by mall only, Vlarl On., Lewis bldg. . HOME LADIES' AGENCT. ' ' - - 14SM fourth at., earner Morrlaoa, Bpatalrs. Pbons Main 5s26. Alougslds the Y. M. C A. bldg. GIRLS Chocolate dippers ssd packus. Aldoa .. intk .i miu OIRLS W A NT-D Opera tore te work e ehlrta ana oweraita LBaaima stbb w ineeiiTriT-w. Apply at Standard factory Mo. 3, Uraed are. and Eaat Taylor at. . ' - WANTED Tosng ladles to propers tbemaelves aa gtenograpbertlpups s suonB capable are permitted to do work tn our public stenographic rooms; wage ssd practical ex- Kleaee. Call or writ Oetor'a Expert Col , Sfth.Bour Gomoswaslta bldg. WANTED Girl te make . alia st TS first St. of All" HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT, 448, Wb. m BMnlk .MfalM I w Malm 3V6X femal help wasted. FEW ladle wanted to assist making eaay fancy work a para time at Borne; sooa eroeay ; bo experience requires. . see aieiooee out waaningioa sx. COOK wanted; good wages. 70 Hoyt St. Pboo aaain low I. - WANTED A good cook; good wages. tS70 Hoyt. WANTED At Th Dalle Steam Laundry. Th Dalle. Oresoe, one poiianer ana one marser women preferred; wage 42 per day. WANTED Ledy -aealatant eeahler. . Addrsos F TT, ears Journal. . WANTED Girls snd ladls for housework; good position trout up. urropoiiias Employment Bureau, 358 Alder at-, room IS, GIRL for seeend. work. 884 King st. Pboo Mala -OIL, GIRL te saatit la office work: wages 420 per month; writs m in ewa nsBawriting, cars Journal of flea, F T6. WANTED Imraedle tely, experienced girl, family cook; -wages t! alao- imuaewnrk yirl , ror another townr SflOH TamhilL Mls 441-. . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Flret-claaa lady and (waflssMa esa- vasaersr salary and commission. uaii si Agescy Bureau. S3 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. B. G. Drake. Sum Washington aC Paelfve 1S70. WANTED Toang lady who Tea da st sight la a muale stars; alao boy who baa some know ledge ef et ringed laatrumant. Adrdee B 40, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Potlttoa a landecane (ardener Of prnner. aasreas r o, vare eournat, BELIABLS) man wsats position as eoUeetor; reference-. t TO, care JournaL WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents la every county for the Ohio Steam Cooker; a money-maker. For Information call or writs 474 First sc. Port, land. AGENTS, peddlers,- ranvssaere snd street wort era, get your supplies from R. M. Plumaver, i SAO Third at. I new goods, bottom prices. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. x BED. CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. TtfvealDar cams and -fkfm belo s aoedsltv. 40 North Second St. i'hons Mais 5AX. ' Be pay ail teM-irepB CBn, . HANSEN'S EMPTJOYMENT OFFICE I FOB MEN. t6 North Second at. Phone Mala 1B2C PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 9naV Morrlaoa at Phone Pi rifle ZW 27 North second st Phone Pacific I8U0 ALPINB Employment Col, BOJVt Morrlaoa St. Mais ard female help, phone Mais 1I7. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO KENT Houees, eottagea, flat a, tor, office. roomlngnoBaes, ets. Laad- , lords will do well to eall on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 73. 4. E. Cor. 4d r.d Oak. GENTLEMAN want fhrnlahed room, close In; glv full particulars. Addrea F 76, JournaL WANTEDREAL ESTATE. WANTED A small bouse, 1 srr ground; hill preferred; must be rseap; terms, aeon time. H. S6. ear JoarnaL WANTED Hone 4 to 4 moms, between Flrat snd Serenth, near Camihers at.; $1.Ka eaah, brlancs 1100 per menth. Call at 20 S Mor- jlaonroom 3. 'wmmm --w 1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HAIL and ballroom, separst sr ogefhert sew ssd with ell contenlaana.- Pbes Mars 46. DI'CK lakes te rent with cabin cheap; roon 1 SU te shoot; going away. Box. ,7, dir. for e Furniture . I For Fsrnliure " I Hpoi Furniture ' v - I Ceel l( JUTLAND AUCli Hoot , n. - ION ROOMS. 311 Flfat et. rnoa Mala (Ooa. -sVAXTliD aia l W-Hr ... saeelnw sng and boiler. Addreaa Lotk Box ZU, St. Jo raons ocoii twi, sr acocx jiso. HI0UE4T pries paid for men's east-erf cbitb- . ui. ' pnon Pacific 46. Uncle Joe, 63 Thirs. WE WILL BI'Y. BELL OR TRAPS ANX OLD , TIII IU. VI E8T-KN SAL V AU K CO., B-I - WASH1NU10N. PACIflO 7W. gl'OT eaah paid for your furniture, at ores, ate.; prompt attention. Pbou Eaat 108T. HIGHEST cash pries said for all kinds see hand goods. Pbou Mala 311 1. 43 N. Third. E.yAVATlNO snd grading. 0. B. Pottage. 4ow Commercial St. Pbons East 4184. WELL DRILLING Water guaranteed. Bog 4T, Route 3, Oreahara. Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT EATKI) rooms at reaaonable rates. Hotel Boy a I, 108V Fourth at., between Wash ington ana stark ata. . pbons Mala oxm. TI RICHELIEU.- 88 North Sixth St. Ile gantly furnlahed; steam heat and hatha.- i THE HUB," OS Elerenth at., ea room with a tram heat sad bath. Start; FURNISHED ranma snd furulebed noueekeeplng rouais rat real at vsneoav ave. TUB GRAND. Nartb Third St. I foe . geutiemea ti.ja per wee ana sp. LINDA . VISTA, .3471 Fifth Housekeeping, rooms with' bay .windows, and aleeplng-roous. TUB VTVn HU . H.K very sioders cosvsnlenc, 82.28 and 42.50 per wees; free betas; new building, central. LA RGB elesn sunny front roots, furnlahed,. S mouth, 4ui Wast Park. COMFORTABLY furnlahed out aide and front . bedrooma, with stores, electric light, pboae . aeconwkouatioas. teasonsble. lkM Third. FURNISHED room. 426 Fifth st. I modern eoo- venlcacssr no chlldrea. " " NICB suit of 3 large front rooms; tost the thing for 4 or 4 men; thus cutting down costs. SXlSi btark st. LA RGB furnlahed room with (ea, bath end yard, for two. 44. Cell 330 Front or aos Water and Meads. ON B or two ktrg bw. gas, bath, phone, cloe In; room tim three la one room; reasonable, Pbons East 3186. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB RENT 4 nnfuralaned bouae keeping room a, running water la kitchen; very desirable f neighborhood. Bear school. Pboae Wood laws A22. . ti ts WEEK UP, clean, farnbibed benekeep. lag rooma; parlor, bath, laundry, furnace -.heat, yard. Su Staatoa. -U ess, . , $1.80 WEEK up, large, clean, furnlahed boo keeping rooma, laundry sad bath. ItM She sua south, Portlssd. . THE MITCHELL Hoaeekeeplng and tranaleat rooma, reaaonable. Seventh ,and Flssdcrs. . HOUSEKEEPINa-ROOMS, 464 North 16th St. 8l'ITE of 3 booarkeenljif -rooms fox rent: newly ,m It l.Iir , 4iv ,liJ VUe. BWIW) V" per month. . ROOMS AND BOARDr SUITE of rooma. with board for family ef 4; also single. Mala lens, wo 14th at. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB BENT House No. 388 N. 18th St., 4 rooms, th place for s laboring man's rooming souee; rent 9 JO to permanent tenant. For -. particulars sss J. Kraemee, a Fwsrth at, FOR "RENT Modem ft -room tloa. In walking diatancs, weet aide, $30. II at field A Smith. loV Fourth at. 114 -ROOM cot rare; gaa. barb. yard, ernt venleur Bst Ankeny car. SUO' Naksoa at. Eaat 423, r-BOOM house oa earllne. 13. C. H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkey bldg.' T-ROOM hoses, newly papered and painted! pat ent toilet and bath; 416. 445 Cable at. la - qulrs 480 Mill et. - - - -- - FOB BENT Nest room eottag. assy 4. P. camnopB. fix rnoo asm esse. FOB RENT Nearly new cottage, 6 rooms, 4 larss cioasts. nil B - w mtw , T18. , FURNISHED 4-moan eottag. hew, fne view snd lawn, 4 blocks north ersmstorlum. Ball wood car, 41.500. . FOB RENT Madera 6-rooea Souee tn best pat of Nunuralde. one block from car Hoe: adults. - Inquire Mrs. J. 8. Wlaalowt 40 Eaat 18th jt. I'lioos aaat susu. T-ROOM flat for rent en 18th st, near K earner, for 423 per month. M. B. Lee. roem So Raleigh bldg., 438 Waablngtoa St. Pbons Pacific 44. - - , FOR BENT Modern 6-rooat bona; eement floors, waeh -teaya, aba dee, ete, 464 Bsst - Alder. rsoss aasx xoiu. FOR-RENTSTORES-OFFICES. , omccs-Jlicst . Central Lees tloa la the city, north weet corner 4lxtk snd Waahlngtos su.l sew e Vara tor; hot snd cold water. Ilgbt, heal end Janitor service, TUB MOBTGAUS) GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY, . 40 He rents at. 0fFICE-ROOM8, -ufornlahed room aad aara-ple-room for isat, Ooodnough bldg. Apply hrvator. .. . -- - - - PART of shop to rent, suitable fa painter et plsmber. 404 fourth st. DESIBABLB sfflcss. Including electric lights, hot snd cold water, Janitor ssd slevator ervtet, la the sew,, airy Commonwealth . bldg., old poatofnee alte, Blgth and Barnslds - ata. Agn room 411 - FOR RENT Deak room st rsssnsabls rate, luqslrs 300 ttoodaough bldg., ever Journal office. FOR KENT Stars, Ftftb-et, 1d Ooodooagk bldg. Inqnlrs elerator La building. STORE FOR RENT 424 month for 4ns ator building,. 828 William are., cor. Wetdler; suitable for grocertee hardware, etc. In qnlrs Emporium, Alblna'a naw depart meat ttr. Williams svs. snd Knott at. FOR RENT Store Fifth -at. side Ooodnough blrlg. Inqnlrs at elerator is building. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR BENT Fruit snd dairy farm. 160 acre. Best Portland. Address N 64, ears JoarnaL HOUSES- FOR' RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR SALE Farnltur ef 8-room modem bouse, " nearly, sll new; rent eesaoneblsi tw block from poatofnee; good transient houee; will sell at a bargain If takea by tba 4rst of December. 8) Fifth st. FLAT for rant, furniture for sale Complete and up-to-date turniauea oat, ciobb in, une hicatlon, for rent reasonable, loqulrs Cove II Furniture Co., 184-186 First St. BARGAIN Nesrly naw funrltsre ef 4 room; siodera hoaas In fins repair. In good locality ' will exebange for real eat ate, 313 AUaky . BUSINESS CHANCES. " ' STOCK, companies Incorporated If yo hi TV stork or boo da for aale, let me tey to sell them ror yoa. - ueorge et. aaliogg, broker. 540 ElUcott Sqoars. Buffalo, SAVE MONEY Anything In printing see Mad- dan,. Odd fllewa'Tampls. Flrat and Aids eta.; apatalra. FOR SALE Apartment-bone of 18 eon ma; all newly furnlabed; eaay term If seceaaary; In come fl'oot rent 450: located en Morrleoa aL Apply Conn Bros.' Fsrslturs Co., 180 First. FOR SALE Millinery business; only atore m m mine town: . win aril lot and bill Mldlng; s anap If tskea st ones. Addrea Mr. U. - Baumann. OoM Bill, Or. v FOR RALE By us net, eaah grocery; chesa If takes uukk. loqulrs 44 North IU C. 9. 0, B. Ellis, W. E. Kabler. T. Lanka, ELLIS, KAHt.ER A LANKFN, ' Roncus 30 and 21 Cambrldgs Bldg., 364 Morrlaoa at., B. W, our, Third si -VCltf- w a NT a annuiHn.nol-fil -.u keee. We have them from ,8100 to all sixes, an styles, sll prions, - All lbs ooalrabls enee Aw ale ere en our Hat, the beet ss well ss the Cheapeat. Terms oa soy. ... BEST IN THE. nil. ' ' For the price. 40 room, nearly new, best hualnees location, furniture and carpets extra good, steam best, rusulng hot ssd cold water la rooma, long leaes at 4118. rscelpts 40&0 a month. For quick sale pries to reduced 'to $3,700. Owner has othar bualness, , 64-BOOM HOTEL la eicellent local too, corner brick, dining room, of nee snd bar, rent euly $330. long leaee; elesrs 4300 a atonta. Prtc eat to 44,500. - . . , , . -' . - - THIS WILL PLEASE TOO. ' . ' 40 rooms In best resldrsce district, B minute' walk from this office; furniture and carpets eitra 8ns and good as new; modern sou, pay $175 clear; leaee years; cheap rent. Price only $8,600. , . . - OEM OF THE LIST.' ' ' ' 3d Moots, sew corner brick; stssnt heat, ;. furnlrurs elegant, paying $150 mouth profit, rent cheap wMh long leaas. . Price , $1,300. BIO BARGAIN. ' ' 40 rooms, good brick, always full ef ateady roomers. .. bualneaa dlatrlet, good-, fur nit ur a. .rant $100, lea. Price $1,400. , ' : flK A CLASS BY ITSELF. ' IS rosma, enrner dwelling, ' In beet b callty. near Portland Hotel; steam best, running hot and eold water la room, furni ture elegant, alway full of One claas room ' era and paying $30 above sll sxpeueee. Prlae , $l.0uo. . , ... $3T8 OB BEST OFFER Takes T-room place. Bear 10th snd Marrtsoa; -. . . . , m ! ' . ... Ma. aVTA end Aa th' And many others, ECROPEAN HOTELS, 6- rooma and over; FAMILY HOTELS and APARTMENT-HOUSES, PRIT ATE BOOMING- HOUSES and CHEAP LODGING HOUSES. Call snd ses what ws bars; some -eg the- best set adrertleed DO IT NOW. WILL sell half Interest In bakery store for $500. Address B SI, cars Journal. HAVE party who wtahe to bay Into bustnea of value about $10,otxi,r leas. 411 Commer cial blk. Phone Main 4130. . v WANTED Soma -on to pat small amooat el money Into developing promising eTilin; sot a stock pronaeltlon; atrlctly lgltlmn; wen id be partnership dssL O 10, JournaL 3,000 SHARES of Mount Pitt Hydraulic and ,i Quarts Mining atuck fw sale at IBs per bare. H. Tucker, Newport, Oregon. HOTEL furoltBTS for salet long lesss and low rent; city. C. 1L I'lggott, owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkey bldg. .... . . CONFECTIONERY aaj elgar store for sale, doing good bualneaa, good location, $2,101 Filng In other bualneaa; any. kind of terms, nous J'sclfle Aid. . FOR SALE Rooming souaq, 34 rooms; gnd - prnpositMB and assy term. - Inquire petweea ju a. m, ana a a. m., vs nth st. 3-STORY bnlMtng SOxNT, with wall be eement, 16 room furnlahed. centrally located, for rent - or aale, - Elwell Beal Batata tin,, Vancouver, - Wah. . . . . , , , , LUMBER YARD for aele mitnl Dueineaa; satiaractory reaaoa tor tolling; f. quires about $4,000, T TT. ear JournaL $TB BUT8 half 'Interest paying eating pnposl. lion; guarantee ears over fiuu per month: must hsvs sorklng partner. Inquire 244 Deris st. .. j,, 4100 BUYS half In tercet fine paying snd elesn ouainees; must oe Boaeei; sxperieace sot Beeeassry; maks 44 to $5 a day. Address F TS, ear JournaL CHOP boas must go;- rosea, msks offer. 443 Bisatsoo. . . N . 46A BUYS 1 room hnuse, rToss In, with 3 year Wm, see FOR SALIC A complete restaurant outfit. Has a T-foot ateel range, rbslr. Utile snd dishes, lunch counter. 8 hlghstool barks, linoleum, everything new. Inquire between, 13 snd, $ p. m. st 406 Bumalde, between Bib and 6th. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WB) T.TST PBOPRBTY AT OWNER'S PRICE. 3 email houses aad lot, 4s carfare: - payment a. iivvi H block. Scearfari Installments. ' Xl'Xri Aroom plastered house, 48d at.; a bargain. J ' $1,0504 acres,' 4-rcym bouse, does te Kenullwortb. 1 mil ef Lest. r $1.3T5 100x100, corner Exit 27th and Tarn, txlll eta, $t.(Ao 4 mom. lOOlllO, fruit aad bertiee, .. Multnomah addltloa. 1. io 5 -room modern rot tags, 26 th-, St. i - Eaat Ankeny ear; payments. $1.400 T rooms, between 3 earllne, 43d st. parmenta. , $1,50030 acres. 4 miles ef Portland, aear csrllne. Si.Too a rooma, winio, near asnnysios Cirllne. , . . . $3.000 T rooms, Sixth af,. west slds; thla Is s bargain. $,ooo a mtus, Mock, bsst lore tloa la Irvington. lOOxloo, northeast corner 12th ssd Alder Ste., west aide. ) lOOxloo, Irvlngtoa between 14tk and IBtb at., lt (Ids. --',. a - . , Ws hsvs money to Issa. . . -Notary nubile work. H ITY BrBI RBArT'EtAlr ESTAT1 COMPANY.. J. P. McKENNA. Manager. ' Phone Office, Mala 1046; Re., Seett 104. 140-ACRC farm for aale; 34 seres elesrsd, I scree strawberries snd rsapberrles, 3 sere good. orchard; good T-room house ; 1,600,000 tt. good fir timber. 3,600.000 feet ef cedar: 'price $3.6fiO. Rural mall .and telephone; f5 . miles trout city; 6 mile front railroad sod - fOOd tOWBj -- i. . , 40 scree; 40 c lee red, balance alaabed end easy cleared; 1H arree fruit, prunes, spples, cherries; mllea from railroad station, ached, poet of flee ssd esBBery. Price .$1,400. 33 miles from city. 44 sere tn In good eulrtvsrtoa; a good T room bouse and bars; about 130 apple trees, 100 Italian prune. 3 acre raanberrles, bal. a no In wheat snd gra; railroad at a tloa 800 feet from houee; church, eehool, pnatoffic and eaimery s few rods dlstsnti land all level; If yos a re looking for a piece of prop erty et thl descrlpUoa yea cannot beat Uls ' at any pries; $3,100. . J W1WTLET JOHNSTON s ,00.. Bootna S snd T, Cambridge Black. COEY tittle borne. Al eondlrtna. seer esr; blgk, some fruit; t brftn: see i loasy. THE CONTINENTAL CO, 444 Stark at. - Sellwood UMwhoo rrvi.rb. 1T0 .l4ttt. r tWITs' opii rqv:rti -a. f City View Park lota. $378 and Bp; Bos Addition lot. $100 and ; $S down nd $8 month. Home from V to $5,000. Lots $300 snd up, la sll parts ef Sellwood. List fear property with as; ws will 011 It, ' rDont Diiwt3nniwe $3.300 GOOD Omen, hoses snd 4ox1O0 lot :1a th beat resldencs part of Banayslds. 1Ttt 3d street. MODERN 6-roofi, bouse, comer lot. eeet afront. S4.A0O! $.100. $29 Baowtbly. ' East 675. " - - 4-ACRE tract 4 miles east ef Portland, H mile from, electric line; sit la cultivation, fond 'soli; $150 per acre, ea eeey tors. BT, esrs JoursaL BUY lot oa th eaat aide; B-mlnuts oar serv Ice. wlthlo wlklng dlatne; flim avmss going npi prices from $500 to 4800 terms If desired. ' bT. K. THOMPSON. ' 44 Mlstslppl see. Phone Wedlawa Sot. 14 ACBES. 1 tails west sf Clackamas railroad station; pries $3,3o: building a placet eorne and ses. J. Mohr, Mllwaukis, Oregos. B, F. D. 44. ' ' HOUSE at Mount Tbor.. U block snd bouas tt Meant Tabor,. .$2.2n0 3 bouses, Bnnnyalde Extension... $1,700 14 block. Portland Helghth; ales bous with An slew ef elty ssd mountains; i terms ..,....$4,000 "1 lot near Versos. BOxlOO, $75 down, ''AlaTmanr others that ws would be pUsssd . te show yos. . . - ' " Riitbciforil &' Co '. - Mala 4130. BIT Commercial blk. NEW, modern bones, one Block Vf etrsst ear) will be finished by owner Into 4 good rooma; pnreclain bafh. toilet and Ink; wired for elee irtc llghta; sic borne: only $l.00. $500 sows. Home Laud Co.. 116 'A IKst , . Ai);Hu vi.ijti;i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Something; New Ws ar putting sbost 44 teres ef the moat beautiful property ia or around Portland;, the lota run from 10S to 163 feet ia length and bar 14-foot alkya. J Street a re now ander contract for eUorlaf aad grading snd work being prosecuted. Property Is seeesslbls from four er Ave stations on sltbsr Mount Bcott es Woodstock earllne. , Paymente of $8 per month have been setab. lianea ana ws tuny expect rapia ssiee plenty of trees for parking and ehads.. Pleased to -how the property ANY time. Office open Wednesday aad Saturday svsa- A. C Chnrchill&Co. 110 Second it. . SELLWOOD. . $3.800 New modara A room beass, - full concrete bseement, one block from car ea Lee eve.. City View Psrki eaa be bought ea assy terms. v -! - , $l,lCaiNlce"eottage oa CmatilU svs., " owU wood, block and half from car. 4.v Oorner lo block and half from ear oa Improved st. , . - :. . 44.500 buys a fins boms, S-room bouse, Isrre hern. 4 lots ssd plenty of good fntlt; this pTnperTy-oa" Iniprored "st In Sellwood, 100 1 100 ea Lea are. aad East 16th st, tor sals cbesa,-Ty.-tr- . . ,,.v Tn. Sm k mm mm UM... ' Cne eele St Mutehmass V' French.-- ; rr- -. - Two nice little cottages ea Marios ave.. for Ml by Morehouse A Preach. . j , . ..- Nice Bomee tsd alao vacant lots la til parte of City View Park and Sellwood for aale by Morehouse A French, YOU ARE CORDIALLY INTITEft TO CALL AND INVESTIGATE THESE BARGAINS, in no esah, $20 monthly, for choice ef oereral T, and S-fooin house. $.vo eaah. $20 monthly, ft choice ef 4 bouee of 6 n'tns ech. I , $.100 esah, $14 monthly, for choic of 14 eottagee of 4 rooms eech. " $2oO esah. $13.60 morthty, for choice ef 4 cottage of 4 room esch. $too esah, $to taontbly. for cbclce of ev er 1 lota with 3 and 8 room. XV) caab, $10 monthly, for choice IntA oa - Bsat 4Tth St., Bear Hawthorne svs. . $W esah, $5 monthly, for lots In Boies - annition. on rnwi-w nniri. tut raan, f io : ntehland $10 eaah, $1 BMntbTyt for lot "IB Arista" , No, 3V ....... r , - . -' ; .' BTATH LAND CO., : 4 ' . .. , msv First t. ' ' $1.IOO.-Oood new 4-room bonse snd 4 kits In Vernon, en comer, with other Improve men te, , and 1 very eight ly. Kerleter A Co., UUV 3d etreet. TOTT ' CAN PLAT THIS SO sews ne Ve eoaewr city limits; 8 cultivated; A room and ' X room bouses; bars SSinN; on road; great place for poultry and fntlt: can relae env. thins; rood home, or rood epeeubittan; $.1,500; $IJ" dnwa. Home Land Co.,. 145t, First BY OWNER leaving elty. modern 6 room c-it-tage, corner Int. east front: a barcaln fr ' rh, rr will aell oa aaav terroa. Inquire ' K31 Height svs. ' Phone Eeet ftw-lt. $jo.iio looxlOO. FIRST and Orunt, with 4 houees i fine Inveetment, 4.8O0 8-room house ea Hoyt st. 4ns Isca tloa. ,4.VO 6-room bouse ea Corbett St., ever. 'eu-klng Terwllllger rark f KSe BeSSB SJTS in lPBIws siauiBi . $1 dowB. 41 per week. . . , ' ' $2s Fine lot al ocrAa Park; $3 dowa. so per monin. -FRED S, BTNOX, SOL. Lumber Exchange bids'. SOMETHING FOB NOTHING A- new 4-room. ; bone and lot In Sellwood, 110x100, for $f73. today eejlyt $2i") down, balance $10 per month; ratch me quick. 344 Stark at. xj,T!io A It slegint new g-romn btitsnr and two full lot In Pledtrent; beautiful laws; ce ment walk. Call I07V 3d street. B-ACBE trscta of 4ns land 4 miles from Port. II no, on nne weirmirmeu .mi a ihiiv railroad; price $100 to $20 per acre, oa eaay terms; wtter I pitied 1a each B-ecre tract; there hi nothing better ea the mar. het. F 68, care JosrasL BEST bay In Portland $10 down. $10 per month. . lota level, ftoxlOO. graded afreet, water In. 4 bmcke south of Hawthorne ave. on 44th : at.; owner oa grounds.; price $.180. HAVE good acreage an earllne. weald trade for grocery store or ether business., BIT Ceev eaerclsl blk. Phone Main 6120, $l,10O NSW I -room bouee, lot 60x100, la good . suburb of ths elty; $IB0 eaah, remalsder .monthly. Call 107 M Bd street. BRAND-NEW bouee. select selfbborboed, neat car; price sdvanetng all around; term; par lent to yourself: ses this. . . THE CONTINENTAL OO, 344 tart St. BOMB OF OUB BABOAINS. 'A fms uharbsa modara boos and 4 Ws, 43.300; $1,000 eaah, balance $80 per month. 6-Room cot tax st Tremont, BlTS; 44S0 . helanaa 825 oer month. 8 Let et FtrUad, $000; $300 eaah. S4 per month. 14 Lota at Oak flmve, $300 each: half A Room houss. North Irvington, $l.400 esah. balasce, $10 per month. TjBNNB. TBI M BLB 4k TRIMBLE, - ell Msrqusm bldg. ash. $450 11,600 4 ACRES, axostly cleared, with awed e room bcea, bars, ohlckes-bous snd youag fruit trees, situated an food road asd soar ear Use. ttcglster Co., WTi 3d etrsst. BUSINESS lot en hfaesdsa read for sole ea term to suit yoq. M. B, Lee, Boom 40 Bslelgh bids., 424 Washtngtea St. Fkoas Pacific 60. . . BARGAIN Fractional lot oa Overtea t.J must - est I this week. M. B. Lee, room 40 Bslelgh bldg., 424 Washington st. Phone Psctfle 68.' 4 FLATS, lot 44 3-8x100; flats occupy only to feet; this la a aaap for 46.860. It. B. Leo, . mom 30 Baletgh bldg., 424 Wtohlngtoa St. Pbone Pnclfic 68. HAWTHORNE AVE. LOTS In order to elee up what w bar left will sell ea liim to suit at $274 and sp; will loaa yoa atoaey to bnlld. M. B. Lee, room 30 Raleigh bldg., 423 Waahlnstoa at. Phone Pacific 84. EXTRA BARGAIN FOBSHORT TIME. 81 acres besverdam, IS In eultlratloo; John. ' bob creek run through It; extra sou. oe grsvsl; oa fine road, an mile from Lenri J'ortb $500 per acre for gardes log; pries ealy 356 an sere. - - -- -- - .. O. B. ADMTON, Lents, Or. Take Ml. Bcott car, 4. B-ACBB tract, most ef It la a ,alee etat et rultlvstkm, Be grtveL bnt the very best sf - garden soli, on good graded read, 30 minute' . rid to center, of city; luat the nlaes for a ' Mi bom; gardea tract sad later te plat Into Iota. wKMrrtJ 4, co., ' '' 184 Morrlaoa tt. BY OWNER A 4 -mora well hollt eetabllabed ss. Cell 41 Russell, or 420 Delay St. $.1.2.10 BUYS 6 room bones near ateel bridge. Cell .In2 North 13th St., weat. $1.400 n ROOM hens and Nil M In City View Park. Beg later A Co., 107 m Id SU ) $y i V