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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
- . V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER IS, -1608. f -7 DAY'S fUEHTS 00 NEW CURE FOR RUPTURE jai7I2Iiai!''iianL . Fabric Gloves .Good deal better than a 25c glove, tho'. Cashmere, i ast blaclc and. in all sizes. They're worth 39c JCa "pair, Wednesday amwOL. EAST SIDE Qiildrcn's sleepinpr gar ments in combination ty Itrnade of .good, qual ity material, for children of 2 to 6 years. OAp worth 39c V only. w 1 ly -a Aa,ataav . iaT lew Vew eieatule Ayytteee, Always a Vwfeet l- aajustetle te Any Slse yeisoa ; . Bay, Oemfertail;" W Krre,. sT r r?I3. vnmni Byriase er fu-ue . -. Less Thsa - klaay OeasM , Tnuaes JCaae fer Ja, , Weaua at OklMres. Commercial Club Organizes and r Elects Officera-p-Plaha for ! Its Future Work. !--- .V--JWat - OH YlATwlI IIIsL It Oa Wear XtU Toe Ars Vet Ba I Befnad Tear WHITNEY U BOISE TO - ' t ksve Invented a raprore spplltnee that I ess safely say, by SO yeaai' eaperlenee la the rop tan baatnaes. Is b aoly eae taat will abeo lutely sold the rapture and aevar slip sad yet la eool. eoqitortable, con forma to every BMve BMat ef Um body wlttaeat chafing or barOag ' LEAD NEW ORGANIZATION Will B Called East Side Club of Us 1mm ;j Portland and Will Have Head V ' . quarter - in Brown Hotel Other East Side Note. Bast Bid Department. - The r East Bide Commercial club, which has decided to be known aa the Eaat Sid club of Portland ,ao aa not to ba confounded with the Portland CommBrelarcIub. was formally organ Ised laat .night at a meeting In the . Brown hotel at Hawthrbne and Grand avenues. The charter membership of J-..tha club . Includes ' over .100 prominent Duaineaa men in that part of the city and It Is expected that before long- the ' number of member will ba very much larger. The object la to affect a cloaer union of the bualneaa men on the eaat side for the material and social ad Wanoement of that section. . ' ' As wae stated sometime ago, the headquarters of the club will be In the Brown hotel, where bill lard-room a. smoking-rooms and reading-rooms will ba provided for members of the club and everything -else that will add to the enjoyment of the club members. Nicho las Sargent haa bean engaged as Caterer for the club and he-will superintend the fitting out or the club's rooms In the ' Brown. , . -Officers, Are Elected. After the purpoaea and alms of the organisation had - been well dlacuaaed the following of fleers were elected Whitney L. Boise, president; Edward Newbegln, vice-president; W. S. Haivor, secretary; H. H. Newhall, treasurer and J. M. Healy, .Robert Inman. Jeas Stearna, George W. Hoteomb ao4 Walter F. Burrell. directors. The dues are tt ' ."per month " and the admission la fit. The officers and directors were ,ln truotd to draw up articlea of Incorpo ration at one .and file them and the final arrangements for the occupation he- Brown will bo-closed as fast aa possible. ,. Following Is a list of the nfembers A.' H. Averlll. E. A. Bsldwin. F. W. Baltea, Gust Bartmaii, J. S. BeaU Ben. A. Bellamy, Frank Bennett, A. H. Blr- rell. W. Ju Boise, E. M. Brannlck, T. B. -B jooit)t Q0r) " V ' Drown,'""" eT wpli Buchtel. Philip Bushnar, Walter F. Bur- : rell, H. A. canff. George J. Cameron, E. . F. Cannon, R. L. Cat, A. D. Chart '; ton, W. J. Clemena, S. C. Cobb, A. Crof- ,. ton, E. 1. Daly, J. I. Daly, J. Daniela, K. I. Darrow, J. B. Davla, F. O. Down Ing, H. C. Eckaoberger E. 8. Ferguson, C E. Fields, George C. Flanders, .4. 8. . Foaa, F. Frlendenthal, C V. Ganten bain, L. Gerllnger, Frank B. Gibson. i O. tX Graves, J. 8. Green, J. C Qrtpper, ; J. H. Hall. W. B. Haivor. W. H. Harris, L Joseph Jfc Healy. -Charles - KV. Henry, J. 4 M Hod son, Thomas Hlalop B.J liolbrook. George W. HolooioB, J. O. " iMytOskar Huber, EUU G-Hughea, , C. M, Idleman.-R. D. Inman,. C 8. Jack ' eon, XX ' Jacobean, F. IV Janeke. ' I E. Justin, W. P. Keady, Frank I Knight. F'W. Leadbctter. J. B. Lockwood, P. Lowengart,- D. B. Mackle, P. 8. Mai- - colm, W. a Hall. Ruf us Mallory, W. H. MarkeU, W. T. Masters, M. B. McFaul, -.A. W. Moore, George T. Murton, Ed ward Newbegln. H. H. Newhall. J. M. Nlrkum.'.J. T. ' O'Nell,' D, C O'Reilly, F.'H. Page, C T. Peddlcord. F. C. Per .rlna, "O. Plaas,M. Relnateln. " Gcorg Bores, . A. O. , Ruahllght, - Charles Schwlnd. - John P.-Bharkey, B. D. Slgler, 'Ous Simon, F. 8. Stanley. D. 8.. Stearna. Jesse Bteama, D. H. Btrowbrldge, John Tslt, J. H. Thatcher. U E. Trent. El ' wood Miles. A. H. - Wlllett. John E. Wlttman. F. Wolf, J, OWrenn.. xcko of Favtag War. v ' Some of the property owners along Grand avenue era not tn sympathy with ths mayor's plana for the paving of that thoroughfare between Hawthorn v and Holladay avenues and are Indignant . also with the delay. Councilman Kelm her this morning said that ha found that It waa vary hard to pleas all prop erty owners and that the delay was oo , cs stoned by the fact that some of the property ownrrs preferred on kind of "! pavement while others preferred sn- other. However, Mr. Kellaher said that th method of paving; these streets , . woald be settled In th course of . 1 days and the work would go on from "' two polnta, from Eaat Pine to Sullivan's gulch and from Eaat Stark to Belmont. . ' . Wan Bttoh mafUlad, i . . The Mount Tabor Push club met last . night and appointed a committee -to wait on th water commute to ask - them to "defer the payment of th con tractors who were laying tha pip tin from th upper reservoir to jnolna un til they had refilled th ditch on th West avenue and tb Base Lin road. They also considered some plans for the distribution of lights that are to k placed In thla neighborhood and petl- - tloaed th caltway company for a bt- ter car service. The report on th park project was to th affect that th prop. oaitton will be submitted to th people In June., - . - . '-! Bonool Th board of education laat night au thorised th purchaa of equipment for th tabHahlng of manual training In DID YOU SAY NO APPETITE" Then yoar stomach and digestive organs -must Indeed be la a bad condition, but don't be alarmed. J art ask rnt Inw. giat today for a bottle of the celebrated F Dosleller's - Stomsch Differs BiOMil! and tak a dose oerore meajs snd sea how quickly your trouble dis- appears, it tonea tha stomach, re stores the appetite and cures COWmTATTOsT, BIUOOIHIII, IMDIOBSTIOaT. . DTirinii, B14BTIUBB, biok btbaoaObTw OXIX.I.B OOX.DB, erramUZdiiUi. The genuine ha our FtlTBt taans) over ; neck of bottle. " , I! 're-. 14 1 Mi a m Jim. Brtttea, Oared ef Xastare Vy a Z. Brooks. snd eests less this ssany ordinary tuiaee. ' f have put the price so low that any persoa, rtrh or poor, eaa boy, end I abaolauly goaran te Jt. . I suke It. Jo yoar eras sand tt te yoa yoa wear It. and It It doesn't eatlafy yoe etod tt back to bm and I will refund your awney. That la the fatreet proposition ever made by a rapture specialist. The banks or any rrspoaalMa Htlna la Marshall will tall yoa thu Is the way I dp Dttstaeae always ab aolntoly ea the "sqaare. Here la what Mr. Jas. Brlttoa, a prominent manafaetnrvr of Bethleham. Pa., wrltea: "C. B. Brooke. Caq. . Dar Blr I have Bees raptored sis years and save always had trouble with It till I got your eppllaore. It Is very eaay te wear, fits Beat snd snog, snd Is aot la the way at any time, day er nlfkt. In fact et tlmee I did not know I had tt oa. It pmt adapted Itaelf to the shape of the body and clung to the apot aa matter what pasltloa I wsa tn. It woald be e veritable Cod-eand te the unfortunates who suffer from rapture. If all eoald procure the Bfoose Rapture Appliance end wear It. Thev crrtalnly would never regret It. Mf nipmre is su noeiea sp eno nornins r did It bat year appliance. Jaa. Brlttoa. " If yoa have tried moat everything elae. come ever to me. Where ethers fall Is wbrre I have my gresteet eaecna. wnte me today and I wilt end yoa - my book on Bopture and Its Cure, ehowlsg my appliance and giving yoa prices snd names ef people whs hsve triad It and beea eared. It Is Instant relief whoa all etbere fall. Bemember I uae no earns, ae beraaas. ae I too. Just a straight beslneee deal at e roeeowahle price. ' 0. X. Breaks. t7s rooks VUg., aTavahall, Mich. the Eaat Sid high school, th Sunny sld schools, ths Seltwood school and th Williams svenue school. Th manual training department la fast becoming popular In all parte of th atate and tha equipment at the East ; Bids publlo school wUl ba th best In th city aa It ta constructed with plenty of room for these advantages. Supervisor- W. J. Btandley, who presented the matter to tha board emphaalsed th neceealty of adding thla .-branch In all pub licschool curTlctUurns and said that 'It had . been. J. muOh. aea;lectad part of th puhlio-taohool's qulpmnt Mr. Btandley . said that moat school have not been provided with room for this feature but In the construction of gll building In th futur thla branch should be generously provided for. .' For Xry Bt. Johns. '. Another attempt- to swing St Johns will be made by the temperance Inter ests next AprlL Already Rav. F. L. Toung and Rev. Fred J. varrn ar beginning operation -with that-nd la view. St. Johna waa almoet evenly di vided - last spring and tha temperance people ar confident of ultimata suc cess. Th population of St. Johns haa materially Increased sine last April and-th outcome of th election la al ready causing anxiety among th vari ous lnteraata. Other Zast Sttd Vote. . Th Cat hollo Toung Men' club of St Marya church parish of Alblna, a be nevolent organisation, has filed article of Incorporation and la now endeavoring to sell bonds to enable It to carry out its plans. 'The club will not do any thing until tS.OOt has been raised, whea more definite plana for th proposed building will be laid. A number of property owners from Woodstock called on Mayor Lane Mon day to conault him regarding th Im provement of Garfield avenue from E.ast Twenty-eighth atreet to tna elty limits. Montavllla people ar In favor of an 10-foot street through the Ladd farm to tha city llmlta, according to H. B. Dickinson. As tha length of tha street will be ever two and one half miles long th assessments will be light Bellwood announces that not enough house ar provided for th needs ef th town and aitnougn there has bren a building boom tn tha city still there ar not nough house In th little city te accommodate all who contetnplat living tner tnis winter.- Th last regular meeting of th Mil waukte council will be held In th new hall this evening, aa th election of a new council will be held on th first Monday In December. . There does not seem to b much of a scrambl for of flee. - very - few eltlsens having -'de clared Intention to run for office In tb coming elections. IOWA MONUMENT ERECTED AT,VICKSBURQ (Journal Special Barrlco. 1 Tlcksburg. Misa... Nov. 11. With the lapse of but a few days since bidding adieu to tne Illinois smaisra ana other visitors, ths City of Vtcksbura la now preparing -for--the reception and" enter tainment of tb iowana wno ar to com tomorrow to take part In the dedication of the ' Iowa monuments In the Vlcks-burg- national park. The dedication t to take place TBuranay andrfrom all In dications will ho a moat ' brilliant and Interacting - event Governor. Cummin of . Iowa. Oovernor Vardaman of Mis sissippi, General Orenvtlle M. ' Dodge and other notables are to tak part . WORLD'S BrGGEST FLAQ : -TO FLOAT IN CAPITAL f " . . . "--(Joarsal special Ben lis.) '" , Washington. D. C Nov. U The larg est flag - In - the world, a giant star spangled banner, la to hang In the great court of the poetofflre bonding as soon as the mammoth bunting can b manu factured. Sixty feet long by about M fee wide I th approximate also of this banner. It la to be made ef American wool bunting and the actual coot of con struction Is to be about 1300. Each of the 11 stripe wilt be almost three feet wide. Tb banner, will exceed In .length the great ' flag which hangs ' In tha court of the pension building by about 10 test. y J "'Vcdriesday will be the last Shrewd women have come . portunity to save will surely be here tomorrow-i-:, A Shipment oi Seven Thousand Yards Received Monday Allernoom Makes the Assort ment as Good for Vednesdayniorning as the Opening of the Sale Monday. Mornino Any silk you may want is to be found among this grandest of all silk assortments. .Plain or fancy silks for every purpose that silk can be used for. Silks for elaborate evening gowns or waists or smart rustling fabrics for plain tailored costumes. 1 Silks for fancy work, a wealth - of figured patterns or rich plain, silks in black and all colors. Take it all in all, it's truly a superb assortment and the-values are electrifying. Not a yard in the whole lot that's worth less than one dollar and the sale price is thirty-nine Cents. SIX WINDOWS , FILLED WITH SILKS AT THIRD AND YAMHILL COME ANP-5EE---- ' : V - . . ', HERE IS THE YARD Betwcr-iate lor 498 f New Arrivals and Worth Not a Cent less Than $10.00 Each Hats that we have not shown before and hats that yoii have not Lbeen shown before any place. Very becoming sjiapes,4rimmed with -beautiful breasts and handsome flowers: - Tastefully conceived hat s .that you'd pay not'one cent less than $10 for in any millinery store in .the, city, and from that up to $20.00 Buy them here Wednesday dji QO for up 'from .- . . . . i, .......... . .) j NEW FLOWERS,.a wealth of colorings to choose from.'ali new, "first choice for' those who come now Worth from" $2.00 to $3.50. Wednesday HCn $2.00 down to. : ; . . . . . . .1 . . ..... . . . . ..... I.vV Lace Remnants-A One:Day Sale ONE GREAT BIG TABLE IN FRONT OF THE THIRD STREET DOOR WILL BE PILED FULL OF REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. The pieces are in lengths of to 3J4 yards each. Laces and embroideries for all sorts OM F H A I F of trimmings. The special price will be just half regular. lll-"llrlaLI Child's Underwear- Oddments of children's fleece "lined cotton goods, In vests and pants. Sizes 18 to 20, several grades to choose f J y from, choice for...... Lrl0 SKYSCRAPER 10 BE ERECTED ON ROSS HOUSE SITE RiiiiHinir to Cost Million and a Quarter to Contain South ern Pacific Quarters. Sneetal Barrlee.l a.n ITranelaeo.. Nov. ll.v-Proro e re liable source It Is learned that the sits .f aha old Run houae en Mantaomerr, ftem Buea is Plna, atraata haa been leaded and that a moat jmpoeine; ana modern strarture trill be erected there, at a coat ef about 11,150.000. ... William H. Crocker; president of the Crocker National 'bank, and Charlea E. LrJ osffUlhi NEVER FAILS to Start a New Growtli of Thick Lnxnrlant Batr -Mr hair waa fslllnit out badly, end after ualns a bottle of HAT'S HAIR HEALTH I found that my hair has s-rown wonderfully. I will recommend It te any oae who aaks about tt Tours truly, MRS; 0. K. B ROWER. Ill Bayonet St., New London, Conn," Large 50c Bottles for Sale by Woodard, Clarke 4 Co. of it tho and those who fail for this silk by the thousand Silks In evening evades, peaudecyenes and taffetas in solid colors and two-toned irridescent effects, in black, green, old rose, Alice blue, pearl gray, wine color, petunia, turquoise blue, nile green, seal brown and lemon. These silks are worth to $2.25 the yard. Choose from the richest assort ment you ever gazed upon at 39f. TWILLED INDIA SILK, l in - the staple blacks and browns. Full 24 inches wide, good weight, and ' qual ity, worth $1.75, : for 39. ---- A You -Umbrellas 98c Each- WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS, "with" 26-inch Paragon frame, handles of silver or natural wood. Corolla covered and a superb value at $1.60. . (JO Special for Wednesday. VOt Oraen, secretary and maneer of tha Crocker Batata company, secured lease front the Ruas aetata for a term of SO -years. Thar have also secured sn option to purchase tha property for f 3.000.000 within five years from the commencement of the term of the 1mu It la also understood that tha offlcea of tha Southern Pacific will be located 4n tha building whan It la completed. Tha Southern Pacific eotnpany haa aa- cured ornoee In tha jamea Flood build. Ing, at tha corner of. Market and Pow ell atreeta, for e term of three years. which Indicate they had In view per manent offlcea eleewhera. The alt haa e frontace of ITS fast oa Mont (ppiary street, ltT.O on Bush street and 140.1 on Pine street. -ROBERT M. LA F0LLETTE eaataaaaaaaaeasB) ' t Opens the T. K O. 1. Star Coarse at the VUto Temple Toaaorrcw SrifM. The' T. M. C; A. has scoured . the strongest list ef attractions for this reason's star course aver presented on tha Pacific coast. Te name the list Is enough: - Senator LaTolletta, John - Keadrick Banta, editor of Puck; th Rofers-Orll-ley recitals. NeweJJ Dwight Hlllla. th Dunbar company male quartet and bell lingers, Jacob A. RUa i 4 whole season, of entertainment for a llttl more than a single admission. Reserved sests at th T. M. C A. buat nees offlo. STEAMSHIP OFFICIALS ; . ASKED TO EXPLAIN Seattle, Wash., Nov. It. A big shake up that will affect the Pacific Coast Steamahlp company officials at all polntf' on tha Pacific coast Is rumored here on account ft the big capons tha company haa been put to In the recent sailors' strike. The eompaty la said U hare spent, nearly 1400,000,. baring tb come then have missed the most magnificent silk" opportunity - and the wise ones who have not as yjet, availed themselves of this ""V'''''v"Tt' FANCY CORDED SILKS, in checks and striped ' patterns, greens, blacks, reds, browns and grays, worth to $2.25 the yard, for 39. CREPE DE CHINE, in evening shades, such asmode, pearl gray, champagne and lemon. Worths to $24)0 the Sard, and go " for Of. ; . WonderhilWednesdayn Raincoats $8.S0 need a Rainproof Coafthese drippy days, don't you. And perhaps you've been putting off putting one on, because you thought you'd economize.' Now, with this very special offering for Wednesday you rwon't wait longer if you're wise, will be nothing short of extravagance to Jet this chance, slip.. Rain Coats made of .herringbone striped shower-proof cloth, double breasted style, with belted back, front collar and cuffs trimmed with plain i0 PA material. - A dashing special for Wednesday at........... eDOeOU WOMENS-COATSr-iancf4-WOMEN ,wcxr materiaT7nntriWng brown grounds with red mixtures of dark brown and red.- Lodse fitting style, trimmed round col lars and cuffs with velvet, also' trimmed with "silk braid ; a real $22 value. Wednes- (g lO Af day's price only. . . . . MkOy -THAT-SAMPLESALE J"OE LONG- COATS- KEEPS RIGHT ON OTHER BARGAINS A-PLENTY -Warm Nighlies:69c . Soft fleecy Night - Gowns of outing flannel, in fancy striped patterns, generously full size and - good, quality flannel, worth $1.00 each,- for fSr only...,., OyC CHAS. SCHWIND see obvabtp atb. . We have added te our stock of C.ROCERIES a complete line of FURlNISHflNQS and INOTIOINS Visit our store before buying eleewbere. $T00 WILIr BUT SIX-ROOM HOUSB AND TWO LOTS, 10x100 EACH, TWO BLOCKS ' WOODSTOCK CAB LINE. BEE THIS AT ONCE. - J.LWellsCo. M BVABTD AYVWVn.- .- been made to tle.up with the ateem schooner ownefs snd. taking tip a flght which waa not. thelra ' Oeneral Mana ger W. B. . Pearoa haa beea called to New Tork to explain bafbr a anatlal meeting of the board of director, i Tred Dawson, the Albany arurgist. haa' tha largeet line of Edison phnno grapba and recorda south of Portland. Ton had better write mm when you want any phonographic goods. He 11 furnish the otag Xor reply. A SNAP .4.' Fancy Taffetas, in plaid effects, checks and dotted designs. Irridescent, two-toned effects, come in many shades and many designs. These superb silks are worth as high as $3.00 the yard, and there are many thousands of yards to choose from. See them in the windows, then come in and choose all you want at 39e - FANCY-TAFFETAS, in gray pinhead checks and hairline stripes in red. Brown silks with mall, - neat dots or figures. .Worth to $2, at39e. COATS OF BROAD- with cacK, arouna necx ana cuns inmmea with handsome embroidery, with em broidered back and cuffs, collar and around neck trimmed, with beautiful Per sian braid. Satin lined yoke and -in all ways this coat is a regular . 1 A O Q $20 Talue Very special priceeMeVO Men's Shoes al $3.50 Pa!r They come in the very swagger dull finish gun metal kid, patent leather or the finest calfskin. Lace, button or Blucher styles and all lasts. Shoe store price is$5.00 the pair." tl CTA here for WOMEN'S SHOES, withthe new "College - Top" of ; grajr unfin- -ished kid and patent leather vamp. Come in all sizes and all aim an ... $5 lasts. Spe cial at, pair Butter-Nut Bread is- Widely Imitated but you will suffer no imposition ' - if you buy the loaf bearing this label. None Is Ccnuin Buttar-Nut WhK- i ontrUs Ueel . : Professor Eft-tohTDancIng; School Class tot ladlee and geote Monday and Thursday evehlDg at. Arlon haiL Phone Beat ilOi. . .., Oard of Thaaks. Mrs. R. l Joelaoha, Mra.- C Ver standtg, Mesara. L and D. Jacobs and Mr. L. Jaeoha wish to thank their friends for their kindness In their re cent berea Yemeni. , Y - f of all their lives. tremendous op- THE YARD front, W OME N'S-ziBED-ROOM SLIPPERS, of . fine felt,' nicely., trimmed. Something every woman needs, selling at the pair here t2Iand....$le00 1 ScPsrLosi All Grocers '.i. J.i ... ViHiamsoni inuj s Tui'-.3 t. i y.x.-c KOCr :: J Av :. i i r a L.r i. I ( .V . i -