The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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Will. -II ----- 1 - . ' 'W!" -J - J " . . , . . 1
- Dfr- CiarencaJTrueLWilsonCiYe?
Interesting Discourse at the
:;s Grace M. E. Church.
. .r.7. ' Y r Jr'-
' New Generation! Placed oh Earth to
' I- Do New 'I- Things and - U New
' '.Method In Advancing Works at
Planned by God. , '' ;
Grace' church held ( Urn eongrega
'tloa last evening, and all seemed t'j
grestly enjoy the --eacollent nufo - of
the quartet end male chorus. Minn
Kthel H. Lytle sang very effectively
gospel solo, t The peculiar topic Dr.
Clarence True Wilson, the pastor, had
announced for the evening-, "Thea for
Those," aroused interest : H la test was
taken from Isaiah, Ax:lU "For braaa I
will bring cold, and for Iron I will bring
silver, and for wood brass,- and , for
atones Iron." In part Tr. Wilson said:
The religion of the Bible la the only
one which baa Its golden age ahead of
It - All others look to the paat aa the
more desirable period.- But whatever
the preaent darkness, the finger of reve
lation always points to brighter things.
We do not look for failure because a
, new -generation la soon io ' be trusted
with the conduct of the world. ,- Because
the Almighty wants new things done
in new ways, he takes on generation
off the stage of action and brings an
other on. The past teaches us that
each succeeding generation has eon
served the best secured by the former
and brought to light improvement not
before discovered. And round about the
text Is the optimistic glow of a better
order and a happier outlook well adapt
ed to the consecrated and rising youth
- of the land.. . . -
o "But wo must remember that the
transformation la not on from bad to
good, but In degree from good to better,
showing. first that wa cannot create
within ourselves the conditions of di
vine employment God baa promised to
do great and wonderful thlnga for ua, I
. know of no command without a promise
attached, but I think it Is a statement
capable of vindication that Ood does not
1 enrich as by legacy, but by exchange."
"More Thai Twenty-MveTbniaattaTlS
. Bat to Heaven,' Says Vaster.
'The sin of Intemperate- wealth is as
heinous as the Sin of debauch and it will
merit and receive the Just Judgment of
the Almighty on the last day."
In these words and others equally aa
strong Rev. H. C. Shaffer, pastor of the
. United Brethren church, last night dis
cussed the question of wealth and the
Kingdom of Ood. ,
The . speaker took the ground that - a
man who amassed more than $10,000 to
$25,000 to provide for him and his family
; the comforts of old age was not follow
ing the teachings of Christ, who had
exhorted the wealthy not to lay up. for
tunes on earth, but to give up all and
follow him. Mr. 'Shaffer cams out bold
ly and said that he did not believe a
very rich man could enter the Kingdom
of Ood. A roan who spent all his week
days la rolling up a large fortune bad
no time to live the life of a Christian.
The pastor has no use for tha man who
Is devout on Sunday and engages In
sharp, business -practices on. Monday. He
does not take much stock In the rich
man who digs money all the week and
teaches a Bible class on Sunday. '
Tha history -of Christ's Ufa showed
-that the young rulr had -bees, exhorted
to sacrifice his fortune before ha could
eater heaven. Now. instead of being
turned away, tha rich are sought after
with official position and p raise.
, it vpaolds Ideals of Ood . That Are
' Weak, Bays Tn. Maolarea. -
: At the First Presbyterian church yes
terday morning Dr. Maolaren of. Ios
Aagelea.-arha.had - been invited to fill
the pulpit temporarily, preached on the
test. "Strength and beanty are In his
' sanctuary." taken from Psalms xcvl:.
etr. Haclaren atated that all forms of
false religion uphold Ideals of Ood that
are both weak and unlovely. He said
in -part: " ' '
The paganism of ancient and modern
. ! times pictures Ood as subject to all the
weakening vices of the most vicious
. men. Tha countless new religions of
ths day, the fads and cults that so
many are raving over, represent that
you are Ood and that I am Ood, and
, - that we are all Ood together. They
. teach that wa oannot be sick or suffer
because" Ood cannot be sick; but they
wear out in spits of their creed and pass
. away, grasping at nothing. In contrast
-to all this is the strength and beauty
' of Jesus, our Sevlotvstrong te bear the
.'," in his loving kindness." ,.
XV. 1. S, X. Simpson Pr saunas Blo-
, maat Soman on ths Subject.'
At St Mark's church last night Rev.
J. E. H. Simpson preached an eloquent
sermon on "The Origin of tha Catholic
-Chorch.!Tha gifted speaker took for
his text, "Upon this rock I will build
-my church and the gates cf hell aball
not prevail against it" He said in part:
"The text shows that Christ prom-
Today and Bvery day' yoa
should eat Smith's Keats,
They srs fresh. Clean sad
Wholesome It ' V " "
porterhouse Steak, - large. . with a
heavy tenderloin, per lb...l2H
, Small Porterhouse Steak, lb...lOf
T'-Bone, Steak, wlthw Heavy ten
derloin, ' per lb.. ....... ...12H
Sirloin Steak, per lb. .......... 104
" Tenderloin Steak, per, lb. ...,1, 10t
Round Steak, per lb. ...... ....tOf
Ixin Steak, per lb. ........... .10
Hamburg Steak, per lb tO
Prime Klb Roast Heof. per lb...lO
Rolled Roast Beef, per lb....,,10
Pot Roast Beef, per lb.. 8
Reef Stew, per lb -... 6
Roillss) Reef, per lb..... 6
Corned Beef, per lb. ....... . 6
The Beef Treat markets hairs tlnaf oat their Wan era saying they are fighting the Trust. Thsy are
stag Oar Motto. Shew year eontempt for their falsehood by Hot Ooisg tta Them. ' PATBOYXEB 'KOhta
SaVSTBT TmABB WXT eVOTH.. ',',.'.'"., r- a -.
tA en..M - rhuroh that he nrom- found It oh th rock of the in
carnation St. Pster's admission, tho
art Christ, -the so f -tha living Ood.'
being tha first explicit acknowledgment
on the part of the disciples that Christ
was Qoil Incarnate.
'The Catholic church, therefore, nil't
show these marks, that it was fouudod
by our Lord Jesus Christ that it haa
as Ita central doctrine the truth thit
Christ Is both Ood and man. The word
Catholic means universal, and the Cath
0u ,th u reh," emu WPTrt g -r-rt-h
union with Christ 'through 1 faith and
obedience, cannot consist of any part
or oectlon of the whole. -
"It la made plain that there are three
essential conditions of membership in
tha church. . These are repentance for
sin. faith in Christ and baptism In the
name of the holy trinity. All who- have
compiled with these conditions are mem
bers of the Catholic church whether
they call themselves. Roman Catholic
Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists 'or
what not. - This is no narrow doctrine.
It includes all who belong to Christ In
the one great fold." . -r .
- . ..... .. , , , .' .
Dr. M. M. sVly Speaks to targe Con
gTegatioa at Calvary Presbyterian,
"Anger" was ths subject on which
Rev. B. E. 8. Ely spoke to a large con
gregation at - - Calvary '. Presbyterian
church last night In part he said:
"Getting mad who of as has not had
the experience? With how few, if any,
of us Is It an Infrequent occurrence!
Aye, and the defeat, tha mortification,
the tears It has- caused us! How we
have prayed and resolved' and struggled
sgalnst itt Truly, the subject Is ons of
the keenest Interest to us all.
"Not all anger is-sinful. To get mad
la not always wrong. . 'Be ye angry and
aln not' implies sinless anger. Anger Is
a hundred times attributed to Ood in
the Bible. . Look ' at the old prophets.
Mosea was culpably angry when ha be
held . the Israelites worshiping ths
golden calf and TfoHe In " pieces -the
tablets of atone. Elijah commanded ths
destruction - of. the priests -of BaaL
There are - times.' said a wine writer,
when the Christian la not- tobleme for
having the spirit .of these psalms," .
"To be incapable of anger is to be
lacking In moral fiber. Under ths form
of India-nation It flashes with a marvel
ous power sgalnst wickedness, untruth
and dishonor. It la what makes men
strike down giant evils. It lies st the
bottom of all great reform. . Anger Is
not always sinful. It is an essential
quality of our better. nature. Dr. Dale's
words . about It srs true, we are so
made that pity Is not mors naturally
awakened by the sight of Suffering,
fear by the approach of danger, delight
by the vision of beauty, gratitude by
deeda of generous kindness, than is
anger by many kinds ef wrongdoing"
Xvery Has Kas Court, fudge aad Vary
in His Breast Says Rev. J. McOlade.
"Within the breast of every person Is"
a court, a Judge, and a Jury, and a man
la arraigned before the bar of con
science, tried for his moral actions, and
acquitted or convicted," declared Rev.
Jerome McOlade at the Mlipah, Presby
terian , church last night speaking on
the subject. The Assise of Conscience."
He continued: -, .?
"A writer shows morality to be the
progressive accomplishment of an eter
nal purpose with which man Is in har
mony, or should be; that the moral
faculty Is ths msn himself, conscious
In all actions of a good which, he at
tains or falls to sttain; that It is the
voles of Ood in tha human breast and
at the same time that of man's trus
self.".- . - - -.'
Dr. McOlade reviewed st length the
trial of a person at tha bar of his Own
conscience, and pointed out how such
trials are aver going on.
Bldec O. A. Sayde Contrasts It With
. ths lVove of Power.
Klder O. A. Snyder addressed s largs
audience at the Auditorium last night
on the difference -between the power of
love snd ths lovs of power. : He said
In part:
'The power of lovs was ths power
that impelled the Savior to humble him
solf and partake of humanity. His life
of , perfect rectitude and consistency
gave force to bla teaching. He pTW
tlced what he preached.
"Neither Christ nor his s pestles ever
sought ' to secure say sort of political
assistance In order to enforce their
ideas upon others. With no other power
savs that of lovs and moral suasion
they evangelized the then known "world
in a marvelously short time. "They not
only did not have any assistance from
earthly governments, but , they encoun
tered all aorta oT governmental opposi
tion, and In their spiritual warfare used
only the sword of the spirit The weap
ons of their warfare were not carnah
but mighty through Ood." V
Bar. & jr. Smith Says Ohrlstiaas Savs
- Zt, and Bxplaias Its Meaning.
At ths Trinity Methodist church last
evening Rev. L F. Smith spoke on the
subject, "Secret Power of the Chris
tian." He used for his text the- fol
lowing: "Mine eyes have seen ths
King, ths Lord of Hosts." In his ser
mon he told of the safeguarda Chris
tians should erect for the safety of the
soul ss well ss those for the ssfety of
ths . body. . He Illustrated this . remark
by reference to ths San Francisco dis
aster. . He ssld: , ' ;'
"We will not feel concerned about
other people until wa see their condi
tion. We were aroused to help the
people of San Francisco when we knew
of their condition; so we win oe
aroused when ws ses the awful- condt
tlon of the people In their sins. - -
"If ws are aroused to help savs thoss
who may bs in danger In ths burning
building, or , those who srs drowning.
IM4 Aids Si, aet. JTlrst aad Seoona Sts,
"Fighting the Beef Trust"
sro coimaros, wo mMmTATrris, o
Mutton Shoulder Roast, per lb. 84
Mutton Shoulder Chops; per lb..lO
Mutton Stew, per lb. . 5
Mntton Breast, per lb. ......... i
Leg Mutton, per lb.. ...12H
Mutton Loin Roast par lb,..12Vk
Mutton Loin .Chops, per lb... 124
Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb. 12 H
Pork Shoulder Chops, per lb..l2H
Leg Pork, per lb .. ... ...... .12 4
Pork Loin Chops,, per lb. 1B
Pork Loin Roast, per lb, ...... lfts
Pigs' Feet per lb 5e
Leaf Lard, per lb ,...12H
Salt Pork, per lb 12H
Veal Shoulder Roast, per lb..v.lO
Does Not Exercise Its Proper
Functions, Cries Dr. crH."
Chapman In the Forum.
Says All Laws Are Made for ths
Purpose of Exploiting tha Pro
ducing Class and Consumer Has
No Protection. . V '-'k' ''f-.-
"Ths Failure of Government" was ths
subject of sn Interesting address deliv
ered by Dr. C. H. Chapman before the
People's Forum last night Dr. Chap
man ' attempted to "show that modern
governments ths United Statea govern
ment, for example were blank failures
In all ths functions generally conceded
to them. -
All laws." said the speaker, "are
made for the -purpose of exploiting the
producing claaa. As a result 19 per
cent of the purchase price of all ar
ticles is tha result, of the fetish vari
ously called "barter.' "exchange, com
petition.' ' When some one suggests that
ths government Itself should attend to
this little matter of exchange, folks
throw up their" hands In holy horror snd
cry that- that Is not ths business ol
government- When U- was- suggested
some time "ago, for example, ' that - tha
city 'of Portland might take the place
of the fuel trust In furnishing slabwood
to" the people furnishing It as It ob
viously could be done, at a muoh lower
prlce--the suggestion was turned down
with' the statement that such was not
the business of government. . Now. I
am prepared to prove that In ths four
thlnga. which it Is agreed are tha prin
cipal functions of government every
modern government has made an egre
gious failure." i .
-. Pnnotioas of Government. .
To collect ths taxes, to make war, to
protect property and to protect life were
these four . functions, announced Dr.
Chapman. - and he introduced facts in
each case to prove that, ths United
Statea, for one, had' been a miserable
failure In all four. The small property
owner waa taxed SO times as much aa
he should be, ths large property-owner
almost nothing In proportion, while the
cltlien with nothing but his labor power
waa taxed most of all. As for war,
there, never had been a sensible war,
and' there never had beep -such an uw
Just and Idiotic war as the wsr with
Spain.' ' ''-t''-:
Defends ths Socialist.
- Dr. Chapman defended the Socialist
from the-charge that he la opposed to
private property. i
"It Is government,' said he, "that
disregards, ths right of private prop
erty. On every sack of potatoes you
buy ' government helps the Jute trust
to taka ao muoh, ths manufacturer of
ths digging machine to taka so much,
ths railroads to take so much, and so
on. Wherever -. government comes ' in
contact with the poor dressmaker, the
aewer-dlgger, ' the fanner, the producer
In general, it takea a part of his earn
ings and turns It over to persons who
never earned anything." .
As to protection of life, the spesker
pointed to the increase of. crime snd
the non-punishment of criminal negli
gence on the part of railroads snd other
corporations. Closing, hs said that he
was ttot opposed to the existence of
government, that he believed) that the
government might . be - organised .... and
functioned In such s way-ss to be of
great benefit to the people.
' Following the address came many
short speeches. The facts presented by
the- principal--speaker -were net -qaes-tloned,
most of those following him de
voting their time to amplifying various
phases- of the subject . Isaao Bwett
wanted to know Dr, Chapman's remedy
for the Ills he so vividly pictured, while
C. C Chapman took ths pessimistic
view and-dlagnosed modern man's head
as not yet brainy enough to figure out
a remedy. He came to-. the rescue also
of the middleman and proclaimed him
as being of superior mold. .
Ths distributer ought to get more;
It takes brsins to be a distributer. Any
body can be a -producer," said - C C
At ths eloss of the meeting Dr. Chap
man .promised to deliver an address at
some future time setting forth his rem
edy for Insdequate government
- . , m i - ii n, .... .
A laty liver leads to chronic dyspepsia
and constipation weskens the whole
system. Doan's Regulets (IS cents per
box) correct the liver, tons ths stomach,
cure constipation. '
how much mors should ws be sronsed
to help thoss who srs ruined, soul, body
snd spirit" ,?,.. ; .. ,-.
SAYS it pays' ;
Dr.' Wilson Bxplaina Why Christlaalty
' Xs rrofl table Investment. .
"Chrlstlsnlty; Does It Psyr was ths
subject of sn address delivered by Pr.
Clarence True Wilson at the T. M. C
A. - services yesterday afternoon.: Dr.
Wilson declared that Oodllness Is profit
able In sll things In this life, and In
Ita promises for ths life to come. It
pays In physical development In ths
mental , state, socially, politically and
financially. In order to be godly, ssld
ths minister, it Is necessary to give up
all sins; sins of hatred,-of hypocrisy;
of passion, and of pride. Ths auditor
ium In ths T. M. C A. building waa woll
filled. . . "'
Oregon's food taspeetorhas
prenomneed thess perfect.
And they are Cheap ths
Whole Tea Tsoul u u
Teal Shoulder Cutlets, per lb. .lOe)'
Veal Breast, per lb. ........... 8k
Veal Stew, per lb. ............. 6
Leg Veal, per lb ....12H
Veal Rump Roaat, per lb.,..12H
Veal Loin Roast, per lb......l2H4
Veal Rib Roast, per lb. t,.. ,12St
Rologna Sausage, pef lb.,,..,, 8
Frankfori Sausage, per lb t04
Our Own Lard, I lbs. for. ,4....60
Hsms, per lb.... . .... 17f .
Breakfast. Bacon, psr lb......lT4
Liver, per lb Bs
Hearts, per lb, ... ft
. -. . ......4 . , . ... :. -v .- V ' .
All - Rational Thinkers, He De
r : dares. Must Proceed In -;
Obedience to Laws.
"The designation of free thought' is
ths combination of two Incompatible
Ideas. ' said Father Thompson . at ; 8t
Mary's cathedral last evening...
"Thought cannot in the nature of
thlngsbe free," -he continued. "All ra
tional thinks! s nine iMoreert ln. Qbei
ence to law, and the lawless thinker is
as muoh a menace In his own sphere as
Is the 'lawless eltlsen' to the i commu
nity la which he lives. Every ascer
tained tact puts a '. restraint upon
thought, and he who would deny, the
rotundity of the earth would be classi
fied.' not as an Inspired example of in
tellectual freedom, but as a victim or
Invincible Ignorance. Truth, .the object
of thought makes us free in the true
sense of ths word.v for it .-dispels ig
norance and error, which - mean bond
age for the mind." t , '
Father Thompson had previously saia
that "free thought" Is . an. attractive
name, but that with this aa in other
things, "if the name doea not correspond
to the thing it Is a snare- ana use a
plausible manner may , only ' serve to
cloak an svll purpose."
He said that what free thought Is
meant to stand for la not the lawless
thinking which the name , Implies, but
for ths pursuit of truth without pre
vious bias or preposseaalon along any
lino of reason whereby it may. be ob
tained, 1 - " "
evsasBBBssBSBBBmsnssasssBBSs . . r
Cfanr&fid BakerCounties Clash
- i-Over Righti orT Forest
V Reserved
fBaaeUI TMmateb te Tae Joersatt
Sumpter, Or., Nov. - 1 J. Secretary
Hitchcock's forest reserve superintend
ent" A. B.- Potter,- and- Superintendent
D. B. eheller. who have oeen conauct-
Ing the stock meeting held hers for the
purpose of allotlng range In the foreat
reserve of th Blue mountains, bsve not
had an altogether harmonious experi
ence. . - , ''' 1
Grant county stockmen say that ths
lsrgest portion of ths reserve is in that
eounty, and as they are residents of
long standing aad heavy taxpayers,
believe they should be given the first
consideration. In ths allotments Instead
of allowing cattle and sheepmen from
outstds counties to largely overrun Vis
horns flocks and hards in the reserve.
Baker eounty stockmen, especially of
Eagle and Pins valleys, mske similar
statements and there is good evidence
these complaints will bs formulated In
a vigorous protsst to ths government
Asks Divorce. -'
(SveeUI Dispatch te The learaal.t '
La Grande, Or, Nov. II. Joseph An
son hss filed a somplalnt in squlty ask
ing for a decree of divorce from his
wife. Fsnny O. ' Anson, Desertion is
': " '"i : ' ;''V."'; ;',-:'" - - ."''v.- ,' '-.'' . ' "' v'',' " :' '"'"'" ' i.".'4-"' :''r,,'s''.; ',' :'.'
t 4
- (Special Dispatch t The JearaaL)
Canyon City. Or., Nov. Ii J. M. Light
foot has filed sv olalf In tha eounty court
of Grant county for J1.U0, claiming that
amount for damageYecelved by hie race
mare, Constance, falling through a bridge
in ' Bilvles valley- recently, .while being
brought to John Day from Burns.
. .' Weston Brick told.-': .'-' t
, ' -:- (SpeeUI DUpetch' te The learaaL) - '
: Weaton, Or, Nov. IX Ths Wsston
brickyard haa sold tOO.sM brick to ths
Portland Bridge eV Building company for
ths O. R. A N. passenger depot at Walla
Walla, a handsome structure to be built
at the west end of Main street. Several
edhat laxgeerders are In prospect and
Indications arethaf lhe yard" wimrleaa
up -Its present stock before another sea
son. .,.-,' ;'...
fisfaiied Stoek Oaaned Oosds.
Allen Si Lewis" Best Brand. - r-
i: I ' TheseTare the handsome ' Gilt; Embossed '
Leather Covered Pocket Savings Banks (in red ;
r or black leather), which we are lending free. to ;
, every one who wants to Save Money.
. . " This little leather covered bank' can .be car- ;
ried in the vest pocket or in a lady's hand. bag. ;
7 1 Any one can earn money. '
; V :' ...Only the wise save money. ;
V Thousands of the wise ones today are saving
their, money in these little up-to-date: pocket
banks and are building up, substantial bank ac
counts. ' , '" :'::;'.'A:;':y. 'yf.-.'.-i.
Raincoats $5.00 to $10
Overcoats $3;95 to $10 ! r
'. ' '.' . , - m. aess, msaeej-SJSaglBsSk sWmss' SJglllj. '. " ft T
Money in
i;lhc Bank :
Is Your Best Friend ;
in time of need. Don't delay start todayT Call,
write or telephone and 'we will deliver you onel
This means you, you want a bank account ' V
Merchants Investment 6 Trust Co. -
r, 227 Washington St . ; u : : - -
i. Prank Watson.. V.Presldent L "W.-R Pear.i. .... Secretary
JC I Durham.. Vloe-President . O, Catohlng. .Asst. Secretary
' Interest Paid on
money can be withdrawn m whole or m part at
any time.
' 4
The Ne Plus Ultra!
Of. paJnts-psJnt perfeotion In short
Is happily hid In every pound or
- larger package - of -BAT ST AT
paints, oils and varnishes obtained
st this store. To be sure you oan
buy paints at less prices somewhere
-4ut what kind of ,palntT Cheaper
to buy ths best eheaper to buy hero.
MM'Sr . rV...'i
Savings JDeposits your
f. -
; S . ii ' , .:-.. : ;
alleged by ths plaintiff,