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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11. 1SS3. SUFFRAGISTS' KITERHAL WAR STILL TROUBLES UOLIEH OF PORTLAHD Cry of Bosslsm Is Raised and Factions Rush to Defense and At- .... . .. "--' :tack-Charges-nd Counter-Charges '. Are Made. ""T Th blVternBroud Tiy th olaah of taction at th recent election of U Oregon Equal Suffrage" association ha ' not ret passed. Witness th following ;. latter:' : , Portland. Nov. 10. To tha Editor of Tba journal -Tho statement by .som of ' the officer, of tha Stat W, C. ,T. U. that tho member" of he W. C. T.-U. who attended the recent annual uf frag onvntlon and .voted- with tha antl-Duniway contingent., war not art- '. lng officially wa a work of uperro eatlon which wa no doubt prompted by a misunderstanding of the condition existing throughout tha suffrag rank ' and the misleading and exaggerated re ports which hav been 1 given to th pre in regard to that notable gether- , lng. . 1 'An announcement wa mad In th " Oregonlaa Jut before th convention to th effect that th W. C. T. U. wa pre- - Tatrthg to mak--eontV for-th-preal- dency or tn ao-canea Dunr Mm.- Ktv. aittiAnffh Mm. not onlv aroused th enemies of temperance, but evidently irritated th good women who signed that ' uncauea-ior omiibimi, which ha given their whit ribbon la ter a veritable slap In the face rwhlch It will take considerable grace and lov to excuse ana rorget X I Vy Than. 1 The tat ; officer " i and . all , ' othejr W. C. T. U. women must ' uner ina by th acUon of thir sister hi thl efforts for a fair election and th best , Interests of th suffrage- cause, or re pudlat their own principle. , -; It go without saying that neither Mr Gotahall, who 1 a member of th executive board of th W. C T U Mrs. Unruh, a national organiser, nor any of the loyal W. C T. U. women would sail under false color or bring .' disgrace to th cause for which they have given th beat of their live. . It wa not necessary for those state officer to assume that they were called upon to correct a false impression mad by their ister.- ' ; . Mr. Unruh . took especial pain to state to tha meeting that-w- were there as suffragist because' we felt th ne cessity for a radical change' In the policy of th association, and that thl movement for a new ' order of , thing had been th work and thought of th leading suffragist of th state. ' Our right to be present and partlol . pat In all th deliberations and busi ness of th meeting should no more be challenged because of our temper ance principle than because of our re ligious principles. - W represent a large. If not th largest, body of suffragists In th state. '.. Wa also represent th moral ana Chris tian sentiment of th state. ' t : OoopvtwUo STeeded. " Why should th Republican or any other party control th action of th Oregon E. B. A.T The population of '. people of. 11 natlonaIlUea.-creede.and " . . i . . . . rr. . 1 . i 1 mal and female, w must appeal for deliverance from the Injustice of all 'There are 31 -.reason .why. tho White Sewing Machine i tupe- nor to all machines online mar ket When you are down town tomorrow Monday or , any day .this week, drop in and we'll ex plain ; or, if you can't come, send tor booklet. . ; . ' Do You Know That a White Sewing Machine is an ideal Christmas gift for that wife of yours, worried to death over a machine that vMdoei not work"? When we telt'-you a new machine, we allow .something for the old. - " Not Necessary To pay the whole amount down. We wtll-tneet-ycm-half -way. A little at a time. , . Can't Come? Then we will tend a salesman to your home. Phone : Main 6102. I. Jones 2S0rYamhilI St MACHINES FOR RENT All Kinds of Second- Hand Sewing Machines Cheap a , , - - 7'y.",TMM BIGLIN ASKS FOR iriVESTIGATIOri Demands That Civil Service r Commission H e ar Ch arjjes- Against Him. taws which discriminate against women. We cannot afford to antagonise any class. Ws must all cooperate In this campaign for liberty. It is just as true that those of our number who are allied against prohibi tion will antagonise th moral voter of the state, who, w must admit, ar tn th majority, as that tho who ar allied with th temperance force will antagonise th liquor elements A th chief work before us I to persuade the good men of our stats to glv ua the ballot, according to Mrs, uuniway views, if we desire to reach them, w hould read out and weed out all th antl-temperanc force from our suf. frag association, - But we do not reason thus. Standing upon th broad platform it does, the W. G T. U. will never object to any person or class espousing- th cause of women and working . for her enfran chisement, and w do not propos to be oounted out ourselves or hav our lnflueno for good ourtallad by on woman who aspire to boss and who choose to officiate with th antl temperanc force. ' - , books suspicions. -It looks somewhat auspicious . that a woman who has claimed to be a be liever in woman suf frag and who pro fesses to be opposed to th active sup port of. the W. C. T. V. In suffrage cam paigns because she fear they antag onise voter by their temperance view, should tak auoh pain to pour vial or wrath out upon th heads of th tem perance voter and workers and thus herself antagonise' the good people throughout th state. There's . method In this . madness w believe. Bora of us are reminded by these taotlos of this warrior's battle against tha tempecance forces of Washington a few years ago and are wondering tt history la not being repeated. To say that th meeting last Satur day wa a tat convention Is not cor rect. That meeting In no sense repre sented the state, and, moreover. It In no sens represented th suffrage senti ment of. thl city.- Th "old guard" were conspicuous by their absence, and all that saved th day for Mrs. Dunlway th drawing up and bringing in of a number of new members, 14 In all. chiefly wive of politicians, w are told, who did not know anything of th local situation, having never, attended ; th meeting. When they witnessed th spectacle of a woman announcing her candidacy for office and nominating nearly all th offi cers from a previously planned alata, and heard her uncalled-for attack on Mrs. Colby and Pr. Thompson, som of them who had not before seen these x- hlbltlon of wrath and bosslsm ex pressed themselves as sorry they had helped to elect her. . Oppoaltiom Shown. From th fact that, after day of so liciting for new members by , herself and friends neither. Mr. Uuniway nor tb woman who rustled for her could fetoh In many of th old members and vote them a they wlahed, is shown con clusively tb feeling of opposition to thl woman who bellevea only In a "one- womaa powr.VL Th fact Is, and this Is a proper time to stat It: Th woman and men of Oregon ar tired of th "till hunt' method of dealing with thl question. They hav for year andured and hoped. and apologised to themselves for their lack of courage In meeting tb situation, but tha revelations of th Inwardness of thing which cam to tb national and local worker during tb recant cam paign, along with th Intemperate utter ance and outrageous fusllladee poured upon th good people generally, haa aroused them to th comprehension of tb situation and to see that th flret tap toward th enfranchisement of-the women of th stat must be liberation from th ml of this on. . . "Som hav pattently born th yoke for year, for th sak of peace, and through fear of th trial and th per secution that would .follow any delin quency of support. . : " DO Hot Tm Jf. "' 7' W hav no fear of th reeult of thl aflort to remove th obstructions to our progress In reform." These of us who, ftguratively apeak lng, bearded the Hones In her den, will receive the thank of Justice-loving people vry where, for bosslsm Is no more popular her than In St. Louis or Philadelphia. Whan politician, aa haa bean boasted by tn Dunlway suffragists, want Mrs. Dun.way elected as president of th as sociation, w may be- sure they must be of th atrip who approve of her re cent outburst agalnat th W. C. T. V., and consequently ar opposed not only to temperance, but to qual auffrage. And when one of these politician, a was stated, will glv $500 because Mrs. Dunlway Is sleeted ' and another will support her type of suffrag through tb columns of his paper, which has hither to always opposed equal suffrage, w may logically conclude that there Is a combine somewhere, and that the type of equal auffrage to be supported is not that which th National Equal Suffrage association is working for, nor what th honest suffragist of Oregon desire; but I that which may be brought forth of the "still-hunt" plan, and might prop erly be called the still-born variety. W do not deem It necessary or worth whll to reply to th personal attacks mad by aire. Dunlway upon many of our good women. These woman ar known and their live speak for them selves. , . ( Statu of M Catof. . ' Seeing that Mis Anthony- was a warm friend of--Mr. Colby's and in-4 vlted ber to come int her home and writ her Ufa, and also requested bar to enter Into th Oregon campaign last year, th public need hav no. fear in regard to Mrs. Colby's status nor hesl-; tate to' welcom her to th stat a on of th brightest and ableat of Journal-' 1st. The . women who endeavored to Infuse new life Into the dry bone of th Oregon &. A.- did so from the i highest motives and not for any per-1 sonal reasons.' . Tbe proceeding at the annual meet-! lng, where constitutional law was de-1 Bed and everything mad subservient to i the whims and plots of on dominating spirit, were moat convincing . proof of th need that a higher standard be set up by those who asplr. to be Ieadera of liberty and Justlc. - . It wa pitiful - to see uch flagrant ; violations of the' laws of kindness and courtesy. . ) The revelation of th condition relat- j lng to-th suffrag question ha been brought before the people, and th time ; bss com when th friend of equal , suffrage must. assert their right to a vole in the settlement of this great question. Thl effort 'must be of th people, by th people, for th people, j , .'.t j..,4URIA U T.HIDftJEN. J BLAMES MAYOR LANE T FOR ALL CHARGES Witnesses Will Probably Have to ; Give Testimony Again in the Caae . as No Verbatim Report of Other J- Trial Was Held, v -V Ben Blglin, who .haa bean dismissed by th executive board from hi former position of harbormaster, filed with the oivi rvic commission yesterday afternoon a demand for a hearing of the charge mad against him by Mayor Lan. . In th communication th mayor I held directly responsible for making th charges of incompetence and using poor judgment. . Because no verbatim report of th in vestigation held by th polio commu te of th executive board wa mad at th time of the hearing three week ago It 1 probable that' th witnesses who appeared before th committee In behalf of Blglin will be asked to attend the meeting of the commission. ' Th polio devoted nearly three hour to th Investigation, and it I probabl that th civil servlc commissioner must glv nearly that much tlm to Jh second hearing of th case. . ...! . . ... " Ooart of km Bemi It I nearly alway th case that when a city employ has " been dis charged by th executive board h de mands a hearing . by th civil servlc commission, th court of last resort by th charter. ' If a-etenographlo report of th proceeding before th executive board committee had been mad at th tlm it would vastly simplify th work of th commissioners. In that case th applicant alone would be required to appear, and th commissioners, after reading the verbatinv evidene -a no-ques tioning him, could reach a decision very auicklv. Thl ha been o . clearly demonstrated thajt It Is probable such a report will be mad at future lnvestlga- tlona. During . th last six month the com mission ha listened to a second hear ing of charges in a dosen cases. In not on of these ha tt reversed th de cision of th executive board , In dis missing th man from th city' servlc. La than a year ago,, however, several decisions of dismissal were reversed by th commission and this arouses hop In almost vry man discharged, - , SUNDAY CLUB TO GIVE AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM Th Sunday club of th Young Men' Christian association offer an excel lent program to th man of Portland this afternoon. Th Y. M. C. A, orche. tra will glv a concert at I o'clock. The male chorus and quartet of th Grace M. E. church will sing In th larger Tricked by Dyspepsia The Doctor Couldnt Tell .Whirs ths Trouble Lay. ..Tor th past seven years I hav been a victim of dyspepsia, and ohroni constipation and - hav - consulted th most noted specialist to be found oa disease -of thl character. Nona, how ever, seemed to locate th difficulty or glv relief. In addition" to this medical treatment, I hav resorted to th ue of many remedies and hav given them faithful trial, but all to no purpose. Upon th recommendation of a do friend, I purchased a , 0o package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet and In less than fly day noticed that I was re ceiving more benefit than from - any remedy I had used before, I continued to us th tableta after each meal for, on month and by that tlm my stom ach was In a healthy condition, capabl of .digesting anything whioh my in creasing appetite demanded, I hav not experienced any return of my former trouble, - though three month hav elapsed alne taking your remedy. W wish that you. could ee with your own eye - th oountl other bona, fid signed 'letter from grateful men and women all over th land who bad suffered years of agony with dys pepsia, triad vry known remedy and consulted eminent specialists without result, - until they gav Btuart'a Dys pepsia Tablets a trial. Llk th doctor above, they .couldn't locat th t of th trouble. Dyspepsia la a diaeas 1 which long baffled physicians. Bo difficult of location Is th disease that cur ami next to miraculous. . There is only on way to treat dyspepsia to supply th element which nature has Ordained to perform this function and - to cause them to nter' th dlgestlv organs, supplying th fluid whloh they. lack. Stuart's Dyspepsia ,-- Tableta - alon All the requirements, as la shown by th fact that 40,000 physicians - In th United State and Canada ,unlt In rec ommending them to their paUantg for stomach disorders. We do not claim or axoect Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets to cure anything but disordered conditions of th atomaeh and other dlgestlv organs, but this they never fall to do. They work Upon th Inner, lining - of th atomaeh and Intestines, stimulate th gastric- glands and aid in th secretion of Juices nec essary to digestion. . ' fi v Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet are for sal by all druggists at SO cent a box. On box will frequently, effect a ner- infit cur... If-la deubt-anaV-wlh -more adequate proof send us your nam and address and w will gladly mall you a sampl package free. p. A. Stuart Co, II. Stuart Bfdg, Marshall. Mich. meeting, which begin , at 1:10 In th auditorium. Th address of th after noon will be delivered by "th Rev. Clarenc Tru Wilson. Discussion classes will follow th au ditorium meeting and th afternoon' program will close at S-.ll with th fel lowship hour and luncheon.- The pro grant .Is free to all man, who may com and go at any Interval. . : ., . HALL DETERMINED TO PROSECUTE BUTCHER StMkttl-Tt Not. 10.- -William Constaa- -tlnfc. Wetssltlsf tmtrff 9 whtt trtsWl itm sirtsFry w'" veiar iag srwasjfJsi .r.sraisr-wmsavBi 1 sav km his son-ln-law, Jesse Hall, by emptying a revolver at him and seri ously wounding him several weeks ago. E (IMS: We My they are great because they are so correct in every little detail Every thought oi wear and comfort combined in them and made in such 5 ? , swagger styles and rich patterns. There are no clothes like them and they r are truly the most wonderful clothespin the world., r, iitilifcy and. Style V Is our hobby Through quality and style we achieved rapid, . distinctive success, and bear in mind the guarantee we give, which no tailor or other ready-to-wear house ever dared to give, that if the front of coat of a Chester- ; field suit or overcoat breaks back or loses its' shape in any way in one year's . wear we give you a new suit or overcoat free. -V Chesterfield Suits or Overcoats $20 to $50 ? 269-271 Morrison Street was arraigned this morning and took a week to dead. E la charged with as sault with intent to commit murder. His victim has reoovered fast that wJum-m w AiM-a hospital to his mother' horn. Hall and his young wife hav. not been reconciled. Hall's father declares that no attempt to compound tho case and drop th prosecution will b tolerated. - "Ok, wa som sewer . vuiaaelaala the slfUe ale as .To see oanel's as ttaers aee eel" Or, better still, make Ither ewelle To see a as we eee eeraei e. I ten ig awedl' Mol" "Tea, TV. I taad ' ft gives mm a Mtpetsnee,M ""Well, t aeriarer l" "Only to tblBk. etr, mat stake a eanset Uk that U a Lera I" - are L v fj raft .5 t A .A TY(0)M1 From flic Largest if 2SJ! Coast Monday andT Regular f 22.SO Coats, a fine all-wool 50-inch long loose-fitting garment, Moa-day-and-Ttteaday-" -1 mm. Regular f52O.00 Cravenet ted Alt-Wool Strictly Tail ored Coats, in 10 different patterns, Monday and Tues day ' FURS ABSOLUTELY FREE A- November II and IT very tenth per son purchasing a fur will hav their money refunded to them, whcther It b-on-daiTa'for fifty. By saying" every tenth person w ' mean ' th tenth person from number deter mined., from the) last nurQber of th. figure of th bank clearings of Mon day, NOV. It. i :,.' For Instance, say th bank clear ings for that day were $1,J0:,000.. Six would be the first luck One, sixteen the second, -and so on. , Don't forget th date; Nov. ' It and 11. Tou may be touched, by old Dame Fortune! wand. Th lucky one .will be announced in Tuesday' paper. Com to our tor 'and w will refund you very cent you paid .for th fur you got, though It b fifty dolUra . ' Coats, Mon day and ..Tuesday iiilfl $20.00 SUITS About 35 of them; good material and stylish; Monday and Tuesday ' .Regulaj ' $40.00 SUITS Monday and Tuesday ttiDiF m J : ffl, ::: :. S2&75 THE J. M. ACHESON CO. will make it posible for every tvoman in.Portland and vicinity tobo tn pos sessor of a fine fur, and if yon don't' get your for absolutely free you get it so cheap that yoa will be pleased to have postponed buying your fura for this sale." $5.00 Furs, Nov. 16 and 17' fl? -J t( Every tenth Fur tree.............. H0JJ $7.50 Furs, Nov. 16 and 17- ". " ' C C Vlfl . ;Every tenth Fur free....,...;,.... MD,JJ ?fo.QO Furs,"6v. I6"and 17 " CA Every tenth Fnr free .ePOv $20.00 Furs, Nov. 16 and 17 , t f- f Every tenth Fur fre.,.;......,.P4aeUU $25.00 Fur, Nov. 16 and 17 . Cm CA Every.tenth Fur free. ........... .J1 DJ $30.00 Furs, Nov'. 16 and 17 V . ' CIA AA 1 Every tenth Fur free. , PvUtUU $40.( Furs, Nov. 16 anT17 ' ttA A A l Every tenth Fur free. .ej)jlUl. $50.00 Furs, Nov. 16 and 17 - C J A A A ' Every tenth Fuf free........,...eP4UeUU That we will garry the most complete line of Furs In the city at the very low est prices. In order to establish a large fur trade In our new quarters, we are offering these furs at irreswtible prices. Take advantage of this offering be fore it is too late. REMEMBER V ; WE CARRY THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SKIRTS IN THE CITY.; For Monday and Tuesday Special: $10S irts $ 4.25 $20Skirts $12.75 $30Skirts$18.75 w A AT KOTICK to out-of-town 1.111111 merchants. We ar pr pared to furnish yu with eoats"sults and skirts at New Tork price. v ' ; T1SXEM1EMC. Wholesale and Retail. 131 FilthSt. bet Washington and Alder r T,t Tou Forget W are ""Yfeaa MmI W ssbm 1 Yi&v .. a equippa T"r manufrtcturiniT W have prt tncXory mployt and LOOK garments purchased in our tor will be nanniea xperiiy end With diDtcn and lueuiuie reiiaDiiujr, paiat. f A (."- J, : -