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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON- SUNDAY- JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING, NOVEMBER U. 1SS3. : ic;td Tc;:s . I I I , tOKIOHTl AMTJinttlTT. H.IU 'lf1M" baker ..."LaM Twenty-rear Hour" Knptr.... ....... ,...,"Aa ToM tbe HI! is" I Trio "Tbs Oetoreoa" rlt.r ......."Brother llllut Brother" .ru4 .................. V.ud.illle fiDtilM ......... TeedeiUle .On of th reasons for our suooess la that very suit we make bears that unmistakable "Quality appearance so ' much desired by well-dressed men. This Is the result of our superior workman hip, the knot how and careful at tention. We make any suit In our -tore te order for 111: no more, bo less. T. (hlnlr k.uln 1 AAA Atff.F.nt . . . . I m V . .... , 4 A .WVW styles to select from and only tit for ' your choice. No other tailoring firm In ih. ft,r 111 Atk , i t Aa1t to AAA ntlP black undressed worsted, get a sample and compare It with other tailors' prices, Just to see what you can save. Unique Tailoring Co., tot Stark, near Slath. . The Northern Paclfle Railway corn puny announces special excursion rats from Portland to Kansas City and re turn account Trana-Mlaalaalppi Com mercial congress to be held at Kansas City. November SO . to tl, Inclusive. Tickets will be on sal November 14 end - l. wltn going . limit of 10 days from date of rale and with final return limit of 10 days from date of ale. The rat Will be 160 for the round trip, returning via direct lines. If the passengers wish to return through Cali fornia the rate will be (71.11 for the round trip. Tickets will permit of stop- over within Umtta both going and re turning. . ; ' , ' , ..Altai IhV.nV. m- w4 r a nS OnA table lines Is -now In progress. We Import direct - from foreign manufac turers, thereby saving Jobbers' profits, table linen, lunoh cloths, center pieces, doylies, squarea,'all at reduced prices. goods and silks, 'corsets, gloves, hosiery end ladles' underwear. Women's 111.10 plaid coats at A new line of black Panama and voil skirts just re ceived. Don't overlook our great three day speelsls. See ads la today's papers. A. Urtruin..!! ITkli m A. Unk .AVAUVU , All , V U.ll. UMV AW rtson streets. Nellie Washington, who. In a family tSpAmrl. ihtl hup huAhAnil nArAra Wuh. 1 sston. a well-known colored man, last July, and whd was afterwards convicted of simple assault, will not have the privilege of a new trlaL A motlon.for a new trial was argued yesterday by Attorney McMahon and Deputy District Attorney Adams. - Judge Cleland denied the motion. The defendant will be sen-, tenced tomorrow. " "Breaking the Law" will be the sub ject for discussion at the - People's Forum tonight. Dr. C. U. Chattman will k. . Vi a nHnlflaT MU.ll.. ThA 1,1 ,1 fill A will open with music and a free discus sion will be held after the principal speech. The meetings are held in the Helllng-Hlrach building at Tenth and rA.Wi.. a. a.a. ai Tk anaala-i ka.MO n eBiiiisa) iva a w wvjg v uea vy mmm Is T:30 o'clock. PUnt Bulbs Now Nothing will im prove the appearance of your yard and home so rauoh as a nloe bed of flower ing bulbs. They are so effective. Our Importation of French, Holland, Chi- catalog tells ell Call or phone Slain 471, Portland need Co., jrront and xam lilll streets. .,..--. . J - . . ' We save you (0 cents a step If yon wais upaiairs to our iim ,uiiarui( mm tabliehtnent, second floor Raleigh build ing, ait Washington street. IS you ride on the elevator we sav you 60 cents a second, sod the clothes we make for you will fit like th glove on a chartn. Ing woman's hand. Ws are Armstrong ths tailor. of St PsuL One hundred views of Ore gon and Washington mountains and In cidents of ths Masama trips will be ehown by Mr. Steel. He will tell why the peak of Mount Hood le sharp, ana of ths creation of Crater lake. Tickets will be. distributed at th services of Q race church today, Mr, Frank O. A bell, former photog rapher of this city, lata operator of the famous Palace studio, Los Angeles, Is now connected with Cutberth's Lucerne studio, Dekum building. WS have late ly Installed the latest appliance for lighting and finishing; no delay 4n-yotr holiday photos. Ws make them to please you. Open Sundays. 10 to I. -Articles of Incorporation of th Bald win Farm were filed with , th county clerk late yesterday afternoon. Th In corporators are Edward A. Baldwin, Al fred Biles and Jess Stearns, the cap) tal stock Ti.000 and ths principal place of business Portland. .-' Diamonds, watches snd Jewelry on easy -payment .at. less than elsewher for cash. We give you possession whes making first payment, demand no se curity. ' ehsrge no ' interest Marx A Bloch, 74 Third street - Th Loonlak - Hardwood company filed articles of Incorporation yesterday. The Incorporator are C. E. 8. Wood, H. H. Parker and W. H. Addis, th capital stock 111,000 and ths principal plaoa of business Portland. At th First Christian church thia morning Rev. EL B. Muckley will preaoh on the topic, "The Word,1' and tonight at T:0 on "Th Reconciliation Was It God or Man That Needed Reconciling T" . This will remind you that now Is th time to have your hair mattressss reno vated and returned the asms day. Phona Msla 474. The Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Mstsger, proprietor. , - Social dance, Tuesday evening, No vember IS, Allsky building, hall 400. Refreshments free. Gents 18c. Ladles tree. Given by Anchor Council, K. and u t 8.":.:;j":,:''.' Li - Th new city directory la now ready. Copies can bs secured at the office, 110 Marquam building. If needed before reg ular delivery Is made. Steamer Jesst Harklns for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at a p. m. - - Tour Bye Examined Free. We are still selling syeglaases st tl-00. A per fect lit guaranteed.- Metsger Co., Jeweler and opticians. Ill Sixth strset Kspeelally choice designs for ladles' and gentlemen's handkerchiefs, cords, crossbars, embroideries. John Craa, IK Washington street . - 2 ' .. .:.,,J To make and sav money In Investing In inslds real sstats in Portland, see F. Abraham at S27tt Washington street . Dr. O. M. Wells has returned from ths east and will be found at his office as usual. Residence phone East 1(61. At th Lyric theatre, week of Novem ber If. "We Uns of Tennessee." Week of November 14, "Sign of th Four." ' M. 3. MacMahon has opened law of fices In rooms 25, 10 and 27 Washington building. Aom OU Co. sells ths best ssfety onal oil and nne gasoune. Phone Ksst lis. Managers Keating and Flood of the Lyric theatre have arranged for two interacting bills in the near future. One Is We'uns of Tennessee." which will bs produced the week of November 10, and ths other Is "Th Sign of ths "Four," which will be given th week of November 20. JSrma W. Jack filed suit yesterday for divorce against Clauds D. Jack, alleg ing desertion. ' The couple were mar ried at McMlnnvlll January It, 180S. Mrs. Jsck asks that she be allowed -to resume her maiden nam Enna W. Mauldlng. Olltner Sewall are her at torneys. , The Davenport-Stanley Ranch com- n w M 1 j .hIaIm nf In 1 1 . i 1 1 1 1 in vUh the county clerk yesterday. The incor porators are Frank Davenport, J. P. Htanlev and R. Smith: the oanltal stock AO It Paw laml will h4lfliimiiiiivll principal place of business. Ws havs received a whole stack of orders for Christmas wprk already, and we shall make thousands of th finest photos xou ver saw. But have your sittings now. Com In today, any, tiros between 10 and t. E. W. Moore, Elks' building. Seventh and SUrk, , : "In ths Land of Masama" Is th title of the free Illustrated lectors which Will O. Steel, the original Masama, will deaver1 In ths Grace M. E. church to morrow evening at t o'clock. It will be under the auspices of th Brotherhood For Quality, Quantity, and Quickness, go to Morris restaurant ' ' - . ,- . Sao Portland Washer, 108 Seventh st CarT Jones for reading. 4th and Wash. . Watch Woosterl I I I HAIVAIIAH PROJECT LOOKS PROHISIKS AT PHESEHT W. W. Robinson Leaves Today for Honolulu With Three Tone of Samples. HECK OOl'J HIGH on OEACI Little Hope of the Peter Iredale Ever Sailing. j;He Seae.- - Again. 4' WORK OF DISMANTLING -VESSEL NEARLY DONE Under Supervision of Captain Lw ' rence Crew Has Removed Much 'Property .to Place of Safety on the Beaclu II-. .1; Gradually ths wreck of ths British bsrk Peter Iredale Is being dismantled and relieved of th stores that remained on board when th ship was driven ashors near Fort Stsvens about a month ago. Th work Is being dons by the crew, .Captain Lawrence superintend ing. , No flat so f sr has been fixed for the official hearing, but It will probably be heM soon. - From sir that can be learned the officers and craw will undoubtedly hb exonerated from blame, sines the night was stormy and ths sea rough. According to th sailors th vessel re fused to answer ber helm when It was discovered that ah was In shallow water and rapidly drawing close to. the sands. ; The heavy storms of ths past weeks have driven the wreck high on the beach and shs is said to be out of all danger from th breakers In her present position, with th berw pointing toward the ses. It Is supposed that th wreck will be offered for sale after as much as pos sible of the rigging,, stores and fixtures havs been removed. A qusntlty of the stuff has already been hauled away to a place of safety near the wreck, and there Is now little remaining on the sands excepting th mere shell of the hull. . . - . ' There Is little probability-' of ataps being taken to haul the veesel into deep waters as ths value of th hull 'would hardly warrant th risk, and those-having looked into th matter, believe that the fate of the craft was sealed when she went ashore A" peculiar- coincidence In "connection with the wreck of the Peter Iredale was the fsct that ths night she piled up en me oescn : - tn American narxentine Annie Johnson was spreading her white wings off the mouth of the Columbia river Hah rut tram thin nnrt for flan Francisco with' a cargo Of lumber. Th Annie Johnson had crossed out about the same time that the Peter Iredale reached the lightship that warns ship ping of the dangers off the bar. She waa formerly the British bark Ada Ire dale and owned by the owners of the Peter Iredale. -A few years ago th Ada Iredale, while bound from Aus tralia to San Francisco with a cargo of coal, caught fire and In that eon4itgn was sosnaonea ny ner crew in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands. The crew waa picked up by a passing steam- fApt lynt with the re- sult that some days later the burning craft was towed Into Honolulu, her hold a roaring furnace. Th flames were eventually extinguished snd th wreck transferred to American registry.. Sh Is now ons of th finest lumber droghers tn ths trsds on the coast THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL row People Know Stow Vsefnl It U U Free erring- stealth Sad Scanty. Costa trothlng te Try. Nearly everybody knows that char coal is the ssfest snd most efficient disinfectant and purifier la nature, but few realise Ita value when taken Into the human system for the same cleans ing purpose. Charcoal Is a remedy that th more you take ef It th betterrir is nor-g drug at all, but simply absorbs ths gases and Impurities always present In the stomach and intestines and carries them out of th system. Charcoal sweetens, th : breath after smoking, drinking or sfter estlng onions sad Other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually cleara . and Im proves the complexion, it whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and smlnently safe cathartic . It absorbs' the Injurious gases which collect tn the stomach and bowels; It dlalnfects th mouth and throat from th poison of catarrh,- All druggists sell charcoal " In one form or another, but probably ths best charcoal and the most for the money Is In Stuart's Charcoal Lounges; they are eompoaed of the finest powdered' Willow charcoal, and other harmlee antiseptics in tablet form or rather in th form of large. . pleasant tasting losenges, th charcoal being mixed with 'honey. '';' The dally us of these losenges will soon tell In a much improved condi tion of th general health, better com plexion, sweeter l breath j and purer blood, and th beauty of it is, that no posslbl hsrm can result from their con tinued use, but, on th contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician, In speaking of th benefits of charcoal, saysi I ad vis Stuart's Charooal Losenges to sll pstients suffsring from gss In stomsch snd bowel", snd to clear the complex ion and purify th breath, mouth and throat; I also believ th liver Is great ly benefited by the daily use of them; they cost but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, snd although la some sens a 'patent preparation, yet I be lieve I get more and better charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal Losenges than In any of the ordinary charcoal tablets." Send your name and address today for a free trial package and see for yourself. F. A. .Stuart Co, tl Stuart BIdg.. Marshall. Mich. nesday, IS slowly Improving at St Vin cent's hospital. Thar waa llttls hope of him . surviving when first taken to th hospital, but his chances now seem fairly good. The steam schooner Coaster will be at th mills of th Eastern Western Lumber company today to load lumber for San Francisco. ' Th steam schooner Johan Poulsen saila tomorrow for San Francisco with a cargo of lumber, , . MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. 10. Arrived down at 0 a. m French bark VU1 d'Mulhouse. Arrived down at 40:30 "a. m., steamer Barracoota. Arrived at 11:10 a. m., and left up at It noon, steamer Coaster, from Ban Francisco. Sailed at 12 noon, atesmer Alliance, for Coos Bsy. Schoon er Louis, In waterlogged condition, re ported outside In tow of a tug. Ar rived at I: JO p. m., steamer Costa Rica, from San Franclsoo. San Francisco, Nov. 10. Arrived, schooner Annie Larsen, from Portland, and steamers Tivertonand Nome Cltyt from. coiumniA ..jiiver sauea. steamsr Redondo and schooner Virginia, for Portland. SERVE AS EXTRA MEN- 1, 'Sticklers For Quality' Going to Get Married? Ws sell ths Asset silverware you ever asw. Just ths thing to buy after you have made a selection from our fine stock of Diamonds. We carry the lovalleet engage ment rings, too, you ever set your eyes upon. G.HeitkempetCo. M MOaUUSOV MX. Lowest-Priced Jewelry House for Fine Goods. A project started by J. Whyts Evans with th purpose of establishing a per manent trade In the Hawllan Islsnds for a large line of Portland mercantile and manufacturing concerns promises to hav suooessful results. About It firms bavs entered into brokerage con tracts with Mr. Evans' firm, and today W. W. Bobinsosi will Issv for Honolulu with about three tons of samples. Mr. Evans hss undertaken to do what no other Portland man has ever st tempted, and 1s mapping out his plan on original lines. He will locate Mr! Roblaaon permanently at Honolulu and open a large warehouae,-where not only samples nut in course of time sn ex tensive line of Oregon products will be displayed. Th firm la now composed or j. wnyte Evans and Harry U Sales. Th business will be conducted ' on a straight brokerage basis, and' it -will be ths slm of ths firm to build' up Oregon trsde in all parts of the Islands. ' Mr Evsna said; . v . "W will give the undertaking a fair six months' trial. I think by that time it will be on a permanent and paying basis If we. do not, receive the con tinued encouragement w expect. It will then be time to consider a cbsnge of plsn or withdrawal frpm th prelect However, I think It will win. We have a representative who Is well aequslnted In th islands and w are in fairly close touch with - bueineaa interests there.'. Portland and Oregon produce a vast number and amount of things that are needed tn Hawaii and It 1s simply a question of pushing the business snd having the -unqualified support of Port land bualness houses."' . . Only on4 houss representing each line of trade is taken by th brokerage firm. SEASON'S MUSICAL EVENT The Oomtnf ef tVeonoavaQo sag the iVa . . ,Soala Orchestra. r In th coming of this greet composer snd th noted Italian- La Scala Theatre orchestra of 6 pieces, which will ren der soms of th hitherto unheard work of the famous leader, there will be a treat possibly not to be duplicated soon again. Ths concerts- sr to occur on Sunday and Monday evenings, Novem ber 2( and 10, at the Hetllg theatre. There sr 10 operatic stars with the company, including Rasstnt, soprano; Fsrrsbitil, roesso soprano; Marina Cklvl, dramatic soprano; Barbanl, tenor; Perya, tenor, and Bellotl. baritone. All of these are famed, and such an aggregation of musical celebrities will not be. beard In Portland again this season. . Leoncavallo -has requested th Ellers Piano Houss to arrange for the use of the Chlckering piano at these concerts, this instrument being ths, combined choice not only of himself, but of each of th artists of the company. Children aa Breadwinners. Recently published cneuS . figures how that every fifth rhild between the age of 10 and IS la th United States Is a bread winner. . frequent Change necessitates Appolnt- ' meat tn Immigration Servioe. . Th announcement " yesterday from Washington to the effect thst four nsw wstohmen hav been appointed for the Portland immigration office was con firmed by Chief Inspector John H. liar bo ur last night. Mr. Barbour stated, however, that the men are appointed temporarily only and for that- reason hav not had to pas ths civil ssrvlo examination. Th new appointees are R. R. Clark, Charles Morgan, A. P. Lom bard, Raymond Lavltte and Staley Stipe. Tbey will take the places vacated by L. O. Davies. C. O. Webster, A. O. Aus tin and C. M. Eubsnka, Th extra watchmen can only be em ployed for a period of 110 day each year, and for That reason frequent changes become neceosary. Ths limit to their time of service is made so as to eliminate the heceaslty of them pass ing the civil service examination, so It is explained. Th Immigration office has about 15 extra watchmen employed at th present time. - Most of them are engaged watching crews on foreign ves sels In the hsrbor. - " STEERING GEAR DISABLED Xarrlmaa Liner Barraooata Delayed en Bet Way to Astoria, r A telegram from Astoria announces thst the Harrlman liner Barracouta met with a mishsp on her way down th river yesterdsy afternoon and' may be , delayed . a few hour in getting away for San Francisco. The stesmsr was In charge of Pilot Snow when th (tear ing gear refused to act, and he had considerable trouble getting the vessul to her Astoria dock. Th Barracouta left ' Portland Friday night with a fairly good cargo. Sh was rushed out In order to bring her to San Frapctaco by next Tuesday morn ing, when th steamer Columbia Is cheduied to Sail for Portland In com mand of Captain Dorao. who Is now master on the Barracouta. Captain Doran is th star master of th Harrl man liners and for - that reason the Columbia will undoubtedly be held it San Francisco until ths Barracouta reaches there, even if a -day or two behind time. 1 A'v ' . Th Harrlman liner Cpsta Rica ar rived at Astoria yesterday afternoon and will reach Alnaworth. dock some tlm this afternoon. - She will carry passen ger on her outward triple shs is now mnnned by union sallorsU LA FOLLETTE TO SPEAK WW Open the T. SC. O. A. Star Oonrs " on Wednesday Bright. Senstor La. Follett opens th sea son's T. M. C A. star course next Wed nesday night at th Whit Temple. Other members of th course are John Kendrlck Bangs, editor of Puck, th Rogers snd Grilley Combination. Newell Dwigbt Hlllis, the JDunbar company and Jacob Rils. This Is the strongest list of lyceurn attractions that has ever been given on th Paclflo coast Reserved seat sal opene at T. M. C A. tomor row, Monday night p. Hi:'''- Union Men, Attention. The Saturday Evening Post Ladles' Home Journal, Woman's Horn Compan ion and MoClur' Magasln are unfair to organised labor. ; Multnomah Typo. Union No. It. - What Attracted Xla. - rrea the Philadelphia Presj. "Stiwl" commended Mies Noras, with a die. delnfnl relrf '-Tie Idea f year propoeUg te leer la my statiea er utei xea sogt te keew better!" "Well." replied Mr. Boater, "I as knew bet. ter, eit a rleSAr.' o4merican. Restaurant " OOB. TatTJUJ AJTD OOTTOaT STS. . OFM9AT ASS SiaiT. Sunday Sinner from It a. m. te S p. an, Ohlckea Soup (Pre with Seals). gUoed Tomatoes 54 Xot Hons Xrtittmo ....lOl Celery Salad with Mayonnaise Dressing 15 Boiled Salmon Bellies with Watt SaaM .....1B Fried Xallbut Steaks 15 Mu aiw..aa lie. . . 1 Ka Boned On magna, Tomato Samoa. 20t aWMront or oaicaem musta wita buaa TimniM Small Tenderloin Steaks with ALONG THE WATERFRONT Th river Is gradually falling and ths driftwood 1 dscresstng about as rap Idly as it appeared with the freshet. The steamer Roanoke will sail for San Francisco Monday nlghltu-ahs ar rived yesfetday after a stormy voyage from Port Los Angeles, via San Fran elsco and Eureka. Th staamer George W. Elder Is ex pected to sail for San Francisco next Wednesday. She Is now receiving the finishing touches at Martln'a wharf In North Portland, Th steamer will probably be given a short trial trip Monday or Tuesday. Th Norwegian steamer Jethou Snd th oriental liner Numsntla will arrive In the hsrbor this week, the former from Port Lo Angeles and th latter from the orient R. Straitens the deckhand who lost on of his legs on the stesmsr. Charlsa tl. Spencer while aeslatlng In mooring the steamer at rartar's laadlaf We. .20 .25 20 .20 Breast of lamb Breaded, with owaiinow ......... . . . . . Short mlhs Beef with Sweet potatoes Frankfort Baasars with Saaag Kraut ........... ...20 Onu. .tlaa wik French Fen .De feeef Stew with Vegetahlea st Oodflah Balis with oveam nance. . . l fjtf Keearonl and Cheese aa gratia. ..15 OcM Corn Beef with Pickled Beets '15 Baaaaa Fritters with Brandy 4 Sana ..IB Bid ordar Baaaaa Pmtets 6 Boas Tar key with Cranberry Sauce and Celery ...35 Boast Spring Chickea with Dressing 25 Boa pork with Dressing 15 svoaat Teal with Dreealnf 15 Beast htnttoa with Dressing; 1 5 moaat Beef Brown Orevy. 15 Boast Spring &asnb with Mint Baaoe and ereea Peaa ...20 Celery a, oreca Onions.... ...5 Siloed Bananas and mn. v IO Xot Mlnee Fie .5 - -' A wnla SH SL A TY4A K A Irsmon, craaheii. Custard, Fnsapkla 5 . W AAA V A TMAA ..1 Cake. Ooff . Bread aad Batter aad Potatoes With all meals. Ths Amertoaa Bestanraat IS noted for Ita good cooking, leaallas and prompt i.l, - e 4 aaS Taa .-- - Sunday Dlnaer from It a. m. to S p, m. W AW AAbAAAAF .AIAIAF VVW, 1 A aJ -We Are Presenting To a discriminating public this year than ever before In over 40 years of our bud ness life." Note the range of our selectionsGlance through the list, , it's worth while., .vt - ... - v FINE" CLOIS ONNir"ANDAPAN RUSSIAN HAMMERED "BRASS" ESE BRONZES HOARE'S RICH CUT. GLASS IMPORTED FRENCH PERFUMES BOHEMIAN ART PIECES n ROZAN POTTERY . C:Z HURD'S AND EATON ' HURL . BURT'S . FASHIONABLE STA - TIONERY . . - r--7 WATERMAN'S (THE GENUINE L. . E.) FAMOUS FOUNTAIN PENS TRIPLICATE MIRRORS SOLID BRASS ANTIQUES CANDLESTICKS AND CANDELA- rrBRX - ;77':- - ' JARDINIERES. VASES, TEA CAD-- DIES ;--r-Tt7&rr-y SCUTTLES, BOXES, TRAYS, STICKS AND SCONCES r ORMOLU CLOCKS I " T-V'V POST CARD ALBUMS : CAMERAS FOR THE AMATEUR ' FREE INSTRUCTION by EXPERTS AUTOMOBILE HAMPERS, GER . MAN BASKET STLYE, ; OUR OWN IMPORTATION " - V tine Suits ( Cases and Traveling Bags Now a word about our Leather Goods--Ladies' Hand Bags, Purses, Card Cases, Opera Bags in silk, plain and beaded. Nowhere in this land is there a finer or larger display of new, exclusive and beautiful creations. We haven't a last year's piece in the store-r We mark name free on all leather purchases. Little Money-Savers for Monday Ladies' Hand Bags . . . . .$1.35 Men's Buckskin purses. .$1.00. ' Lister's Tooth Soap . .. . . . . . . . Cut Glass, 8-inch bowls .$5.25 Spoon Trays ... ..... . . .. 3.50 Celery Dishes . . ... .... . . 7.50 Water Bottles ......... 4.25 Sachet Powder,' full oz. . .50 Fresh and fragrant. Regular. Special. $0.79 .59 .15 3.89 2.63 5.73 3.39 .29 Umbrellas Our rain ; Sticks-are good. Everyone, guaranteed to give good - service, or money back. ..... . r Pyrqgraphy The art of burning on wood and leather. This department is in charge of an ar tist who possesses the rare faculty of knowing how to teachThere isn't a feature, of the fascinating art which you cannot learn. All instructions free Our stock of Art Skins in all shades and Stamped wood, every design con ceivable is complete. BURNING OUTFITS, STAINS, BURNING FLUID Post Cards Your own design while you wait. 1' ' -' - - -:-. - - Our Developing, Printing arid Enlarg ing Room is the -finest on the ' coast. Your films or plates developed in a day. No waits or broken promises. We can make any size enlargement from your negative at a nominal charge. We have added two more wagons and our prompt deliveries now are "prompter" Our (Private IJxchange 11) phone has nine trunks and twenty extensions; a Jine is always at your service. . No waits.. ; v '. '.ri . , CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT FULL VALUE Woodard, Clarke tS Go. - . ' Butter-Nut Bread lends a zest to the appetite that causes even the dain tiest eater to demand an :. extra slice ITS GOODNLSS IS IRRLSISTIBLL ' 5c loaf at ill grocers mo DROWN I nie ua aavuwru arauea Five-Story etona aa3 Brick Amertoaa .. riaa Avyarunesi sote riaest ia Vorfdaaa. PUZZLE .oC lacjtpO dnaltroP - Read th first thr words back, ward then go to 270 ALDER STREET Between ThlrA and roarth. L.M l;) JFOH mm 0gi mwvi SATB TOtTB KOBBT And wear th goods while paying for them. A watoh or diamond Inveetment la a sensible one. be cause you ran turn A DIAMOND INTOMONKr any old time. - - tfOat 50caweel J50at$l00aweti -$100 it $2 a week, aid so oa Metzger & Co. jewelet and Ovtlemaa. , m SIXTK ST. Vew Is the tlmeto bay yotur Christmas Vrsaanta. Tea eyes stled fee ej.1eei ft, , Chinese and Jcpcnese Art feeSe. eerred fnmrtare, flee seieena eoytl Sei.erae. I'tntAnase, breeera, eerveS imry, ew-tmiiti-tee, ellke, eatla Sreeelng fvwu, eu, alrecllr In- frAkidJi AiAiA, h sixrx rr. . , A model home for permsnsnt guests. Jheerful flrepleces In every suite. Fin est table and elegant accommodations,' Lowest rates (or the splendid service. Eleotrlo elevator renrle day and night. Oas and electrlo l'rhts throughout th building. Office, large parlor and dining-room on ground floor. Steam heat, telephone and not and cold water in every room. Six tar Una paea the door and IS minutes' walk to buslnes oenter. for rooms and reserve tieaa apply ea promises, r stag aa Tel. Bast, tsL Great Auction Sale ... .. ...... t .. ... T . . . i Of Japsnesa and Chinete curios, coniistrng" of old Bronte, Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brass, Sat sums, fin aetorated Tea Sts, Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved. Furniture, Embroidered Screens, ' Oriental Rug, etc Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store, ws are compelled to dispote of our rrett stock st suction. Ths public is cordially invited to at tend this sale. Unprecedented barfftins srs certain to bs had. SALS AT 2:30 AND 740 P. M. DAILY. AndrevI'a'C:. v:... V. 1 . J