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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
-JLfc- THS OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND," SUNDAY MORNINO, NOVEMBER 11. 1SC3. DAY'S El'EOIS Oil SQUAW WHEELS HER BABE IN .: MODERN AMERICAN GO-CART COAT SALE Values to $25.00 $12.95 WAIST SALE, Values to $13.30 $3.98 EAST SIDE Goo4 Merchandise OnlyQuality Considered Our Prices Ar AJwsys ths Lowest t New Weed Law Will Causa Con slderabla Activity Across.:, y the River. 7Ehormous Purchase ojTatKFIm TEUR DRAMA CLUB C FOR LENTS AND ARLETA Mount Scqtt Towns Assured of Satis. factory Telephone Sendee Build in Active in AU Suburbs Across - the Willamette Other Notes. r. ,', Sul Side Bepartmeak, ' If the suresatlon mad by the fteoo tlv board that the owner of vacant property overran with, brush and under growth should bo compelled to clear It ip shall become a law, the eaat aide will feel the heavy hand of the new law .- more generally than any other part of - me cuy. u-xoepi jor a portion or Booth ' Portland and small areaa on Portland - and Willamette Heights, practioally- all ,.. the brush-covered land In the city la , situated In the suburban districts of the oast side. The numerous platted additions along the 8t Johns car Una, beyond University Park, are badly overrun with weeds and ; undergrowth. In tb territory south east from Woodlawn to Montavllla ' there are hundreds of blocksHK vacant . 'land that Is densely covered with a eoond growth of fir. The owners of large tracts of this land are much op . ' posed to the nyoposed elean-up ordi nance -on account of the heavy expense that would be .Incurred by the require .r tnent. ... 2, .. The Idea Advanced that the brush Is a source of ,daager front fire Is ridloulnd as highly improbable, and the statement ' made at t meeting of the executive " board that-children may easily get lost . In this brush in going to and from . school was the cause of much merriment . on the part of the owners of these ua- developed additions. - ;-. udglng from the expressions of some ".. - of the heavy eaeCalde land owners, a lively scrap Is ahead In case such an ordinance as Is propoee4 la Introduced. . lute the council. - v r Lively satisfaction la expressed among ,'east aid residents at the action of the A executive board la asking the council .? to increase the appropriations for next year so as to- provide for tee Instead of 10 fire hydrants, as It la thought to be In response to the request of the Eaat Side Business Men s club that bet ter fir protection be afforded that seo- tloa... . .- ., . . .. f e Momxt ooeh, - Manager Hickman of - the Paetn State Telephone company baa assured - the Mount Bcott Improvement assocla , tlou that within two weeks' time hi " company will be ready to furnish Its - patroas there with th same service ' that la given In Portland. Ia other : - words, that th 1 and lt-party line In , th Mount Scott town will soon be a - thing of th past. Mr. Hickman says this Unprovement would have been made - sons months' ago, except for the -fact that -a large amount of telephone cable vtl destroyed In the San Francisco dls. t.1 astef. resulting In. everything In the frs way Vf an Improvement being, held p t? tintifc. new material eould . be obtained ': from the east. r. ; ' 4 meteor brans a ' ' The people of Lenta and Arleta are to have a aeiiea of amateur dramatics throughout th winter. The Davis half at Lents has been secured by th Acme '-, Amateur JDramatia dub, that will give ' perlvToaace every second and fourth 'Wednesday of every month until the ' , close of the season. Tb organisation la ' - purely a local amateur club; none of its member are allowed to do professional work. The not proceeds of the perform ances are to go to some charitable or- a-enlsatlon, - Th new Congregational church under construction at Anabel will bo on of ' th handsomest ohurch edifices la the I entire Mount Scott district. It I fast ' Hearing completion. . The , builders are making every effort to have It ready ' for th' thanksgiving service. c Th Mount Scott volunteer ore de t partment will hold an Important meet ing tomorrow night. - All members are urged to be present, as business of lm portano will come before, th meeting. Tb machinery zor tn eiecino ree DfHl f th Sploer MUllng company at ' Creston, on th Mount Scott Una, Is be- ing Installed and will be In operation in about ten day. Th entire plant Is taking on a coat ox paint. , Manager Spicer reports that he has : sold the cement for 21 houses at Cres ton. where . the first lot ewaa aold toss than three months ago. Surveyors at Work. M. Ia. Holbrook has ar corps of eur- - veyors at work platting the tract of land recently purchased by him between Point -View and Maegley Junction. The tract adjoin th packing-house district and la basaed through by th St. John . car line. The owner announce that Be will put th property on th. market as East St. Johns. A train of dumpoars on Hawthorn ' avenu was ditched between Eaat First and East Second streets this afternoon, resulting In 'tying up traffic for half an . hour In th southeastern part of th city. , THROWN FROM CAR NOW WANTS DAMAGES . .. tea. J- , am, Umatilla Indian Papoose. - ' Three thousand dollars is th sum asked by Mrs. Jennie Northrup of the Portland Railway company by reason of the alleged earelessnsss of one of Its conductors. ' On October t Mrs. Northrup, who re- Ides on th Mount Bcott car line, took Salt Rheum Itch e s , oozes, dries end scales over and over again; local applications do not cure it Decanse they cannot remove its canse, which b an impure conCtioi of the blood. The most obstinate cases have been perfectly and permanently oared by a course ox Hood'sSorsaparilla ' tie best medicine for salt rheum In all the world. - Frs testimonials of remarluibl atree tend for Book on Salt Rheum, No. 3. C. L H904 Co, LoweU, Mast. By Lula R. Lor"- ' Kvery day in trie towns surrounding the Umatilla reservation the squaws are seen proudly carrying their papooses upon their backs, as they go along. throwing up their heads with some thing of that royal dignity which the true Indian has never lost through all his vicissitudes. They are very proud of their papooses, especially when they have handsom board decorated with gorgeous colore of beads to strap them la. , , The Indian woman glvee as her rea son for thl practlo the fact that ahs must do all th worn about th tepee. and thu shs must have both hands free. 8b must carry her papoose and work at the earn time. Th board can be set up against th wall anywhere. It la amusing to watch th Indian man and woman and their papoose upon th streets of Pendleton, where they t do most of their trading. ' .Toev la ee maoh dlfftreno la. th appearance and cleanliness of th' In diana as there Is la the white race some are clean and well. clothed, while other have the appearance of being neglected and give on the Impression that th mother 1 Indifferent and car less. Th brightest colors for - wearing apparel make . the finest-looking Indian In th eyes of th red man. . : . On f th brightest and . beet-appearing papooses on th reservation Is th grandchild of Wet. Coyote, a well known Umatilla Indian, and Its mother. Jennie Is often seen n the atreets with tn papooa strapped upon a beautifully decorated board. She always smiles and shows great pride In having th little on noticed and emlled upon ' by the whites. But one Instance la known of a Uma tilla Indian woman wishing to bav a papoose rid In a gocart, as la prectloed by th whites, and. in fact, this is prob ably th only case among the tribes. JoeephlDe, a well-known squaw. Is often seen tn th city - wheeling her llttl granddaughter, Elisabeth, Juat as Is dona by the whites, and it la a great curiosity. Th child's mother la dead, and Josaphln looks after the little one well, buying 1 rattles and various toy such aa ar used by th white ehlldrenv to amuse her. - But Josaphln doe not take ' this eart upon th reservation. There eh Is seen with HU1 Elisabeth strapped upon her back, as Is the custom among th other. aquawa.. ' Bh. leaves It In town until she returns, when sh Imme diately puts th child into It and pa rades up and down th : street, and speake" of having a -patofac cart. Sh does not take it. upon the reserva tion becauee th other members of th tribe do not approve of any but TB oustomary way of carrying . th pa-.. poos. " . ,' For the tourist and thoso who wish to know th ways of ths Indian, much 1 found of Interest ia th reservation dis tricts of the wesC OFFICIALS DEflY THAT HITCHCOCK IS FORCED TO RETIRE ; : Declare Rumor False Which 8ay His Aotlon Is Attributable . to : - Failure to Take Action In Coal ---- ' T ; V A ; Land Frauds. " 1 Officials whe are thoroughly familiar with tbe Inside facta declare that there Is noWoundatlon for th rumors that th forthcoming retirement of Secretary Hitchcock of th Interior department Is attributable to his 'failure to take ao tlon in the Union Pacific coal ' land frauds. , It appears that th secretary has for several months past actively directed an investigation of this latest dsvslopment of th land-fraud situation. Th states particularly affected ar Wyoming and Utah. - A great deal or th mrormatlon whlchh aa Inspired rh chief of th In terior department to Instigate a search ing Investigation of this - matter, in volvlng as It does th possessory title to hundred of thousands of acres of valuable coal lands In Wyoming and Utah, originated In Colorado. - Ths sec retary, It appears, took -the Initiative in directing a thorough examination Into the Union Paclflo company's method of a car into town and transferred to Washington street at Second. At Sixth she signaled the oonduotor to let her off. Ths car stopped, but Mrs. North- rup says ths conductor was In too great haste to pull tns oeii eora again, ana th ear moved forward just as sh was nrenarlng to alight from th lower step: Mrs. Northrup, according te the allega- tlona contained In a damage suit Bled yesterday, was thrown violently to the ground sna susiainvu injuries , rrora which shs baa not yet recovered. Trau matic neurosis Is on of the troubles which ah alleges baa resulted from the accident. --,- PERSONAL Senator B. W. Haines of For as t Grove le at the Imperial hotel. James P. Lucaa or New Tork. well known to many Portland h-uelness men. le at the Portland. , ' , - Dr. N. O. Blalock and R. J. Berrrmaa of Walla Walla, Washington, who came to Portland to attend the meeting of the Open River assooiauon, are at the Per- kins hotel. Mr. , and Mra. c M. Levy or T acorn a, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cassell of St. Louis, form a party, at the Portland hotel. B. B. Bailey of Dallas, Oregon, le at the Imperial hotel. Mr. Bailey le known to many Portland people who will be surprised to learn that he will leave ihva few days for Yuma. Arlsona, where be will locate permanently. Mrs. P. F. Morey of Oregon City an nounces the engagement of hen daugh ter, Maud, to J, Perclval AUen of New aoqulrlng ocej lands, as eooa aa . the matter was called te hie attention. It Is understood that official changes 1n the interior department are likely te fol low as one result. . ... In an Interview with a representative of Tb Journal, special Inspector Neu- hausen of the interior department said last evening: "I have personally known for some time that Becratary Hitchcock has been engaged In aa Investigation of the Union Paclflo ooal land matter. In connection with the department of Justice and la co-operation with the lnteratate com merce commission.. From motives of publlo policy It has not been deemed advisable to make any statement for the publlo until the Investigation wa nearly completed. I can state aa an official' conversant with the facts that the aasertlon that the secretary's office hae failed for years to act, is abso lutely false. I can further state that there will positively be no ehange of policy tn unearthing frauds. Within the past month certain Important facts bearing upon tbe coal land frauds have been revealed and th propoeed action of the secretary will be developed In tbe near future.". The TRUSTWORTHY OPTICIANS Our reputation for fitting eyee hae been established for years. Our name hae come to . mean scientific -aoeurecy and frank counsel. . Our first oonoern. la to maintain this record. Tour eyes de serve the best. ' Oregon Optical Co. ITS Foam St, T. K. a A. Bid. Pre Holiday L You May See Duplicates of Equal Qualities, But Not Before the' HolidaysThen You Must Pay Double ; . -V This is sn extraordinary opportunity tov buy your holiday presents st half holiday prices. This is incom parably the greatest sale of leather goods of selected : quality ever inaugurated in Portland. Ordinarily such high-grade goods are. confined to th most, exclusive - leather specialty goods houses and jewelers. ' " Partial List of Choice" of "Articles 5 " yiii il I v BCuslo Bolls ' runes . BUI Boils Cigarette Oases ' Teliae Writing Tablet ' Sewlag Boxes Memo. Books masks Cigar Cases ' gull s Telephone Vaas - BUI Books ' Cola Bass Belts -" " Card Oases " And aaa 4reds of VetreWM. . The beat leathers In the world have been employed in the mak- Morocco walrus, elephant and goat skins. .( . All Kinds of Bags r- Real Alligator Purses $1.98 SifSsfSS 9&.B' W JSCS- ing small vanity bags, fitted with Purses, metal clasp pocket, card- coin puraea. gflt and gunmeui case, securely sewed;, regularly -- Seal Grain Xetter' Case Walrus Leather Bags A tZr For Seal Grain Leather sOc For 00 W1 Letl- - Wut Utter Case, seal faced er Bags, with gunmetal and stitched; regularly $1.00; ex- frames, fitted with coin purse, .traordinary value and a splendid regularly $1.00; one of the best gift Yalues ever given. i1" i i Leather Writing Pads t Seal Grain Music Rolls a a B? f Tor full leather WrtU fiQr For 1,000 Mu,ic R1U 51e5U' ln Pawith ink- ' n Seal Grain Leather, aeaew atu1) ,na calendar, pocket for paper and envelope. with strap and buckles; one Of. Regularly tilt. Unique and . . . , . . handsome gift. , the very best values at 69c Ererr Arrtde Certlaj fits hi Tto Sals till Is Stamsee me Cf C1A1CE TIU B TIE TIME of TIMES TO I0T F0I I0UI1T CliTS t Pin Seal Bill Books . M' ;. Pin Seal Bill Books, leather. Hnedr se curely.stitched spccialCiltl SoUd Seal Bill Books " Solid Seal Bill Book$r leather : lined, strongly stitched; special .....$1.48 Seal Grain Letter Cases Seal grain leather Letter Cases, leather lined, inside pocket ; regularly $1.25, special ..............,.........75e Seal .Letter Cases - Extra quality seal Letter Cases, full 'seal - lined, four pockets ; regularly $1.75, special $1.23 French Seal Card Cases . French seal Card Cases, leather lined ; regular price 90c, special...-. ....50 ft Pin Seal Card Cases Pin seal Card Cases, seal lined, slip pocket, securely' stitched; regular $1.25, special. . ........ . . ...... ,75t -Seal Card Cases Neat seal Card Case, seal lined, four pockets, strongly stitched; regularly $1.95, special $1.23 Men's Coin Purses . - -. Men's Coin Purses of pigskin, for gold and silver, strongly sewed ; apL.-.48f Squeezer Coin Purses Squeezer Coin - Purses, made of calf . skin, two pockets, stitched; spl. 25e Seal Grain Bill Rolls Seal grain Bill Rolls, leather lined, extra pockets; regularly 75e to $1.00, special . ..................... ;.&0f rPin Seal Bill Rolls l ..' Pin seal Bill Rolls, leather lfnedT stitched, extra com pocket attached ; special .75t Seal Bill Rolls 7 ; Extra fine seal Bill Rolls, with ' coin purse attached; extra pocket and se curely stitched; special...... .f 1.98 Alligator Coin Purses Alligator Coin Purses, with flap corer, extra well made; regularly $1.78. spe cial 91.00 Seal and Walrus Coin Purses "Seal and walrus " Coin " Purses, - with metal clasp, double pockets, card case; regularly 85c to $1; special. .,,..48 - Leather jCovered Flasks Leather covered Whiskey Flasks, with1 cap. top, extra quality; special. .. .73 Larger size Flasks, special...... 08 Real Pigskin Flasks . Real pigskin and alligator Flasks, cup tops; special......... ....f 1.23 (. Pin Seal Flasks 1 r , i ' Pin seal Flasks with drinking cup at-, tached, large size; special sale f 1.48 Morocco Playing Card Cases French Morocco Playing Card Cases, -jdth4Xtrjpacket giltedgL cards ; special ; ...................... oU? Seal Grain Playing Card Cases Fine seal grair Playing Card .Cases gilt cards, leather clasps; spl.. ...75t Morocco Memorandum Books Morocco leather bound Memorandum -Books; special at 25c and. ...... .35c Engagement Books Leatherette.' Engagement Books, with perforated pad for each day ; spl. 50e Leather Telephone Books " Genuine leather Telephone Books, in-, dexed and ruled; special....... .50 Leather Telephone Registers Genuine leather Telephone Registersr for office use ; special. ........ . .75e Out and In Hangers Out and In Hangers for office use; special . . . . . .... .... .. . ..,.25 - Morocco Cigarette Cases Cigarette Cases in French Morocco leather ; special 257 Calfskin Cigarette Cases , -Cigarette Cases -: in hand sewed calf skin; special ................... 38e Pebbled Goat Cigar Cases Pebbled goat Cigar Cases, telescope style ; special .........,...... $1.23 Real Seal Cigar Cases , Real seal Cigar Cases, telescope style, securely made; special. $1.48' Pocket Medicine Cases Pocket Medicine Caaesrwithfoar bottles, screw top; special 80s Pocket Medicine Cases Pocket Medicine Cases, pin seal, six bottles, screw. top; special.... $1.00 Perpetual Calendars ,1 Genuine Leather Perpetual Calendars, specially made ; special at 23c and 48e Large Perpetual Calendars Fine large desk-Perpetual Calendars, - extra well made; special,. .75f Leather Penwipers Fine leather-Penwipers, sterling too. chamois leaves ; special. ,35tV Set of Coat Hangers ' Leather case with set of Coat Hang-- ,ers, extra quality; special.. 65 Manicure Sets ; 1 7 I : Manicure Sets in leather xases, five pierce sets; special at 60c and. . .$1.00 Imported Trinket Boxes Pretty imported Trinket Boxes, with four compartments; special .25 Leather Stamp Cases Solid leather "Stamp .Cases desk; special at 25c and..... for the ,..50r THE LATEST FAD-OMEN'S INITIALJWATCH FOBS 4- Seal Leather Fobs . Seal leather Fobs, jwith gold-plated initial ; special 7... . .. ..I . .. . . .25 r Seal Leathre Fobs " : V , , Large seal leather Fobs, with largs initial; special 50 "Mark Cross" Monogram Fob : ' The swell "Mark Cross" 'monogram seal or pigskin Watch Fob, any mono gram; very special............ $1.00' Grain and Walrus Shopping Bags . 400. seal grain . and - walrus . Shopping Bags in gilt and gunmetal trimmings, in black, brown, green and blue ; regu larly $2.00; special. ...,.......$1.48, An' Elegant Assortment of Beautiful Beaded Bags and Special Prices. . Desk Pads Desk Pads for office use ; special, 65c . and .'.$1.00 Sole Leather Collar Cases ' Sole leather Collar Cases, drawstrng style, new and up to, date; - spec ial ...........75 Leather Work Boxes Solid leather Work Boxes, fully fitted, extra quality; special... ........ :.50c Seal, Work Boxes !- '. ' . Large seal Work Boxes, with-complete assorted outfit-j-speclalT. .$1.00 r Collapsible Drinking- Cups ' r Collapsible . Drinking Cups, in leather case ; special .50? Seal Traveling Cases ; , Seal Traveling- Cases, fitted : with- ebony combs, brush, toothbrush ; spec- . ial . .... ...... ... . .a . . . . .'. . . .$1.54J Pegmoid Suitcases ' 4 , Pegmoid leather. Suitcases, - heavy brass locks, bolts, inside, straps and leather corners; special........ $1.75 Imitation Alligator Suitcases 1 Imitation alligator -Suitcases, with in side straps, heavy lock and catches ; heavycorners ; special ...... . .$2.25 tferatol Leather Suitcases Keratol leather Suitcases, straps all around shirt-fold, heavy locks and catches; special...... '.CI.C3 Cowhide Leather Suitcases Cowhide leather Suitcases. strai'S t'l aronnd : ahtrt-fnld. hand-sewed. 1 locks and catches ; special ...... Tork elty. - " . -' , , '.TV,