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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON. SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,- SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11. ,1803. - r Si -J r ' a i . IP . GEIiEll SHAFTER . AT DEATH ' i5 U S DOOR ! 77 Jj Veteran ' Indian Fighter May ? tHave But a Few Hours to jTSayTflmysTclalTT-v 'A TAKEN SUDDENLY ILL t V ATTACKED BY PNEUMONIA ij too. Cold on Tuesday Which Rap 3 v W. DiPdJ Dangerous ; Syrop 1", toma Fever Arises and Patient ' Suffers Internal. Pains. , Bafcerafleld. .' Cat. Not, 10. At 11 o'clock tonight Dr. A. F. Shatter gave out the following: bulletin .concerning the condition t General Shafter: .' ! 'Arthls hour General Shafter'a con dltionMa Very grave. He baa- had a sinking apelt within the las two hours. General W. R. Shafter. jt,whloh haa left Aim very weak. Hie condition is auch that he mar live emly a few houre. - Temperature tt. t-. plraUon 40, pnlie SO.' v' 1 (Special DtapaMi by Leased Wlrs t The Journal) t , Bakersfleld.- Cat! Nof lftf i Major j, uenerai wuuam k. snaneiy wno waa i : taken very suddenly Ul Friday with, an 'attack of -acute -pneumonia ie reported t. , by the attending physician Dr. X. W. ? J comfortably today. ..,- . . . . t-" ' General .. Shafter passed ft restless I alcht and Buffered much pain.-- Phyal Y J eiana were at hie bedalde during the I J ntght and today. Dr. Thome and ft apeo . jlallat arrived from San-Francisco. Doo- I I tora A.- P. Shafter and T.- W. Mitchell t f of thla city are also attending General 1 Bhafter. ?-r ;','''.'' ' - The illness of the general Is du to . a severe- cold which was-taken on the ' preceding' Tuesday, when the general rode several miles TO" east his vote at the election He was confined ta-.tha house after this exposure ;and i Dr. drtioa and suffering from abdominal tialn whtclt At flrat arav rf MA to tha tinin,Ulfm tTiAt an attarlr nf annandl I eftls 'was- at band. .Tha fever- arose s with alarming rapidity and yesterday a V ' consultation of physicians was held and ' they at ones diagnosed tha case as acuta V 1 pneumonia. Tha following; bulletin was Issued late tonight: -.. - ': ' "General Shafter Is suffering from - acute pneumonia of about eo hours' du- - ration. Tbe patient withstood tha prl- mary shock Of examination fairly well - ' and la now resting easier. His condition ; is, however, yery critical, - and recovery is- doubtful. Pulse Tt, respiration ta, .-. i temperature 100." " ' It ta, , however, ' the Impression pre ' i vailing at' tha bedside of the famous ' ' soldier that the physlclana are fighting ' jan uphill battle. "JLL ' Mrs.' Addle4 tTpton, Mrs. B. Xi Sharp t st sin and Mrs. 'TabathU' Jones; well ' known Walls Walla, 'Washington,, wo men, are at tha Imperial hotel. TtlB Bia 8TORB WITH THB L.ITTL.13 PRICES - , STUNNING VALUES IN GUR. TEN See Window Exhibition CORNER aa-W'- n"y.a laaAiei avVs . wfc,. FAMOUS ASSISTANT UNITED STATES - - - .'ATTORNEY CHASED BY BULL Perched upca a 19-foot bank at Couch and Sixteenth streets, Jamea D. Cola, aaalatant United Statee district attorney, sought to appease the wrath of a mad brtndle steer" which waa pawing the air and tossing its head .In wild trans ports of rage. Why the steer waa mad at" Mr Cols tlie- latter dees net- tm but ha made no effort to interpose his body la the' path of the bellowing bovine In an effort t And out, as it daahed In hla direction. Pedeatrlana. who .wish to be conserva tive n relating the predicament In which the aaalatant dlatrlct attorney waa placed say that the- ateer. haa been 'terrorising the neighborhood for several days and Friday morning started on a road course down Sixteenth street. When it reached. Washington street the boys; of the fire station rushed out and scared the steer'so badly that It retraced Its course and made for the North End at ft speed that would make the old train, story of catching up with, "the same cow" seem real. Unmolested and without) paying the least attention to the people along tha atreet. Mr. Steer galloped frantically as far as Couch street Then he saw Mr. Cole. Without slackening ma apeea be. swerved from, his course sufficiently to strike Mr. Cole amidships. But the latter had no Intention of being wrecked and made a hurried ascent of the steep bank that lines the walk at the particular spot at which Mr. Steer hoped to put the (ega.1 light hors ds combat. Reaching tbe place of safety about oru;w LIES BESIDE HIS VICTIM'S BODY Remains: of Victor D'Anna Placed In Morgue With of Ben Gholso SLAYER'S PEOPLE ARE LEADINgr KENTUCKIANS Tonne Engineer Who Killed Stable- at Salem Was Victim of Un- nced 'Mind Cauaed by Pro tracted Spree, (flpeetal DkMteh te Tbe fenrssLI Salem,' Or- Nov. 10. Lying aide by aide In tbe morgue here today are the bodies of Victor K. D'Anna and hla vic tim, Ben Gholson, who waa murdered by the former this morning lor having be smirched, lils name by causing bia ar rest. . Hundreds - of morbidly curious people gathered In the undertaker's es tablishment to view - the remains of the murdered man and his slayer who' had committed aulclde after killing bis enemy. , - Friends of D'Anna, - who waa em ployed aa . assistant engineer for the Willamette Valley Traction . company. express the utmost surprise at the sen sational ending of hla life. D'Anna waa a member of one of the most promi nent and reepected families of Cexlng ton, Kentucky, and bad a good record. :'' '.I Spvea Xsded Ufe.' Recently be .took to drinking bearlly, and several days ago went on' a apree which finally resulted la bia death, for hla aoqvaintancea ana rnenas aver that the young man would never have com mitted hla double crime had he not been the victim of a hallucination of a mind unbalanced by drink. . ' D'Anna'a father has been notified of hla eon's death, and the body of the youth will be held at tha morgue here until Instructions are received aa to Ita disposal t 1 a- The funeral of Ben Gholson will bs held at o'olock Sunday afternoon from the home of hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed GholsOTv near Zens. Interment will be In Jennings cemetery In Polk county. No Inquest waa held over the bodies of the dead men. the coroner announo Ing that he believed an Investigation un necessary. -.. VbM Trust He's prepares to leave tbe classee' Te tbelr doom. For he seyt It is the isms ; . That W Suits Those s i DOLLAR . Slngls) Zb Double-Breasted Styles .:- , : " .-: Cravenettes $j ( ; Absolotely Waterproof JdAjl t 'i " --(..- - t ' )vercoiits Real Style and Quality rJU.HK Soma Stores Ask S 1 5 for Them; Others Even More CLOTHING' CO., MORRISON AND SECOND aa ev f. sixteenth of a second earlier than tha arrival of Mr. Steer at Mr. Cole's former position, the attorney knelt in the grass and with, the coasting words, "Boo, bossy, soo," threw bunches of grass In the hope of soothing the Injured feelings 'of the t. . have soms nice-sweet grass." -Mr. Steer only tossed hla pointed horna and nawed the ground. If he made any remarks they were certainly not compli mentary to Mr. Cole, for the expressions which he used-were In angry tones and oould not be called courteous. Just aa Mr. Cole was about to begin his plea for clemenoy which be has used. for the benefit of so many poor unfortunates who have been placed In distressing predicaments Mr.. Steer was called away by what some of the witnesses say waa undoubtedly a line eense of humor. For he suddenly left the kneeling attorney and made ft dash at a woman who was In ft position to be- rescued by ft policeman. Although the affair occurred ' Friday morning as Mr. Cole was going to his office he was unable to see the point of the Joke until yesterday. He said that kaanv did id X bist when a, boy back on "ine iarm .no aia not mind giving the bull a run around 10-acra 'field, but to be placed again a bank so steep and high that Itsaum mit could only te reached by t heirship route-'- waa giving tb beast- toomuch of a chance to win, out. He .threaten an In junction suit- to restrain- ar. divot -iruiu molding him hi the future." i . 'THE TRANSVAAL , .. . , ( Rebel Leader Ferreira Heads Re volt Against British, Forcing , Others to Join. ' ' J PROCLAIMS TIME IS AT , -HAND FOR REVOLUTION Great Uneaaineu Felt In Government Circle aa Africanders Hay Been Restless Ever . Since War Police and Troops in Pursuit. v.V (Special Cables by Hrit Ntwl Serrloe.) London, Nor.' 10.- The government is greatly disturbed 'by the reporte re ceived hero of a-threatened uprising In the Transvaal. While It la not ad mitted offlctally that tha movement Is more ' than' sporadic, the war -office Is keeping in cloae touch with the author ities in Capetown and It la said in weir-Informed circles that vigorous atepa have been planned to nip at the outset any attempt to set up a revolu tion. : -.' ;'- - - According to the latest advices re ceived from South- Africa, the present disturbance is headed by a Boer named Ferreira, who Is operating In the north-. western portion of the colony, where he has already achieved some small successes and where he la compelling the Boer farmers to take up arms and Join his forces. r Ferreira haa aent word broadcast, that a revolution la at hand and has called out- all Boer sym pathisers to arma at once. - Ferrelrh has been In German South west Africa and la little known. The first .heard of .his present movement was several days ago when he entered the Transvaal with a small band of armed followers, : He attacked a police camp In British territory and after wounding two of the police and driving the others away, he aelsed a quantity of arma. Since that time he has re ceived ft considerable reinforcement of men. -Mounted police have been sent In pursuit of him and troops may follow. .The evident nervousness of the Brit ish government Is due to the fact that for some time there have been rumors of Inoreaslng unrest among the Boers. Ever since the termination of the war farmers of the veldt have accepted the results sullenly and everyone in a po sition to watch the trend of events, haa been expecting ft revolt sooner or later. No one expected -It as early as this and there is ft general Impression 1 .'- v..- STREETS LINE What Sulphur Docs For the Human Body in Health and ; . ..v,..i--r DiteM. - - COST HOTXXJrO) to Tsvr. i The mention of sulphur- will recall to many of us ths early days . when -our mothers and grandmothers gave us our dally dose of sulphur end molasses ery. spring .and. fail. ,. , i , It waa the universal aprlng and fall "blood purifier, " toiilo and cure-all, and, mind you, this old-fashioned remedy was not without merit. The idea was good, but the remedy waa crude and unpalatable,' and' a large quantity had to-be taken , to get any effect,- , " i : Nowadays ' we get. all tha beneficial effects of sulphur In a palatable, con centrated form, so that single grain is far more effective than' a tablespoon ful of the crude sulphur. . In recent years research and experi ment have proven that tha. best sul pbur for medicinal use Is that obtained from Caloiunf (Calcium Sulphide), and sold in drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium, ,'Kafers.'- Yhey are small chocolate coatea pellets and eort trh the active medicinal principle Of u fe - uipnur in a nigniy concentrated, ef fective form. Few people- are aware of the value of this form - of sulphur in restoring and .maintaining bodily vigor, .and health it sulphur Acts - directly on the liver and Hi-ntAFT.nrnni and ourlfles and-enriches the blood by the prompt elimination of warts material. , Our- - grandmothers knew this when they dosed us with sulphur and mo lasses every .spring, and fall, but the crudity and Impurity, of ordinary flow ers of sulphur were often worse than ,the disease, .and cannot compare with the modern 'concentrated preparations of sulphur, of which' Stuart's Calcium Wafers is undoubtedly the best , and most widely used. They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troublea and core) con stipation and - purify the blood In a way that ' often aurprlses patient and physician alike. - -Dr. R. M. WUklnsN while experiment ing with .sulphur remedies, soon found that the aulphur from Calcium was su perior - to any other form. He says: "For llvey, kidney and blood troublea, especially when resulting from consti pation .or malaria, I have been sur prised at the' results obtained from Stuart's 'Calcium Wafers, ,; In patients suffering from bolls and pimples and even deep-seated carbuncles, I have repeatedly- seen tbem"; dry up and dls- appear In four-or fife flays. leaving the skin clear and smooth. Although Stu art's Calcium Wafers is a proprietary article and sold by druggists and for tnat reason tabooed by many physl clana,, yet I know of nothing so ssfe and reliable for constipation, liver and kidney troubles and especially In all forms-of skin diseases as this remedy. At any rate people who are tired of pills, cathartics and : so-called blood "purlflera"- will find In Stuart's Calcium Wafers, a . far safer, more palatable and effective) preparation. 4. -Send your name and address today f ora . free trial package - and see for yourself. .T, . F. A. Stuart Co., IT Stuart Bldg Marahall. Mich. that the present movement '! not well enough organised to jnake any great headway'' .'",'' j . - ' -Si -.4 EXDS HER LIFE. IN GRIEF . OVER- CHILD'S DEATH , v v - . f 4-' '.:' . -. ' -,- . -. ; ' Mother Arranges Shroud, Dis tributes Daughter's . Play 1 things and Inhales Gas, (Special DUpetcb by Leued Wire to Tbe Jonraal) New Tork. Nov. 10. After arranging the shroud she desired to be burled In, distributing among children ,the-dolls and playthings . her dead child had treasured,' Mrs. Emma Wallant, ST years old, committed suicide today at her home In Williamsburg, by , Inhaling gas. She was the wife of Peter Wallant, a wealthy business man and was aa happy as woman could be until two months ago, when her only child, -Lillian, 14 years bid, fell, down stairs and Injured her spine. While the child lingered In agony dur ing the four weeks before sbs died, Mrs. Wallant had the girl's room filled with dolls and playthings and called In ' the neighbor's children from time to time to cheer her. t When the child died a month ago Mrs. Wallant became a changed woman. She would sit for hours gaslng at the picture of her daughter. Her husband tried In vain to comfort her. Friday afternoon Mrs. Wallant gathered together the child's playthings and distributed them among Lillian's playmates, reserving only lew innxeta I or nerseif. MAYOR SCHMITZ STARTS ON HOMEWARD VOYAGE (Sperlsl Ptopttck by Lhm4 Wire te The Joeraal) Merlin, Nov, 10. Mayor ..Eugene Schmlts of Ban , Francisco, California, has suddenly decided to- cut short his tour of Europe snd is booked to sail to morrow for New Tork on the Hamburg- American liner steamer Patricia. This vessel left Hamburg today, but It is ex pected that Mayor Schmlts and his party will embark when the Patricia touches -Boulogne tomorrow. It was understood here that Mayor Bchmlts in tended visiting Vienna, and the differ ent capitals bsfore his return to San Francisco, but he has svldently decided to change his plans. He Is traveling now with considerably less ostentation than he waa making the tour of the English cities. v WINDJAMMER DRAGS t ANCHORS IN STORM (Spaeui Disputes e Tbe JoeraaL) ' Seattle, Nov. 10. During a strong gale that swept the West Sesttle shore last night the British four-masted bark ringnl. captain O'Nell. which arrived in Port at S:S0 O'clock In the evenlnr. dragged her anchors for half a mils with 120 fathoms of chain oat. The big windjammer was finally brought up -off uuwamisn nead, where her anchors held.-The Kin gal brings a cargo of china clay, paint and whiskey. ' ' Injured by rut John F. Kennedy of til Caruthers street was seriously injured at midnight In tha read of Anderson A- Johnson's saloon at Third and Taylor streets while suffering from an attack- of syn cope. Kennedy In falling to the floor struck his head against a washstani and sustained several ugly gashes on the face and head. - He waa taken tj police headquarters, hut was later ' re. moved to BU Vincent s hospital la the patrol wagon. , . .. . -1 .,--,. : .-. I "V Ton In both of the essential features of High- Quality and ! 5 , ' " - . " i i i il rir" This Rocker is upholstered in gen. uine leather .and only best oil tempered steel springs used in its construction. This .. is a $45.00 value. Special this week f 33.50 Morris Chairs Wa have Just received s new line of Morris Chairs In golden oak, westhered oak and mahogany. The one shown here is in quar tered oak fitted with vclour cush ions. Price .......l-.50 m& CHEMAVA EDUCATOR GORED BY TAME DEER Animal In Park Attacks Professor -Campbell and Inflicts , 7 Two Bad Wounds. (Special Dtipetra ' te The IouHmI.) ' fChemawa, Or Nov. 10. Testerday afternoon,-whlie- the- Bvangelieal - Sun day school were visiting the Chemawa deer park one of the male deer at tacked Assistant Superintendent W. P, Campbell, whe was obliged to call for help. Assistance came from all aides but lt required 10 men and boys to hold the animal so that the visiting party could get out-ofthe yard. Mr, Campbell Is In bed aa the result of the encounter, being cut In tha fore head and groin. ' Dr. Fanning, the school physician was called In and dressed the wound, and says that Mr. Campbell will be able to resume his duties In a day or two. tookmes Organising.. . -. (Special Dlepstca'te The - Jrarnl.) Canyon City, Or., Nov. 10. The stock men of Orant county are organising and committees bsve been appointed on pe titions and " by-laws and constitution. Humphreys' ScTcnty ScTcn Cures Grip and CHIN INTo. keep the chin in, means to keep it well drawn back. That -cause what, physi cal cnltufists call . "a lifted :hest," " This 'insures deep and full breathing and hence perfect., circulation. , I ry jcecping your chin in and see how your chest will stand out, and improve your bearing. J. .""7. Most Colds are ..caused - by checked, circulation; the use of "Seventy-seven"- starts the blood coursing; throug-h the veins and breaks up a Cold. At Drtirslets, eenti ft mallei!. -Heaparey's Hosms. MedMee te., Oor. lllaa sad oha tutets, fw Xerk , ; , aa ,- . I a 1 ' H 4 B ' . ' ' v .; V.-1-- r f E vt!r ' ' '-- .;' : j : 1 - -'- w ""Wa" L0S mi r tnnnlw vniir' want - Our fulFTstock Is iri and complete. The fur niture we sell Is the kind you will be proud of The", designs are new, elegant and in -' many cases exclusive with usThe work- i'., manship, is high-class J Vt vs4 a awamai 4 V1 a 4t1 I UVUValUaUaVa . OUU niece ' Dossesses source of - satisfaction to you and a credit to this store. . Heaters We are showing a big line of Heating Stoves, including - sir tights, base-burners, hot-blast, coal and wood combination and oil heaters. . Stoves - in every sise end style.- . . usgb mass "- Cut Prices on;Guaranteed Qualities Youare dealing with a reliable firm when you buy at V JOHN CELLAR'S; , Special cut prices. " T 7 Men's Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes, worth $15, $2d and $29, cut down to $7.50, $12.50 and $15. 7; Men's and Ladies Shoes, down to $1.50, $2 and $2.50. Men's Underwear, worth $1, $1.50 and $2, cut down to 50c, 75c and $1. ,:7" '"'' . , . Right up-to-date Hats .from $05 up to $2.50, worth double. ,. .-' , 'l '' ' JOHN DELLAR 181-183 FIRST ST., COR. ; THIRD ST A meeting will be held November 14 for. the purpose of completing the or ganisation, when the officers will bs elected. Ths stockmen of this aecUon fed thaj; something -should be done to protect their rights. , PRESIDENT IS HAVING GOOD OCEAN VOYAGE (Special Mapatrs by Vni Wire to Tbe loaraal) Washington. Nov. 10 wireless ai- patchea received here tell of the presi dent's first day on his way to Panama, All day Friday he kept tn fairly close communication with ths White House.- Everythlng, It seems, was going smoothly and pleaaantly aboard the Louisiana and calm weather waa en countered even around Cape Hatteraa, hlch waa passed at about noon yes terday. . - Henceforth Secretary Loeh expects but one message a day from the presi dent unless, something extraordinary turns up. Any matters requiring ine president's personal attsntlon, however, will be. aommunicated to him at once. Bulletlne-of the Important newa of each day will also bs sent regularly. In the navv department today it waa declared that the boilers' of tbe Louis iana were In perfect condition. ; COURT COMPELS MOTHER TO THRESH YOUNG THIEF . , ..... (Special Ptapatcb hf taaS JfWt te The Journal) -Evansvlll. Ind., Nov. 1.0. "I see you have strobe arm, lady, so take that boy below and give him a .floaalox." Fair we are, equipped Dressers New designs in mahogany,' birds- eye maple and golden oak. Above H cut is oi a urcsser we nave in gen. uins mahogany for '..f 58.50 Library Tables In every style and finish." Table exactly like cut, with - claw foot and full French, leg, in quarter sawed golden oak or ; mahogany finish, top 28x42 in. Price ? 18.00 worth $2.50, $3.50 and $4, cut j YAMHILL, AND 53-53 COR. DAVIS. N. aald Pollco Judge Wlnggey to Mrs. Irma Bmlth In police court here today. The woman's son, Casslus, 4ged 10, was charged with stealing 111 from hla mother, and ha entered ft plea of guilty The woman obeyed ths Instructions of tha eourt and sftsr tha lad had been made to take off his coat, shs adminis tered to htm nearly 100 lashes upon hla back. . The woman waa almost ex hausted when aha waa through with tha Job, ' . - - Pricy - s '. . . u MRS. MARGARET SUTTON DIES AT VANCOUVER Mrs. Margaret Sutton, wife of Paul Sutton and daughter of Mr. J. T. Ooss, died at the residence of her aister, Mrs. E. G. Crawford, in Vancouver, Wash ington, last Thursday atfer a brief 111 nees. She waa apparently eonvaleeolng and -ber death was sudden and unex pected. She waa a general favorite with, 'all who knew her and her death eama aa a great ahock to relatives and friends. The funeral will be held from . the reaidenoe of Hon. E. Q. Crawford st 1:10 p. m, today. 'Rev. Thomas E. Elliott of the M. E church will conduct the services Provided Ton Bemembe Anything. - Chicago Tribune. 1 "Paw, when there's a big banquet why do they always have spoiled cheese to wind U up wlthr , , , , . "Because, my aon. it makes you for. get the earlier courses.": - ". Walter Lyon, a well-known newspaper man of Albany. Is at th Imnertel hfctal. a r .'t' Y