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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11. 1803. , IJeT7ebt IflcdolD ,Ko(sS;o(DcDirseii; High Grade Long Gloves Just received, makes our showing a truly wonderful 3 one. Our prices will be found far below what too would expect to pay when you consider the scarcity of leathers. 12-Button Length Kid Gloves, in colors blue, black. A complete showing in all, the late models. White, green and red: made of the best quality lamb- skin; eacn pair T swat-values at fitted and guaranteed; un Every-pait-guaranteedOur-expcrt salesladies T: . re r. r . T-.-.-n JJJ can tell. at a glance just the proper model suited for each different figure. v 1 - . Styles 379 and $39 Models for those inclined to be stout These styles give the much desired cir- Women's All -Wool Hibbcd or Cashmere , . " Stockings ' A Mid-Season Sale of the better qualities 300 dosen 50c and 63c Wr grades tomorrow. . :.. , .OOw An unusual event right in. the midst of -the telling season. All-Wool Ribbed Stocking! for Women, in fine lxtor heavy 2x1 ribs, Very-elastic and made with gray, merino, heel .and toes; also a large Quantity of Im ported Wool Cashmere; Stockings, fall regular made, made with elastic welt and double soles. These retail every day in the week at 50c and 65c, respectively. We offer them as a M onday leader for one day only IJ- 16-Button Length Kid Cloves, in black only, all sices; other stores ask $4.50 for same quality; our je special price .................:...... I V a-Button Length Kid Gloves, in black, green snd blue; the best values in the city at the following s7 Pft low price; all sizes, at.....,,......,. .OU 2-Clasp Kid Gloves, in black and all the leading colors; these gloves were, bought before the great advance in leather, which enables us to sell them at g (in our regular price ,.,...............,.........HIVU coxcst r cular hip effect. They are made of coutille and nave hose supporters; colors orao ana , qj j white; ..... M" 2'Clasp'Kid Gloves, in black, brown, navy, red, mode, tan. gray snd $1.50 at, -the pair i - uw K green; these perfect-fitting and nlce-sppearing glove; our price... mm I u Winter 38 rm ;omoFirow Monday seldom brings a' more liberal list of Bargain Offerings to gladden uie purse and pocket of thrifty shoppers than this page offers you. They're ' representative of most substantial and generous savings. . Economies that'll prove' most helpful to the family financier. No strings tied to them either in the shape of shopworn or unseasonable goods. They are all Sresh, new and up-to-ll-ZI-lr'"""- Mate. . Monday is - a day bf-bargainV all through the store. " Every department has something to offer; Come in and you will see what we mean very plainly. - , Three Specials in Woolen Dress Goods For" Monday and Tuesday Better' values cannot be found in any other . Portland store. , LANSDOWNE 91.25 Ourstock of Lansdowne is now complete : full range of evening shades as well as the staple colors, also black and . cream. This is William F."" Read's Celebrated' goods, warranted silk, and wool, fast colors. Our price, ; per yard . . . ......... . . .81.25 V GRAY SHADOW PLAIDS 75e All the season's new. gray Shadow riaids," 48 " inches wide, warranted . : all wool, endless assortment of pat- . terns in pretty plaid and checked designs Choice, per yard, .Mon-, day and Tuesday .........'..75 NEW OMBRE PLAIDS 31.25 Just .'received a new line of the pop- : ular ombre plaids,, large variety of patterns, made from finest selected yarns colors, blue, brown,' gray f and . green regular $1.50 " value "7 Monday and Tuesday . . . . . .81.25 . Blaok Taffeta Silks ; For Monday and. Tuesday we' will .goffer an excellent line of black t a f- ' feta silks, 38 inches, wide, war ranted pure silk, spotless dyes,' rich ;and lustrous? at special money - ' - saying- prices,-' as follows : f r Regularise quality 36 incies widel " Special, per yard .......... 1 . 75 ', m Regular $1.25 , quality, 3ft inches ', wide, .Special, per yard ,.... 05 i - Regular - $1.65 quality,' 36 inches : ", wide. Special, per yard V. .81.25 ' Flowered Silks '. ' ' PRINTED . JAP. SILKS 21-inch '-. Jap Silk in pretty designsrsuitable" ' for fancy waists or scarfs. Price, . Monday and Tuesday yard. ; .50c PRINTED HABUTAI SILKS 24 inches : wide, large variety of . floral designs, rich colorings, fast. ' colors,' '. suitable for ' waists, scarfs, y evening gownsi ' Price, yard . . 65 ' POMPADOUR CREPE D E CHENES Beautiful line-of Pom padour Crepe ' de" Chene, .'pretty , floral designs : in pink,- light blue, lavender, etc. .Sold everywhere at . $l.po, our price .....75 , Buy Where You Can Get the Best for Your Money It'a not always safe to rely on what you read in the advertisements. Use your own eyes and judgment as to where you can get. the best goods for the least money. Don't take anybody's word for it, but see for yourself. If you investigate, then it's safe to say that Roberts Bros, will be the place you will choose your reardy-to-wear garments. IIP Headquarters for Girls' and : Children's Coats Chic, stylish, up-to-date . models in all correct colors, sorts that girls like values that mothers will - appre- ... ciate,;;..::..!....;, CHILDREN'S COATS in Astrachan, crushed plush, bearskin and fancy mix-; tures, plain and white col ors, -age 1 ' to 6 years at 2.00, 83.50, 84.50, 5.50 and 86.50. GIRLS' COATS AT 84.50 Several different,, styles ; of ; good winter., coats, . in plain ' cheviots; mixtures and plaids, sizes 6 to 14 years. s GIRLS' COATS AT 86 JSO-lThese are all new winter styles in' novelty cloakings, checks, mixtures, plaids and plain kerseys, meltons and' cheviots; trimmed with fancy braids and velvets ge 6 to 14 years. ,. ; . " High Grade Coats at 016.50 . 018.50 and $25.00 The smartest - coats of the season at these price; they are 50' and 62 inches long, semi fitting and loose back,1 in fine broadcloths and kerseys.; some are plain tailored, others are braid trimmed, all are satin lined throughout ; ' also handsome Scotch woolens in gray, green and : brown " plaids and mixtures. All are tailored and finished in the best possible man ner. : '!.- :-. '.' - .. Skirtwiiists, Attractive Styles Our Shirtwaist stock is larger and more at tractive than ever every good production of ' the season can be had here at very low prices: We will offer this week a verytlarge line of. Silk Waists, of plain taffeta silk in black and all the most desirable -colors ; also handsome - Elaid Silk Waists in a large range of colors." pecial values for this $5 00 y Extraordinary Values in ; Women's Coats COAT AT S7.50v--Here is the bargain of. the season. About 50 in this lot and no more to be ' had. 1 They . are 50-inchx utility coats of Scotch mixtures and plaids, ' with velvet' and braid trimming; splendid coats both in appear ance and material; choice $750 COATS AT. $12.50 50-inch "loose-fitting coats in the much wanted and very desirable Scotch woolens, in mixtures, checks and plaids ; these are positively the biggest bargains in Portland; our special ' ' C19 Rft price. V; ............. .... . . . .... 1 .UU COATS AT si5.0O Tea different styles of brand new winter coats, made to our special order both in style and materials ; they come in fine .broadcloths - and kerseys, medium and dark mixtures, swell, dark plaids and "checks, some are yoke lined, others are satin lined throughout the finest lot of C C AA coats we ever had for price, only. . . $ 1 U.UU ",.-: - .-if 1 '. .. . Stylish Fall Suits at Special v Prices ' -A' '' SUITS AT 816.50 The newest Fall" Suits in the most approved styles, irf plain cheviots; fancy mixtures and plaid worsteds all the coats are satin lined the skirts are the new est pieated, models. , ' SUITS AT 818.50 Military blouse and hip length Jackets in broadcloths and' men's mix tures black and all the .prevailing colors. These suits are exceptionally high-grade gar ments. . -pr- '-; L-- - SUITS AT 825.00-These. suits , are Eton, pony, pequin and blouse styles; also the new est long coat models.. All are finely tailored, some trimmed ? military style, others, with pretty braids. . " . SUITS AT 815.00 - AND 812.50 Great many styles to select from in plain serge and fancy cheviots plain black, navy and brown and pretty mixtures. Styles are as desirable as the i higher, price garments. . Children's Dresses Special Values See our new line of Children's Winter Dresses they represent the Outcome of our desire to show new ideas, possessing quality and individuality, at a moderate cost. , When you note the stylish appear ance and pretty , materials you will agree we have ac complished our purpose priced at 50 ' 75, 81, fol....:,r.i4.50 Women's and Hisses' Shirts We are now showing the largest and best line of popular price Walking Skirts ever displayed in Portland, ranging in price from $2.50 to $10.80.- Our special this week is 50 skirts in fancy mixtures and plaids, made in the latest pleat model women's skirts at ; G O C A " 83.50 misses skirts .............. FURS of All Kinds and : -: Qualities ; " Fine Coney Scarfs at 81.90," 82.50,: 83.50.: Jap Mink Scarfs at 82.50, 83.50, 84.50 and 86.50. ' ; Opossum Scarfs at 82.50 83.50, 84.50 and up to 812.50. : ; ; Real Mink and Fox Scarfs ' from f 5.00 hp to 825. If ST m Thanksgiving Linens A purchaM of considerable intcrMt at thii time, for Thanksgiving U near at hand and Christmas is but littls farther off; and these fine Table Linens, Doi ' lies, Lunch Clothe, Traj Cloths, etc, ' will be appreciated, either on your own : table or that of some one else. Oar Success Has Come Through , the Quality of Our Linens. 50e a Yard for Bleached Linen Dam- - ask, 70 inches wide, pretty line of pat- -, terns, unusual value at this price. . .: flOf a Yard for Bleached Linen Dam- ask, 60 inches wide, warranted all linen. ( unusual value at this price. , Linen Doilies and Centerpieces. . All sizes in nest round - scalloped Lines . Doilies and Centerpieces, on sale Mon day and Tuesday at attractive prices 6-inch size; specially priced at....lOe -12-inch size; specially priced at....Oe 18-inch size; specially priced at....4ff 24-inch size; specially priced at....04 36-inch aize; specially priced at..l snd Lunch Cloths. - A splendid showing of new All-Linen Tea and Lunch Cloths, pretty patterns, in damask, at special prices for Mon day and Tuesday "Size 36x36 in.; special r--- ' ' - prices $1.75 dews to T8 Size 45x45 in.; special E rices f 2.TS down to ize 54x54 in.; special price....$aajO '. Tray Cloths. ' An unsurpassed assortment of fresh All-' ' Linen Tray Goths, well made and neatly. '. hemstitched .Size 18x23 in.; specially priced at, - e&ch , . . . . . . . . . ..... .8Se Size 18x27 in.; specially priced at, , each . . . , Size 20x30, in.; specially priced at, each . . 4 ...0e ize 20x30 In.; specially priced at, ' each . . . T5d Size 20x30 in.; specially priced at, each i , Hemstitched Damask Seta. ' A special lot of All-Linen Damask Sets, . well made, neatly hemstitched. Table Cloth snd one dozen- Napkins, at attract : 'ire prices . Size 8x8; specially priced at, per set r -.-.- .............6.IM . Size 8x10; specially priced at, per set . . ,.T.5w . Size 8x12; specially priced at, per set . . . ..8.5 Hemstitched Damask Napkins, r A complete stock of Hemstitched All Linen NPkins. 11 sizes; prices ranginr jn. price from...f.T5 down to 1.85 Bleached linen Table . Cloths. 7 ' Assdrtrnentofpretry de'sijrns in Bleached Linen Table Cloths, bordered all around. 8-4 size; special price for Monday and -Tuesday, each SlJMS ; UTILE PRICED NOTIONS For Monday and Tuesday Selling at Our Busy Notion Counter. . Women's Supporters With large abdoninal pad, 4 straps, all col ors, black and white ...25 '' Chinese Ironing Wax Neat little ball wax with handle; special price Monday ,t .If Hooks and Eyes Adamantine Hooks and Byes, black and white. rall sizes; special price, card ;....7.F....."...J..........T........1' Fancy Toilet Soap Three cakes in box, regular 15c quality; spe cial Monday, per box 10e Children's Hose Supporters Lisle elastic, Velvet . grip, ' pin-on style; special Monday, pair ........7e Dress Shields Washable Double Covered Dress Shields, sizes 2 snd 3; special, per pair ;.:.9f Elastic Belts Women's Elastic Belts, in steel and beaded effects, : 50c values; special Monday ..39 - Hollisters WelUCnown Foot Bath Per bottle. r..T, rr-.25v Men ; a 1 A artimeiit attractive This department always has something especially to offer,' both as to price and value. vA"compafiS6h of the value givtn with those shown elsewhere will convince you of the economy of buying here. v. , ; -MenV Underwear Men's Fine Wool. Underwear, in flat and ribbed, also Dr. Wright's Famous Sanitary . Garments; on sale Gt Aft Monday trSd Tuesday at....T:-r.-Tni.....:...........)I.Ull AustraUan Wool Underwear 72c Men's Plaited Wool Ribbed Underwear, in mixed gray color, all sizes, extra v air -T)n ues, regular price $1.25; oh sale Monday at........... L Wool and Kid Dress Gloves All-Wool vCloves Men's Fine All-Wool Cloves,.in plain black and colors; also a large variety of fancy col- ors; 35c quality . . . ...... .i .;.. . ...:...a0C Australian Wool Gloves Men's Fine Australian Wool Wor sted Gloves, the famous Lamb Knit brand, in plain and fancy colors, sold at most places for 75c; our leader A 50 Fownes and Meyers Famous Makes of Kid Dress Gloves Ip Cape kid, French kid or mochas, grays, tans and Cft gunmetals, $1.75 and $2.00 values; special $ldU Rosebery Kid Dress Gloves Made from heavy stock lamb skin, in tans, reds and browns. $1.25 Values; spe-, J QQ Women's Knit Underwear 73c Per Garment - A Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sale of the Better Qualities 300 dozen values from $1.00 to $1.75" on sale tomorrow aC garment. ...'.........73f Just arrived, the entire surplus stock of a prominent manufacturer, bought at s fraction of the regular prices High-Grade Underwear of the Better Qualities 50 dosen All-Wool Ribbed Vests and Pants for Women, "Forest Mills" $1.25 grade hand-trimmed silk-finished garments, non-shrinking; 30 dozen Silk-fcTtxed Vests and Pants,-' a splendid winter weight, best Sl.50 grade; 80 dozen Natural Flat Wool Underwear, all sizes, best $100 grade; 100 dozen Swiss Ribbed Two-Thread Worsted Vests snd Pants, in white or natural color, best $1.25 quality; 50 dozen extra-quatity Wool Cashmere Vests and Pants, in white. or gray, soft warm gar ments, guaranteed non-shrinking; 50 dozen Aff-Wool Camelshair Vests and Pants, best $1.25 grade. Tomorrow at, each, your choice of the entire lot 73c Women's Neckwear Our .past sales of Neckwear .have left ; W, with several broken lots, from twb to three dozen each, con sisting of collar and cuff sets, turn overs, lace, silk and linen stocks; regular prices 20c, 25c, 35c 1 Cp and 50c, special Monday I JL ' Ribbon Special In order to clean up odd lines' of fancy Ribbon, we will offer for Mon day's seHing a special assortment of fancies,' from 2 to 4 inches wide, pretty designs and colors ; our reg ular 35c values, special Mon- day, per yard 1 1 JL Attractive Bargains in the Busy Aisle Our patrons will always find in this aisle bargains that defy competition. The following items are on special sale for Mondayv and Tuesday- Women's 'Kerchiefs We have secured an endless assort' ment of sample handkerchiefs, some slightly soiled from handling. They arc all linen, ..some plain, others fancy embroidered regular 20c and 25c qualities, special l)ln It Is Worth While to Study ; What We Say About Extra Widths and Sizes in Shoes Monday and Tuesday, each. Embroidery News Here is practically an endless assort ment of dainty, Embroideries in Swiss, cambric and nainsook, at low est possible price; a handsome lot of corset cover embroidery with beading, flouncing embroidery with bands to match, wide band inser tion for waists; regular 50c, 65c and 75cJ values, for Monday; per yd- .LdC v I I IV v Owing to the extra number of widths we con-' itantly carry over other merchants, it enables us to fit your feet better than' anyone elae and don't you know in reality that fit should be your main thought in selecting a pair of shoes. So far as leathers are concerned you are running no risk when you trade with a reputable house, the risk is entirely in the fit. 'If not' correctly fitted you will only get about half the wear you are entitled to and right here is where our expe perience and extra widths come into play. We give you the perfect fit, which adds 50 per cent to the wear. 't -v , We've 33 lines of women's Shoes, in widths from : AAA to E in every one of the good leathers and all the latest styles and ; lasts and everyone pi the styles is. hand. made; the price is Crt moderate; $3.00 and....POeOVI v We are having one of the big gest sales irj shoes we have held in a gooa many momns; wie prices war are offering the shoes : at is the 'lowest. You ought to look into jt. Women's $2.50 Shoes at ......91.50 Men's $3.00 Shoes' at fl.00 ' Boys' .$2.25 Shoes at ..91.40 Girls $1.75 'Shoes at ....OO Children's $1.25 Shoes at ,..C Children's $1.00 Shne at . -, r n av -