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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY ? JOURNAL. PORTI AND. SUNDAY MORNINO. NOVEMBERX 11, 1803. IS .$ . 1 t" ... i ; V ' .1 EastSideBusiness Property - EasLMorrisoa. Street " If you want East Morrison at property, . ua W nav It. , ' East Everett Street ... $0100 and two houses 8. K-.f- ,ta ' . . and Bverett ata . Price $1.000.. ( . "East Burnside Street- .8o that fin business corner on th 8. W. eor. B. 1th en K. Burnsld st; " baa a. frontag 71 feet on BY Ith and ' , m feet ea JC Burnalda at , Tba prlc ; and term will suit you. i t . East Ankeny Street : 100x100 on the N. W. cor. Ith nod Ankeny at, oppoalt th telephon. . 1 eompany'a east building. Prlc $11, too. ,W can maka term. , . , V ". . - ' East Ankeny Street 45x100 and an l-room httus en K. An keny t, between - E. (th and X. Tth ' ata Thla property corner on a 10-. ' foot alley.' - Price . $4,000.' If .you want a anap aee thla. Good Income - $0x100 and two house on the, 8. W. eor. Tth and K. Pine ata. Rente for $71 per month., Price $7,000. ' Terma $1,100 down," balance io ault it I per . J cent Intereat ". ' s ,. . East. Seventh Street 10x100 on the weat aide of B. Tth it, "r"'. between Couch - and K. '"-" Davit ata. Prlo $1,000. Renta $1$. . 3 : ; East Yamhill Street , 100x100 and two houses on the N. W. cor. Tarn hi 11 and E. Tth ata. Price $S.$00. Terma, 11.000 down, balano .. ' at per cent Interest .. .; - East Belmont Street - 1(0x100 and houaes on the 8. W. eor.. - 8th and Belmont ata. Price $11,000. A Holladay Avenue 100xTH on Holladay-are., and Larra , bee at Frontage of 100 feet on Hoi- . laday are. and 7H feet on fcarrabe at. Price $21,600. Terma. Rents ' .' $111 per month. , ; East Everett Street 100x100 and 4 houses 8.' E. eor. E. th and E. Everett ata., Price $10,100. Terma.. . 1 7'V-" r East Sixth Street ' r 10x109 on E. (th at, between E. XToaeH ' r" '. . and E. Davis ata. ' Prlo $1,100. Terma. v :v , Union. Avenue 100x100 8. W. cor. Union ava and XL Cotfch at Price f 11.000. , Terma, , . - Union Avenue (0x100 on Union ave between E. Burn- aide end E. Couch ata. Adjoins the Burkhard building. Price $7,000. Grand Avenue ; 100x100 on th S. E. oor. rOand are. and E. Aah at. Price $1(,(00. East Couch Street , (0x100 en the N. W, eor. Tth and B. Couch at. A fine flat property. -Price . -; $3,1(0. Terms $800 down, balance In , i ; West Side Office T104 Second 'Strict Limber EicaV lldf.. PhoatMili MM !1 & om Wistd arid East S lUst Side Office 1 3? x-asi JDumsiac Phono East 159 ' Fourth and Salmon Streets 100x100 on th N. B. cor. 4th aad Sal-.,' , mon St. . Thla ia a. fin' property and -: . has good, future. Let ua quote you . th prlo and terms. - , Yamhill Street x We'hav 100x100 on TamhlH at, clos In. Be ua about It, f- . y. ; r i'.-''-.-: Grant Street . v (0x100 With one nine-room house and -en Tn-roora bouse; they are atrlct . . . Jy' modern. ,. Can arrange to . sell aep ' 1 arat,' Look at them; they ar on the ' 8. ,vr..5or. (th and Grant ste. Price ' " $10,(00. ; Terma.',, -: . 1; . ., ; Sixth Street Lot (0x1 Oo and a 1 l-room houae on the weat aid of (th at, between Mont ' gomery and .' Harrison ata. ' Renting 'for $1K per month, Prlo $11,(00. '; Hood Street . lOOxlOOand (-room house. No. S7 Hood St., between Pennoyer and Gaines ata. A Prlc $J.(00..: Terma.;-:zi. .. ; . Arthur Street 15x100 and two good house W ind and ..Arthur ata. -Renta $S per month, Prlc $1.(00. Terma, $1,000 dawn. ' " balance in one, two, three year at ( per cent Intereat ' ' ,'' East Side Investments-Homes East Burnside Street 7; (0x100 and (-room, modern house on '. : the north aid of E. Burnside at., be- - tween 0th and Slat ata. Prlc $$,$40. Furnace, and cement, baaement - East Burnside Street" - Lot (0x100 and a (-room house ea th . north aid of E. Burnsld at. near K. (0th at Price $$.000. Can make easy terma. " ' '.' East Burnside Street ' X neat (-room cottage and a lot 45x74 . en the 8. W. oor. Goodaell are. and B. Burnsld at Prlo $1,440. Terma $(00 caah, balance on easy monthly .payments at ( per cent-.-: : .East Thirtieth Street (0x100 and a modern (-room house on E. 10th, between Burnsld and E. Ankenr 'ta. Prlc $1.1(0. Terma $600 down, balance on eaay monthly payment at ( per cent : r East Ash Street 44x71 and a neat cottag on Eaat Aah - . at, near E. S&tfe-et- Renta for (1( per month. Prlo $1,850. Terms $600. down, balance on eaay monthly- pay manta at $ per cent . v ; Irvington ' "YOzlOO nd an (-room house. No. 4(( B. 11th st north. Price $$,(00. Terma to ault "purchaser, - - , . ' Monroe Street ' (0x100 and a T-room houae with all lm provementa, furnace; rro, (10 Monro . ! at, between Williams and Rodney ar. ( Price $4,100. - East Ankeny Street 100x100 and l-room house on the N. H cor.- 11th and E. Ankeny sta. Price ((,000. Terma. East Ash Street . 15x100 and a T-room bouse on the south aid of E. Ash st, between E. 16th and E. 14rh st. Pries $1.(00. W eu mak terma. ; " East Pine Street 45x100 and a t-room house on the north side of B Pine at, between SL (th and V E. f th eta. . Rents for (10 per month. . , Prlo $1,((0. Terma. . East Sixteenth Street ' (0x60 and a modern (-room houae with - . furnace oa th N. W. oor. E. Couch . and 14th ata. Prlo $M0. Terms. ;.-..can b arranged. :' r '.il.;i' . Oregon Street Lot (0x100 and an (-room houae "N. W. cor. 15 th and Oregon sta. Prlc 1 $$,000. Terms $(00 down, balano oa ' eaay monthly payments. Intereat at I per cent - East Pine Street .' (0x50 and large (-room houae on th 8. E. cor. 14th and E. Pin eta. Prlc $1,(00. . Term ((00 down, balano on easy monthly payments. , :L East Burnside Street- (0x100 and an (-room house south aid of E. Burnside at, between find and 14th - ata. , A beautiful home. Prlc $5,000. Tarma t ault purohaaer. . , r . East Pine Street - (0x50 and a T-room house on th N. W. . cor. Kth and B. Pin ata.. Prlo $1,450. Terms $1.100 . down, balano at ( per cnt Interest' . East Stark Street : . (0x100 and a (-room house on th north aide of E. Stark at. between E. llth . r and Ev 18th. Prlc $1,(00. Terma . , Duflding Lots Weidler Street 100x100 oa th 8. B. eor. 11th and Weld . , lr at. Prlo $1,160. ; . Clackamas Street $0x100 oa Clackamas at, between lth - and loth ata Cement walka. Prlo . 11.100. . :",; .:;;,' East Stark Street 100x100 on th 8. W, cor. llth and B. . Stark at Prlo $f,$00. ,. East Ash Street 10x100 on ft E. eor. Kth and E. Ash ata-. Prlo $1,100.' Term $500 down, bal : ano In t years at per cent Interest , East Ash Street 4 loU (0x100 oh south aid of B. Ash at, between H. Kth and B. Kth ata. - Prlo $(00 ach. Terms (400 down, balano la an or two year at ( per sent . . - - . . East Ash Street - ' 44x100 en the north aide of B. Aah at. . near Kth. Prlc $660. Terma -7 : East Ash Street" , Lot (0x10 en th north aid of B. Aah r -at, between B. 11th and B. Kth at Prlo (1.(60. Term t( pr cnt V- - East Burnside Street " 10x100 on East Burnsld at, between B. ' ITth and B, Kth ata All lmprore ' menta In. . Cement walks. Prlo 1,(00. Terma at per cent , , East Burnside Street 100x1(0 on th, N. B. eor. B. Burnside ' and 17th ata., Price $4,000. Terma, , FIRE, INSURANCE, 1M Real Instate and Finarteial Agents 04-Second St lrassi-") Phone Main 1436 392 Bast Burnside St. PhoneXast 159 .v . , :. j .- T - Cheap Lpts; See th lot -wm are Belling on "" Oregon Holladay Ave. u Pacific Hultnomah ClacRamas Wasco Halscy ir Broadvay Weidler .Schuyler and TillamooK Streets At $500.00 Lach on Lasy 7 Monthly Fayments - 22 acres on the north side of jthe -,; Bate Line road, 600 feet west ' . of the new line of the O. W. P. : " Kailway .Co. One mile west H of - Merrill's roadhouse. Price T $2,000. Running water on this r property. , . - , Price 300 acres at Mount Scott . $125 per acre." ' Warehouse Prop erty For warehouse sites on East Mor rison, East Yamhill, East Tay lor, East Salmon, East Main and East Madison sts. See us. - We have it We have located all the others. Let us locate you. Prices are right and terma '."easy. ' . rp Manufacturing Block 200x200,- bounded by East Sixth and East Seventh, East Ever ett and East Flanders sts. Price $15,000. Terms, $5,000 down, balance at 6 per cent to suit .., purchaser. ; . r j - River Front If you want river frontage be- tween the bridges, see Us. OPPORTUNITIES ' OF THE- NOW-TIME S3S0O House and ( lots. Mount Tabor i slope. Thla la a ' well-arranged and - comfortable -home for a family; plenty of room for garden and for domeatlo fowls and animals; near school and two car lines. Desirable In every way. Liberal terms on deferred payments; (1.000 down. Until November Monly. Home close buys. SSOO Two lots, on Mount Soott line. In Laurelwood. east front, each lot 40s 100, some building, coat $100, will do for barn and-chicken-house; small fruit, berries, etc.; terma Every thing around la sold and prlcea much advanced. X MMTM another good lot on Kerby at. - for $00 that I high and commands a . - never-to-be-lnterrupted view of the . d" nd mountains . to the w cat Term can be arranged. XX Z.OTS In Oem Addition. Make an offer o them. Best and highest land on th peninsula Sure of Increase. 8700 One acre in Esaex Park, Mount : Scott line, fenced with good wire atock -, fencing. Only acre for sale at a low' . prlc in the neighborhood. .' West Side XOOxlOO Gillian, suitable for flats . (K.000. S 10,600 Flats, new, Kth street SK.OOO tOxlOO, Flandera taBOO 10 rooms, Northrop street, lot (0x100. . 'X WAY many, good opportunities for home-buying on both sides of the w river. . A. C. GAGE SV Sherloek Bldg-. Cor. Third and Oak. noa raolno 843. If You Want om very desirable prperty on Portland Heights Suitable for plattinc. we have it. & is rbout factory aitea in South Port. 1-1 nd. You can never buy cheaper t'trn now. Tell us of your wants tnU we. will endeavor to supply them. ONLY $19,500 For the best quarter block on Thir teenlh street, tight on terminal track. You can't duplicate it (or the money .. i.t . McCusRcr-Kcady Investment Company 307 rsijlrj : BUi" Phone Main 1254 Portland Heights ) UNRESERVED CHOICE - OF" GREENWAY LOTS. FOR $500 We have been authorised by the Portland Heights Improvement Co. to offer any of their lots for the next TEN DAYS ONLY. FOR 50O, nd even at this price we can make terms. - This does not 'mean one or two lots, but that you can come In and pick out the lot that suits you, regardless of the price, for the next ten days for only $500. Bull Run Water Electric , Lights On the Car Line. HP; Palmer! 222 Failing Building. Main S661. Only $275 and Up For fine building lots on 44th, 49th and 46th sts., just south of Hawthorne ave.; city " water, graded streets, and the best car service on the east side. Haw thorne ave. is to be macadamized BooncIf. you . are looking for an ' INVESTMENT it will be hard to beat this. ' TERMS AS YOU LIKE Monthly, semi-yearly or .yearly. Will loan you money' to . build. n. E. LEE Room 20 Raleigh' Bldg 323 Washington St. . Phonos T"' Pacific 59. , Bollarn, Gross? & Higley 128 Third Street - 200 I-ots in Myrtl Park, ea Mt. " Scott line; eaay . payments. 350 Full lots. Eaat Portland Heights: $2S cash, bal. $10 . per month. 9 - 40O Lot: tOxlvO, Eaat Main, at,; $60 cash, $10 per month. 9 650 Lot SOxlOO, S3d and Clinton; very cheap. 9 . 800 5-roora eottas. South Port : land; welkins; distance; snap. 91,00O B-room - cottag-e. South Port land; easy paymenta 91,200 Jots and 4-room house, Uni versity Park rood buy. , 91,400 100x100: nice quarter block, jsth and Ivon at; hurry.. 91,500 100x100, cor., g-ood .new $- room nouae, noaern, , tooo : stock. $)1,600 S room. 4 2d and Haw mome; iuv caan, oai. easy terma 91,650 Brand new t-room cottage; attic, lot ooxizt, u xam hin St.: $300 cash, baL $10 "per month.- ..-,-91,900 New (-room eottase, Oanten . belli ave. and Mason St.; 1U hoas,. $4 . welkins st, near distance; house at caah; baL 92,300 t-room Meade; cheap, 92,350 S-room modern Highland; $1,000 terma. 92,500 4 block, aw. corner Eaat 14 th and Hancock sts., Hol laday'a. 94,500 houses and 4 flats; Income .10 per cent: easy payments. . 95,500 Fine T-room house, 100x100, on Tillamook St., near Steel V 1' bridge. , " - .n, i Bollam, ! Grussi & Higley , . . ' US TXXBD mt. ', 18th. nr.( Tillamook, fine buy IRVIN(jTON 9T40 50x100. 91.60O 7SX100 (choice). v $2,400100x100. , - 2. TOO 100x100. 3.200 rooms, Tth, near Weidler. 3,7r0 rooms, S4.20O-s rooms 4.500 rooms, -Weidler, 4.800 T rrooma'- Multnomah. 5.800 rooms. tl Broadway. 0.500 rine home, 100x100. e.eOO T$ Hancock. T T.ROO TOO Hancock, eomer list. . . T,TOO $ room st corner 81st. T,80O$ rooms, list and Tillamook. ' AMD OTaTXM. Albee-Benham Company afaia BOOeV,' Oeaeerd BoUdiag, nust Be Sold A new l-room house, with all the mod ern conveniences, choir location. East 27th at. on block to Eaat Ankeny. car llne-tl.OOO canh. bo lane on time. V 8CUM1U, 10$ Urandav, eaat aide, riKxzxzzs: H IMT. SCOTT BARGAINS Better atop rent by taking advantag of. on ef these bargalna 9950 Net4-rora cotUg and two lota, fruit and nice lawa; $110 caah and $10 per month. 91,200 Good B-room house and two lota light on car; $100 caah and $15 per month, or $$00 caah and $10 per month. ' 91,500 Swell new i-room modern house; Juat being; finished; two fine lots; $300 caah and terma to suit. A Tew cholo lots, 910O to 9250, on easy paymenj. ' Offlo pn : vry day: also evenlnga : -- THE ARROW REALTY CO. ; Tord at WaQ. Ktatfttt, SUwart'e StaUoa, Koaat Soott Zda. sa B 5-ACRE tracts on the river just -sr - ir above MiiwauKie, oniy aou per , acre ; one third down ; balance at 6 per cent. 10-ACRE tracts east of Monta- Villa car line; $65 and $75 per acre ; one , third down ; balance at 6 per cent. " . r TRACTS of from 1 to 10 acres on . the Oregon ditf-car line; rich black soil,, no gravel; ranging in price from $150 to $350, per acre. TERMb : ?X0 down and $lCPper month per acre. The Shaw-Fear Co. 2451, STARK ST. ; $23,000 A fine buy on Everett street, a cor ner 100x100 feet . $12,000 A very choice acreage tract on the Peninsula. . This it a bargain and the best chance for th price in this dis trict .'" . $50,000 Corner on. Alder street,. 50x100 feet. with a fine three-atorr dock, paying permanent good revenue. Thla is a great bargain and will pay you to investigate. Will take 135,000 to han dle it .' -" $12,000 A big niece of croperty in Central Russell street paying good revenue, with room for several other build ings. This Is positively the best buy for the money on the east side. Five thousand dollars cash will handle it LamberfJtiitmeLCo. SHKRLOCKBLDO, i07 FOR LOTS IN PENINSULAR ADDITIONS Ten per cent cash and $5.00 per month. This is 40 per cent cheaper than the surrounding property. .The. best buy. on the market for investment , , ' Holmes &Menefee f 89 THIRD ST. . Chamber of Commerce, Or Mr. R. B. Carey at our branch office at the head of Peninsular Avenue. O-roonv house. Just eompleted; two blocks from Union ave. ear in StZOK XaJTD. TABORSIDE On the Eastern-slope ef Mount Tabor. We have only 10 loU left In thla tract that command an unobstrueted view ef th mountain and th beautiful Powell Valley farme. $150 EACH . For full COslOO foot lota; $1 dowa. and $10 monthly. . " We have a few flrst-claae Invest ment in Inside - property which j w would b pleased to ahow you. TOM M. WORD Real Estate Co. S30 gtark V 1 rhoas BfaU 48S1 1 1 1 1 i Lots $100 and Upwards GEO. J. SCHAEFER, 317 Chamber of Commerce OTHER COOS BAY PROPERTY A SPECIALTY Something to Consider For Investment - j "S-mOOaf "moderrt," alchtly horn. South Portland, $$,$00; terms. BOOK Very substantially built home, 140x100, on corner; solid brick basement uAder whole houee; rood barn, choice- fruit very alchtly. This Is a good Investment; North Mt Tabor; terms, $l,$00v a raw oxoxos avora, 10100, an level and to lawn; J0-mlnut ear ride; East Portland." Prlc $l$ to-$100,-on eaay term. Young; man. where can you get a better inveatmentt BOOK beautiful modern home, lot 10x100; nothing In? the city t eocnpare with It for the price. $$.700. Call on the owner, $$ Sherlock bldg. Third st, near Chamber ef Commerce. Phone Main 1410. k Sao ACKSS yellow fir timber: easy to get at; H. 000.000 to 1$,000,000 feet. Prlc Is right. SH AJTD S-AOma blocks, on hour's walk from th city; $200 pr aer; lo cation very sightly and perfectly level; no one eould object to It for a suburban home. Dean Land & Investment Company- Faoae ICaU 1410. S3 Sherlock Bldf. $36,600 Modern l-room house, beeu . tlfully finished with hard wood floors, tiled bathroom; upper floor in whit enamel; best of plumbing. - Built by v owner for a home.' Must be ; seen to be appreciated. N.E. . cor. Hancock and E. IJth $5,0OO More than $H lots. N.W. eor. llth and Hawthorne v . terrace. 1 Portland Height a Cement walka - water, sewer ' age; Improved streets, near ,; fin, -view, . Thla la a High Lot at a Low Prlo. IS, BOO New modern t-room resi dence; hot water heating . ... plant. Corner E. l$th, near ' Hawthorn ava Half caah. S2,600 Good l-room house on Broad way, near tth nice home. ' Terma $35,500 Sil00. with' good -room . house, on Chapman at, near , , Yamhill. Thla la cheap. $)5,2OOC0xl00 on Russell St., eppo t , alt Batea' Bank. Thla cor ' ner la bringing a good lnoome . , now and can be mad to produc 1$ per cent on In vestment. " 17 1-1x100. Trinity place, near Wash - Ington st: prlc and terma on . application. 150x00, S. W. cor. Savler and llth ata W hav a good prlc on thla property for a few day only. CORD SENCSTAKE Sb CO. to tcttb st, vaaa stajik.