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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL," PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. ' NOVEMBER 11. 16C3. 18 -Jit -- - .., ,1 .... . . , . . i-. . .. ....... w i r s-T rrr- trTi . j, rii-v -w-vr ,.s-i 1 1 a -v ss x t'mTrtri r r i r " fn a" "v 'bbb. ..aaaBaanniBam a v a m aa -war eaa"-- .w -aa1 i1 in i aw vmxvi.. a r v j a m ill! The Pacific Syndicate Stores Company, organized to install and operate a chain of 5,10 and 15-cent stores in the Pacific Coast states, has opened its offices in Seattle, In Suite 227, Peoples' Savings S Bank Building, corner Pike and Second Avenue. Only established within the present year its record has been one of unbroken progress and success. Leases have been secured, stores have been remodeled, stocks have been purchased,' and local managers installed ': yj '- . ,-. "v ,: 'J:r:- Vv:. . ;"v : ' .' , . 7 .. . ..- v . rsa so una ova roosm oxazv or stous. . . . ' . .; .'. ;; . ,..' . ' .SAN DIEGO' 3ANTA ANA ,-CSACffAMf.HT0, .SANTA CRUZ. OAKLAND r.cSAWfftAUCBCO 4 IFRAAC1SC01 ALAMEDA SAN ZBEftlAJlDtNQ SAIftt N9 1 5ANGEU5J fRE5W A Business Enterprise Must Be Measured in a Business Way By the Merit of Its Aims, the Integrity of Its Officers and the Performance of Its Promises A HISTORY Of, SUCCESS ' Tti history of tha and 10-cnt atoraa tn Amarlr Is on of Instant snd eontlnaous sueesas. This class of atorea waa originated thirty years ago by P. W. Woolworth In Lancaster, Pa. -Every, student of merchandising throughout tha world Is familiar with th money-making his tory of tha Woolworth stores, which stretched-Ilk a golden chain through most of th principal ' cltle of th Eaat, making millions of dollars for their fortunate stockholders. Other syndicates throughout the country met with similar financial success till the business esaunted a national character. Th Knox, th Klrby and th Kress corporations coined money for their stockholdera. - ' Th Woolworth syndicate, the progenitor of them all, still leads In Importance, having at th resent tlm 114 stores In operation with a capitalisation of 10,000,000, Mr. Woolworth himself ivtng an Individual responsibility of over 110.000,000. An Investment free of Every. Phase, of ' Speculation or Chance of Failure ' ' NEW FIELDS OP PROMISE - - Th Pactflo Coast and contiguous territory presents a virgin field for th operation or such a ' syndicate. Th people with all their necessities are her, and th Urn la rip for th most en cou raging reoeptloa of suoh a chain of atorea. Th PaolAo Syndloat Stereo Company realising tha onDortunlty. and. DreDared with th brains, th ability, th man and th xperleno. this first pabilo anonnoemeat la Oregtm of Its alms and intentions. . Th executive ofllcer of this oompany are all men of marked ability and unquestioned standing. Th Eastern buyer la a brother-in-law of Mr. Woolworth, and waa for IS years connected with th great chain of Wool , worth stores In positions of trust and responsibility. Many of th local managers, th ehlef architect and others holding a plac with thla company hav also had years of valuabl trainiag . In th Woolworth syndloat. .. Men of Ability, Character and Recognized Public Confidence in Comman " he aorsoratlom 1 eae of th stroajreat la th on of th ableert flnanoier ef th Wst and oae f th most raoeeaaful business aaea of Oallforala. Ooloaal Jesse B. roller, ea-batk aomaUasloa and at pre seat v. S. pension oomnUsatoaav for th Coast, la president of th oompaay. Colonel rull to kawa raeoeaafnl business mea of Oallforala. Tha aeoretaxr and treasurer of the aomnan la tb Hoa. Trantaa svs P reseat atat traaur of Oallforalav who dol litlaai fmn at th kui ef kia friends in the state to aaaama tha financial direction of th affair of thla aomnanv. Tha worklna- foroo ha also been chosen from among ntea of broad HOrlao. saatroaaMl ablUtr at cbaraeter. aa thla, th most promising field la Anaerioa today, with stores on th eve of operation la California, th eomp-y pursues th earn broad and liberal policy which hao rendered th bosiaesa so snossasful tat th to same la Vortlaad aad vicinity a reasonable amount of It shares of stock for a limited period at a very pleasing prloe. Thar to a waiting, no weary delava in a great meroantlle boalneea of thla kind. Arragxaata hav beea mad with th' following banks, whloh are authorised depositories of th Oompaay, and will aooept cash for the number of sharea desired, aad th stock will b promptly dUvr4. rssoralssd, ' fnrthe po. aigm nnvaes past. a4 ogera Well-Fargo Nevada National Bank, San Francisco, Cal. First National Bank, Riverside, Cal. ; Ban Bernardino National Bank. Ban Bernardino Cal. Oregon Truat and Savings Bank, Portland. t First National Bank,' Redlaads, CaL National Bank of Commerce. Loa Anrelea American1 Bank and Trust, Co., Pasedena, Cal National Bank of Commerce, Taooma. Merchants' National Bank, San Diego, CaL Commercial Bank, Banta Barbara, CaL National Bank of Long Beach. CaL Central Bank of Oakland, Oakland. Cat Puget Bound National Bank, Beattla A CHAIN Or 3c, I Oc and I Sc STOKES - , W13X Trodao a Bevenne Safer aad Surer Thaa Aa - -Other gltUaat Xaveetment Known.. The Stock of the Company Constitutes a Safe, Sure and - Profitable Invastme'ntt Amply Protected by Men " of Reputation. Ability and Experience , ' Call or Write for Full and Complete Information Whloh Will B Fromptly Furnished oa mecneat took SoM for Cash r Installment nam Bl )5IDCKTQN i 0DCCN. UTAH -SALT LAKE CITY RENO. NEV. coLonoo W.M. 10N0LULUJ AQ17 V 0l PHOENIX SHARES SOLD FOR CASH OR IN STALIMENT PAYMENTS Paclflo Syndlcat Store Co., Peoples Bank Building, Maattla . in I fJentlemen: X am Interested in your plan to. establish I and 10-cnt stores on th PaclOc Coast. Pleas send full Information and prospectus, and oblige, ''Vii;'il,,,'V','-v,-i!,'i. "(,.'.! ' Nam .... . .. . J . . ........ i .. . ,. Address '.j. ..V;"... .......... i.v ; For information regarding price of stock, or any other particulars desired, calf or address - PAGMFOC -SYWilGAiE-STORES W SHARES SOLD ON INSTALLMENT V. PLAN . , 'f . , .' 'if ; j Northwestern General Offices; 226-227 Peoples Savings Bank Building, Seattle Three-Fourths of the Stock to- Be Sold in This Syndicate of Stores Has Been Placed INSTALLMENT PLAN Pact So Syndicate Store Ca, lea Bank Building. eattle. , ... . ; .; 'Oentlement Pleas mall full parti ert lar of your olterlng of stock Install" mnt plan.. . Nsm ................ . . . ...... . . ' Address ............ ': REINFORCED CONCRETE WORK STANDS TEST BY INSPECTOR tti if: n f : -i -: g rh .J -, i Si Sst t i list-. .:rr . . . a.. . Jtmm .. - 1 1 i iiiIimmw.ii t rift- Yrf- --fgxe'- f '- t i HAS GOLDEN WEDDING AND RECEIVES REMEMBRANCE Head Gardener Klupke of City Park Honored by Hi Fellow Employes. BnlflanifcsW'liawtt'j SeaSmasaaal , . Th pressed brick and terra cotta for as In An front of th new reinforced eonereu building on Fourth street be fween Stark and Washington has ar fired and will be Installed aa rabidly as avossltoje.' The official test Of th building, aa prescribed by the new etty . Jaw-reoraiiing that th building be tested to tare time It working load, wi mad November t, and wss com pletely satisfactory. .1 Th test was mad In th pressors of Building Inspectors Bpencer and Bn- Sbowinf How th Test Was Made. I and th architect, V. C. Lewis. Th accompanying picture was taken when the teat was being mad. Th load con sisted of sand, gravel. Iron bars and barrels of cement, t ' The iddltkmal weight of th men In th picture was 1,081 pounds and tha deflection fn th It-foot span waa 1-1 J of an Inch under this added weight, or .00011 of th apart. Th foundation of thla building hav bean sunk It feet below th atdewallt level through elay and qulckaand to ce menting gravel; thla and th monontbla character ' of the construction obviate all vibration, and whll th street vl bratea under th motion' of th Fourth street trains non Is apparent In a pall of water on th roof of th building. Such a building la said to be th only construction which Improves with age, and Instead of writing off a cer tain pcrcantag for deterioration, an added value and strength la said t be given to th structure as Ita age In creases. It Is fir, germ, vermin and water proof and can be formed Into any ornamental design. ' , FLAGMAN IS SIGNED - - i FOR KELLY'S BUTTE Thar has been one poeltlon vacant In th operating . department ef th Kelly Butte railroad and thla was ac ceptably flUaa thla morning by Oeneral Traffic Manager Cameron- To. avoid the possibility of th 1 "Qiitsmacher Umlied"' In Ha wild flight to Kelly's tatlea, running lata a slow freight, a flagman waa . an . Absolut necessity. Tom Allen, who ha been employed as a flagman at Latourell on th O. R. A N., was th fortunat applicant for th position and before being engaged pr manently will work on probation for 10 day. .,." A special excursion for members of th press la to be run over the new road by Manager Cameron aom day -next week, a luncheon I 'to be served at the Geological Institute iat th Butt and addresses will b mad by member ef th Rockcrusherjr Debating; society , on timely topics. . Tab oa th Milkman. "Here," said tb food tsspeetor, "Is ss easy sad reliable wey to detect watered Btllk. "Tea take a elaaa, well-aolUbed knlttlna seedle, eed yos dip It dnwa kite a Mtl ef milk. ' Tbea yos inm n eat. sprlgbt, ssd tlatrlf. "if the milk l alte psre, some ef It will bang to the senile. Bat If wtter bee bees aM4, erea a little witer. the aUlk nlU act aoaar I ta aeedle at aifc" , Fiderlckkiupke,eaorgkraertf"at tha City park, who today- le'celebratlng hla golden wedding, was . th recipient yesterday of a substantial remembrance of the anniversary In tha way of a gold-lined fruit dish presented' by the employes of the park. . Mr. Klupke was vary grateful to- his fellow employee and was unable to ex press himself . when Superintendent Montelth In' a few words msd th presentation speech and handed htm tha. token. There were It Interested In th wedding present and all wished Mr. Klupke th best of . health and happi ness in his old age. Mr. Klupk has been In th servlc of the park commission for " IT yeara Heha severs! sons quite well along In life, one of whom la employed with th Portland Oeneral Electrlo company and another with th Honeyman Hardware company. Both he and Mr.' Klupke ar In perfect good health and expect many- more yeara of life. -. - ' . . JEFFERSON MYERS LOOKING OVER THE GROUND Is at Jamestown Selecting Site for Northwest Pacific States BuJIdlng: o D o Jefferson Myers, president of th Oregon State commission of tha Lawls and Clark axposltlon. who ha been ap pointed to represent Oregon - at -he Jameatown exposition, le making an examination of condition at th alt of th latter exposition and arranging ror representation or tne pacific north west there. Ho visited Chicago, Lexing ton ana other pointa in tna middle west. n rout east, and is now in Virginia. Th Virginia Pilot of November I contains an Interview . In , whloh Mr. Myer aya: "In going over th exposition grounds I found th building there of a more substantial, character and better grade of structures than seen at other expo sitions.- it tna present plan, al though 'not definitely decided upon. that Oregon. -Washington, Idaho and Montana srect a Northwest State building at Jamsstown, which .will oost about 1100,000 and b on of th finest structure on th grounda" Prom sundry souvenir costal cards sent to Portlsnd friends fcy Mr. Myers on hi trip. It Is gathered that he Is Ing the humorous a.,-well as Industrial aid of llf to th clUea via- o rzior lor ior lor 10m 5fl o D o If the tongue" of your shoe could speak, it would pour out its'wholjBso thoughts tdlKOuT and it would sound like, a (shoe) 'string' of good things about for Wet Weather GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIR FACTORY Y. II. C A. BUILDING : CORNER FOURTH AND YAMHILL STREETS rzior ior ior ior lonn , Jlegardlng th proposed Joint building to be erected, by th Paclflo northwest state at Jamestown, th Pilot says:' "Mr. Myers come a a representa tive of th governors of Oregon, Wash ington., Idaho and Montana. Tb build ing' plan, now. under consideration by those state call for on of th most remarkable structures contemplated for th . exposition. . , According to Mr. Mr era. th proposed Northwest1 States building- will, coat about 1100.000 and 111 b constructed f timbers native to thos four states. The plans will be drawn there, th material out and shipped t Norfolk ( alt .. ready . to be placed together In th perfect struc ture All th fin furnishing for this building will com from th northwest, hewn from th giant timber thera" , INTERESTING PROGRAM 'FORT. M. C. Av AT HOME An unusually Interesting program ha been prepared for th "at bom" of th T. M. C. A. thla afternoon.- Th address will be delivered by Mis Constanc McCorkl on th subject, ."What Doe Prayer Mean to Tout" Th program follows: March a Onr Dlroctor (Blgelow), (b) overture, Lust aplel (Keler Beta); reading, Miss Anita Pearcy, aelected; piano enlo, Llsst's Hungarian Rhsp andyr Mlaa Lucia Coffall; cornet solo, Fred English; "song. "Th Holy City," Msster . Harry Parsons; orchestra, "Hearts and. Flowers"; reading. Miss Pearcy; rcbstr, salected, . .' Clifford's Concert oompany and , or ehastra will be. a leading feature of th program. Tha orchestra ta under th leadership of Arthur Clifford and In clude th following: Hsrry Parons, boy soprano; Miss Lucia Coffall, pianlat: Fred Kngllsh, eornatlst; ; , Miss Anita Pearcy, readsr, - Kansas City and Return $60. Account aaventeantn annual Trans-Mlsslsslppl Commercial congress. th U. K. N. Co. will on November 14 and II sell round-trip ticket to Kis ses city for f 60, with a limit of to days from date of Bale. - Further particular by calllna urton C W. fltlnrar. i-ltv tlrket agent. Third, and Washington Street, rsruaaa. .. .. .... . , . i V