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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
- Y (S - SECTION TWO PAGES 15 TO 28 PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1908. OLDS-IVOR 7T.71 U-KIUG STORE NEVJS Storm Optna at S Clew at 6 P.M. Latest From The Thanksgiving Sales Thm "Different Storm" Fifth. Sixth and Washington Strmott OLDS-VJORTMAN-IUNG STORE NEVJS 'TisaSHORTCRYt&W GET PREPARATIONS OVER EARLY ff gftf intheUidst of Glorious Thanksgiving Business ; - It's ' on of the rules of - the OLDS, WORTMAN ft KINO Store to do things tnorougniy. and' do them early. avoidinc the haste and confusion of 1 1th hour performance. For that reason we prepared early, in an effective manner, for, the ! Thanksgiving disDlavs of merchandise- and spa tial features which surpass , anything ever before "attempted in our city. The store is brilliant and be wildering in its Thanksgiving -merchandise, allur ements and splendid, .unusual.' values.. ... Tremendous volume of business is being transacted, and 'tis in creasing steadily, mind you, STEADILY I not spas-J modicaQy but steadily and 1 surely,, each month's business exceeding1 that of the same month a year ' back. 'All of whkh indicates the CONFIDENCE the buying public" place in this great, grand old Store, and the-MERIT-of hs merchandise coupled with FAIR PRICES, put IS business days inter vene between today and Thanksgiving; it's none too early to provide the things youlk .need that festal davt the thinri are here manv at under-orices the store planned early: - News-today is c4"BpeefaTTrn portance to Monday shoppers tis mostly Bergaia, news. . ; .. . :.,. ; ... '175 GreaHlitiei i Store lijat. your Elbow With the Annual Thanksgiving Sale . of Table Linens -.-r " First' Floor.- "l! The OLDS, WORTMAN ft KINO linen business has grown to be quite a factor in the linen trade, of this western country. It has to be reckoned with by the makers abroad. The best known manufacturers of linens in Europe are our autmliera: and the selec tion of goods for this store is in the hands of trained experts whose very life-work is the study of linens. For to De OLDS, WORTMAN ft KINO linens is to be RELIABLE . linens in the 'broadest sense "linen in this store means ALL-linen. every thread . of it j and at fairest prices at all times. -k But today's the detail:. ALL TABLE LINENS STAND REDUCED Annual Sale of Richardson's, Famous Bel- , A. . fast Table Linens. I . ' ; Below we quote you priceswhich prevail prices that are lower than they look or the "values" quoted are those of last year they're really worth, and cost in market today, 20 to 25. per cent advance. So the bargains are really greater than they seem and the linens are the finest and handsomest -we've ever shown. Resd on;-Every article embraced in the stocks of Tablecloths, Napkins, Damasks, Mstched Seta, Table Covers Tea Cloths, Doilies, Stands Reduced I The most complete stock of Table Linens in Portland! In addition we offer at extra discount snentrre special lot: of Tablecloths and Napkins the remainder., of factory lots remaining with Richardson's Belfast linen mill after Fall .orders were filled their overproduction which - comes to us annually. The first shipment is here ready reduced as follow!. The. cloths sre 2, 2, 3, 3 and 4 yards in length; the' napkins in both breakfast and dinner sizes: ..""".. . Last year's $275 values in Tableelcttna or Napkins worth a full " fourth more today will be sold st ..a.25 m 1 I ' r,1 :rJ"t WOMEN'S APPAREL Comprehensive Assortments of -Smart and Exclusive Models Grand Salons, Second Floor. Women's New Winter Walking Suits, $25.00 and $28.50 : Vj'.s: h iValuea, f 16.95. -Women's $7 JO and $8.50 Pedestrienne Skirts 4.TB It's logical, , Isn't it, to 3opPse the largest and best appointed store that, devotes the supreme :effort-of :themost expert-; spe cialists to be found in all the -West to its Ready-to-Wear ;Garment servicewill be in a po- sition to ' present a f , .xrftS i Digger series :" of exclusive models and - . at prices more modest ;. than those- --. which its lesser,con- f temporaries V ana our rt CoITecJtipn;oi2- garments for.' ;? trie advanced season wear i-ing demon-; strates tne iorce of the1, logic We know that ours is therT most repre-' " sentative stock of J " Street Suits ' and Coats, -Costumes, ; Evening and m.k J . - m m dSfb SL Dating Dresses, n cck x-ieces, ouk ana utce waists ana piiK rain coats shown' by an y Portland house. . FUR NECKPIECES We carry no coats this season among the fur lines, but do showthe finest and best selected stock ,of ' Women's and Children's Fur Neck Pieces,TMuffs, and sets in the city. And we sell them at prcies which guarantees a saving to thej purchaser in every-instance."- " r ' . NEW. LACE AND SILK WAISTS A be wildering and bewitching display of new and ex clusive models at modest pricing. See window show of the beautiful creations. THE SMARTEST NEW SILK RAINCOATS IN THE CITY Fresh arrivals daily. Generous choosing . in ' the assortments. Wide price range ...$22.50 to $45.00 300 vslues at ....'..A...... 2.40 J.50 value at .. ... ..2. T8 4.00 values at -, . . .7. . . -. , . ; , . .T.T. . . . f 3.25 43 values at .................... ...... ..aa.oo 5.25 values at ..M.20 $6.00 values st ....4.80 $3.25 values at S2.65 $375 values at ......;......r..3.00 It ......................... 3.9 at . t 3.85 at ...........,.........,....V.f-.4S at .$5.10 .50 values at 5.00 values st (5.50 values .25 values Above rrices sdpIv to cloths or naokins-in dozen lots. Some may be had to match, others rre not to be matched. Bear in mind that ALL Tablecloths Napkins, etcv are reduced during this sale! "" " " m The Man's Corner Special and Timely Bargains for the Man of Today and Tomor row. Annex First- Floor,, Men's $1.50 Golf Shirts $1.05 A line of Men's Golf Shirts, this seascvn's newest styles in light and dark effects, attached and de " tached cuffs; regujar $1.50.' Spe - ?eial aU.OS Men's 20c Hosiery 12'c A line of seamless white Foot Hose; best 25c value. "Special, pair....l2ye Men's $15 Flannel Night Robes 97c Domet Flan nel Night Robes, regular and military, collars, made extra long and large; regular value $1.25. Spe cial 07e Boys' 15c Ties 5c A lot of Boys' String.Ties and Silk Shield;' values to 15cV ' Special' ;.5 Men's 75c Underwear 47c A line of Men's warm heavy ribbed fleece Balbrigtan Underwear, very serviceable; regular value 75c. Special, - the gar ment .....i....... .4T SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SALE OF WOMEN'S $25 AND $28.50 SUITS AT $16.95 . Choose tomorrow from racksful of handsome, stately ; garments, all in orderly array for your convenient:chQOsing You-coufd almost-waif on "yourself here, the stock is so easily reached, so systematically . arranged, so generous. At the above unordinary price you'll find styles, trim mings, workmanship, that will surprise you, even tho' you're used to the wonderful offerings which are .usually found to make up our "special sale" .events.-The suits are all up to our high standard, very smart in appearance and perfect fitting dresses. They're ''built" on "Prince Chap" mod els, Etons, short, boxy hip length jacket styles and -the-popular-45-inchnc6armoxrels. "Worsted and tweedisH fabrics, all in handsome mixtures of dark, greens, reds, grays, browns, blues, etc Attractively -trimmed with braidsr velvets and buttons. Some of the coats are full lined with taffeta, others with rich satins. Some jackets have collars of velvet, others of materials. The skirts are in plaited styles or with' plaited flounce.5 The best regular $25 and $28.50 values we're able to show which means the best. values to be had. anywhere. . Tomorrow we shall place these suits on special sale at one price choose from the lot of about 200 at i ; . -i ; . . .$10.05 &ValkingSkirts$75 Examples of splendid tailoring, effectively trimmed.. Materials embrace Panamas, tweeds snd neat mixtures in mannish woolens.' Five and seven-gored styles, plaited, full circular or flounced. In plain black, grays, olives, and light and dark blue mixtures.' Plaited snd paneled effects, full round- walkings lengths, trimmed with strappings, smart braids, or dainty folds. As above told, $7.50 and $8.50 values, special Monday for.$4.T5 Bargain Wishbones Little Pieces of Good Luck to be picked- up 'mong the . Small Wares Stocks on First Floor. 65c bar White Cas tile Soap. Spe cial 3& 75c solid -. back all bristle Hair ' Brushes. Special ............45 20c celluloid Dressing Combs, Spe cial ; ,...;..v.i...'. .12 35c solid back long handle Bath ' Brushes. Special ..10 7c roll fine Tissue Toilet. Paper-Spe-. cial : .....r-..............i..4 20c pack of Pit Cards. Special.. 35 60c Rubber Stamp Outfit. Spe cial ...... ,.....35 15c box Ruled Writing Paper, - Spe cial ....................... ...Tet 10c. Memorandum Books. Special. Oe 20c can Le Page's Liquid Glue. Spe cial .....!.. .12e 5c box Assorted Wire Hair Pins. Spe cial 3e 5c card Hooks snd Eyes. Spe cial . .. ....S6tfe .35cpalrW1iite-SilkDjreisSbields. T Special .... . ... .... .....,...19 5c paper Washington Pins. Special.3e Large spool , White Basting Cotton. Special 2 HAND BAGS ' In a Special Sale Annex 1st ' Floor. Worn en's-$2.75 Leather Hand Bags $1.89 A line of black seal or wajrus grain leath er Hand Bags, leather lined, fitted with "-inside- - coin purse, newstitched flat leather han dles, nickel, gilt snd gun metal trim mings, this season's shapes; regular value $2.75. Special f 1.89 75c Music Rolls 49c Fine quality patent leather Music Rolls; regular value 75c Special 49 Thanksgiving Suggestions HELPFUL TO . HOUSEKEEPERS '' ' ' . , Third Floor Store Dinner Sets, r - Turkey Sets, Tsble Silverware, Carving Sets, 'VTable Glassware, Candlesdcka, Candle Shades and Trimmings. We have everything for the kitchen needed ;for Thanksgiving. Covered Roasters, size 9x14; special-...... .......aV Covered Roasters, size 10x15; spe- , cial,. . . . ...........SO Round' Pudding Molds, special. 15 Large Pudding Molds, special.. 25 Oval Jelly. Moldv fancy shape; spe cial . ... 10 Round Jelly Molds, fancy shape; spe - cial . . . . ... Vegetable Presses, special., ...25 "TancyCalce Cutters, special.....: 4 Soup Strainers, special .........15 Mayonnaise Mixers, special., ,$1.05 English Porcelain Dinner Sets ' Square shapes, tor dr pattern 50-Piece Set, special .H'...... $5.80 60-Piece Set, ' special........ $8.T0 100-Piece Set, special....... $12.95 . Haviland China Dinner Sets Pink decoration, full gold . around edge of each piece-1- 60-Piece Set, special........ $22.50 100-Piece Set, special . . . .' . ... $29.95 Cut Glass Wine Sets One Decanter and six Glasses, regu lar value $8.50; special $6.60 One Decanter and six Glasses, refru . laf value $14.00; special.. -.,$11. 75 One Decanter snd six Glasses, regu lar value $22.50; special.. ,.$1T.90 One Decanter 'and six Glasses, regu lar value $27.50; special.... $22.00 A Sleeping Slaughter of NOVELTY Sim Bwimwws Annex Fifth Street-First Floor. Right, in. the midstof the busiest Silk Selling Season 411 years comes this surprising opportunity I Silk buyers should provide generously for their needs and. what woman doesn't need silks now?. Tis only a question of how few silks one can do with today, so universal has be come their use in feminine dress. Here's the detail: Thousands. of yards of Novelty Silks, in dark and light colorings, new weaves and snides f.0 select from, in checks, olaids. it rices and broches: Suitable for waists. juiUnd4rimmingehreayslyMondayr Tuesday and Wednesday-i-at HALF f '--J Regular $1.25 grade. Special, yard.........i....H Regular $1.50 grade! Special, yard. ........ .......75 Timely Hints to Thriftf Women Who've l Knit Underwear and a'- Hosiery Wants First Floor. , Women's $1.00 Merino Underwear 75c Women's white snd silver gray Merino Vests and Pants, fine ribbed, winter weight; long sleeve Vests, French band pants four $1.00 value. Special Sale Price, the garment. 75 Women's $1.25 Underwear for 98c Women's white Merino Underwear in extra sozes 40, 42 and 44 fine ribbed, very elastic; long sleeve vests, ankle pants; our $1.25 value.. Spe cial Sale Price, the garment ..... ............... ..98 Women's $3.00 Vega Silk Union Suits $2.38 Women's Swiss ribbed Vega Silk Union. Suits,. in white, pink or blue; long sleeves, ankle length, half open front; a great $3.00 value. Special Sale Price, the suit... $2.38 Women's 25c Cotton Hose 18c Women's black Cotton Hose, seamless, Jashioned ankle; good weight and our 25rvalue. Special Sale Price, the pair;. ;f-.T.Tr.l8 Children's ...20c Cotton Hose 12c Children's black cotton fined ribbed Hose, all sizes 6 to 10; values to 20c Special Sale Price, the pair 1254 Choose Monday From the P.siiems:--'J One-Fourth Off The most elegant conceptions, designed by the fore most milliners of Paris, London, Berlin and New York, have served their purpose with us. Portland women have gazed, admired and bought from these real dreams of beauty. Yet some of the handsomest mod els ; remain. Withput more ado well say come choose, on Monday, at ONE FOURTH LESS than the regular modest price on any Pattern Hat in the stock. ' - . :- - - ' -i'-: A rt Shop Special Second Floor Annex. ' Linen Trsy Cloths Worth 60c to $1.50 Special at 30c to 75c. Fine Linen Trsy Cloths, stamped in many different designs, with hem stitched or embroidered edges, our 60c 'to $1.50 vslues; special at, each ......30 tn 75 OR JUST HALF PRICS, . mi Three Days of Tremendous Selling, Ahead I Three Days-of Wonderful Opportunity jtoi j Dress Goods Buyers Annex Fifth Street First Floor A monster sale of new Fall and1 Winter Dress Goods 1 opens to morrow; m it is embraced Fash ion's newest weaves and color ings in plaids, overplaidsthecks, stripes and mannish mixtures, ' represented in this lot at a big saving for three days only Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday: .s, Regular $1.00 grade. Special, yard........... ,73 Regular $1.25 grade. Special, yard..'......... "89 Regular $1.75 grade. Special, ' yard. .......v.f 1.29 ' Special Sale Waterproof Fabrics ; P The Rainy Season is on and Raincoats are wanted. This sale will enable you to save money in buying your waterproof fabrics, every wanted shade, brown, tan, green, blue,- gray, mode and oxford, 54 to 56 inches wide, for 3 days only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: ' i .., . '.- .r--:"- Special," yard . . . . . . . . ". . . $1.39 Spec jal, yard . . . . i. . . . $ 1 .5 9 Special, yard. ..... . ... t. .$2.09 Regular $1.75 grade. Regular $2.00 grade. Regular $2.50 grade. trrrrr-. A : Wonderful . ' :: ----, Sale of Beautiful Laces 0PENST0M0RR0WI r- THOUSANDS' OF YARDS GO OUT UN DERPRICED. - First Floor. ' - ; ' Again we're to have a Winter of laces. Paris aays so. She has made the dress goods in such ef fects that they demand laces and trimmings to finish their scheme. And her pet laces that are to work out her desires are just those that go to make up one of the most important sale of laces ever planned for Portland women.. The story: PRETTY LACES The kind you need for trim ming wash dresses and underwear. They are the famous Zion City Laces- made in America so no duty on them; consequently they are cheap here even at regular prices, but for the sale this week the values are wonderful Our 6c and. 7c values. Special at, the yard....! Our 8 and 9c alues. Special .atthelyardxlJB, Our 10c value. Special at, the yard........... . (1 Our 15c value. Special at, the yard... ........ .jf 9 Our 20c value.. Special at, the yard.......... ..14 Our 25c value. Special at, the yard........... .16 TJur 30cvaIue.SpeciaT at, the yard'.T. .19eV PERSIAN BANDS, 'GALOONS AND APPLI QUES WORTH TO $1.00 FOR 25c Beautiful Persian Bands, Galoons and Appliques, inch to lyi inches in width; suitable for trimming waists,, coats, etc; all desirable colors in the selection; reg ular values to $1.00. Special Sale Price, yard.. 25 Lace Bands and Galoons 48c Very pretty Lace Bands and Galoons, in cream and white; our $1.00 and $1.25 values. Special Sale Price, the yard.;.48 Handsome Black Chantilly Laces. Galoons, Edges and Bands In beautiful designs; all specially priced for this sale Our 35c value. Special at, the yard... ......... 18 Our 50c value. Special at, the yard.. .....I. ...25 Our $1 value. Special at, the yard,.... ...... .48 Lace Net Bands 9c White and cream Lace Net Bands, in narrow and medium widths; our 15c, 18c, 20c and 25c values. - Special Sale Price, jrard... 9 Venise Lace Galoons 9c White and cream Venise Lace Galoons, in very dainty patterns; our 15c to 25c values. .. Special Sale Price, the yard . .9 Venise Lace Bands and Galoons 19o White - and cream Venise Lace Bands and Galoons, some in net top; our 35c and 40c values. Special Sale Price, the yard ......v.............. 19 Lace Bands and Galoons 38c A lot of Lace Bands and Galoons, in white and . cream; in desirable widths; our 50c, 75c and 85c values. -Special Sale Price, the yard 38 Petticoats Gowns and , a SPECIAL z: ; SALE . ,k .. , , : r; . . Undermuslln Section Annex Second Floor. Women's $1.75 Night Gowns for $1.00 Women's Night Gowns of fine white cambric, yoke made of rows of embroidery insertion between clusters of fine plain or t hemstitched- tucks, high or V shaped neck and sleeves finished with embroidery edging, our $1.75 vsluc; special sale price, Women's $3.00 and $3J5 Black Petrlcotts tl.r : 'Women's Black Petticoats, made of very f m I 1 cloth, all full seven-gored skirts, double . sra (n a variety of styles of flounces'. H'' '1 '. -r ' fles, our $3.00 and $3.50 values; r . r