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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY- JOURNAL. PORTLAND. , SUNDAY MORNING.' NOVEMBER 11.-4SC3 11 DUCHESS COLIG TO AL1ERICA TO SUE IF YOU. WAt-jf TO KNOW WHAT SMARTLY DRESSED MEN WILL WEAR THIS SEASON V :: . ASK BEN SELLING ,i : . r.lARLQOROUGII FOR DIVORCE Consuelo Hopes to Avoid Scan daTand Publicity CasteU 'lane Case Caused. BARGAIN COUNTER DUKE GOT FIFTEEN MILLIONS .When Flow of Cash Stopped Quar rel Began Nobleman' Crew Pee- vith and " Abused His American Wife Several Palaces Beautified. -, (SptrUl Cables by JleaietNews SwrleO I London, - Nov. . 10. Society believss now that, the Duchesg ot Msrlbbrough will tjot long delay liar proposed trip to tha United Statea for procuring a di vorce from tha Duke. If the action la .brought aa now aaema assured, tha action will probably be in Now York and every effort will bo made to keep the detaila from the public. The publicity which haa been' given to the won of the Caatellanea haa decided tha ducbeaa to keep out of the European courta. , In tha meantime the duka remains out of the publlo eye and hla only con- Coats for Women ; To Measure- -Newest Fashionable . FOR MEN T v .,' Worsteds V Cashmeres Tweeds! "V To Measure , We will rainproof any garment made by us, without extra J expense to you. 7 Etts.Eanaiaa Seveuti tad Stark Streets till ( To Your Measure ,:-':''V'TO';-V:.;;: lit $20.00 - ''-. , TO'' $40.00 Suitings $20.00 ;. TO. ,r $35.00 aplcuoua movements are hie dally trips ta tha session of the- house of lords where he holds .a seat on tha front bench of the opposition and where he watch6Srn "debates' elossiy He is very ambitious politically and hla quarrel with hia wife gave him a bad setback wlthi the British people. Kor that reason ha la working hard in parliament" He sent ' hia sons to his Hater's- horn-inthe country- and tha ducheaa has not seon - them since sbs left Blenheim. . . .... v . .Blenheim Zs Closed. His splendid castle at Blenheim, whluh Is .one of the show1 plaoes of England, has been, permanently closed ana will be rented if some angel hapt pecs aJofts from America with money enough to pay tha coat Sunderland house, which belongs to tha duchess and which ahe la now occupying in London, probably will be put on the market The ducheaa still shuns so ciety snd haa made no move to gain possession of her children. It Is known, nowever. that she expects to get them sway from the duke later on. , ... The loss of the . Vsnderbllt millions was a great blow to the duke, who haa very little money of hla own and who la now forced to adopt a., policy of rigid economy la bis . personal -expenditures. Just how much tha duchesa haa . had from her father is a matter of conjec ture, but It la estimated from $10,000. 00 to lli.000.000. And he was a sort of bargain counter duka at that when ths ducheaa bought him." ' -; '.'- Ten US Among Sokes). In point of precedence, Marlborough la only tenth among tha British peers, nine dukes go In' to dinner before him and alt higher at the table. But the descendant of John Churchill and Sarah Jennings nevertheless commanded ' the record matrimonial price aver paid for duke, when In 1896 he became the husband of eonsuelo, only, daughter of William K. Vanderbllt. ' i , , To begin with, there was a first pay ment of $10,000,000. the duchess'. dowry given by her father on her wedding day. Boms estlmatea place the dowry at tit.-, but tha smaller figure is more generally accepted. But In the 11 years that have elapsed since the- ducal wed ding many additional Installments have been paid by W. K. Vanderbllt. and It Is said to have been tha latter s refusal to pay any mora mill lone on account since his own wedding three years ago to Mrs. Anne Harrlman Rutherford uat brought about the final rupture be tween tha Duke and Ductless of Marl borough. " ':- ' " - - Half Million Checks. " There was an additional $1. 000,009 given the duchess for the purchase of Sunderland house, the magnificent man sion In May Fair, which haa been called by tha Marlborough's acquaintances Blunderland." because it is universally recognised as a costly mistake. Mr. Vanderbllt presented tha duchess with a check for $600,000 to purchase tha fue n,lshings for the xiew palace. When the. duka returned' safe and sound from the Boer war there was another check for $600,000 and the duchess is said to have received some .similar checks at tha birth of each of her two children.' Tha restoration of the Italian gar dens at Blenheim palace,, the magnifi cent country seat presented by. the British nation to the first Duke of Marlborough, which wss dona at Wil liam K. Vanderbllt's expense, ame to very little under $1,000,009. so that a conservative estimate of tha amount paid out 'by the American millionaire since tha acquisition of the ducal son-in-law ta $15,000,000. This was up to llOt, when William K. Vanderbllt took unto himself a new wife, and the lid was gently shut on the valuable coffers so that not any American dollars- have found their way Into tha capacious ducal pockets since that time. ; , - ' Duka Ox-ows Feevlsh. When. the flow of money ended, of course . ths rows began. The duchess. who Is an amiable, clever and dis tinctly sweat looking woman, was face to face with ths fact that her husband, who bad only received $16,000,000 on account, was as peevish, and disgruntled aa an Installment man who comes around for a $20 set of books aftsr you have paid everything but the last dollar. Bhe was confronted by constant denun ciations pf her father aa an old miser snd by unremitting complaints which finally became unberarable. . - ; Now that aha has left ths duka, tha noble peer, makes all sorts of lnstnua tlona and threatens to sua for divorce the last grandstand play of a coward for mors Vanderbllt millions. POORARISTOCRATS TO BE COOKS King Edward Suggests That Im pecunious Noblemen Be- !. come Chefs. , TO GIVE ONE OF THEM i PLACE IN HIS PALACE Silent Smith Who la Spending Win - ter Who Bride at Irish Castle' Cuts Poor Figure in Society and la Hard to Entertain.- .'.'','' - v - " , (Jeonal gpecist Serf !. "Xondon, Nov. 10. King Edwsrd has mads a wise and practical auggestlon. Hs says It would be a good thing for soma of tha younger sons of tha aris tocracy if they sought positions as chefs. This Idea was the outcome of an Incident which -took place whtls tqe kin ' waa recently visiting Lord and Lady Colebrooke. His majesty and his hostess returned from a motor drive one evenlna- 'about '7:10 when Lady Cole brooke waa told In tha presence of the king, by aa Indiscreet young footman, that there was no' dinner la progress as tha chef wss drunk snd In bed. -An almost Identical Incident occurred a yesr ago when the king was visiting the Bassoons. " King Kdward sees nothing dsrogatory In any kind of work and In suggesting new "profession" for ths numerous younger sons of Impecunious noblemen h knows of what ha la talking. Good chefs asm anything from 1 1,000 to $16,000 per annum and their behavior ot late Is. as Mark Twain would aay, "causing remark." The male chef Is the fashion and tha king's notion is that ware hard-up scions of the aristocracy to take up the calling they would earn much mora money than they' could hope tit ' ret bft.aoln In for business - for which Utslr training 1U fits Una. FOR YEARS We have maintained our position for CLOTHES SUPREMACY, each year excelling our standard of former years, until now we have reached the summit of clothes perfection. Our .;:.-7;.:-7:7'' '.v7--7 RMNGQA1S and "'7, - 7v.jV; . ''v-,7-r-07-,.,;'-7J :y:-rU7: for MEN as well as for BOYS stand tJNEOU ALED FOR FIT, FINISH, and FABRIC, while we maintain our MODEST PRICES 7 RAINCOATS for Men RAINCOATS for Boys OVERCOATS for Men '' OUR HANDSOME JUVENILE Department makes shopping here a pleasure 7777 MISSES TAILORED COATS JUST IN tliay would surt with ths InltUl knowl edge of knowing what dlahea appeal most to luxuriously cultivates, paiaiea and appetites. . Furthermore, aa their duties would be restricted to tha kitchen. matrons anxious wwrt m-u their daughtera ahould wed wealth, would seek no risk of having their mat rimonial plana upaet by engaging poof young honorablee to supervise their cull nary departmenta. Always practical, his majeaty told the Colebrookea that If his suggestion waa taken up he would sea that a gentleman chef got the first chsncs when a vscancjr occurred In any of ths roysl kitchens. "Bllent" Smith, as ths lata "Chicago" Smith's! millionaire nephew has been dubbed, has been etaylng with his brlds at Tanderagee castle. In Ireland, with tha Manchaatsrs. Ths duchess Is de voted to her great friend. Mra. Smith, ... .v. -M aama ana "the UOSt dif ficult man In ths world to entertain la Jamea Henry smitni ror n aa noi matter what you did for him hs carer . .... ... tu.Mj'1 lbs on person ba shows tb aUgbtsat $15to:$35 5 for $i55 to a Boys$ 7 Leading Clothier Interest in is his wlfs who can Just twist him round her little finger. . If shs took a fancy to tha moon ha would have a ladder built and climb himself to reach It.- Mrs. Jamea Henry says shs will have to give him leasons In man ners towsrd women.- He can't pat on properly a lady's evening cloak to aava bis soul and his clumsy attempts at lit tle courtesies toward womsn amuses every onej considerably.' When: ladles are preaerit he IS even more silent than uaual. While at Tanderagee ha spent his happiest time In the nursery with ths little ducal offspring.. Imagine blm on all fours crawling around ths room with little Viscount Mandevllle on hla back. Tha duchess, muoh to the silent one's vexation. -caught a snap shot -of him thus engaged. . - NARROW ESCAPE FOR 7 FACTOR NAT GOODWIN 'South Ingle ton. Conn., NOV. 10. Nat Goodwin, star In "The Qanlua," had a narrow escape i - from being dashed to ym::: ; 7 STYLE usual ! ; f.-y" '.v.,; v, My mfimsmmm y,yy- y fiiilliPliill to $10 Copyrieht By W. "C; ... ... Q,;cag0 death In an exciting experience on Wol- eott mountain yeeterday aitemoon. With a ohauffeur Mr. Ooodwin. with Louise Randolph and Rose Snyder of his oompann -were proceeding In an automobile from Mlddletown to Water bury, where Mr. Goodwin was billed to play laat night Half way up tha mountain a gear of tha automobile broke ond the machine started backward down ths mountain, tha brake falling to hold. ... . . It was an exciting mils ride, too faat to warrant Jumping from tha machine or runnlns Into tha ditch, but fortu- nately It -was In good hands. Mr. Good win was cool, but ths two aotreases wars In hysterics and bad to rest at tha local hotel before their nerves were ouleted enough , to allow their being taken to 'Hartford. ' L i -.. '.. Balneal Man Want Mors fta. lUceat events show eoocliielTelr that a sea mi were et sslUtlaa for awe aay and attter mrklna AraullUoa is sprasdlnc smoas the rsIN mad amDkM ot ew briDcb ot the service slnn the great frelsbt and .p tf-earryhig ssusai ef tos sjlddle art westers states. . 5 to-$15 mmyfi -&y - ?:hv -o' v SJt f .... x ft-H ' ' yyyyyyyt 5::-M?'i"?:::V y:' ' . C, 19(VS BOTH ' w.'.w. v. m km tart reeeivaA. i-w. - -rs -:7 v7 yyrmyisymyy - ymy-myymy:0hi y : y y t 'tyy:? $ y- i : v -y n ljy . v.' r s -v Before Buying a piano It wlU pay jrsw to ass sag new styls ' Also Sols 'Agents CecllUin (Cabinet). Playsr, Sohmor-CscUtan, Fa-rand-Ceclllaa' Ideal Piano Flayer. r - v , - t t , , . ' - Don't forget that: the Ceclllan metal action (patented) Is not af- footed by cllmatio changes of any sort Investigate before buying . a 'player. .'. ' ..'.'-..'.- . -' Manufacturers Piano Company 50 Aides' an. Bet, Barsatb - COUNTRY CORRCSPONDdNCR ' SOLICITED J - '. V : 5 r .iV .'(, A' t i. WS aan bbyvs yon memsy. and Jfark, Fortland, Ore. N1 1 - - -