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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOlRNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. ' NOVEMBER f 11. "1EC3. ' v 0W 1 Here's a Copy of the Wire From Our Mr. Lowit, Telling of Great Purchase See the Magnificent Window f Display Entire Corner ' A 1IU U OXIU X CU1ULU1 Six of our mammoth show windows filled with shining, shimmering silks of rarest, rich est beauty.' Thousands upon thousands of yards of silk for sale, and hundreds of yards displayed in the windows. Aboutohe-lourth of the patterns will be shown in the win dows," the assortment is such an immense one that ALL our windows couldn't accom modate enough to show all the designs and colors. SILKS OF EVERY SHADE AND DESIGN, FANCIES AND PLAIN COLORS.. ; ... . , .v. form No. 260. THE TJEGTERBI UTJIOU TELEGRAPH ICOMPATJY; . ' inVORPgRATID 24,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA. CADLC SEKVICH TO ALL' THE WORLD. " WOB1WT C CLOWRV. Prwsldant and OanwraJ Mintr. ' Tlm Flisd Chock . ' S- ' CEND th following message subject to tit terras', n book horoof, which aro hereby agrees! to. -J- r '179 unTaThx :48V (paTtf ;7T00lPtf H;LXt:ti C&reVGoldenlEale7rPbrtlind;0r" Bought f 6r78potcaah andera plain, and f anoyilk. ExforoTnai Plaoo ent iro lo tro riTeal a - atT39? o ont a . Theraiaxo; jail kalvo rth up to throe "dollara-'yaxd'thiaTlaTa-winnor; ' v ' ' -" ; :4 ---- ; -: 0" Lowit , -:-V -r ; - - ' - " " ji ; . - i 7 mm 3rd to 2nd oh Yamhill ATIO-MA3L-ILI-CO.Of EDR 2nd to 3rd on Yamhill A stupendous sale starting Monday at 9 a. m.A silk deal of unparalleled magnitude-The largest silk purchase ever made by any one store on the coast-richest, rarest' silks for a fraction pf their value Mail Orders I . Tev Bay uumt of taeee rdlka v M Moribt la this riinUn Mm, wlU be promptly If Vh nik MoompaaiM tka . ordar. SOW w4t to mmt for aamploa, am4 a TMI OAlat, ( ud If yom ftro mot tkoroafkiy ' aottaao4 yo my rotnrv tha ilk amdV w will rotnra . tho aaoaoT. STOM Mil O. o. 9.a bo BMoBtloa paid to rooaoata for aaapiaai of tala aalo allk. Beginning Monday morning at :9f and continuing till the greatest lot of silk ever shipped to one house on the coast is soldr While in Chicago, our Mr. Lowit went a-silk-buying, and the salesman of the largest sflkmBls in the world asked him what he would give for 20,000 yards of silk in short lengths, thinking that this store could not use that vast arnSunt. After considerable chaff, he made Mr. Lowit an offer of the ENTIRE LOT at a nrice that will let us sell it for 39c a yard, and was promptly snapped up. Every piece in the shipment is a usable length, every inch of it is a good pattern, not a poor design or slow seller in the whole twenty thousand -yards. -The mighty power of READY CASH, and readiness to take this immense quantity has brought to the Portland public a huge silk value that will never be duplicated. yard" Supply Your Silk Wants Now Buy Silk for Anything for Which You Can Possibly Use It Let This Silk Sale Be Your Opportunity NOW HERE'S A DITAILILD PRIGB LIST i: Help Wanted W want Z0 thoroughly ex perienced ailk salespeople All applicants most be thor oughly conversant with the shades and textures of silk. Apply before 9 a. m. to Su perintendent Golden Eagle. it SILKS IN EVENING SHADES, peau de cygnes and taffetas in solid colors and two-toned irridescent effects, in black, green, old rose, Alice blue, pearl gray, wine. color,.petunia, turquoise blue, nile green, .seal brown and lemon. These silks are worth to $2.25 the yard. I Choose from the richest assortment you ever gazed upon at 39 cents. TWILLED INDIA SILK, in the staple, blacks and browns Full 24 inches Vide, "good weight and quality, worth $1.75, for. 39 cents. . ' ' ', FANCY CORDED SILKS, in ' checks , and striped - patterns, greens, blacks, reds, browns and grays. Worth to $2.25 the yard, for 39 cents. : FANCY TAFFETAS, in plaid eff ects, t checks and dotted designs.' Irridescent, two-toned effects, come in many shades and many designs.,' These superb silks are worth as high as $3.00 the yarcC and there are many thousands of yards to choose from. See them in the windows, then come in and choose all you want at 39 cents. CREPE DE CHINE, in evening shades, such as mode, pearl, gray, . champagne and i lemon:: Worth to $2.00 the yard, and go for 39 cents. ' ' FANCY TAFFETAS, in gray pin head checks and hair line, stripes in. red.. Brown silks with small, neat dots or figures. Worth to $2.00, at 39 cents. yard" skidoo problem; latesund - best of interesting puzzles . De ytm ' know what Bkldoe maanst , Do ,you know wbro tha word . cama from, wtia dlscorcrod It, anawfiat It waa brought her'a fort ' f Not ' " . . Well, a elaver yount man niada ft for tha aola purpoae of maklns It tha - name -t a wonderlillly clavae. puiaJa for Journal roadera. The Skidoo problrna la a puaala. "Tha Aea of Anne which arevaed con- aldorahle Inter at eoma time aao. waa frult-plcklnc eompared with It; and tha brick and a half affair, that had every body trying- ta aolre It. ahould not ' be mentioned In auch eteluelve company. The Bkldoo problem la a nralirht. up-to-date exantple In arithmetlo which will have ovorybody In Portland figur ine within a vary few daya. Tou eaa figure It out mentaUy If you are clever at that aort of thins or you can do it on paper. It la a plain propoaltlon ao eeay. Indeed, that when you finally get tha anawer. you will aay. "Why, anyone ahould be able to do that" It a Bklrtoo for tha one who cant. Of conrae, 11 acconipnnlea the "kldoo aml that la why the problem lan't tvmt aa aaay. aa aoythiogi H la a mighty. sneer ' numberwit has II : beaton by a good many. It may prove "J I for" lot of people whe think they ean flrure put Bkldoo offhand. - It la npedleaa to aay .that Bkldoo, aad IS, too, la copyrighted, ana -that the only way you canvtry yo Skill at It will be rn The journal, where 4t will aobear In a very abort time. -' - All wlU have a chance "at Bkldoo, and ft will be ee antarUlnlnc. that, every body ' wil try to . figure Mt out be cause' of Ma Inherent Intereat Tha Journal will give aora worth-winning prtaea to thoae who eotvs It i For In. stance, to the. person who sends In tha moat eklllfullv correct solution will be awarded Ona Thouaand Bright . New Pennlea; then M.urlght pennlea will be given ttf other aolvers; -and II gold Skidoo pine will be. given to sthera. It's- Bkldoo for tha pna who doesn't aolva tha new problem. .. .. ktaatta. Zs facola. - ,setrl SUpttrtl te Tbe !- U En gene. Or., Nov. IS-UarvIn Mas tin, a young man who had . pleaded guilty la tha sireult court to tha chart sX the larceny. vaUes Ot a aorss aad , aaddla, waa given a parole sentence of two years by Judge Harrla yeaterday. MILL MAY BE CLOSED . 1 : : BY CAR SHORTAGE ' (Special Dlapatch te The JeanuL) Balem. Nov, IS. It Is poaalble that the blf sawmill of Charles Bpauldlng Co. of thla olty may ahut dowa anleea tha railroad company ean furnish the neceaaary bars to-fill out 'the orders that the mill Ha a at tbla ttma Dur ing thla month tha company haa only bee able to ger two cars. Tha docks ar ' orowded with aawed lumber and every available spaca about the mill la filled with lumber, ill 'waa the intention to run tha mill both day and night thus doubling tha payroll, but nnleaa ears) can, be obtained the mill will have to ahut down altogether. Thla Would mean a great toes to Balem, as the mill has a large payroll THOMPSON IS GIVEN CHANGE OF VENUE ftpHs1 Dtteateh te Tke Inannl) cattle. Nov. 10. Attorneye for Chea ter Thompson, tha lovesick boy who killed Judge George Meade Emory be cause tha latter objected to Thompson paying attention to Ma niece, appeared baXors Judga JTratac u Uis superior court today and asked for a change of venue, declaring that owing to . the prominence of -the dead man they would be nnabla to eecure a fair trtal la King county. " After listening to tha argument Judge Frater declared be would grant a change of Venue, but postponed the announcement of tha county where ha would send the case.' Tba caae will probably be Bent to Pleres county and tried before Judge Bnell. SEATTLE CANAL BONDS ARE -DECLARED LEGAL (SpeeMl Plepsteh to Tee oeraal) Seattle. Nov. la. A teat eaaa brought before Judge Albertaon thla morning and tba bonda recently voted by King county amounting to IIOO.OOS to aid Jamea A, Moors In tha construc tion of tha Lake Washington canal were declared legal. The caae will now be taken to the euprema court Taxpayera la tba territory not eonttgnoua to the canal are fighting because they claim they are taxed with so benefit accruing. . Aad reople Are Xmngry. ' . Aaweg aslmtatleaa ee lovere ef Bntlsad tke'lstMt fd fc eellsr with tke raalae Hm'i aant pricked oat in srocloas steM, ptfrsbly brIIIUata. All Jnrtrr. with ' tbe mptloa el snrk,s eellsr es4 ptrkare erace- Ms. la men is. . ise srew h wb oa s Croat as. Saoea are as kws the fMhloa, as UI are aald te SUAgare the Sug's pave, I A Box of-Delicious Hood . River Apples FREE ! To sny person having" $25.00 worth ordental. work done thisoffice' before Jsnusrjr "I,"1907. "I nave an orchard in the famous Hood River Valley of which I am proud, and I would dike krny friends to have some of thete Spitzenberg applet. Understand, your work will not cost fnore than iV would eke where. ' I simply do this to show my spprecistion of your p stronage. , Remember, we extract teeth posifrVrry... without pain or danger. My system of Crown and Bridge Work cannot be excelled. Our new methjW,,; ,of filling teeih with porcelain is making a grest hit with ladies who object to showing gold fillings. Ir properly dons, it is difficult to detect porcelain filling from the tooth structure. In our plate depart- -ment we have the best skilled workmen on the coast, and our prices are exceptionally reasouabls. GOOD SET ON RUBBER PLATES $S.OO ; ' BEST SET ON RUBBER PLATES $8.00 THE PAINLESS DENTIST. DR. B. E. WRIGHT ; S43J, WASHINGTON STREET, COR. SEVENTH., '.Ji' OFFICE HOURS S a. m. to J p. m.; 7d0 to I JO p, m.; Sundays, 9 to 1. Phons Msin 2113.-' s (Eleven Years In Portland.) , Koaey ta Bees. aail'assa la the eprlag wlU SS awaraia e t v fi-nm which as fatfiMwl Ift.MS ptmnfa ef bAtwy, whi.-h k ,r,M fnr II.OST 4B. tlx ha, alt 14 no ' ' ' ' i f Heaa lo -i.2 aL i u M T