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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNIRO. T NOVEMBER 11, 18S3, It DISASTER SHOCK TO BIXBY Son of Owner of Long Beach ' ' Hotel Talks of Recent ' T Disaster, .,, ;,. CAUSE OF COLLAPSE ; . IS STILL MYSTERY Hit Not Heard From Hit Father, He '' Says, but Understands That Cora- ' mittee of Architect Will . Inreati (at th Catastrophe. . 7 (, v , - -. . J..- ;' ; ..;. ; .. -V ' ' v--:-v . ..... . - - - --: v - ' V - ; ' t . . . - -i:; . . ' . . ; ; -. . i v I ' - . ... . . . ' , .. ii , ' ' - .... - r, . v ' . t t . IA - - .". ::.' v h ..-.V '-;;rV:v V - , - - t , ' ; f f :Jt - 1 .. ." " ' :. ' v ' "" 'Ik ' . ' :v . - o Sri - 1 , , v i ... . , I I , . '1 , . , :j L . j -V 4 . :.. '..i...... : - - -- 1:... - . ' . J.' W. Blxby, aon of, the owner of the Blxby hotel, which collapsed - at - : Lone Botch. California, la at the Port land hotel with his wife. Thr have been' travellna In Europe for the put 11 moatha and knew nothing- about the ' terrible . catastrophe .until thejr read about It la the Seattle newspapers Fii : flay.. ' . - Mr. Blxby eald that the hotel waa "7 named after Ills father, who la the larg : eet atock owner In the company. Mr. Biz by senior, Is 'one of the most widely known cltisena of southern California. ' In speaking of the accident, Mr. Blxby said: "The aewa of the accident came aa a shock to me. The plane' had been drawn - before Mra, mi by and myseir left for Europe and all the newe we bad concerning the building waa tn the early stages of its construction. Bo . far as we knew It waa to have been one of the beat hotels on -the coast. r '' ' Mam ' Bseeivod Jto sTewa, '" . "I have received no communication from my father since the accident oc curred and do not expect to hear from him before we reach Lone Beach. We leave Portland tomorrow evening and will arrive at Loaf Beach early next week. I hope that the loss of life waa not so large aa reported ta the press dispatches. . Although nvy father had nothing- to do with the management of the hotel so far aa the guests were concerned, I know that be will regret the accident exceedingly. "I do not know the cause of the ac cident and understand that It will be Investigated by a committee of architects- Until after they make a report It would be foolish to e peculate as to i, the cause of the mishap." " Some of the dispatches in telling of 'Ml recent disaster of the Blxby hotel, . which suddenly collapsed at Long Beach, California, last Friday aald that the construction waa of reinforced con crete. But according to architects and other reliable authority here the hotel was not of reinforced concrete but waa constructed of iron, steel and tile floor ing. The columns were veneered In con crete for fire protection-only. . . ,.,, A BIG PURCHASE sTatha ' k WerUielmer, Xannfaetnrera : and Wkolisals Olothlers, Have Sold Oa-e) the. Bel TroiA 4 Wlthia Tew 2aya the Stock WW Be rut Upon the Market and Then Watch Out f or the rar to Xly. : r i Messrs. Nathan A " Werthelmer, the manufacturers and wholesale clothing dealers, on yesterday sold their entire Immense stock .'to the Red Front cloth . ing store and retired from business. The cause of the . retirement la not of consequence to the public, but the Importance of the purchase . : by - the- e4 - Front le of -more - than passing " moment. In faot tt Is the biggest buy of that character that has taken place la Portland In many months. It Is seldom recorded that a - retail atore swallows aa entire whole sale establishment, but this la what haa occurred la this Instance. . Nathan Werthelmer were large manufacturers aa well aa wholesalers, henoe It will at nee be evident what large Invest ment the Red Front haa made. . ; The Red Front today announces that wlthia a short time, or so soon aa the . goods can be assorted and marked. It will Inaugurate a clothing sale that will put out the light of all similar enter prises that have been heard of In this - bailiwick this year. It will Indeed be stupendous la magnitude,- and there will be a lot of fine clothing aold at Infinitesimal prices before the excite ment ends. , . . ' A Wise Investor . Will place hla' money where It will bring the aafest -and surest returns. There is no safer or surer Investment - than in real aetata In a growing city. There 'is no city on the Paclflo coast today which eomea so near offering all f the requirements for safe, sure and bound Investment aa Vancouver, Wash ington. The feverish eon test which haa been waging for a rear past be tween the twe greatest railroad sys tems of the continent for points of ad vantage along the north bank ot ' the Columbia and. at Vaaoouver Indicate atronger than words- can express - that Vancouver ta to be the entrepot for the Immense and ever growing trafflo of the great northwest. Br actual demonstration It Is known that the population of Vancouver and environs haa more than doubled la the last Ave yeera. Real estate values have advanced In many instanoes more thaa four fold and with the present outlook the next five years will show a still greater Increase la both population and vsluee. . .v . .... . , . .. j. ... ,. . Having been 'en the ground for the past II years, we watehed the progress '.and development, of this place-at every step and consequently feel that we are fully competent to give valuable advice ' to investors. Our 'OfBces-- arndffHBeoond street, Portland, Oregon, and at I0 . Main street, . Vaaoouver, Waehlngton (the home offloe) are fully equipped with , maps . and . plats of ' Vancouver and 'Clarke county and our corps of ' live salesmen are always pleased to give free information to visitors and to show our largs list of Investments. Take our advice: Oet In the swim; in vestigate Vancouver.- .Fine waiting-room In connection with eur Portland offloe at 101 Second street. Free telephone. 1 , TUB WASHINGTON A OREGON REALTY CO. ' Vaatloal Xgaoraaeo. rspttta a)nr ef the White Mtsr Hner Oretle Was ulklfi eboat tee Isnersset of tbe eee e4 eT u(mi term tbet m semtlsws die. lTd br finale eeaeragert. r "Ueet ran." ee mm. tbe re wt a yeanf wir rroai ft srwies wnasi i ; sieri(e. we rre sstklng enr loer, the steerege renih were eetms tnr emeer am I couldn't bole nxnarkleg the nssmluss eppetlte ef s f halree m,R. 'km! J.iriier." I mm, " leok et the SRvxmt ef tvoi thet fellow rammw." 'I np;we,. replek." m)4 tlie yen( l4y, aet he is f hat e uUurs call a stowaway," WE HAVE RECEIVED NOTICE TO CONTINUE THE TTD5 mi mum MM IN SPITE OF THE VAST THRONGS THAT CAME SATURDAY AND BOUGHT-WTTHOUT STOPPING, WE HAVE FAILED TO DISPOSE OF ALL THE -T,.ry--::': : ;:" .; '-'vx-;:-- TREMENDOUS STOCK, AND ;::fj :-y: :'! 'y.: , .1':V'-":'.'V'v -.;";' We were swamped with business Saturday, so crowded that we could not begin to wait upon the people. The crowd overflowed the large store and reached at times to the street car tracks in front of the building. The room was so densely packed that oursalesmen could not get the customers waited on, and now we have at least one more car load of goods to sell. Let nothing keep you away from here Monday, even if you live fifty miles or more from Portland. Out-of-town dealers will do well to attend this sale and buy what is left of this stock. Any reasonable offer will no be refused Comejnrjerson or write and we will see that you are taken care of. v v i , V ' ' t Mice! Mm M fc Mli mm All mail orders will be filled in the order received, and if we are out of the goods you order when your order reaches us, your money will be re turned. Send cash with order if you want these goods, and be sure to give us the CORRECT SIZE in all clothing orders. BELOW is a LIST of the REDUCED PRICES for MONDAY WESTS VESTS ; MEN'S .FINE SILK. VESTS In beautiful patterns, pearl buttons; worth from $1 JOJt to $5 each. Choice... ... aw e4w MEWS COATS ALL WOOL COATS Of fin est ; material, 400 - of them; worth from $10 to $16.50 Cr each. Your choice for, . I O' Men's Dress Shirts In plain white or fancy patterns, soft or stiff bosoms, with or without collars attached. Some of the finest pat terns and some of the est qualities ever offered Of "for sale; worth from $1.00 to $3.00 each. Your choice of the lot at...... Men's Suspenders In hand some embroidered effects, some of. them in fancy boxes for the holidays; worth from COc to $2.50, and on sale here Hp for only it Men's Wool .Shirts - Jleavv. blue flannel, that are worth from $2.00 to $4.50 each, some with double ; back and front. "Your choice of any in iCCw the lot, at UOL I Men's Wool Underwear Among this lot are several doz en of a make that is advertised to .-sell.. at -very -.high prices, in all the magazines; worth from $1.50 to $3.00. ': 2 Cr Choice ........ .V.T, . . .OOv Men's Wool Sox Good and heavy, and regular 25c kind The price will be, per c ( n -pair, only ............. 1 C OVERCOATS A large , lot pf .very fine Top Coats and Cravenettes ; worth from $7.60 to $15.00; all Oi sizes, Your choice', onlyOW WOViEN'S WRAPPERS In . , percal or Jlannelctte .thousands of' ' them;r v some worth high as $5.00. (FA Your t choice . ...OyC VVORIEN'S.COATS Coats In long or short styles, snug or loose fitting models, and coats that were made to retail at $15.00 to $35.00 each, come in plaih,black or fancy colors, made with good linings and every one of them are very CtJ fit stylish. Choice ....... ePOs OO WOMEN'S SUITS Just 144 of them in this lot and we will sell them for any price we can get, made of best grade of broadcloth, cheviot and fine wool novelty goods; some of them are actually worth as high as $45 in the retail way. The new fall styles : with short or long jackets, nicely trim med. Your choice of J fl Q the lot at...... .eD'l.yO $35 SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR $8.49 Only $8.49 for the finest Suits and Overcoats you ever saw placed on sale. Dodd, Fitzgerald & Co. catered only to the best trade and their business was built up by just such as these we offer you now, at less than one fourth what they would have sold'for had they gone to the store they were intend ed forr Made of fine worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, vicunas, meltons, kerseys, and all . t . . . f 1 . J 1 . J - .1. . 1 A I . tne Desi ciouisMana.inca ana mauc in inc dcsi possiDie manner, come and DICK out-a buii anu o i vuis saic, ior ii is me greatest chance to save ever offered to the men of Port- land.- These fine suits and coats, worth from. $35 to $45 each tor ;;;?. I l.v ...'. .vVav.v.'.-.V. .'; ianner. Come and lit Blankets All wool; worth $5.00 a pair for il wor-aws hose ; Finest grade of f Hose; in col; ton or wool ; worth 60j't3 $2.00' 5S??:.;..;.:.8c WOMEN'S SHOES Women's Shoes In all styles, made. of patent leather, of the new. gun metal kid, of vici kid, and in every new fall last; they have the common sense heels, Cuban heels - or French heels,: and they are worth as high as $6.00 the pair in the East at Women's Shoes In all styles, another large lot; worth from $2.50 to $3.50 tbe pair. . (Qr Your choice for....;..,xOv Men's Shoes Vicl kid and best grade of box calf shoes with the ', maker's- name on them, but we ; can't tell you that A $4.00- 1 QO shoe for, pair. . .i . . . ) 1 0 wt Choice, J J p MaU Orders )..'- Will be promptly filled for any - thing' advertised. We pay the freight or express on al mail or ders to any point within ' 200 miles of Portland. Ypur money refunded if you are not satisfied. Address all mail . orders to JOHN; Lv KUTNER, Manager. 34 N.' Third St 1 Corner Couch. Men's $12.00 SoMs $l29 Forced to . sell this immense quantity of merchandise' In one more day, we make the price on Men's Clothing lower than anything ' you have ever been offered before, ' ; C In any oflhe jtgular' stores" you would ' have to ' pay from $10.00 to $12.00, each, for these neat -Business . . QA AA Suits that any man can wear ; sizes 35 to 42. A - - - A Jf yeiweiw stupendous bargain in this great sale Men's Suits In dress or busl- Men's Suits In single or dou- ble breasted styles, made of fine worsteds or 'cassimeres, well lined and well made, in "perfect condition and the latest : and best styles; worth $15.00 to $20.00. Sale Price, : at $4.85 ness models, some of the finest makes "" intended for . Dodd, Fitzgerald & Co.'s best trade; most of ': them are the well known- Brokaw JiBros-V make and a regular $25.00 quality; some are wortn ?20, and. some worth $30. Sale price, cnoice , nu some $6.15 Pillows Feather - Pillows worth $1.25, for MEN'S OVERCOATS ln the very latest styles, made of the finest wool cheviot, in black or fancy patterns. Dodd. Fitzgerald's price for these would have. been from $18 to $22, made with lars and Choice" -aid's price for these would hi om $18 to $22, gt n VI WORKING or DRESS PANTS of nearly four hundred pairsr in. lar cut or the very Ti fZl -g top style ; worth " C7 T IS to $4.00 the pair. A Jt'I ice . .... v . U y sv. MEN'S PANTS In all styles an,d in all grades by the thou sand pairs.; We shall' sell thea extraordinarily It cheap ; because some of the, cases wfcre - broken open and the pants were thrown on - the car- floor. - Take your choice, of the lot at about one fourth of what they are - - really v worth. Pants worth as high as $3.50, the pair..., MEN'S $5 PANTS FOR.fl.25 75c 34W.HIRI-STRErfG0 DAN M'ALLEN WOULD BUILD ' BRIDGE ACROSS BERING SEA Den W. MeAUen, prominent tn various ways tn this city, Is endeavoring to dis cover the Identity of a person who calls himself Rustle Sagebrush. Mr. Bare brush llvee at Pasadena, the merchant has learned, for It was from that pliics a postal card was directed to Mr. Ho- Allen. The postal card announces a sub scription to a fund for the building; of bridge across the Behring sea, which Mr. McAllen is said to have in pros pect to advertise Portland. . Mr. McAl len's friends are seld to be highly en thusiastic over the scheme, the Idea of which is said to have originated' with the merchant. He rj uee that it would be a good way to bring the country folks to town, but -the scheme has aroused so much Interest that It is said to threaten the popularity of the proposed annual state fair. The eon tents of the-poatal card are as foUows: "Dear Mr. MeAUen: Enclosed Dleaae 4 And II.M, which use to the best of your Judgment in starting work on the big bridge across Behring sea. ' It ought to be started at once so as to cat oh the next spring trsde for Portland in sup plying the Russian army with linen dusters and mosquito-netting box. or elee our Seattle friends will heed us off with their big tunnel under Mr. Bea ring's base, - j - Tomorrow I also expect to wire you the proceeds of soaking 10,000 shares of the Santa Bonlt Land, - Sea, Sky, Cinch, Trust Si - Investment company. Mm., and everything will be left to the good Judgment of yourself and Mr. Painting's and Novelties for Christmas lUrre assortment, exclusive ' de- Oregon Photo Stock Co. 1U Sixth Street, Between Wash- f ' IngVm and Stark. ' Leather Goods Painted and Burned y : . MADM TO . . George. W. Slmonds, In both of whom our army - of - stockholders - have ... ex pressed thel unbounded confidence by a rising vote made with baking powder. "(Signed) RUSTLB SAGEBRUSH." . HAWAIIAN FRUIT STANDS SHIPMENT TO PORTLAND (Bpedsl Dlssatefe by Leased Wire Is The Jeonet) Washington, Nov. M The dally con sular reports for Monday will sayi The Hawaiian agricultural experiment station at Honolulu, through one of Its offloers, has conducted an experiment of shipping Hawaiian fruits. -In cold storage to ' Ban' rranoisoo 'and Van. couver. Several tons were shipped to San Franolseo In cold storage and were then shipped northward to Portland by railroad, where It was found that more than It per cent of these delicate trop-traV-products, hitherto considered too lender for such-a-Journey, bad, oont through uninjured.' The results of the shipment are considered of great im portance r opening -ev-new. market for the most idellcate tropical fruits. "- SENATOR JOE BAILEY : MAY, SOON BE ORPHAN (Speekt Stspetek by Lessen Wire te The loarnsl) Crystal Springs, Miss.,-Nov. 10. Fear Is expressed here that United States Senator Joe Bailey Is soon' to be made an orphan. - His venerable mother Is be lieved to be on her deathbed. Senator Bailey arrived here late last night from hla home In Gainesville, Texas, on an urgent request from relatives,-who are apprehensive as to the condition - of Mrs. BaUay. Since the death of Sena tor Bailey's father, which occurred at the femlly home here several months ago, Mrs. Bailey, the aged mother, haa shown a gradual decline. The' phasing away, of her fe.eip.msef urogUated, fees, ' J" Hay's P-H m nLrd, NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE TOUR HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR "Am delighted with the bottle Sent me. Being so young, tt almost killed me to have my hair getting white long be- i?lJL 7,"5 a.nJ,,d w0"ien; but thanks to HAIR HEALTH, no gray hairs oan be found In m yhead. Have not used all of one bottle." CLARiBEL, MASON, Nuttleburg, W. Va. .- ... Large 50c. Bodies for Sale al Woodard, Clarke & Co.. . 'A I.