The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    u - J V-i-.-iJ 11 -; 11 111 ' T f - I '. - - . . . . .. . ' " "
Commoner States Popular Vote
' , Shows Trend Towards De
mocracy ATl"Over Couhtryr
jres ident's Interference in Bad Taste
' and Hughes' Election Du to Fac
tional Fights Between Democrat '
", Hope Roosevelt Will Not Run,'
i ' Mosraal ,'Deelel Berelee.a
; .Lincoln. Neb., Not. 10. W. J. Bryan
. In today's Commoner comment . f ol
i lows on tbe recent election i
1 The election of loa Indicate a trend
K In favor of the Democrats party.' It
!, prove that the Pemocratla . . party la
: V rowinr stronger aa Republican policies
I are developed. In New Tor the party
: ' has won a signal vlotory In aplta of the
i tremendous efforta put forth In behalf
f of the administration. The Republican!
had all the money they wanted; they
liad the support of all the great eor
, porstlons and at tha eloaa they had
-'! whatever- tnflueitoe-h Administration
,-could lend. Tha fact that tha IXmo
. craU elected every atata officer except-
lng the governor howa that In tha
MCraplre aute the 3epublieaa party haa
been repudiated. .
i'X: " ' Democrata Sleeted Hag-hse.. ' .
vf "Tha defeat of Mr. Hearst, tha Pemo-
n are tie and Independence League csndi
: date or governor, while a gTeatMissp-
polntment to his friends--and to- the
'. party, is explained by facta which rob
. , Mr. Hughes' victory of both glory and
" political significance. : Mr-JKoCarren.
whom Mr, 'Hearst denounced aa a boaa. .
"V threw his Influence to Hughes and out
down Hearst 'a vote In Brooklyn.. Mayor
McClellan, ths legality of whoa elec-
. tlon -Mr. Hearst had denied, used his.
5' Influence, for Mr. Hughes and eut down ;
T the ' Hearst vote In New Tork. Mr.
.. ' Jerome, the prosecuting attorney of j
New Torn, i w be baa eieo oeva snacsru
. fcv Mr. Hearst, supported tha Republt
, ' can -ticket, and hla Influence wa felt
In Greater New Tork. Mr, Croker, dur.
; V Ing tha last days of the campaign, made
' an attack upon Mr. Hearst which doubt-,
V less weakened the Democratic candi-
date among tha Tammanyltea. . . Mr. j
V Murphy, the liead ' of Tammany, while
: supporting the ticket, could not put j
much enthusiasm Into the campaign
; owing' to .the personal . eontroveraiea
' which he had had with Mr? Hearst Hi
Is evident, tnerefore, that Mr. Hughes
owes his victory not to Republican votes !
'l but to Democratic votes brought to him
i. by tha very men whom lie end the Re-
. , publican headers have been denouncing
- for years. . .
- ; .. mooeeeelVa Bad Taste. ' .
'. '. 4 'President Roosevelt cannot find very
much cauaa' for rejoicing In the New
r York retuma To have his own etat
, '. go Democratic cannot be gratifying to
. him. and to find that hla personal at-
tark nnon Mr. Men rat had little In-
fluence on the result compnred with the j
Influence exerted bjr'McCarren, Croker
ana TMUrpny win -wi I"""
Thanksgiving day. The president's per
on attack on. Mr. Hearst waa In bad
taste, to aay the least, and that th at
tack did not favorably Impress the pub,
' lie ought to ba warning for the Xu-
: ture. 'V. . - ' '
"Mr." Hearaf Is, of course, dleappolnb.
' ed. and yet' when all tfcs facts sre
; known, he has much to eongratulate
' himself tiDon. He made a tremendous
" flaht aaalnat great oddsj while he hlm-J
seir xBijea o i rircuun uim uv,v
gls brought the victory to the rest of
' the ticket As th rest of the ticket
. stood for th same prlnclplea for' which
he contended, it is evident that he, haa
' been vindicated on the. position taken.
4 and thia must be more gratifying to
. him than pejaonal victory could ba.
Hla personal enemies have contributed
to his defest but the triumph of hie
Ideas still leaves him In a position to
"continue the fight for the protection
of the publle against the encroachment
" of predatory wealth. ' ,
,V Tread Toward Democracy. ' :
31 tlhe trend toward. Democracy con.
tinueu as strong for the next two years
. as It haa been for the laat two years,
- New York can be counted among the
'.' Democratic states In ltOt. and Mr.
Hearst Is In a position 'to do valiant
work In aecurlng a national triumph for
progressive Democratic Ideas. :
"The Democratic galne In congreae
have not been aa great aa the party ex
pected, but thejr have bean sufficient to
' make It probable that the Demoorate
will control the congreas to be elected
In lo. in nearly all the legislatures
In the middle states the Democrata have
made decided gains and these promise
. much for the senatorial contests which
take place two yeare hence.
-In Iowa, Kansas snd California ths
' Democrata made a splendid fight for the
gubernatorial ticket. The reduction of
Governor Cummins' majority from more
than. 70,000 to about 10.000 puta Iowa
among the doubtful states for two years
hence. Kanaaa and California can no
' longer be claimed aa certainly Repub
' llcan. "li-: fight made by Mr. Harris In
the former state and by Mr. Bell In the
: latter give more than a reasonable hope
.--of success taa years Jicnce-...
, ;, ' , 1 ; Ttotory la BOseowrt,
- "The victory In Missouri will bring
' Joy to every Democratic heart. A wall
' went ap when Missouri dropped out -of
The Demoeimtlc column-two years ago.
tier return la greeted, -with widespread
. rejoicing. Oklahome,' the bew elate,
' eomea In with a rousing Democratic mi-
Jortty..The constitution wilU. be written
by the " Democrats and she -will send
' two aenatora to fight fa the interests
of ths wealth-producers." Democracy
. welcomes Oklahoma to a seat pear the
head of the table.
"Is Nebraska ' the Democrats hoped,
with the aid of the Populists, to elect
1 their state ticket and their candidate
for United Statea senator. In this they
' failed, but .they have made substantial
. gain throughout the state, as shown
. by the vote on 'congressman and the
legislative ticket, as well aa by the
state ticket. They have gained one
--a g 1 .J L-JX
. " m. veag ex auoao. . j i . ..
' Tha rear Ihoa will long be Tfmtm-
s bered In the' home-ef F. N. Tacket of
' A Ulan oa. Ky.( aa a year or Diood. which
flowed ae copiously from Mr. Tacket's
lungs that death seemed very near. He
!; "Severe bleeding from the
liinn and a frlahtful couah had
bruusht me at denth'a door. Whan t be
gan taking ur. Araii rew uiscovery
" for Conausnpoon, win im astontshing
result that after taking four bottles I
wss completely restored, and aa time
. haa proven permanently cured." Guar
!.noed for Sore Mines, Coughs and
.-vi'olds, st Refl rro rnarroacy.
V fcer and 'Il ea. Trial bottle free:
Carpenters and ; Mechanics In-
; vade the . Eilers, Piano
House and Begin do
'h 'Do Things.
Big -Improvements .Under Way
2j&uch Space. t0. BeAddei
Fine Business Being
Done by the Firm.
1 Instead of the- sound of the piano, tha
noli of tha hammer, and saw are the
predominating factors at present at tha
store of tha Eilera Fiano House, on tha
busy musle corner of Washington and
'Park street
Possession haa at laat ten socurea
by tha firm of the upper floor .and the
additional apace whlon Is to be added
to the firm's Quarters, and the work of
remodeling the building la being rushed
forward as fast as possible. The long
delay which the .house experienced In
scouring occupancy of the upper floor
la matter f , which the publle la
aware, and haa been a subject of deep
concern to the Eilers company, who
have been at their wit's end to know
how to handle the Immense business of
the paat few months. 1
A, reporter who made the rounde of
the new quarters yesterday -found Mr.
8. J. McCormlck. th genial -vice-president
and- manager of the firm, busily
engaged In directing a doxen things In
ss many minutes, here, there and every
where, but with all hla overtaxed time,
he took long enough to show the news
Daner man through the mass of pianos.
carpentera and general confusion.
Said Mr. McCormlck. . "inia is me
worst imaginable mess ' for a muste
store to go through with,' but the bat
tle will be worth the struggle, for when
we complete these extensive changes
which ars new' under way. we ahall have
the -finest musio house in this part, of
the country. We shall have in addition
to our f Irat and basement floors, a apace
en the-second floor1 etjual to a full quar
ter block. W ahall have a fine broad
stairway leading from Park street to
our second floor, upon which will be
located our main salesroom,; embracing
I.SOe square . feet of loof spaee, our
organ department witn an aaauionai square feet, a' spacious pianola
deparrment, publicity department, and
a number of well adaptdd studios.. Our
main salesroom - will be : splendidly
Ifghted. and well ventilated, and our
pianola department wilt be the- finest
of Its kind probably on the coast; this
room wilt have aound proof walla, and
wilt be arranged in every particular to
best meet the demanda of the purposes
for which it will be ussd.- There will
be convenient elevator service, bringing
the second Qoor within easy access, and
this second floor will be removed to a
considerable degree from the noise and
confusion of the street, which will be
much appreciated by those who are
engaged especially la the aelectlon of
planoa. .
"We shall continue to maintain on
our flrat floor, our receiving, ahlpptng,
repair and tuning desartmenta, aa well
aa our Phonograph Department, which
la growing to unusual proportlona.
' "Business haa been phenomenal dur.
Ing the paat few weeks, and Is a atgn
that the city of Portland and the en-
llr north Pacific coast section la In a
m0,t prosperous condition perhaps
rmorer so than: evew in-tts-prrrtooe-hia-
tory. We have been sending pianos In
carload shipments to our Branch houses,
with rapidly-Increasing frequency, and
still-' the csll comes from our outside
repress nsatlvee for "more pianos.' Our
local sales have 'been especially gratify
Inc. eoorand everything lndlceteawpn
derful fall and winter trade.
congressman and came within leae than
too vote of gaining another. la two
other districts the Republican majori
ties have been so much reduced that
we can reasonably count on four Demo
cratic congressmen two years from now.
In the legislature the fuslonlsts will
have about four times as many as they
had -two years ago. .
. . Tlotor's Barrow Margin. ,
'The Republicans have had an effect
ive campaign cry In 'standing by the
president.' While the record showed
that the Democrats In the senate and
the house etood by the president bet
ter than the Republicans, the admirers
of the president very naturally gave
weight to hie appeal for a Republican
congress, although la making the ap
peal .the president put a personal vie.
tory. above the reforms which he baa
been advocating. Two years from now
that appeal will be of no aval), for the
president will not be In office after
March 4. lo. Even If he were a can
didatewhich no friend of hie can as
sume after his repeated declarations
he would have to confront tha third
term issue, and who would aay that that
Issue alone would not lose the president
enough votes to make . his race hope
less? The popular Vote as Indicated by tha
congressional ' elections ahowe .that the
Republicans even now have a narrow
margin to go on and that margin will
be quickly wiped out If the president
allows himself to be drawn Into a race
for a third term.. " , . ,
4floeclaI mateh -Os-Tba- J.aeaal.)
Podleton, Or, Nov. 10. An old-time
Indlsn' horse racing exhibition Drill be
rirea on tha Umatilla reservation Bun
dap afternoon. Tba races will be pulled
off at the WlkeWlk place," about a
mile and a half north of Caruso eta
tlon, and II to It milaa from Pendls
ton. It la ipec'ted that the greater
part of the Indian population will bo
Most of the rsces will be of the pres
ent day manner, but one which premises
to be the most attractive of the en
tire program will be run In the good,
old-fashioned stylo, and will be for
three mile.
"J Pendleton people go to 'the reoerva
iibn' 1n large numbers to witness these
exhibitions. . ' '
, ,t u L , u , 4
" tSpeet! Dlapatch to Tbi Journal, i "
, Canyon City, Or., Nov. IS. An effort
la being made to recapture Fred De
Ford, who escaped from the Canyon
City Jail a few daye ago. He wee re
cently arrested on the charge of stock-
I-rustling; in the northern part of Grant
county. He . naked to go to the yard
for a drink t water and he Vaa given
permission. This wss the lest seen of
him. The entire country is '. being
atlas; ef Italy's birthday.
' Rome, Nov. . 10. Many messagea of
congratulation . wers i received at .tha
quIrlnaTModsjr in "eitlcrpstlon - of the
thirty-seventh birthday or King victor
Emmsnuel, who waa born NovjinbexJ
Flrat The Whit Ttmple Twelfth 4 Tay
lor treu; Hev. t. wkltromb Brwikr. D. P.
All, si.. Bible sc-booi at SarUr-tr,-t briar;
lu um-aceore VJf mtlns; II a. m.,
wrhlp with aenauo, ' Frtr Kiplaln HI.
rowr,Tt :10 . u., tempi Bib! K-huol; StUO
p. m.. B. V. P. (1. BMviiiiai T:40 p. at., p
Jmt rriret weichiux. Ujt BjLd PlMW."
speUI miuip. " -' ,
SMond Kaveetb and Beat ' Aakeay tfti;
Hrr. V- LyJ. aric at 1U:80
. .. lib arruun; atrnoa at T;Su a, ai.
Blhl. achool t noon. .
Uraee atixitaTUla; Rv. - Gllmaa - Parkar.
Preaching, at 11 a. m.. "Th Vt.loa f th
Ctoriaed Oirtat"; rojm t T:l p. m., "Th
eii'ieiiy e th New utrtb,-" Sfwctal smrtc.
lmnuDael keimA aod alrae tren; He.
0. W tirlfon. guaaajr achuol, 10 a. aa.:
i. U.. s. m.1 preaching, 11 a. a iM
1. Xi p. m. -tulrenllT
Park BT. Job Bentals. Ban
dar arheol, 10 a. m.;-preaching, 11 a. m. aad
1:30 p. bi., by Hee. A. B. -W alla.
Central Bt Twelfth and Ankeny itrnt;
W. T. Jordan. Prearblng. 10:80 a..m.. "Read";
Sunday xhoal,' 11 m.; ereli' at t:0 p. mH
,"KeaieBber.". Special .stnalc. '-''..
Arivta Re. John Bntln. lunday echeel,
lo . at. z preaching. 11 a. B., "A Troubled
Coeartruc"; 7 5 B. Si., awmaa. "A Mta-
Biatrd Plr.
lioant Oil genets snd Bnntt straets.
Preacklnf at 11 a. m. and S . . . ,
St. Jobs' Bev. K. A. Leonard. Beaitr
cnoO. 10 a. m. preaching. 11 a, ( 10
p. si. , Breaching.
TVird Tanconrer avonue and Knott atreett
Rev. B. M. Bllaa. At 10 a. .. Sunday achool;
11 a. m., preaching: aerraoa, T:30 p. m.
Swedl.h Hojt and rirteonth treeta; Bee
Eric Hcheritrnm. Freacklng. 10:46 a. SW aa
I:SO p. aa.s sunday achool. IS .
UlahUnd Alberta and Sixth tlreet. Praes.
Ing. 2 30 p. ., by Kev. BJ. M, Biles; Sun
day achool. X :.) a. si. .
Uouat Carawl yoartMath aad nndr
tneta; Bv. A. i. Shepherd. Sunday eceool.
IS m. i praaeMng, II . a aad S s si.
Scllwood EIT,Dth ' aad Cnatllla BlrMta;
Be. Oeors A. Laara. Baaday arhwl, 10 a.
B.j preaching , 11 a. m. aad I :6 p. m-
rirat German Kourlh aad Mill treeta: Rev.
t. kratt. Preaching at 10:15 a. m. aad T:0
p. a.; B. Y. e. v., ytS p. at.; Bun day Khoal.
0:49 a. a "' ' ' - '
eeand Oa. man Rodaey raveane'-iaad Morrt
atreat; Rev. '. Boeersias. Preaeblag. 11 a. aa.
aad 7:S0 . .; Saaday ecsoal, a. B.
b. T. P. V.. iS s- aa.
Calvary Kt Elahth - aad Grant tra
Rev. A. Lawrence Black. Blbl achool. 10 a.
B. : aerBon. 11 a. B.I 0:10 p. a.. Yeuag P
Vltt BieeliBgi l it) p. n.. serswa.
. . -
liTh Uarf aad Powell (treeta: Rev. Je
rome K. MKilade. D. I. At 10:S0 a. ai..
mon. "Chrlit' Appeal for th I uelneh Ufe"i
T:30 p. at.. Mrmon, "Th . Aaeia . of Coa
rieace." CalTary Eleventh aad CTay treti Rev.
Beo-Eara BHIfa Ely Jr., D. I). Beevlcea, 10:O
a. M.. with aermon, "Ttie lord aad Ilia Peo.
pie Hla J"; Sunder arbinl. 12 B.I aermon
at 1:30 p. m., "Uettlng Mad."
Thlrd-'Eaat Thirteenth and Pise (treats; Rev.
Andrew 1. Montromer.T. Prearblng at 10:0
a. B.. "Th World'a Bible"! T;44 p. B.. "Will
th MUUalan Beer Comart
fonrth t'lrat and Ulbba atreeta: R. Job
R. Welch. Preaching at 10:90 a. B.; San'
day achool. IS B.S T. P. B. G. B.. 0:30 p. .
at T:RO p. b.. eermon. .
nawthora Park Twvatleth sad Kaat Taylor
atreeta; Ha. K. Kiaoa AUea. Baaday cbool,
10 . a.: preaching, 10: SO a. B.; T:0 a. si.,
eraon; T. P. 8. C. k., S:0 p. m. .
PledBont Clavelaad aveaa aad Jamtt
treat; Rev. L. Myroa Booier. lraehlng at
11 a. m i Sunday achool, 12.U p. n. ; yrch
Inc. T:S0 p. b.
Waetmlneter Baet Tenth aad Weidler atreeta;
Rev. Heary U Mareotta. Morning aeraaoa. 11
o'cLich: annlnl luraua. I: BO o'clock: Bnndae
cnooi, iz:ao p. ta.-K . r. o. v
rirM TwvittB ana tau aareeia. i ou
b.. aerrtceo: l.ti n. a.. preaching by Bev.
B. T. Maelarea.
Bellwood nevuteentfe a treat aad Bpokaa sve
ane; Bav. D. A. ThoBpaon. Sunday achool, 10
a. m.: aermon. 11 a. sc. "Th Batltudea";
Chrlatlaa Endeaeor, T p. B. ; wrBoa. at 1:80
B. m., "AdaB and Ere?' '
PBltoa Rev. A. H. Burk holder. Beraaoa at
: . .'-:
umraii ictmi aaaranau ana pona wwe
teenth atreeU: Bav. C. W. Haya. Sunday
achool, 10 a. B. ; proachlni. II a. B.: Hcaoa
I VI n m.: T. P S. C. K.. I ll . B.
Maewtaraba BelB t and Ptattyman atreeta;
Bee. Kdward M. Hbarn. Beraoa t 11 a. l
.aervlea St 7:30 K '
' smiaBUT. i . i
Montaviila Rev. Harold ObergV Preacblng
Lea rue. ) p. b. aermon. T: p. B.
Central knaeell and Kerby atreau; Bev. J.
T. Abbett. te aieetina. S:4S a. aa.; aarainn,
10:80. a. B.: Sunday achool,- IX m. ; ieagna.
:30 . B. aernxia. T:S0 p. B., by Rev. v.. B.
Mnlllnrahead. Breaidlns elder; Lord' nppr
Trinity Eaat Tents ano urani lu-eaia; nee.
K V, smith. Sunday erbool, JO a. m.x preachy
Ing. 11 a. B "Becret Power ef a t orUtlan'';
Bpwsrth Lau. e:0 p. ra.; aermoe at T:0
p, B., -"A Blnser'a Beat Frlnd." ,
- - i rw it . . n . Rn,MHi Rt,nPf.
Claaae. 0:80 a. m ; aermon, 10:30 a. b.i Bun-
day achool. ItM j. '. Eparorth lau. 0:80
p.- b. ; aermoa, - ,;v p. ; ,
v. e.,L atreta! frlarence
Tru Wllaon. D. D., paetor. Sermon. 1:90
. . a.w mrhaal. la it B. B. 1 Epwnrth
Laru. 0:u P. n-l wrawa, f:S0 p.. m. , Spe
cial mualc. .
Patton atleWf as ana uarpent aireeia; nrw.
Mflrllle T. Wire. Seraoa. 11 a. B., by Bee.
v a Uoiiiimhead. aad at T:S0 P. B.; Ban
dar achool. 10 a. .;. Bpworta Un.'
P"Seii'wod Fifteenth end TaroBa (treeta; Bav.
A. D. Waxnee. Bonday achool, 10 a. m. ; aer.
bob. 11 a. m., "la ITln BeBeBbrasea"!
maaa saMting. 12:16 p, B. ; chUdren'a setln(,
2:90 p. m.i Knworth Lene . 6:30 P. B.i aer
BOB. T:30 e. B 'Th Problem ef Ufa,"
St. Hark'a Nlntenth and Qulmby atreeta;
Bev J. K. Slmpaus. Holy cuanmunloa, S a. B.j
Hnnday achool, 10 a. b. morning prayer and
litany. 11 o'clock ; avenaong and aerBoa, "What
la tbe Catholic t.aarchl" .
Trinity Nineteenth aad Bvrtt atreeta: Bee.
Dr. A. A. Morrleoa. Holy coBBionlva, S a. B.
BorninS aervtre, 11 o'clock; .renin aerrlc.
I-..10 ecleek; Bunday cbool. 0:80 . m.
St. David' Eaat Twelfth aad Belmont
atreeta; B.e. I. B. Va Water. Sander
erh net, 4A a. B.; naming prayar and aermoa
at II ' clerk; valn( prayer aad eeraooa ai
l.m eUx-k; holy commaaloB. 8 a. b.
St.- Andrew'e Cslvaralty Pa,rk; Bv, W. B.
Powell, narvte aad aaraaaa. 11 a. B.) Baa.
day Khaol, 10 s. b.
St. Job. a M.aaort.l Scllwxed Rev. W. B.
Pew.lL Snaday acaeal. 11 a. B. aerrlc aad
Beraoa, T.4 p. m.
coarer aveaa; Bv. John Diweoa. Holy job.
manioB, a a. m. - u. ... -,
Snnday achool. 8:4 a. B.; prayar aad annos
T'St. Mtthw's P1rt and Carathera treti
EaT y a. M. Brerk. Holy communion, l.m
a. b. Bnnday achool. 43 . ra. ; aermon,, 11
a. m.i aerrlc and wos, T:S0 p. n.
It. Taara Woodmer! 'XS." I tirkr, lay
rc.der Is charf. Morning aerrlc and aermu
at 11 a. B. by Rev. Frederick O. Wlllian.
All Batata Twenty aecoad and Bed atreeta.
Bnnday achool, 10 a. B.; vealnf aerrlc, 1M
e'clock. , t . ' ""'(
" "r. ' .1 1UTHIBAB. " : "
gt Jam Bntllah Wert park aad Jffrot
atreeta; J. A. Leaa. Barvlce at 11 a. .. wltl
acraaao. "8s vena Sentiment"! BandaT
chwi, 10 a. B.1 rBa. T:) p. 'is.j "What
poee It Coat te Be a Cbrlatfaal "; Luther
r I li) t .
BHtaaia DaaMb I'alos araana .and MattIs
treat; Bav. .uoamnna unu. vannaj aa iilbb,
11 a. a. aad 6 p. b.
Bvaod Eaat Tenth and Craat
atreeta: Ker. O. Hago. Snaday acarool, SO
a. m. : service, S p, m.
St. Paal'a OarBaa Bast Twelfth and Cllstos
b.t A. Krana. Serrlr. 10:30 a. m.i
eervloe. T:M S. a.; Sasday school, S:S0 p. B.j
B1M rhool
North Fourteenth atreet: Be.
$. It. liervlg
Service st 11 a. SH aud T:S
p. a. c-'
Swedlaa ' iBBBBnat Nineteenth and Irving
atreeta; Bv. C. 1. Boahard. Servlraa at 11 a.
B. and S p. a. 1 ' Sunday achool.. 0:46 a. B.
gwedlah Rodney avasse and Btantoa rrl.
lunday achool, 0:SO v Skf service 40 sW a.
B. ervicM, T:6 ... , . , -.
tnlveralty Park Arttaaa' temnl; nv, t.
B. ry. At U a praachlatr Sasday
achnnl, 10 a. a. . - .
Flret Madlaea aad Park (treat)' Rev. . L.
llnvar. IV I). Sermon, 10:80 a.' m., "Th Crne
Mrs.' B. W. Evan. Clearwater, Kan.,'
wrltevtt ""My fiusbauid lay sick for three
montha Tbe doctors said that he had
quick consumption. We procured a bot
tle of Ballard Horehound Syrup, and it
cured hi m. That , was jp) years ego.
Bines then We' ha vs-atwsyS kept a bottle
in the "hmise.--We canno do without M.
Knr couaha and colds it haa no equal."
tic too and! (, 7ld by WOodard,
Cures Chronic Constipation,
Stimulation Without Irritation.
OKnro Laxative, Fruit Syrup is a new
laxative syrup combined with the deli
cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas
ant tQ.tktalIt.wiU not gripe or sicken.
It is much, more pleasant and effective
- than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters,
as it does toot derange the Stomach, or
irritate the Kidneys, liver or Bowels..-
Oanro laxative Fruit Syrup will posi
, tively cure chronio constipation as it re
1 ' stores the natural action of the intestinal
tract. Ordinary catharties may give tem
porary relief but the stomach is upset
and the bowels are irritated without any
' permanent benefit having been derived.
,r. - ,, w- n f ' ar ami.' T Bn a... b.i
Ctariariaa Endeaeor errte, 1:10, B. Baa
tar school, 12 M. - '
SnttBjalae Eaat Tarior ana araai lamr
(oorta atreeta; Uae. J. i. fUanh. MorBina aer-
Ir. . 11 ciock, wits ernvn, jawwni. . u
I! i . a j 1 n . aunloe
OirtatUa KndeaTor, T s. m.f aannoa t ,1:80
. a... 'TB atraaceat Car lor bubsbms n
Mlaalaalnpl-ATMin allaalaaippi . btbu
rreniont atreet; He. WllllaB U I panaw.
Bundar aeboel. 10 a. B. aerBoa, 11 a. ,
rami riouiiu t " 1 - .f ' .
aerBoa, T:30 p. B., "Soma MlaUkaa Netlona
aooot tne Laoa or -iwoi. .
Hlahland Eaat sixth and Preeeott srta.
Bundar achool. JO a. si.; rmon, 11 a. aa..
Uod, aa W SbooM Tatnlf oat Um"l
Chrlatlan ladeaeor. : p.' B.J 'aerrioa at 1-.4S
s. m., ernwn, "Th Man Who lahora4 Him
self to i)o uooo." - . '
La nrel wood Arleta bH; KT. D. B. Ortr.
Snnaaf achool. 10 a. m.i V. P. B. C. . .,
0:30 p. B.j eeraoa at T:30 p. B.
Denaion, 10:r a. B., Br Bee. . P. apr cat
tmatoa; sanaaf aenoot, mnomi . H 1
4eaeor, : p. m. Tenlnf aarrlo. ,T:4I
P. " .' . . :'.'.. -- .
OHallTIAir. ' e ,
Fb-at Park and Columbia atraeta; Rev. B. V.
Patteraoo. At 10:SO a. B., aermon, "Th
Word"; 7:30 p. En., aermon. "Th Reeooeiiia
ttoa; Did God or Mas Need aleeonclUnji r ' ;
(brUtl.a EudMTar. S:4ft p. sa.; Btbl school,
12:16 p. B.
r.nMi r.f Twelfth ana Kaat Salmon
treat; B. J. H. Ohormler, D- D-
. a., "TB Church allUtaat''; Bandar sehoal,
12:16 p. an.; Senior Endeavor, 0:46 p.
reTleal aerrlee at T:46 p. B. special sraaie.
Rodner-ATenae Rodney a re a and 2 Knott
atreet; iter. W. Klaw Bohlneoa. At 0 44 a. b
Bible achool; 11 a. b.. communion and aennoo;
6:o p. b., I. P. S. C. . T:0 p. B., eraaon.
WOOOl.wa BnRR.7 eroooi. IW w.
tfia it a. aa.i chriatlaa Endeaeor. I B. B.I
Mr rice P. .. with special Baal.
vvnta zvavaixiOAX. ;
rirat-Faat Tenth and liner sua .treat: Bt.
prraehlna, 11 . B. ; T:H0 p. ersOB.
Second Fart ana aeror aireei
Iter., J.
At 11 a.
aa.. nreacblna. Bx
'dud aa Operative; Man aa Cooper ttva"i Bua-
Oay achool, 10 a. m.; s. u. v. a,.. r
St. Jobs' Ivanboa and Joha atraeta; Bav
m u . lO'. aa.
preaching. 11 a. m. by lie. WllllaB Plowman
if.Bodevine;, K. C. . : 8 80 p. m.'. B. K- U
r. E.. B art s. a.: preacblns, 7:80 I, at by
Bav. D. M. Metsree ot Dallaa.
Oakley - ttrega Hnnday- scheoi, 10 . "-T
Tsung People' awUng, ( . a; preaching.
1JO p. a. , .
1 au. w n.k 'a-.., aiv,a .i w.phet etraetai
, U l ;U, 11.11 . . . u - .
He. S. A.' Slewert. Preaching at 11 a. B.
Baaday wnooi. 10 a. aa.; y.
Young People'a Alllaac. 0:46 p. aa. -
Urac ucni ev. a. u. nuiow.
Ing. 11 X. a and 8 p. a.t oaag Popl's Al
liance, t p. a.; Bnaday cnool, 10 a a.
First Oeraaa Tenth and Clay atreeta; Bev.
The. Schaaer. Banday achool. t:80 a. B.j
arBos, 10:48 a. B.( preaablng, t:6 p. a.)
X P. A., T B. B.
Memorial Tlbhetta aad Elftitaentk' streets;
In. L. C. Hoova. Sunday acbol, 10 a a. I
praachlag, 11 a. a. and T0 p. aa.; X. P. A.
devotional aerrlee. 6:80 p-. m.
norm rortieiMi -rB,J - - - ' " ,
a treeta) Rev. B. O. Hornechueh. Bunder school,
8:46 a. n. preacnisf, w:w a. a. .
prtgraa, 7 JO p. a. . . .,'"'. ..'. .'
First Church ef Chrlat, BcieBtUt Scottish
Rite eathedreL Morrtaoa and LownadaM atraeta.
Bervlcea at 11 . a. m. and S p. a; Bonday
achool at cine ot noratng aerrlc t Wcdauday
.renin meeting at 6 p. m.
WIMUU V llUIA.ll n aa. -v, x
DU. flurk and BTQtb ttrovU. Kuad-y m-tIcm
ad t;norcn 01 taiw. nv imm ,
at Jl a. a. ana e p. .-w, t.
' ? f ' -'. missiobb. :
Beaeea Uht Mli-ll iWtb tit.
sartb. .Prcbiag svery sight sad Baaday
"oilv Branch MIloa 280 Flret street Ber
Columbia. Preaching every night at 7:80;
Banuay. S p. a.; Sundav achool, 1:80 p. a.
St. Joba'a Hollneaa Mtaalo 828 Saeend Mreet
sear Mai I Bev. John F. Olaaoo. Sarvlea
every Bliht and ganday at 8 and 7:80 p. a.
Chinee Baptlat 248 Second street. Service
st 7:80 p. aa. ' "--- -
Plrat Eaat Fifteesth Bd Morrtaoa strta:
Bev. H. C. Sbaffer. Blbl achool at 10 s. m.i
nrmos at 11 a. a.; sersioB st 7:80 p. a.; t. P.
8. C. E., 7 p. B.
Second Sixth and Mechanic trs; Bev. o.
P. Blanch rd. Bnnday acbosl, 10 s. B.( saraaoa.
11 a, a. and 7:30 p. a. .
. . , TTBTTAEIAB. '' ' -; ''
Chnrcb of Onr Fathef--Beveath an"ixiaiBhili
treeta; Rv. W. O. Eliot Jr.. minuter; Rev.
T U Eliot, B. !., mlniater emerltna. Service
at 11 a. su, eubjeet at aeravm. "Bquarinf tha
Government With tha Intonate of th People"!
Bandar ebosl. 8:46 s. a.; elaaeee, 11 a. a.
and 12:80 p. a. - - ', :.- -
Flrat 171 U Second atreet Foresters' : ball s
Bev. B. H. Mowr. At 10 . a., Sunday school;
11 s a., aermoB. "Th Optlmlstle Chrtaf'i
i:M p. m Epwortb tatagne; 7:80 p. m., praactf-
v . , ' ; ' . . "
"(J. ABB K. A.
Chrlatlan and Mlaalontry Alliance Blith and
Main atreet; Bev. C. D. Sawtella. , Preaching.
10:80 a. a.t Banday achool, 12:16 p. b.i Toaug
People's .meettag, 6:80 . p. SB .' svasgllt
crvlaaa. 7 JtO p. a. ' ;
'-' ' ' T. at. 0. A.
Aeooclatlon Andltsrtnm, 107 Fourth tret.
Snnday ebool, 8 :f p. a., addreaa by Dr.
Clarence Trna Wltaos. Special muale. Boy-me-tlBg
St p. a., addred by Bav. A. L.
Black. AU men welcome.
ChrlatUn Adreat Becoad atreet wetwtes Ball
ad Liaroln; Bv. Charles Heffeadea. Baaday
achool. lo:30 a. m.; preaching. 11:80 a. B.
pr.lee aerrlc. 7 p. m.i aermua. 6 P. Bfc
- . ' e "" ' " -
. ' , ' ZIOaT, , . 1 -Chrlatlan
Catholic Chnrcb 1 Blow Allakr
hall, (ecm.d Soar, Third aad Marrhma streets;
He. Charles A. Hf. elder is charge. At 2
p. a.: Bible study; 8 p. a., services.
- Church t Jean Christ ef aUter-Day Saint
Hall 408, 'Allaky building. Third and Morrl
eoa atreet:. Her vice at 11.80 a. aa. aad I p.
B. Sunday scboel st 10 s. a, .
Cbnreb of tba Btrnger Waeeo Street and
Grand avenue; Bev. 8. Earl DnBola, Mornlns
mrwm. m an a cloefe. -with. aano.; "Sboolcl
Tha condition of the
changed. meotomacn.idverauuAHiwoio
have not been stimulated and in a few
days a stronger purgative may have to be
taken. This is why
Waters never give permanent relief.
Their violent action results in an Unnat
ural movement of the bowels and it isneo
essary to keep taking them indefinitely.
Why ORINO Is different.
Oiuho Laxative Fruit syrup is the only
preparation that really acts upon all
of the digestive organs. Qther prepar
ations act upon the lower bowel only and
do not touch the Ljver. It ran very read
ily be seen that a preparation thai does
not act upon all ox
are not
.revered emly by FOLEY
. a. ' v.Bk enaraB
God Pldaa."
Flrat eutb aee Montaiiaary srraetsi aev.
A. W. Wtleoa. Marnlag ear men. 10:80 a. a..
A Blch Soli That anas mo Harvest"! Ban
dar achool, IS ski Samoa, 7:30 a. su. "The
1.1 re ec year.--
Men' Beaort and People'a laatitnte Ftmrfh
and Bomalda atreet. Btereoptlroa Blbl tody
hoar, (p. m.i meeting wits aaareea.
p. a.; peopb's goapal fsrvle with special
austc, 7:46 p. a. .. . .....r,r - ..
- r BI0MiUnatD sAnrTS.
' BaarsaslMd Church at Jeaua Chrlit ef tetter
Day Saints Broad atreet and Bolladay avanoe;
Bav. W. A. Ooadwia, presiding Wer in chlraa.
PrMchlBB at 11 ae BL, aad 7:80 p. B.1 toadar
school, 2:80 p. a. . . '(.-..' ..:r
' V '.' aSTntTHTB. ;::-
Meventh Dav Adventlata 20SM Third atreet.
between Tar lor sad Salmon; Bev. 0arg A.
garden nnachlag, 7:80 p. a.. "The PeWar (
Lav saa tae law earewaa.--
' rrtend Cknrch BeK Thlrty-artb aad satis
treeta: Bev. Levrla I. Hadley. Pnachlag at
It and I B) a. Bui BaBdaT School. 10
a. a.; aaaranr, o.ew w , vrmyvwmwvw wi.i
tng, 2:80 Bv a.t ajuarterly ateetlag fa progr a.
' ' '"' aPIBXTD'ALIBTa. '
First Spiritual Bectety -10SH Third treet
Service at II a. m. aad 7:46 p. a., lector, by
F. E. Coulter oa "Natural Mlad Its Place sad
riiacttoas 'j lyeeam at U:88 p. sa. j - f -
New Cborch Society Klerenth aad Aider
treeiat Bev. Hiram Vroemaa. At 11 a. SU,
aervlceai Bandar cbeol. 10 a. B.
' Birnn tbotjK oibteb.
Truth Chapel, Allaky Bnlldiag, Third aad
Morrtaoa atreeta ; Bav. Thaddeua M. Mlaard.
services st 11 s. Sunday achael, IS m. -
Church ef God Chapel, 480 Hawthorn sveawai
Bevt tt. 1V-N"1j "ervtcea at .80a!aBd
7:80 p.- a.; Bauday achool. 1 p. a.
' Cbarch ef the aiaaann S2S Brald attest;
Bar. H. 0. Hearick. Sermon st 1040 a.
6 p. b. aae i:ay p. m,
iraxx METHomsTr
" y re Methodtat Bast Hint ssd MUl streets,
prchlng, 11 s. a. Suaday achool, 10 a. .
- uiiih.IiI rieara A - A. R. halL- Baeesd aad
Morrtaoa atreeta. gervlci at 8:80 p. a. , ;
'- ' ' 7T8TITXBSAUBT. ' " " , "r i " '
--First Eut ElghU and Couefe' streets. - At
11 a. aa., .straws; ganday sehwl, 10 a. .
'- " BETOBltZB.
. vtnt Oaraaan Tenth aad Stark streets: Bev.
0. Haf aer. Service st 10:46 a. aa. aad S
p. m.; I. P. B. C. E.. 8 p. m.
.,-4.. fjooraal Bparial Berrlee.V ;"' -' "v
Denver, Nov. 10. Qlacanno Bruno, th
alleged ' Italian anarchist, was arreated
bare this morning by a federal aecrat
eervloe ' officer. Bruno escaped from
Ellis Island while awaiting deporta
tion. - ' '. .
IJoarraal Ssaetal Bar loa. ' -
Athens. Nov. 1 Ths climax of what
prominent Amsrloaa engineers years aaro
pronounced "monumental folly" will
ba reached here next Wednesday when
the great Corinth canal will be offered
for aale at publio auction In aatlafao
tlon of s claim of $200,000 lodged by
the Empedocles bank. The cahsl, which
cijuoiis J K 1 13
i PtlEVEIlTS FfiElOlllfl
X bad ths) most debilitating; cough a mortal waa era afflicted with, aod my friends expected that
when X left my bed It would surely be for my fraye. Our doctor pronounced' my case Incurable,
but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discorery cured me so completely that I am
all sound and welled MRS. EVA. TJNCAPHER, CroTertoVta, Ind.
Prlci 50o and $1.00 ADnOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Frea
to talle and, does not
patient remains un
can not care
Fills and Aperient
the digestive organa
ORINO LakatWe Fruit
satisfied your money
CO., Chios, in.
. n 'ft till t ,!'
connects the gulf - ef Corinth with the
grulf of Aeglna, is regarded aa one of
the world's greatest artificial water
ways. The eanel la nearly four' miles
long. It took nearly 18 years to build
It and it cost about tt.eoo.Oto a mile.
The depth Is 1 feet and width 71 feet,
and the total excavation waa 10,000,800
cubic yards. -The construction of the
canal reduced the distance from Adrtatie
ports about 17S miles and from Medi
terranean ports about 1 miles. - The
canal hae been a financial failure from
the day tt was opened to traffic The
Income has been far leaa than was an
ticipated, and every eent of It haa gone
to the coat of the administration. .
- Bprll Dispatch to The ' Joernal.)
' Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 10. Failure
ef th state board of control to pur
chase a supply of Jute has resulted In
the Jute ' mill at the state penitentiary
running less than half shift the past
SO 'days,' and the probabilities are that
leee than one half of the usual number
of grain sacks manufactured every year
will be turned out for nszt season.
The situation, from the standpoint of
tha farmers, la serious matter and
will' probably result In wheat growers
being compelled to seek grain bags in
the open market nest year.. .
;.... - f
G : F C ORES ? colds
-TO, K0M'S I luhc
, -
grlpo or nauseato
Chronic Ooni tipati an. Torpid
UTor, ixtuigebtiou, ouur wi'-'iaacn, ew.
For Biliousness and SiclX
';. Headache.;. ,;'-:;v-
Take Obiko Latite) Fruit Sjrrop.'Zlt
iweeteni th stomach, aids digestion and
acts ai a gentle stimulant on the lirer and
bowels without irritating these organs.
. Clears the Complexion. .
Oxmo Laxatire Fruit Syrup stimulates
the liter and thoroughly cleanses the'
system and clears the complexion of
pimples and blotches. It is the best Ux
ajbive for women and children as it s.
mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or
sicken. Kef use substitutes.
Syrup and If you
will be refunded
Drug Co. ;
ZsaporMBg Dragglata,
Announce the completion of their
Analytical Laboratory, tjomplately
equipped, in every detail for the
analyaie of foods, rocks, ells, ,
fuels, fertilisers, drugs, mineral
waters and for technical research.
Our stabllshmsnt. earner BTlatn
aad Btoyt, and eonvaalsntly lo- ,
cated near Union Depot and Ter
minal Grounds, la the largest in
the northwest. : (
' BseJaraj la Caaeaee, Bark, al
aana l-la aad araaa drag; of ths '.
Are You In Line '
fee BWetJilagT' bsraer, er are ywa Jnmt
vaithralagT e0oeT wttaont aaabittom or
ehaaoe of betterment Withowt aveaey
yta at tbalavt W wob dally work -free
youraalf. ' So amhAatooa, BCake
aoro of yonrsalX. - Bava ytrar gwrptaa.
Opaa am aoeetiat with as today.
"'.-'. '.. W WAT ": V.'- 1 ;
; -7'- INTEREST :'",J
-THE J -
240-2M Washlnitoa Street,
. (Oorasr BeooasV) ;. ,
Olaoa TJsAse Arrest. .
' (BpMlal Dispatch ta The Journal.)
Baker City, Or Nov. 10. John Olaon.
the young man who iaaued a number of
bogus checks In Baker City a few daye
ago and who waa arssted by the police,
has been turned over to the eounty of
ficials and he Is now awaiting his pre
liminary examination, which will , be
held Monday. 1 .
4 Per Cent
Mas la Debt Give Is the kardr'i Baadaa
7 x '
V -
4 1