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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
THS ; OREGON'- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. .NOVEMBER 10 1ZZ3. u - ' . mmmm mm w r- aa UillOO LADOR TO :rTw -T "--;'. '-a- a.a. --.vo-r n in in rrnriE TictiETr ft"' aVih '-5-:-r aaf-.t.- ire.ayffxt waaataj r. .j-e TT TUT A TIT 1 T 1 T IT lf.llll M A.. n r Wl ' ' : ."V! vi yz--r 1 1 Aerqnaut Cling., to -aj Rop Midair night nd Undf '" rtaeraal ftpeeut grtre.i "'"'Augaeta, G-.' Nov. . CUnrrngto rop .a a netting of a -wild balloon, with bgaket u4 ballaat gone. Dr. Julian ' p. Thorn. mad the anoat apwtacular "and periloue flight -rof -hi xprla here recently, wltp thoueande of lou. ere watching the. dieerderefl fllfM of the areat eae bag. , f pHtciitt condition , demanded de pereta; methode, and Dr. Thomea did not heetala to. take tha chanoea for be Ufa , that appeared to Ui -watchere to a-'- in 'ti '. ' nc It .""ex; i th treat beg ; prnf f iht daolh r the daiinf aero j - aka Jiaaaaia at at aavaaaw baVU broke froii naut wpwiv fna, fvni paiiopu, who cna apclr" Tiwrnanity4' looking! HkV .1 aplder In the w?b of tanKlad ropa end. ; Bhe 'MM ;tb mi "of reckac above v thi cUvWa nd out f eight k i t f rSei, Vik mreiopej j?lt ; Hdtiit aeHBtohod-a Swire- and Inflated 'with ah Inferior quality of aa. cot Into dl 1 fUl("afrd't a aonn- i ft" raae froito Driven by contrary wlnda, the baakt ,bocama entangled In network of live ,' alecrlo wlrra, which threatened electrd MtiaiLto Ur.Theaafl, the aola oecu pant of the car, or to explode (he ira In the tejr arr jperkfrom epatterllK cfoaaed 1hv Thdia tlniba' tartn,. where the ropee of tqe pet of the bal- CHICAGO SUES !F0R TAXES OF1 PULlMAlf SURPLUS .ijfr jt ; Represented to City That Thirty Xi" nv4' Milliont W" Simply ;; ' . .iSaa'JV ,r :.-?- m i ,. .'U j " JirKJtl frb ! -i)-;i - I . ,f) I'J', t j ! ' iw Ueareai geeetal geTtee.l liUileago, Mv, ie.a.cUoa to,aeiur :taji due tha eity oa I3a,e0,e aar-E-pltia of the Pullman Car eampaay baa been' begun by Corporation Counael . tXewli. who declaree that nrhen tke prop-, 'frty ww up before the board of revlfw gummet U wae repreeemted tht (he , ue4 aa almply a bookkeeping fund And f r-tpreaented nothing bui a Jot o( 14 era .t'Pt only for wood. .1 I .. ' , ,rlt haa developed Vat. the . jPullnvin -compeny contemplate a radloal , ahawjpa ',, in ihlr plant la prder . to build ateel care, which will Toe, eubeUtuted for the wooden rolUog atork.. Three, ateej cara have. been built, which have beesamf v Aently atlafaciqry, an4 when the annual t,netlrg la held next week it la eaeerted. the melon cutting wijl not reach the pro . fartione anticipated, . , Z .1 ''.' .. la 9'der to meet .theea tequlrementa ; the directors have detJded to jw tribute a atpek dividend of lJS.ftOO.009. . . ., , - f 4 4.4 & -- e i J VTC!t'l Z Liquid, Antiseptic ani t Notinacid Dentlfrica will pen tttri te ,tlj,e little crevices of tle tteeth that cannot be reached tlzy the Tooth' Brush, cleans Hng and purifying them,' and X imparting suth a fresh dean y sensation, as to become a joy M to !th? mouth' '.and cfe- iresmng 10 uie wnoie system C'AjyrtTM"iP.TT . I f . 1 a . . 11 . TZ TT . . m - ' 1 I - ' - " " f I i ' r TT .v V 81 PI 1 nd, pt. loon oonverge end ere tied and i which J the tbaaket la attached, and taking a large knife from a aheath, out ' rataly t the ropea ef the oaf that aaehored the balloon to the live wlrea. The hallaat of eaad bag. tle cordat; aad,U taeana of control, of the big bal 10n,,ih Nirvana ware Mtaehed to the entangled ar below, and, aheli the laat retaining ropw wee eut with a Jerk that aimoat-dlsiodged Dr. Thomae from he Inaecura, soaHlon. the big allk... bag Jumped 't Upward and maun ted with! frightful apeed thduaanda of. feet Into1 the- clouda. and . dlaappeare far, e time. I Thai apeotatora : watched u borrqr atflakan for tha balloon to. reappaaf, pr to aea the body tt the aeronaut come hurling down from the great -height. . .. The balloon came back Into eight, a darkltflov sgainaV-tbejcieiidaand, en. doemwarft plait aellei otgn the cUy.U; (Continue jfMre T?4g jnpvi V 'olnt tract, in Cowllta countVj Wh Ington. The ownera were the Cooa Bay ttwatber eV -Coal oompanyi' an4 tha Wla cnnala Lrftajging e Timber ompany; uf wbloh. concema Frank Boutin : Jr. la prealdenL M. Boutin 4mm been lrt the elty for the paal weak, neaotlaUna; with Mr. Thrane. The tract pnaaea lnttj poe aaealen vf on of the atreageet Jumbef lag oonceraa of the ooaaU. .The Teaame Poind Lumbar ' oompeny lapriaelpally owned b O. W., Hume, of aaa an claco, well known aa a eaanery operator aa4 lumberman. 1 The mill toeatad at Aatotlv aa. a, dally eapaelty of H,eoo feeW and' lev ana tha saoati modern equipped lumber mUla Irv the , Paolflo aorth weab. 1-With 4he timber uat ae aulrad. which la convenient to thetealll plant, thia property heeoeaea one f the moat importaat lumber maaaraptaalng canoeraji Irleutarei to 1 the i' Colamhla rivar.'.x aattivr eii .!!..( -ie la wnderetood 1 that 'the ptumpago prioaafaaaodtrom. Il.f I to $1.80 -pqr thouaanct 'fha tlaaber- wa aruiaedi and eatlmated hy-exnerte in. the employ. -of Utotr Co, Tha lcey itmacarn ia re -garden, aa. Iha iargeet timber operator in. tha wefSld. .-While -they have be.ea ln tha puflne.a for ti yeareatot af their speraifnna ,wer in, aeuthera piae--uaxl ahoMti threa.yaara, ago theyi bca ,bty (ng pa tpe.PacUUl.coeat f hemaalvee and, eilenta. Blnee entering thla field they have Jumu4 from f.eoe,(i No 17,000,000 worth of roaat timjtr and now have large . holdlnga la Clalium county, waahlnaton. Thev Inveat. f,ir ffei1gr(and ceatern capital, li tlmtwr in ana a a ana tne umtea Biatee. ineir headnuartera are gt. Chicago, and they have branon I of f lcog la Kew Orleana, Portland and Beattl, - v. N SHOT It COLLEGE FRIEND 11 I Imimal PimH.1 erwlM.t "'Andover, Maaa., Nor. 10. John TcAcrr of New Torkj, a member, of the claaa ef 14 At'AnOovef, wta ,hf t a Jtpied thl morning accidentally by Charlaa Rlgga,' the dena f '. TM !ter we feam Kanaaa. K The two- were examining ra- yorrare. '" , ' ' : . J I J PAINTER SETS FIRE iv, rTO HIS OWN CLOTHES : v) rs.:;t.l ,'V" r i"' 'It . Maarnal RdccUI RervtM l , A 1 J Marlettar -45hle, Nov ". Howard ; gmlth. a pamtar, a truck a match to lite aeet ef hla trouaera, which ware eov-1 ereJ wnh tar, ' and' became ' a 'humanf AND0VFR MA - jar- - - J ' i - ABSOLUTELY HealtMul cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity-w thpv j m Powder. : 3 : ; --! - . rience it w inai rvovai ucuuuk renderi the : tor its fine vV. flavor- and heallfafulnes . , " , ; : ; alum, no phosphate wKi are.the V i ! 4 . ' principal elemenU of the OKamedcheapl ; baking powderi -anq wiico are aeriTpa A u , from bonea, rock 1 i4 ovi aitiwi leovrba MURDERS IN REVENGE (ConUnued from Page One.)! oated. called up Policeman loogoor, who placed ITAnna . under arreat and tool him to the elty 5 j '"'-: Baleaaed Ty Beeoxder. CAnna objected to being locked up and Ineiated upon calling up Cite Re. eorder Moorea by telephone. The lattef ordered the ertloer to retoaae tnna aad to eite him to appear in couri thl morning. . D Anna ' threatened to kll both Policeman tionccor and Ohplaon) whom he aeeuaed of tarntahlng hla repu. tation. I: l . . r ' i Whea. ralaaaad D'Anna In a raae re turned te hla room, got a new cot and hat, and graeped the revolver, -i with which he hurried te the feed ahed to ae. cure hla revenge. He appeared gt thg Salem hotel, within the proximity tf the, barn, ehortly after I o'clock tid in quired how he could rgtae - the niaht man at the barn. Landlord peanei toiq htm to ao to the barn and knock at the office door. ' -. -r j - A few momenta later a' ahot wa heard by helgbbore, and Gboleoh waa eeee, to rua to Aldermen Lowe'a livery barn, a distance of half a block, where he VuaheU. aeplnj 'I am ahot here.l potnttoa te hla heart. He" reeled an4 fell deadr Dr. W. H. Byrd waa lumt moned, but arrived too late to render ratatanoe. p'Anna mtvae nie eacapa., Uir r r m eaawawaw ) biAftar tM kawrder DAnng fled toward the blind lhatitute grounda aad headed for the aaylum farm. Upon reaching ttoara. Ae- la aali to hava talAphonad t aome party In Balem, ana ,tnen gona h.rk to the aavlum barn and ahot hirm- aelf rthrtjttgh, tha top of hla head,, Tha aherlff .and. coroner brought the bodlr of "the murderer to the city. .f. ''-' ...Ta lyAaxLa'a room lettera ware founfl which wera evidently written after hla arreat by the pel We officer before he committed. the murder- One. , waa adr dreaaed to hla father. Slgnor P'Anna cjf Oklaheata Cttyc It J-. Irsttet H n '.-i7 r ; "aood-bye, papa, I can't atand thtai dlagrace." The othee waa to Mlea Jalce Button ot ISB Irving gtreat. Salem, but who Uvea la Portland;! The lettera wr addreaaed' hurriedly', aa though by pne under muth texgiteaaent. i 1 f ! a Ben Qholaon wea about J yeape old. Hla parenta Uva near Kena. Polh aoHhtfr, he leavea a brother. William, three al tara, Atra.. Ella Sohn, Mra. Mina Alder man of Polk county, and Mra. Mary Hot- above the heart with a SI long-rallbar earlrtdae. . The. dead man, area iof quiet, naiuHumlng dlapbaidOAi U'Anaa waa P Kentucklanva,nd waa prominent in a- eletjjsrrelea, f p BEIV LEADIHG MAN . FOR TH I 1 BAKER STOCK COFJIPAHY ! ,1 ti.i'.i5. nl Ralph Stuart Will Come From ;v.' ,Nevy'M.Yprk ; to ., Succeed;;;, i Richard-Thornton. t it rr. a i'i'iI vl.f i .yi)1 "lUlph Stuarf, ewe ef the moat famaua otork altera in ! the country,' haa been aimed aa leading man Of tha" Baker atoch 'company to" auooeed i Ralph fhorntan, wh aaa reilgned and leavea yi.yrf1 f-r li'."r .1, fH t- " H' ' fTJf llz.'-t Wj jp .. 4 j -"" (,.- ; n ... 1 1 i. v ' '- . ;.J ! H 4e- ti.r T Ralph BtuhH, 'New'IgJiie Marr at n in j, vo : 1 n. ataaaxtr; 1 . ,irp ,i i Portland femorroW' tot New Tork. Stu art, who la a preaent In Oothem, 'will reoeh" Pnrttn tlit; arn early date to gtf Into- rhtttfa!, and iw W- Pi ' hi -en- cicimmt it mi Halter on Ir niTwr I. S tlrlr (the'jlef d, TA Sotal Hiahway- man." .. Stuart haa won 'a deaerved reputatlnri ea a competent and artlatie grtnr. Hla wrh haa won: tinlVeraal pralee.5' He haa and - sulphurie add. A- to. yo.j .1 - t. V 1 v r voice and an excellent peraonality. He haa appeared at the head of hla owd company In many of the great aucceaeei of recent yeara. . ! ' Managerr Baker- ha. alec- vaecured4 new aecond woman in the person bf Mia Anna Singleton ot Hew Tork, who will open at the Baker on Thankarlv lng week! la "Temperjaaiie TownVMlaa Singleton cornea well recommended and haa won plaudlta in all the leading New Tork theatrea. By the acqulaltlon of theae two ' people 1 the;' Baken 'eorapaay will be atrengthened considerably.- I DOCTORS FEAR i ft M (Continued Crona.Paga One.) K. In March of the aame year and given a finedal of honor 'for gallant 'and 'Theri. ftorloua aerrice at-the battle of Fait Oaka, Virginia.-- Me' then roee to' brtga dler-aeaeral aad leaving the j regular army la lil went t Tampa. Florida. A maior-aenerai. of volunteera. ., ,i , From .Tampa ha went to vuoa to cemt lhaad the , military pperatlona there, which ended la. the capitulation ofOent rl Llnaree army and the eurrendei af Santiago de Quba in July lf 8, , . j After hla return from Cuba he eomt laandnd the departmenta f the Qoium. bia and: California ana reure irpm the eecvlce June 1 0, ,110V. , TAtErOE ERUPTION DENIED, BY CITI?EN5 ii .0 .1 J.jt'li Uaunml Mdal Becvlce.) -i Denver, CoU Nov. 10. Cltlxena of J (jtopewall , aay .the poatmaater4 who ra- Dortea . ma. rupuon,-oc Mount vuianra waa alarmed by, aoaaethlng f on which they are yet, unable to aacqval Trlnr idad diapatohea .pay,, there waa. no Tel- aanlo eruption,, , ;;i fis. -.- -ft-h- ilvn.aJi e. luilii 'in AMOS THOMAS DIES :,'; , tal'r JNCHIQAQQ(.STPRE tjit . r- (Jewaal gpeelal atrrlee.' !Jfl' ( Chleaga.. Nov. . 10. Amoa.i-.Tboma, founder, of the great antveatiaing agency aad pramoeeiv of- -tha Plpwlar -Beanedy oomapny, dropped dead la a department atore Ahia,merniac. v 11,,, -.-j- r.n i-.u,l ton J ntidi t The Cable 1 1 l,i ' I,.-J .alO'iTT- cart ( I'.siniM ti- V'C'V.t J I il ka Exquisite Plane J Delightful ttine, for Advertising ParpbseSp Is 0ffred bv Beeri-French Co. : 1 for $260 Cash. While "They list f ju. -rT I,,, ll ? ' -t 1 ' t M'.-l- 1 ttight now we have a aplendid prop-1 osition fof ou it dealt with the fa omu CAPLE.NELSQN PIANO, f South Hgvn,! 'Michigan '! A " " j L"' By gpeciti' fcrrjingement;, with , ,Ig compaaw w. are. handling- three cart Of tfaete : plahpg for their ACCpiint the inuatlon being to aell. theaa kiaUu rdcnU at abaolute tbat aa a eah gdvertiai'ng iha Cabie-Nelaea Piano'ln the Nwrtrreyeat.-' t Not ti !. ?o 1 n-'i'iij ;ci ;w'itT'i!i'l eval ,tl( 1 ' Th. CABLE-NELSON people hive made aremendoua cAeeaaiona to get your inddraefncM-fhfl win better uetderMa bow f reat tbey are when jrea hive geenihg piahd. l3i t, .-rr' !, ' 'j 1 A ' beautiful four -hundred dollar CABLff-NELSOIf , mNO ior $250 SPOT days. ron can't buy.' Str apep tonijbt tH l o'cJockJ Write te ep.'lt; yon f nt coma. ' . At tbia prka w , pgy , one half freight charge! toany- railroad bpint in , uregoo, ana w aaningipn , , , , ( j , )V-t-i.'".:.. .' li. I) i n7 ii : '?njt4v ?o ,5e(l-fCE(;'Pwiii fll. (oj. ? "From Make to Player." j . at aIa a Every II CAbH.i' (it vr -mi- n.'.ii : 1 to' hie nuaitera, ' ' rr':r-f'- 't 'i.i'i.i' aeaj.nwi ;inaua.i: jhe Identity jrjf . the woman haa hot )rJtldrinc'frprn' thr wgy they. wfnt yet .been, , :': ; .' '''' . yerdthafgwpytM; . P .i- I- IK II - Trade Council Indorse Political Movement anCfwrstioni' f v -J-,-,:.i,Ara Under MUNICIPAL-CAMPAIGN , ; TO HAVE ATTENTION Labor Interegtg Wasalng Behind Plan j to Mk Their New Party Power- ful n thg City and State Policy Hot Clearly peflned.- . 'r!"--;: Portland labor Intereata are . Bnaaaltig behind the plan to form a labor party, the' object ot which will be to eleet tof flclala In eity and atatg who are known, ta he either Identified rtth the union labor -movement or friendly to It.. The meeting pt the- tradea council held laat night approved the plan ' and '. will be tween, thla time and November 10, the date act for the convention ef all uniona, appoint a committee of three to work In harmony aa delegatea ia the formation. of the new Union Labor warty. - v Thla movement, which le being .ptarted locally, will he taken up by the State Federation of Labor int convention In January, and at that time' a atate labor party "will he-formed which -will enter into aha atate -campaign and work for the election of labor meo upo the atate; uoaet.", p j , ,n The i ehlf i aim pi , the iuirion labor people, however, le political organiaa tloa tr, Bartioirauon. in-the rauntelpal campaiira whloh la to com next opting in Portland. ( At that fime it u tne m tentlon ef the - promote ;of . the; move. ment to either put a Union Labor ticket Into lb field, -or to aee to It that cant dldatea ot the old line partlaa favorable to the union labor eauae. are gupported ' ' 1 t , i . j , . ... ' - Wlaa ot Saw Warty. Aooordtng to' P.- McDonald, aecretary of - the etate federation, the platform ff the yiaw party will provide that the party ahall not at any time fuae with either of the. old partita or aay other DOlltlcal oraanlaatlon. It win pa xur- the prevlded that no' delegate tp the conventlona of the ' party can .at the aame time be candidate for office, Tha control of the new oraanlxatloa will be veated rln a central board ot control or aelected by the convention, which ahall In aw he eompoeed of del. ecatea ' elected from each union labor organtxation not hoatlla to the'Ameri can Federation Of Labor.. 7 Thla heard of control, howeveri-wtll at all tiro work rlth the Federated Tradea aouaoll In outlining mattera wf policy and the conduct of eampalgne. ' ' t 5 : r jThe hlef point of dtafcuaalon which will art at tha time of tha organlaa. tlan f tha party will be over the at. tirade la regard tw . eaadldataa. aome Wlahi te aupport the awmlnee of other partiee provtdeg they, ara, tapraale te the union' eauae, while other., more radioal. deatre .that any oandidate re eelvlmr tha aupport of tba.unlona ahould be a union man and in poaaeaalon of a union- card. Thla queatlan haa already aremaed noma -dlecuaaloo. aad.itJa ex aeotedvUrbe the point' around which All tha policy of. organiaatojiwlll.j;e- yolve, r, 1:1 .' .. .t ..? ' ,'. Already a, number ef onion bave ap- nolntad their, deieaaiea o ne oonven, Uoo for November 10, arid much enthu siasm la being manlf eated over the pro. pecte of tha party., ; Jose packing J HOUSE IS DESTROYED ' i in i - .j,(.j.. ' . KfJoerarPe1al rrl.V ' i ' San' yoae. Cal.,'Nov( 10. The paeking houae ef Roaenberg Brothera waa total w riMtmved bv flrwi early thle morning. About la -care -of "' dried 'fruit were burned. The loae la over $10, 00. Eight Southern Paclflo" earo on a aiding were burned. ,"VV ';?-, CONGRESSMAN HINSHAWVn I ; DENIES RELATIONSHIP v'.a KinvfitMu. iii in n a t... .. i.-. u-i 1' - f'- lifwraal gaedat gervkw.' "' '.' i Lineoln, Men,-' Nom t-congreaeaaan Hlnahaw aeakee aa unqualified eeatear gletioa that Revt.-"VTiUlam Hlnahaw.oon vloted' of uxordde la i Indiana, ia hi brother, i He aaya the preacher waa not even a reiauva, ni-cnu n-,-: iti v, s TRAGEDY. OF POSTAL CARD t.:Ttlt R'titf11 1 ! in" i ia r, tr.t.i j -' Aa Irtaae - picture poatoard, - deptetiag an opea coffin with a woman la It, and bearlhg'-tha werda . i-'l wouldn't leave wry little wooden hut for you," r waa found on the body of Ouaner Newell of the Rnyal artillery, who ahot hlair aelfln ) saoeburyneaa barracka with a carbine,' which- he placed in hla mouth. .'The -flrat augaeatton of a tragedy waa the report of a ahot which raag through the banwakauln the early houra ef tha morning. J -A- aearch waa made, and New-elt-war found lying In a corridor with hla fcarhlna by hie aide and part af hla ehultrblewn away.s - vt ,;!...(,. .. Newell 'reoelved theupotteard from' a Hereham woman, with whom he wag en Intimate term; rnfermrnr'rhhrvof-her Intention- ef elelting him. - He' waa a man of ohaorful dlapoaltlon, and-- ap peared 'to be In hla .usual health and eplrlta Up to 'the time ha received the peeteardi-- 5,1 '"l w r-v'1 if '-':; ' 'In addition to th eoffia the card bora a reruat ' that Newtll 'aheuid eee th; woman, and a eketoh ef a torn baton, on which ht ttrttttl-W.fct. were--tn-acrtbed V Tf rl " V ? M 1 0 ' Newell mde'ri; comment - when ce' rfcelvedAh OerJl, for W it apparent to hla ebmradea that It had Interfered with hla mental "balance. He placed it nee Yankee Thrift. A young; mail and. an adorable young lady mee-lia .apeak:. , , .:, ,i "QlrJ, yon 1 44 aotl.lqve i mat A Tea newtr; rl(l taater rnel -. org going te kllliwivaeif rramoaiaoeiy. " ; : i t "And owvao you .going to do p'rayEV. ,... ?---,. 1 4i 'a-ianatr'aaooi' myaeu.i Hfif ...."Thea. ,lf you would he ao. kneU will yen boy the revolyer of Jaraesl ,Jaroe la; my t Sanaa. ant I am i greatly, inter, eated In hie bualnean." r t. .. t jaiui-JgeB58gi .i -i .- irairiux.AU'atira,i ; VhaiimuMini. anif 0! aclatlo pajnl' yW'l Ito th aenetretiag Influence Mint' 1 vfrild tto tie eenetratiaa Influ of Ballard a Know Liniment. It pene- tratva to the wrvew end bonee end. be In hla pocket. : and atroned off at o ing abaerbed into th blood-H healing prtpsrUo - are, oonveyeg -to every part ctlfe., lie, tOo aud 11.00. , 8old. i br r. V..:.x . .. , ; , t v...-' - .-. t- : j Regular ; ' Value J V$U5 -. -i'M--. UnivcroQl Food Chopper B - For chopping all kinds of meat, vegetables and fruit . . 22-Inch Silk Flos Sofa Cushion 5 t ::rzzzsa GOVERNMENT TO BB .IT hS3KSURE OF STANDARD - (Jearaal B pedal gerrte.). - i u Wadtlngton, O..JC4 Nae.i Suit agalaet the Standard QU earapaay will not begin until the goveroraent la fall certain aa to lta ability to proeoute criminally aa well e to bring civil ao tlon. If It deoldee It can bring criminal proceeding, aloat Rockefeller and the other in equity auit, wm Degin ainui. taneoualy. , .1 i , . ' -.-Jf -.-r naiiuiiAAir t ' r-arrr-ra ai' nuwtiMuuja i- tniucu -f .i BY FATAL ACipNT "' ",:"'-( Jearaal' apeelat arV! '"r""'; 1 1 Lovelahd, O.; Nor. 1. Th Barthnor It Ohio axpraaa, weatbeundJ waa wreaked near- Pleaaant'i Plata thla7 morning- by apreadlng rallay - Brahman -SUlon wag hilled, Jv Banaett and wife of ZUUtola, a .couple-an their, ban ymoon. were int lured, the bride dying; en route to the hoapltal t Clnolnnatt: aod.tb grooni being fatally hurt. ' . ;,;,, j PRESIDENT FAILS'-Vwt' ."" 1 Norfolk. Va., Npv. 10. The wlrelea operator- at Cape - Henry ' thla morning received a meaaage from the battleahlp Loulalana aaytng:'' "Nothing Dolhg.T which meana . that all la welt and, the prealdent had ho meaaagea - to eend. ) i I1 V it WdPtl . IV aB at . l : : , i : . .. - . 403 OILEGONIAN BUILDING tKI fo'enO f'O i Lonle . Olea jit.r.-... . . . .Streetdeag rrealdeat aad atmaayer -WeeaH. Clarke Oe CHauu aa uraTia. rtMoek ...rriae TKia rwtmwa raklaaar BaUy Srereaiaa. " ' Pred S. aneaUT...eeoan Wloe-FTaeiaent -:, Dm OMtM IrrlaaMea aa mer O. '' B. W. Wakefield. . . Third Tlee-PrealdeeA .' K.fii)i:i. Wakeflald, frlea di 0.Tfi,i t -rrr ' The management" of'the- Anglo-Amer. icaq Oil a Coal company doee hot tieed any Introduction to the public.'" ' The tending of the 'ebove-nemed ; bnalneaa melnnhOAornnninHr' le-auffleKmt guarantee of, th merlta and aolldlty of the here preeented.; ' W hav been watching "developrtienl in AlaakA for' aeveral yeara, and "have had a representative continually; oh the ground, and aa a reuU we now 0rt 11 1 wit 'rOTam uoo avoana V of 'the choice! oil land location "1n the fhhnleualv rich oil and eoel regtcn known a the Kayak "PUtrloti amhraelng landa on Bering river, Bering- laae, aar taira bar and Controller bay,- Ataak-a. akeai ef our rooiainge ere a water, other holdlnx will b reacnea by the railroad now building, 10 mllea of which will be In, operation before anow fli In tT. "Tl road-peaaee over a parMew-oC auetaada ao the ,wet .ah ore of Bering lake. BeWral tbeuaand aera or our tana adtolna tha' landa - o the miniorialra Cudahy "people, and Other of onr landa adtetn tho. f the Kilah artiflJPAte ownera of the famoua big guaher, which thrw Jn alghe-lncB . atrean a out Ul feet lf th airi -for hr day hefora 4t coUld be cappeaWwherebp aeeck In tne company jumped from 1 cente to $10 a ahara ever nlghttku ehewlatf an he latant profit of UMi tor one. .. -;,-.(,.. MUOOOVS tpOAiiv-' .-.''.. We aro"W the Wry rhlal" orr h richcat coat field On eaHh--cO1 flelde that , will n a few yer produce mil lion vf dollar' worth of th beat grade of anthracite and aeml-bltnmlneue cok ing coal. Read tne following oner ex tract from the report of Profeaeor Oeorge C. Martin, who., with a large fore of tnnj epent aeveral year IN thla wonderfully rich all an ni region, aa geoloaloal xpert for the United Bute Portland. i evw Jt tMM rr trtCiW"xi'i- rr- ,l.':t iJlwrV") .' it yf.r?i3 'j;if - -' i w.fe ' 3 l - 11 i. . . : . Ult. H ezxz::: DAD6HTERS OF THr SOUTH MAY f.'EET. HERE '(i'i-r Invited , by, Oregon Chapter'. to " UrtM Mav PSnvantlnH . ,fl!:f S.-' 'T'T .'"" wv.,v i;.ih , ,( in PQrtiand.''y''J-- '1 1 fcA-rf " ;'iX. ' . air.-'. i The National ban enter' of 'the Pon- t4eracy will be Invited W the Oregon Chapter 1 of that Organtxation to hold their 101 eooventton In Portland." The local - chapter wall . eptertatned yeter day afternoon "by Mfa. Jonnle 3eorge. lta prealdent, at the ManltotC Mra- V j. Maihea.-. new member,. aM a plan lev of .marked ability, gay aeveral pi ano numbera which were greatly .n Joyed, t Aa taformaf reOeplioft iwajs; ald at thel cloae of the' program. " The (na tional Organlaaflon f i-h iUftere of the Cenfederaey wtllt head etta' aanual convention In Oulport, Mla.laalppl, No vember 4 14, aadHra. MarthJt O. Oel low waa appqlnted wX 'taa Oragoa chap ter aa proxy delegate. . t'- r Mra. Oellow w a, have ani tatereatlng report to read at the national conven tion r the Dragon branch haa growir frorajia tnembera ta 10 af HS0 waa ralawi for the eufferera from, tha flood ia aha avMithn by a beaeflt givon at th Baker thedti. , - ; One extreme etgndpattr-rMoClegryr- get . hiL't. e-Lii;. .Hi;i.lW At'MiiV .i-'ri'tiViitTtf --, nilNh ,- Wr . cgon Wi-I')t- i?. i'.U N.l'i l;UIVi.' ' ,-' T oTT at. ana Serearp -aad Vreaa. TUa-Pnalaeat V TW ' eamte '; .aa4 .'. Tnw ' . ' .-.vaia,.iiM'il.-.'t i.. Pjathbaaa, PUld ntaV . v- 'i'iM, aaaUa,- AJkAaivi jriwrif rarnarly' guyiatn4rtt ef :vir. l-eei 'ie j.,:--i fei'v-'fi'-' ' t 0(vri .(mltovt., . a f, tiv.T ni ii.'lji 9ji ft ..'' i ,;-i,.ii v.'- I' -' fr ' ' .'J rm a hiT'. rthe Baring - River' etl field aover an araar of ' aboufte aquara tatta, ' hi- -oladtng II mile of aSmhraclte, andi mllea of aeml-anthractte 'e 'enl-ai-eurmnoe)' eohliig-coal.-TH-eama ar aameroua 'and waryi large; aevaral -eeatf 19 feet rn ' thick., "i The average quality of the Bering Rlvr cwal la ex cellent, aeeeral of th aeaan being re markably low In both aah and aalpbar. Baring River eoal 1 a' now available for aale in any market.' bat there-are proapeote that tanportatlo arlll oon . be provided to tidewatarr a Controller Bay,- Katalla . Bay nd Prima .William Bound. It ought to b put into th Ban Franciaed and 'other Paolflo ooaat mar ket at a cost far below that of Baat 1 WEl l"-WT Value 60c V : : , 'ia-iemo -laowoian.. aaaaaM aaouaqvaavo ho difficulty In entirely eupplantlng ihe latter ., .... Theee coal a are ha eqdlvalent of the Peeahontaa, Now River and Oeerye Creek eoala of eaat, aad an atataanUa atlapted for on warahloa and other purooae . whtth' 1 1 hirh-gradA'- pare,"" amokeiaaa ateentlag ' cnal - ' reulr.i 'aad for theee parpeeee wnrl'ommkmf onaid- -era My higher price than any aoai now being mined on the Peolflo oeeeiv (Re port Otryrefeaaor th C Martlh, Bulletin Nej llt.ipage 10-la. United State e eldgfoal Survey).1 .i -' fl "" , . For':turpoiie 'of yrovtding k''fuada for the early development, of puy larere aad yaluahje holdlnga. th Anglo-America a, Oil Coat company wiu peij a limited number pt ittare bf It treaaqry atock t bedrock flgurea, ,8toch 1 fully paid end . non-eeaable. Fach and every ahara eland upon n beele and wlU tl I partlclpat; alike in the prpflte. .Tj)at Jthepe w'JI be verr' large ia certain. A email inveatmant now may. mean a fortune foe you. CalL-or writ for full lnfol:n)ayoa., fneetlgate thofopablr.; Act quieMy, , . Office open evenlnge, 1 :10 to t o'clock. SIXTH AN I BURNSIDB STS, WVmVi e 4f i WW? fTJfS $T' weoaara. ciarae at la ('