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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
IS ftcTHB- OREGON ODAILYrJOURNALrt PORTLAHDA SATURDAY BVEKINO, NOVEMBER 10,3 i03. mmg Wifeafia- - a- Y t -. 'tl'Vj I : f w .... . t : ' " , sr-v v ---i'ACJi . s ... vt? .- - .. " . vr- rr - - , , - i tin w w.y u u iiu f..i- n . r wi . - f . "" 'V 11 111 ... 1 1 1 1 ; , " 1 1 . W JT -jSPt 'KM'hx-oi? r-r a t N,Tt ttv it it. iX l . t i i i . . i .. ' .in- , . . .. .aw it - 1 ; m. 'v v-v- v ifi ri grA m . if i bp, v a. r i ar mm m . . r jt r. . .... . .. . ... . a ..,,-. fa. .-atv TheY rppFw - rreparmg b HE HD a vrr:dflJklta aettlement with Mm on the' utiject or an allowance bfor jHe eventful day, and durtnc the bonermoon it Mmed delightful to' bava mo much "pin money," for, of poursa, thera' were no cluthea to buy, .a ad It coald all ro (in the little luxurl' which are no In - ' finitely precious to the woman of today. . Oh, It waa oulte pofble to have every-thine- one cared for When' one had a hua- . L band who realised HiaVa 8"wlfe' waa 'equal partner in th flnancea aa well aa the pleaaurea and woea of married life. The dear, lamorai "Uttle Bride" re tarded' thoae wlvea; who are obliged to '. exist without an llfiwanoev-rnd atm more those who ruld not manage to . ' drees on the icm Which their Indulgent huabands gave the for "that purpoeo, a very nueV to oe pitied. The new wife dubbed them "oor managers," and thought conplacentit of how djltercntly alio could manage dila beuts tlte wed ding flnery had becofee a -wee bit dr&g- . ,gle looking ana uriooer ( wina-t ner - aldedLjLhe arrival of l.'nrlng new hata , and gowna. . But the time Is at hand when the ' June bride inuat go firth on her flint real ahopping expedition with her al , lowance In dalnty,utirellableJlooklng little puree (one of hei; wedding pres- i nta and Innumerably theories a.nd ! glowing Ideas regarding er ability to ' make on dollar do the work of. three, running; through her. The first day she Intends to apend "looking" and deciding juatwliat ah wants. But temptation appear la th I ' form of the lovelleat sown Imacinable, "and so becoming, and tshe eagerUUle ' bride Inquires the price in her "tonoat matronly manner. ' The price which proves to be more than her monthly In ; eoma brings a look ofsurprlaed won-1 der to her face. Of courae, she had shopped before she was married, and purchased gowns which were much more extravagant as to price, but ahe had not been on her honor, as H were; i S' rrSome;Gakes:andafesr:q: 'V 1 "'virs'' yood'-tVet 'a'' fc'alf cupful ot grated chocolate with . a gill of milk, lueu iikf -. i- of "brown, sugar. Turn' Into a saucepan ana. boll, atlrrtnf" all the time to prevent scorching-, ; untl llk thick cream. ' Bet aalde' to, cool. Z j"' . : ; Cream a half ,euj "of butter land a cup .of trown sugar, add 'two beaten eggs, ' two-thirds' Of a cup. of sweet mlik, and j two small teapoonJtuls of vanilla. Blend .thorouKhly. lbrn1teatTn Hje boireiJ prep 'araUon, and, laat.of alt. fold in a pint oC flour that Aa been sifted with a heaplrg teaapoonfuf of baklrfg powder. V.When th cak is cold, turn out, and put , the . iayera togetbet---mi . aT bulled .WIUt 1C1DK, MuWl,,;iuj,!" uie uuw, , , ti ... .... i .Fit Wafera. Half . a. copful of buttar, il ; cupfot . ,of :, ugar. tblepoonf ul of 9 milk, a eggs, .1 heaping, teaxpoonful Of .baking powder, 1 cupful of finely chopped , f figav enough flour ,to roll out very, thin, j Fyapara nd-mix. the same ,aa cookies , 8hrwabury Wafers. Peat ,1 egg until k light' andadd graduajly,,) while, beating . eooaUnUy. half 4 cupful ot ugax; then I add, two, third -Of a tablespoonXul ot melUd butter, two third of a cupful f of j-olied.oata..xme third, of a cupful of , shredded coooanut, on third .of a te-i k spoonful of aalt and on fourth of a teaspoonful of vanilla. Drop th mix- fliire by tapoonful on lnchapa.rtbn a thoroughly butteren tin ah") in verted dripping-pan. .Spread Into circu lar shape 'tth,a jraekpt(i first dipped in oold watar Jbake.Ju a modonita oven until dellcatalr Drowned. -Heraov from the pan""whllwarm,-Tiitnr ": Trtiarp Juilfe, . Airaage op ,ajiy plate, covered . with, v, 4oily.' .,.,4 -., i ,.,'.f ,v . t , tint fruit ak.On pound of arana-4 ,iatea . gugar, i, pouna j;,.wiur,..ift ,tniirul..ftf XVour, . 1 , pound.. xf currant, I pound m ralaina, 44 pound of citron, - t iPOund at fig and 4 gg; 1 table BpeoaXul ,of ,, moias tNw ;Orlaa..s the beet), 1 teaspoonful of soda in 1 , cupful of soar; milk,,- of cupf ul of brandy or wine, or, If preferred, fruit ore 'h-sj.. J.-'.i'j'V-l '.. i I '-1 ! J,' i'fii: t-in- If'. ' ftealetere ,t7.a.i?t,oao It Stands; for tha'FInest Madfe tjr a toentific blenting of tKe best Cocoa beans grown m the trope the result of I26 year of successful ' '.1 -"..S fc' ' " deavof. , ...r ;.' 5 ''i T A PERFECT FOOD ' A ( ' HltfiMt Award la 2 tU . i F,urTpa anJ Awarlea. , A nwandhndsornly lltua) : ,. tratxf Rwclpa Book sent VALTER BAKER & COL-Ui r"': TJOFCHCilXB, MAS. Al "v'eJ l . ' ; IS he eould be extravaKimt in onie things ad..tMrt eoaA more muny from 'father, or1 else wttttov. FXi'i1'- V Hut thta,'! juUe Wl4trepWV "wire'', altould lie able to manajn en! her- al-' lowar,ev nd ' pride. alisolutMy prohibits ak1iit more money. TUkf little brlda wfth.all hnr wotidirful tlw-orlea tima ainoBt nhntf iired by a price- tag. tt-"l, ll'ha difficulty may in,ne fact thst her'allowanc ( really not adwtimte for the nod f a woman- who wiahca to appear y alwaya well fdrid und of coarae, thut i the young hUapHndli, def siri.-t. '-.. f.i ly..J:'-: . Bpenfllitg without Keeping leoount very diriwnt from penrttn set sum to the, beat fudvantage. 'I . y I am fwrrv.i fa, ny hat It da u1te wlthB rii Umll of pislblllty that. the tlttle.bride'la wmutnfully, extra tagant in aom dlrectlon-rand '.wasteful setrava gaaiju In one UrerUon mtan txptnalve economy in another. : iV'ti ..teh tmefy -for tbe flrik tal ot it fir".iJUaule the mutter; overV with ta ."man'of thnoua.T xpurnlng, tle fnoreaaed ; coat for clothaa and he iwlll soon ate that the frtcea aid the amount of the Bllowacoe do not fit haUdfarttar'ily. :-rTf,TlowverJhe fntilt ili(fawrUi the heranust divide her i'ncione Into bare, fully Tfliaert -port loh J decidlrig ; be forelmnd ut abotit hiw . much Ih eas ariora to pay ior eacu irpcin ppc; xort getUng; that ttte amount alioulrt hk grad ed by .tb rreirt pricea. aa art kigher'aom years t Han others, andjth aam" mry . said of gowra i'.Sl But It Hte "baa ao tnuc mtnVy-.nt itiw klngXfSto. tu.T--prloe must be re boot burl :r-;ttA- --' lit eUttle.Wla Mno starts hf rmtv The rled llfa-wltli .the' aetrmloatloflo Jbaye .reaaonablft !' allowance and keep within ' 'that allowance instead of re- turnltig ta haphaaartf sensing, la cultK vating character, and also that uawally much, lacking vfrtu''bM silicas "ability. juice can be used; 1 teaapoonful ot rintia mon, '1 teaspoonful of nutmeg,. 1, teH spoohful of cloves', , pound of Kngllah walnuts. Soak the apices oyer' night in brandy or frulf Juice. . Mix the InKie. dlents a for other cake, , adding '.h rruu last, uak j noura. , ;hen cold, wrap. ' ' ; : .- l ... .., i ' Almond X.oaf Cak. B.ub very smooth enough almond past" to, make . a 'Imull cupful.'., Or.jlf you prefer, to, prepart the" past " yijurself,. llariqh, .tnougH almonds to make a cupful, and,', when cold, pound to a pafte, moistening with a , Uttla roaewater. .Cream., together a quarter -pound of butter and ' pound oi powuqrea augar ana .-when 'Very light beat in th well-whipped yolks of egg.. Beat In ; gradually .the, almond paste and when-' this Is , welt, L(enUed told. In the. etlf fened white of th eggs' alternately' with 1 quart, of , ift,d '. and prepared flour. . J-ast ot, .all, , mtXt- In . a half teaspoonful .of . thai essence Air .bit-' ter almonds.,, Bak , In. a,Joaftlp n.i stad. oven. Cover with a. white Oclag flavored with almonda,f 'A Lt, !(IirT, ; . Chocolate. Loaf CaJie.i Cream . a .nun of butter with t cups of, powdered- augar, add the beaten, yolk of . i KKa. tlr in -raduaUy,a- teacupful, of t pobl , w ter J mon ,aa . eupa ot ; noua siitad twloe with.! X taapoonf ul of. baklnowder and a quarter', teaspoonful pf aalt. .Add mor flour later If th batter seems too thin. Wet tablespoonfuls of grated choco1Mtrttn" a 11ta mlUfand when ruba4 to a mootlrata bewt it into Utlna. is at Ah same time Wteaspoonfnl f tvanllla 'Stract. Last bf. aHi foldiin-thir th g, beaten stiff. Bake in a wall-greased roafthr When -oold, www " 'willchPcol ComDenaatiori. ! Brl'trM, MioWwanfc'okV!?? Bom -heart r--,t4 happy.' Xr oaY Lit work them a bllaaful arronr: u 1 Love klase the lip lnto atlano -'(! i. That worrow ha mitten to son urn i rti3i,viM.,i Hit 1 a -('. sfi'l Oify! ft i ( fun ' - i -''( .(.-! w I .! t i he iJuttermilk Bstb. , - Bntterinflk': li i Said I i to i POBBea " quality which la especially 'grateful to some "complextonsa and ' exoeedlnrlV bftutlf-lng.' If your skin Ts thick and sallow ana' oily, th astringent qusji tie In themilk will correct. that and render It' whit and' free' from" oil, and Ilk a glove for,, smoothness, If your skin l thin ana sensitive, th sort that a strong wind will dry and crack,' th buttermilk wli; her act as an emolli ent,, making It. soft, and velvety, and t the same time impervlou to th bad effect ( of I sudden changes of tempera- If you sunburn and tan and are in . .." , .i .... ... clined to -freckle, th buttermilk act a bleach, whitening and refining the BirttranotMng rh wtll.J lrwttma- late th pore and. 1 a correctly f lr mr t th mJarr and Imper fection to whloif 4h kii 4t -prow. .1 ; e li i! -. ' c,.s ., iBytHuutuun vi -cnuijjcry- , It appear ' that ' one' 'favorlie -f per fume' Is -not' a -wiattr"f- wMnt Mt ft outcome of 'destiny's machinations. W do' tiot prefer vltirrt 1 trat ' mi ply by oc1dent, but becaast ou dispo sition are modest, and w can n more help ' buying' th parfum ymblia' of modesty: than we van' halp dying when th appointed time conws Jroand-ii. t. Buch 1 the theory recently votvd by aoma Ingenlou mind. ; oc .imi , It may be true, and,-, again, lt 'may hot.' lA,lV. tti-X .ttA - On 'advantage of fad.- however, 'Is that they ar not neeenarily toMndd oa facta-i''! h - ,t."i ' it ft" Consider too, how charmingly ,rmn- tl a ceurtshlp mna.ed be that is carrie oa by mean of perfumes! ; : . Handkerchiefs becnm message bear er and a row ot acent bottles hold a whole vocabulary of ..vow 'and' ndear lag namea. 1-. ,, ,.-. i: "Follow your noe," ; ya th 'old proverb and latter-day i faddlsra. MVP piles It -with a new algnlflcanoei ( . ,- . w Beware f the r woman,- -who Jjya musk. ah i. axtravugnnW-ahaliow and hrtlea. -, r,-- - fcj ,, v m . Avoid th girl with a rlreumnam blent aroma of hellotrop. Sh 1 jeal oua, revengeful and nnforgrving. . , , But . wha yo shall chance . upon a maifen ,wh t, affoU jtrloltt or r frcia, sMmJMm, ililiP.,. tb- 'lillll;. WVi7Ay ft'S. m:l ''i-- .'31. an-T. -IMr J'-., i,i-..Sa.. i.ri: ilMW'.- :-U-WW'Mffli I. .11 t i hi.Mn'.ni lii.Ysfr '4f4-- k"? ;;'' 'f'' ' JTi i riitti ?'JirSv ilti,HiWia E6f. ! Long' and"' extremely 'full:, garment .In'dark 'mfnkf! Pitted, yok' mkkin-' the a-arment .aDDlied in Circular cut.J flounce, around; th. bottom- . bf ' coat.' of th garment. , gleev plajn And ot back and front, heia-hterta the Kmnir 3 1 ,.1I .. ivti A .1,-1 1. -. . m, 7 -TVftJ J. .. n, -. 1,1,11 f . .. , - . , . . 1 M i .. , '- ""' ' ' ' "'" "' '' I! " l'. J1' J 1 1 . '.'"'! 1 ' '"?,.') 1 . """I '' ashioiiragraphsro i - - -' n a, - ...... . . . mr r. i- . . i . - easaryltouch lnTh x-oior.iof tiWlAy, -bw. rownOj warif wfth very color, and th very Jatest styles UtoTskV browirbertrrnives and pl t4.war...with ,vh strre a?r ..travellna; aulti ..Th blu aed green, plaids, .that ar so. popular, haye- .tiia- touch, jot brpwn to., set, tiiam.voir.jana, even the cresses a.-fal Bolora. need Just-this distinctive brown ,ia ouuc , Jjoen in , sjyi ,01. tae aaon. (.ncci wll ' tn rn wrt M Whole brown costumes af greatly In favor,' and ;brew"n yelvtt.lad itor th afternoon toilette. Every coatum hop lit the- cfty ha 'shbwn 'velvet cos tumes rn show'Wlndo-ws"-thl'. Beasion, andT besMeal th brown vetvet there ar to oklffoni.brofdolotlja-iajKl-th -wool anateriala -jaif rt-r.:i ",f ' 'IV r !., -rj- --j-te-it n it ht t Brown Gloves, Toat? ,,) ,.,m m - '; any coatum, whether !jt,bo, brown Tor not. h,Thes , glove sr, elbow ,.Jngth with i th (afternoon , and i evening .cos tumes, r welgf length -with, th .street dresses.. One of. th. faahlonabl even lag .itloyea, Ua..vary pal -ebade Tt browp, embroidered. In the barker tone of the same . color. Bom, of lhem are embroidered with, flk and have an ap plique e white .bonlton la,, ,'; Dome, of tb (,vmn taCfcctt the ,, heavy ,-btown iov .Uial, arerwoRB ,by,men.,.'. ..,(, ,. ! fa With- all the fancy focwearlng brown th ;ha-mrohanta are-bringing tout sheen 1 iv brown Uathes, brown- ki4, both glaoe and iiueda,and; tb old-fashioned bronzA -boots, JUw cutt- brown a-rante r 'to Whaotfl'lrltn hOkS ateel, for ah' Is a pearl f irreat' prio moxlst;"AeTTtlatJanrirhTBT-t7r- : ..... f y . . M ,! :a 1 (l t' -' ' ; '"i-oir'.-;ij'.8uiitineg.' f'l.'i ion w By Beatrice Fairfax. ! . Do ybaV- vTfefc rmlAndertood..awd as fhonah the whol world were against ryouT' - Do ya 'feel ' tnai "-ywa r'a -sur- fering martyr, wnom , noooayapprsro-ktesf-'''1' ' .'' f-'JV. '"' '' '! ' When ''you ' -th'st way 'ft' 1N time for' a little n'Mf-examlnatton.' ' Jbsr look Into your' bpnVt'and ae lf ,tner la hot a good deal of bittern aiW ' aiseotv -JJ ,,J.. WHm.i in: r....7K-, .: .- ,i It stands to reason mat you can t oe right and , lflM , ; JtV, of j uwnl tr wrong. r . .,;..-.' i-.V ', ', The- world,, wili. take. you pretty ihuch a it finds you. if you are rranky, pes simistic and 'soured you, will always b left to. yourself, friendj and lonely., .,' tou may try tp ooaiCvt youraelf with thMrv htvi- .yaur.Ar.mliunilr. stood., but JtKat J not so it la simply that-pople wiu tiati trouoi memaerv to be, nice to apyon who ..will ot4ak th. trouble to make, Jilmaelf .agreeable. 1. "Th trng , thins IS. t bat th person who takf th lst pain to b popular J,ery .often ih on. who jnt;aravf Jllfltftn4 Wdftu4 u . , 4'-' -. sr i J . . i ; : . . i : - the. dark atrlDlnaa ot tYtx- mink tormina- th marking running; m a, horltontal line, ' in contradistinction to'th -body '- moderat' la. with, hllow ,'upiur'ried icuft"; Chasuble ect dvsr ihoulders, i effect- ' ' ' ' .'..! I e.---i-H- , . . 9 ... . u . : U andi tajrear witktbJo JipoJ. tboip th brown spats or gaiters. Some ar of the women tbatTto-Tiot care for brown shouirXtiWWl andj make the aptttsjjqjnstead Of an xtr nlr of hoe. " ' 1 Drawn even ektend to the hat and th shops have a lapgara' Thre ar th tortoise shelr-tlna -which are.' always good style, Jrut ,th fanhlofi abl pnes of today are large, balls, as large as a walnut Bealdea the tortolae Bhefl there ar th smoky or clouded amber pin and nrenz ones.. The pins foritb hair are, too, worn thia season, run! largely to Ah tone of brown. Not to tiajv somthlng- brown proves that o'njU not tystyle. ?lv-;,':"t, V ThS prowft JPurity.;; V: Brctwn blng one of fashion's favorite eolfri thl aeason. th - winter will --ae a wlq ahd.' varied us of brown fur. Brqwh ciracul and pony akin ' will' be seen Ito A rt extent In, th jattnty ahottjeoat collared with mlpk or jmr tent pr It rimmed- with beautiful t soft pllafilp bvtalds in black for contrast. This use of bftfld on fur garments Is -new to h seSRsOQ but It la, one which we wll doubtless ae much, of. It offers maiyj aufrgestlona for th remodeling of pa si seaaotosf fur garments which might' othrtris iremaln- Indefinitely invth cdrichestor moth-proof bg. i-,. While th majority : of coats, both gret! and slmall, are collarlees, thre vaA4sLarespm beautiful - model which. show -I' - f oks'of I 'Tti girl who lo not hesitate to say hnt-pi unkind . tltuiga.. U th One who feefa (most hurt whea-auch, things ar aid about lumelf.v, -.) --.I:-; ''-.,, , "Jtrfilrlty will notBom' for -nothing; you( rguat earn It. , - And " rned you must (work hard td keep itv ,; tV : Bareastlc. sharp or unklnd'pechea' will nver win It for you. It take'' genlallt)t, k indli nessndunwlflsness to iln Bopularlty. " nnS'lnlk "and f 'tOirTVi'riM down on you.- .V !Wa J Bulklness is not an attractive quatlty, And ho one' will take the-1 trotibl t 4n vestigat - and bring you out of youf unlovely. ranod.: Tbey-i will ., Juat , lfave you alon, and, let you com round a bt you I asayl. tn r(i.?''nt ;',irt..' ' . Life la too short to waste on moment Of it .In Aulky solitude. ' V' t ' ' ' ., , '.Tou' know th. old nursery rhym about .the ."little git) ' who had a little curl in fh .mlddl. of , her forehead; whe., sbe wa good h wu 'very, very good, butwhegh ,.a .had, she 'w LrfivVaM, ii very nlc t b Nry, vary ,Peopl don't hav. Co put up, with th dlagrabltmn'or-woman,1nd . they .1.. A Alt . . ' , v When vou-sat un in th trfornln and fl rtM ahd sranky JA. Wilng , Jo ;.:f'VUs;UV 'W1WjM8lv,W M-::',??,i''' "'.rr.i',i.''6fi''?.;!i'jV'-';- iWf ;tV 4 1 ' I f . i flat1' 'effect' across' the' shouldsrii. "and a. Inner -aid - atroln-ht ,; line. Omi1r' ! lar, llThl. 'noweve. fi jnJbr foiinfl l thQl.lqoe.-fUied coat intended for evening or afternoon tret Sf ar, 1 with " semi diewy 1 toilettes, " te for strictly evening wear. i - "TJn model ' of ' abeautTfini v-b t ndr.l tplna,Jmlnk expressed In -the Empire imod riety.Ti'hOwei.a deep yok which timitliAe a aeepiSaiKor collar back ana rron a hlgh -oemcal collar . of , brown covered . With stoaby Irish croohfct the Inside of , the collar of th Theyok la-, outlined with a t. oana or to-mink, ana, the eoim th yoke are Joined Vr seemlnajl to the body of th hlrr of brown .velvet, connecting 11 lite ft and! th back, beneath- th arm are. caught to th point f th rosette of valve t wfth-Jeweled Another Interesting feature, of tlilstsam coat Is th us of th mlnkVon theioroH ot tin pelt in th form ofl brder in th. coat, shirt and in , tbe wide icuffs Of Th ample sleeve, -r - rf III Sleeves of fur garment a e bt( long and tiort. . . On maker . sho4 a tmnrt sleeve Idea' In hi pony cpat j tfodols which I s.-.m the most nevfl aio this seaaon The sleeve. la reallyffull f-ng-h and. Is so worn. for. general tret Iwenr, but , the', lower part - 1st so iconstfuctsd that tit may b taraed -fcajck iofform a cuffed sieev of three-quarters; length, th for being oad in a fating between th wrist ;and' tb-elbow. Whenlworn. ,ind, cuirue ana uuvee muon zne teeve In form, and when reversed then? hav tn etrect pl an ornamental trimming. . T .? i t do is to keep q Jlet uattil th mood hag pasaed. ;- - r t g ; .j .--tf yoif. one' losecontrol of yoraelf you will be sure tray something srhlch you will regretlater. ., . ? I - i Instead ofjajylng to yourself, f'Svaryl tbln1s awfng wrong todsy," Jst nay, v hafts th matter with mTf i Nln time out of. ten th fault wlll.1l tflth uive in Dear nat you are capl of W th: oria svisrytla'y and Art day. B cheerful, kind and sympathetic and. you will And yourself a thoroughly appreciated and imucb sought r alter per- ;!( ' ; , 1 i 'i , t 1-!,..(, 0nro A-.JfaaUj.-M . i Conareseman Parkin waa In th of. flee ot a friend, a Jus tic of th peace, wben a couple came In to be married. After, th ceremony th Justlc accepted a, modest, fee , and , handed, th brld an .-Mr,: Perkins.' looked on gravely,'. and asked. , ."Do. , you ( alwgy do rt4ht, Charllest"- ,.i,-'-a- , t "Do whatT, Marry them7 Olv y." . "No; . X, mean , besto a . prent , upon th brld.",,- , r; ,..,.., . . . ,' A . present T .wbyj ..wasn't that ,hr urobrelia?" gasped, th Jaetloa, .). v, . "No. . ,lt was mlna, f replied th co- rma,jdiia Mlf 'WU and I satin le knlnk. ft-lnch ra of it held trap (Thos by ant era. 118 Ha'tHeirtlme whri grownupaVf - ;V b!g1n the iaak of prrpartfig Bdlaarf IHjHv fur bresentKt on oh Chrtat ot.Hheir acquaintance. J 'V;TS Tfcjft' 1 realiy. a' pleaaur .to Jdrea's ;th r , i t. mdtlcrn dolitt for bar Ijand.a- nui bo'lv"-, naae in moan correct a-iovea, uixa on hut . fort -Hh mayl woiir,nytbW rem- ptJr 'pf VnndaUj to fm'tenl lathra, W Iff ah fa haVr f oil, .u tiny .' kJd bootees. ler natr''1- r"i nl n yTrally urly, and 'may b dreastd Xici-oriM 'nK..p tto .ittiesfe muae wnji jitr iwib uiways iuow me moer e7rirveu jiuea. The)" Ufne'-t paai wierf- tme- can mak a)' dresjt;.! dh securely And. to tinu Nbr-Mla J9nU ot today .is a .vfry Up-. t-i,..5ersfi liilefl,'iind ,nW' bava her, dHIvr'jJl.-jrTnents . selected with' aa much .cttjre .aa a socluty woman. " couf aa, ,thr 'are one or jwer doll tlress makrs wbo will make,1 complete out fit - for ' moderat sum; but thiit de prive one ,ef th fun ;of -nrnking th dainty gHrinent oneaelf: so hrst decide. Uie-age. and th grail t oietyjln 1- whlch My XtBdy LK)llhllr move Tor v la obvious thatttie-cHtbe'preiNird ffr 1 Bchnolgtrt doll '"woMld not -b -at' Al appronrjat Tor. a young- uoj' wnoin tanded to move in the .;best'oc)e1t." Th first eholc ofneftrty vjtyychlM la J'baby dll,"- o-1 you are undwoWfd what aortto buy, and dresa. you piaf safely Invest In' afloll witn lOnaoat blue eyes and roldT-nChalr. iind reiniT ber that lit1 la absolately-HaocBaary thVt It ahouldihav thaViwet 4o"aBen and close It eye for' btiby VtaH requlreeH plenty pf slep which when Interpreted means that it ahoulAie UreaaeU, and dM-smii , often a poaalble, - ," -'iDaintihesa la th keynote to surt-esa tdresvln' . baby doll, and oJVcourae you must make j th cloth exagger- KingsbnTheiriQwn Account : ''' ijine- I - ,i'-- ; I.TKOI (H hlu majesty I viJ W ward il, a..tfuirrrfr,tn BraWr-. nHre,..rwrl f-W loyal subjects, ar ig,o thlf own aoeount . nd are- aa (autocratic. - the eur .ot Kusala, i Ths ar the, for? tunat ,wnera,of,. liOajida , rpund tb ceaat anaay, ef .whom Ara axampt from rates and taxes and aoraetlmfc. beyond the ac.heras4of the . narllamentaey Jogis- latlotw! Just now Ahe most promipent.ot these mlntatur , 'monarchies , 1 Uundj in th. BrWitol chanKT.A . l every, ambWou -raUUonuire. has,. an. op- - r-DevotiehlrYlk i-oul the llnd -lb kingdom of heava ocaua lu raent wner -Is Jthwi Rev.- Hudaon, Ok Haven, overlord x! l.0 acres and soro ,40 souls Ha the. villa.. -a cranlte .built mansion e eomrsandkag ,.a magnificent view of 4 he bag -ea4.urrounded by. hill. Uallkenmanr f th,the privat king uoma Cuniy ls beau t If uU though laolai-Sd.-a-flttiu 0nU-nsX,t th Isle of Man. over wklea -Kr. Cry, , th son of Colonel fary.tb well-knewo AJnerlcerw relgns-r-j The tlgttcf almost , barren Island, ,cbleflyn celebrated , .for , rabbit and rats- and a 'remarkabl. cbv called Into, balng.; by Jhet siren jofj- excursion stfcamrAri..t;-..ii .-' '--it! Iundy staple Industry, I agriculture, soma 40 acres being; ranted by one far mer. Her b Hocks, sheep, -goats., and hot see-1 ara.ra-alaed.- .GranlU waa . one (married, bat th' work have long since fallen upon evil days., although the mln-J eral Is of excellent quality. Much of the f hamembankmehrT pulTtTf It. 1 1 Th manor faVmhous l - clo. teTiK Heim'ir -chuct. ntulari.fui.atruc tur tor sa small -a vklBudon. And th ewiavamd- anljp- piao 4C worship 9n .the Island and when aallora have to max an enforced stay in ma neignnomooa, wang"4CK.advr aaaastancFSi areadlng-eoom...The iower,,l ,.a. fin specimen of. th aculptor art, and, to talaed glas window ar fit to grace any church. -The present lord of ;Lundy snccdd-i to -th ; sovereignly ot ., tht) Island on the death, ot his J'athar 8ir Vr Hunt Bark, ita previoua proprie tor, picked It; uj fotta ;mrtonA.At : Iondon auction, so the Btory goes, the auctioneer declarln- that" th - Island "never rwVa either tat or Whe that it acknowledged neither kins' wot peril, ment, civil or ecclealaattcal. It propria tor Is pop and emperor -at one In; his own scanty domain. ; '! " - w' , As a matter of fsct, tn' Hey. 'Hudson Q. Heaven's rul 1 absolute, -knd no body can b. married or burled without his consent. Tourists ho wlsli to land cannot do so uniea h gives consent, which, ' however, ' Is seldom, If ever, re fused. ' . ,. " .'' ''- -'--' : . Jlomanc linger aboufLundy tslsnd. Bom year' ago the remain of a giant, eight two . inches In height, were discovered, while, a companion skeleton was only slightly smaller. - A wtly mem. bar of parlUmpt ..bargained ' with th state Jo transi ort Convicts' to Vlrglnl for a Jprlc and then nt Oiem to"lAindy and there made' tbem work to. hi od vantago. Pirate' knd smuggler founds th Isolated spot good for thair' trades. It Sheltered th would-b .tnurderer of Henry III, and Edward. It, and On tnor than on occasion,, JtfeU into lib, hand of 'marauders. ., ',',., ' ,'" '.''' ""-.' . Today h hor'fiords an xcnnt anchorage for vessels, aa 'tnany t JWO having been ther at tb satn time, but a, wreck oft .Lundy Js not, an unusual thing, tnor particularly. In, winter and arly spring., it balng, in .Xhl,';wf3k radkta" .ot th. Bristol, channsU ,, . The llahtboua-1 a conspicuous object. and Its revolving , light, 640 feet.abor high . water, can b seen SO mile. , . . . j ..Thr U no hourly delivery , of . lttr. th post maatr(l, calling . one. , a week, ther,, being;. , fortnight , dlapach Of malls. ,. , ri4 f j'i t.f ' ' . The. lal of .Matt'oomptlsea emSM aoraa with a ,o lln of fiv mll.f,A tormar proprietor had to 'fight long and valiantly... far . hie, diminutive . kingdom owing to attempt mad tf tax th la habl tanta. . Taking; ,n th . matter- - to . th hous of common . hi rblllou way war upheld and not a penny ha sine been collected by tax therrJ ,Th two lighthouse on th Island ar prop erty ef the wnr, "wh , tlalm ' all wreckag;1" '' t?t ,t;u-'"" ' v .L-.irs'T-rt ttf -.t l.:x . . King tf th SclHy IsWnds'JjV i. Tka .BrUlH.ialsnda ar nka M of . no tewor. thaws 140 .separate Island, - and vr. Tresc, th-,mct important at th $T9Uf)f,MTm T A.'!SmUhHvTiei irolansVo atedlyllong and liava plenty of llttl rttlcoa4a and a aoft white ahawl. Tiny - f aimonaev eogeo who oiiie or pina susj , irttL. tarfviwi'l'Orinf uniwa joy to a motneriy ui vti.ii nMin real baby blanket la oC - more value than the most elaborate ball tollt dteaa 'patterns may be " pur- chuaw-Hn, iny dealred alxe, and it Is reigllt'Vprt wniie to Juy on 01 ineae ha ad y a Ids, fiaelajv stti- as It will sav you many tes and enable you t mak gowns' - Will follow th very latt fasTitrm k. urandm - nd her knitting needle ar r In demand when it cornea to orooerlr drcaaing- Xotly, and ' bealdea making brittees and lovelv IK tie hoods sh mar kail1 - a knoa comfortable and warm lotlagi-ster jacket, which will b suh ii.' necesxity, during th cold of th hslidM; seaabn. it It 1 I hard, to say what not to mak for thk lads' doll,, as motor coat, rainy 4uydntntJ furs- and spangld ball Kown iara sail needed If she 1 to keep am ppeur:uica. . .,....-...,-(- v. 1 -" Th' dalatloat of linger! I rndleeh sitbla, aiulfone may put much tlm and. r j Woron lhla part pf th ward rob.. 11 L no- fahionabl list I Invariably ,mmmeu.. wim irainsr (ipa. (vna ie wom "with a rtltiy scrap of a veil, which feuclKif juat to th tip of My Lady' tKtWdqfed noe r' - fuy-trimmed garment ar always' a lifn.tif great wealth, and ar valued ao eordlngly by th owners. "Swansdown layrpoken of with bated breath.. -) Stt dreaaes ar th mot 'tyllh' for Evening gowna, and a few apangle may be aewn on with atunnlng affect Tiny Jewel case a may be . purchaaed which contain w Jewel enough for a duchess, and of cours . they will help th look of th - party gown, wonder- -fully. , . , v saprm. It is -not ejult a quarter wf' a oentiury rgovthart th ' SclUonlan took to, .supplying- their brother -aad . ltr pn th mainland vtth daffodil A"d nar claaua. of which between 690 and , SOO tons, were exported during th first tour months of (he year.1 Sometimes, s much as JS tons a day ar picked, packed and sent 'off 5 when 'the' aeason la at it height,-" f i -u What"' waittt " t 1 1nhabllanU of , th islands may pomes Is practically . th r5duct of th-flower farm -which mora thin rival In beauty ind quality th blooms of th' Dutch and Belgian grow ers,1. Snowdrops, wallflowers and stocks are aJao grown and Sold for profit. Bcllly In 'the spring is a veritable twentieth century 'edition of the Garden of Eden. " I'll' Island ha'v'played their part In, ihe making of history, for they ar sup posed to -have been th Casslterldes of the Greek and. the Bllllna of th Rotn- ' ails'. ' During-' th ' seventeenth century rnjy sheltered Trine Charles tor a short time and Ver captured - by 'Admiral Bta;'lA ' --- Hi; t;r u ' -: " ' - ' -' 'jptaaat Defanaly ArAior.'i ifwo" jfalrl'y ' well defended creature now before me serv to explain that flah are generally seised s prey from above, . because nature Invariably , put th armor where it 1 most needed... On of .theae I the hortied shark, whioh ha two 'defensive spears, each high up on -a separate, dorsal' fin; And the- other la therlggerrflsh.'' ''V '"" ' 1" -" In botk caaea the' bayoneta'ar polnt- 'l d ffof 1 tlS 1 enemy a- when a'battalron receives th order to.prepar to roelye -cavalry. ..But thjrtgger flh ha a aoft , of' pcTt-kn)fetlBchmnt for his. It folds dowrv into a grepv which reach along' It back 'exactly th blad of ja peakatfe-aaay beiura Awa.wbawit u i !IhM!r,i hort; br.d tafl. wits Tno rntermedlat body to speak of; and la thl queatlonabl shkp h eem as in Ilk a true product of natur a th ani mal., of , the, heraldry office,. H re ceived hi mim when muaket were of kn ancient -pattern, and when h Is at fulf cook h 1 not to br trifled -with. ' ' ' That' out American torests S bound to ' JiUnfj which poases th most valuaul medicinal virtue 1 abundantly attest by scores at th most cmlaeat tBadical' writers and teacher. Even th untu tored Indians had diacovarad th paef Bi ne of many natlv plante beforft tbs dynt of th white raca. This iBlorxaa- tlon, imparted freely to th whites, 14 ih latter to continu Investigations sntll ' to-day ws hays a rich staoftment of most tslusble American medicinal roots." " i , i, ; .. . .j . , . . . , . . , .- ' .. !.' - to -.. r..i r Vt4 Here bHevs th our Anerlcaa tot' awurtbband In aeoat valaabl adlclaal Soot th cuTMjf moat obstlaat aad fatal dla - t a If wejoTakl piopaily investigate tat 4 tht oavictiosi. k BOldWwIt prtuVJk tfce .lwt CHIT, rffsctert hi hll -tinlrtunMfllrsI PIS, cvery." whli 13323 aXar. h,.rt t wntrn Baa nreran waeir to aa in -v.,,. m, VTr' "r . A tonic and regulator, and blood. eltanaer known oca, !)- . la, l laai IgesiieB. torpid lRerTTuaetk)! - and veat valvular and at aSectloo ef taw Mart yhrld i it car tie action, f. Tk ' reaaoa u cure the aad jny tari sffecttea. t larly. show s a llul book ' 4 extracts fro lb standard dio4 wra ... which ts.malUd r to ny add by D. M. -V. 9mm. of Borate. M, Y- to J1 MsdlneT muwS tor tb av ;', trrr r-r . nt?tr!v''ri utriirir'rtf Hot leas toarvelons, In th nnparanaled eure U I constantly xaaklmt of wot' naar ieculla( ffcUna, wakM and dlaya(D dartncaaMnla, I Da. Plarc FVertlNjreacrtpov i amnly attested bytbouaadds ofaiaMltcjttlBal) eaww jnraiea.o)irxTaiui patrenai who Bar few IfJuAi. AicUoBAxOI i dklnA l ter many uiher adii tnatawwaaaaaiauwi. in; Tilet n-iv'i' ..t.:-!--. . oth tb kbov wenfiotied Biedlrln SM 'Wholly toad bp fro tb glyceric aitraoUof aatlva BtMllrlnal ranta. Tha vnar.esaea - wloved In eheir aiaatifaoture were original .with Dr. Pie roe. and tby ar earrle oa by feiuea cbexaiet an pbArmacuu witn ine Id of apparatul and appliance specially rimed aad built for this eumoae. Bora tnedicln are enUrely free from alcohol and rll other hariafak babM-fnnalng drnra, A full list of their lngrsdlaaU 1 nrluted (M rtyifc irrejtujjiarfili dAramBiaiiAOjLJA atluq ot uierys and kin afwr many uiher adienlaed 'V