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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
L VTHD CnnCCrr 'DAILY' JOUItNAt. PORTLAND.' SATURDAY. EVENING, ' NOVEMBER IOC? 1906, Cp : ' vvvr . a;- ' i '1T l.Vi'ii; t !.' s' ',, '' : !" ih . r . .-ft!. "hitt'mjf ti 'i-I.H' ). "' l ta-;rM ci.'rt M' V'1 ti I j '. i . ' ! .... .-.! ui ' ' ' 1 1 i " . M If !'. ,)" t,-Mii-'.-i; Hfi i' -, .:. I .;;. .... ;'- i. .; '.'-.. t !. trro . e..'ls.. iriyf ' ''.'.fc8J M V-jii' i.j i,f - ''' .OCT.) .A m yi.-iiia tt-m.-i ,.B .bow!? ,!: -,"(.'. -it'. tcJ.'VUv'B" .! rl' ' .'' ti'io t.'i' ';' ' vl-T--pnx "&T'7a& If" family, ona of thoaa tenlaLior- in, lovaDia na ar-ao-wena w, lla ToPy, rjat;crwa4-h faa4 twaa Pll4 vtiBlnalir kr 'Minv tha ealy kay "Jit ttia! flock f girl. n4 ciiaaiuenly W, M' Hogerfc', !jia walfleft "aut ' to bba tendfr raercla (ia jfiai bten left . (,,whoi 4 mcra tow and.. unliKi. moat, ln , ate4 f belD awa4 bjr, bey fcWUy, h Jiat) qulta woi bar brart by aataroatu - ally taklnc, what In any ona olaa would -f bava bean oonaldere-J uiyr)J((jna,b,la,.lb. ' tL : "ow what ,maij''yo ur p .tii 'anvelope?" asked Aunt Jaufy In - voice, pitched Uka a clrJanet Tooka -If. Jf you'd ajirayf baan Mfuatinail to ; ha(m tbiiiK grow op ireea. , Now . bat'a .thf mattar with that ,ar)Vlop, any aray? Say. t watcUad, you addraaa j It, an' It . looked correct,, notbln' l to cratch out not avta roei ' .' Pata turned iallyK and wth' a. good - jpturcd y.wn, resHedK-r'-Tou, ra rlfht, . Aunt Kancy,, Ita only avjlt lay in, ita jcorrrctnaaa. -, It -.may ,hvt bean .vary I ailly.", contlnuad ha.. "tMt wlti aucb, an Important addreaa . aa 'Mrs. Abrabni Carter atarlng ma In tha. face, I felt Uk blnni(i 'Dear Mailara,'. whereaa, without ita atarn atmoapnere and lnflu 'enfe, I' could wrltf: n-uch more' ntur my.'inforts!! and tovtnfll tq the ir .pid aoui :;, : , . , ... ; . "Now who. uOght you W be Jntprroal , Wtb , 'dear ; W-"aoUU'r. aaHej :Auhi ,.Nancy to tonea , that admitted of. bo coftiprorpiaa. "Una mora Lnriaima ;r ' the aouth and a few more Harvarda ac .afaja.HS aondlllqii -of, tha. aultaa of on I iv-Turkey, ia at last believed, la the (if ft 1 inner circle t Censtaotiaopie. to s'iLLa ttopeieea; hut at'Tlidia KUsx th greatest show' 6f ftpMmlslm i made "jy the palace entourage to tbelr aui '(jruat 'jnaster'g hfattb., JotJU. Ptjon, ' current through the gt respecting tha ,heaUbof the. samaadeae)(- ibav aiUi-t ful,. enjoins that. tha, sultan , can never 1 be seriously JU;"ln fac,t.tthat p cn nevf die. ' Then death 'or a;fiarem In--v'trigW remowa him; khd 'af arrhnar' Hc- :on. .te applied te HI auoawawar.'i S' - I., f .fi':i.'ii'; tr ;v:;i . TbeXiPalact; Dtetora, fit u n r ! hii i : - 1'Th fhyslclaaa5' tormlnftne martlcVil . antoerage ef the sultan' at tfidta Kloak are;, aot ' without -aklit r Somev i indeed, ! have r studied v at Berlin, r Vienna, and t Parte. But they as j-ulo, r aovargly handicapped In oqtnlsterlng to bis- raJ eatyille take bl medlolnee badly, and haa a morbid dread of tha knife. ' Me lea a -towards ekarmaeind eahertatltna, raaaUat heast haa' far.-greater .falUi. In platwltll aueekery then in ywnulaa aaeil , leal skill. His sedentary Ufa- kaa laag "eairaed aa aperatloa ta be neoMsary) brut ,-ha haa - shirked , th appUoaMoa t tha , knife, and haa gone on sufflsriaa- acopias, i which ointment -and- charm have hut . teanpwrarUT x removed.. .. It-waa solely ; J through tue-earnest reresentatlona f : -tha Oerman aaibaeiador that the aultan 'at, teat consented to . the calling' In of VtheT aeletaratad I. Prof eaaoa- Bergmaim, Ahd, after the oonwaHatlotV D. Sler; t -mean -waa 'Mat aliawed1 ta 'Opera te.MU majely la auf feting from fa-eomplloe-'tteef 0 AlaeaesM, n. He waa tO'have beer) neatee. upaaj for appen4teMtar,'hal' tha - vtlay-wa pur. off. ' He la known no A have Brlght'a dtsaNand 'atw U 1s understood he la uf ferine -from cancer, - ZHi:. j t "Hi taajeaty la gettm an In year. H "-waa-born on-eeptemher lti"ltf,-nd baa 'relftred,' a erovn'tha tlst or'Auginit lest, ' '! year. - Whrf WUI'aMeet hltti "Thit 'Is thB 4oentlon 'burning' tjUeatteM ! in itke near future. i-Tlie hela presumptive . a hla brother, MtogammaeVRachad, who Ma tare yeara', hla-. Junior, ) having been 'born on November lliU- But Abdbf 'Hamld-ta atiitan, and' he baa a will bf ' hla own, and he may,' tn nominating Ma; successor,- pass over the generally ac retPi eUtniaaf bit broth and uiase ion f . hia ,awa ,,on4,, Ilia, al4"t, ftoi. -Melewiil-BeMtW .kaa,- believe, , go 'chance ef ' beln bis Hthe' , aiweetlan. rTia favorite n -is1 Abdut-Ktais, t 'February if. 'UT.J'T'lt qermaaMa ' ,enoe, .whlob, indajf ,11 tllpoweffu' In .Canataatliiople-will have aqraelhlng y aay in canmeotloa with- the. uccelon. Tt' easy t ttw htohammed-Raonad , or for Abdul-Kadi r, or ra dark heaae V. H..i-rni t r, .r-rv ' V rV, :W . I '. sr-,. '. , T 9 I ' ? ,'. '.. 111,1 til til " C&Cl jFTK ; ..... .. . ' -:IJ ,'': ' ! r -.: ;. ,: 1' - -' ' 7--' T ': ' ' ' r " '' L .L ' ' I '. ' ' A ' 1 - - .1 il"W'sw '11.' in . ', Hi' H ' . . ," ,') . . ' ' .'. I . h I . ' '-" '" , . ; ' - ' . ----- -. . . -W pi;' )i r aa taif .C'.'ii.a -T e-xea ... 1 i -ci s.,-,l rt1 " -" Mi ''. . , eh r ,1 "el 1 -p.. , s . '"--r'lL IX7T;i '... 111! sTLa f.'':'gl m'. Ilex sjm a-vaai 'C la.Sttini!rKrnnimm v xv1 K7 r a I wjiiii Vr;i;.v v !.:'-:', . J'.v rill r UHtmv -' J " w f till u .....,..''! 1 i '.: -: w w . j.v.: -. v i .. . ...vki. i-i . a 7 t vn oil ii - i . 7X-'" HI. - Lt. ." - " AJ-A . ltknatM.,"'l4 !, .till hkln M V ,.;.J..,. ...-' , 4 : ' I J,! v.yu'i a i ifc ;. - , . -. ... - - .iininiii mr mr i m dr - i r i . - i ! . f .i '.'. - - , ,. "7. . . taJarlnd,-?oW,d e patting the pteat-?pt"-jt.aV,oulder.i 'Aaytxntiy .wonld think tnaf my envelovea and dollar, aria ilfh llket wi t-plii-MaKwM wt 4a jaot gathered. ' Now I want to know what poor old ' ouf "yow ar loving o In formally knd atuTally.,' coatlnued lh' angular 'Aid maid, with an emphatic shake of her head, from either aide of which.' dangled oork-eereW' a-irla. ( ' "Oh; you needn't get fealeua, Auntie, replied "Pete, 'With auaplcleuo twinkle In hi tfra ejrea, "for aha a Juat a t.gre "A Who! -A 1 whatr etied the -14 lady' aghaat, "and did you vlalt her,' too, whert you 'Were 1n Virginia r" '" i Well,' no,1 not aiaeny. although an Hrtalnly waa the autocrat -who-man aged the entire Byrd family, ao It aoetaa hut flttln-f that I aend her Una. 'Don't tonf tttltik. ao,' Aentlar- u 1- . ; . !:! I 7a- "Don't know tithlr 'bout ouy nta gera." replied aha with a defiant anlnT, "buf "l know ia that there'a ; i 4 proper place for everythlnf, and a ken nel for a dog. a atall for a horae and a kitchen- tor nlggera; It maybe-' ela faahloned, but I ain't none ' of - youf pooker f,1 Waahington omn,',nar advocate 'neither for gentlemen oorret ponding with nlfrer mammlea,' nor-' "-Petal oh, Peter erled a merry, lrt lh' voice 'frohr the hall.' "May I come InT ' Whefe are yoU, anyway V ' ' , 5 "Now, tnere'a one of you up-to-dat-era," aald Aunt Nancy aarcaatlcally. ''"Htr fn the I1krry. called Pete; rio Ing nd making1 for the door. 'Owe right In," .",J 'o''. . : '.'Anu ao'Votr are really bark from the iouth." hppled a'glfllBh vtaioa of II, kmohf ' thi ultan'' mimerous aona; In act. for the one "wha will best aarvt Oerman interests. The Turkish should not be forgotten, has been mod, filed oh the Oerman plan, and the kaiser has lent the sultan some of his most distinguished efWeer, to Instruct : the Turks in the art- of war. ; 1 ;, ! !;' -.',.; ai .-'. wu.tiii ( ' -Vj Sultan ta Worker nd Ltnguiatj . j " AbduJ Hamld U pa of the hardest working -monarcjia. , , Ha upertntrnda every Important detail, of state espe oieJlyrtb diploma Ho aide thereof, ,No mattea wbat hour of the night. Import ant cablea or teleftrama arrive, having bearing upon affalra f eiaie. he musi at etw Ve mads cqualntd with their contiita..,.Ka has; a. boat of affrta'la' ti attend- to thla work and to KpP him hourly Informed. Negligence would cer tainly, cost a secretary bis plac,' an( maybe hla life. Then secretaries art conversant t with all languages, and every really Important article id a news paper ia at once marked out and brought to his majesty's attention., In thla way h knows tar mora What is going on n. Ida big own realms nd outaldt of them that ie fxar of ill tle Russia. The Bujtan .knows , more "langua get thari 1 genrsilx bellevetf; but In Mk conversa tion ..with thi orr)a diplomatique bo, UBlcsl.any fmber thereof , esn coni vers .direct with, him In Torklah, al ways employe, an Interpreter. , Many a time' haa n i 'fuM comprehended thi asides' Irt hfr bwn tohfcues of he dlplo. mattets who bva met him in audience. The' influence .of Baron Chalice,' the Austrian ambassador and doyen 'of the ambnseadorg who If iretlrlnpr froth th4 fllhlomatla service, with tha sultan- wa nfft 0' rrfuch doe to' hi charm of " man her 'and bis Vonderful 'tt ' aa to tha fact of hl Vns" able to'converse' dlreet wHn 'the padlshah 'in' TiirklsK." On 'on occasion when conversing with the tat Blr Clart ryird, th Bl-ltlsh ambasandoi B 'Constantinople," ' respecting certain; representations wikde'lto him enhoerntng the ' Armenians, i" his majesty anconacl otsly let slip a big d d. Abdol HaMld.' by tni"try. "although,1 on hla mofhefa side, undoubtedly of Armenian descent haa nr for hatvsr for the Armenian,'" hay.,' to his tnlnd,1 are not only ultriy rmpoaslble people, bat are the"mor " dangeroua" politicians and arlwilnaia l hla empire. 1 A'. ' ' ' - . ' " ! J -i i f ,i,",i'-t-.-r' Hit Baiy Sl. f ' " k4i '. qutt4a of the Armaataan, and whom hla msjesty dislikes from tha palUloal aa distinct from tha reltgloua stand point, Abdul Hamld ia br ae naeaar rellaloua intolerant He, In fact. Is far) ant loleraa than d Russian eisr. le allow all 1 within hi -realme freedorn of religion thought ao long they do net ua their rellgloa a a aaeaaa ef yjot any heart left at' aflt Or.-- Oh, I beg your pardon. Aunt Nancy," aald aha in aurprlaed tonea. WdB't ae you at all. -Hegular liOndoil mils.tdy aide and ovt!--: '-". ; vIt don't appear .to have dampened your aplrlta none," r piled Aunt Nancy, frith an onrtnoua frown. ; ' f , : 1 "No tbla kind o ' weather aiwaya 4rlvea the klnka out of my tempea tuto my halr, aald the girl with a. total Ula nagard for-bar hoateaaV aareaam, "and than, too, I've got olhar raou," added aha myaterloualy. -TA - 'a a-'-vV ' ' f "Eht Now glva them to ua Vane," aaked Pete, encouragingly, "for you look Intereatlng." - .'.'' i Yaa." aonUnuad Jane, Tm happy aa at -Sand Boy,' and f rea,' ya free again," maiA ah trtti'lilnr ut both arma to their full length and taking a, long hruth, "Poaltlvely. I feel Ilka flying. and t va been doora All, day and breathed ao muoh oaone that . really ought t float.' " v- 1 -What do you mean by being freer naked Aunt Nancy, impatiently . "Any body would think you'd been m JaH.- , ' "Engagement is broken. : Juat think of It, Aunt Nancyl Toe family- earn mighty near bulldoilnaj ma Into marry ing (hat EngUahman, but I talked to them, and now "have Juat com.' Over to confide in you and Pete, . Gofly 1 bu Juat did inlaa being. exported!' . . ';. trVJl, I etpect your, home 1C a llttj peppery," aald. Tete,' . aympatheflcaily, -ao tell ua all about it," aald he. edging hla chair P a l-UU? clpaer1i."?fow, wjjajt'a the particular trouble T" Vh,-HothWc in Ta"'c",rrnr very thing In general.,1 ,alwaya knew, roy :t 1 ;SuIUn 1, J'yL If .., fi 1 -) polUcal prepaganda. .lAaearaing ta niaa, a good Mohammedan ahould remain at good Mehammedarand rod Chrlatlan a good Chrtettan; hut politic ahould be, anust ba, left severely alone by al aeet within the TurkWll empire.' Hia majekty 'Ukea hia amusement sadly) but h,' ae many European entertainer hate dfaeovered. iainbt bad audlenca, and, in truth, I a Very liberal patfon. Hla taatee. indeed; ra' peculiar; and ha much prefer a; tumbler-cqntorllonlt ahow or a good sleight-of-hand exhlbli Haa to A flrst-claat drsmailo or musical entertainment." Tha Oerman ambassador Once got the entree of a Oerman musical prodigy td Tlldls Klftkk. He fiddled and, fiddled, and the aultan aat tmmnvable, and at the en he' yawned; hut he loaded Ut prodigy with flXta, ad U werraaii , r . . . . 1 ,'-: ( X " . . . .u , .-. . yy- j " . - V ' jf t If ,. , f.)'ii'-w :;rmmmA at ( v1; iiv,4..i "r. JKi " ' 1 ': '' ' '"Z '"' r-4 "'f,N "'ii'p"'x ;. Alt 'J St r XI ' 11 ... -tv -v f."X) vA,..! 1' II Z ,KS' 'W' "" ' I17" iX ' ,f ;'!' "'' "fi ' ''' - t ! 1 - :( ,'.-'.! '' ,-l ' i.'--t love waa of too eollaralble and bubbly a material to last well, a yesterday be my Johnny HuU, explained aha, nod- ding Jrtvolouaiy -aun kkkj, ,i' overaentimantal, grabbed and tried to klaa me. I didn't exactly ahare hla an- thu8laam,' aald he, auu anaKin golden curia, ' ao ducked my , neaa w mlaeed hla aim, but aa It waa 1 eaughti It la the eye, and and. or, wall that a the beginning at the end." ? ' . v ,t- 1 1 1 umt tan aood. to be kissed, what do you auppoaa be wanted to aaarry you rorr aaaan avk wf with an uplifted ehln, which cpaveyed unutterable meanlnga of acorn. . "Like to be put In a grlaaa cabinet an hung up n a braaa nail for exhibition, I aup poaa. Don't know what you young peo ple la eoinln' to anyway. I never was craay about kissing or marrying either, but If I d decided wnd promlaed to do either, I'd have sense and force enough of character, too, to ad both. I most oertalnlir don't know what you young la pomln' to." aha again ex- 'viaimerf with aocumulated wrath, "Now here'a Pete--r-my ... rexe-f-ej-iu-a with a "autoeratlo niggers 'A WHAT II!" aaclalmed Jane. "A ria- rOnife "true.'' aald ' Peti Aolamttly. 'Met her In 'Old" Virginia,' and waa Juat writing; to her when yon buret In apon x"-"!. don't, think 1- ult -understand," aid Jane, Increduloualy; , . - ''x "Certainly don't look a If yon do.P aald Aunt Nancy, "you face U aa .blank aa aa oyster, ah' I can't aea any par ticular reaaon wbjr. you oan't fbnX your moutn. VYou see. it'a thla , way,r explained t hnrrledlv . . In hODta Of Checking further aarcasm. ,"thl old ?" )r'th Been a rgmr. i.uiuy f" t"l ." ftvrit whoiTi I've been visiting, and aha ijuch a..royat time Chrlatma.a that more in ine lorra 01 ii.iiery iuu t-iythtng- else- I thought f -wtttlnr to her. that'a a,!!.,-; fi t , i t . ..1. i i : l" J 41 A a ; pf Turkey. embassador, waa undes tjae Impreaalori that he had provided Jtla maiaaiy with a dellghtru! evenlnr tntertalninent,-, 7' Sarah Bernhardt and Abdul. .-vr ),,.. 'In th days whep 'Paul pambon'. !th French ambassador to , Great ; Britain, represented the interest of the French republic: ' at'. Constantinople, ' Madame Berah Bernhardt., who bad been' touring in eastern Europe, waa desirous of giv ing a dramatic repreaentetlon at Tlldia Kloak. The aultan waa willing, and tha term1 wr 1 duly arranged with the keeper" of th -wardrobe,' tha worthy pasha "whd haa 'th eontref'of all en. tertalnmertt- at' Tlldla- Bat th pasha held out his hand for mora baoksheeah than La Belle parah felt Inclined to aire, and ae th ong-loeke4 for repre "Well, but how n tha nana of genae could ahtf or rather waa It In her power tos glva you royal times r aaked fane, even mora aoyatlfted. " ! ' - "Oh. aha Juat a earned the natural foun tain head that regulated everything; and waa never the round peg in the auara hole, no matter what the oonUoattoni, mammy" was all aufflcleat. 1 as to a matrimonial whooper-up khCa the beat ever pity you didn't have her on hand last night, Jane," added he aympathetl- ally. .:.'..-. .. .j--.- , . "And atUI you , cama back alngleT cjueattoned Jane. ' 1 "Tea. but I made a very narrow ea ape, propoaed te the wrong girl: but a fallow Juat naturally had to get aentlr mental, von know, what with mlatletoe and candlelights and Jullpa, to aay noth ing of an atmosphere almply permeated and aaturated with tha holy eatate of matrimony and then, you know. Jane, I aiwaya waa tender-hearted, and aha looked ao lonely and' OhrhpahttnUrrupted-Jene, "thoee kind of miatakaa are nothing new oa your part however, what did aha aay 7" A "Well, I don't - remember exactly but - a aha declined, and I didn't puah the taatter, beoaaaa all tha time I had a anaaking Idea that it waa the egg-nog and no, my effsc.Jpnf a waa working ' "OUt, do com to ;he Wat Veddlnga, Pete, ypu are worse 'han fourthly and fiftblf In aermona," , . -. , ' , , . , J "Well, tp begin, th.ey. were alt colored affalra, you know, and each, unique la tt- own- wrr-w- ywte. -Colored r aaked Jane. aentatlon 1 did not take ' place.' s Barah Bernhardt lost by it l.e pounde ani the coveted order of tha Chefskat Heri mann, the eonjurar.' knowlnr th rope better than the great rreneh aetreoa, aw the keeper Of the' wardrobe, gave hla ahow. and got hia thousand pounds, , , - .ii itt'i-i'i . . j Yatrnlng for a --Friend.' ',V.! I i. Th sulUa'a yaarnlpg ", tar? a frleo( taa often been pathetlo, Thla la brought out by Chedo MOatoVleh la aa admir able chiraotar-eketah la th "Fortnight; ly." Having heard that King Milan, aad and broken hearted, waa alive in Vienna, the aultan Invited him to aosae ta Ooa stantlnople, and he aaked the writer to espouse hla cause t In the. following touching word: . " "Knowlnr that King Milan Ma fond of yotl knd trusts you, I called you to, ask yott peraonaHy to, write to him to aupbort my ' Invitation." Write 'to him that I ahonld feel happy to have him near ma. He knowa that all my eympa thlea are with him, and that his friend ship la precious to me. Tell him that I have thank Ood! many' good and faithful aervante, but that I often feel quite lonely,' and that X am longing with all my heart and soul to have nsar ma a 'man to whom, aa to a falthfal and sincere friend, I eeetld confide what 1 have in my heart, with whom l eeuld freety exohange thought and take rounael. and with whom I could ahare toy aad aortow. .1 feel deeply that In Milan I should And such a friend. Writ to hist to 00 me, that wa aa friends may help each other to bear bravely tha load of our deetlnlea." , 1 Ia not thla an Illuminating record of AbduJ'a heart hunger? . .j "Swillgwed JEntlra Ironcladi."L .-j, Another atory. llluatratea the Sultan.' quiet humo. ..... ; The grand vlalar gave a grand din net one evening, at which, with the aul taa'a sanction, several court officers wera preeent, Ona of thee, th next day gave the sultan a vsrbal report of the exhibition of msglo power' by poor 4enrl,t wnlch, followed the din .irr. ' . '1 " ".."'" . "Would yon beilev It,' air, be ld. that poor dervish swallowed 'silver spoona one after th other ' It wa almply marvelou.' - . A' '"I ' " To yw aav marvelousl tha aultan aaked him. 1 T do aot see anything mar velous in the fact that a poor dervish wallowed a few of the grand viator' silver poena. ' 1 That feat la aa nothing In comparison with' 'the -feat which Hassan Faahe,' my f minister of the navy, weed to perform. ' He swallowed entire ironclsd without -changing 1 tha eolov of hi far ff a moment., v ' 4'Haean Pasha wa notorious for the boldness with whleh' h - dlrerte4 K ... - - - '- " -1 "Negroea," I ' mean, explained Peta. "buT 'mammya'"granddaughtar waa the prise winner. It -aeema that for four yeara tthar btlerfha4 been playing "fast and looa,wij&, kee affections, ao thla time 'mammy' took mattera In her own hamdav-wot'-t-oth.-'brld and ,room aleera In a cart and aept tbem over, to Rich mond ' to buy the neoessary 'glad rags.' wedding garments, I abould have aald. Well, on their retura from the . city, however, tha groom got drunk, the mule ran away, and In which flight, hla wad ding breeches and her wreath' got lost, but In lust such tlmea aa thoae 'mam my' shines, and nothing daunted, she went out lor the" barnyard' ana bulled some ' feathers out of an unsuspecting goose,' which beautifully took the place of "orange blossoms." but wltb only a houseful of young ladles and very thta bachelors we had a terrible time euhsu tutlng those p&ntaloona. , ' poor Mlsa Byrd waa at .her wits' end when 'mam my,' aa though .poasesaed, rushed off to tut. attic axul.Kiturned-arme4. wHB-a pair pf ancestral pants, belonging to one of the depart'sd Byrd grandfather, and wltb the aaaltance of a drawatrlug and several aafety pine they answered admirably; and after many more diinke the groom radiantly took hla stand be fore tha Impromptu altar. - and when aaked by Mr.- TuVner. the Byrda family minister, if, he would have Manny Ann. eta, -with a Chesterflaldian bow and In stentorian J tonea he responded t ,- "I will, auh.' The ceremony waa performed In the drawing-room, and Mlaa Byrd not only gave he 1 bride away, " but alio loaned a family rtna; for thd occasion, and then after the . benediction Mr. moneys, granted for the. Ironclads, ' ia the needa of hla own renowned harem. "j jn--i.'.tr.j'j i'-' . . . 1 Can a Man,. Escape Pcitinr.T -. -,'s The aulUn'a 'graipPOf the' Intrtoala emotional aide of life la emphaalaed ia tha same 1 article ty hla oommetite on the engagement t r Madam.1' Praga Maahln te King Alesandar of aefvia. He atudiea the phto -of the handaom woman, admires her fine eyes, and then expressea his ' wonfle. that King Alex ander should commit $ uch. a oly. By and bye he adds: . , - .."But. after, all, .what right have wa to complalaT . What rlgt hv w veri to crtticlT .. Can .a man, escape his destiny t- And is it fair to forget what an irresistible power lova haat .Where Is th atrong man who la not ' weak when" he flnda himself alone with a wo man with whom h la In love? And are wa not all liable sometimes to commit follies? . Doea love ever ask what your father and mother will aay to ; that Doea' It ever listen to reason? ; verily do not think we have a right to laugh at tha foUy pf thla young man, Poor Alexander la1 evidently deeply fn lav NO writer ever 'fleatrrlbetf Sheaen aatlone ef ballooning wlh jpjch , particularity .. as a doea , A, , W. , ,. Bolker- lni hia article .oa "fiky galling, the New Sport,"; hatha Ameri aan Magaalna , for Nevember, . The au thor la a ley ta the reader because be relate all the little things that you want to know. j He la Indeed a traveler returned from a land of woaders. poa seaaadv of a passion te tell what, ho haa seen, and equipped ; with the: power-, Id write entertainingly rx-rA -t -1 -'-i' 7 r Among tha numaroda sneclflo facta that- Mr. . Kolker reportsw the. following are Intereetlngt , 4 j. .s. i-,-.t "It la while discharging ballast th en ter 'the higher aitttudee that you. get year first Idea of th haJrrigger hel anc of tha giant aontrlvano keeping yen afloat. 'Your pilot' takee-a email wooden aeoop" no larger 'than an-ordt-nary-alaed ' aeap ladle, digs Inte aae ef the aandbaga and aoattera - alagle ehoveir ul' overboardj- Jp darta ' your balloon KW,' JWO, D feet An ordinary, steed' bottle of beer r111ed overboard Ughtena tha balloon nouH to send It wp arm feet aad if yea happen to be over a vacant field where you can drop th bottle Itself without flak of killing any one, the release of thla wetirht will aend you up another 0 fa. Ho delicately poised I your balloon anee It haa atruck Ita balant that rM.eould puah H up , . .. 1 ,:. ...... .. . 1 . ' ;..'., Dropping S B Trom a Balloon J I I .;,V s'-!!i!lM" f-t'tt'r" 1 it ..-!, ;': it ,1 !.?'! e.i'; ',ti.i'. t ., 1 .-. b . '.. K I.' ." tv 1.-. 'li'H It; a Jitaf; r '. i"1 I (..I V-ert A ,'i ti- I it rlTi7 - t-: 1 1 .t:.'.-i " t.:j 'if. fix-"' .-(. :f 'jtwc1t. attt-i-t'"-! , ! ..! et' a . .' it, s't e-lT . y' or: i' .i.-mcj . il'wi. :t.A .rjv- JO xr tatty v$ '? ; I'll ,.f.-r.3 j ii.Acvjir ti.i , . (lir-rr ?f - 4"0irf "!ti( ;' rel JfJH f.x,i rner, toldy tha, groom toaaluta h1 bride (which la. I believe, a Universal euatoaa among the negroes when In all hambleneaa. deference-and generoe- ity, the groom with, another, how an, I comprehenalve aweep of the hand, eahi After you, atih.. r - - i. um aacKuna a vuv u aui wuaurr. and until then I never knew the fool meaning of a "Virginia break -down," ao 1 : aa to aupperat Lordl never aaw o mucti in au - my ... lire;., a. aaadia . or . mutton . roaated pig with an. apple In hla mouth, hams, turkeys, possums Um-m-mV No wonder the , aouthemera , are . poor, but they certainly do understand . how to live up to 'eat. drink and be taerry for tomorrow we die, " , . -."Now. thafa what I tall -weddtng;'-exclaimed Jane,, enthusiastically. "M regular, happy, ,' joyoua, - marry, Santy Clausy kind of an affair. I wonder why we more highly civilised ' belnga . arer forced Into aucb aolemn, ; harrowlnrr hlmvl-rnrdllna- formalltlea.' Oollvl said ahe. Using, "I ffcrrigor flown senti mental and. like recalling my Engllab- man. Oh.aay, Aunt Nancy, added she, clapping her hands, aa a very younaj girl , might hive dona, "even yon. look Interested thrilled." ,l : ' J : , i es, now come, own up, "' Jrt.e "and telCus your thoughts. Aunty. "Well, t waa thinking,", aald the?' oM' lady gently, -"how nice it la to be young and tbat If I'd known 'mammy Id.yeaxa ago I might have er that is, may, be there la no telling what might have hap-r pened, added' she ' with a nmlle. anj faint blush.'- " -"l- l" "I believe; ahe'a nnma''''aft-''raU.v aajdjane. In an undertones '1 Hi' "i H I. I II I :r--t ;v- 7t t-Id: -nit. Vw'mI ' n wa tan do ia to wtart lova ba crowned by for hUn that hi true and lasting happlnesa.' I wfll wire him my beat wishes, but yon must also et bint know that I ahalj aiwaya rev jolrer to hear of hla happlnesg. 1 -' Hera on almost reoogntaea th aym-r1 pathy and understanding; of a weman, ' , i v, , iu . j ...,.-,-a 1 i . :... The $ ultan'a Sttpertthioni; f" -The ultan I a myeU el the sayetio; never was there la any ago a rale ao( thoroughly auperatluouav He believe t In dreams, in omen, the evil eye, and, all that sort of thing that go to make a man's Ufa full of unrest. . KeeanUy.. I believe, in view of the uncertainty' surrounding the post of favorite sooth-(-ayer, the soothsayer have banded to- yether and agreed upon a general Haa f prophecy and exhortation, ao that' when the aultan, disappointed with this' or tnot wlae man, ealla In another, hen flnda him setting forth precisely th same prophetic policy. Even wise own, however Inspired, must live. Deeptur hla superstitious weakness. Abdul Ham-'' Id la really a atrong naler. and, front hla atandpolnt. la a juat one, . or pull It tiown rrom' Sp t 400 feet with strength equal to', that of your UttJa linger. ; .: '. f 'f When a mere cloud pas) between yen and th sun, causing instant contraction of the gaa Ira the baltooa. tha envelope bjoromra taggy . and flaccid at one aa-l you begl ta fall, some tlmea at the rat of 1.0JO feet a minute, atthough yod hay no warning of thla Other than the etato acope and no sense tlqn exaept tha thrill as you se the alarming rapidity wittts -which the, earth cornea- peaer, you. Three or 1 four aroopfui of land may neceasary to sacrifice . pefor you agaka atrikei' vcar balivnce. aad tha next me- fment the aun darta from .behind th cloud, warm the balloon ana me n veiope, tautene aimcai wnn si m yeu gd kltiag'Upwar under your light ened load until you are obllr4 to oner, the eecap valve to let eut ga a pre vent gotnrr up bove your original level. Then It ia Hist u batrlB te uaderta. why thfibaahear. ef the aeronaut I alternate yloud and'-suhehln. why he praters Balling ' durtnaj the nlaht, ant why, If he does nail throughout ,.. he mivirite htah above th cloul lu k -tli.MONS sunahlae where the tj gaf I the bailooa remains eeneiant.' j )' in " ' ',' .. Rorkafeller In voMn said hm ") -for the bent" for bluineif I , ( t k;'manv" - 1 ' -