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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1906)
HE OREGON-DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 19 1906. NEW TODAY. ACREAGE The Willow Brook Farm In "the Tualatin Valley Noted for its ferule toil and - , . n BIGREDAPPLEST ,' :.''' and where the"' v.- ENGLISH WALNUTS .... , ...... . ... . . 5jow to periection, nas Deen lata : a . a. A . T 1 Tt. County Road now being opened up through the center of this ' In vrrm form an 4 Kfi1--.t f 1 fk- " Bar Keystone Woven Wire ence is now tdrig built These tracts -.11: : ji.. "i. .. 1 - - A - f - - . r Ik... A .....1. - - ... .. .-..II .- V. ... Wkaa UUl Willi lUS, W C Will SI1UW jruu these beautiful tracts. About 10, .Titles fronv the court house, near Portland-Salera Electric Line. $50 to ?150 Per Acre INVESTMENT CO. 244 STARK ST. , ; E. Quackenbush, President J. WHYTE EVANS . AND HARRY L SALE : rm tmm rouovaa . ' - eaps xi-moox MXDuroa en nt t, - near Montgomery. Modem and up to date in evarr reapect; tn excellent neighborhood. Lot 10x100. .. Quick . Bala, f 10,500. Terms. le-Moac BsnoBa-ro-r on Cortsft,-e- twaaa Lowell and Bancroft, . Lot 4Sx ' 120. Hot and cold water, gaa and ru range, splendid car service; the best , bar in South Portland. Quick aale, 94,000. Tsrma. ; . , ... aVBOOK BOVn on CatUn avenue, naar . Hawthorne. Lot 50x111. Hot and cold water, ; bathroom, variety of . fruit, treea and berTlee, chicken-house, rood ear aarrlca. Cheap at 11,(00. Can be bad ' for a abort time for " 92,800. with - part cash, balanoe easy terma. ,. t le-BOOx . atODmr mbttdkitcb on Schuyler street, corner, 100x100. Brick foundation. In- flrat-claaa con dition, oak floors and strictly down to date. No better house on the street; k. mam, n h. nn.ul. l.l 910,000.: Terms ceua be arranged. COinn tOT on- Schuyler street, SOx 100, at the low figure of 92.O00. XJT AJBSmOaT to abore we have desir able business property. ' Call and see Room 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. nonua woos.: FINE LOTS $170 EACH nside Property ' Lots SOxlOO feet eaeh with traded streets, sidewalks and city water piped to every lot. This tract la known as "Alton fark" and situated about one mile and a half southeast of Msdlaon street bridge on the Sellwood car line. The lots are all cleared. In grass plot snd command a fine view Of the river: 10-tntnute car serrloe, and tbe price of these lots Is SO . per cant cheaper than adjoining; lots sold for. Which are now built upon with comfortable homes. Limited number for $50 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH Title wsreeti free akrtraei ftmlsked with, every let. Take Sellwood car and get oft on Harold street, and you are at the property.- .. r. For particulars call oa - H. J. CLOHESSY - -j -' tor BtcBLaT TflXIrBTOv SEE BEFORE BUYING S170O New T-room house,' east . front, eorner lot on Montana avenue. Own er must sell. We want offer. tiaoo 4-roorn house, near our office, on car Una; (rood terms. S1800 House snd extra large lot: a g-ooa ouy. szzr. S360O 4-rocm house on Minnesota ave nue. - v- .. , ; . S3OO0 Two S-roora houses, bath and toilet, etc.: I full-siaed lots; 200 feat : cement sidewalk and curb; sewer In street. " , . " . OKOCJtT business for sale, good loca. . tlon, doing splendid buslnees. . Rea . son for selling, sickness. . . TKOsCPSOW OODBH, t -Phone Wood lawn 101. 141 Mississippi Ay. JacklKingM The hot-air merchant, eurcs RHEUMA TISM. Never -Tails. No. rure no pay. The only complete hot-air plant on the t'OSSt. . -J . ;.(..'' 1 ; - KZaTO'Sl BATBTB, ' . Vevwatk aad WaalUnstoa Sts. A SNAP Ouarter block. Portland Heights, full view of city; email house. In good con- lltion. uniy jj.ouo. ' suTXitroiD a co, . (17 Commercial Block. Phone M. 1120. Norihwestem Caarantee Trart Co. (.amber Zxabanra Bldg. (Saeoad rioer) B. VOT. geaovaa aaa auira saa. WEJ1AVE Six Per Cant Beeurltlcs for one' or more years, secured by Klret Mortgage, de. pnallM in truer; iniercei aemi-annuHiiy. : - - - - - WANTED FINANCIAL. Mtktllb-tieltrl la eetablli a factory tor tM lord. ad Waaaer. see weaker at MM S aeata ai, r .;:....', WEATHER REPORT. Tht etora yesterday ewer Ysneouvse tslsod Is bow central over BrIII.h CVluniuia: It bee nwH llarbt to moderately heavy rains la Oregon, WaehlugrtiB - sad onrtfafrn IdHhn. A Biaxlama wind mkiolt of 8 mllea Iran tke kiuli eecivraa xeataraay ai iw.i , U .ihlL.l,Hi. Tkm Una North Uaad. Waal)' Indue, la 0011 and tx rp-rt waa rPlTa4 truai taat atittea Uila BMraln. Tbe barm(nr la aow rtalns rabidly om weatara Otwe aad veerera weamniriua, aut 11 ia ao riicwi Uat aarh a auddra rtae la Drenara will causa ear taatlns fair ireallier In tkka dlatrM aad tbe Indlrailooa are tic oeraeinnal rala Mollt aad Bundar la weatara Orecua and wretna 'Waablnctau, with clearios weather Kundaf aaat of Ibe Caarede mountain.. it win aa eo -Teniae t ta -Oratoa, ; V'ltt Inline and f aortnera Idano. j ObeernUoaa takes at a. re.. PaclUe til dtatfcMia .' Mai. jylakar rity. Orefoa. -OA TloatHS, JUaaaacbueHalulLIl 4 V Mia. rreclp. , T 40 .04 ' 30 .0 40 .0 40 .u ft(k 1 . i .0 4. .0 M .M 64 ' .JM 40 .0 40 .0 4 .0 '. .. S3 .60 42 .tl 4. " .-.q i-ir.fu, iiunoia 03 ' tarar, Oolorado. .v .-..v..f . Kanaee Dtr. Mlaaoari. ..... M loa anrrlea. California..., M sew ftriraas, (mtaiana.,,v T -Knr.Tork. New lork..... 63 . ' Port 'and. Oregoa. - Roaekarf. Or.a-a. .. Salt Lake, 't'tah. ...... I...,. M " St.. 1miU, Miaaoarl Ml 8aa Kraarlaow. California.. - Huokaue. Waahlnatun 48 Tamaia, Waaktnftoa 6. , . Walla .Walla, Waabloftaa.. M ' Wa.hlnalan. D. C ... 60 J. Q. Barber, florht: ftoarerlnc. - Aeeoratlee planta. artlatln floral daalgaa; expert trtra mlu( aad laatlB( of bnabaa and treea. 411 VaeeoBTar are. I' bona Eaat 0X70. . Weddlna Car'. W. O. Smith A Co.. Waah- Ukftoa bldf., cor. Fourth aad Waabtostea ate. Wedding and calling rarde enaraTed ar Kuehtoe, 122 St Waahinstoa at. printed- It. T. roll areae aalta for rant, all elaae. . Cnlaae Tailoring Co.. S0 Stark at. BIRTHS. TAN AVERT Noremeer 0, ta Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea J. Vaa Arery, TOO Seat BeTenta, north, a nor. AN DICKSON Noeember 4. to Mr. aad Mra. William 8. Andrreoa. 4AS Borthwlrk. a flrl. M1DDL.BTON Neaember 0. to Mr., and Mra. 0CHH November T, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Orhe. 8T3 North Blxteenlb, a lrl. DEATHS. rAUOBTTR At the residence, Belmont at., be-. tweea Eaat 44th and 4Mb ate.. Aoaember a, 1K08, Loolae, dsnrhter of Mr. aad Mrs. Wade B. rancatte, aged years, T months and t days. . Notice at fnneral will be clrea later. SMITH Nerember T, ' A Use Smith, 1 Btonta. BabF Home, eatarrbal enterltla. SESSIONS Noeember 4. Geerfe M. Sesalona, Oood Bamarltaa boanltaL rereoral rumor. O'BBIRN November B, 1. O. O'Brien. S3 years. St. Vincent's aoaoltal. seBeral septlramla. MORROW Noram bar 1, Jeeae B. Mxirrow, 41 years, St Viaceat boapllal, ralrular heart dlkeaae. LEICH.NBR Keeeaiber T, Barbara Lelckner, 3 daja, too Beet Thtrteeath, aortb, . ceo to 1- atona. DON(iIAHA Noremhee a, Antonio Ikonitlada S6 years.' led ; Best Thtrteeath.. military tnhereulosls. BABBITT Nerember T. Harold B. ' Babbitt, 1 month. 72H Kirhmond. touallltla. 8TKRS At Rneeburg,. Oregon. NoTember v 0, 1000, Mrs. Delia ykea, motlier of Mrs. r. M. Elgler aad stater of Philip J. Kerritrao, "both of tli to city, raneral Sunday afteraooa at Roaaburs. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. MeBatee Ollbangh. andertakera aad embelswra; aaedara la a.arjr detail.. Meeeatli aad Fine. Mala eau. Iaa assistant. . B. name took, andertaker aad embalmar. Baet Thlrteeatk aad Umatilla are. . Phone Sell wood 71. ... t "- , .. Brlckaoa Codertaklna; Co.. sod embalmlae. 41a Alder at. Phone Mala 41S. Lady aaaUtant. J. P. rtnler Bona. Third and Midlaon eta. Of lee at eoubty coroner. Pbaaa Mala 0, - Clarke Broa.. ' Plertsts Pins towers and toral deslgaa. : Z80 Morrlaoa at. Edward Hoimaa, andertaker, 230 Third at. , miTXBTIXW OEBXTSaX Single gravea, $10. Pamlly tots STB ta f 1,000. The ealy cemetery la Portlaad which per petually malntalna and cares for lots, ror fall Information apply , to W. B. Mackeasle. Wor cester block, city. W. u. Ledd. prealdent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Laura Hacheny and bnsband to S. ' Masarevsky, lot J, slock 0, Cam there' ' addlttoa , .$ 8,000 T. C. Niner and wife ta Joseph Clair- -monte at el. lota 1 and 8, block 25, TlbhetU' addltlua ta Bast Portland. . 1,000 William C. Reed to Hermaa Brhnuelle. . . . -- sereel ef land beginning at peiat la "-.r-eaat Use of W, U. Payae doaatlon laad claim 1 Edwlo McGloln to Wllbemlna Myer, lots IT and IS. block S. Beverly addi tion . 850 William Sherlock ta Rt. Bev. B. vtlaetsr Morris, D. v., hit 10, block IT, Bber lock's addlttoa Daniel and Mary C. McOlll to J. A. Ware, lot 1, block IT, McMlUas'S addl tloa te Eaat Portland Wlllard I'. Moore and wife ta Loatsa Blair, lot a, block 10. and eooth 34 feet af lot 4. block 10. Olencoe Park. . 1.000 Albert Bartholomew aad wife 'te Marge- ret Belle Kot.nlc. east Ja reet of lot 0 and east 26 feet of north SS feet of lot T. block 1.- Alblna addition.... Henry Kummel . and wife . to O. 14. smitn, parcel or MM Beginning si sertbesat 44 ef west Vt ef eouthesat ' U ef eoatheaat 34 ef Nathaniel Ham 1 lis donation land claim, ta sections 7, IS. townahla 1 eouth. image S eaat. . . , Jobs O. Wlggtntoa and wife to P.'W. Breoka, lota 0 aad 10, Slock X, rowera' tract 8,000 Jeha M. Dsvis and wife to W. E. Towns and Edward Bray, lot IS. block SO, rtorta rrvinaion too Soke Nagel and wife to Jobs t. Alt. , stent, lot u. Mock s, wuuama aveaoe addition 800 TOO 800 - IV T. S. Weet 'ts C. M. Praley. sooth 84 feet ef let Ja.. Pars view Annex .. J. Prank Watson st al. te Rose Bell Brlner, tot 0, tract P, Overton Park . . L P. Orover and wife to Albert T. Smith, parcel ar land aevinmng ai aenthwest earner it earner ar block 40, Cart era ad-lltioa Paclac Realty laveatmeat company to Clyde V. ueorge, . m a, oioca a, Stewart Park ..... 138 Theodore A. Grabade to S. J. Bllee, . lots 0 and 10. block s, Alblna noma. a ROA . A. BeVran'fa'to'canAilV'Nioond, lota S ana a. mors 1, Arcn-r i-iace ... ,ow A. A. Harrlaon to Paul N Icon Id, lot . block 1, Archer Piece 178 Title Ouaraatee Trnet romi-sny ta , Dslay. B Simmons, lots JlLjan block 31. Nortk Irrlngton lafo Barl C. Bronsagk snd wife t New Sell snd wife, lota s ana 10, Blocs z. Bronaugh s addition William A. Scar et al. ta Ellen Norcrose, lot S, block . Alblna 800 May K. Swtgert to James D. Ogdea and wire, lot IV. Dior a a, nNirwwa w ; block C- M. Pstton tract I H. N. Scott and wife te B. Blnaott, lot i, block s, . carter a aouition w Eaat Portland .....v. '. 1 John aad A. I. Oentenbeln te Anns . Allgur, lot la, vioca oj, jyeairsi i- hlna ; 52 Security Savings A Trust company to . aeorge W . Hasen, west or rot 0. all of lots snd S. block (. John Iry- , ; 4m's- Plrat addl tloa A. .2,500 Jobannea , Aimer and wife to Minnie , Nyatrom. parcel lana in secrioa is. ...Mhin annrh. ranee 4 eaat ' . 3S0 College Endowment aseoclatloa to Wll- , Ham B. urase, m e,. oiocs os, ve- , .nVlltioe 4.500 Collage Endowment sssoclstlon to Pred- ti erica wayae in-eee, fi , o- Can-there' addlttoa ta Carnther4' addl- ' dittos 11000 L-Tltle Guarantee A Trnat company to K lietne aanam. eevr a. ,-e "v " ..... and weat HO. T 1-8 feet ef W S. block as., Nmnyalde Third addition. 446 Harry. L. tnaae to Lester K. Spinner, ' ; - lots M snd XT, block X. MssaSeld .. 130 Penny Saier to C Blrcber, eaat 7S feet of lot 5. block 104. Eaat Portlaad. 8,000 Portland Trnat Company of Oregoa to Lena Jacohe, lot 14, block T. Ivanboe. 1,200 Barlisrs Moaer to Conrad Wolft, lot XI. block 8, original townalte af Al- 1lna .... "00 Edward t. Ahdereon to William Webber, it 81, Dcleahmntt A Oatmas'a Little ' - Homee, aubdlTlaloa Be. 8 ... 1 Par abatrarts. title Inrarence or mortgage loans call oa Pacific Title A Treat company, 804 5-0-T Palling building, . ' 0t your Inaurance snd abstracts to reel estate from tke Title Ouaraatee A Treat . peny. 2 en Waahlngtea a tract, earner second. NOTICE, UFATER8 renetred na snort notice 4t A tr -Tight Store Ce,, 871 klrst. I'w-aa Peclfle 41114. NOTICE. tV the (Bttrlrt coart of the -Tnlt1 Rtatra. . for tbe diatrlct u( Ckrnajna. la Ike ataitr of a. A. Mora, bankrupt. Kotlre la bereh, alTi'a that uathe aucuuU day of November, A. I), lima. A. A. Moree of IMrtlasd, Ore.oa. waa duly adjfidleatd bankmnt; end that tbe tret BMWtlna f bla erfdllora Will be b.-ld at room a 4 3 Penton bid.., P. 1 land. Oraroa, aa the twentr-eUth dajr of Noeembar, liaid. at II. SO a. at., at which time the eald eredltora may attend, prove their rlataie. . appoint a tntate, eaaoilne tbe baakrapt aad . tranaart ears other baalneea Be aaey properly come before aui'b aketius. , Dated MoaenilNY 9. Il. . 1. , . ... CHESTKR . MVRPHT, S.feref la Baukruptry. I IN the dl.trirt emir, of the I'nIUd Statee. for the diatrlct of Or. cob. la the matter of D. K. lint. bautruit. Notice la - hereby Ilren that ' en the acind day of NoTainber. . a rkMI. D. K. Illff of I'ortlaud. Oregon, ,. waa . duly adjudicated bankrupt ; and thai the tret meeting of hie crulltora will be held at rooms gi4- Fentoa biig., rortiano. nmrna mi tbe 2tUh air of N.tTember. 1WH. at :S0 a. m., at ahlrb tlir. the aald wMtltnra nr.av att.nd. nrore their rlalt appoint a trustee, eaemine the bankrupt and ' transact' atich ether business as siay properly aome before au. h meetiiui. ( . , ; Dated Noeeniber . tl. . ' , ; ; . .... CHKSTEH O. MUBPHT. ' . Iteferea la Bankruptcy. THB sew City Directory la bow ready: copies caa be aero. ran at tne omre. asu narquaw bid., Jf ueedad, before regular dellrery Is tXCAVATIN snd gTelluf- C- Pottage, 4HS Commercial st. Phone Baat 0108. MEETING NOTICES. If. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. i.4e, meets Wednesday evening. AUtky bids., Third aad Morrieoa eta... . . ' PORTLAND' ORCHESTR A--Muale for all caalonai reasonable, Main eou3.or 4 Lacr oc- Lacretls. M. W, A., Oregoa Oraee Camp, No. 0.070, Mob- daya. 17tl and Marshall: rlaltors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Os Third St.. bstween Johneoa's CMfee. , Honae and Waahlngtoa, a ensin iwiaier ror la-ket. Kinder pleaae lea re sf Johuaonia " Cof 1 ee-Houee aad recelTa reward. LOST Lsdy's (old watch snd fob, with asms snd monogram, between Tenth and SI ark and Alnsworth blk. Retnrn te Cblcsga Clothing .Co., and tecelre reward, .i... .. . . . STOLEN from Ross Inland. 1 dark-gray mar snd 1 bay horse, weigni arxni i.uuu n. each; reward for any information. Anderson Bros.' Stsbles, Second aad Jefferaoa sts. POUND A place ta bare hair mattreaeee rerra - rated snd returned ssme day. rrant at. MalBaJ4. Portlaad Carled-Hatr lactory. H. atetsger, propriewr. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED At once. staTebolt-catrera; good pay. stesdy work: 1.40 a cord. Aiioiy westerB Cnopersgs Co.. Sod Stearns bldg., Portlaad, Oregoa; or Honlton, Oregon- . ... Union Hotel . ... .j. S NOHTU SIXTH ST.- - -free employment to oar pa trans. . Weekly rates: . Uoom, 11. up; roon board, ft. OO up. Andersonv proprietor. STRONO YOUNO MEN For firemen- aad brakemea on Oresna snd ether railroads: ex perience onneceaaary; firemen. elU monthly, bft-ems en'glneera- and earn $fcH: brakemea 7h. become conductors ana earn iuu; name position preferred: atats age, height, weight (Important), Railway AssoclaUoa, ears Jour- WB hare an agency proposition that will in terest any factory foreman, or any bo neat men who wants to make a little on the aide without much effort, and who mixes with men that ass tools. Write quick tor detslls t nnd secure exclusive, territory, ore A Lockett Hardware CO.. Dept. "AX," Chicago, 111. WANTED Salesmen; many make 1 100 to flBO per month; aome vevea more' atock eleea; grown on reservation, tar front old orchards; aeah advanced weekly; choice of territory., . Address Nursery company, . Toa- peulek, Waabtngton. MEN AND WOMEN te learn barber trade In eight weeka; graduates earn from lis to 133 weekly; expert natrnctors; catalogue free. Molrr System of Colleges. 80 North Fourth St., Portland. 1 . BNTBBPBISH nOTEt,, C23 8ATIEB, CORNER 1ST1I. - Wa are In tbe factory and mills district: eoBie In aad have a talk with na; good board aad good room, 84.00 per week. WANTED Tea or three first-elan. all maculae men; permanent position, goon wa Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadsm roa AGENTS WANTED To sell en per lor, high-grade nursery stock! complete outfit furnished free; eaah weekly; write today for choice of terri tory. . Capital C4ty Nursery corn pa ay. Salem, Or. t WB get work for ear members; special mem bers. (2. X. M. G. A, rsart and YamklU. CLERKS and earners for Portland postefflee; . another apeclsl exsmlasttoe; ssvsral mea . wanted; file applirstloa today. See aie la regard ta preparation for aama. ' B, B. llow ' ard, SIS McKay bldg.- , DON'T wet It .for a small salary; sea or write Pacific Aid sssoclstlon for a good proposi tion, 334 Lamber Exchange. WANTED Young men to prepare for railway telegraph service: wsges Son to 890 per mnoth when qualified. Expert College of Telegraphy, fifth floor Commonwealth bldg. FIRST-CLASS solicitor, wsnted ror family liquors. Apply 837 Wsshlngton at. WANTED 10 more solicitors; best poslttoa la Portland; men are making SO dally; call after neon. 3S1H Stark at. . , TWO caavassigai goad Una goods. Third st. Call 808 BOY apprentice for ladlee tailoring, to leers the trsds thoroughly. Apply 3B4 Washlag toa St. Mrs. Eeltfucba. WANTED A good ad solicitor; also a good circulation aollcltor. Capital JonraaL Salem, Oregoa. ' . WANTED High school boy with bicycle to deliver after school. Crows Hst Co., SOT Morrlsna st. BOYS- with wheel wsnted at euce. Olds, Wortmsa A King. Apply te BOYS about IT ar IS years who want to learn the buslBeas. Apply to Olds, Wortmsa A f King. : : - WANTED Aa strand boy. Ing Co., 48-00 First at. The James Prlnt- WANTED Partner IB good paying anatneas: muat be willing ta travel; email amount of capital nonlresT. Apply room 8, Hotel New ' Belmont. CABINET-MAKER; most have tools. Apply Edwsrds Co, 181 First at. WANTED flood psnts-presser; stesdy work ami good wages to right party; also helper te aresser. 210 AUrky bldg. BOY wasted to work or learn trade Is jewelry atore. T 88. csre Journal. . v WANTED 4 BB to work la brick and sewer pipe factory. Apply st of Ore Dlamoud Brick Co., foot of Ankeny st, ' YOUN1P mss to aasist view srtut; eommlsaloa. H IHJ. csre Journal. wsgea or BARBER wanted right sway at 21 1H Fourth st WANTEIk Men to solicit clothes te be cleaned ar dyed, with home and waz"u, aalary and " esmmtsatrm, at tlie Kaat Portland Cleenlng A Dye Works, 14H Or and are., city. BOY apprentice fnt ladles' tailoring, to leara tna trsda tlioronglfly. Apply SMI Wasblagton. WANTED 8 enatmskere; eteady job. Bran It, Hamilton bldg. - A. I. HELP WANTED FEMALE, ,j CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If yoa work, why not earn more than a living! Be Independent; do good. The Vlavt Co. already emptors 12.000 women; the work Co. era 33 countries of the world; we will ; entertain applicetleas from eanehle women: not eanraealng, but helpful, digulaed work. Address by null only, Vlsvl Co.. Lewis bldg. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. ' i lOOVi Fourth St., . corner Morrlaoa, apetatra, Phone Mala SHOO. Alo.ig.lde the X. At C. A. bldg. OIRIJtCaoenlste dippers and pa era. " Aldoa Caiel, te.. Mi aud Uliaaa.1 I HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work en shirts aad overalls. Leaauoa glvea to inexpeneuoi'd Apply at Standard factory No. i. Uraad Se. .and Kaat Taylor at. , - WANTED-a-Tonng ladles to prepare tbeasselvea as ateaograpbrrs; pupils ss boob ss espable '. nre permitted to dW work iu eur public stenographies' nsui; wagea end practical ex uerlcnce. Call or write Oater a Expert Col ' lege, Hftb floor L'omonwealtb bldg. WANTED Olrle to make alia al TO Plrat st. 'Boss of All" eer- HANSKN'S XADIES' AGENCT. S4SVk Wash' ' iugtoa st., cor. Seventh, upstairs. Phone Mala 2902. Kernels help wanted, ' ' PEW ladlee wanted to aaalat making eaes ;. fancy work eimre. time at home; good steady pay; ao experience required. 824 Platdaar bldg., 40T Washington St.. .. - OOOK wanted: good wsgea. 670 Hoyt at. Phesa aiaux iMnt. COMPETENT girl for general hooeework; muat snow now to coog; gooa wages; lamny 01 two. 804 North 84th at,"- " WANTED A competent girl - to do general nonsewors good wages, at ai4 seveaio St. corner Hsll. tflRL or woman for light housework and help vita eciidran; ao washing. Phoue Kaat batu. WANTED Bxperlenced panta opera tors asd fla- aners, also appreatices; good wages. i'lu AiUky bldg. . . , . WANTED Cllrl for general homework wltk small family, U0 a month. ta Cllftoa at., Portland Heights. GIRL or woman for light housework, 45S Fourth at. LADY tovasslst rare of eblldrea tn exehaDge tea room ana board . la rerined Ismlly. imone Union 3371 . DO yon want to keep boarders t Furnished dining-room and kitchen for boarding one; snap. I'Uone Pacific 2320. GIRL for flrat-claaa post tlon second work; wagea rigor; rererences. roone Main ouos. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Plrsc-clasa Isdy aad gentlemen eee- vaaeers; salary ana eommiasion. call at Agsncy Bursa a, 82 Fonrth at.. Portlaad, Or. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. B. u. uraae. auoti waahingtoa at. Pacific 1X70. WANTED Yonng Isdy who reads at sight In a muele store: sum boy wbo hss soma know ledge of stringed Instruments. Adrdt-ee 11 i." 4,, nn Jouroal. ' l SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, ALL-AROUND man weald like sltoatlea aa clerk In general atora. at caa take drygoods, groceries, shoes or reedy-msde clothing separ ate; country preferred. E. E. Vaa Loan, Sagtnaw poetofrlce, Jane county, Or. ELECTRIC work ; dynamo-tender," reading meters;' anything; experience. 8d Park st. WANTED PoaltVoB by young mas (21). with ehanee of advancemeat; willing worker; ref "erenees. N fiO, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED 2 or 3 children to take care of; none ymtnger thin 1 year. Address J 81, csre Journal, or 100 Eaat 30th st. WANTED By womsa with baby, a blare aa chambermaid. Phone Eaat 810. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, canvassers aad street work ers, get yeur supplies from R. M. Plnmmer, 30 Third St.; new goods, bottom prices.' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. - RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a epedalty. 20 North Second st. Pboae Mala B3VO. Wa pay all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOB MEN. 88 North Second st. Phone Mais 1838. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 3054 Morrlana Phone Pacific 238 37 North Second at ...Phone Pacific 13uo ALPINE Employment Co., 25H Atorrlsoa at. Male aad female help. Pboae Mala 1017. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ., WANTED. -. Wa hare customers fog the following prop erties: 7 or 8-room sew modern bouse ta or near Upper Alblna. tl room cottage at or near "unnyslde. V scant lot west of Snnayslue, central loca tion. or T-room honae tn or near Upper Alblna. ' Vacant lot ar bouse aad tot, central east side. Cottage' or vacaat lot, west aide,. North or South Portland. - , 4 or e-room cottage la aome good location, so eur nan. - Business propertlee: hsva cash customers for lsrgs and smsll Investments. -Bring ns yonr good propertlee. r HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 AMngtoa bldg. WANTED A smsll house. 1 acre ground; hill pref erred ; muat be cheap; tarsia, snort time, H. SO, care Jouraal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houaes, etc. land lords will do well to cell oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. - phone Ex. 72. 8. K. Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED With alee private family, two fur- nlibed housekeeping-rooms, with ysrd, west aide; mnst bs reasonable. Anarhuta. 08 Blitli WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ' ;- WANTED. ... . x Fnrnltare - I For . .. ; ' Furniture ' I Spot ' ? 1'Uinltnre I Caah. .. . PORTLAND AUCTION ROOM, III First at. , Phone Msis M3J. WANTED From 20 to 60-H. p. msrlne engtna end boiler. Aiklrvss Lock Box L St. Johns. Pbons Scott 4ejl or Scott 1136. , HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-oft cloth ing. Phone Pacific 40. Uncle Joe, 03 Third. WE WILL BPY, SELL Oil TRADIi ANY OLD THING. WESTEUN SAt.VAGl' CO., 82T 2ft. WASHINGTON. PACITI0 70S. SPOT caah paid for your furnltnra, stoves, etc. I prompt attention. Phoue Enat 10(17. HIGHEST caah price paid for all kinds eee kand goods. Phono Msla Sill. 83 N. Third, WANTED Lend acrln, .120 'acres, or part. O. W. McCoy, 1104 norm rota ai. WANTED Second-hand safe. Address 888 Van couver STS. EXCAVATING end grading. C. E. Pottage, 40 Commercial at . Pboue Eaat 5100. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 8TE4H-HRATRD rooms at reeannahle rates. Hotel Roy si, lOAVt Fourth at., between Wssh lngton and Stsrk sts. Phone Msln 0334.. THE RICHELIEU, SOU, North Sixth st Ele gantly furnlabed; steam Beat and hatha. THE HUB." eft Eleventh St., Stark; roe us with sUaa test aud bath. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 11 ltNIHKI) rooms and fnrnl.brd beaaekeeplus. THB URAND. 4-114 North Third St. Booms for gentlemen film per week end a p. XUB WOODLAND Elegant modcra furnlalied roome la- beautiful prw.ta reelilence. 410 a , Bwath aad up. 2o5 Jllxth at., corner Madison, LINDA TI8TA, 84TV4 Plftb Housrkeeplug , rooms wltk bay wludows. aud sleepipg-roonii. Fl'KMMIIKD or naturiilahrd rooms to Isdy or gentlemsu; home enmforta. . P M, Journal. TUB KINO, 8.10 Jefferetra St. ItaKiia with very uiudcrn- e.4,ieue4a lis erf-J.W per week; free bettia; new building, central. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. POR RENT 8 unfurnlahed housekeeplns-rooms, 7 running water ,111 , kitchen; very ilealrable nelghUorhvod, near acnooL Phone doodle vra - eKi. s .... .' .,. . POR RENT Puralahed bnusckseirlng-rooins; hot auu coin water. pais sad. puuue. 41NJ pi nalrm eve., Hellwoud, 81.30 WEEK UP. -clean, furnished koo-ekeep. lug roome; parlor, bath, laundry, furaace --- -. -" .(.Him, v wn 91. 60 WEEK ap. large, clean, furnlabed houee keitilng roonia, laundry aad bath, 184 Sher aian south, PortUud. . THE MITCHELL Honsekeaplug sad transient rooms, reasonable-, seventh sad Fissures. HOVSEKBEPINCI KIKIMS, 808 North loik st - ROOMS AND BOARD. ' SUITE ef rooms, with board Tor" family at 8; also single. Msln IfVlo. 280 14th wt. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8 lFIRMSHED houeckeeplng-rooma; elec tric lights, gaa. phone; will rent reasonable. 407 Columbia at. FOR RENT HOUSES. S-ROOM modern. 10th sear Jefferson. 122 60; - 0-roum, 1SH lark,' for 8 months, 426; 6-room Sat. 10th, near ColumbU. 430. 213 Ablngton . mag. N v - . 1 FOR RENT House Ne. 2SS N. lth St.. 8 rooms, the place for a laboring men a rooming '. houee:' rent $'M to pertnaeent teneat- For particulars sea J. Kraemer, 84 Fourth st. . FOU KENT Modern ft-room bouse, good condi tio. In walking distance, weet side, 830, Hatdeld A B'uilth, 108 Vk Fourth st. ' 914 5-ROOM eottage; gaa, batk. yard, con . vehlent Eaat Ankeny ear. 800 Nekton at. .Kaat 823. . - - IXMIK 913-810. 8 and a-room modern' -newly renovetea nate, weat aiae. wauing oiatence. See lUaaon, 270Vk Waablugtuu su Main 7038. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished with piano; no chil dren; references. 800 East CJlisaa at. Phoue ' Esst ISti. - . . 8-HOOM house for rent. 913 a month; stona , basement; wltk water. 134 Knott at.. Phone Bast 3028.' - !-- -1. FOB RENT Two a-room houses. 2 brocks from . esrllne. 111 snd 916 per month. S37 East Sixth st, north, or phone Weodlawa 448, T-HOOM hoasa on csrllas, tlx. IX H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, room 4 Muntey nMg. FOR RENT FLATS. 9-ROOM modern flat, completely fnrutehed. One location, walking Uetsnre; will rest for 8 months or more, phoue Esst Sold. - FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Fruit and dairy farm. 100 acres, sear Portlaad. Address N 04, care Journal. FOR - RENT STORES-OFFICES. Offices-Most Central;, Location fa ' flu) city.' northwest corner Sixth snd Wsshtngtoa its,; new elevator; hot sod "cold water, llabt. heat and janitor service. TUB MORTGAGE (it'ARANTEB A TRUST COMPAM', .' 80 Seventh St. '(! : STORE at Stewart sts Hon, Meant Scott; every, thing la shspa- for occupancy; counters, shslvlng, etc. ; lesss at reaaonable real. Phone PadOc 3100. OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnlahed rooms aad asm-ple-rooma for rest. , Uvodnough bldg.. Apply elevator. PART of abep to rent, suitable for painter te plumber. SOS Four Ik St. DESIRABLE of flees. Including slectrU lights, but and cold water, Janitor and elevator ' service, la the new, airy Commonwealth bldg., aid poatofnee aits. Sixth sad Buraelds ' sts. Agegt ruom 411. DRSIRABLR store sear Third sad Stark j three years' leaee. Phone Msla 77. FOB RENT Desk rvom at ressoasble rste. . Inquire 300 Ouodnough bldg.,. ever Journal ' 'OfOcs. " , FOR RENT Sboeshop, tW6 Johseoa st; Orat- class locstloe. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. ' TURE FOR SALE. FOR SALE Furniture ef 8-ronnt modsra bouss, ' neerly-ell ssw; reat ressonsble; twe blocks from postofflce; good trsoslsnt bouse; will si-U sf a bargain If takes by tbe Brat et December. ej Fifth St. PLAT for rent, furniture for sale Complete apd up-to-date furnlabed flat, close In. line . leeatloa, for rent ressonsble. Inquire Covell Furniture Co.. 1S4-1S0 "Irst at. FURNITURE for aale and cottage for rent; 9 " roome. with bath. WW Esst Wsshlngton. FOR SALE Furniture of 8-roem bouss f ssle. 33 Taj v st. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. IIAI.L and ball room, eep. rata or together; nee aad with all conveniences. Phone Mala 3M. BUSINESS CHANCES. 916.000 ONE ef the best hotel propositions la the city. In order to substantiate our as- , sertloa we will give anyone charge of the place for one week, by deputing a reeaon able amount of money to show good fulth; If not ss represented money will be refunded; tlu.OOO will handle It. V" genera t merchimfllee store nt good Irra- llttle cltyi good ntiiiiiinga, gooa traae, .reasonable rent; will Invoice - about 9?00- . 98.1SI0. Several grocery stocks st Inrotre: also Some very good cloae-ln rooinlng lwuses. Otto, Crockett & Harkson Realty Co. 1- 34CH Wsshlngton at. HAVE nsrty who wishes ta buy Into business or vsius auotit sio.ien or less 011 commer cial blk. pbons Msla 8130. . r SAWMILL for aele, 20,000 capacity; good Iocs, tloa and tine timber; a snap. Address R 30, core Journal. WANTKD Soma one to pnt smsll amount el money hito developing promising elatm: not ' a atoek proposition; strictly ' legitimate; wonld-be partnership deal. G 10. Journal. STOCK compsn stocks or bom Incorporated If you hare ds for sale, let me try to sell ' them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, 840 EUtcott Sugars, Buffs to. SAVE MONEY Anything In prlijtlng sea M.irl. d.a. Odd Fellows' Tauipls, First and Alder sts.; n pets Irs. . FOR BALE Apartment-henae of It roome; all aewly furnished ; easy terma If seceeaaryi In come 9100; rent 9o0; located on hi or rl eon sv Apply Coba Broa' Furniture, Co.. 10 First. FOR SALE Millinery business; only store la mining town; will sell lot and bnlldlng; a . snap If taken at once. Address Mrs. 41. R. Baumana. Gold Hill, Or. 2,ono SHARP vf Mount 'Pitt Hydraulic and Ouarts Mining atock ror aaie st iae per ahars.- 11. Tucker, Newport, Oregon. ' LEADING rooming honee. Third st. Income 91WO monthly, 40 moms, 44,000; extra In vestment : also ' others'' lower. McFarland Agency, 800 Htesrns bldg. , . ' . BffSTAI'RANT snd lodglng-bonse, paying liu l nose. ln(Ulre"f A. llelleB, New York I.lglrg-Houae, .or 208 Bumalde St. 1011 SALE CHEAP Lunch counter, and rea- Uuraut., 312 Fvurtk sU BUSINESS CHANCES. l-no. III K-.TIia NlckMlnrll,in 1AO rtlTth St. Tth lialf Interest or outrUclit; UlMolutioii ox partnership. See or atltlrsaa 11- W. Joues, manager. Aa oipnrluulty. "Nuf ced." HOTEL rnlture for ssle: long Iraae and low rent; city. 11. ngfott, vwiuar, imiw, ruom 4 Mulkey bldg.. A OOO r paying hotel of 84 rooms csa, bs had for H7R; owner retiring., . Apply w owner. 4UI Mallruad at. CONFGCTIONBKY and cigar store for sale, doing, good busmess, good location, folng In other Ixi.loeaa; any kind of terms, hone Pad r If 6i. . . . 1 HA I P Interest for aale in an aitabllahul anJ growing cleaning aad dye worke; 0 esiploype ana wagon at preeent: cueap 11 uaea st ou-. Addrees n at, ears journal. CORNER sakioa for eale: center of city. B 34.' care Jonrnat. ;- - . ' - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 91,260 SNAP, luOxKiO near Rusasll at... with .. , . T-roou house; .8 minutes' walk from :....- '.ferry. .- , t.-, .: ,j 9 1,100 d-roum bouss, new .and nicely tnv nMml lot oe Mount Scott rarllns, ' city Water; 94O0- aab, ; balance 93 9 8.000 nightly Mock os Portland Heights, ." choice location. . 9 8,290 8-eoom honee and lot oa East Klghth 1 St., Bear isurusiao; nice tewu,- - . f ' . - proved streets; very central. ;. , ,r ' 8 S.0O0 Fine medera S room house os Esst Taylor at.; ssw range .and carpets - ; " oa Boor.,.. . r f ' 8 1800 Beautiful home. 8 rooms, an Eaat . Taylor sear 33d St.; medera. .; , . 911,600 10Oxl fin. North Portland ware house property. 920,000 Property oa Weat Park st. - -9 8.00060x100 oa Kearney at, near SSd. ' 910,600 60x100. West Park sear Olltas. 9 2,000 Upshur St., 80x150, fj-room house. . Washiari Oregon. - . Realty Co. . ' 10 Second St., Portlsnd, Oregon; and 300 Main at., Vancouver. Washington. HOOD B1VEB APPLB LAND. ' Par ssle, 27 seres. ID In fruit trees, T near lag. 1 acre berries, all fenced. T-room house. large barn, hot aad -cold water; will take ' part trade. ,. , . " , .,-..'.. , .. , vns acres. 9 acres becrlng apples. 4 acres 3-yeer-old treea, balance best apple land; will trad. .,; ... -.. .. - ' 35 acres, 800 boxes apples this year; a snap. 18- acres, all cleared and ready to est to trees; cheap. : , f " 1. ADRIAN EPPIN0. t V ' ' Mnlksy Blk.. Second and Morrlaoa. - BLOCK asd email house, Portland Heights, flne view,. 9-1.600. - 0-ronra bouae. Mount Tabor, " lot s 00x100, . weet akipe, 83,600. 8-roem .bouse, East 2Utn at, lot 80x120. . 84.600. ' - 6-rpom bouss. Mount Tsbor, Sl.of). f. , 8-room honae. Monat Tahor, S2.20O. Two 6-room honaea st East 40th at, 91.700 ; each. - . Rutherford & Co. ' Msla 813a , ' 617- Cemmerclal blk. BY OWNEH A 8-room well-built modern souse. Call 01 Russell, or 020 Belay st tH ACBES ea St. Job as Una, heart of Penln suln, overlooking both rivers, level, deer, cheap. Inquire of owner, 26 Waahingtoa Building. COXY little home, AI condition, near eats high. aome fruit; a bargain; aee tt today. ...TUB CONTINENTAL CO.. 243 Stark at. Sellwocsl Morehon.e A French.' 1070 E. 18th. ', j Phose Sellwood 74. City View Perk lota. 8.176 sad sp: Boas Addition lots. Sl and an: A3 down and 86 a .- month Homes from 9'00 to SO.OOu. Loa 9300 band up, la all parte ot Sellwood. List tour property with us; wa will sail it 20 ACRES. 8 mllee eaat ef Wasnougsl; a email bouse snd bam, IS seres cleared, good water. .. Address B. Erltkaoa, rVsabougsl. .... , FOR SALE CHEAP A 8-room house, tot ISOx KSk. with choice fruit and berries, barn nnd , Inquire st McCaellB'a store, Mouuvilla. 200 FARMS smsll tracts and lots: bargains en - O. W. p. electric line. O. B. addition, Leats. Oregon. Take Mount Scott cer, 8c. MODERN 8-room house, eorner lot, esst front. 94 600: 9.M0, 936 monthly. ' owner. East 876. 6-ACRE trseta 8 miles east of Portland. H mile from electric line; an in cultivation. Ttt; soil: 6160 per -aeref- ea -eaay - larma. care Journal. . 5-ACRB tracts ef flne land B miles from Port, land, on flne wagoa-roed and 1 mile from railroad; price 9100 to 93O0 per acre, oa . eaar tee roa: water Is nlped te each B-aere tractl there at nothing better os the smuv ket. F 68, rare Journal. FOR SALE Pull lot 80x100- and S-rneea hesae. large bseement gaa and electric lights. Call at 368 Monroe st. BALE OR EXCHANGE, -Good lot on Hood St.. nesr Portland mills. UE.NKLB A HAKRIHON, , 21T Ablngton bldg. - ' SUBURBAN home, nearly 4 acrea. T-room bouae. barns, tt wells, chlrken-park, fruits and '' berries, gwar school, snd store aad cars, beautiful outlook, 2 cows, chickens, hsy. potsbM aad wood; 92,000. Towussnd A Ds- Lssbmutt 80S Aider, room is. 10 ACRES right on Jobaeon creek, 8 mllee from citv. electric line across oes corner: flne soil; 2 smsll bouses; chicken houses snd barn; also root beaea; all reneea; z acres seconu growie timber oa one end, balance ban bees slashed . nA nartlv cleared: lava nice. It la tbe mak ing of a 8ne place. 91.600: 9000 caah, balance . la three years. Address M ss. journal. HEW modern 8-room bones, 94.000; 8-mora . bouae, 82,400; 7-roorn house, 12, rx. ,' Small Payment down, balance monthly. Owner, 'bone Best 875. . BUY s kit on tks esst aide; S-mlnnte ear ssrv Ire. wllhlB walking dlatsncs; fine houses going up; prices front 9600 to 9S60;, terms If desired. . . ... . , j U. t. THOMPSON. 2 848 Mississippi are. 'Phone Wedlawa SOX, 14 ACRES 1 mile weet af Clackamas railroad station: nrlra 4.2i; buildings ea piece; t and see. - J.-Mohr. Mil wukle, Oregon. P. D. 84. NEW modern 8-room cottage ; stove connected, bot and cold water, shades ; 20 . mlnutee' I ride; rsat 915. Phone Main 3513. - BARGAIN Modera sew 7 -room honae choicest eaat aids location, ekiee In. ,T60; terma. .' Inqnlre owner, 8 East 14th at " . -. 8 ROOM moders house, etener lot, 1 block from car, strsets improved; no Indebtedness, (.ell BU Esst l lenders. Phone Esst 1200. . FOB BALK, nt a bargain, sew modern 8-room hnnae. kit ooxioo. fenced and graded, eorner ' Minnesota and Bk Id more; tske L ear, or call up Seott 6073. . -. -. - EAST aide snd business property, pay ing Investments; and flats for rent MOWUKY A HUK8T. Phons Esat 2827. ' 263 Hollsday ave. BEST buy la Portland 910 down, 910 per month. lota level, noxiw, . graoeaj inu, ee,i.s 2 blocks south of llswthoms sve .os 44th st; owner os grounds.;, price 43AO. A SNAP Modern 8-room boose for ale by owner,- In ftne location, 15 mlnutee' ride from town, best car service la eltyi must be sold In 3o days, rhone Tsbor 22.1. 9:1.260 BUYS 0-room honae aesr steel bridge. Call A&2 North 18lh at., weet. -1 - HAVB send acreage oa esrllne. would trade for grocery store or other buslnees. 61T Com mercial blk. Phone Msla 0130. BRAND-NEW bouse, select nelgtiborliood. near car; prices sdvsaelng sll around; toratsi paf rent to your.elf; aee this. THE CONTINENTAL CO, 243 Stark et. 10 ACRES ebolee farm nnd, good new e-rnosj bouss. bara. 8 elaterna, fruit, berrlea; very deatrable for home; , '4 mile north Gray'a eroeslng. Mount Scott earllne. George Clark. EXTRA BARGAIN FOR SHORT TIMR. 21 acree beaverdam, 18 In eultlvetlen: Jobs aon ereck nine through It; eitra.eoll. ee gravel; on fine road, one mile from Lenta; worth 8.u0 per acre for gardening; price aaly 93.'i0 an acre. , 0. R. ADDITON,. Leats, Or. , , 1 ! Taka alt Scolj rsr, Be. , .- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEST TltlY IN OKKaoN--' S-arre-trkcrk en Oregoa City carllas; 8ns anil, giHHl natcr, csay terms. , W. A. LAIIM.AW, ' 617 Commercial bldg., 2d end Waahingtoa eta. Phone Main I3H. BY OWNKH lert.lug city, modern 8-room cot tags, ooruer bit, east fi-outi -a-bergala fee ' tir.?' wUl easy terms. Inquire 1031 Height are. pboae East 44133. . FOR SALE. ' " ' - 130x100 as ratlrosd track, eaat dlile; ' eg csvst os foe building completed; S26,0u0; lib aral lertns. ' . 130ilfi, Improved, on railroad track, esst --aWer- warehouse dlatriet., 826,000; -tibers-: 6 lota In Point View addition. 8178 each. W illamette Heights resilience, alxbt roouis. ' modera In yvery reepeet. 44.600. ,w""" '. guerter block on Heeoiid St., Income 8S0t " lT .to!!'d to Mi erica ' ' M. O. NBASR, '" x' .... Tel. Msln t04 Uuuiieg JSxchsnge hid , 3iuWw?1l,AOR.,';8 "' Lodte. fsclsg the Willamette ritCr; so Idcel for a eountry home, or can be divided lute -4 or 8 beautiful trarta. . all eeeulng oa the rlvve snd county rosd. Beever lteslty Co.. Dbosa Main 8061. 434 Lumber Exchange. . FOB SALE 0-roora honae. close In, east aide. 9-1, 8u0; 9.100 down,- balance same aa taut ' J. Ji Order. 1 North Grand ave. . ' TURNER A WALKER. Real Estate. Farms snd Stock ' Renohee. . .-' Exi'hsnee. 8A1 14 Wsahlngtou at. .. FOR SALE FARMS. 11 . all-around " farma In the ' 7. "'.T6 rrea. 150 acres under eulUva- ! tlon, 60 acres 8ns level aieedow. bslsncs ef ' hind In pasture, spout 40 acres af ask tlm - ber. Mary's river . along south slds, small , stream la psstiuc; soil very best, buildings are eastern atyle, 10-rooni botuM. well flnlahed. cement and ruck foundation, water piped Is ?u and .barn; 1 barn KtlxSO. 24 foot post; other bsru 4460; large fvulthuuee, S chicken, bouses granary, wsgna-ehed, mnchlne-houee, email barns iu pasture, buildings 8 years "di 'e ta " rou to aehool. 44 mile to rall- I"4., m""1 county east Beausi county, 00 miles to ocean, good bunting and fishing f It U an Ideal place ta live; price 8X8 par acre: would eou.lder a smaller plara sear .Portland In trade. , OttoCrockett & Harkson Realty S46H WsahlngtOB at rARMSFARMS FARMS lte of them. Sea My Adverttaemest , Under ' f'Fue- Sale Fsrms" . , Iu tbe Cmsslneda of the Sunday Journal. SIB Ommerctsl bldg.. Second snd Washington. . bead for list of fsrms for ssle. ' FARM. - , SO acres land, Ul scree cultivated; house, barn, orchard, spring wster'snd running brook; near bcapponae, Oregon: 42.000. - UENkLK A ilAltklHON, ', 217 Ahlngtoa bldg. 20 ACRES near Vaaeouvsr for sale ee trade tor - rity property.. - .",.,, ' 40 acres Hch Irrigated 'tend with wstea right and homestead adjoining, only 2 ml lee trust good town, at 9300. ' 10 seres near city at a bsrgals. Rutherford & Co.- Msln 8120. ' ' 8IT Comma rcial blk. FOR SALE Good prosperous wheat fsrms ta aiorrow county, oa raiiroas. lio per acre might take anme trade. W. A, Laldlaw, 6lf Commercial bldg., 8eeaad - and W ashing tua. Phoue Mala 130. - - DAISY PABM. 238 scree- cheep; fine water, improved. . THOMPSONS OGDK.N, Those Woodlswa 802. 448 Mississippi Are.,' ' FARM. ; 140 acres, all fenced. 90 seres cultivated; good bouse, flue barn, Bice spring of wster, orcbsrd. 80 cows. 10 young csttle, 4 horses,, all tools and Implements, 160 tone hay; fronts on flue level road to city, easy drive; 'convenient to electric, esrllne; might take trade. , HKNKLB A HABBISON. ' . 31T Ablngton bldg. . - "... , FARM FOB SALE.- -. 13 mlVea - west of Portlsnd. - WaahiegtoB county, fne- cash only;, 83 acres. 28 clear, well cultivated, as creek; good well, peine, fine fruit, sew wire fences, good 8-room knuee. bara, household goods, eht.-ksas, bees, tools, etc; Ilk miles from railroad, school and church. Telephone Hue, milk route. B. , F. D. 44,600. Mrs, A. 8V Luetacher. Bee vet ton, Oregoa. . t - PINB FARM Richest pert Tamblll county,. - sceessioie 10- college, eenonis, county - cheap; easy terms. 117 Ablngton bldg. FINE DAIRY FARM." . v( 800 seres, high and low land, well equipped, . . "ea Columbia elough; rail aud rtrrr transports- tloa. ,..-' 1 , HKNKLB A HARRISON, v aai a utiss wvsa bsiusb. SMALL FARM FOR SALE 78 acres. 00 In cultivation. 12 acres eld ' 1 kips .and 10 new. ell well polled and. w-ireu, gooa Bopnonse, su Teareaxsir nouea aad bars, family ere Sera, lVj miles -good town" setiis psature snd tlmbee, all - fund lead, well located; here Is s be resin; ernpe of hope at the present price will pey ' foe the piece; this Is a bargain at S8,tkM. Is- j eulrs of .-. WARREN A STATES. ' - McMlnavllla. Oregoa. ' '" '. : i 1 FARM BARGAIN. 160 acres, nearly level, 70 scree cultivated. TO aerea la timber, running stream et water, county .rued, family -orchard: auud 8-room -bouse, newly papered; 2 berns and outbuild ings; scaenlnouse asd church house at corner ef land. " .... ... . , ... ... . HENKLE A HABBISON, : . 21T Ablngton bldg. -. r 'r-? FOR SALE 82. Ot a) will buy a nice little some, 40 acrea ot laud, 83 acrea In rultlvatloe, ail level, fine spring water, 2 email homes, guod . bare and eutbulldlnga: atock aud Itnplemeata Included: T acres In winter wheat. S, tl. Berry. 4 Nortk Mixta at. Pkone Pacific Sons. " 1 " 1 t 1 840 ACRES, well Improved, bophense, barest. - etc., sll valley land, railroad at a tloa an land, 940 per acre; this la a eplendld opportunity. 340 acrea, 40 scree tat bope, twe bop houses, sew housa of 8 rooms; a fine property. bee S. 8. Gillespie, 420 Commercial bldg. ' - lOS ACRES dairy and goat ranch. S miles front Dsllss, with stock, 93,100. Charles Bheude, Dallae, Oregon. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB" I. C tm COMPANY- - .- HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. We srs-elwsvs In the market either te buy , or sell any active mining or Industrial stocks. It will pay yon to get our prices. . W. -H. DONAHUE, Mgr. hmkerage Dapt . 18-30 Lafaystta Bldg. BUY HURST SWITCH STOCK Bseeeesful testa st Sslt Lsks City prove tbst this atock wis! yield larger returns thsa any mining took listed. Portland ef Ace J. F. Burst A Oa., Sufl McKay bldg. m . COEUB D'ALENB MINING STOCK- ' I am slwsys In the market either te buy or aell any active mining atock; luana made oa . auy Hated securttlva. T. P. BROWN.. 401 McKay bldg.' TIMBER. CERTIFIED scrip, any alas pieces; lowest ' prices. W. U. Howell, 838 Chamber et Coat WILL Pay eaah for timber claims anywhere a the Nehalelh. Wilson er'Trask rivers. F u. csre journal, . - HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES and buggies for rent by day. week ' and month: a;eclal rates to Mial sesa-kousaa. . Sixth and Hawtboraa. East 72. FOR SALE Fine dapple-gray ream, 8 years eld, weight 3.800, sound and gentle. Pboae Scott S2K4. --.. - . TWO driving meres, ana faat, especially adapted for breeding. Inquire office, IS First St. eg stable, Twelfth aad Everett FOR SALE One smsll peny, 54T Northrup, ssafj Sixth, Sunday jnornlng. . .. . 1 WB buy, aell, rent, exchange berses. wagons. ssqnies, ssrnees iiuosri at nail, sow em st. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK, S COWS fog ante, 618 S3d at Taks Richmond . car, ' . . . :