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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
mi2 JDHZCON DAILY ' JOURNAL. - POnTLAND, -FltlDAY EVENINO, 'NOVEMBER -9, 1SC3. toxica' to avoara pvaaomiaaaa. 'The Journal a gone y at Eugene haa been . transferred to Harper Jamison, with headquarters at Schwaraschlld'a book . store, where all .changes, oora - plaints and new eubecrlptlons will re- . tobiokt's minnm ', B.lllf ...."ir1iAna , Baker.. ."At Plny KI1" empire ...."A Bural KUn" EUr ."Brulhu Aaaiuat Brothr' Urand .....VaulnIU Faatagse ... .....VsudarUle The Northern Pacific Railway com' pany announces special excursion rate from Portland to Kansas City , and re turn account Trana-Mlsalsstppl Com - tneroial congress to be held at Kansas City November 10 to tl, inclusive. Tickets will be on sale November 14 and - 11, with going limit of 10 " days from data of rale and with final return limit of 80 days from date of ale. The rate will be So for the round trip, returning via direct lines, if the Messengers wish Jo return through Call ornla the rate will be $71.40 for the round trip. Tickets will permit of atop ' ever within" limits both going and re turning. ' . . Emit Johnson la to be punished for keeping tola saloon, .at .Sixth and Star -. . streets, open on etecuon day. Bo decided!-a circuit court Jury yesterday evening. Johnson was fined tit llS.the nrdnlclpal court for the offense, but ' decided to appeal the case Besides In curring additional ooata end attorney' fees of eonslderabl magnitude. Johnaon may now be fined fto or even 1109 by Judge Fraaer, for the municipal oourt .-fine may be increased at the discretion - t the circuit Judge.. Fifteen thousand dollars is the value placed by William M. Manning upon an . ' aye, destroyed while be was at work - rebuilding the - steamer George W. Elder. Manning has entered suit against the Portland Steel Shipbuilding com pany for damages, alleging that the loea . of the eye was caused by the operation of certain defective tools, which caused piece of steel to enter one eye and destroy the sight. - ' The Washington St Oregon Lumbar company baa a old its property near - Vancouver to the Plttock at Leadbetter Lumber company, which haa also pur chased from the Skamania Logging company tract of about 4,000 aerea of timber, wltn ' logging camps and equipment. A. I. Com In (a, treasurer of the new company, will, manage the plant. , . Two civil service examinations were announced today. One ta for a tagger la the department of 'agriculture and . the other Is for aa aid In the geodetlo . . eurvey. Both examinations will be held In Portland December I. . For oomplete information concerning the - examlna . tlona applioanta should see Z. A. Leigh at the postofflce. . The Spanish literary circle. ' which will meet tomorrow evening with Mrs. X F. Boyd, 191 Sixth street, will be addressed by Captain Melgher on "Life and History of Mexico." All persona Interested in the work of the circle are invited t attend. ? , , ... jl, A. B. Witter, formerly connected with the o. R. N. company, will next Mon i day assume the dutlea of city paasenger ' agent for the Astoria St Columbia River Railroad.', company, auoceeding Harry Connaway. who realms to become a merchant In Hood River valley. Good Honest- Place. If you are In need of aeaaonable clothea or shoes, also trunks, ault cases, blankets and comforters, go tor John Dollar.- Ton will be treated fair and aquareT 181-181 - First street corner TamhllL 88-85 N. Third etregj, corner Davis. The M. A F. Cash Grocery. Third and Market streets, haa just purchased the entire apple crop of 1L C. Bushnell'a Junction City orchard, consisting of 1.609 boxes, which compare favorably with the Jlpod.JUver applea. A Jury In. Judge Qentenbein's court last night acquitted Foster Bradley, who was en trial for the theft of .11 bars of pig lead belonging to the Port . land Gea company. -.-.The subject of Rabbi Winner's eer ' mon thla evening at Temple Ahavat Sholom will be "The Fountain of Per- , petual Youth." Servicea begin at . I o'clock. All are welcome. ' ' Before yon purchase an incubator 'and brooder get prloea on the Standard , "Chatham." Every machine guaranteed. Oeorge W. Foott, 121 East Morrison ' street, Portland. . AvH. Friellnger this morning pleaded not .guilty to a charge of larceny by bailee in having sold a rented type writer. His trial will take place on Monday next. - . ; J i i i :. Steamer Jessie Harklna for Camas, - Waahougal and way landings daily ex- ,eept Sunday; Leaves Washington street k ; .dock at i p. m. . : ( '. Tour Eyes Examined Free. We are till selling eyeglasses at 81.00. A per- feet fltguarantee(LMetxrer ft .Co. , Jeweler and opticians, 1U Sixth street. ' ' Woman'e Exchange, 188 Tenth street, lunch 11:80 to 8; business men'a lunoh. : Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal ell and fine gasoline. - Phone East tl. For Quality, Quantity arid Quickness, go to Morris restaurant.' - . Dr. X. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Mirquam. ; See Portland Washer,' 108 Seventh at Carl Jones lot reading. 4th and I Waahl F. W. BALTES AND COBIPANY PRINTERS Specialists in the. Ar ranging and Printing of Commercial Stationery Advertising Literature Two Phones, both Main 168 FIRST AND OAK PRAISES PLAU OF CITY Frederick V. Holman Writes Concerning Propo4 Pur-4 hae of McLoughlin Home. - HISTORICAL VALUE - OF THE OLD HOUSE Mirks Era in Development of State and Is Valuable Landmark That Ought by All Meant Be Preserved by Citizens. "--' ;,.-: ', In oonneotlon with the . action of the Oregon City council in submitting a plan to the voters of Oregon City by which the old historic home of Dr. John McLoughlin could, be purchased by the elty and restored, as nearly aa possible to Ite original state, the following let ter haa been received from Frederick V. Holman: - , " Portland, Nov. S. 101.' "To the Editor of The Journal: ' "The council of Oregon City deserves great credit for pasalng a . resolution fast Wednesday night to submit to the voters of that city the question of pur chasing the home of Dr. , John Mo Lougblln. .-. "It Is unnecessary to relate here what he did for the early pioneers of Ore gon. It Is an essential part of Oregon's history. He waa the father of Oregon. To him,' abovd all ' others, is due the gratitude ef Oregonlana. He built this bouse for himself and family and It waa used for years by him and Ihem as a home. It was while living1 In this borne that Dr. McLoughlin suffered the sorrows caused by the Ingratitude and persecutions of those who ahould have been his grateful frlenda. It was In this house he died a broken-hearted man. This house, was taken from him and hla family by section eleven of the Oregon donation land - laws.- paaaed through the actions ef those who should have defended him Instead of persecut ing him and protected hla rights Inatead of despoiling Him or what waa Justly hla. It Is true that, thla house and the land was restored to hla hairs by the state of Oregon 18 years after hla rights to them were taken from him and . five yeara after bis death. - But this property should be owned by Ore gon City and be kept forever by It aa a memorial to this great humanitarian. "Oregon City waa the first capital of Oregon. ' For about 10 yeara, beginning with 1848. It waa the seat of the Ore gon provisional government, and of Its territorial government. . "It la more than 41 yeara elrice Dr. McLoughlin died. It la only a great and good man whoae deeda are beld In grateful memory for so long a time. Let the voters cf Oregon City honor the memory of Dr. McLoughlin, and. at the aame time do honor to themselves, by voting unanimously to purchase and maintain, hla. home. And all true, old Oregon pioneers and their deaoendanta will be grateful to Oregon City. "FREDERICK V. HOLMAN. SAYS SHE WAS NOT ' - FIRST TO MAKE TRIP Portland, Nov. t. Editor Juornal: I noticed In your paper a day or so since a statement that Mra. Vlllnda E. Hous ton, a pioneer of 1851. who recently died In one of. the hospitals of .this city, "waa the first white girl who ever made the trip over the falls of the Cascades." Other city papers have referred te thla deceased lady as being the "first white child to cross the Cascade Mountains' In either case these statements cannot be auat&ined by the facts. Immigration down the Columbia river and over the Cascade rapids began as early as 1848, and continued for several years, and I personally know a number of pioneer women then children who oame over In canoe a Immigration over the Bar low road, lust south of Mount Hood, began In 1848; but In 184S, a number of families. Including children of both sexes, came over the trail, afterwards converted Into a wagon road. And be fore 1888 thouaanda of pioneers came the earn way, among them many chil dren of both sexes. These statements can be amply supported by the records. OEOROB H. HIMES. -Asst. Seo'y Oregon Historical Society. WILL DO ROCK WORK : ON ROAD THIS WINTER Rockwork will be done during the winter by the Harrlman people on their projected line rrom iiwaco to Kneppton. Erickson at Peterson, who have the contract for. 18 mllee of grading, nave sent men and supplies for two camps, which will be establlahed Immediately. - The same oompaay will within a few daya open bids for construction of a short line to be known aa tne umatnia Central. 18 miles of road to connect Pilot Rock with the main line cf the O. R. A N. at a point four miles weet of Pendleton. Bids will be opened at the office of Chief Engineer Soaonho, November 14. HALF HOLIDAYS END IN RAILROAD OFFICES d A. Hunter, general agent In Port land territory for the Chicago, Rock Island Paolflo railroad, baa given notice that the! offloe of that company will tomorrow afternoon and thereafter be kept open aa on other week days. The action will be followed by aU other -lines that have been dosing their ticket offloea at 1 o'clock on Saturdays, which will mean an end to the half-holldaya that have been a feature of the summer months for the railroad paasenger and freight agenta and clerka on railroad row. ' '' " ' ' . :-' 1 v.. Kansas City and Return $60. A aauantaantk ak seMit at 1 '. Trans-Mlsslaalppl Commercial cftngrees, .. f v a. M Pft Will aw Vau. n. w.- ins v. i- ... -" - -" - 14 and 18 aell round-trip tickets to Kan-I sas i;ny tor e vv, .w,n ,uui v. v uayv from date of eale. Further particulars by calling upon C W. Stinger, city ticket ... . ffhfi-,4 mnA Waehlntftnn .tra... Portland. . tikes Oregon Apples. J. C. Btubbs. trame director of the Harrlman lines, Chicago, haa gent his thanks to the Portland Commercial Lclub for a box of Spltsenberg applea. Mr. Stubbs aara: "The applea are superb and your atate may well be proud of such a product. The club haa my sincere compliments on Its ability to put out such a rosy showing of what Oregon settlers may expect, and I also extendmy alneere thanks for thla very kind remembrance." OREGON ' ... !.'-;" ' iv":"..'" '""7V ' , '. . - -.. - r - -jr;; -' --'--z z-f - i: -"- -. ; -? - 1 NT,;t.'i'. ' " r " - j -s .. . .1 , (.-,. V- - v w a? 1Q T; S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. 44-45 SECOND 8TRBXT, PORTLAND SI VaTO O&WHU OAio-ai rWaVAaintl' U4eTatVay imuisaJuiaasMiiiiiiiH nnuczxzxzznszxxmBin NOTED Mil WILL BE PRESENT Trans-Mississippi Congress - Is Expected to Be Highly Suc- cessful This Year. PORTLAND DELEGATES TO PLAY IMPORTANT PART Theodora B. Wilcox and John Bar"- . rett to Deliver Addresses on Im portant Topics Prominent Legis lators to Be on Program. The Portland Commercial club la ad VTeedjr Secretary AfihurT. TiUian of the Transmlsatssippi congress tnat more than 1.000 delegatea will be pres ent at tbe Kansas City meeting, and that the largest number of men of na tional reputation ever in attendance at a session of the congress will be there. On this account the Kansas City meet ing will be one of special Importance to the Paclfte northwest, and a strong delegation favorable te . the Columbia river ahould be there Secretary Francis says the congress is expeotlng addresses from Theodore B. Wlloox of Portland and John Barrett, formerly of Portland," now minister to Colombia. He saysr "An espeaial urgent sppeal haa gone to Governors Chamberlain- of Oregon, Mead of Washington, and Pardee of Cal ifornia, for moat of the delegatea will personally .' be acquainted with those three governors, having met them at the Lewis and Clark exposition In Portland and upon other occasions, - -The Tranemtsnleslpp! Corhtnerictat congresa will name a delegation at large to the Nations! Rivera and Harbors con gress at Washington, District of Colum bia, and Oregon should certainly have a member ef thla delegation, , r Zrow BVOlroad Statee. - "James Charlton, chairman of " the Transcontinental Passenger association, at Chicago, has made an epeclally loV rate for the Congress, which is M0 for the' round trip from Portland on all roads, with 111 SO additional by way of California. The date of aale for tick ets to Portland will be the 14 th and llth, with limit ef 10 day for trip go ing, and a ticket limit of 10 daya." Among the notables are ftearetarlea Root and Shaw, William J. Bryan, ex Speaker John a. -Carlisle and Olf ford Plnchott of the fntted States reclama tion service will be present. Up to the preaent time nine United States senators $35 .SMte.ff!l, $3(5.65 In the Clothing Section we will cpntinuc the sale Two extraordinary bargains in men's' high grade most approved fashions and materials Clothing made garments Great variety Best- Designs. Men's hand-tailored strictly all-wool Suits made by the leading wholesale tailors of America Fancy worsteds, fancy tweeds, fancy cheviots, neat patterns, the season's' handsomest effects for ' business and 1 dress wear Every suit perfect ings, hand-tailored regularly at $22.50 - wntilH ask vou h25-$28 and quality. Your 200 men's high-grade Overcoats, magnificent styles Every garment, of this season's manufacture, three fourth and full-length coats in fancy tweeds and cheviots, velours and worsteds All made- with hand-worked button holes and hand-padded shoulders very newest styles and designs, very large assortment to se lect from Regular $22.50-$25 values on sale at this exceptionally low price of, per garment Greatest Value of the if' V ' r BRANCHES "BEST HAT In the BEN LEADINQ have promlaed to be present, and the sub-committee on Indian affairs, which trf to have a session at Muskogee. In dian territory, la making an effort to get through their conference or nnian It up In Kansas City. and. that mesns the presence of st least two other sena tors and nair a aosen omr mm 'i pp del Importance. The governors of both of the Dakota. Missouri, Kansas, Ne braska and Oklahoma will be present, Acceptances have been received, frow it congreeamea and thla Includes vlaltore who will be apeclal guests of the con greea outside of the Tranamlsstsslppl region, and embraces the ststes of New York. Wisconsin and llllnola. - Woman loves a clSarVc-ay complex Ion. Burdock Blood BKters purines the blood, cleara the i akin, restores ruddy, sound health. ' S3- fitting, best linings ana una- throughout suits semng $25 The exclusive clothier for aDDarcl of equal style choice tomorrow at, per suit Season in Mcn!aFine Qvercoats. Eamcoats $12.50 to $35.00 First in Quality Because of Our Experience First in Sales Because of thcGrocers. Experience Pirst in .Choice Because of the Consumer's f... Experience, Is "White Clover" Butter , IN CARTONS Protecting it from all dust and diseased matter, keeping the butter sweet and clean. ASTORIA AND SEATTLE elw w m gaaiev wasiea e)aaa gj nmBmnKiniiroJ Brewer Hat Satisfies Every Careful Dresser. Made to Suit Every Faca and Shape, of Head. World for the MONEY CLOTHIER JOHN KIERNAN HAS ' "'. VERY NARROW ESCAPE . - John Klernan, a well-known livery man, suffered painful brulaea In a run away. at Second and Taylor streets yes terday. Hla escape from serious In jury was narrow. While driving a double team attached to a carriage along Taylor atreet, - the horses bora me unmanageable and ran towards tha river. At Seoond street the carriage struck the excavation that la being made for the new car tracks. Klernsn, who was still trying to cherk the horses, was hurled violently to the atreet from the carriage. He waa re moved to a nearby atore where sn ex amination of hla wounds was hell 1 e waa not seriously injured. The SELLING of suits and overcoats apparelThis season's equal to the best custom- : i . '; '; ' ttl) Men's Cravenette Each. w1. Heilis Theatre J2T Tftalght, Tamutroir and Baadsy Ktfbts. fosalarPrlesd tlstlaee Toswrrew, Bataraay, AMERICA'S OHKATKST PSAMA. , , Tf -ARIZONA" 18 Rones, SS Civalrrsies OS the Stage, Bnnlna Prlc S5e. SOe. Me. Tfte. SI. Poe- olir Matlnr Prtre SSc, 0e. Ite. seits seinag mr eBcageawot at neatra. . Baker Theatre 0: Oeorge L. Bske. Mioager, ALL THIS WKEK. Bsksf SCetfe Ctosteasr, ta tbs great "AT PIKET BIDOS,,T Br IHTia nisslns. MaflNta SaTl RDAT raii Prtts, -i5r. c sscTSOer W . .1 IK. A Vi itih as i Lsst, S , BMtlRB THEATRB . aUla UT. Mlltee W. Sesatas, MsMgeef PUylnf thr Ksstera Rs4 Shows. TONIGHT. ALL WEEK. Peeolsr-rrleed Mitlae Wednesday aad ' SaturtU, The BeaaMrsl. Koosotic Drams ef Knlce, Prices EvenlBg. 10c. tOr. SOct All MsO- Hsxt AttrsetloatAsiu 'la the Hills.H LeYRIC THEATRE wide sioonrnro jroTUCBis i. "The 99 TUB FAJIOCt MELODRAMA IN fOUK ACTS. THE STAR . ; Week ef Kev. S. Tvlephane Mala Seat. thx Aim BTooa cojuaxx Prwintlnf ' "BK0TXXB AOAIHsf BBOOTB." Ifst1iies Tossda-a. TharedaTe. BatarosTS sna Bandars at io s. a. Prices. lOe end SOe. tnrr eTealag at 8; IS. Prieea, - 10a, Sac ass So. Beat wesa, a sua at atystery.- , Tbe Grand Week ef Vev. k. THE XTLLIE ABSBXWS CO, TBI BOHEMIA OULL." Hserlags aad WUees Karri Bnuwn, Allaire aad tta4 Kias- petetty Be BUste aareU Heft Oread lee pe Pantages Theatre; reartk SarkSte, J. A. JOHNSOJf, RMldent Vtnao. Vtahals aaa Smith. Osai4r Bike Biters. BVewa aad Brews. , ArsnokJ aad Blaise. Barry Laae. Beverley aaa nsnn, 1h While. The Binaries. PerfonaaatM dally at I SO. T:n, I V a Aasussiee. 10. . Bessrved seats, SOe. - Besea, San. Aa esst et w Ur lallsiis, see. FREE! -Moving-Pictures BfsppssilBgs la a Maeeteaav Drama 1m tbe Ais. TA Chreat Bheepssebasa, ' - HARRT flHUMAN. " Puelness Boorner.Beneral Advertiser. Phone Main 1111. Sd Morrison. :te to 1:10 Bvery Bvening. L.1S. ivrsSLorrs -scdti:::3 stoup baa besa assd by Bllrkns ef Volaen foe ' noUdrsa while twiiuna for dtw rifty Tnars. It soothes the ealld. suruaa the s-ums. allarl nil Dnln. et rure wind eoUo, aad is She Sea vdtanlirM. rernmyfnr diarvhrea. twchtt-pivb nrara A bottll. 'TRet don't erack so Made with " tmoCOBO" -.. - bettenholee thst Bold. PalfSarasS. - -- - H slsee if era at tkexe. CEO. P. 101 k CO., Maker Mifwaukf Country Club. . Eastern end California races. Take ell wood and Oregon City ears at firs and Aldar. Octoroon mi IU7i utct" XT A e. N.T. 20) ....l- Great Auction Se! Of Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting of old Bronze, Sil JeriJ0oi9nDf new -Brsv St suma. fine decorated Tea Sets, Lacquered Waret--'Bbay Carved Furniture, Embroidered Screens, Oriental Rugs, etc Owing to the overcrowded cort , dition of our small store, we art compllc443 dispose of our great stock, at "suctlorrr-HThe-public Is cordially invited to at tend this sale. . Unprecedented bargains are certain to be had. SALE AT 2 JO AND 7 JO P. M. DAILY. . . :' ' 1 AndrcwKan&Co. -287 MORRISON ST. BATS TOVB HOITT - 'And wear the good while paying 'for them. A watch or diamond tnveatmant is a sensible one. .be . cause you csn turn A DIAMOND INTO MONET any old time. 7 '"" 520 at 50c week $50 at $1.00 a wetlT" - 5to6 at $2 a week, and so en . Metzger cSc Co, Jewelers aad Opttclaca. - -v- m sxztv sr. r Wow la the tlaae te buy , yea Oaziatmas Pisasata. ; ' Tear eyes Sttea fee eyeglasses L Evea-laaa flttine ia too important a matter to rush Into "with your eyes shut. - If your eyee wear out, they're gone -forever. - When - you buy glasses res to It that you get glaaeea that are Just right.. We have the knowledge, experience, expensive up-t-date apparatus and skilled em ) oyes to make them Juat right. Consultation costs you nothing. Write or our booklet. , Iti contain valuable Information about the care ef the eyes. We wlU send It te you Lee postpaid. Teeth oaotsaaBAisatiaama If .ifisifiliiii HHtHrHrrrrHrr'er Test Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeta Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth (M?rlT( v Teeth Teeth ?eeth eeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teetn TeeSh Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeta Teeth Teeth Our prloee are the very lowest consist ent with first -class material and work menehlp. Call and get our prieea. aoiTOir rAnrxjen ' SBVBTTIBTB, Ope. Keiev ft rraak's i and PoeSonloaw . BSle Btorrisoa an. Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth nmfflffitm Teeth Teeth Teeth SIGIU1BDAGI1G Positively ear a" trf heee uius ruia They also relieve Sa ski troza D rsuf Lsxa. Ijv dlgestkai aad Too Hearty gating. A perfect rea edrtorPtialuisa.Haaasa, DrowtlBaUB, Bad Taste la the Houtb. C0ate Tongue, raut ta tba I TOBFID lim regulate tBBowS!8k-nrebT Vegetable, sim pill SiuiiccsE. simnr.i GohiIdi Most Bear Fto-Simfla Signtiun . : , KEF0SC 10IXT1T0TEI. mm O r CPICE5. 1 o CC7FIIE,TEA. DAtnrcDPGViDin; rMuhftrihr. nrvntnivxr. Cxixtnl XJrer-h. CiaVJMiJt frter. iciArrzTGniYE ILl- IL.l . - BttS Ase-" Pn. jamt hiMH d I dlrts'l aippe h ' tk the " I knesr. "l I t is I RI 7 OlfjllllTl JLoA V?rm ii' CARTERS CARTERS m J.