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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
v i1- 'a t nig OZZZOU DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING,' NOVEMBER 9. 1BC3. W MFi C n rap vJLL fh. 1 V -J , 1 . . : r' ilk:7M f ! 77 :l"i Women's 5Cfe BeWs for 39e Twenty styles in Silk and Leather Belts on i 8aleforSaturdaylatJljystll-lcentSi cheaper than there's any need ot m sell-, Imrtnm. v Rtit har in mind that it'm onlv for. the one day and come for them that day. bilk, leather or jet effects, come in . j .1 ... .11 .: . a t - x white, black or colors and there are all sizes. : A Rous- 3ft' ing Round-Up Sale Special at.. ........ ,7;..;..... ..OyC 2SSS Men's. Furnisntafis Just bought them and they'll be one of the premier bargains pf the Round-Up Sale for Saturday. Skirts and drawers of natural ;wool, in -a fine weave ; comes in all 6ized, and one of the most nicely finished garments you ever wore. They are superb values at the regular; -price, and that's ,-$1.25-each, bytVonSaturday . .choice for .............. .". 7. , ..7... ... .1 w MEN'S SANITARY FLEECED UNDERWEAR Shirts and drawers to match. There are only two sizes" ' of each, so for that reason we cut the price in' a man . ner most astonishirtQ' "'Drawers sizes 30 and 32; and shirts 34 and 36. Those arfr4h& -sizes, Regular 75c goods Small and medium sized, men get a 3(jV rare bargain. . ' Choice ............... . . . . . . : . . OxC A SATURDAY SPECIAL ON THE OLD RELIABLE ROCK FORD SOCKS, the best mixed cotton hose in the world; regular, 10c value. 86 dozen of them for Saturday,' and the " price is, pair ..'.. 7. . . . . . . 7. ; . i 1. . . . ... . . . . . .'. . . ... DC MEN'S . UNDERWEAR, fleece lined goods, in solid colors or mixed goods. A rattling" good special for Saturday at,' the garment,' only. ...... ....... J ...... ....... , .tj f ICWffill'JII Tim M fit V C Gold Merchandlie Cootom -ts - r-Wt't With Every 5c Spent Hew , j) - v 1' MinOrdenFnied, I jtfZ - . : pcrCacd Agents Pictorial I ' j '" riii l i i bit- i i bwib i o:iYAMira.u 'liial ITill Dsber Ont the Round Up Sale In a Dlaze oi Bargain Glory With such a tremendous week as we've had here we know that the mere mention of the fact, that Saturday is the last day of the sale is all that is needed to bring multi tudes ot bargain-wise folk here Saturday. But they'll find more than worth while, for Saturday Oilers the Best Bargains oi the Sale V GLORIOUSLY GOOD SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Saturday only) we will sell everyone that comes for it, 21 pounds of fine Granulated Sugar for just '; : - 1 AA ONE DOLLAR . . .................. . . . ......... ... .0 1.UU Teas, our regular 60c teas are on sale Saturday, as a Round Up Sale special, the pound ............ .OUC Head Rice, very special for Saturday, only, 9 C 4 POUNDS for . . . . ... .LOL Lima Beas, Saturday, four !:;,i....:;..;.25c Buckwheat Flour, very special for Saturday, the 4Q(J Prunes, 5. pounds of the finest prunes you ever ; bought for anything like this 7-" r xC , ( money . ...... . . ..... . . . uv White Satin Flour, a 60-pound sack Saturday, -7 $ 1 1 A only ............... 01. 1U Graham Flour, full pound sack Corn Meal, yellow: and white, Saturday, the sack, , C only ... . . . . . . . . .... 1 . .XOC W6men s ; CI a UiBsfactercr't Sssple Uae st D&ll See the Third St. Windows and judge foryourself what, magnifi cent values and styles these coats' really are. In buying these coats - the. Golden . Eaglamade tb luck iest buy in its- history-;-- -.- Most of them ; are the wanted Plaid Patterns, and the models are1 much the ' same as those ;shown in the four.pictured here, j Little more than half price for .'any of them. '' Saturday is: going to be . the biggest coat, day ever known in Portland and most of. the .coats . sold that day will. be sold at the Golden Eagle. -' t Drop everything else and come in . in .. thM erat hftrfmin.. Thev are a maker's samole line, we took all he had. but there are no two alike. Worth to $40 each and sell-. f I'n ing for from $21.49 to as little as . . r. . ,T. '. "ri . V K T EorigiGoats -A Grieat Sale Cl a llaaclactsrcr's Sample "7;-4; Uae st Dslf . Children's Coats, fancy wool ma terials, . nicely trimmed, for little maids- up- to -10 years of aee- Ac tual value is $4.75 each.- XAO Round Up Sale 4...V-' WOMEN'S SKIRTS, light colored wool materials, in solid colors, made up in plain tailored effects, trimmed with straps and buttons ; regular $8.00 values. ' ft K ?Q Sale price...... ..i. V -T WOMEN'S SKIRTS in light coK ored plaid designs, alt wool mate rials, . neatly trimmed ' with straps and buttonssmart tailored styles; regular price $9 each C L Kf Round Up Sale Price. ..v"JVI WOMEN'S SKIRTS, in rich plain Panama cloth, very smart pearl gray shade, trimmed with straps and pearl gray buttons to match; superb 0 AQ skirts at $11.00 each. -Sale price only. ........... vUr STATIONERY Find this spe cial near the Third Street door Saturday. Any fancy box of sta tionery in the house ; worth from 25c to 85c. Choice all Q day Saturday, for ......... loL NECKWEAR Women Col lars, in lace or embroidered styles, tab effect stock collars . that are guaranteed to be worth 60c each. . Saturday. . .' . . LuL WHISK 7 BROOMS Another large shipment ' ready,, for sale Saturday, and they are splendid 15c goods. Save. 6c tomorrow and buy -one for - only 7. , . r. . .7. . 7. . 7. .T; . .r ul - - . i KERCHIEFS Another Satur day sale " that will bring every mother in the city here Saturday fancy border Children's Hand kerchiefs, that sell regularly at 3c each.-Saturday.. . f only:. IX SECOND STREET FRONT White Bedspreads-Large size,' mighty good UP KVt hemmed ends; a spread. Round-Up QQ ' Sale price, each. . . . . OL Fringed 'Bedspreads Good sized ones, -slightly soiled but originally: worth . $1.75' each. Round-Up Sale i price, each.......;.. i)l .White Cotton Blankets Ex tra . size, a very, special sale value at,-the ; 7 ' 01 A Eair . ...... . . . . . : . . . 4) I Lt rray Cotton Blankets Good size ; worth 95c pair. 'JCA Sale price; ..;.;. ...... White Wool Blankets A splendid quality of soft' warm wool, full regular size, and worth $4.50 the pair. ff. 'J Sale price. ......... du0M White Wool Blankets Extra size and made of the finest wool : Special Sale HQ price, pair. ..... .. . . VO Feather Pillows Weight ; 3 pounds each. Round-Up iSale ffi.;....;.,..;.:.:.dSc: Pillow Cases 45x36 inches, and a splendid grade of mus lin Very special at, f J Seamless Sheets' A dandy grade of, muslin, - and good sized ones, too;" 72x90 inches, with wide hem at top and bot tom. Round-Up Safe i CO price, each. ...'.-,.. ....OyC Comfort . Challies In a large assortment of . colors. Very special Round-Up ' il'l Sale price, yard; . ,i . . .'. . t2C Silkoline Comforts Large size, and a regular $1.50 qual ity. Sale price, - 'A 7 p each . .7. 5) 1 LO Silkoline Comforts that weigh 44 pounds. .Very special sale 5&.'WX$1.75 Extra Quality Silkoline Com-' forts-especial Sale AO Srice, each. . ... .-. . ..J)Ltij H Pound Feather Pillows Very speaal . price for1 the Round-Up Sale, n 4 ech....;....7.i;.4C: diioes, 0 00, Are iBargainizea for the Isst Day el tie Round tip Sale taen's Slioes-Of the very best sort of .vici kid, in the regular lace or Blucher cut, good styles and a very good wearing shoe, so we think they-are remarkable, when we sell these $3.60 shoes for, the pair, 0 QQ only . . 7. : .7 . . . . . . . ... ....fUiJO Boys' Shoes Solidly built, and made to stand the hardest wear, made of calfskin and worth $2.00. 7 ':. C ME Sale price . . ,i, . , : . ; . ; . . . 7. . . . . . 7 . i . 1 t U For the List Day of the Round Up Sale Women's Shoes A lot of 800 pairs to sell for less than the strings are worth, all sizes and all shapes; worth to $3.00 the pair. All on "one big table, for the Round-Up Sale Zt....: $1.69 Children's! School Shoes Good solid ones, that are prime $1.60 values. ."" . 7' 1 1 A Sale price. ............ ... . .... . . $ 1 1 V This time it's to' make room for a Toy' Department that's get into. Didn't have room to show our splendid toy stock and we were, mighty puzzled to know where we'd put them and find. a place that would do the assortment justice. - So we rented the room back of the Street Railway waiting room on Yamhill Street.' r ;-;.;.l,:.r.,;i'V4 '!l"y-' ; V; TOYS' ON DISPLAY TOMORROW AND CHILDREN UNDER- AND OVER EIGHTY ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND SEE THE -FIRST BIG SHOWING The department is right back of the Street Car Wsiting Room; walk out of the 'waiting room into the Goldtfh Eagl the toys and go on thru into other departments.. Fine showing of Dolls back In the "Annex , on Second Street. J ; , . - V,V Don't forget that you "can walk in frorqf the Street "Railway Waiting Room now, and that we've Another Entrance on Yamhill Street SATURDAY AGAIN TH03E. 12-Inch Ostrich Plumes for 89c , Ground Floor Millinery Dept' Second Street A sale without an equal in value or the number of fine plumes to be dis tributed ; bought ridiculously cheap, that's why we took so many near-, ly three hundred and remember, it's the middle of the season and the splendid value that we got goes right on to you without even a halt. These ' come in COLORS ONLY every one of them is full 12 inches : long, and they are superb $2.00 val ues. That's the whole thing sum med up. Now they're all to be sold , in .one day. so to accomplish this, the price is 7 yPPH m5?7 ;ifetffll;:'.. i p 7 White Uats at naif Price Any White Felt Hat in the house, worth from $9 00 to $15 on sale now at HALF. $15.00 Hats for 87.50, $10 T a A W 4 A An T V riais, fii.vV .y.uu tiais 00, is 15.00 Hats for 87.50, $10 gQ SPEQAL PRICES SATURDAY CN NEW HUE CF FLOWESS S Corsete for 4?c Ipom Portieres If 11. t'.i-A ." Genuine Art1vwn TanMtrlva'miWl vnn uritl Made of fine aualitv batiste or. -. coutil, with or. without hose sup- ; porters attached: Several 'differ- l ent makes in the lot; oddments of $1.00 and $ll25 corsets, but' good styles and most sizes. A rare bargain Saturday, tJJq THIRD STREET BALCONY Genuine Artloom Tapestries mirid you, with the lArtloom'' trade mark: woven in the goods. Kich dark reds and fancy patterns, grades that sell regular for $4.00 to. $5.00. A very tf Q OA special sale of .them Saturday only, at the pair. . . . . . . . . . $dLiJ Lace Curtains, in Nottingham net, or Pt. d'Esprit designs, full width and Sli yards. lone. 25 different styles to choose from. Special "Saturday, , ft IQ c-the pair, only ....... ,4tl Couch Covers, a handsome lot of patterns in Roman striped designs, splendid . quality - of tapestry, in fact; they're a $2 value. Sale C f OQ price, each ........ I tC0 Candy in Ihe Arcade Come in Snd save on Sweets at our Arcade Candy Department. . You 11 find no nicer candies than these at any price. Chocolate Creams, In assorted flavors, delicious' and absolute ly pure; special 30c values, Saturday ,-one 1 fin pound ........ ......... 101 New English 'Walnuts, special Saturday, two pounds . QC for . . . . . ...... 777 .7 . 0 u U Boston Mixed Candy, a full pound when you buy here, too. This splendid mixed candy selling Saturday -v ' 7 for the pound ........... L New Brazil Nuts, special for, Saturday only 0ffA 2 POUNDS... ...... .03C IVometfs Eose Fancy Hose, if you please, fast black dye, in embroidered and drop stitch de signs, full regular made, with double heels and toes. ' .' tCi special i Children's Hose, fast black cotton v ' 'i double knee, heel and toe; rr-.'-r value. Saturday, 2TAin ' for