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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
.a .... . ; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, NOVEMBER 9. 1903, m-mi . RICH T.lfNE FOUHD HI SI SKIYOUS ' Box Containing Seven Thousand JL Dollar Worth of Ore Is -lon Display. ' " , NEW DISTRICT OPENED .';.. BY ECCENTRIC MINER Exhibit Weight bat Hundred and Twenty Pounds and Many Chnnka Art Half Pure : Oold-Property ' Sold to Eattern Syndicate. .; ,;,: . ; ' ' -; :;v v 1 (Sixtal DUpatca to The Joereal.) ' - Grants' Paaa, Or, Nov. 8. A noj - containing 1 pounds of ore. worth 17 000 in gold, waa brought to Urajjta ' Pasa 'from tha Siakiyou mountains by to. I, Mangum. president Ot tha Grant a i Pase Miners' association, and placed on diaplarm.tha mineral eshiblt room ot the association. The aold ia attracting. much attention and' Creatine no little excitement, as It cornea from a new claim and a new district It la vn- doubtedlv the richest dlaalay of quarts ever exhibited ln thla city. The auarta ; la remarkable in that It doee not come from a pocket rein or aballow forma tion, but from a well-defined ledge, Many of the chunks In tha box are half old. and all of them are. so thick ly studded with gold as o allow the, '. whittling of the yellow . metal . with a Jack knite. Ia some of the pieces the ' gold occurs In huge ' flakes or slabs 1 large as a man's band. .-' .'.-': Bleb. Striked : -; t The ore shown Is but a small part of j the fortune taken from a rich strike ' made on a claim near the Oregon-Call-' .j fornla Una. Though In the Golden state, . the claim can only be reached from the Oregon aide,' aa It Is on the north slope i 'of the Slakiyoua. The property has been' under development for the past year, and the owner removed 1100,009 worth of, uch stuff, aa la being exhib . '.' tted here.' : . ." - ' ' Tha owner ia an eccentrlo miner, and has stood-guard over his treasure with loaded , rifle, keeping about t,000 worth of gold under . the bunk in hie, --cabin. -Tory little has been given out V concerning the claim, other tnan Jt la near he Oregon-California ' line, , and that 'Ritas been sold to an eastern aya- "dicaCe for a fabulous sum. Tha new z owners will give the property extea ' slVe development and shape It for ope- . ration on Immense scale, - 1 Wort on Weaaded Bao. . The Brlggs or .Wounded' Buck prop . - erty. on Upper Sucker creek, has quietly been developed during the past two . years by the Gold Bar Mining company. . .,u h.a hoard but little of the Immense amount of work done on the claim np there on the Siskiyou summit, snd on a property that Is bu rled under 1 and to feet of snow dur ing much of tha winter. v; Ed, staplea. the tireless manager, - .,u MtnfiflMPi in the worth of the Wounded Buck, has kept crews at i. inrr and aummer. .Hwiitwj'ww',"-": . - t nmnar-t hai rTRwn . rrem S HU Vll ..4,. ' shallow proepect to, a deeply developed. IMnt,inin. BFMMt over 1 .001 MiaMV, .,.-... - mr-r ' ; feet of underground workings; All or this work is on .ins ,vejn., b.ami mense body of 'high grade ore has been uncovered, i am ipruit - of the surface has increased to a well defined ledge from six to 10 feet wide. Though possessing no such values as were found on top the ground, the big vein Is without f suit and contains all milling ore from wall to wall. Tha values range from It to ISO a ton. On the hanging wall a portion of the vein matter carries values ranging aa high as $000 and $1,000 a ton. , V I i T GYPSY HORSE TRADER v IS CHARGED LARCENY '' (Iwlil Dtooatrh to Tfce jMraeLt HUlaboro. Or, Nov. . Asalr Whar ton, a gypsy horse trader, waa yester day arrested and brought here charged with larceny by bailee. Nicholas M on cer, residing near forest Orove, caused bis arrest and alleges that nia son. while driving a team of horses a few days ago wasapproached by the gypsy for . a trade. Tha boy Informed the gypsy .that the horses belonged to hi father and ha had no authority to dispose of either. It was, arranged, so It is claimed,' that an- exchange of horses should be, made, and if Monner waa not satisfied ha could -have the horse back on the next day. . When the boy In formed'' his father a protest waa forth eomiaaaad -when -a demand., waa made of, tha gypsy for a return of the horse ha claimed t have, sold IL . ashlahd co;.;;.;fECiJit CLUB iifADlf FOR IMK - Captain M. ; F.1 Eggleston Is Elected Chief Booster for the' Rogue River Valley. , . (SpeelU Dispatch to The SesraaL) Aahlaad.-Or.,- Novrt. -At the - semi annual meeting of the Ashland Com mercial dab oa Monday, the following offloera were elected for the ensuing term: President, M. P. Egglestou; vice president. E. D. Brlggs: secretary, X A. Harvey; .treasurer. U 1 Mulit; mem- 1 Captain M. F, Eggleaton.. bers of the executive board. B. V. Car ter, O. Winter and J. E. 'Young. Cap tain Eggleston, who succeeds Hon. E. V. Carter aa president, wai seereury of tha Ashland board of trade during ths year 1008. in which a great amount of work waa dona by the board In advertis ing Ashland and the Rogue river valley. He haa written much descriptive lit erature and many newspsper . articles extolling the attractions of southern Oregon. - He Is at present recorder and city magistrate of Ashland. The Ashland commercial ciua suc ceeded the board of trade organisation las. spring. '..-..:' - a The club has very commodious ana convenient Quarters In tha principal business bloca of tha city. Its mem bership comprises the leading business and professional men of the efty,. num bering 100, and It la regarded tha strongest and most active organisation of tha kind In southern Oregon. KH ; ELECT A E FAILS TO Floyd Fails of. Required Majority wid Legislature Must --" i Choose. ' -tr '(Jeonial BneeUl Bwvlee.t Concord, N. H... Nov. - Unofflclal re turns in New Hampshire. Indicate that tha voters failed by the narrow margin of 10 to elect ' a , governor. The atata law requires' that the successful candi date receive a majority over the other candidates, and Chsrles M. Floyd of Manchester, - the - Republican nominee, falls short by 10 votes of receiving the needed majority. Unless the official re sult, which will not be complied until next week, shows a change, the legisla ture will be galled upoV to name the next governor. The figures are: Floyd,' Republican, 40,118; Jameson, Democrat, 17,6X4; Teller, Prohibitionist, 1,111; McFall. Socialist, 888; Churchill, I. -awntlt'Wii Vvar Xesloo. ' , Uoarul BpecUl Btt1c. j Albuquerque, N. M., Nov.' I. Com plete returns from 'all but two counties In ths . territory hss greatly reduced tha majority for Andrews, Republican candidate -for delegate to" Congress. The Democrata also claim the missing counties by from 400 to loo eaoh. If confirmed, these . returns will result la the election of La rase lo to congress by from 000 to 800 majority.- 'Colorado BopabUeaa. . (Jeereal (perlal Srrk-.) Denver, Nov. 0. According to the latest returns tha Republicans will have a majority of 44 on joint ballot in the next, legislature which will elect a United States senator to succeed Thomsa sf. Patterson, Democrat. The senate will consist of 18 Republicans and 18' Democrats and the house 48 Re publicans and 1 Democrata. The Lion Special ' I5.00STYLE v.v r ?20 QUAUTY Forty ylcsol Derbies . tad Soil Felt Bals SPECIAL SALE $1.85 LION ClotlunqCb . Qui KllhnProTl, , Mea-a aai Boya Ontflttam IM AJTB 1M TUlD-ITlUt . alehawk aalidia-. - fa . Oloee la aTavada. '' (Jeerssl Bpeotsl Serrlce.l Reno, Nev., Nov. 8 The Indications are that the Democrats will carry tha state by 1,500 votea. The Republicans will have a majority of one In the state senate. The assembly-Is atlll tn doubt Botn sides claim' it by one majority, with the prospect of one Socialist being elected In Esmeralda county. Bepablloaa Majority. (Joerasl SpHi) Brrrloa. r Seattle. Nov; Tha Republican eon- greaatonal ticket swept "Washington by a majority of approximately 88,000. Re ports from every county In the state show that though kninng in the county tickets waa general, the Republican control of Washington . was maintained by proportionately, the same majorities as those given two ytars ago. DESERTER CAUGHT BY LA GRANDE POLICE RwUI Dlsvttcb to. The 7eeraal.l La Orande, Or., Nov, , Last Decem ber a young man - named Richard Vail deserted as a soldier, from his company at fort Worden, Washington,, and haa been at liberty until yesterday; when he waa captured! St this plaoS. Ha haa been taken to Fort Walla Walla. by Chief ot Police Rayburn, where be was pun Ished for his offense. ALASKAN MINERS ON . . ROCK FOR SiX DAYS Seattle, Wash., Nov. . A tale of ter rible suffering endured by, a party of miners in Alaska. While shooting rsp Ida In an Alaskan tlver the party was wrecked upon" a large rock and their scow pounded to pieces. The river was so swift that they were unable to swim ashore and for aix days they remained In the open In the middle of lbs river before- resoues Xouad them, ' . : Happiness in a Tctlet Perfect Health for-Every One Pro cured st Small Coat. ' , How many times have you sat town at your meals absolutely disgusted at the thought or sight of anything to eatt How many' times have you sat down at your meals without the traca of an appetite, but Just because It was "time te eatr .-. How many- times - have you - felt - a gnawing, unsatlaf led "still-hungry reel ing In youry stomach,, even after you were throua-h. aatlne? . How many- times have you - felC tHafj 'Tump of lead on your atomaon .arter eating, whether your meal waa well cooked or notT " And how many tlmea have you Buf fered a whole lot of other things from your stomach that you couldn't explain, but that made you generally aour on everybody and everything? It Is -safe to say you couldn't .tell. Ton don't keep track of those things, of course, but you know you've suffered them: Ton probably have had them for so long that they've become a habit with you, and you have come to the conclu sion that your fate ia to suffer them Indefinitely and perhaps forever. And so men, much like horses, stand ing unhitched st the hitching post, think they're tied, and so their habit, makes them prisoners. ',.;. But no one need have dyspepsia. -nor indigestion, nor lose of appetite, brash, irritations, burning -,, aenaatlona, heart burn, nausea, eructations,- bad memory, loss of vim .and vigor and the happlneas that comes from a healthy stomach and a good appetite if he will only leave his old ' hitching post and tie himself v a new one, one .inn vuiaoia mm to health. Joy, ambition and a clear mind and memory, and tha sunshine that goes with them. That Indeed Is heaven! And you can get It tn a little tablet already pre pared for the. purpose. In Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets, those little cherubs or health and delight found In thousands of homes today. .Listen one Ingredi ent of one of these precious little tablets will dlgeat for you 8,000 gralna of food. This relieves your stomach or the work of digesting until your stomach can get strong and healthy again. Tour stomach has been overworked . and abused. It'a fagged out. It needa a rest. Let Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do the work of your stomach. ' Tou will , be surprised how fine youll feel after eating, and how lusciously good every thing will taste to you. . That's because the Tablets are thoroughly digesting the food which your stomach couldn't digest before. . Hava these tablets on your dining table, and take one or two after every meal without fait Thea you will real ise as never before that tha humaa t stomach decidea for every man whether ha will go forward or backward and besides, you'll forget- you aver had a stomach to termsnt you. - VUVUJaJJi VA V i aa Sold on Hie Ecsy Payment Plan WOODMAN PLAflTO HAVE CAL1PAIGII Will Hold. Open Meetings During the Winterand Boost the i" , Membership. PRIZES ARE. OFFERED T t 7 , . TO ZEALOUS MEMBERS Premiums to Be. Given for Attend ance, Meteberthip -Work and Team Drills Much Enthusiasm Shown U the Moveraent. 'r " 'f "' The Woodmen of the World have ar ranged a scries of open meetings for the winter. General Organiser Day re cently called a committee of three from each camp tn tha city, which met at the west side Woodmen hall, and organised to carry out tha plan of work. As a special attraction ths special committee, which seeks to build up the order fraternally, socially and numerically,- announcea opan meetings- for members and their gentlemen men as. We would like to call your special attention, to our band-tailored, custom-made garments having hand-made col lars, hand-made but tonholes, hand - made lapels. '';-.. Go . where you will. pay what you piease, you cannot 'get - better . styles or more satisfac- tion than at Gevuru & Sons. Our , easy terms of :- a smalls payment down and then j - ' BS ." lvWir'';.;.-:, j I Il73-175 Fl St; 219-227 Yamhill a Week Make it ' convenient and easy to keep neat and comforUbly dressed. Come in to-' iTMrrow and invest! 'gate. v ". - :,aoOM,o.o,,oeooo,,t,Mooooo,oooooa,a A t aarh '.of 'these aatherinsa there will be speechea, -contea-ts, refrestunsnts and music. Tha contests will consist nf boxing, a tug of" war, and pillow fight for pornta. Thsre wlU bo prises for all winners. Bach neighbor -who attenda 10 of these meetings will be entitled to a seat at a banquet to be given at the close of the series of meetings. There has been a letter sent to tha 8,000 members tn the city asking them to at tend the ' gatherings and . bring their friends, . Among tha- numerous prises offered are the following: A gold watch to the camp making the largest per capita In crease during-this movement; a talking machine to tha camp making tha second largest increase per capita; a Ynahogany parlor cabinet to tha camp making the third largest , per capita Increase; 8 cash, presented by William Reldt. to tha neighbor In each camp who turns In tha largest number ot applications dur ing this campaign; a sword to the com pany presenting the-largest number of applications. Many other prises hays been donated by various merchant , 1 Tha - following casapa will contest: Webfoot versus Multnomah, Alblna ver sus Portland, Prospect versus George Washington, Sunnyaide versus Prosper ity, lit Tabor versus Rosa City, Arista versus Lents. Each camp haa its team drilling to enter thla contests, and the nelghbora . look - forward ' to several nights of fine sport. . - Tha first of the aeries of meetings will be held In George Waahlagton camp next Tuesday evening. A good program has been arranged by tha com' mlttee of tha camp. IOWA BANKER KILLED I . IN AUJ0 ACCIDENT ( ' '. .iJMmal BeaeUl arrlee.) - - ': Oskalooaa, lows, Nov. . Henry De Witt, assistant cashier of the Bank of Bully, waa Instantly killed and Cashier Sherman serloualy Injured la an auto mobile acoldent today. - . I H EIRE WAS A BOG CROWD c4t Our House on Thursday Evening ';;,.:rw:..' They cant In hundreds, and aaw tha swellest .i.v.. -tnr tha . ritv most tastefully decorated flowers from Portland. flowers( from Seattle and posies from San rranclaco--beautiful and fragrant blossoms charmingly,, arranged, and every, visitor wss the recipient , of a pretty and valuable souvenir present s with the pleasing compliments of the Outlet management. It was a delighted assembjage. It wss a happy crowd. It was a Joyous people that were here W night. "HAVE TOU SEEK, rmn s-AITLTLKSBLY TAILORED Suils-O'rcoals at $10.00 " t ztt -. We do am ha to ao Ut1b pereoa when It ootnes to oonr- . ieous treatmeat. eplaaald goods and uaua prices. They ire strictly TTnlon Made, guaranteed, and we press them one year free of charge. We also sell ... ' -' SWtJET, ORR CO.'H CELEBRATED TmOsT MASS ' TBOVSXBS - AT FROM Sl.BO TO 7.60 a pair, and anew pair It the first pair ripe. AND THE WOattO-maWOWsniD wxuva SLAT AT 03.OO. These are bar sains for you the quality goods of ths universe at the amalleet prices ever named for apparel s excellent, so fashionable and so full of worth.. T TOU WOULD SEE THE OUTLET imioir-MAsa moss, tou never WOULD WEAR ANOTHER PAIR OF. THE ORDINART MAKES. ' Ours ts a strictly one-prica clothing estab llahment, dealing squarely with every patron, and a child can buy aa favorably here as tha oldest man or woman. ... i ,.. Tha Beat ... Ugh ted Store , In tha City - The Outlet Clothing Co. , . The) Beat ; '-. . That's Mads la '. Kea'B Appaaat, The New t3ulldlna Northsast Cprner. FIreit and Morrison atreeta mm gains' - Ji day OUR STOCK IS TOO LARGE and we have determined to flose them out at reduced , - prices at once.: Come and be convinced. : -1 Childrerfs Long Coats ; Mar1 of m v Ad tan olaid cloth trimmed with1 velvet r collar' ! ' and cuffs. Sises 6 to 12 years; $7-59 va-ue . CA'SO o Lajdics' Long Coats . Made of gray and brown milted Scotch cloth 50 r9 QC ; inches long; $12.50 values go at.Yv. i ........ V Twenty-five sample coats in three-fourths and seven-eighths lengths ; assorted styles and colors ; worth up q q r X to 118.50. g6 today at.'v.. ............... ....V J t Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits triftw aamnla Suits in mixed and olaid cloths: assorted colors and styles ; worth up, to $30. ; Your . j. C I ; Kf Z '': choice at. ....... ' .V ; x Silk Petticoats We have Just received a double order of black and colored t silk petticoats which will be on sale also at .Cft Kf T reduced prices; $9.00 values at.......i;....;v'-,y I ' MILLINERY ALWAYS A SPECIALTY AT i Le Palais moyal .375 WASHINGTON STREET, eeeeeeil -!'.". i-"' X",f ' ..'jV - .l - .'1. . 4 .'' - ;' 1 ' '. t ', ' ' Stylish, Serviceable Indispensable Are the rain repelling coats we show for men. young men and boys. Every garment is made of materials of best standard in plain and fancy worsteds, cheviots and unfinished -worsteds, cut in close to form and loose fitting s effects. The suits and overcoats appeal to ; clever dressers for their characteristic individ uality. They please and satisfy,, yet they are moderately priced. Our part payment plan ' privileges you to select and wear your outfit " and pay for same later on at your own conve nlence, say $1.00 A WEEK. , -j i i '- ' .. t - if'" Eastern Outfitting Go. Visit On ChlU tsea'e Olothiaf seotloa. ,.. The Store Where Your Credit: Is Good Strong Speelala la Om ktea's ac nlahins; aottoa. Washington and Tenth I - T i .