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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY- EVENING. NOVEMBER 9. 1803. S3 HIE RIOBONERS RUSH TO DEFEND THEIH filll? ilflD HOtlEST 1AL1E Declare Suffragist Fight Was Matter of Policy, and Not Attempt , ,-- of WrC; Tr U. to Rule lganization by Electing Officers. t- ' ' There is 'no dissenalon In the ranks ' - of the slate organlsattoa-of -the,.W. C ' . "Mrs. Cnruh la not an agitator, but !-"-r jwa well supported aa a candidate, for . preeirien. aa tha teturne snowed, ana If thejDunlwey faction had not Intro- duced sVmany "new" members It would . k suffered ixnomlnious aereai." .'We wtra not fighting lira Dunlway aa. W. C T. U. woman, but as lutrrii ' t lata who wara opposed to her- EflllSY. ' ' and much of tha oppoaltlon to her aa president waa from woman outside that organisation." , - There are a faw of tha thlnga aald by W. C. T. V. woman In regard to tha statement mada by ma board of tha W. T. C. u. In regard to tha convention -" and tha ramarka made about Mrs. I'n- ruh by Mrs.. Dunlway. - Mra. Unruh ta out of town and no her opinion on tha matter cannot ba learned, but the anti-Diinlway women have taken , up tha cudgels in' her behalf. , ' . Tha Central union Of .W'.C T.' U. met -Wednesday afternoon and Mias Francaa OoUhall brought up the mstter- regard ' ' lng tha statement mada by tha etate " organisation. . , . Mo rally Considered. 1 do not think that tha matter waa fully considered." . aaid ' Mlaa ' Ootahalt, assistant recording secretary of tha W. c. T. U.. "for If it had been and tha - circumstances understood I am. onfl- dent that auch a atatement would not hare been made aa It waa wholly nn . necessary, to aay tha ksaet, I ara assis tant reoordlng secretary : of -the state organisation and tha paper ahould have coma to ma for signature aa a member -of the board and If thia had been dona I ahould have put. tha matter dearly ' before tha other members and eon , rlnced them that auch a mora waa not at all neeeaaary. ,. "We did not aot as W. C. T. V. wo men in that convention and whatever action we aaw fit ta take waa taken aa , Individual suffragist Of course If the atate board thought it adviaabla to . make a atatement an to 0REG0:i MILK WOULD FLOAT SEVERAL BATTLES HIPS 7: esanBsenBJBsesSBneaBiBjssae ' Statistics Reveal Great Wealth of -; Dairy Products Produced ;" During Last Year. Oregon milk during 105 by Oregon sows would have floated several battle ships If It had all been poured Into one - big lake at one time. According to the' statistics which are" to be set out In tha ennuaT report of State Dairy ' and "Food Commlslaoner Bailey, which he la now making ready for tha legislature, the aggregate value of the dairy pro ducts for waa IZS.aoo.OOO. of thia sum perhaps llt.000,000 was for butter. the remainder representing other milk, cream and cheeae products. ' The Increase of the buslneaa dons by the Oregon dairymen In Hoi over 'the year previous will come cloaa to 44 per cent. It li estimated that I2.SO0.OOO gallona of milk were produced during the year and 300,000 cases of condensed milk, practically, all of which went to the Alaska trade. ' It is estimated that 4.000.000 pounds of-cheeas'-were- manufactured - by- tha various factories of tha state. - During the coming session of tha legislature, Mr. Bailey will endeavor to have the legislature provide an amendment to, the pure food law . by which reports from creameries over the stats will ba $4 173-175 First Street,. Saturday Special State Suffragist Oi their position aa an organisation.: well and gool, but we dq object to the use of the word 'rabble' In regard to our action at the' crnvjt!on. It la almply a misunderstanding on the part of Mra Brown, Mra Mastera and Mra. Sharps, aa none of them were present Saturday, but gained their Information from hear aay. - I have no doubt but what' they will stand by the WC. T. U. women who. were st that .election when the facta are known by them, but pot aa an organisation.' ; .. , - , What tha Others Think. , " A. Other membera of the W. C. T. U. think with Mlaa Gotshall'that It waa all a mistake and misunderstanding on the part of the women who composed the atate board, and that there will be absolutely no trouble over the mat ter. - "V- "Every woman, who la not a follower or' friend -of Mra. Dunlway, wlir stand by Mra. t'nnih,- said Mra M. T. Midden, a suffragist and a Yv. C; T. 17. woman who- took a prominent part In tha an r.ual election Saturday.. "Aa far aa the W. C. T. IT. ta concerned, wa never did want to folat prohibition on tha suf frage ahtp, but have acted aa atratght auffragiata clear through. We nomin ated Mra. Unruh because wa were op posed to the policy of Mrs. Dunlway, and knew that there would be much dls aatlsfactlon throughout tha atate If 'aha ware elected. .We came too near win ning -for there to be any question aa to Mra. Unruh being supported by the whole antKDuniway faction." . Matter of Policy, She Says. . ' Mra Clara Bewick Colby, although a staunch supporter- of . Mra Unruh, - Is not a W. C. T. U. woman and never haa been. "It la wholly a matter of policy." aald aha. "and the W. T. C. U. aa aa organisation had nothing whatever to do with tha nomination of Mra Unruh aa president. There were many who did not and never will support Mra Dunl way and her policy, and therefore thia opposing faction decided to run Mra Unruh, who ' Is a well-known suff rag- sent to him earlier In tha year In order to facilitate , his work. The commis sioner waa assisted In hla work of com piling the reports by P. Mcintosh, act ing dairy Inspector. ... A NEW DEPARTURE Tha Oort af la term en ta Mas Been Q real ly Bednoed by the Hobaaa Under : taking Company. . . Heretofore It haa been the cuatom of funeral dlrectora to make chargea for all Incidentals connected with a funeral. Tha Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July . 1I0, will depart from thia old euatom. Whan the caaket la furnished by us Its coat will Include all chargea, auch aa conveying the remains to our -chapel, outside boa, embalming, hearse to cemetery and all services which may be required of ua except clothing, cemetery and earrlagea thus effecting a saving of 111 to 7t oa each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN. UNDERTAK ING COM PANT. ' tlo Third atreet. corner Balmon BAKER MEN PROPOSE ; CITY FREIGHT BUREAU " Baker City, Or.. Nov. t. Several lead ing bualneaa men of Baker City held an Informal meeting and decided to form a freight bureau for the handling of gen eral, traffic mattera In Baker City. Traf fic In this territory la aaauming auch proportions that It requires an expert to look after tha.-bualneaa, adjust ratea and protect the Interests of the ahlppera, as is done In many of the-larger cities. TA All day Saturday we shall have on Special' Sale solid oak, weathered and golden, and ma- hogany finished Pedestals at the great reduction, 50' Per Cent on the price. . , " . . Pedestals for Only mm There are two sizes in the lot; some are 20 inches, others 36 inches in height, with 10-inch bases and tops. See Yamhill street .window for display. On sal?ALL DAY TOMORROW , - ' 1219-227 Yamhill RUflDOVN FE1 GRIP fia. wouaHt1 rone rats on . TVIS XOMU. Of DJCBIUTT. After TfTects ef Orlp aaapoaalble fot jiaca nevora guirering xna xws . , Baaedy Will BeUave. . "Four yenrs ago," aaya Mra. F. Mor rison bfTNo. 1933 Caraon atreet. Boutn Bide. Pittsburg.' Pa, 'I took a cold whlchTlurned Into tha grlp.Thla trouble iert me ail run down. I waa tnin. naa backache much of the time, had no ap petite, my atomaeh waa out- of - order and 1 felt nervous and unstrung. . "While I had the grip t had a doctor, but I really Buffered more from tne con1 dltlon In which the Influenaa left: me than I did from the dlsesse Itself. felt generally wretched and miserable and the least exposure to cold would make mo worse. I couldn't seem to get any better until I began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla I very .quickly noticed a benefit after I began taking them and they restored me to good health and strength. Dr. Williams" Pink Pills are a wonderfully good medicine. Thanka to them I am now in Una health and have had. no return of my former trouble. . I recommend the puis to everyone who la ailing and take every opportunity to )et . people know now good they ara" Dr. Williams- Pink Pills cured Mra Morrison because they actually make good, red blood. When the blood la red and healthy there can na no oeDiiuy. The relation between the blood and nervous ayatem la auch that the pills have a very decided . action , upon tha nervea and they .have cured many se vere nervoua dlaordera, such aa partial paralysis, locomotor - ataxia and - 8t. Vitus' dance, that have not yielded to ordinary -treatment. . Their double no tion, on the blood and on me nerves, makes them an Ideal tonic. 15.000 REWARD The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. has authorised the cashier of tha Union National Bank of Schenec tady, N. T., to pay the turn of 15,000 upon proof of fraud on the part of the company in the . publication of the foregoing ' testimonial, or any others used In making known ths merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pllla - All druggists sell Dr. Will la mr Pink Pills, or they will be sent by mall post paid, on - receipt f price, 10 cents per box. six boxes for, by tne Dr. wii liams Medicine Co., Schenectady. N. T. NEEDLEWORK GUILD HOLDS AHKUAL D1STRIBUTI0M . Charitable" Institutions "arid Pd vata Families . Receive Dona . tions of Useful Articles. The Portland branch of the Needle work Guild of America made Ha annual distribution of clothes and household supplies yesterday, and tha officers worked from morning till late In tha evening filling tha orders from different charitable Institutions.' Mrs. 8. J. Reed Is president of the association and she waa aaalated In the dlatrlbutlon of about 1.500 useful artlolea by Mra W. H: Brewster, Mrs. Alexander- Bernstein, Mra. K. 8. Hamilton. Mra. William Jones, Mlaa Kate Glle, Mlaa Anna Cremen, Mlaa Kate Cronln, Mlaa De Fries and a cum ber of other .young women. Ths Needlework guild Is a well-organ Ised charitable Institution and extends much practicable aid to the different charity organlsatlona of tha city, be sides helping Individual families. The guild receives donations of clothes and houaehold articles during ths year.' and at their annual dlatrlbutlon they ara aent where they will do the moat practl cal good. . Tha donation of two. ready-to-wear garments entitles the sender to a year s membership In the guild, but, of course, a person may donate as many mora articles as desired. - Portland merchants will be urged by Mrs. Reed' to maks their charity' dona tions through the guild, as this will Insure that much more regular aid to the association, besides relieving the merchants of constant cajla for money during tne year. . The Institutions which received dona tions yesterday were the Salvation Army Rescue home; St Mary's ' orphanage, Magoaiene noma, juvenile court Deten tlon home, the Flower Mlaalon'a Day nuraery,' Baby home, crlttenton ' home. Volunteers of America, Open-AIr sani tarium. Home for tha Aged, SL Vin cent' a hospital. Visiting Nurses' associa tion, Good Samaritan hospital. Boys' and Girls' Aid society. Home forWprk!ng uina, oaivauon Army ttescue home, Peoples Institute,, St. Agnes' Baby nome. ration noma, children's home, and It private families. - SAYS AMERICANS GET BUT UTILE BENEFIT Karl Hansen Declares They Are Pushed Away From Rooker- ' ' ies of Aleutian Islands. Karl Hansen, maater-at-arms" on the United States revenue ' cutter Perry, which cruised In the Behling sea during th summer, says that Americans derive fewer benefits from the seal Industry In those, wstera than any other nation ality. . Hansen is spending a vacation In this city. Ha was one of a party of five from the Perry which surveyed .the strange Island which appeared In Reti ring aea soon after the San Francisco earthquake. The laland was discovered by the crew of the Perry, jwhlchv was Investigating' conditions of the sealing Induatry at the time. "The International laws pertaining to tha sealing Induatry are peculiar," he aald. "in that Americans are kept. 4 way from the rookeries near the "Aleutian Islands. They are in American watei-e-l and American boats constantly patrol the sea to aee that ths laws are not violated by seal huntera. . "Imaginary lines have been eetab- llahed and are known as the limits, that Is, tha cloaeat point to ths rookeries to which anyone Is permitted to approach, Americana can't approach at all. while Japs and Mexicans msy go within thr?e miles of the rookeries. British veaaels may not approach nearer than 0 miles. "It waa for alleged violation of the lawa that the shooting episode with Japs occurred early. In the summer. I waa with tha party of Americana at the time, but nothing serious resulted from tha occurrence." 1 .. :. DlToree ttnl. (tHwtal D1p( te Tkt Jnsraal.) Pendleton. OrM eVoV. Frank Roach haa sued for divorce from - Eulalla Roach, (the ault having been filed yes terday. The twit were -married In Walla vtalla. February ZR. 1S, and they have two children-. The 'plaintiff . chargea abuse en Um part' of Ue defsndaat. : YOU: WILL PAV ' MOVER BET THAT HEARST WILL BE MAYOR New Attomey-CeneraLWilLSe- Cure a Recount of Votes Cast a Year Ago. DEMOCRATIC TICKET.! Lil: EXCEPT HEARST WINS Good Patronage for Democrat Up Stitg Enables Them to Build Up OrganigetionCroker and . Jerome Talk on Situation. . (Joaraal Iperlal Berrlee;) ' New Tork. Nov. t. Later returns In dicate that . the entire Democratic state ticket, with tha exception of , Hearst, has been sleeted by falr-slsed pluralltlea As a result, bets are being offered that W. R. Hearst will be seated .In the may oralty chair within the year.' , ; William 8. Jackaon of Buffalo haa been elected attorney-general. He la a devoted follower of Hearst and will probably at once compel a recount In the votes cast In the mayoralty election year ego, sn sctlon which , Attorney General Mayer has persistently refused to do. . Pemoc ratio ayoaage. " The patronage of the offlcea to whfch Democrats have - been elected far ex ceeds that of the governor and enables ths Democrats to build up an up-state organisation for. the first time tn many year a . - The Democratic atate committee Is tn session today to take action on the ac tion of the Republicans In withholding the returns of Republican countlea " An honest count is demanded. .' -Baadbag Did It. Diatrict Attorney Jerome makes the following comment on the recent elec tion: . . "If Hearat had . not - undertaken to aandbag the Democratic party-Into ac cepting him and had made himself an Integral part of the Democratic party. the result. In my opinion, would have been a aweeplng Democratic-victory. He would then have had a powerful and Important pol tlon In It. He did not take that course, however, end I don't see how ha can become a candidate tn the Democrat la party again. The Amer ican people are always willing to forget and to forgive. ; . ."Hearat can do much good yet Hi papers have a powerful Influence and If he hahdlea himself with good poise and Judgment In matters generally he can accomplish much good. . He must aban don the wholesale abuse of anybody and everything and must confine himself to attacking In a clean way the abases which he wants td aaaaiL ' His psst of fense' will then be forgotten and, for given. He eould be of service to the organisation. He . muat . decide his eeurse, however." - , - .; . Croket vPralaes, HearsV . , An interview' telegraphed from Rich ard Croker quote the former boss as saying:- - ; " - . .,, "I think tha election wilt prove a con siderable education to Sir, Hearst," said i'SM " V : . - THAT WE OFFER AT ' " , DON'T YOU Boys' Boys' WHEN YOU SEE IT Wdtell Wsffi hi a mm The James Means 53.C3 Shoe for Men Means Footwear Unsnr- passed in Every Attribute oi Goodness We like to commend them because they represent so much for the small amount of money , required to procure them. They wear like rawhide and give perfect satisfaction to every buyer. B MORI'S SHOE: STflBE; Cures Biliousness, Sick "Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to tah Mr. Croker, "and I am sure he will profit by It, slthoueh defeated. In my opinion Mr. Hearat Is bound to bs a fsctor In politics. If hs eould hare held his own vote and if he bad had the support of Independent laborlne men I believe hs would have' been elected by 100.000 plu rality. He has mads a remarkably food fight and he has reason to be proud of tt." ...... FROZEN TYPHOID GERM ' ' SOURCE FOR ANXIETY . . .r;-.."r,V, The frocen typhoid germ la now ths particular microbe causing . aneaslness to the minds of the members of the state board of health. These gentle men who have been trying td drive the germs out of buslneaa have turned their attention to the ice supply of the etate with the intention of forcing all loe manufacturer to use absolutely pure k naa oeea proven, wai creasing wiu FROM1$3.00TO$5.00 MORE INEjHGH JIENT DISTRICT FOR EXACTLY THINK IT WOULD PAY YOU Raincoats $5.00 to $10 Overcoats $3.95 tO;$l6 W OUR AD IT'S And not a man, woman, girl or boy, big, little, old or young that have been wearing our superb Footwear have -.-felt a morsel of dampness on their feet. We sell a quality . of shoes that are really life preservers, because in pro- , tectihg -the feet from moisture they preserve the health - and prolong the life. Today Wc Direct Your Attention to Our Cele brated American Girl $2e50Slioe :v The personification : of excel lencegreatest shoe on earth, for the money -fashionable to a dot- pretty as a rose. mim Laxative Fruit Syrup jf rom saia bt ajuc nvaaxaru. For the Greatest FUR SALE ever held in the WestNo v. 16 and 17. LM.Achesoti & Co. FffFF 1A1 PIPTH STRnP.T l.llaWaW Wholesale and Retail. ',- Betweea Washington.and Alder Sts. not kill the typhoid germ, and It le known that many ice plants do not uae pure water In the production of their lea. In all oases within the stste where thl can be shown the etate board will ee that either condition ara changed THE SAME . 1 TO INVESTIGATE SO' and OAK THIRD "HONEY SAVERS IN FOOTWEAR" 230-23? Morrison Street, Near 2d Cleanses the system thoroughly , and clears sallow complexions of es and blotches.' guaranteed BT Wa or proeaeutlons follow.- The board haa now sent out circulars to alt cities and towns making Investigation of the source of their supply. Looks a UtUe like rain, tla't ltt ' FURS ' ) . H ).: I. 1 ' , . '.V v