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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
IS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 0. ISC J. IIEYOURN SNUBBED DY PRESIDENT Four Ntw Forest Reserves Cre Lat4 W 44h Ovr Protest of Senaton t OVER SEVEN MILLIONS" ; ...uOF ACRES WITHHELD Shothfine, Lemhi; Kootenai and Sal mon and Raft River Reserves Cre ated Numerous Additions to Are V Included in Sawtooth Reserve. , (Jonrnal Speri.I ServIcO " ' Washington. Nov. . .Bef or leaving for Panama laat night President Rooae velt aigned proclamatjons creating four new forest reserves In Idaho and en- Urging- two others, v adding " 7.40,I0 ecree to tha. forest . reserve arc of Idaho, w rbV" i0..8"""0 HerJu., proteated- the creation of tha additional ' reserves and fought-both ta and out of the senate against the forest reserve policy oa tha ground thst It hindered development of tha state. ' ghoshone-JUserre. ' Tha Shoshone reeerve la created la conjunction with the Coeur d'Alena re- aerve, adjoining It on tha north, and two Senator W. B. Heybunu othera to be known aa tha Coeur d'Alena reserve... Their aggregate area la t.150. 000 seres. They lie In Shoshone and ... Kootenai counties, extending northward, to tha middle of Lake Bend d'Oreille. . Tha Lemhi reserve, next In else, em- -braces-l.It.40 acres In Lemhi and Custer counties. . The reserve' consists of three nasrow strips of land running northwest and southeast adjoining the Montana boundary. Innumerable atreame that empty Into the Lemhi river head la thla territory. In extreme northeastern Idaho, on tha r British Columbia- and Montana lines. Iti. 14 acres have been reserved, form. Ing but a small segment of the -larger Kootenai reserve tn Montana. . Like tha Lemhi, this reserve lies on tha west slope of the Rocky Mountains "-- sjalaaoa Kiver Xeaerre. -'. Tha Salmon River reserve In Lemhi ' and Custer counties embraces 1.201.120 acres. It comprises a .solid block of mountainous country lying between the Salmon river and tha middle fork of the Salmon river. ' la Caaala and Oneida counties JI1.I7S scree nave been aet apart aa the Raft River reserve, embracing many tribu taries of. Raft river and Deep creek. . Numerous additions are made to the Sawtooth reeerve. their aggregate area being 1. 171,780 acres. These additions are made at various points along the present boundary., ; i- . A nil has been left . a ' fortune on condition that he does ' not use any liquor for medicinal purposes. But he caa be 111 aa much aa bo likes. - PABST BEER MOST POPULAR ' ; tf. w .. - Z K c American People Appreciate Clean , Wholesome Beverag;e. 1 With the Increased 'consumption of - beer the public Is becoming more and more discriminating. Once upon a time 7 beer waa beer, but now we are becoro- 4 ing very particular what we drink In the way of beer. Each brewer makes . his own. particular brand or brands, each with hie own particular flavor, . 5 color and other marked characteristics. .' 'While tha process of brewing is the .jMiM .-in general it -ie not at all the . aame In particular. ' ' , " In thla It might be well to know that y Pabat la recognized In thla country and u abroad aa the pioneer In perfecting tha ' cleanest process for making beer aa well as being tha leader In tha sclenee of . brewing. It was Pahst who first recog . nlsad not alone the desirability, but ths ' . naceaalty of absolute cleanliness la brewing, cooling and sglng beer. Today - he leads In the oleanllness of his . "process. Pabst Beer la not .cooled In ' open rooms where men walk In and out, but In aealed coolers where only Altered air csn reach It Pabst Beer la not aaed f In opea vata but In aealed tanka where It stars until science shows It perfect ' In age. purity and strength. Pabat Blue Ribbon Beer Is always ex - . r actly tha same. The exquisite flavor never changes, bare use Pabst yeast '". "' with which Psbst beer ta fermented Is " always grown from tha origins! mother cell In Pasteur tubes and tanka, where . there Is not tha slightest chance for , outside contamination. It ' is always . made from Pabst exclusive (-day malt grown under , tha watchful eyes of trained scientlata who maks It Just ths ' same and Just right every time. Only the choicest Imported bops are used, thus It la rich in tonlo properties. It never leavea tha brewery -until fully aged and perfect In purity and strength the cleanest beer brewed. Thus It la In . these ' deya of ' dls ' crimination Pabst Blus Ribbon Beer Is the moat popular beer with tha doctors and tha people who' -value its richness and ita cleanliness. ...... .. kori a co. .' Maia see 1 CWrwer Third and Pise -' ' ' Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer vi . wbex oaocauia ask won rABit LI f Th. Housewife's Society. 'Tha German Housewife's society of New Tork baa bean In evidence about elx years... and has-a large- member-shin.- Tha object of thla strange soci ety la to protect the lnteresta of both housewives and servants and to en- ourage aervanta to stay In one place instead of continually changing. The society aota aa a aort of employ ment bureau and secures positions for glrle but only three different placea la a year.- .The girl who cannot satisfy herself or an employer after changing her poaiton three times la Judged In competent or unreasonable, and the so ciety has no mora to do with her. All girls coming from the old country are obliged to have atgned certificates In. regard to honesty and character before they are given a place, and It they do anything .. to forfeit the confidence placed la them they are put on the black list,- and refused positions. I It Is tha aim of thla society to have the duties of both maid and mistress thoroughly understood, and tha mis- tress must not expect mora than aha willing to pay the girl for. Tha un- reasonableness of some women In this regsrd la ona of the potent causes of servant troubles, and yet the housewife never seems to recognise any responsi bility In ths matter, but wonder why It la that she cannot keep tha aame girl for any -length of time. Virtue la rewarded In tha German Housewife's society. Every girl, who remains In the same place for two yeara Is given a suggestive -little gold "busy bee' pin, and every girl who remains three yeara or. more la rewarded by re ceiving a silver watch, while five yeara' service with the same family entltlea the lucky maid to a gold watery, ,, . - ' . Perhaps an even better -method Of re ward would ba to increase tha pay In proportion to the yeara of service. One of tha reaaona why the majority of girls are so inefficient is because the quality of their service really haa very little, to do with the amount of their wages theie Is aket pay schedule, and ability baa very little to do with it In other positions a girl may rise her pay tncreaaea with her ability to do better work aba haa a well-defined goal to reach, but the eervant girl 'la paid tha aama from year to - year, until her strength, which la her stock lu trade, begins to fail, end after that her pay gradually decreases until aha la scarce, ly able to live on her earnings. When this la tha case why will women wonder that girls ' should prefer almoat any other work to that of domeatlo ser vice, j The German housewives are taking a step In the right direction, but they are making tha mistake of regarding tae servant girls aa dependents to ba re warded aa tha housewives deem best It Is' too nearly silled to charity.- and self-respecting girls who are working hard and faithfully will resent such an attitude on the part of employers, Jt would bo aa Just and reasonable If the servant, girls were to give pre miums to the woman employer who treated them with the moat considera tion) -bow do- you think -the employera would receive such action? -And yet tt is exactly tne aame proposition. It la high time that aoma action waa taken In regard to bettering tha posi tion of the servant girl and by ao doing obtain mora aff relent servants, but lei such action be legitimate and not a matter dependent on tha charity of tha employer : 'St st St i ' Sewing Room Cabinet A Massachusetts inventor, noticing tha disorderly condition in which sew ing articles are generally allowed to remain, haa devised a sewing cabinet; wnion anould be of tntereat to every woman, . ' : " " It comprises, a holder for spools, pine and needles and other small . arttciea used In sewing and la conducive to tha utmost convenience in preserving an orderly and always accessible arrange ment'of tha articles needed. I Mounted upon a circular base are two circular stands, tha upper one be ing tha smaller of the two. Arranged around each tha steps thus formed arc a number of upright stubs for sup porting tha spools of silk and cotton. Secured to the top la a handle for lift ing and moving tha holder. Beeldea the spools, cushions for pins and needles are also attached to the base. A ' further aadltlon la a drawer for odds and ends, which - Is placed -In the lower stand When not la use tha holder la encased In a cover. st st st - ; ; Yellow in High Fsvor. Tellow in all Ita shadea la In hfe-h favor thla season, and In some of the newer . tonea Is wonderfully beautiful. It la a color that la alwaya at its bent in rich materials, and Inasmuch ss vel vet, silk and fine cloth make favorite materials tha results of ths fashion are altogether satisfactory. Tellow la always an attractive eolo. and shades can ba found to ault almoat all complexions, there being a wtd range from tha pale corn colore to the deep orange. .As a matter of course, the deeper ahadea are used only In bits. One can hardly Imagine an entire cos 4 turns of burnt orange, but aa trimming or as relief from a darker color It U often superb. An elegant costume of black and white checked velvet lies touches of thla brilliant yellow on the coat which renders whst otherwise would be quite a commonplace eoatume one of exceeding charm and distinction. War dinner and reception wear chiffon. velvet and chiffon cloth appear to ehare tha honors almost equally ' Two cos tumes noted Within the week serve to Illustrate the possibilities of both, and also to demonstrate how yellow la used with rare effect. Both are made with tha hew empire skirts, the later modifi cations of which-are ao graceful and becoming, and are In round length. The velvet gown waa In the beautiful ahade known aa banana, which la peculiarly lustrous In that -material, and waa made with two plaits at each aide of the front and with embroidery on tha panel ao lormea, ouMtnerwiee was plain. There waa a skeleton or overwalat with the big armholsa that are characteristic of the season, sad whloh was out out to form a very deep yoke at bee and front. All the edgea were edged with tha em broidery In which heavy gold thread was used, while the- gulmpe wss of Irish lace. . .. The second costume was ot ths cloth combined with .chiffon. andV trimmed after an altogether novel manner with laee crocheted from heavy silk thread In ths exact color of the cloth, the ahade being a deep, rich one that la almost an orange. Tha skirt was made with a narrow front panel onto which i tha circular aides were overlapped, and these overlapping edgea. held by crocheted buttona that were aet rather close to gether from the belt for a distance of about 19 to It Inches. There were double Inverted -plaits at the back.- and these, -too, were hald by buttons, other-, wis the skirt was plain.,. The blouse was an entirely, novel one, wita one el MRS. A usns WOOD . Mrs. A. uses wood because she thinks It-Is- cheap.' She get a a great lot of it at a time, and for a while tha premises are a regular woodysrd. Very . likely It " gets a good soaking .before It la aawed and spilt and piled In the-cellar, and then -It burna badly; it smokes and smells; on time the Are la hot,' and tha next time It goea out. - It haa to be constantly watched," and la never tha aame. , ' ( ' " ' ' Consider thfrri$ of Coal and Wood In Portland i they're high enough at an : time- nd higher' , now than ever. ' Consider the Wave, Work, Worry and Dirt that their .use entails. TODAY ISA GOOD If vour house is already .estimate of just what it will v1ixtures that you would like. less than you suppose. " If your house is not piped for gas, Jet us Estimate the expense of putting it in. We'll give you close figures, and make it an object to have it done at once. We can doubtless do it with very little trouble and at a very reasonable figure. . f Write, Phone or Call Without Delay. The Quicker You "Act, the Quicker the Benefit to You .:::.:.v. ;" A'T YOU R SERVICE, 'JLjI: THE tha double chemisettes that are so well liked and so often to ba noted, and which combined orange-colored chiffon with tucked white net. Tha little waist ttaelf was out-out very low and. made with tiny, fancy, loose aleevea, finished with tha crocheted edging. Tha gulmpe waa made of a yoka of tucked white net and lower portion of tucked chiffon. with full aleevea of the tucaea enirron with tiny UtUe under ones of ths white net - '-.--' - ; st.;....,- Ideas fori Gift Satchets.i -To the tale of the scent sachet there Is no end, from the tiny bit of perfumed cotton Banned into the strep Of the gar ter, to those a yard or more In lengtli. comDletelv covering the bottom of the bureau drawer, and perhaps no other trlf lee offer quite so . many ways of utilising small scraps of silk or riDDOJi aa do these dainty articles. ' - A ball of scented wedding tied. Into a simple square of soft silk, red, old rose or yellow, becomes a beautiful dahlia when tha four upstanding cor ners are notched and a disk of card Ward covered with yellow French knots Is set Into the center, answering equally well for a aatchet or a perfumed pln- eushlon. : 1 1 ; ' - Another useful way of utilising a short length of silk or a atrip of broad ribbon la in making a corset bag. The ai)k or ribbon Is for tha outatde, a fine lawn or organdy- providing a lining. Both are cut and made In exactly the aame way, the material just doubled and the long ends sewn together form ing a long bag, the Interlining being of sheet wadding sprinkled with satchet powder. Ribbons passing through rings at the mouth of the bag afford means of opening and closing eaaily, and such a novel accessory would without doubt make a charming and moat acceptable gift V.' ' .r,..-. ... ' t st n -, , Some Recipes. ' Baked Haddock (oyster stuffing) After removing head, skin and backbone front a four-pound haddock, rub with salt and lemon Juice. Piece one half In a buttered baking aheet and cover thick with oysters which have been rolled tn buttered crumbs, seasoned to taste. Cover with tha other half of fish snd brush with beaten egg. . cover with crumbs and bake S minutes in a quick oven." Baked Halibut Put In a baking pan four slices of thin salt pork, two sl.loos of onion and a amall bay leaf. Oh tup of thla lay a two-pound slice of halibut Cream together one tablespoonful cf butter and one tabieapoonrui or. nour and spread this over the fish. Cover with buttered bread crumoa ana sman strips of salt" pork. Put Into a rather quick oven and bake 21 mlnutea. Tal:e out the fish witn a case turner ana place on a hot platter. Garnish with slices or lemon ana sprigs oi parsiey. No sauce Is required. Cheese Balls. Little balls of rich cream cheese, seasoned lightly with paprika and with English walnut meats pressed Into ine siaen, msae a lasiy ana ttrsptive earnlsh for most vegetable end fruit salads. Three or four of the balls msv be nested m lettuce leaves or watercress and be dressed witn on and vinegar. Minced nuts or olives are sometimes mixed witn tne cneess ror the balla, o the balls are rolled, some times, in minced nuts or In minced parslsy. They are alao tasty mlaed with minced green pepper. Green pep pers and cream cheese, by tha way, make a delicious sandwich filling. A simple way of cooking mushrooms. Peel and atalk tne muanrooms, put them In a amall baking jar with ona ounce or more of butter according to tha number of tha mushrooms, sprinkle with pepper and aalt, cover clossly so ae to keep the at earn In: bake for about one-half hour In a moderate oven, tbea aerve on a hot dlah. KILLS TWO IN TRYING ' TO COMMIT SUICIDE ' t Journal flpeelal Sertlr. ) Chicago, Nov. -Disappointed In a love affair, Aloysle Maral, aged 17. un dertook tq slay Wefself by turning on the gae In a room at tha German hoe plta.1 In the -dormitory with her were three fcther girls. Two of them are dead and the ether fa dying as a result of in baling the gas. , The girl who desired to die will re eover; At the Lerrebee polloe station MRS. C. ' Mrs. C. uses gas? It. is delivered, right in' the stove, and 'she1 doesn't have to tramp up and downstairs to carry it in. , It never-gets wet, it never smokesr and it burns without odor. It is always ready for Use, is -hot instantly, makes a fire of just the exact heat she desires, burns as Jong as she wants it and not a moment longer. , There 'is not a particle of waste, there can be a hot 'fire under one kettle and a slow fire under another just "as much or as little as . desired reno'ugh for-one pot or four; it is clean, there is no dust, it is safe for it will.' never set the chimney afire It is, in fact, everything that could be wished for, and not a single thing that it should not be. A scratch . of a match, the turn of a hand that tells the story. , , v TIME as good as will ever come TO CONSIDER piped for gas, let us give you an cost to install the stove or other It will most likely be much You saye 33 per -- 'y'"..' y3QlY Rocker $12.00 Rockfers for $8.00 $ 9.00 Rockers for $6.00 $ 6.00 Rockers for $4.00 ; $ 4.50 Rockers for $3.00 We have the best assorted Rocker stock in town. An unusual chance to save money on your Christmas present' Pay us a small amount down.' We'll hold it until you are ready for it. . - v ; J ' One-Third Off ; OnerThird.Off One-Third Off '; , Whether Bought on Time or for Cash. Portland Agents for her lover, John Chamasoo. la held pris oner, pending a rigid Investigation . of the entire affair. Dead; ; Hannah Be hlrbar, aged J0; Rose Btupa, aged 21; dying, Aloyala lLotrl, aged SI. A11 the glrla were employed at .the hoapltaL They attended a party and returned lata, letting themselves Into the dormitory with a night key. . The Mars! girl had met her faithless lover at the party and It Is supposed she was so discouraged after an Interview with him that ahe determined to end her life. She la yet In auoh a condition that she cannot give a connected atory of tha tragedy. t j Mo J. SSllaSatisfaction TEE I CEEITS CF WCCD. COAl AND CAS STEISRGIY CCr.PAKED ; MRS. D uans coal. . -Mrs. B. uses coal. (What It lacks la bulk It makaa up In weight, and it breaks Somebody's back lugging It. in to the stove. It takes a, long time to ge a. hot fire, and than If a hot a long time after she's through with it Then there are tha ashes to-be carted out, and the dust that settles mora or lesa . aU over tha house. " There's waste of time and heat, and a lot ; of trkaoma labor, , . . . . . . ' - "' . USBS OAS End forever all the Jrudgeiy, dirt, worry and disadvan tages which the use of wood and coal compel. . Make your kitchen labors a pleasure and a satisfaction. - And begin to cut your fuel bills down. . - . . ' . . , . GO Fifth and Yamhill Sts. Tomorrow is the Last Day of Room Making cent on every Rocker; whether you buy it for caH or on time - . v'f .. Laurel Ranges "All HARRIMAN LINES BUY THOUSANDS OF BOXCARS (Journal gneelel Service.) Chicago, Nov. 9. Prompted by the congeatlon of trafflo and tha ear short age for thla year, tbe Harrimaa lines are making purchases of freight equip ment for HOT on a grand scale. It waa announced yesterday that they now have orders for 11,000,000 worth of re-, frlgeretor. box, flat and gondola cars, all of which It Is expected will be de livered before the aeaaon ot heavy traf- Prix - . Mm Coupon . Mo Cfookmry - Never Sold in Bulk. 1, 2, 2 and & Pound Tin Only A. Folger. & Co. Saa franciBCO '. .. -: Consider well th " , extreme cheapness ;-J ; of Gas, the . ; Saving of Time ; -and Labor, ' V the Better Results, , ; if-many V'- Advantages from f Every Possible Standpoint. ' THE FUEL QUESTION aa.1 Our. FURNITURE, COMPANY 184-186 First St: the Credit you want" fie next year. - T'- - ' .- 1 v The tn rill mmh., t derefl by them but hot yet delivered la '"'" vi mnt s.fuo are rerngerator cara These will be of the most mod ern type and will cost fl,00 eaeh. About soft of them will be delivered before January 1 and the rest havs been nromlaeit mt tha Mt ' a ia. m month during the first months of next 7w. Alter au nave oeen received the nitrrim.n lines will own a total Of 7,740 rfrtv.ralA. nap. k. v.... used annually 4.000 to 1,000 belonging to in Armour car .ine company. - MRS. J. B. HORNER TO LECTURE AT MEETING (Special Mtpsteh ts Ihe Joorntl.) ' Corvallla, Or., Nov. The W. H. M. B. members held a meeting yesterday afternoon and after ' a discussion of ' India" they elected officer e ae follows: President, Mrs. B. K Cathey; first vice president, Mra O- F. Rlcs; second vice president, Mrs. O. K. Feeae; recording secretary, " Mra. droves; corresponding secretsry, Mrs. Elisabeth Belknap; su perintendents of standard-bearers. Miss es Frances Belknap and Olive Mallow; auperlntendent light bearera. Mra. O. H. Feese; superintendent patte bog. Mrs. B. Goodman. At their meeting next month ths members will be entertained by Mrs. B. A.' Cathay, and Mra. 3. B. Horner, who haa Just returned from a trip abroad, will lecture on "The Women of Forelan Countries." It la planned to have, about it guests present from Albany tx this meeting. , Cf yea aave met sasirered Tae .yoaav aal Want Ada lately ess have gorkea . MOW Sale ! t twaek wit this V ; ' Ml A $10 Suit Bought, frpm Vs .h.a every at tribute of excellence possessed by the - and til garments L bought elsewhere. They at to a . uoi are. nneiy. tailored, ana ox meat exceuenv materlaL-,.. A $10 Overcoat Bought from us wrapav the buyer In a moat . comfortable, warm. - faabionabiw- - garment, perfectly tailored, and a coat that . wears ' Ilk metal i.vI.i4J:':'-i''i' ':V"-:'Vkf , r v-1 m mm .Ml"' . ' $10 Cravenelfe Bought from us affords absolute protection from rain from every vestige- of motstuxe-arul are the equal of the higher-priced ones sold at the higher-priced store. tre -erne haa say strlag-e em as, and we'll aams ear res arloe re. gaedlasa of aay oombtnaatom em ih earth. . 'mil R OSaAFSaV , sTorthwest Coras rirst a4 fr lot N. B.-AU brands of Smoking and -Chewing Tobaccos at whole sale prlcea. ; ... :; , ' .;'?:v.-.s r-'J - Fwif wL t. IV - .j V,