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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
' . . . - , - - . TUB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENIN6 NOVEMBER 9. 1SC3. , T - --II " ... - - ' " ' ' II . I . ... .,.1 ,,, , - ,, I . ' "' ' "" " '" anti nun 7 I , . 4 X II I I I V 1 I II f -CLOT-MI-NQ- DEPARTMENT Men's elegant Suits; regular price . : Men's Suits ; regular; $12 to $15 . values. - Our ; - (L ' price ...... ... ..PU0 Men's Overcoats; regular price $15. Our price,-the . $7 ft garment. . . .;P I OU Men's Cravenettes; regular $15 to $20 values. Our; , . ; (jQ A A ' price vwii .vi.Pvil And a few. Specials ; 75 Boys' Suits; regular $5.00 values. s:bir $1.99 . Men's $4 Rubber -V O CA Coats, at k ......i ij)OU Men's Gum Rubber Hip Boots; reg-, ular $4.50 values. . t3 ?A - Our price . ... .;vOiUV 1 Ladies' Shoes at factory prices, 99c &tfo:..;..::.....,.$2.50- :50-Shoey-at. . . . i . .... '.$2.497- A fine lot of Samples J 25 ' Boys' and Girls' $2.50 School Shoes. to $1.75 Boys' $1.75 to $2.25 Rubber Boots, fine. Our , M 1C price ................. vwv Men's Soft and Stiff Hats;' regular $2.50 and $3 values, v dj A A Our. price . . .. j- P1 A few Samples left,, ' QQf We have cleaned a New York wholesale millinery manufacturer of over 300 - dozen Hats; regular wholesale prices, $4.50, $5.75, $6.50 and $9.75. . We will put these on at ; our opening sale at, 0 C each .......... .... . . ..I)Od a We also have a lot of Samples in Ladies Girls' and Children's Hats, worth up to $4.00, that A A we. will sell at ... ... . . 'i. P 1 Ty . SUITS Only yesterday we closed out a traveler's samples a big lot of ele-, gant, up-to-date Suits' in the latest fall styles-sizes 32 to 38; suits that r sell over town at from $45 to $65. Our astoundingly low C A price will be . ........ pOU CROCKERY DEPARTMENT We have a complete assortment' of all kinds of goods in this depart ment, and to open we offer 132 pieces, worth $15.00, , ( A C A at I :.t. .-' . tr 9JJ Large Stock of Tin , ! and Glassware at; Emporium Little Prices Ladies' Waists White Taffeta Silk, black and blue; regular $5 , to $7 val- ' CJ'T 7 C ues. Our price ..I)jW9 O Ladies' Fancy Waists, silk net, silk lined; something beautiful; sold bv the large city stores at $7.50 to $11.-: For th$ opening day O'J A( we will sell these 'at. ...DuTry MILLINERY CLOAKS to's&f miliafossive. (COR..KNOTT Its Splendid New Department Store Williams WUlenlJsDoorsTomoiTowMormsBg'attSo'Occh And will offer to the public an array of bargains such as no store in Portland ever presented to the world before. WE ARE GOING TO. HAVE PEOPLE COMING TO OUR STORE FROM ALL PARTS OF PORTLAND, South to Sellwood, Southeast to Woodstock, East to Montavilla, Northeast to Woodlawn and Vancouver, North to St. Johns, and on the West Side from the Fair Grounds to River View Cemetery, and before a year, we will be fill ing mail orders from all parts of Oregon and Washington. ' This because we have selected an inexpensive location in which to transact our business, because we shall sell at enormously low prices and GIVE EVERY MAN. WOMAN AND CHILD A SQUARE DEAL, NO MATTER WHAT THEY BUY. ' ; y Do Not Forget That Tomorrow's the Day ' It will mark a new epoch in merchandising in our populou s part of the city. It will begin an era of low prices for every mortal necessity of the human family, and the great EMPORIUM, corner Williams and Knott Streets, Albina's new Department Store, which will open its doors at 8. A. M., will be the citadel the fountainhead will be the dis tributor of values so great values so monumental values so amazing-values so magnificent that its management believes it will attract to its counters and shelves patronage of people not only of Albina not only of the tributary region not only of its neighbor, St. Johns not only ofthe Woodlawn section not only of the entire East Side but of great numbers from the West Side of the Willamette river ' The Emporium Will No Any more than is its great namesake in San Francisco, that draws fts patronage from southward to Arizona and northward to Oregon. We are here because it costs less than half to do business on this than it would on the other side of the river. For this reason ' -, , We Can Skin Any West Side Merchant sm Prices, i and HerCarihdt.Help Himself We can save every patron $2.50 on every $10.00 worth of goods bought from us, and on Men's and Women's Clothing a great deal more than this. No West Side dealer can talk like this-not on his life t Our manager was for years with the San Francisco Emporium, employing hundreds of sales people, and therefore understands large mer chandising. He is a man of wide experience in every detail of the business, knows exactly how to buy and EM PORIUM PATRONS SHALL HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY ATOM OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. All St. Johns, U and R-SXars Carry Passengers to Our Store, the U and St. Johns Cars Passing Our Store and the R-S Cars Running Within a Block of Our ST.) E EMPORIUM 554, 556, 558, 560, 562 and 564 Avenue Cor One; Block North of Russell Knott Street -Street yROCERY DEPARTMENT 25 lbs. Best Dry Granu lated Sugar for $1.00 Finest Head "Rice per lb , . . :.i ' 7c Small White Beans. ... .V. . .;. 4c Pink Beans . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 3c Mocha land Java Coffee. ...... 36c Fine Mocha and Java Coffee, .,25c English Breakfast Tea . . . . . . .. 38c Gu n powd er Tea . . ............ 38c Spider tlcg Tea ' . . . . . . . . . . ., 36c 1 Can Superior Corn......... 7c 1 lb Best Corn Starch, . . . .... . Sc 1 Can Tomatoes 10c 1 Can Peas .... . . . .. ... .. ;. 10c 2 Cans Peaches . '. . . . ; . . . . 35c 1 Can Bartlett 'Pears. . . . . . . 25c 7 Bars Naptha Soap : . . .. : 25c ' 10 Bars Laundry Soap ,i iT. ; .r 25c 5 ib. Can Best Lard . . . . . . ... .. 65c Good- Creamery Butter . . ... .. 55c 1 Sack Good Flour. ....95c .1 Can Emporium Special Bak ing Powder. ........ .. . M . .. 20c 3 pkgs. Dr. Price's Breakfast - Food ...... .'. . ......... . .. 25c- 2 pkgs. Cream of .Wheats......; 35c Armour's Best Bacon; regular' : , price 30c' Our price. . . . . : .19ic Armour's best Ham ; regular v price 20c. ;Ou price, . . . ; . , 18c And all other groceries and food stuffs at equal reductions. X Ladies' Rain proof Regular $1 5 to $22 (1JQ JJA values. Our price. .....PrOU Ladies' Coats Sold in other stores at $18 to $22. Our opening price will be : $9 to $12 Ladies! Skirts Regular price ' $8 to $14. Our figures ' y $2.89 to $4.99 Ladies' Handbags Regular $1.50 to $3.00 values; but we'll sell 'em at ; ' : ; . 75Cto$1.25 Dry Goods AVerhave five cases of Flannelettes, cleared from mill odds and ends; regular wholesale prices 42c to 12c the yard. lAn Our price : ........... ; . . M I 2C . Regular. $2.00 to $2.75 Comforts will sell at our opening at ; ..':( ; 75c to $1.25 White and gray Blankets and Quilts ; regular price $1.75 to $3.50. , Our price tomorrow r 75c to $1.50 Bedspreads, white and colored; reg ular $ $4.00 values. Will be 1 sold by us at 75c to Olr, Bedding