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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
SEPARATION FOR FOUR COUPLES .Decree Given Old Soldier Whose Wife Threw Him Bodily j Out of Door. ONE YOUNG WOMAN " V DOESN!T. LIKE BARBERS Another Syt ,Her- Hatband - Didn't . Girt Her Car Fart and Usual Moth - er-in-Law Proposition Is Respon '" sible for Row.-: : : ' : Four dlvortss wsrs grsnted In Judgs Gantehbsln's department of tha circuit '. court today; Charles H. Heualsr from Agnes Heuslsr, Anna Ksnnedy from J. " Vted, Kennedy. Gertrude B. Tapeoort irora W. A. Tapacott and H. C. Wtlaon from Sad la Wilson,; Nona of theaa cases . waa ontsstsd. - Charlaa It Haualer la" an old man to ba thrown out of' doors and compelled . to shift for himself. Ha was born In Germany years ago, cama to Amer-1 lea, whils a tnull boy and served with tha famous ''Iron Brlg-ade" 'In tha civil war. Thirty-nine years ago ba mar-1 , rled, but aoon learned that ha was not to be tha head of tha nouee. His wire welched XSS rounds, while ha weighed ' only ISO. Their arguments ware there fore of brief duration. In lit, after getting what little land and other prop erty he had In. her own name. Mrs. Heualer threw him bodily out of doora and be went to live with a neighbor. - Heualer now restdea at Mount Scott. Boosat Llk Barbers. : . ' Anna Kennedy's advice to young la- dlea la to be careful and not marry a - barber, especially a barber who swears ' and refuses to take you to church. - Tha couple wars married in thla city In . UM. Tha plaintiff waa allowed to re sume her maiden name of Anna Martin. Gertrude B. Tapacott la a petite yawns woman, upon whom It would ha difficult to Imagine that tha cares of marriedllfe had ever rested. But she . waa married-Bve years ago and" she aakad fir a divorce because her hus band bad never even given bar car fare sines tha wedding. W. A. Tapacott is .now an actor, traveling somewhere In , the wast,, but Bve years ago ha was a clerk In a local furniture store. - Whan H. C Wilson took unto himself a wife tha wife took unto herself a mother-in-law. Wilson had no other ' place to go, so the newly wedded couple went to live with Wilson's mother. The ' wife did not enjoy it. and this fact led to a speedy separation, which culmln ; ated in a legal divorce. The couple were married In this city In March. . 101. Wilson was given a decree on grounds of desertion. REAL ESTATE IS INACTIVE; f DUE TO WEATHER Dealers Report That Buyers Are Prevented by Rain From . Investigating Property. Real estate remains Inactive today. - No sales of any note were consummated, although , there la considerable move ment in the. market that will Show : plenty of activity later. Moat real e--iii it1 men are buay with big projects , that now cannot ba given out and sav ' eral large transactions are tinder way that, when revealed will be surprising .to many who are wall up on tha real estate situation. f . . , The week has bean one of significant Inside transactions, - while residence property has been neglected because nf tns impossibility of prospective buyers : "to get around In the heavy rains to look '. at property. Washington street has had soma Important deals and tha new Ore gwn Chair factory and tha Western . -1 Eleotrle company will, bring on some very substantial Improvements on the ' east side. t' These two companies, especially the latter, will add greatly to Portland's prestige. The latter concern alona will ' bring to Portland at tasat 1 2&0.P00 be ' sides the Urge dally payrolla, that will include an enormous number of sales . men who will work all over the north- weat with Portland as their central point, many freight handlers, clerks and 'other assistants necessary to so largs ; a concern. -...., Soma good sales in residence sites on ths east side have been made tha last day or so. Francla L McKenna sold , two acres of land near tha Peninsular Mills to A. T. Ketchum for 14.000; ths t- location la known- aav Fortune Place. . ..' This is a top-notch price for this local ity. Ths two railroads penetrating that neck of land is 'making It valuable. Theea two acree will immediately be 'Improved, as Mi Ketchum will build , a doaen cottages on ths location, VALUABLES STOLEN FROM HOTEL ROOM . Mrs. May Merrtraaa of Pendleton, who was a guest at ths Oregon hotel from November I until last night, informed friends yestsrday that a sealskin ssequs ' and some articles of Jewelry had been taken from her room Wedneeday. She said that shs wss out of her room -all .day and that it wss while she wss gone thst ths things wars taken. The el- ileged robbery was not reported to the police. Mrs. Merrymsn. accompanied by her brother. C. U Hsrr of Pendleton, left Isst night for Msrshfleld on ths steamer Alliance. " COPPER MINERS TO y ; .RAJSE MEN'S WAGES .. Inarsl Be1l eWrie.,1 - El rtto, Ts. He. . The e.i earvors. tin. seetkers ArUass Sen arle4 to rate w.a K ser east. . Ike S.rtslis af facte ,ou CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. Tit KfcJYca KanAIiajj Bought Basra the 'Bltnatartof THE SALE m SATURDAY SEES THE IV , .r-.-ty, Thursday was the greatest bargain scramble ever known in Portland. The street was blocked with people on their way to this sale and they all went home with big bun dles, too. Every one well satisfied, every one that came declared these bargains genuine and the greatest they have ever been offered. But we'll reduce the prices again for Saturday, for the balance MUST all be sold in one day.; Even Thursday's wonderfully small figures will be exorbitant when compared with what we'll sell the last of these goods for Saturday. . Hurry to this sale as you never hurried to one before, for the chance that will never come again is yours now. . - We have only, rented this store for three days, and orders have been received from headquarters in the east to let loose of everything at any price, and close the sale Saturday night We invite small dealers, to come in and bid on these lots. . We want every one who can use these goods to come in and make us an offer for any sized lot.' , V ;.'V. : ; v . ALL MAIL ORDERS BEARING THE DATE OF SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 WILL BE FILLED IF THE GOODS ARE HERE WHEN ORDER IS RECEIVED. IF GOODS ARE SOLD OUT MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED AT ONCE. r SEND CASH WITH YOUR ORDER. - ' ' v-- ; V ' '''v ;': :r.:- -' -:::::'-? ' BELOW IS A LIST OF THE GOODS STILL ON SALE: R1ETTS VESTS MEN'S FINE SILK VESTS In beautiful patterns, pearl buttons; worth from $1 OQt to $5 each." Choice... . . Os v , Men's Dress ShirtsIn plain white or fancy patterns, soft or stiff bosoms, with or without collars attached. Some of the finest pat terns and'some of the best qualities, ever offered for sale; worth from $1.00 to $3.00 each. Your choice of the lot at.. Men's Suspenders In hand-: some embroidered effects, some of them in fancy boxes for the holidays; worth from 50c to $2.50, and on sale here Q for only ; . u . . ; ... . . .Tmw Men's Wool Shirts Heavy blue flannel, that, are worth from $2.00 to $4.50 each, some with double back . and front. Your choice of any in fQ the lot, at . ; . . , . . .v. . . 7 OL, $35 SUITS AND ' Only $8.49 for the finest Suits and Overcoats you ever saw placed on sale. ' Dodd, Fitzgerald & Co. catered only to the best trade and their business was built up by just such as these we offer you now, at less than one fourth what they would have sold for had they gone to the store they were Intend- ed for. ' . ': . ' ' ' : :: : . :-r"'J - :-'' : ' ' :l , lade of fine-worsttdsrchevrOts,-.-tweeds;7viama3,melt6nS7ker 4U- i...4.tAi.. --.A A H 1 ..j. .l.'. 1 . :i. l- : ' liic uesi viv.i.119, eniu iiiicu auu pick-out a suit and overcoat at greatest chance to .save ever land. These fine suits and coats, worth from $35 to $45 each, for'....:. .... 34 M. THIRD STREET, COR, COUCH-REMEMBER TIE NUMBER RAILROADS ARE BLAMED FOR WAREHOUSE TROUBLE Grain Storage Controversy Sifted 1 Down to Injustice on Part of - Transportation Companies. ' The ' railroads are the cause of tint vraln storaca trouble th'rouchout aast srn Oron between tha wheat (row era and the warehousemen, according; to A. I. Knight, a prominent wheat buyer and warehouse manacerof Pendleton, who Is at ths Imperial. v- The ahortag In cars throughout tha wheat-growing seetfons make It Impo slbls for .ths warehouses to ship . out ths grata that ba boon purchased, sas OREGON "DAILY" JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY '- .A " LAST OF-THREE CARLOADS OF THE FINEST MERCHANDISE EVER QFFERED FOR SALE IN THE UNITED STATES GO 'v.--- :v ';.::--:; v;;. (M-TENTU. TO' ONE-EOURTti-ITS MEN'S COATS ALL WOOL COATS Of fin est ftiateriai, 400 of them; worth from $10 to .$18.50. each. Your choice for. . . $1 39c 7 Mens.4"WooI . Underwear Amonjg: this lot are several doz en of a make that is advertised to sell at very , high prices, in all the magazines ; worth from J$1.50 to $3.00. . Q Choice ......... . ..... .OxC Men's Wool Sox Good and heavy, and regular 25c kind. The price will be, per ; ' pair, only ;. . . . .'. s C OVERCOATS FOR iuuc in 111c ucoi uuasiuic iiianncr. anner.' this sale, for it is the offered to the men of Port Mr. Knight and ths manaarera and pur-' chasers are forced to see the warehouses piled rafter-high with wheat waiting for shipment. As a result of this condition ths warehouses are ynabls to .handle stored grain as promptly as necessary, ths fsrmers ars in no hurry to sell and before .tha. atored grain la sold, ths sacks hara rotted, forcing reaacklng on the' part of the warehouse. . . . Eastern Oregon farmers srs clamor ing for relief from what they contend to be the exorbitant charge for. storage on' ths part of ths warehouses of to cents nntll January and 10 cents per ton per -month from January. Mr. Knight says - this sxtra ' charga 'la un avoidable under praaent conditions. Ths chargs of 19 esnts psr ton formerly mads did not -mors than pay for nan dllng tha grain. Now ths fsrmers, nmrs Indepsndsnt In purss and hindered by Isck of cars, are prone to hold their wheat for long times before1 selling.' This necessitates reaacklng, which must be born by ths warehouse. With sacks' soillag 'wsr 4 eeala. iix, Kolgt soo- .a SATURDAY THE GRAND FINALE OF fOSDzOdD , ': .. ; : V.:; FOR OVERCOATS A large lot of arery fine Top Coats and Cravenettes; worth from $7.60 to $15.00 ; all : sizes. Your choice, only .' sj) 1 WOMEN'S COATS Coats In long: or short styles, snug or loose fitting models, and coats that were made to retail at $15.00 to $35.00 each, come in : plain black'or fancy colors, made with good linings and every one of them are very v. CC stylish. ; Choice . ... . . . avOsOO WOMEN'S SUITS Just 144 of them in this lot and we will sell them for' any price we can get, made of best grade of broadcloth, cheviot and fine wool, novelty goods ; some of them are actually worth as high as $45 in the retail . way. The new fall styles with short or long"5ackets, nicely trim med. Your choice of A QO any in the lot at. . .... .Di70 $8.49 Blankets . 'v; - ;.:.. . AH wool ; worth ' ' ' , t $5.00 a pair for- r t - Come and vOITlC anu tends that It Is lmposslbls for ths ware houses to handle ths wheat for. less than Is now being charged. He Instances a case where a week or so -ago he boOght4 too sacks of wheat and was compelled to resack 400 sacks bsfors he could ship hi purchase. . In ths opinion of Mr. Knight tha anaotment of a law to lower warehouse' charges . would bs sn Injustlcs upon, the buyers and ware house ownera. STAR WITNESS SHOT BEFORE; TELLING TALE - ' inareel Kneelkl. Sorrir..! ' ' Philadelphia, Nov. . Frederick Chaff hausr, -ths star witness In ths eon splrary case against John W. Hill, for mer head of tha filtration bureau, waa shot while on the eeventh floor of the city hall today, two bullets piercing his sbdomen. It Is not yet knowa who did ths' .shooting,' but" two' msn ' who wars Standing near were arrested. , '.: ' ; : " EVENING." NOVEMSSS - 9. 'FROM Aw- WO'UN'S WRAPPERS In ' percale or flannelette thousands of ' .: thent ; . some worth r-high as $5.00. IfSlp Your choice Ui w WOMEN'S SHOES Women's Shoes In all styles, made of patent "leather, of the new gun metal kid, of vici kid, and in every .. aew fall last; they have the common sense heels, Cuban heels or French heels, and they are worth as high as $6.00 the pair in the ia aja fsyvw aaasA aa vi4w tst. Choide, . . . J Last. at Women's Shoes In U styles, another large lot; worth from $2.50 to $3.50 the pair. ' QQn Your choice for. . .. ... .yOL Men's Shoes .Vic! kid and best grade of box calf shoes with the maker's name on them, but- we can't tell you that A $4.00 ; d QQ shoe for;- pair. 07 Pillows- Feather' Pillows; worth $1.25, for been from $18 ta $22, made with velvet col lars and well . lined. .Choice . . . , . ,:, ine regular, swell peg from $2.25 Your choice FRIEND'S CHURCH TO HOLD QUARTERLY MEETiaB; Sunnyside Church to Be Scene of an Enthusiastic Re-- ligious Cathering. , The Newberg quarterly meeting of ths Pliendr church will be held at ths Bunnyslds Friends' church. East Mala and Thirty-fifth atraata.. beginning to night and will laat three days. Tonight an educational meeting; will he held siid President McOrew of Pa cific 'college will maks an interesting address. .Ths regular quarterly meeting for worship and bualnass will take plaoe tomorrow, commenolugat 10:10 a, . m. ttZ3. THE REAL VALUE ! WOfilENS DOSE ' Finest- grade of. Hose in cot ton or wool'; worth 50c to $2.00 plain or fancy. Qr Choice l Mcs $12.00 Stilts $2.29 Forced to sell,: this immense quantity of merchandise in one more day, we make the price on Men's Clothing lower than anything you have ever 'been offered before. , - ' .'- In any of "the regular stores, you would have . to pay from $10.00 to $12.00 each for these neat Business Afl A Suits that any man can wear; sizes 35 to 42. : A . . iSn u$ stupendous bargain in this great sale 7. Men's Suits In single or dou ble breasted styles, made of fine worsteds or cassimeres, .well lined and well ma3e,: in perfect condition and the latest and best styles; worth $15.00 to $20.00. Sale $4:85 MEN'S OVERCOATS In the very latest styles, made of s the finest wool cheviot, in black or fancy patterns, Dodd, Fitzgerald's price for these would have mm MEN'S WORKING or DRESS PANTS , A iof of nearly four hundred pairs,; in , cui or tne very top style ; worth to $4.00 the pair. Bvangellstie serrlces will bs held on Saturday night and Sunday. , Ths aerr les Sunday morning will begin at 10:10 snd in the evening at T:I0. . . At ths tsmperanoa meeting Sunday af ternoon Rey. H. O. Shaffer of the Flrt U. B. church will make an address. Lunch will ba provided free at noon Sat urday and Sunday. S . Besides President McOrew bf Pacifla college, the list of distinguished partici pants In ths msstlngs will includs Lids Romlck of Ohio, ; ' . Frsf erred Btook Oaaaea Oooaa. Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. srxrAXOiA AXJrV ; - Rheilmatiam,' lumbago and ' sclstlo paints yield to ths penetrating influence of Ballard's Bnow LlnlmenL It pens trates to ths nerves snd bones and. be ing absorbed Into tha blood. Ha 'healing properties srs conveyed to every pert Of the body, snd effect soma wonderful euros. 16o, too snd 11.00. Sold , by Woodara, Clark A Co. . : 1 LI 0 in a r mm fJail Orders Win be promptly filled for any- thing advertised. We pay the freight or express on all mail or ders to any point within 200 miles of Portland. Your money refunded if you are pot satisfied. Address aft ' mail ., orders to JOHN L. KUTNER, Manager. 84 N. Third St Corner Couch.' Men's Suits In dress Or busi ness models, some of the finest makes ; intended for Dodd, Fitzgerald & Coa best trade; most of them . are the well, known Brokaw Bros.' make and a r regular $25.00 quality; some are wortn $zo, and some , ana lome $6.15 worth $30. ' Sale price, choice v. .". MEN'S PANTS In all styles and Jn all grades by the thou sand pairs'. We shall sell these 'extraordinarily cheap, because some of the cases wefe; broken open -and the pants were thrown .on;, the" car floor. Take your choice I of i the lot ""at : about one . fourth of what they are' really ' worth. Pants worth as high .as $3.50; the pair. MEN'S $3 PANTS FOR. ?1.25 WILL SEND ROOT TO V ' 1: :1 L.HAGUE CONFERENCE . . ',"rs Seedsl Bervlrs.l Washington. Noy. .-Secretary Root Will llkelr ba ml In ti.. fr.... . spring st ths head of the American delegation to press the Calvo doctrine. wnion maintain mat debt which on country owea ta a . . - v. r -uuvu. i . country shsll not. bs mad subject nt iutcidis collection oy the a-overnmsnt to which tb crsdltor owes alleglanca TOWN COUNCIL WILL SEIZE RAILROAD COAL ' i i' -t .,i ' Soto. IdafaA. Kov. I The aiayes t. ensnHl of Mosntals Home served nolle am the offlriele e the Oregos Khurt Line railway lort.r tbat If the thrratem-a: coal finlna pnvellMl th.y would forrlblr uks ensl fraaa Ike Bret trsls tbmafk depositing the Mosey fas tha sans with Us steal, ) 1