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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
12 V rrj TltE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, - NOVEMBER 9. 1803. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIABD AKD POOL tsblsa far Nat at tut I n r Mr menu. TUB BSthsWlf-B-BALKB COLLtHDIB CO. 40 Third t-,. far Used. Wl print rear un SO calling cards la sad aula, e; MO tHitlun cards, 11. A. W. Shmal C.. few (Iral. Portland. Or. 10 SLIGHTLY damaged sowing martin at mr tow pdca; Blogr. Whl Klim, DoaaeerJe. Wbllt. Uounahold. Parti ni -7- tra; t mase roost aor sew ssneg wmw A Wlleoa and Slugere. S. S. Steal, BUS Mur- rtaoa at., starqaaia Mac. ' SHOWCASES and fixture, aaw aad arena, Base, csrisea kallatrom. zse Coach at. BOLDBMS HHEHMATIO Cl'BB Bur cor fa ... raeamaiiesi aula ay au eruggists.- - - SBCOND-HAND bar flxluree, pool Ubl. safee. tablaa, rkatra. Waatara Balvags Oa 87 wssBingioa at. SEWINO M4CHINKB bought, sold' Snd- changed, S and up, . Waatara Bhhrsgs Co, ai nsaoingtoa at. FOB SALE Foiterrter md. 484 Bbr at. . Moatavllta. pboae East II, ut lot Evas. FOB BALI VERY SEASONABLE . A lot of verr In. second-kand Jotat. tilt aa , txld, on Tklrd and Kaat Btark. Pa Scut I moo attar T p. aa. SCHOLARSHIP for Mia la trading kudnesa col lege; good1 la an department; will sail at discount, rboaa Mala soot. FOB BALI at bargain, pinmber's furhse aad at tooia. aaareee r at, ear journal. JOB BALB Wlneheeter parap and aattar dog ac part ata. inqnira at at. W. Pott,, fid ur at., mouiavma. . . rOB BALE OHvr typewriter with tabulator. u. ft. lilt ,sst loin at. rnona Kaat ZTIM. PERSONAL. TIB rains Tablets mat yoa sleep ssrfsetlrt they cur scrvousncs snd mass yo strong! erica do a boa. boxes 12.50: iiiirinu ; A 11 drBgglMS, or address BrotA Drug Co.. ft uv u. luii u rv.ii.ou, ur, . CALL PsdSe XT9, aaa Frsaclsc Tallorlna Co. . We do .repairing, preaelng. rlaanlng and dra- oa, uaia (armania a apaciaity; at towaai prica. ' aia lajaar at. . BOLD ON Tbara Is ea tblna that will mt raraniuin. aa roar arafriat for aara .. toal or addraaa ar aall 1. U, Ctaaaaauoa, u r u a a S swM, w. BOLDEN'B . BUETMAT1B Cl'BB Bora cur for rnt-omatiann. sola p au aroaTgiflta. BUITB praasad whlla poa wait, 60c. Ladtta aairta praaaaa, auc. uuiwrt- loa aixtb su. tw nwtm. awwa aiaia auoa. PHYSICAL talrara. all braochaa, and aiaaaaaa Indlrldual and elaaa laatractloa: prlrata bona traaimrnt it arairaa. laa Klaglar Beaoal. ' aw aim at. rooaa ataia ivat. 1 " : TOUB ahaaa ablaad trn,bt ebarg at tk Modal 0aroaranopi aoariijaT jac BEST auif aalna alnba arar of farad; aaad prlcaa: aaanta wantad. Job' Book Btora, ail aunai at., rortuao. ur. MOLES, wrlnklaa, auperfluona . ' cbirr to talk II arar. 1 aatr raa Ura. If. D. Bill, Baam StO Plladuar Bid. Pfcoa Paelaa 13a. TVBKIBM BATBB, BOO Oracoirlaa bldf.l ladla aara, aaDtiaaaaa aicota. ataia ivsa. . , VIAT1 CO., Lawla bldf ., SOOM Morrlaaai aaa It k uiaa ta waaiaa inuraoaa, i:au p. aa. WEBPOOT Oil Blackta aaraa tba raatawri ak- aiatai7 wanrprooi. EVERT BMtkar aboold aaa Wrbfoot Oil Black Inc a kar kora' akoaa; nakaa tkaat watai- proof and tbap waar taiea aa aoa. REPINED poana" ladr, Jaak arrived froia tka aaat. alraa aiaaaaaa iraatBaau, Room a. S1H AMar at. MAN ICt HI NO kalrdraaalna, apadal 8 aoaraa. oaa wack onlj : trad achool fur women aa aad iria. aw Aioar. im Montfomarj. MANICUBINO, rktropodr Parlora SI aad S3. BM aad alcohol rabbins, atara at. - - DOLL'S BOBP1TAL . . BapalrlOaT sad drraalns. SKI Taaoklll straat. ' TtlV NATIONAL INTRODITlmi. ROC1ETY . Wl kar mambara In aU walka of Ufa. fraea ' tba . g oraraaMBt offlctala t In faraiar, ao i cart laaiaa tavworains (irla; aiammoalal rea r-- later with pbntoa flaaet pn oil bed; aaaaibar aad alt lOo. M Baaaal bids.-.,. DETECTIVE AOENCT-rOoafldontlal laaaanls. tlona; porta furnlabrtt a ladlrldatU, tbrlr cnaracter. rraBoaalbllltp. etc.) bad debts col lected; mlaalii ralatlraa locatod; chant rtaeoaable; corraapoadene aollcttad. Oroa , DatrctlTe flarrtn-, ofarr S0S-S04 pllnln kid., 10th aad Waeklnstan sts. 1'luae Main BSla. ' DISEASES OP WOMEN-Frtrat matfraltp bn -Biiai, quiai KK-a iMin; epanai rare.- a'V. a . Wood, roam B, SWH Morrlaoa. Tel. Pa. 175. , GERMAN konks, mararlnra, anral etc.: Orr burn. Enrllak, Prrnck, Riianlak, Vwedlah and ' Italia dlrtlonarl; fore It a bouk of all kind. Brkn-ale Co., Z29 Plrat St. MISS GIBSON rmri hair, cur ' dandrnff. Booa 62. SH Morrlaoa at., ear oar Peorta. "TWO poans btdlc rl anaeaaira trtawats. iiwi roorta, corner wubinttoa. BEPINETt ladr plrr aiaaaaaa treataicnta. alas rmoopvar, aui Taira at.. orar Tariar. BURNT LEATHER WORK, porta te barnt to or- r 10. S for SAa. Addraaa all rommaalca- tlnai to T SS, car Journal. Slat what roa waan aai pjaiia, aaa i u aaaii mam prrpaia. MARBIAOB PAPER, hlrbeat character, kapcrlor . aarrlca; SOO pukllaned drarrlptlon. . aaanf weartbr: papar He. acaard. L. L. Lor. Bos aow, Lpearcr, voioreoa. MIK8 RAYMOND iM Baaaasa traatamta. xofii, Morrlaoa at., room la. BEPINEO lady sir electrical and maeeaa iraataaaaai ror rnanmatlam. S34U.Waahlas taa at.. Too aaa i-s. DR. BAWYRR'B Rqnaw Boot, (aarant! car "r cnmpiainta. ajoi uoidaaiith t. raoaw auatu. MISS K. PORTER ROBB. rlactrtcal aaaaaev Banna troublea and rbcnmatlaoi a speclaltj. a none aaaia ana, law Barents at. . BBTENTLY epeoed maalcnrlnp par lore; ladle aaa aaaiiaaieB. m Morrlaoa St., room is. EXINB PILLS tar all forsa at aarroaa or . Biaacalar weakaea. Por aara or Wuaaaa. Prtea II s bos, bora tfl, with fall rnar . aataa. Addraaa ar call I. O. Claairaana, drn( aa, aevuBw ana raainiu ata., rortlaaa, fir, A BEINEB,. PRACTICAL FURRIER. . toaiiai t . flttar, .fr. remodeled, repaired aad tdad: M pra iperlenr iaear atlr aiaianiaa, rBoea raciri KI . L w la aids. ,. BALM OF PI0 for aU f.male dtaaaaea. tM aw arianni. raca -caat, aaa. DB. B. O. RETCH I'M ars promptly arlrat dlaaaaai, kidney, aerroaia, akla and pdal raraala traablea. Call or writ, nm lr.iix iBira ax., aor. xaaaaiu. rsoaa Pacta S22H. Wl aaa r waaaaa aaa b atronf and happy If . - . r"": 1 sreat ronic prlr la boa. btne $A. with foil marant- Addrraa ar rail . . (.'lamaaaoa, .Iroglat. Taahlll au.. Portland, ur. DR. B1NO CHOONO, Importer China r Bawiciawa; aena Chiaaa tea, certala nr for on ajaaeaaaaa. ivg an. Bex, xamaill sad Taylor, aUPBRlBNOBD dttle dlr caac f Ba prafaaaloa as work a: atrlctlr cnnSdentlal: a twmmmmwm. aaoraaa m si. JoaraaL TOpiO aeiaattae maaaamaa sir electrical. aucpam aaa maaicaiaa treetatwnta; rhlmaodlat iS4 Ralrla b kld( Sixth aad ASSAYERS. ARYTTf CTANIPR KXTRATTON CO., tad , Maetaaa Aaaay Office. IM Morrlaoa at. ATTORNEYS. I. t. WrNfTOESTOB trflrar-t.lw, aotary pnhtlc. SB aad Waahlngtoa bldg. BBasxJBammaaeaaBnaaBmarsneaaannewemae"? ARCHITECTS. El JobnaoB B frtnrra, arcbltarts sad balldcra, . a boat your andra at ore froata. 404 Eaat at. rnona mtb. - BLANK-BOOK MAltERSt BOWE. PAVIS A KIl.HAM. I0S-1II Brcohd at. rlenk knoka aianufacturcd; ageala for dona roprortd LonaoLeaf ardgerai the sear area are I. tk kaat oa tka market, ART. FBBB LXSSON1 1a embroidery rry ay Satsmped shlrtwaista,, bo Jsekets, bats, umbrellas, ate. Tka dWcraft Shop. 1 Waahlngtoa at.. lea twa Wert Part and Tenth eta. B0FE9S0J8 B. MAX MITER, (48 Atdr. Portrait and laniMK-ap artlat tad teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. Bl'TCHEB SUPPLIES B. Btrkenwald Co. Sod Erarett at. largaat balcnrr supply aa th coaat. Write for aataassuel SO. BUTCHERS' SCPPLIES Adolpk A.' Dekaaa, IS1-1M r irar sr., earn a tun una aaa com plot aeeortaieat at lowaat market priaa. CHIROPODISTS; iS ' CHIBOPOnT and Padl en ring. Blow ("I Pllcdner Bldg. Mrs. M. D. Bin. Pbnn Pea. laa. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., targaat plant aa the coaat. Lorlng aad Harding ata. , tele, phone Eaat XH0. I arpet cteaard. reflttad, sawed sad laid; both steam and lateat com- praaaad air pracoaa; raaoratlng . sad feathers a spactalty. SANITARY carpet (leaning, aactloa sad com . prad air eorublBed; earnta clcaaed oa floor WICBOOf removal, main oooa, main aauw CARD WRITER. A. R. BP R RAD BO ROUGH, baslaaaa efrrertlalng card writer, SM Kaat Morrlaoa. Paoa Eaat SSld. COAL ' AND WOOD. Tsarpban Mala a6S. Smithing Coal Coal for Skips '. ' a aptdalty. , Th BT0 SET 1 BROOKES FUEL CO. (Incorporated.) . Excluaire agenta for .. v,.t KEMMKREH COAL. ' - COAL, COKE, CHARCOAL. . Of Ace and lard Froat and K ear nay sts. . THE. PORTLAND FUEL CO., . gucceaaora to - ' , C. B. DAVIS FUEL CO.. Pbon Eaat SB. EST Beat Morrlaoa at. ALBINA FUEL CO. Daalrra ta ewdweod. end . aad graaa aad dry a lab wood. R. B. and . Aibla ara., S Blocks aaat el terry. Eaat 07. STEEL BBIDGB FUEL CO. Dealers la coal, eordwood aad dry sUbwond. 1'kooe Eaat 2. 0BEO0N FUEL CO. All kind af coal aad wood. . So Alder at. i nona aiaia an. WE8TEBN FEED bUckamllb ooala. A FUEL CO. Hobs Phone Mala 1018. aad BTAB BOXWOOD CO. Pboaa Mala Sltt box, block and slabwood. for CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. I. A. MELTON, tka carpenter, and Fourth at. Star sad offlca work. Mala 178T. a-i . . , till , 1 ,.' 1 M, 1 f CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST St. Georre St George CAN TELL TOUB FULL NAME, AGB, OC CUPATION. S10.000 Challenge for His Errnal-f 10.000 CommaBda by education and 1 endowed with th sxystrrloua powers of th Eaaters Magi ta baal the 111. weak, alck, afflicted: raa aee th paet sad fBturs of your af fairs crystal clear; ereatea a dlrta Infla ano. to . oreraama - doaaeatlc, ears r" but acaa fallurea; maVea plain to yoa all thlBga hkldea. doubtfnl, deceptlTe: ' that annoy, perplex or pretest eocceeei th on It Togbt mediator of. eecrat Influence la Ametica; Implants la tour life and being a aaarralotia. force to gala your wlab la mar, rtaga, Iotb, mining, moaey, boalneea. win ning lack: remorea aril, (area drink baa It, all wsakneae which depreaa yoa or roe roe th will, raa tore lost vitality, Snd treaaure,. mines, aileelng onee. paper; PcrBtlaa aatral dead -trance medium, par etic palmlat, myatle healer. complete - Oriental ufereadfhg clabrtoyant; poaltlraly Csarantea til beet' aaane yoa bar id almply bp taking roar aaad aad look ing at too; tail Terytblng with nam, date, facta aad Bgnrea; alwaya reliable: oldest, aaoat experienced In ell aceult and apacral work; auggeataaaa, a nee- aa tibra. tlona, aiental teleuatbyi haatena marrlag, reatorv Inat- lee, reaoltee tba ' aeparatkd, atwlt r I rale, enemlee. Open Sundaya. WASHINGTON BT., COR. PARK ST. Star Tktr. Don't ailatag nan, and plac. A SPECIAL SS.OO atKAllING FOR 1.0a lead! lead! Read! THIS IB FOR TOTM READ CAREFULLI THE FOLLOWJlNa WOBDSi Madam Barth la permanently located ta bar owa home. 42B STARK ST. This wonderful woman, ac know led rd by th world ta be th greatest clairvoyant allr. wttboat yaa writing a oaee, tloa ar attetineT on word, h tell yoa Juet rhat ya cam for, bow many ta roar fam ily and all about tbam. Telia same, date ad facta. TeHs poa af lura, anarrlagee, deaths, baelBeea apeculatlona. laTeatroent, . - . 1 i 1 i I kinds, remore t(1 iBflueace and teachVI yoa now ta eoatrol th a yoa lor. Bolt the e pa rated aad cauae apeedy aad Coo genial marrtagaa. K mattar what roar Con di tloa may be, MADAM BAHTH WILL HELP YOU. STARK, COB. 12TH. ALL WORK OrABANTRED. FEE WITHIN REACH OP ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL S P. M. ENGLISH AND GERMAN BPOKKN. . FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL 6 READING FOR L ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. PROF. K. KH1MO. Ore teat Bring aatral dead-traBc clalr vnvant of tb agr; ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OP LIFE; whom yoa will marry, how to eoatrol the oa goo lor, vea though mile sway; reunite the sep arated: gives secret power to coBVol. . 1 will do all others advsrtta t do, and a great deal Btora. THE F.NTIRR WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THI POW Etta OP THR UNSEEN FORCES I HAVE AT MY COMMAND, aad I prove It ta yoa with out price by glrlns yoa a , FBEK TF8I-FREB By having your NAME TOLD (IN FULL!, JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR, snd gits Cm advtc absolutely PUKE be for yea decld bar a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC t DO NOT MIS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. B. KHIMO, PrnfhBtly Located In 111 Owa Tf oat. BOUBS, 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. N. S5 Flftk at.. orner Madlaor- st ALWAYS BBLIABLB - , . , ', H IKJH TKAVIB, Psychic Wonder, - Clairvoyant, palmlat aad dead trine m. dlom, . Office, bH Movlao st., Th Ba nett. Hours from B a. as. to B p. m., laclad lag Bsndays. CLEANING AND DYEING.' Portland Steam Cleulsg ft Drain Worke; prae. tlcal hatter la eouueccioa. xil ata. raciac aui. CLOTHES rlened and snaaad II par BMmth. L alone Tailoring ta., axaj atari at. B. W. TUBNEB, prafeaalaaal dyer and CMaaer. SOS 'erreraoa BT. roaa aaaia snia. CAFES. THR OFFICE StS Waakingtoa at.. pboa Mala TTI. aamael tigoeux. DANCING. DANCING Ibbbob. S6ci claaaea ar prlvata; watts- Ing. two-atep. taree-erep, etc.; eiag daarlng, bock and wing, clog, rati, eklrt, Bpaalah. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wal Wlllaoa, old est ncogaiaed toacaac, Allaky Mg Third Norrajoa aia. - WlVoDWARD DANCING SCHodL Class Mow. .Thursday and Saturday r-vs. social, fancy J and atp daselng Isught: feBrlng tsught; prlvara leon dally, tveters Academy SalL PORTLAND laaactnf Academy, leading seWI; nauroava ijve. v"". - uu viaaair dancing; both asxss: ysaag Balks, sdnlts; rn siruetlos dally. Airier. Tsk M. IMI. Prof. Rlagter, daaclod maatar. PROF. BATON Dancing school; rises for nidi and pea re-Monday end Ttraradwy eves Ins a. Arvaa h.ll. Pboa Et Boo. BROWN'S Daadng Academy, Borkhard kali. IW7H East Baraaia. sms Mala nit, Dum Taeadakta, , DRESSMAKINO. Tatf.AnaaUa Draaamaklaa Parlora, BU FUtk and Mala. Paeirt M. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIPlO ELECTRIC CO. Kng laser, ca trac tor, repalrera, elect rle wiring, auppllea. ad Plrat, aor. Blark. MaU tM. B. B. Tata, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, SI BUth St. Contractor electric eoppll, motor ad - dyoaaaaa; wa Inatall llgbt aad power plaala. EDUCATIONAL. 4rHVATB -rCTOHINO Teacher with anlrerelty axpcricac; rouege priratorr work a ap clalljr. Studio. M Bortb ITtk M. Pkuo I'aelll IMi r-MABY-TMYlS MA0INNI8. taarhiT af tioaai aaa aaturaitatie rklna; watar-coaut bead a epecUtty. Studio Ul X. Sth at., N. FURNACES. 80YNT0N farm-air furnace aT feel. J. C. Bayer Furnac Co.. 2nd Beoood. Mala ddl. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. POHTLAND WIRB ft IBON WORKS MS laadrraBt. ror. rrd. Mb,n J', OASOftNE ENGINES.' 0ASOL1NB enxlnee, all alsas sad stria. " at lowaat prlcaa. Bslrsoa Machinery Co., ltt aiurriava at. HOTELS. THI BELLEVI'B, Poortk aad Sshao sts. Booms CO ap; ratra by week ar montkf .eat-of-towa trad aolleltad. . Pads 1106. HOTEL Portland, Americas plaail. IS par day. BELVEDERE; Europe s pla74tk aad Aider ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hard war Co, solid ta opportonlty ta quota price. T4 Sixth at. Pacts en. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WH1TB, Br loauranoa. lock bids- . -t . IAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer' liability aad la, dividual accident aecurlty bond of all kind. Pboue 47. SOS McKay bldg. MUSICAL. TILE WEBBER STUDIO MaBdoltB. banjo, gul tar fBetructloa; Glbaoa mandoline. 8 Aid. PIANO, TloMn. plana, faeaor B A. Smith, trombnna, clarinet. Pro S64 12th. Mala 4T0S. SO KINDS 60s folios 40c. 171 Fourth at. Lary'a Musi Baass, MANDOLIN lesarma. Brat-class tasehar, Sbe, Pboa Pad lie S7T. MONEY T0 LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property at far building parao, for from S to 10 year' time, with frl allege to repay all ar part of loaa after ar year. Loan approved from plans aad ' ksoB.y advanced aa building prog r aaa; . aaortgage taken an and replaced. FUKD H. STRONG. Financial Agaat. ,-S42 Stark at. The star loan co Any salaried employ, war -earner. SB St oa ma aota. wiinoat morT rare - -bSo.o $24.0 1.U - Honto,. m aiontn wees. Honto, M ajontB TV era. 18.33 or .60 ar S3.W I S.5 at IS.aS or il 84 4.00 or $2.00 er Um) nr Repay to as sia.xi 00 Repay to as UO Kaoar to aa siv aacaay oiog. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalarle. Inanrsac policies, piaooa, ruraiTure, warBooae r eelpta, etc.; any deaei ring peraoa may aai uia a liberal advance, repaying ky eaay weekly or moothly Inatallmesta. NEW BRA LOAN ft TRCHT COMPANY, BOft Ablngtosj bldg. ' MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juet ob your own name ' a other aecurlty; . doBll borrow nntll roa ee aae; say syateaB la ' ta beat for railroad men. clerk a, bookkeeper, atieatcar men and all other employee; buel- 1 acaa atrldlr conAdentUL F. A. Mcwtoa, 4S4 Ablagtoa bldg. - MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad others npon their owa name without security; cheapest rates, eaateet paymanta; office In 90 principal el tire: Bar you real! money by getting our terroa Bret. TOLMAN, 223 Ablsgtoa bldg.. I0H Third St. WANTKD Not, mortgages or suatract aa ny kind of ral atat la oregoa sad Vt ;tilBg- toai second mortgagee porebaerd ir well e cared. B. B. Nobi. SIB Commercial blk. MONEY ta loaa la ams to autt. S and 8 pears. ss low at 6 pr rent, oa improved dtp prop, erty. Moaltoa ft Bcobey, Bui Columbia bldg., BdS Waahlngtoa at. DON'T Borrow money oa aatary Sntll you a Huttcn Crecut Co. 612 Dcknm bldg MONEY loaned oa fnrnltnr. plaaos and ether arcarltlea. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Waahlngtoa BldvPbon 1'aclflc 1S3S. i WANTED Applications for mortgag loan, direct from owner, from VX1 to 41.600. (or term of year," low rates, moderate charge. W. S. Ward. Atturaay-at-Law. Allaky kldg. MONEY to lon; lafg' trxn apedaltyi aln bnllding loana; biweat ratea fir laaurance. W Ullam G. Beck. 818 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 4M Mohawk bldg. Money .to lead an eaBypavmrnt plan ts wagr-eamera; atrlrtly eooadrBtlsL 1600 TO BB.Oon TO LOAN an real eat ate Be rn r I ty by private, party at d to B per eaat, - Room SIT Commercial blk. MONEY Wtlllai to loaa klada of security. Waakingtoa. bldg. a Boll, room B. LOW rata an furniture, sir. ; cocBdentlal. B2S Flledoer bldg., 10th sad Waab. Pacta 20o'i. QUICK loan on all aecurltlca. S. W. King, 43 Waahlngtoa bldg. I'boo Mala 8100. - WILL lots 3,ono or !, real rat at stcurtty, S per cast. Fsrrlngton, fen ton bldg. TO LOAN Sums to suit oa chattel security. B A. Frame. t!4 tb Marouam. A LOAN for tfte saklng Salary ar chatteL The IMi Co.. 4iu uesum Ding. MACHINERY. B. TBENKMAN ft COMloJngr sawmill, kg glng mackliiery; kydraollc plja. caa ting; all aiaos repairea. iu aorta roars. AUTOMOBILE BMdiln work a. gaattllaa BMrtora, trsssmiasiona aaa- atearing gear, ft. at. it eoa. 2MGraBdra. , THR H.4C. ALBEB CO. Second hand mt cklary, sstrmllls. etc. 148 Grand ar. . A. J. PAUL, lot First t engine, hollers, saw mill machinery! wiexe Bros. gsng. MONUMENTS. NKU ft KINOSLEY. ItM First St.. Partlaad'l lending marble and granite works. M M OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DBS. ADIX ft .NORTHRUP, 418-14 17 Dekasi bldg.. Third snd Waahlngtoa sts. Pboa . Mala B48. Exsmiaatloa frea. OPTICIANS. DR. . . MILLS Optostrtrtat and Kreslgbt SpeclaTtet. Boom 88-BT, 828 Waahlngtoa Street. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. Mala aad sttarp plnmfcer. SSI Sacoad, art, almoa. Oregoa Phone Mala 2001. DONNERBERG ft RADKMACHEB, rsmotrd Is No. 80S Burnsids St. PRINTINO, THB MODERN PRINTER YArtletl prtnttnaj: M Bnsael bldg., Foank aad Morrlaoa. Pkoa Psrlao 1828. ' OOtLBEE BROS., printers Card, billheads, sic. Phone Mala lMoa. 146ft Plrat at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BRACH ft CO.- Th pioneer Taint Ca,; . window glass aad glaalag. IM First St. raens 1U4, f FINANCIAL ADD TIL TOM, BAaTIEEB CEakaHkrted B 1 Traaaaata a Bwaarai Baaklag Baalaaa Colkactlooa mid at all pofaf atite tarum. Lt e, iti baua anllilila In Bwmn. A aU aolnta la tb TJalaaa H" Sabaas-e aad Talegraphl Tea na fare sold aa New Yrk, Waeblaattaax CbAeagw. St. Lawts, Iiiith, Omaha, Baa Fraarteee aad Montana and Brltlak Oolambla. Exchsas aM4 , aa Londoa, Parla. Berlla, Frankfort, HeagBoag, Yokohama. Manila sad Huaolara. M yCHAaTTr MATIOBAl BANK. PORTLABD, OREOOB. AIJS a w 1,u" rrvaiaeai I R. W. BOYT Caakla I aasaaral Baaklag Buslsasa. Drafts All Part l ta World. u BITXB STATEB BATIOBAL BABX OF MoeWiw Cmm. Tt1rd TaaaaB a Baaaral Baakine Baahwaa. tb Fatted., fftai .sua . EBracaa..JHnagkoag aad CS.StS.l-i A1NBWORTH I Vtea-Praaldeat... K. LEA BABNBB I " ' ' .'- - ' " ' Aaalataat Ca abler D aUTKEBB ft ITfMBEBMEB'B BAHX Portland. Ore am. Corn SMoad lad atarh etraeta. LJ . Oom martial and aavtngs department, letter, ttt eaelt ' 1 1 1- . II . 'LTON ,..j...,PW1dat 1 BOTHCHIU.. .rTrat-Vlca-Prwaldeat I .KEATING.. ..Baeoad PIcw-pTMldrat T" SANK OP OAUFOBMTA XstaklMbad Capital paid ap. $4 taw oa 0arl Banking and Pvehana-a Boalneea SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Aocnant rartlaad Bra aeb Chamber WM. A. MACRAB. . Manager t FIBST BATIOBAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OBBOOB, , Dalgaatd Depoaltory and rinaHal Agaat of th Tnlted frtatee. . . rasdat.. ..A. L. MILLS J Caahler 'Wi "JETTiaa Aaalataat (.ashlar ...W. C ALVORD I Secood- AdUnt Caahler B. P. STBTBNS .' Latter f Credit Available I Pttrop nd file Paarera State - ' "tctit Baches snd Tslearaabl Traaafera aoid oa Rear York. Boa ton. Cnlcag. St taaflh t. ,Pal. Omaha. Has Franc tec and th prladpal points la h. Northwest. Sight aad time kill drew la same ta entt aa toadoa. Parte. Berlla. Freak fort aa tha-lfals. ooagsoag. Tekohama.- Copokagaa. Ckrlatlaala. TRUST COMPANIES. V POBTLABD TRTfST CQMPAVT OF OBIOOB Ta Oldest Trust Oomaaar ta RRSOUflcrg OVBB lt.T50.0nO. Oeaera! banking, t per cent tntsrt ea cheek I tevea kaddreda) en dally kalanc f I VI or over. Lttra of credit aad exchange parte of tb world. Ravin ra aeoaata. . Tlana certtricate. S ta 4 per cent: ehoet caU aertl flea tea. nno ar aver, 1U to 4 per rent. Call for Book of 'lU'.rfrTBATIONS. Ponthaaat Cora Third and Oak Street. Phon Prlrtt Exchange TB, 2B7i -COHBM Prealdest I H. L. PITTOCK, i'ZT'ZZlSZZL n. I.BB PAOItT : Kcrt.ry J. O. COLT B A Aaalataat SecTetary SIOTBm Traaaai aa Tta ErrtTBTTT BSWTWna a. vwrm maun a Oaneral Baa king Baatneee. aad l.ii. 'ia.i. aa. ,. Credit Available la All C. P. ADAMS .'. .....Preddeat I ft. L. MILLS Beeoad Vice Prealdeat .Preddeat I (-Prealdest I GEO. P. BU88RLL T MOBTOASB TJABABTEE ft TRUST COMPANY BABX. . Treaaaeta a Oeaar! Basking Badneas. later aat Paid a Tim Depedt. SavtBgt Departraeati 4 per cent Intereet allowed. apnanded amartarlp. - - CAPITAL.... ,. .tlM.0oa.0B . W. WATERBUBT...., Prevldent ) C. W. UlLLFR. Tie-Praal deal :-- - M. LOOAN BATS rtataot Secretary . m FTke' Teatpls. Swntk and Stark Street. Phon MIB 154. Open fattrrday frvaatag IB NORnrwxSTERW TJABABTEE ft TRUST COMPAbTT Portlaad. Oraawa. Lumber Exchange R. R. Corner Becond and Stark Streets (sssaad Boar). -FISCAL AGENT FOR COBPORATIONS. . . Starr, fkaatp. MaaMpal and Corpora tloa Bo a, la Boor ht aad Sold. New ratal pi laea argBalsad aad ana seed. Btocka and konda marante-ad. TrrtE OUABAVTFE ft TRUST COMPART StO WAgNTNOTOW STB EXT. MORTGAGB LOANS aa Portlaad Beal Batata at Leweet Rate. ' " Tltlea lnearvd. Abstract a Faralehed. J THORBrRN ROSS I JNO. R. A1TCHIBON Secretary OEOBOB B. BILL Tie-President T. T. BUBKBART Tr auret BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M OBBIB BBOTBXRB. Chamber sf Oommere Mtmldpal. railroad snd D OWBIBO-HOPXTHB COKPAXY KataWUhad STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought Prlvata Wire. BOOM d CHAMBER yBI . 0. Bea TJ LXB COMPANY IB-SO LafavwH Brokerage Departmeat Pa Before Buying or Balling Stocks OVIS J. WTLDB BOMB TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' i Corner Sixth and Waahlngtoa Street. Portland, Oregon. OTerbeck.Starr & Cooke Co 10, TiZ"?l ' SBAnt, PB0Y1KI0NS. COTTOB. STOCKS AWD BOBDaV, WE DO A STRICTLT C0MMI8S10K BUSINESS. CoatlBBooa Markets by Priests Wtrs. Quick Scrrlc. BKFRRKNCEs Ladd ft Til to. mbtibbobs """" sa Oaltod, States National Bank af Portlaad. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. S4S Alder St.. phon u.i. uk- nhw atariina. aeala. taclla; bs- gag, trad check: braa eigne aad plat. REAL ESTATE. PARRISH, W ATKINS ft CO., Baei . aetata,- 1 near a nee, rental aa gBta. SM Aider at. a m d ma ft n nflnN. REAL ESTATE AND MOBTOAOB LOANS, ltjon Main 6804. 622 Chamber of Commerce i i i i R00FINQ. i TIN BOOF1N0. fttarin renatdn ssd general hpbblng. 4. all. 818 JrrteraoB at., r-ac aa. SIGN PAINTERS. : rivrrrt a KLKISKR fllONS ' We bars baUt ap th largaat lga bnslnax la tba dty by flrst-elaae work and keeping ui protnlM. Our prlcaa a rigax. aad Everett ata. Pboa Ka CA. Fifth W. P. BERGEB ft SON. 24 Yamhill Sl ot aU kinds. Pkoaa Pda 22S2. Signs "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. 2X7 Htark at. Phone PadSe 168. Boal Co., sewing Machines. piinvs Paclfl BTSO and I peraooally will call and repair your sewing-machine; work guaranteed. 8. 8a ma, adjuster. 881 Third at. SAFES. bnan iMn aara CO.. aole areata for Herring. Hall-Marvin aafra and Manganese Bleel Safe Oo.- bank '. Tk larger aaaortmeal of hleh-arade Br and burglar-proof aafas IB tbs aortkwe. 82 Seventh St. VhtirBnT tl and fli'e-unaif ssfssr lock' out. opened; metal flitnrra; vaalt and Jail work; Jacke. i. B. Davla. 08 Sd. Mala Itfc. EIGHT seeond-kand fl re-proof aafes and two secood-kand bank safes for sal cheap, st TO Sixth St., Foctlann, trr. . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and atora future mad t order. The Lotk Masafsrtaing te., Portland. . B. H. BIRDSALL. dealrnar; agaat M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Main 66ao. STREET PAVING. WARREN Canstniitkm Co.. sli rrl -ptrtnr. aldT walka and croaainga. si isaair avxeoaaga. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Co. af Partlasd. Grries BOO v. orteaier sis TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGE ft OMNIRUS TRANSFER CO.. car. Sixth aad Oak ate.; baggage checked from bottl or residence direct to dedication; paaMsgers tberflor avoid man and annoy ssc at depot. PrlvaU tzrhang SB. SAFES piano' and fnrnltsr aaortd. packed ready for ahlpplng and ehlpiied; all work guaranteed; large. -torv brick r.-proo4 Varebonae fog atorag. Office aoB Oak at, Olaan ft Roe. Paoa Mala 647. C O. PICK, office SS First at., between Stark and Oak ate., pnons AM: pianos sad furniture moved aad parked for ahlpplng; commodloa - brick warehouse with separate iroa Freat and Clsp sts. CUT rates aa household goods ta all points aat; we make ap carloada; spedal room for trunks while waiting. Oregon Auto-Da patch. 18 First at. Phon Mai TI8. - BOSE .CITY VAN C0.. offlca ItlFlrat St. Phone DV28. Furnlturs snd piano moving a neelalty; ws gusrsate osr work. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 124 North Rlstk. Phos Main OH. H.ay ksullng sad storsg. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANSFBBf CO. Storag. 824 Btark at. Mala 40T.. ' POST SPECIAL DELI VP BY, No. SOOl Wash ington, at. Phon sisin so. TELEPHONES. THE eeily airlualv. tclpboB-anBB. B.-bV, Kleetnc inepaoaea awaanaiii p. nr. t Fifth at: "TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN .ITOWELS DAILY Comb, brsah, aoap, 81 per Bioath Portland Lanadry and T.wal Supply C-. Nlath sad Coaca. Phea 410. BANKS. bx IUa.1 K. it tiurtrjaaa 7rrZ".. l GEO RGB W. BOTT A aetata at Cashka and tatters af Credit lasaed AtalUM s Coliectlona a Specialty . FOBTLABD. OBEOOH. anil Oak ateMt. DBAtTS IM8UBD AvatlabU ta AB CTtlaa ManUaCalatftkaM Mafia aa Favorable Tarara, Caa tiler B. W. BCHMPBB Aaatataat Caahler ... ,...W, A, HOLs A. M. WEIGHT ".. latareet paid n esvtaga aaaaaata. Draft aad a,e Mia IvBMM,...M..aivrfwrTii7f.ftrbt, H7D STOREY Aaalataat Caehtee PLATT ft PLATT eenwal Qaaaeel IMC Bead, Baa Fraacaaee. Oallfarasi Bnfplua and undivided proBta. $10 Tranaaetad. - Infarct Oa Tim. Depoatta. may 1e opened af (Id aad apward. . af Coamre Baliamg. . T. BUBTCHAELL. .Aaeletaat Maaa Stockholm. St. Petaratmrg. atoaeow, awaa, aaa t i l. aiie Baatlaad. OleaSB, BAPINOB DEPABTMENT. lalereat rv.. r ctatea. Drafts 'Bad Letters g Part sf tb World, L. A. LEWin.., Pint Yloe-PreddMt B. O. JUBITB. ...... Aaalatant Secretary Bldg. pnhHr serrtcs corooratlos bonds. USS BBOXZRS. sad Sold for Cash sad aa Vargta. sf COMMERCE. Phea Mala Wf. Bldg.. Portland. Or. H. Deaebae. Maaager. er Bond. Caa Alwaya Sara Taa Mossy. TYPEWRITERS. HRAIKJUARTERH for new and rebuilt typa wrlura of all mskss; sss oar window; If yoa ara going to buy a naw typawdtar ae sa bs fors buylna; ws csn Bar yoa money; w - have parts for rerislrlng nil machine : state agents for th VUlbls pox; w buy. all klada . or typewriters. i ne 'lypvwritcr axensags. Inc., m. i. EiiiaoB, manager, a Third st. WB sell Rcmlnrtons. Smlth-Prsmhtr. Dei BKirr. etc, lower than Bay other ompaay; isveetigst. t aaarvrooo lypewnter io., o bib. BUCK EN8DER PER typewrttrrs. 840 aad 860; - supplies, repsiring. hobs at Host, with otsrg. WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW BHADB CO., SOT Salmon st. plain and fancy aba dee made t order af - loweat prlcaa. - Phon Mala 6T9. . WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, California wine depot; all klada of wine. 6 a glass. Conks' ssd Cooks' Help er Headquarters. 148 Fourth at, Paoa Pa cific 8183. P. Loratl. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB BREYM AN LEATHER CO., Jobber f saddlery, hardware. Bars gooas, Mtbr, Bad. lags sad aaoe atora auppllea. Fifth tad Oaa, M. A. OUN8T ft CO . DISIKIBI IUKB Ug ri.TB UIUABB. PORTLAND. OREGON. SHERK. GAZB ft GBABAM (la.) eemmlaaloa merrbanta. Jobera of fruits, produce, eta ; coadgameaU solicited. 128 Freat at. EVERDING ft FARBELU prodacs snd coat. mlsstoa merrnanta. lav groat at.. Partlaad, Or. Pboue Mala 1TB. OREGON FarnltBT Maaufacturtng Company Manufactarers of faraltara far tba trad. Portland. Oregon. WADHAMS ft CO. wholaaal gracsta, mans- fscturers snd eommiaaioa Barrcaaata. Foarth ad Oak ata. FURNITURE manufacturing aad epeclal ecdere. Li. Huvanasy s lurnitura isctory, sin t root su ALLEN ft LEWIS, rommtaatns ssd prednc mer- rhsats. rronl aaa uaris a is., t-ortiaa. or. WHOI.KSAI.H rrorkery snd glssswsrs. Prael, Hegel ft Co.. luo to 1 Fit tb.' aor. atsrk st, -.Hf1g?si BIRTHS. WOODRUFF, November 8. to Dr. snd Mrs. W er G. Woodruff. T28 Wasco, a boy. MOMR ELL November T. to Mr. and Mrs, Charlie N. Momhdl. tVw) Clinton, S girl. ME YER-Novriulief d, t'a Mr. snd Mrs: du 1st Meyer, 101- Eaat Twelfth, a bay. TRAFFIC IS DELAYED BY ri nnnn iti if it iru i rLUUUd In VALLlT t Trains Are Transferred at Al bany and. Run Down West Side Line. (Special Dispatch ta Tbs J oar aai. I Albany, Or.. Nov. . The ralna con tinue but the extreme high water Is subsiding- 1 Great concern was felt by the countyuthorltles 'for the bridged serosa Hamilton creek, but - later re port ahow they ar . safe . and - unin jured. ' Th big $20,008 bridge across the Ban- Ham, called Sanderson's bridge, la as ft although th water mad Inroad on th bank adjacent to th earn. For aeveral days the Bantiam roa at th rat of six Inches an hour, mak ing It a serious problem .to baffl with Ita elements. It la now aaaumlng a mora normal condition. A11 trains run ning Into Portland ar transferred at Albany by way of Corvalll and . th went sldf line. t Trains from ins sou in nsva generally been delayed from It to It houre. Ralna. hav played havoc wttn railroad traffic and It will be day before thing ar restored to a normal condition. - ' , 1 rreferreat Shock Oaaaad arsods, Allan aw Lewis Best Brand, FRAUD GASES VJ ILL S00 DE TRIED Lewiston. Men Alleged to Have Swindled Government Out of CaTtb'BiTCaTTed. - HEARING PROBABLY TO. 'COMMENCE" NEXT MONDAY President Ketenbsck and Cashier Kester of Natlonsl Bank Art Most Prominent Anions Sixteen Individ- '. uals Indicted. "' . 'v (Special Dtapatcb ta Tb Journal.) Moscow, Idaho, Nov. . Juilga Baal ty. United 8ttea District Attorrtoy Ruick and tba other - off icare of - the United States court have arrived hare. and yesterday morning opened the fall term of the northern division. - The Brand jury waa empaneled and the trial Jury has been summoned to appear No vember 12, aad It la expected that on that date the famoua land fraud oaaea will be called for trlaL It la believed there' will be no further poatponement of these casss. The government la known to be ready for trial, and It la also known that attorneys for tba de fendants have been busily engared during; tba past 10 days In masslns the evidence their clients will . rely upon for their acqultUL The land fraud oases bavo attracted widespread attention becauaa of the prominence of the men Indicted and also bacauaa of the axtenalve f rauda which It waa charged were perpetrated. The moat prominent men under Indictment ar William F. Kettenbacb.' president of the Laiwlston National bank; George tt. Keater, caahler of the aame bank, and William Dtryer. a timber locator, for merly in tb employ of the state. . Tlmbew araad ChajrrsA. These three men are charged with conspiring to defraud the United States out of tltlea to timber lands, c ,w. Robnett, bookkeeper In the Lewlston National bank,, la charged with procur- Ina parties to swear falsely. Twelve other men are under Indictment In these and similar caaes for perjury, it Is charted that these men were employed by the bank officiate In oonnedtlon with the f rauda. In all 18 Indictments were returned by the federal grand Juiiee In connec tion with land frauda In Idaho. Eight were returned at Moscow In November, 105, and eight were returned at Boise in July last In the indictments there are mors than 10 counts. It Is charged In these northern caaea that men were employed by Kettenbach, Kester and Dwyer to file - on . timber claims and after securing the titles to turn them over to them. The men em ployed to do this received from $100 to $400 for their, work. In order to file on the claims It waa necessary for the ap plicant for the land to make affidavit that they were doing so for their own use and benefit and not for . the benefit of others. The perjury charges against the men employed are baaed on,. these affldavlta. Borak fog Sefenao. j- - The accused will be repreaenfed by an arrav of eminent counsel. Including W. K. Borah of Boise, I. N. Smith of Lw- iston and Forney A Moore of thla city. Whether District Attorney Ruick will bo assisted by special counsel la not known, It is known that his aaalatant attorney, Miles 8. Johnaoa of Lewiaton, will aid him In the trials. Mr. Johnson has clashed politically with the, prin cipal defendanta and bitter personal en mity has existed between them. It Is generally understood that they hold him responsible for working up the caaes against them.- WALLA VALLA REPUBLICANS DECLARE WAR AGAIN '.." Boxers Charge Cornwall With Giving Ankeny Candidates Best Campaign. (Special rnapateh ta Tb Journal.) Walla Walla, Wsah., Nov. t. Charg ing that th defeat of P. B. Hawley, Republican candidate for treasurer, and Walter Cad man. candidate for aaaeaaor, waa largely due to th mlamanagement of th Republican campaign, th Even ing Bulletin, the boxers official organ. roundly roasted Oliver Cornwall, chair man of th Republlctn county central committee, la a resums of th election last night. In view of the harmony talk between th boxers and th Ankeny faction stnc th primarlea, th attack on Cornwall last night crested a big aenaatlon In the Ankeny ranka. Rumors have been cur rent for aeveral daya that the boxers were not satisfied with the way the campaign was conducted and that an attempt will be mad to oust Cornwall as chairman of th central committee. Everything points to an-otren rupture between th rival faction again again over what'thr" boxer assert was the mismanagement of th campaign, re sulting In th defeat of Hawley and Cad man. ' The Bulletin openly charges that through the eagerness of the An keny faction to elect th legislative ticket, the other candidates were left to hustle for themselves, although the legislative ticket waa not In tb least danger of being defeated. FINE GRAVITY WATER SYSTEM AT ATHENA . (Speetsl Dtapatcb to Tb Joaraal.l Athena, Or., Nov. I. -City Recorder -Chamberlain haa received notification from the city attorney at Washington, n n LnJ oqMGd NEVER FAILS TO STOP YOUR HAIR FROM FALLING OUT "About I month ago I had an attack of measles and about half of my hair came out. I bought bottle of HAIR HEALTH, and after on application my hair stopped falling and la now In fln condition. HAIR JIKALTH la the finest HAIR TfNIC I ever heard of " . ANNA MILLER, Clayton, V. la. Lrr:r Jfc Cc.::m .fcr Szlz t! l.::fird, OirL.'fi Ca cusa vr.i vim MISS DOROTHY CLARK SISO Oranthaw St., Ohlcago. - Put the scalp in an active and normal eoodlttoev tnd the balr will take care of Itself every time. Tba scalp to th soil In which toe hair grows. It, alone, governs the growth of the hair, aad It mutt be kept fresh aad healthy to Insure a good crop of tialr. The hair Is a prod or of tba scalp, and all tho trsatraants In Cbdstradoea will de do good, nnless they ara tpsclSoaily " efooacloos In the core of the disease peculiar la the scalp. HOW at ail drugKiaU, three sue. 2Sa.f BOOe 8n4$ I AM PC tmttls. KVOWLTOM DA NDEBIXE CO, ClUoagw. FOR BALE AND GUARANTEED BY WOODARD. CLARKE & CO- D. C. that the application of O. Del Graw of Weaton for a title to . Oreen springs on Wild Horaa creek has bean rejected, and that the commissions haa reported favorably for Athena. Wit a the acquirement of these springs, taken) in connection with the Oallaher spring. which have been developed, Athena will have water In plenty and one of th finest gravity systems on the Paclflo coast. The eatlmated coat of developtnaj the Oreen springs and piping the water) to tho head of tho works of th present system. Is estimated at $7,000. WESTON BARLEY FOR fOaiUNDBBEWERS. (Spadal Dispatch ta Th JoaraaL) ' Weaton. Or.. Nov. S. The farmers of th Weaton county will rata bau-ley fa large Quantities next season, which will b shipped to Portlaad for browing par poses, bs experience during th past season proves It to be profitable. ' Ship . ments made to Portland ahow that th barley raised in this vicinity will grade) as flret-claaa. Many of tb farmer will put in 10-acr lot or more. It I also claimed that three cropa can b . raised every year. Profits ar realised, ' from barley Quicker than from whaS 1 claimed by many of th farmer. 1 AT THE THEATRES. "ArUona'! at Hellig Tonight , "Art sons," ' Augustus Thomas' great Amerl-. csa drama, will b tb attract Us at the Hellig theatre tonight, tomorrow and Sunday nights, 'wltb a popular-price aaa tana a toaaorrow after noon. This baauUful play will be presented by aa axcellaat company of player. A savskry troop of 28 mounted sua will be shows en th stage. Beau are sow gelling at the Htlllg boxofOce tor the entln engagement, . "Under Southern .Skies." On of th BMSt complete scant production touring tb country this sea eoa la Lottie BlslP Psrksr's grsst success, -i noar aosuiern bsm, whlcb coma to th HelUg Theatre next Wednesday sad Tharsday alghta, Nawraib 1 and 16, Aa absolute disregard of arpaaaa has characterised tb proOuetloa asf this plsy ssd th Beanie, mechanical and electri da vie employed sr. all of the very latest. Beat sabs pn aest Moadsy. . ' . Seat Sal "Lion and Mouse." ; The advance sal sf sears win opaa tomor row N Biornlng st the bosofOe of th Being tbestr tor "Th Uoar snd the Mouse," which , Co dm te tbs above theao saxt Maadap and Tssadsy Bights, November IB and 18, with a matin Tnssdsy. This will be am ( the grsstact dramatK treats of the asssea. "At Plney Ridge." Tea only have three saore ehsacas bs so the) Bake atork nainait In "it Ptaav Blrnra.' ParformsBces wlU b gives tonight. matin cad tutaotrow algal. Th fsmaae play Is bring produced la a famoua sassae at that Baker. Donald Bowles, Richard Thorn too, Mrs. Mlna Wesson sad th stnsra f th ompaar give aa Ideal per for mane. Senate affects ar p ts th Baker standard, lew doa t treat, sa miss "At Plasy Bldg." "Lost Twenty-Four Hotatb." For Bext week, beginning Banda wstla. Mi MU at th Ha kar tbeetr wUl be 'Lsa-a Twangy-Four Honrs." th ecroamlng fare that was sa satraastBl tbrwugboat tb east. It sa tb story of a young hasband who waa ted ta "aara a tltn" wklls kkt wtfs ws sarsy. Donald Bowles will plsy tbs young husband.. LtUlaa Lawrence, Instead of being a kwrotna, will b tb villain. It win a a scream froas start to finish. " , "A Royal Slave." , Oaa of the saoat baaatlfal avodactlna vv seen st the Empire Is "A Bnyal Slave." whir will be gives fur tb bat tare tlmea tonight, tomorrow marine and Bight, The heart af th ' femlnln contingent af the BBdwaeaa af "A Boysl Slave" will flatter wha tb magnificat gown em n by -Ooaafe lusa ar ssau ta ait tbetr gnu i a use. She wear dx altogether, a different sow la each act, aad twa ta tb first set. . As Told In the Hills." Bert weak, starting Sunday east roe, Told hi th Hills," a sew sad faaciaatlng Bbsry of eoathwsstsra Uf. will be tb at tract toa at tba Empire. The play la rsgardad ss tba best of tbs aaw effertegs af tb sasane la tb melo dramatic line and has met with saqusliried swess from Its first performance. It kas a strong plot, original and rhmrly coaratvad, and th flay Is wrtften with tra dramatis skill sad literary xcllencJ At the Lyric With flashing knives snd a duparsta hssd. to-hand battle. Frank Fanning and Herbert Aahtoa do a wonderfully reallatle ple ef set Ing la "The Ortorooa" at th Lyde that track. Th famous aid drama baa sever bees acted or Biased better ks tb , history f Fartland. Another great play la prumtaed next wee. "Th Daya af Forty -Nine," which stsru Moaday afternoon. ' "' , ; At the Star. Bscttanvaat at daaasndad la tk msdara aaa ha drama aad this demand Is tnat ibis week la "Hrether Aaslnst Brother." . tk plsy which th Allen stock roaipasy hi ' producing at th Star. It paia na plcsss tia Star parmna as mack If not more than any ether marodram seen st this boas aloe th Allen stnrh n. psny begas It .ng.temest. Mlas Fallon, Mr. Mrtua snd Mr, Hrabsry each bav aapllal rule as4 act Ihem wall. ""','. At the Grand. Grand spars In rsurlIHs d er --tv n sf the reeal re. ft Hi at-l.rhi I r , a two of the Bianv arts f -uiii m li.. c i t gran at th. Iir'l To N"- !. i , ' - psny of grand iirl ah -r hi - a I litrl" la li' ai I. that h. "l " " elase. l I" -ars resJd- , IJ jr. t-- . 1. Yv