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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVEwtNG, NOVEMBER 9, 1CC3. 11 -'.) NEW TODAY. FIuE L0TS---$!70 EACH Inside Property v a .am u.. i.w .A.a ;y.,"v tracts, sidewalk and city water piped . ,' to avery lot. , Thla tract la known aa "Alton aark" and altuated about on . mile and a half aoutheaat of Madison . street brida-a on tha Kellwood car Una. " Tha lota ara all cleared. In grsns plot and command a fine view or tna river - la.mlnuta car servlca. and tha nrlca ol ,ttiea lata la 60 rera cent chraj?r. than . adjoining; iota soia lor, wnicn are now ' butlt uinin with comfortable homes. ' Limned number for $50 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH Title par eot; free abstract tarnished wltfe every lot. Take Bell wood oar and i . a-et off on Harold street, and you) ara at : we property. Tor particular call on H. J. CLOHESSV or Hour Binxsnio. ',R5AL real. lyrA-R pRopojiy.oNj pMCOMp , fpoKtnKm Jrd Jack King Tha hot-air merchant, cure RHEUMA TISM. Never fail. No cure no pay. The only complete hot-air plant on tha -coast. . , ' - BXBOB BATBB, Boos nth and Waahinrtoa alts. f;:;:'-A'SNAP;--; Quarter block. Portland Height!, full lew of city; small house, la food con dition. Only $3,500. v attmnroavo a co SIT Commercial Block. Phone M. $110. BARGAINS Hotel, II rooms furnished, city, to lease. lit acres timber and orchard land. White Salmon valley. Trout I-nkt, and homeatead rellnqulBhinTOT; Tor sale cheap. . C. H. PIQOOTT and 3. A. FINCH, Attorneys-at-JLaw, Room 4. j' Mulkey building. Northwestern Guarantee 4 Trust Co. Xiombar Banhanfa Bid;. (Raoomd Tloor) s B.M. Cor. Baooad and Stark Bta. , WE HAVE Six Par Cant Securities for ona or mora year, secured by First Mortgag, de posited In trust; .Interest semi-annually. East Side Home! r' It, BOO 7-room houe, with U modern Improvement, on Monro street; new ' last year. Must be sold, as family Is erolner away. AddIv to A. C. GAGE. B(7 BherToek bulldlnn. Third and Oak. Phon Pacific - Haw- daya only. WEATHER REPORT. ---- Rterai waralnr were ordered dleplayed lat nlsht at all atatlona eo the Strait of Joan da " Fare, Gray' harbor, tb nouth of the Co : lnmbla rlrer and Coos bay. The warnings were extended thla mornln to Inclad all aUUons . ea ttauinrnaai nay ana rnr eonno. Tb blab preaaore are yeeterday orer Bortb .' aaatcra Waablnctoa has Bored rapidly aoath. eaatwara to tne nuaai Miaeoon Taury ana a ; new dlatnrbanoe ef decided character ha mad tta appearance orer Vancouver laUnd, which . will-aDore rapidly eaatward and auae general ' rain tn thla dlatrlrt doring th at day or , two, with freeh eontherly brccaca la the In. . terkw nd a trong nth b!ftlog to aoath weet gale along the eoaet. ' Obaereatloa tokea at a. in., Paetae time: . Taap. 1 Btatlons ' Baker City, Ore foe IaUL Manarhoaet Max. . Ml. Predn. . M 44 .0 . 44 S2 .0 , Chlearo, JUlnola 60 rar, Colorado 6. -.. 'Kanae City, Mlaeoorl...... TO . Lo Angelea, CalKornl.... S New Orleans, Leetalan..., T . New York, New York...... BO i Portland. Oregoa. ......... M Koaeburg, Oregoa.....;.... 9 . Salt lAike, ( tab........... M fit. Louta. Mlaaoari 00 T Ban Fraacieco, CaUfornt... 1 Rmkane. Waehlngtoa...... 40 00 .0 M .0 4 .9 54 .0 ' 0 -. . 40 , A ; , ,!H - M .0 ' " 60 : . .0 4 M ' .00 40 .42 42- . .00 al .0 I Hnokan. Waahloaloe. . Walla Walla, Waahlngtoa.. 10 Waahlngtoa. P. C ao MARRIAGE LICENSES. Uolgrr Kleralff, K; Johaanah Gndakeeea, SO. Lee H. Boaalter. 27; OUre tt. Woraer. 1. J. O. Barber, flortat; flowrrtBg. 6 aura tie pleat. Crtletlc floral dealgo; expert trim ming end pleating of boabea and tree. 412 Vaneoater see. - Phone Baat 6370. .k " Wedding Cardk, W. O. amlth A C., Weak fngton blag., ear.. Foartb and Waahlngtoa eta. Wedding and calling card engraved printed. B. T. Baahtoa. 222 Waahlngtoa at. Fan dree alt for rent, all ale-. L'nJqoa Tailoring Co., Stark at. ' - FUNERAL NOTICES. PAXMEk At th reetdeara of hi eoa-ln-law, George A'ery, emitb of Kendall atatlon, Koeember A 100A WUllaai Palmer, eged 84 5r. Fonerel will take Blaoe Batnrday, loremter 10. at 1 B. bl, from the above real dear- Interment at Multnomah ceaie a terr- MetBbera ef the O. A. E. and frlesd Invited to attenA ' ' KLOIKl KTT-Is Moatneller, Vermont. November 2, ltMN, Id 1. wlf of George i. Blodgett, .Mi 1 veer. ' aeraliee artll ha held at Ftnler a chapel, Batorday, Movmbr 10, f at 1 p. at. meaa nrites. inter meot gueer. view cemetery. - ... UNDERTAKERS. Panning. MeBntee A Gtlbenah. Bndertakera and embalawia modera la every detail, seventh and Pta. Mala 4JO. Le aaelataat. A. B. Beawtork, andertakar and r mb Inter. Fa at Thirteenth and V mat LIU are, Pben Bell wood Tl.. - Frlekeoa Undertaking Co., and embalming, 4)) Aide at. Phon Mala USA Lady aaalaUnt. I. r. Flnley A Bona. Third ad Madlaoa at. Or no of eoaaty coroner. - Phoae Mala A Clarke Bro.. Flertatn Fin tower . and design. " norraea at. ' Edward Botmea. SBdertaker, 220 Third at. EJTEATHW OEBJTEBT.V- - Stogie grave, (14. Family Vita $75 to 11,000. The only cemetery 1 Portland watch see petvellr maintain and ear for Iota For fall InforoMtloa apply to W. A. Mackenate.' We, eeater block, tlty. .W. M. LddL Brewdeat. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.: A. C. Pantos and wlf to Lla P. Gill. g-i nio - a.iuare feet In the Too tna " tarter'' donatio lad claim, la towB- hlp 1 atntk. raag 1 eaat f M. I., and V. P.- Uendee to rerrle M. Krdc lot S and A blork 11A ' fttetihene addlttoa 2,000 Kile and Eugene h laeel to J. P. Hibbe, M I.' blork II. Heat Irvlngto A BOO M. ". Geurr aed wife to Uenevtrv O. rwton. that tNwtloa of , hVneh , t ariera' a-t.ll Hon teat to eoritheaet of the 16 foot ell.r tbmagh aald block.. Earl r. Kiuaangb and' wife to Millard lUlb, 14 & block A Broaaugh oUiliea U4 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Howard If. Winter te Trunk into asd Stlvatore Otndln. lot I ml 4, block Kit. ottphrat' aedlltos to Best Port' M land v. 1,000 lim O. McCellom et si. to A B. Os good, let 3, AmlU addition .. W. K. Smith to V II. McClrrre at al., kn kl.k ee farter'a addition, as. centlnr tba weat 75 feat t p b. .ir. t. a.ii. Km- k.,,1. L. IK hLwOf 1 Uouaaay i-ars addition ...... r.. . .i ..... . ...A2B0 George vr. Brow to A. P. Coadrty, lot 80, block 1, Laarelwood Tin Cuerentre A Tniat company to Una J. Kelly and wife, lot .'ll. block Lexington R-lvhta Frank I. Motor? and wit to GHee E. Greene, lot 8, block A. CncrrvdslQ Char Ira "Ttrfet to " rharWTnl-IMil.rt-, A excepting a etrtp 6 feet wide alone the weet Una tn iMI?ntoa of eJu. ..a. i. rti. ib T11.K t r.' aVittarloai Land ioo lot ' claim 1.100 Fran O. and Carl a. Kbelrh to Bits B. .. Ptltoe. soath at orth--at A of , i . . ,.,.kl. . Mutk ranjra B eaat C. W. and ronataope I)arl to T. B. vn. 1,1.1 n, u M at lot 1. blork SlV Kallwood ...... 1.100 Billa Ot and V. I. Hurb to Trlna . w'ii i1m b . John lrrtna'a Ftrat addition to Eaat Portland 1.100 Jolta R. Hoffman to Portland A 8attla HalKray vompanr. 92 loo acne, nsnr of war 1 fot- wide or -eat H of Waaler Van Rrhayme oonatloa land .liln . im anaraahln 1 north . ranee 1 eaat 1.900 lohn and Beaate Bordatoe tn Kdwar Krwttr. lot T, bloc ft, Horta irin- otoa . 1 0. B. and C. C. T"nr to W. J. Oil- Jr. lna it, 14, la. woes a. iwauw addlttoa 1.900 r. A. Knann and wife to Moore Ineaet. awnt eoiaoany, lot 4, a, T, . .. . bloc 1:-lota A t. 10. 11. It bkx-k lot 1, J. . 4. 5. T. . . 10. 11. IS. blork K:. all of blork , J, A T, A", - ' A 10. all In lorrlntoa 10 Lnarlle MrMrhola to C H. McKfowa, lot C, Palatine II1U t,ow W. C. Van nrrsal and wife to George G. Hoot, eaat H of lot 1 end eaat H or aorth lO feet of lot t, blork 1A Polaa1 addition ' CM W. O. Vaa IVraal and wife to Oeorse O. Root, eooth 4o feet of lot J. atocs 12. Dolan' addition to Eaat Portland., two '. C. Vaa IVraal and wife to .floor . O. Boot, not H of lot t and weat H of north lO feet ef lot t,' block li Ton'a addlttoa TS0 WI1U U Capl-e to Marraret Klly, . 4. blork 1. Shtnn addition Marraret Krllr to Rimer A Babb, lot , 4 and a. blnrk 1. Rhlnn' addition .... . S00 Oeora H. blnn and wife to Manraret Kelly, lot ft. block I. Hhlnn'a addlttoa.. aoo Clara and AWIir Kde to Jwli I.yoaa, lot 1, block mj, Bouaaay aaaitioa to Eaat Portland ATM looepb G. and M. Mrr1maa Hooaton to raunn n. lurfl loia a ana e, oiora T7 fntrttr Park . 00 John p. and N. Mabel Hawlrt to Aaieri- ran InTeetment eonpany.- loc ,, block 24.. Conor!! Creat Park 1 Joha T. and N. Mabel Hewitt to lame D. Fraeer. lot I and a. Mors t, a an lota I and A block 23, Ooaactl Croat rare , . fob and Margaret Todd to the Haw. t borne earn re. m n. Dam i. niw ; tborne'a First addlttoa. 1 W. E. Town t aL-to Sarah 1. Sin clair, lot a. Hollywood 42B H. H. and-EiSBtae Nawball to W. H. Roaa, lot 4. blork 14. Mnltaoauh ..... A. W. Lambert and wife to W. W. 1.4B0 Wrbater, 211x41 teat commencing at . point where weat line of Eaat Thirtieth afreet Interaecta aoath lln ef tract -whlrb Jam Beal bought of aeldoa Hirrrav aw Kalnh W. and Edith M..Hoyt to Id . - Alcorn, lot 1, block 12, Llnntoa 200 Ida V. and W. A. Alcorn to Mry M. Gil lette, lot 1. blork 12. Llnaton 1 Ole and Amelia Bly to L. B. Bemlng- ton. lot 1. block . t,nea anae traci.. - aeo William H. Moorehonse and wife to Joaen F. Boarn iota 1 ana ia. oaora A Miller' addition 00 Henry and Edith L. Oowlaa to' Leila B. . Ford h-ta 12, 14. 15. block 10. Penlnal lar addition No. 2 1.290 Ceryl Unebanrb and wife to Ellaa- .... . be th Lay too, lot 2 and went 2-2 feet ' of lot T. blork 10, Tllton'a ddlttoa ...2I William W. Kern and wife to Annette B. Cotter, lota 1 and 2. block 2. W. W. McOntre' addition to Eaat Portland.. 8,600 n tl Tnanaalnl and Wife to B. P. Har- 'rla. lot 14. blork 1. Farrell' addlttoa.. ' 400 W. E. Bnrke. admlnlatrator. to Port : laflid TruaaTVimnanv of Ore eon. lot 2 - and 4. block 1IW, Eaat Portland .. 2,000 E.t.r and rilfford Dnonla to William J. Fornlah. loU U 12, Inclnalve, and eo tm HA. loclnatve. block B. Hawthorn A venn eddttloa to Beet Portland ' 10 1 W. J. Farnteh and wlf to Joha W. - . Hawklna. name property aa above .... 1.2O0 Job P. Hawklna and wire t u natal Swenmon. eame a bove ..,....... Buth A. and B. A. Rnllaoo to T. A. Iarla. lore 1 and 20. block A MaB- fleld 450 . T. A. and Leakw 0. Lwt t P. . O. lattoarette, let IB and 20, block 4. Manafield Oeorge B. Waggoner and wife to John P. Hewitt, lot 0. block 1. Bnngalow Glade. - 860 George B. Waggoner and wife to Job P. Hewitt, lot A block 1, Bnngalow Glade. 880 rtanrla A. and Bogene C. Pbelp to Felix , niraeb. lota 10 and 11, buck A Btewrt ' Park 200 For a detract, title inmraaee ee mortgage Inene call on Parlftr Till A Troat company, 204 6-4-T Falling building. Get year 1nranoe aad ha tract to real eatat from the Tltl Guarantee A Trnet com- pany.tSeO Waahlngtoa atreet. oomer NOTICE. HEATERS repeir("oa abort notice at Ah-Tight . Stove Co.. 271 FlnC Phone Paetfl 111A EXCAVATING and trading. " B.- Pettage, 4t Comaaerclal at . Phou Kaat BIOS. MEETINO NOTICES. MULTNOMAH arpr-Bar Tf ,-Wi-O. Wa meat tonight la their ball, Baat Sixth, Bear Eaat " Alder. All vlaltlng aelghbor aordlally welcomed. . j. c Jones, 0. a J. M. W0ODW0BTH. 0. M. W. A. BVEBGBEEN ctnt, B,ew, am Wedneeday evaalug. a,uaay oiug., .aaa Morrlaoa t. . PORTLAND OBCHESTBA Maahj for all aai MeioneT reasonable. Mala S'.er e Lscrotla. M. W. L.. Oregoa Grape Camp, No. S,TB, Moa 17th and Marahall; vlaltora welcome. da ye. LOST AND FOUND. L08Tporketbonk. aetr tb1 t Freat tnd Columbln: coBtalned 1B In gold ndom all- wer. Retara to iiam eran, t north. FOUND A plac to bv kir mattreaee rewa- . . . .- e.v VA Tnmt at. Male 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. U. Mettger, proprietor. FOUND Oa October 22, a black and white eponea oiro woe. wn - . et 872 Albln . and Identify. j, . J' HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED At once; etavebolt-cattera; good pay. teeoy wwi; i.w . ------- Cooperage Co.. 80 Steam bldg., Portland, Oregoa; r Houlton, Oregon. . . Unica Hotel I 'tl KOHTH SIXTH ST. ' Free empluymeat to our pat rone. Weekly rate: . Boom, 21.26 p; room aad board. 64.80 a. Andoeaoa. proprietor. WANTED Saleemea; meal Biak 100 to 8160 per month; aom vn more, ice grows oa reeervatloa. far from aid orrherdei cub advanced Weekly ; choice of territory. Addree rV'uhlagtna Naraery romp ay, Top pealah, Waehlngtoa. MEN AND WOMEN to leant barber trade 1 eight week; graduate eera from 816 to 28 Srekly; expert Inatrurtnra; catalogu free, oler Sratcm ef College. 86 North Foartb ' el, Portland. ENTERFIUKE HOTEL, 622 SAV1EB, rdRVCIt 1KTH. W are In the factory and mill district! com la aad have a talk wltk aa; good board and good room, per wee a. WANTED Tw or three flret-claaa. ell around Biecnlne men; permaneot poaltlon. good wage. Oregoa gar allure Mfg. Co.. Macadam roe A AUENT8 WANTED To eell anperlor, hlgh-grad Bsreery a met complete oatrit mrnianea tree; ceah weekly: writ todey for choice ef terrt tory, .Capital City her aery company, Salem, Or. . Vt'E get werk for ear .memhere; eprrlal mem her. U. X. M. C A. f earth sad 1 amain. HELP WANTED MALE. CLBBKB and carrier for Portland BoMofflee; another apeclal eiamlnatloa; eeveral men , wanted; file application today. Me me la regara to preparation lo mom. Bu B. alow era, oae aacaey plug. WON'T work for amall aalaryi a or writ raruie aia aaeociaiioa rot a good aropual. uva. ea lbiw axenange. WANTED Tonne men to nrenare foe mil,. telegraph eervlceiwegee 2iS te glM per mnoth wnen uuaaiiea. expert touege c Telegraph, iiua vwaaBDOBweaiia uiug. FIRST-CLASS -aoiirttnr wanted for family wht. Appij m( naaniagtoa wivtvii ia . . , . .i 1J rortlapdi. me are aW-iB.jsAUArT!tU. ma, ? aura bl. WANTBP Heed weaker and wrlager boy. Ap ply haoday between 10 -and IA dragon ' letinur. to., oos aeai u. taona ttaat 19. TWO eaavaaaeTa; Third at. good line good. Call, 202 WANTED One cabinetmaker, one va rata her . work by piece or by day. Boat City Furniture ni. .o., airvc na uidd. .. .. BOT apprenrlr for ledles tailoring, to learn in iraue inorouxnir. apply 9H aaning- ioa at. - jxra. aeiiiucna. . ' WANTED A - good ad aollrltori lo ' s good rtroniatloa auUcltor. Capital Joaraal, Balea, Oregoa. WANTED High erhool boy with bicycle to oriiver alter acaoui. r uowa xtat 1, SOI Morrlaoa t. ' BOYS with wheel wanted tt once. Apply t Uloa, Wortmaa A king. BOYS (boat 17 or 18 year who want to learn tne iHuiae, apply ,i uiaa, n ortmaa a King. WANTED Aa wrand boy. . The Jam Prlat. log CO., as-oo t irat at. WANTED Partner la good paying baatnees: 9 travel; email amoant of Apply room 6, Hotel New Nit b willing t capital required, Belruoot. WANTED Bright-afnee-- boy.- Elmmermaa, nua. orowa Co., sv Btcomi at. WANTED A boy with wheel. Apply at eare. woaaar Millinery Co., rmt s alorriaoa at. CABINET-MAKEB; moat have too la. Apply Edward Co., 11 Flrat at. - WANTED Good pant-preaaer; atoady work and gooa wage to rignt party; eleo helper ta preeaer. . 210 Allaky bid. WANTED B eoataiakor; ateady job. A. , J. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If yoa work, why not earn more this llvlagf B independent; do gooA The Vlavl Co. already emplora 12.000 women: the work eovare 23 eoautiie of- the world; we will entertain appllcatlona from -apabla women; nor eanvaaalng, but helpful, dignified work. Addreaa by mall only, VUvt Co., Lewi bldg. WANTED Young people to prepare theaiaelve aa pookkeepero ana Menograpbere; nave aad 648 calla alnre September 1 ; placed 268 I poaltlon. - We will place yoa when compe tent. Day or sight. Catalogue. Beauka Walker ' Bualnee college. HOMB LADIES' AGENCY. 105 w Fourth at., corner Morrlaoa. apatalra. ' . , ' . Phon Main 682A . . Aloagalde th Y. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTED Operator to work oa ahlrta and ovaralla. Laeaon given to Inetpeneocea. Apply at Staadard factory No. 2, Grand av. aad Eaat Taylor aC WANTED Young ladle ta prepare themearrea aa cenograpnemi pupu aa aooa capanie r permitted to do work la our publle tenographlc room; wage and practical ex- Crleace. Call or write Oater't Expert Col go, fifth Boor Conaonwealth bldg. WANTED Gtrl to- mk -Boaa of All" ever- lis t TB Flrat at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S4IIH Waah lngtoa at., cor. Seventh, apatalra, raon Mala 2MX Famal kalp wanted. FEW ladle waited to aaalat making eeay fancy work spare time at home; good ateady so experience reanirea. , aw rieuiaer 407 Waahlngtoa at. 01BLS Cbooolat dipper ad eeckers. Aldoa lenoy cio., turn ana uiuaa. -3 - COOK wanted; good wage. BT0 Hoyt St. Phone ataia loan. COMPETENT alrl for ran oral hooeework: know how to cook ; geoa wage; family ox two. 804 North 24th at. - WANTED A aompetent gtrl t do general bouaework, good wage, t 814 Seventh at.. corner aaau. WANTED A chambermaid t Baamsna hotel. tlx nrorta jvta at. OOMPETBNT yonag woman, act ok and Joe. In neet houaekeener. wlahea poaltl 'widower' home, or will accept poaltlon In nice family where ahe eaa ilv aa on of th earn. Addree H 120, car Joaraal. YOUNG lady to sew. Apply tea Frsaelac -- Tailoring Co., 271 14 Tylor at. 0IBL r women tor light boaaework and help Wltk children; a washing. Phoa Beet 2670. WANTED Girt for chamber-wort and to watt oa table; private boardlng-boaee. 188 6th at. WANTED Experienced eaat operator aad fin. 1 ah ara, alao .apprentice! good wag ILlQ Allaky bldg. WANTED Girl fot with mall family, $30 a-axmth. Portland Htlgbta. 62 ourtoa at., 0IBL fr flrat-elaa poaltlon taaand workt waget rignt; reiercnoee. . rnone stain ouos.- MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Flrat-elaa mdy cad' gentlemen a- vaaaeraf aalary and cooam lotion. Call at Ageacy Bureaa, ax roarth t.. Portland, or. HELP wanted and eupplted. male or female. B. G. Drake, 206 H Waahlngtoa et. Pacific 1870. WANTED Yoani ntng la lady who read at eight In a Dual : alao boy who baa aom know- Mdg of atringed taatrament. Adraea at 40, eare Joornel. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ALL-ABOUND man would Ilk altoatlon aa clerk In general atore. or can take drygooda, groceiiee, ehoe or ready-mad clothing aepar at; cooBtry preferred. B. B. Vaa Loan, naginew poatoiiic, lean count, vr. WANTED Poaltlon by young maa (21), with chaac at advancement; willing worker; ref erence. II 60, car Journal. - YOUNG man attending boetneea celleg wantt plac to work for beard and room, P as, eare Journal. JOHN SHRIEVB, good Germea landecape gar dener; 80 yeer' einerlence: will eare for garden. Addree tett Eaat lit St. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITUATION a housekeeper, cite oy aonatry. by yonng woman with 2 children, S and 1 year; good home mora of object tha aalary; ilve full particular and wage first letter, ddreaa X 88, car Joaraal. WANTBD 2 or A children to take car of; arm younger, than 1 year. Addreaa J 61, cere Journal, or 100 Kaat 20th at. WANTED By womea with baby, a pile It chambermaid.' Phone Eaat 816. ji 1 r-Ti-Ta 1 t iii 111 1 WANTED-lAGENTS. AGENTS, peddler, reaveeeer and street work . ere, get roue euppllee from B. M. Plummet, . too Third et.;- new good, bottom prices. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Loaning camp and farm help a apeetalty. SO North Serial d at. Phon Main, Blvd. Be pey all telegraph charge. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE rOH MEN. 28 North Second mV Phon Mala I62A POBTIeAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. JORU Morrlao tt rhon Ptclfle CM 27 North Second it Phon Ptclno law ALPINE Emptor ment Co., 2n.1H Mnrrleoa at. Male and female help. I'hon Main 1B17. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A tmall bouee, 1 arr ground; hill pref erred: muat be ebeapl torau, abort time. ynj.dji. .iitji;t, . WANTED REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE WANTED Pat ton Blmpaoa aav cuatoaiere who, want doalrabl acreage oa 6c carllnei alee have tome eood traife to offer for acreage. 802 Lsutber Kxvhtpg WB will pay cash for aw modera realdenc la welkin dlstaso oa eaat elde: price moat be right; will go to 13jjO la price. Hoe 0L In eniU ao, udmc ttxeoange WANTED Invent ment In good laco ma bearing bualnee or realilenoe property; vacant corner mta win p conaiaerea. aaaree X ear Journal, WANTED FINANCIAL. ! WANTF.D Capital to aatabllah' factory for the Portland rYaeber. he wather t log Seventh at. ; . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT -Honee. cottage, flats. atorea, ortlce. rooming-houeet, etc., Ua. lord will do well to rU on -v PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OBBO0M. Phone Ex. 72. A B. Cor. 2d and Oak. WANTED With aloe private family, tw fur nished Bouaekeeping-room, wita yard, want eioe; moat d reeeoname. aaacnata. tw nuta LARGE or 2 email unfurnlahed room, with gaa and water. Addree G 65, ear Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. : " Fnrnkur . I For r' - Furniture .. 1 Spot . , . 1 ' ' t'urnlture T Caah. PORTLAND AUOIION BOOMS, 211 Flrat at- Phone Mala B86A HIGHEST price" paid for; men cast-off cloth- ag. roone racinc an. vaci aoe, aa iBira. WB WILL BUY. SELL OB TBADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAOR CO., Kit U WASHINGTON. - PACIFIC TM. SPOT caah paid tor your furniture, etova etc.; prompt attention, 'rnoa Kaat Ivor. HIGHEST caah price paid for all kind eeo . band good. Phone Mate 2111. 82 N. Third. EXCAVATING aid grading. 0. B. Pottage, 4 Ml commercial at. Phon gat Blew. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT IF YOU WANT - A hew atova, go to tba A A new ranee eo to the A To trad etovee, go to th 8. A water-back put In, go to tb $. . Furniture sre, gG 2S2 V to tn 1. lrat at. Mala 8874. STEAM-HEATED room at reaeonibl rate. Hotel BoyaL 108 14 Fourth at., between Wash ington aad Stark at;- Phon Mtln 823A THB RICHELIEU. SSt Berth Sixth tt. Ele gantly turnlahed; a team heat and bath. "THB. HUB," 06 Eleventh t., cot room with (team beet aad bath. Stark; FUBNISHED room and furalahed bona keeping room for rent at 702 Vancouver ev. THB GRAND. 45M North Third tt. gentlemen 11.28 per week and ap. foe THB WOODLAND Blegtnt ' modera rarnbihed room In beautiful private real den ce. 610 month and op. 208 Sixth at corner Madison. LTNDA VISTA, 247 U Fifth Housekeeping. room with bay windows, end laeplag-rooma, FURNISHED r anforntahed room to lady or gentleman; Bern comfort. F 84, Joaraal. THB KING, 808 Jeff eraoa (t. Boom with very modera convenience, 22 25 and $2.60 per week; free hatha; w building, central. KICELY furnished room la private family; ' bath, fat and fhrnare heat; centrally ke catad. f.2H North 16th tt. " FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPINO. $1.20 WEEK UP, etota, rurnlahed howMkaep Ing room; parlor, both, laundry, turn tee heat, yard. 2U8M Staatoa, tl ear. $1.60 WEEK up, large' cleaa, furalshed honee . keeping rooms, laundry ad bath. 184 Sher man eoatb, Portland. THB MITCHELL Hootrkeeplng and tranatont room, reaaonabl. . Seveath aad Flaader. FUBNISHED housekeeping rooms, 26SU Stark. 146H SIXTH ST. 2 houeekeeplng eultee froat Ing BlaU.M.; light ad airy; 2 room to . ult. r - HOUSEKEEPING-BOOMS, - 800 North ISTh tt ROOMS AND BOARD. SI'lTB of room, with board for family f S; alao elngle. Main 1WA 26 14th at. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. B UNFURNISHED hoatokeenlng-rooma; ltc trlc.Hlthta. gaa, phone; will rant reuoaabw. 407 Columbia St. FOR RENT HOUSES. . A ROOM modern, 16th Mar Jefferson, 1 22. B0 1 6-reom. 1K8 Park, for 8 montha, 'Jb 6-room ; Bat. 16th, near Columbia, i(. 218 Ablagtoa bldg. $36 ELEGANT 6 room bouee, foraaca, 22d and Davla at. Mala 462B. 8 ROOM cottage. Beat llrh, near Waahtngton, modera eoavenlenc. Addree No. 102 B. Ilth. FOR . BENT Houee No. 288 N. 10th at.. room, the place for laboring men rooming . honee; rent $ to permanent tenant. For particular tee i. Krtemer, 84 Fourth at. LOOK $12-$10, B and 6-room modern newly renovated flata, west aide, walking drttlnre. See Hynaon, 270 Waahlngtoa et. Mala 7U3. 4-ROOM cottag. turnlahed with piano: ao chil dren; retara nee, so Kelt GUaaa at. Phase Rest 1206. ,:... 8-ROOM bona for rent, $12 month; tnn basement; with wster. 124 Knott it. 'Psoas Eaat 202A FOR RENT Two 0-roem hooaes, 2 blocks from carline. $12 and I6 per month, mi Eaat Sixth at., aorth, or poena Woodlawa 44A t-ROOM bona ea t carline in Piedmont for h; 1 1 front room with private family tor rent cheap. Phon Eaat 601. FOR RENT 4-room boas, Woodstock carUee, $7. Tel. Mala 86. FOR RENT FLATS. ELECTRIC work: dynamo-tender. reeding metera; anything; perlenred. M Park at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. ; Oces-Must Central Location la the city, northweet corner Sixth and Waehlngtoa eta.; sew elevator; hot and cold water, light, beat hnd Janitor service. THB MOKTUAUB fiCABANTEK A 1BUST , . . COMPANY, SO Seventh St. BTORB at Stewart ttatloo, Mount Scott; every. thing -In ah ape aor occupancy; - muter, thelvlng,. etc.: let to' It reaeoaable rtat Phone Pacific 2106. . OFFICB-ROOMS, unfurnlahed roome aad aa ple-ronm for rent, uooaaouga aiog. apply elevator. ... PART ef hc to rent, eultabl for pelntM f lumbal. 208 fourth at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PESIBABLB efflce. tnctadlns electric Hehta. "'hot and eold Water, Janitor and elevator ervtc, la th new, airy OeuiBMaweelth eidg., old poetornce alt, all Usth and Buraald ta. Agagt room 411. DBMIBABLB tor near Third lad Stark; thee yeere- tea, rnoa aiaia T7. FOB BENT Peek room at reaeoaebl ret. Iaqnlre 200 (ruodaough bldg., aver Joaraal ax uce. , , bo opposition; beat ubarb of tb city.. Cell .v. 7 ,..... m FOB BBNT Cboeehop, OU jahseoa tt. arat- eiaae hcciol HOUSES ' FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALS. FOB SALB Furniture of 8-reom modera boose. - nearly all new; rent reaaooable; two block ', from poatofdee: good transient bouae; will eU at bargain If takea by the drat of Movtmoar. au jnria at. FLAT sot rent, furniture for sal Complete ana np-to-aai rurnianea net, -einee is. an location, for rent reasonable. Inquire Covell Furulturs Co.. 184-ls8 Flrtt St. FURNITURE for aal aad eottae for rent; 6 wiui asa avaare o wimw, .. FOR SALE Furnl tut at 6 -room boos for sals. 2XS Taylor at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL aad baUreom, separat ar togetkerl new aad with all soaveatsaeea, Pheee Mela SUA BUSINESS CHANCES. WISH to meet three ar- four womew who bar few dollar to put In legitimate mining pro poaltlon near Portland; a little money will secure equal partnership mtereet la . splendid property. . V 87, ear Journal. HAVB party who wishes to boy tat buata of value about $ 10,000 or let. - BIT Commer cial blk. Phoa Mala 8120, SAWMILL for stle, 20,000 rapacity; good loc. tloa and fine timber; a aaap. . Addree B 88, ear JournaL WANTED Soma ona to pat smsll t mount al . money Into developing promlalng claim; sot stock pronoaltloa; trletly legitime tot would-ba prtarhlp dl G 10, JournaL STOCK companies Incorporated; If yoa bar tock or bond for aal. let me try to eell them for yoa. George M. Kellogg, broker, 640 BlUcott Square. Buffalo. 8AVB MONEY Anything la printing see Mad- uea, uau rtuowB' 'xempie, siret sua amor tt.; upstair. . FOB SALE Apartment-hoose sf 16 room; all aewty furnlibed; eity terms If accessary! la come $100; rent 850: located sa Morrison st. Apply Coha Bro,' Furniture Co., ISO First. FOB SALE Millinery buamssst snly stor in mining town;, will ecu aw ana nuiiaing, u snap if taken at one. Addree Mr, tl. B. baumann. Gold H11L Or. HAVB Do cord wood pro poaltlon. faw mile out. cneap, on v. w. r. carune. coniiaaniai vs., 248 Stark St. BB YOUB OWN BOSS Ham fine opening fot mechlniet; smiu amount eata wiu aanuie it. Ses Coatlnsatal Co., 248 Burk at. A 000 SHARES sf Mount Pitt Hydrastis nd Quart Mining stock roc ssm at is par bar. H, Tucker, Newport, Oregon. LEADING roomlne-bonee. Tblrd St.. yooo stonthiy, eu rum. ,uwi - rnrt tu v eat ment: alao others lower. McFarUad' Agesey, 808 Stsaras bldg. , FOB SALE The Nlckelodlon, ISO Sixth st-l half interest or outright; aiesoinuos 01 partaerehlp.' Be or address H. W. J manager. Aa opportunity.. "Nut cod.' RESTAURANT aad ' wdf lng-bonss, paring business. Inquire of A. Hellea, New York Ladglng-Hooa. ar BSS Boraald at, $100 BUYS half Interest la Sa paying aad cieea nosineee; experience do aetieaaerr , veai make 84 to 86 a day. H TT, car JournaL CORNER saloon tor sals:, center of city. 24, car Journal. 8860 . BUYS lS-Tonea boo, claaa in) S' yeere ataae, rent o. sea taauitoa eu FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Simetliln? New - Wa ere nlatrJns shout 84 Seres of thS BMSt besutlful property In or troond Portltnd; th lot raa rrom -100 to 10s tee ia ttngui aaa have la-foot sucya. i Rtreett ere bow uader eoe tract for elearlng ad grading sad work being grotto ted. Property 1 ' seeesslbl from four ar tee ratios ea either Mount Scott a Wood toe earllnea. . Ptvments of 28 per month btvs keea sstsb- , llthad and we fully expect rapid ealee; plenty of tree for parking and ahade. Plewrd to ahow th property ANY time. - Office open Wednesday and latarday en Inge. . . A. C. Churchill & Co. . 110 Sseeod st. -j' .. Rnnn RIVER APPLE LAND. Far saw, 27 acre. 18 la fruit trass, T bear, tna. 1 acre berrlee. U fenced. T room bow. lane bare, hot end cold-water; will Uk pert trad. 22 acres, t aere beerlng apple. 4 seres 2-yssr-old tree, sal ore beat appl lead; will trsds.. .. ... . , , SB sens, 800 box spples tbl yeer; a J. ADRIAN BPPINfJ, Mslkey Blk., Seoond ad Morrlaoa. M BLOCK and tmall house. Pert lend Heights,. 8ns view, 88.600. Arson bona. Meant Tabor, lot 100x100, weat clop, 81,600. 8 room houae. Beat 20th aA lot BOgltO, $4,600. 6-room houae,' Mount Tabor, fl.OtV). S-room bouee. Mount Tabor, $2,200. - Tw Aroom bob at Estt 40 th tC tl.TOO sscb. Rutherford & Co. . Mala 8120. '. BIT Commerctsl blk. IRVINOTON. eo.eofl 8 teom tad tttlo. natural fir fta leh, fireplace, farme, large elneet and hill. Ursa tiled bathroom. Ian paee-neatrv. maa- 1v granlt pillar, larg abade tree, fine braas electric and gaa fixtures, window thtde nd screeBS; so blork from ear; built two (ear axe for a borne; otkert ire eating 7,000 for am etyl bona. Don't fall to ",u"'---c.i.HT.--'r- Man 1B4A ' ' 804-808 AMagtoa bldg. $1,800 B ACRES, good 4 room bouee. barn. cnirsen-Boose, young rmit trees, sa gooa read end near carline, BEGISTEB A CO., 10TH Third tt. IS FULL lots, with 7 room hoaae and bssemest, ataroot weierirooi, at miiwauaie, rignt is front of clubhouse, for ssh) cbp. Csll at Sac on this. REGISTER CO., 107 Third St. . BY OWNER A 6 -room well-built modern hooee. Call 01 Bnssell. or aw Iieuy at. 2H ACRES on St. John lln. heart of Penltj- ania, overeMiaing 001 n rivvre. trvri, clear, cheap. Inquire f ewner, 2B Waahlngtoa building. .' COZY little bom. At eoodltloa, nesr car; high, some fruit; bargain; aee It today. THB CONTINklNTAL CO.. ZU Stark St. 500 Homes For Sale Fsrma tnd City Property. THE INVESTORS GUIDE CO, til Harqsam bldg.. Pertlsad. Oregoa, Sellwocd Morebone A French. 1670 B. lit A Phont Sell wood 7A City View Perk lots. $875 ssd ap; Ross Addlttoa lot. $100 ed i; $6 dew and $5 a month. Homea from $noo to $6,oue lit $200 aad up, la all parte of Seilwood. List year property wltk , w will stU IA ..IT- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WILLAMETTB HEIGHTS. (6,000 Beaut) ful new B-ruom kouae, fur nace, fireplace, full cement baeruient. laundry, three porches' view ef city eud ell the luoun talna. Thla I on of the beet homei e tlie Height. J situated oq carline and the eur--eesnHllee re the--beet; k caah, balance monthly p.yu,.n(. ; . Mala IMA JkH-Jild Ablngtim bldg. 10 ACRES right Jobnaoa creek, mllea from ettvi electric line IceiMHt one corner: fine toll . 2 tmall bouae i ebb-ken bouee end hern: alao root houaa; all fenced; 2 acre eerood growtn timber o one end. balance ha been alaalied aad partly cleared; laya alee. It la the mat in of a fine place. 61.600; $000 caab. balance Iii thro yeer. Addree N as. JournaL A family heme oa eaat tide, clos la; large houa and ground, ateo atable, everything Snt claaa. W5 Eaat' Clay at. Phon Kaat 1SUA PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 88 600 Bungalow. 100x100 corner. large ahtde trees, good aurroundlngs, only os block from cat; furnace, fireplace, gaa aj)d electric lights; sa Ideal home. C. C. SHAY. . Mala 104 A" 804-808 Ablagtoa bldg. NEW modern room bouas. 84 000; 6-room bouae, $2,400; 7-room houee. ..tww.. small paymaat down, balance aMBtbly. Owner. Pboaa Baat 676. BUY a lot oa th eaat elde; Amlnute ear rv. Ic, within walking distance; nae Bouae Solng ap;, price frota 8600 to $860; terms it eelred. , ' M. E. tHOMPSON. " S4S Mlssttslppl ses. - Phone Wadlswa tOA .'.-.' CLOS B IN. $S.T60 Areata cotttgs, near tw carline, very Urge room, fireplace, hardwood flnlah tnga, full eeaient basement; 16 fruit, tree, grape, currant and blackberry vines, shsds tree aad roeea; any term. , C. C. SHAY. Mata 184A 804-806 Ablagtoa bldg. 14 ACBEA 1 mile west pf Clarkama railroad arsiajBr prio M,ewi - avijuiu,. w v-e-e, come and . J. Mobr. Mllwaukle, Oregoa. R. F. D. 84. 8860 FOB a 6-room hoe with S lota, cloee to car; part caan, oaiance on time. $l,8oO Good 6-room bouae, hath, tc. I vary y terma. $1,860 bur perfect home,- bath, toilet, large closets, cement be cement, fruit tree, II kind of hrobbry. alee yard, chicken bouae: 16-foot alley; the bonaa la new and perfect; the bom I worth much more money. 82,700 take modera 7 -room home: aewera nd treet Improvement ll In and paid for; thla bom it worth $8,000; term tf do I red; can't begin to buy lot I thla vicin ity and place three Improvements tbsreoa for lest this 8.1.200. Other bargain! In bom as. For good, cbtap kta sss as, " , , - Stelnmctz &Co. Tb Homaseller. . 103 Morrison st, WEST 8IDB. $1,000 4-room cottage, Sooth Port la ad, fjra place; 40x100 corner lot: half caah. V. C. SHAY, Mala 184A 3O4-80S Ablngton bldg. $1,8006 ACRES, small bouae. fenced for caicatna, on goo roaa ana near canine. REGISTER A CO., 107 H Third St. THEBB'S a bargain In a Aroom cot tare. 111 J aaat jaytnr St.; psrtiee waving tow; mast MIL Owner. Phon Tsbor 14A . NEW modern boms In Hollsday Park, built for ennvealeae, 84.00O. New 7-room BMdara dwelling la Irylng ton. 84.000. New modera , 6-room residence, Baat 88th aad Washington, ehlngled. $8,000. , . . C U PARR1SQ A CO., 428 Lamber Bxehaag. Phone Mai 881 A NBW medern 6-room cottage: atov connected, k.-. ... . I. . L A.. . MA MIkh.oaI rid; rent $15. Phon Main 8618. BARGAIN Modern saw T-cooen bouse. Cholreet act aid location, close la, .iw; . terma. Inquire ewutr, 8 East 14th st. - A BOOM modera houee. oornee lot, 1 black from car, atreera improa-en; a inqcotcano. Call 811 Baat Ftaaders. Phon Bast 12UA FOB BALE, st s bargain, sew modera B-room bouae, lot 60x100, fenced and grsdea, earner Mlnneepts and Bkldmors; tabs U car, ar cell ap Scott 6U7S. BAST ld hoeaee ted bwaloeee aceeiity, psy Lug laveatments; houses end Seta lor Mat. MOVBEX A HUH8T. ' Phone But 2827. 268 HoIUday av. BEST bur In Portland I0 down. 110 par month, lata level, 60x100, graded atreeta, water tn, t blork sooth of Hawthorns its, ea . 44th St. 1 as sat aa ground.; price goOO. - A SNAP Modera 6-room boat for ssls by owner, la tne location, IB mlnutee" rid from - town, beet car aervtre la city; mast bs sold la 80 days. Pboaa Tabor 220. - $8,260 BUYS ft-room houss nssr steal brktga, CsU 162 North 13th St., weat. . BEST "BUY IN OREGON 6 acre trarta sa prgoa City carllae; ta oil, good wafer, eaay terma. " ' - W. A. LAIDLAW, BIT Oemmercial bldg., 2d sod Washington sbv Phone Mala 8120. HAVB good acreage ea carline, weald trad lor grocery stor or einer ouaineas. oil msrcUl blk. Phone Mala 6120. INVESTMENT. ' $8,600 in vetted la bualnee property wilt bring yoa 18 per coat; 60x100 corner, guar anteed leas. . .:. : , . 0. 0. SHAY. Mala 1S4A 804-808 Ablagtoa bldg. QUARTER blork with 4-1 esrllns. nrlca $790; $100 down, balascs 1 ly pay men te. 4JVs Stark at. - - BBANP-NEW bouae, telect aetrhborbeod. Bear ear; price advaaeing all around; terms; peg rent to yourself; see this. THB CONTINENTAL CO., 242 Stork St. $1,000 4-ROOM cottage and 2 loti. la Veraoa. u esiia'rwta a. . A 10111. erkla. e aaujoian as v ... , . ' .hhv -m 10 ACRES chairs firm land, good new S-rsom hoaae, barn, t cleterna, fruit, berrlee; very desirable for home; H mils Borth Gray croealng. Mount Scott eirlln. Oeorge Clerk. EXTRA BARGAIN FOR SHORT TIME. 21 seres beaver da re, 18 In cultivation; John son creek rune through it; extra soil, on grsvel; on fine rood, on mil from Lenta; worth 8600 per acre for gardenia ; prtc only $260 sa acre. 0. B. ADPITON, Lenta. Or. Tik Mt. Scott car, 6. BY OWNER leaving city, modera A roots cot tigs, corner lot, estt front; s htrgits for ctah. or will sell on esey terme. Inqntrs 1021 Hslght avs. Pbons Eset 608A Send One Dollar Asd we will Hit yo property with 1.000 . reel eatat dealer who ere ss snxlous to eera a roromlaalos aa yoa are te eell; tar plea seldom falle; send dreertpttoa; w ar helping many ether, whf sot you 1 Address The In vestor's Gold. 611 Marquam slug., Portland, Oregoa. WALKING PISTANCB 84 siifia-rnnm honee. abade shrubbery, graded atreeta. cement walks; nat--arsl fir finish, doubl floors, very lerge elos ete. large reception ball, front and bark stair way, everything modern, window ahade. awn ings, linoleum en kitchen and bathroom floors, fin new cerpete In reeepttoo-ball, front end berk parlor, atalrway and bedroom, art qsar la dining-room; all go with, boats; right on carline: lot cheap at $8,000, 0. C. SHAY. ... Mala 1041 ' 804-806 Ablagtoa bldg. FOB SALB. , '' ISOilOO on railroad track, estt side; sr eavstloa for building completed; $26,000; 11b ' oral terme. . 120x100, Improved, on. rallmed track, t elite, wtreboui dlttrlct, $25,000; , liberal term. n-' 6 lots In Point View sddltlon. $178 ssrh. Willamette Heights realdenc. etgbt room, moilern In every respect, $5,6., ... Quarter block on Second at.. In com B" per month, ran bs Increesed to $S00;' price gUO.OUO. M. 0. NEASB. TeL Mala 724. 204 Lumber Eichang bhlg. FOB SALE-Modera 6-room bouae, Jnat com. Eleted, fin lot, well improvea, n oeautiiui mm. 1008 B. Sixth N. InajulrsepWBsr, Best door south. THt'RMAN ST., ntsr 25th Lot 60x100, for 62, KM). Csll 802 lommerciai eia. $3,000 d ACRF.8 t Jennings' Lodge, firing tne Willamette rirrr; y.--. . reontry home, or cts bs divided Into d or B beautiful trarta. sll opening os ths river snd county mad. Better Reelty Co, phon Mela 8051. 424 Lumber Bxehssgs. EXTRA BARGAIN . .'.-. v. T lots aoi hsi. riearvo. an nv"'s rtrt, for $.'U0: - clots to 10-room aekool at Lenta; fin location; water free; 8 far to ey part ef Portland; terme. O. B. Additon, awaer, Laata, Oregoa. , ..- ; , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOK RALE -B-roum houae, cloa In. eaat elds, J .; $iu iluen. ha la me tame reut, . J.- Oeder, 1 Kurth Grind ve. TIIR.NKIt A WALKEH. Reel Batatc, arma and Stuck ' Baschta. . y- Bxrbsnae. ' aoatg Waahlugton St. ' EXTRA BARGAIN hew 6-room modera finely fiulthed honee, oa carline. Eatt lutu and Alberta; price $1,800 $000 down, balam-e on time. PACIKIC 1MVKBTMENT CO.. Boom . Third Flwir, 212 Waahtngton, cur, vilntb. Phone. Main 82K2. FOR SALE FARMS. 20 ACRES mar Viteotnt for aale r trad . tvt city property. -.- , 1 "Tfs. rtrh -"'Isatad land with water right and homeatead adt..ulu. onlv S mllea from good tows, at 8000. , , ., ' 10 sere near eltr t bargain. ' r Rutherford & Co. - : Mil 6120. ' 17 CommardU blk. . BALK OB EXCHANGE 40 acre good land,-B arrn i-oltlvated. new bouse, oa county road, 18H mllrt to center ' of city; No. 1 coll, cord wood will pey for place; price $1,200, term, a will exchana fur, lot la city. - ; . , ' Homeatead rellnoulahment an eeeaai. - ''' ttr, good Uud. Wae county, aoath . w. t asauiaei oqir fieu. only I W. . I. DAY, ItUtt Foartb t AACRB tract, S mil from Mnter f lty, 1 m I la ta MllMi ....I, 1 ...11 T. V or grvl; wtr . piped to each tract under 40-foot preeeure; water rree; $100 to $200 per FOB SALB Good prosperous wbett firms hi r Morrow county, on railroad. $20 per erei . might take tome trade, w. A. Laldlaw, 61T ' PA1RY FARM. 238 arret, cheap; fine water. THOMPNiiM a dr.ncu Phon Woodlawn 2o2. 848 Mlaalaalppl Av. ' ''.- FABM FOB SALB. It mile weat of ' Portland. Waahlngvos county, fw caah only: 68 acre. 26 eTear, well cultivated. n creek: good well, tprlng, fine fruit, aew wire fence, good 8-room houae, barn, boutrbnid good, ehrckeaa, beee, loo's, etc.; It mile from railroad, school and church Telephone lln. milk route R. ' F. D. $4,600. Mr. A. B. Luatecber. Beaver, ton, Oregoa. . . ... FINB FABM Rlcbeet pert Yamhill oty. cceatlbl to col leg, achool. county set chep; tttr term. 117 Ablngton bldg. SMALL FABM FOB SALE - . . . 78 acres, ao Is cultivation, II arret aid bop and v18 new. all wall polled ted wired, good hopboote, all fenced, fair bona nd - barn, family erchard, 1)4 mile t good town, som peature and timber, all food land, well located; her I bargain; crop of bopa at th present prlre will nay for ths Place; this Is a bargain at sAOUO. In quire el , WARREN A STATER, , ' McMlnavllla. Oregoa. 840 ACRES, well Improved; bophooss, bars, ere., eu vaitey janu $40 per acre; thla etc., all valley land, railroad ititloa oa land. tu Dec tcro: tbl la anlendld anoorrnnttv. 240 near, 40 a era in bopa, two bop new houa of 8 room: a fins ncooortv. By-B. Ollleeple. 420 Commercial bldg. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB J. C. LEB COMPANY HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AND BON DA Wa ar alway ia th market either t bur or cell any active mining ar Indue trial atocka. It will Bar von to sat our nrteea. W. H. leUIVAMUB, Mgr. BrOKarag Ppt, 10-20 Lsfsystts Bldg. BUY HURST SWITCH v STOCK Sncoastful trtts st Silt Lake City provt that thw itoclu.- will yield larger - retura than any mining - . stock Hated, l-ortland efdee J. f. Hunt Co.; 206 McKay bldg. . COEUB D'ALBNB MINING STOCK I am alwaja la th market either t boy or (ell sny sctivs mining stock; teen Bud . oa say listed sscnrlUss. T. P. BROWN. 401 McKiy bldg. . TIMBER. ; 24.O0O.O00 FEET- eedar 'snA Br, 28 miles of Partlaad. oa fine lofting stream, tea drive - to Portland mills; $1 tbcatsnd; aalf assb, eaay term! 10 year to rut; ao agents trUers. Osorgs W. Plxoa, Oenby, Oregon. DO yon want th ensk for ysnr rellnnniahmentt If o yoa had better hav a talk with Ptttoa A Simpson, 80S Lambar Exchange bldg. CERTIFIED strip, ssy list ptecea; lowest, price. W. u. Howell, 688 Cbtmbw t Oaas. WILL pay neh for timber euilms tnywhere ea ths Nebtlem, WUson or Traek rtvtrs. f 48, care Journal. B'lLL locate yoa e timber claim, 1.000,000 ta AOOO.000 yellow pine. Paeiae Investment Co., Raleigh bldg.. Wasihngton St.. cor. tilth. ' Phone Mela 6282. HORSES, ' VEHICLES, HARNESS YOU OAN SAVE MONEY la new wagons snd buggies st V Portlthd Warehouss A Transfer Co., 40-842 Bast Wsahtngtoa 1 ths place. MARB, d years old, soand. about 800 lbs., cheep. U. Msbler, Cleona, Oregon. Tak - Mootsvllls ear. - Box 88. - t COWS for ssls. 848 82d St. er. Take Blckmoad HORSES and baggies for rent by. day. ana monts; special rates to busib Bixta aa uawtnorne. cast ta FOB SALB Fins dapple-grey teem, 8 yean ld, weight 1800, sound and gentl. Pboaa Scott TWO driving mares, one fast, ssperially adapted for breeding. Inquire office, u First St.. sg sub!. Twslftb sod Everett. FOR SALB Good delivery bars, bay, g yearn, -weight 1.060; drltae single or double. Tabor 467. WB hny, sell, rent, etching hone, w a gone, saddl, hersees. Hubert A Hall, 288 4th St. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. IMPROVED homeatead relinquishment! $100 ta $260, pert tride or work. One elelm IdO srree, good bouse, fencing end hern; 26 sere clashed, 10 cleared, oa county rood, free mill delivery, tcbaolboaee M mile, enough chltttm oa culm to pay for It If msrhsted; would make fine dairy farm. Ale 80 acre sf rich deeded Und $10pee acre; one third csth, 8100 per yeer. . W. C. Pnrdln, Ads. Lao Cosaty, Oregoa. ALL e pert at 800 ecree fins whsst land ta Slierman county. Oregon, to trade for Port, land property; sun fine dairy or ttork ranch neer Drain to trsds for city property or equity hi eame If good. I. Vr. Elrod, room 16, 81SV4 WaablngtoB. BEADTTrTTL corner 100x100 at Caarade Lorka; will sell very reasoosble for caah, or win rimiflis i' gissr property, enr leim-r ber Exchange bldg, . i 40 ACRES ef valaabl cnl land la Thacorawt rosnty, Ohio, will exchange for property la tiregua ana win nay cast aurrrenre 1( any ; pries $2,600. sua Lumber Kxchsngs. UNITED STATES sad Canadian patent alarm door knob Jnat leased will fit any lock, stchsngs for reel aetata. W So, JrjnrnaL . . ' tent on don rare COMPLETE rettanrint outfit! will exchsnga for launch or anything ueeful of eqnal value; tntp. Whit bavs roe? w. A. Prsttv Kslsu, wianingion. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE 8 freeh milch cowe. 417 Grand see. ami Kearaey tt., Moatsvllls. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. -Bargain Sale sf fnrnlturs still continues Tnesdsy, Thurs day, Saturday. 158 RUSSELL ST. BATI KHAl SPECIAL Hitting, llnen-warptd. the 8V kind, st lSe per yird. So ar 40-yird roll, it Ths vousr. 282 First at. BOOKS bought, told snd exehtnged st ths Old . BBlM twos store, sen ximnui at. . - ARTISTS' mitsritls, pictures lad framing. n. atoornouae at it,, a I e A ln. r i. SHOWCASES, aoanters, fixture, bought. er earnangro. vreerera naivage VS., Wsshlagioa tt. Paeirit TBA r, 1