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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY, EVENING. NOVEMBER - 9. itZX ri .xzz-. :x; z. Tzr-zz.z. - J TODAY'S MARKETS . Great Buying Shown in Hop Market of Late With Growers Willing to Let Go at Present Prices Lack of Cars Keeps Down Prices m6 ; Riwi. Czz:l rr:;r;a Hv. 11 StCLTTY rtlGOT GREAT Fl APPLE SALE Willamette Valley "Apples Are ; Shipped to Hood River and -Then Labeled.' SAY THEY ARE PACKED ; AT THE LATTER PLACE Inference Allowed .That i Fruit j If S' Crown Thiere--Demand, Is Better but Prices Are. inactive-! bp Buy- ?,' Ing Continues Good. ,. v i. : Principal rnart-fehrre today: - fraud to apple market. - f- ' , ' Ponltrr market la d snap, r ,', J Y i; ' ' Verr firm Is err toareet. -LiZ anpl market enow good sal.-" "' , Potato bur In better. - Hop business cootleace (and. Preset 4 Mil nrkM excellent. ' ' ,- Fraud la Apple Market. Tor mml rwU Wlllssvette Taller apple kin bMi skipped te Hood Hlee sod Um '. boxed u4 labeled and aeat back te tbla mt . Set. To label do not ear that tb trait la (row at Hood Hleee Iran packed- Uere. K, bowerer, (In 901 lmpreeeloa that tin apple ara iniwi ta the worttl a beat appla see- '' tioa. Tbe apple market la aaerl la somewhat bettar. Beeelpts an ult beaTf, but-oeaaand la rerr od a'ad price rale up to I.M for raaer rood, Some flrat-rlaM Spltsenber were aoM reslerde blab aa 2.A0 a box. but aalee - at tbla prlc ara sot froqseul t (or. tba beat (Tad. - . Poultry Jfarket la Bad Shop. . Condition of trade la tba ehlckea market-ar ' tatber slow. Reeetpta eootloue Terr bearr aad toeke (all to ebow a rood awneaMtit ere at tba tower prtraa recently quoted. Tbla kt tbe time of rear -wire tbe prtee of chicken ta variably gnaa to a loir point. .Receipts are . always bearr just prerlotu and around .Tbajike, givlua time, Tbea the demand la principally lor tarkeye, and do Blatter bow lew chicken :i are offered demand la email. ... , Err continue to romo err slowly, aad.tb , price la fn-sier at Ue fur local reach. ' Yetata Bayta- la Better.' There la a better bnytoc demand abowa kt 'the potato market. Tbe ehortaire- ef-enre ceav ; tlnaee to act aa alaat tbe market, bat aome dealera ara baying la anticipation of aa early mamptloa of" aerrlce oa. tbe railroads. - For ' strictly fancy eeatera Multnomah- etock tbe trade la now offering aa high aa SO per loo ponade, but the general price rangea arouad 7Sc lor tbla erne eg atock. , - - - ' ' Oraaail meat Xarkat ZxoalUbt; ' ' Aa excellent toae remalaa la tbe entire dreeeed meat market. Brceipta of - bona and real were eomewhat mora llberaL today, bat demand continue to keep ahead of aunollee. I Top price retained. Tbe lmprorement la dreeeed If meata la eren noted la beef -Ia tbla line there w m Try eeiowio' ftnj onBua ajonw . rrcmt eueei. . i hat Jnet at preeent tbe few arrlrala ara meeting wiib laTor. f Bop Baalneee OeatUaoa veod. . t Trading' In the hop market haa beea 11 rely ; during tbe naat St Jioara. - Dealera are keeping I tbelr parcbaeee aa quiet aa poralble tbla aloaa , being toe beet indication that e eery one la trying . to ba" annrjUea. Hncne time aen when mwimm ' waa talking of higher prlrea the porchaaea ware rew ana iar uetwern., j ricea ruuna aachaaaed. n - aunaa ia uaaaea woooa. Many local ret a Here who porehaaed canned aTMdf for tbla yeafa deUrary aome time ago . are worrying arrer the' nondellrery of moat of tbelr porchaaea. Moat of tae deale ware made '. very early In tb eeaaon when price were low ana tner wa every artdenca that the park . ween not po ao email., xtrer.wnea too trada reallaed J oat bow abort anppllea would be price ; began to atart ap with a rapid afrhl and bare oeea geug nigner ever amre. noma California people are making flellrerle aa per eon tract. . bat aome area refaae to anawer tetter arnt - them by parchaaera. - They are, therefor, rery saoignant erer toe matter ana ear the will - Brief Votea of the Trada. " ; ' V riga and datea are In better demand. Xalalnt Ttng off wen oa account of the azpactatloa of. lower price. i i Sweet pot toe ara lower ' with larger asp. auie. i ' t y r . . Small eapplle of clam and era he abowa ta " the flah marketa today. Catch of aalmon emalL Creamery butter and eheea allghtly firmer today. Price anchanged. Tb trad para tb follow lug price ta front atreet. I'rlce paid abtpper ara asaa regular commlaetoa: . Orata!' ITeer and red. CSAtK B Ana Calcutta, buying arte; . Sailing. SHtjHtte. WHEAT h'ew club, dec, red Baaataa. die; Mueetem. Nc: raUey, STc klDT 1FV . 1 t41 AA. 1 1 - . m. .a . .".w -. -w nuxt, a.av Brewing, 122.00. ( jnouia vi.Wlcrceav 2S.o per . KTC 11.6 per cwt. -' OATS New Producer',, price Ke.r I white, f2o.i0; gray. Vlb.W. " . J FLOrit Eaatera Oregon satenhi. S3.S0 atralghta. iBS; eiport. fU.0bj ralley, u.0! krhm. M,: 3.S0; wbele wheat. J.ti rye. So,; halea, W.Ta. MlHSTt rfS Br.n. 1B SO per ton( mld- dttng. 24.00; ahoru. coaatry, 170: Ur. l W;.cbop. l.Maiil.OO. ' - HAT Producer price Timothy, Willamette nlley, faory, ll.eu31S.0O ordinary, S.00O 10.M; .t era Oregon, flt.00aid.u6) mixed. l(.uvCin.M; loeer. fT.00; grala. ST.S0t-a.S0: ' cheat. Sf-f. : " Batter, Egg aad Toultry. . ; BUTTEnV FAT W. . ' b. . Portlaad--Swt crrsm., 2XHc; aonr, tnhic. Sl'TTKB City creamery, S0e; oatald faacr. tIjJSci ordinary, Zih; etor. lH015c. Kiug F.xtra fncy candled, lor; ordinary candled, SSViCi' local and eaatera atorag, ' HEE8B Hew Full cream. Sat. IttaidUe: 'Tonne America, loi&iBHc. " ' t'iivi.1 Mixeo miraeaa, ue pee fancy he. 12V per lb; meter, old. lOe pw lot it ' per u; eeotiere, m par lb; aid duck. lt per lb; coring dock. lvi lb fur old; dreeeed, SOe a; noaba, IU.CAjQZ 00 rr 4oa; pigeon. S3.00 per do. . ,, d Sep, Waw aad Bldee.' :,.'''. HOPS lvuS crop, choice', lBttlsue; nrlma ta abolea, 14 medium to prime, lotjlSst; me aUunlL lac. ..... WOOIIOOS rllp-T.lley, S02Set tra Oregon, o& . . . , WOHAIK New, BomlaaL " ' ; S11KKPHKINS Shearing. lB0le each- aWt Woi, S6O40C. aaedlam wooL SuCtTft eh: long wool, 7&cJtl.OO each. ' L-rdm, pac SHe( Bo. I aad jrease, 2dgUe. fHITTIM BARK-SVe.- - a - i HIKES Dry, he. 1, IS fl IT We per tbi dry klo. Km. i i-ad ap. It HO dry lf. No. I, auder S lb, lacs called hide! ateera, eoand, do lb and orer. iottlle owa SHtoO'tr: etaga and ball, wand, dvtTet kip! it to so ib. sc; it, MW .Bi-, i jo, i,;: I-. i ruin), xc per Ib leaa; one blde. Mlted, each, ll.2Mai.T3i dry. eaeb. Lr:3.irst j.m.wjcjgoai akin. NO CARS AND WHEAT , 1 , - IS PILED ON OUTSIDE 44444 1 : pedal Weatot DnMMtrh t The Journal I a Iton. Or.. Nov.. S Tha 'farmers are anxloualy waiting for tba wheat market to open uo sine tha-Portland stiik and car ahortaa. Hardly one sixth of the wheat crop raised In the vicinity of Weston has yetbn anld. It' la estimated that over It 0.000 btishals -of wheat are Still stored st Weston, TJowntng d and Blue .fountain station by; d d tb various farmers. Wheat la - pllod on the ouuld of ths ware- hoaei which I unusual at this 4 d , aaon of ths year., . . WHAT DEALERS SAY vVJ.:y OF LOCAL. MARKETS d "ByE:V4f ffTiir- rarrelt. ' Rolpta of poultry hsrs- not boon xca!veljr heavy, tbla weak, but - 4mand has .been . d light, and noma dealers hare d 'perleneed Bum tioubia 4a clean. ins up. Howarer, w ara of trt opinion that by Saturday -nigm d therw will b noTrreat number of d ' "left ovora'.' and that good bens "and aprinsa , rlil meot ,urltb- i d fairly good, reception th com ing week. Good Kene ara in very arm requeat and It does not seem as It ahlppera wars ablo to. anythinc Ilka, supply dealera' . want.. Duck ar Veiling well, alao soeaa - Turkey are selilna; well at IT .and It centa . f or youn. - There will b a ,ry heavy 'demand hero'- for r fine dreaaed turkeys . for . ThnhSl v ln. and prices will be very sat isfactory' from , , ". producer's standpoint,' wo a'rs ' quit ' surd. Bhlppera -muat ' st tjhelr roods -fat and-prime, and -wa are "sura that for this class of stock prices will bo as high aa -uauai. , At this WTltlns bona and spring ar aelllns st 1?. snd,Ui4 cent, commoa, each, 10 Q 15c; angora.' each. SBcO 11.00.- -f i ; .. . rratts and fagotaaiee. ; , !. POTATOES Buy log prlc. eaatera Mnlrao mah and Clackamaa, TRttWle; ordinaryC Miitiftc: Jobbing prlc, uetl.d0 per cwt; aweata, LSoWJOO. ONIONS Jobbing price New Oregon. SOc0 11.00; buying price, TO76c; garlic, ge lt. FBKSH FKl'lTS Apple. TSc(tl.2S; oraagea, Valencia. S4.Th4 00; banana, o Ib: lenKm. choice.' M6JyiQ.m per box; fancy, 17.00 per box; lime. Mexican. I1.2B per 100; plneapplea, W.OOfcO.OO per do; grape. Sl.AOl.TB; peaehe. S1.2B; pear. il.ofKil is; hurkleberrlee, lVc gronnd .cherrle, SSttTac per box; plne applea. $3.00 per doe. VEGETABLLs Turnlpa, new. fl.OO per ark; carrot, tl per sack; beet. 1.A0 per each; Oregon radlsbe. 9a: , pre do; cabbag. Or gon, I$l Wc; bell pepper. Be -per lb; to mato, 75m e Pee crate; parsnip. BOcQtl.OO; erring bean. Oregon, 4c per lb; cauli flower. IkSll.M peer doai peaa. 441-V-: -honeredlah. Pifjiue'" pee lb: artichoke. Toe rr doa: enuaah. T.Vtl.A0 per box; eggplant. 1.M per doa buncke; celery, T0t7Ae per do: green cora.-tl.fi0 per each; cummer aquaah. UcwtI.OO per boi;-errplaet, $17i per crate; pumpkin, le: cranberrlea, local. - $tSX)Q.bO; Jerey. 116 per bbL DKIKD.FRU ITS Apple. arratd. SHjTe per Ib; aprlcota, 1810 per lb; peeohea, ltQlSUje per Ib; aacka. We par lb leaa; prune. SO t 40, teSc; He drop oa each l it email. alee; See, California black, per lb; railfbrnl white, aH4c per Ib; date, aoldea. ik -ver io; ivraa. ai.eotai-O per s-ta box. - wiaeaiiea, jtata, ate. StTOAR All ref lnorlee fJuho. SS 40: aow- dered. t$.23: fruit, . granulated. SS.8S; drr cranaUtert, B.18; con?. A. S&.1S; extra 0, 4.U5; golden C. S4.S3; l, yellow. beet, EranuJatrd, $4 05; . bbl. 10c; H bbl. 30c; oxee, Soe an ranee oa aaek baal. I Above price are so day net caah quota tlona.) . , . . HONRT fSSO per erat. : COFFEB Package brand. Ill.tfltllB 78. . SALT Coarse Halt ground, 100a. SS.00 pet ton; 60a. t.60; table, dairy, 60. S1S.00; 100, S12.TS: balea. II. 8ft: Imoorted Lleernool. SO. $18.00; 100. 117.00: TMm, f 10.00; litre -fin. Dole,' a, o,.. loa, S4. boats 00; urerpool lump rnea. id.oo per ton; 00-16 rock, .oo; too, to.oo. . (Abora price apply to aalee of tea than car lot. Car Iota at apodal prtcaa ftabtct to BHCIUBVIOOS.I " . RICK Imperial Japan. K- t,' Sep Ttd. S, Sc; New Orleaoa. heed. Te; - Aiax, - Sc Creole; SUcf - . BEANS Small white..- SS.S0; Urce white. 13.23; pink. $2.00; bajru. I0.7S; Lima. Site; ataxic rda, 4c. NITS Peanata, Jtlmbo,- So par lb; Virginia, SifttHe per lb; roaatrd, SexSHc per lb Japa nese, SiSAHc; roaated, TaTUe per lb: eoeoa- nuta, bimooe per .do; walnata, 17e per id;, piaeouta, wunv per lb; bicsory ante, lOe per lb; cheetauto, eaatera. 16 le per lb; Braxil ,nua. 18c per Ib; Alberta, 14Qloe pat Ht Kuc.fimin.. iuc, .iinwaua, iouik, , . Vent,' Flak aad rra-rmloa. FRFSH SIR ATS Front Street Boca, fanrr. Sc per lb; real., extra, So per u; erdloery, per id; poor, esjac per to; mutton, fancy Sk-aixe per lb: lamt-a. 841 Be. . MAalR, BACON. ETC Portland Back flora II ham. 10 t 14 lb. 16Vi per In: 14 to IS lbs, 16e per lb; break fact bacon, iaj22c per lb; pl-alce, I0H per Ib; cottag, 13 per lb; recular abort clear, aaamoked. lSe ner lb: emoaea, i perv id cier Baca, ansowie-a. ixe per id; rmokea. Jiac per Ib: Union butte. 10 to IS lbs, atiamnked, Sc per lb; an ted. per ids ciear Dcuia. unamoscou i . or in: moked, lfie per lb; bouldor, 12 H Pr lb; nlckled tonnee. I (10 ouarter bbl. wviii i.Am.i aettie lear. io UK lako Kettle leaf. 10 ISU per ,e par Ib; C0-lb tins, I2e per lb; ered. . 10c, I2e per lb; Se, 12 turn rendei ear lb: enmnound. 10. BWi. CANNRO SALMON Colucnbla rlrer. 1-fb tafl. tl.SO; Mb telle. 12 TIS; fancy, l ib Sate, f 1 SO; H-lb fancy Sate, SI. In; fancy l ib orala. 12-70: AUeka tafia, plak. S60c; rod. f 1 SO aomlnal 2a, tall, 12.00. FIKH Rock end. fe nor Ibt Sonadeea.. He nee Tb; halibut, Te pel Ib; crab,. Sl.00fgl.n0 per do; atrlped bee. I2e per Ib: eatfath. 10c ner lb; aalmon. T'nlntnbta rlrer ehlnuuk.- fcf-eHeer I eioo, oe; etermeaa. ic per in: nemng. He per Ib; eoloa, Sc per Ib; ahrfmpa, 10 per lb; perch, Se per lb: black cod, Tc nor lb; toaaeod. T per lb; surer amelt, se per Ib; looater. ine er lb; rrean mackerel, se per lb: erawflsh, lie per do; iturgeoa, 10 per lb: black base. Hoe per lb. - J , OT8TF.SS ahaalwatef bay, pee gal. 2 23; per 118 lb aack, S4.2S: Olympla. per sallea. 2.25; per llS-lh mck, 5 00 to H-VX CUAUn Hardakeii. par box. 12 00: raaor da ma, S2.00 per box. ; - .' ratat, Oaal 00, Zt. . ; . R0PR Pnr MaalU. ltttai ataadard." UUa: ataal, lie, . - r COAL. OIL Pearl or Antral Caaea ISUa nee gal; water white, lroa bbla 14c per gaL woodea 17c par al: beadllghL lTO-deg. cases 21 -Aa nor 1... - ... uibijuji it caeea seuj per gal., kroa bbla lMc per gal. BENZINfc aVd. earn SSe Dec aaL troa bbla lSHe per gal. TURPENTINE la ease SO per gaL weedra bbl. 9Sc per gaL ' WHITE LEAB 1. lot, TK per lb; SOO-lb lota. Sr per lb; leaa lot. t per lb. hike haiij neerai bi at x.g LINSEED OIL Pare raw. la S-bbl lota. SOet 1-bbl lot. fiSel ease. M per gl; geauln ket. lie-eoiieu, reaee, aue per gi; a-ODl lota, 4c; 1-bbl lot, SOe per gal; ground cak. ear lota, $20.00 per ion; lee thaa ear tot, fso.00 per tTXTrXO STATZS OQVEaS-lfXJfT BOKDS. . New York, Nor. Se Oorernment bate. Two, reglatered Opt. eouoon . . - tint.. Three, registered... ........ Opt. do eonpea..... Ont. Smell bond .... foura, reglatered 100T no coupon.. lotvr Four, reglatered. ..... ...... 102.1 eouoon ..k 1UZ5 rename its ..... do eniixiii .............. . . . . District of CehtmMa S-S 6.. .... PhUlppin lalsod . .... . ; : ; ; atrvt ctor mriSHZs. . (Special Dispatch t Tb Journal. ) Porest Orore, Nor. S. Homer C. Atwell ha Sa'ebed drying hi crop of prune. He est I. mates the eco st about 20 tone. Th output waa packed In SO-pound nniea and pat In car yeeteeday. Tbe consignment will go to Mmv chuaatls, wbsr sn agent ha tb sale of th crop. Other nrnnegrower In' thto' Tlclnlty hare Saiahed the handling of. the rr'asnUput and are ready for shipment. , . - . ' aTZW T0IJC B0n JIalKET. Mew York, MoT. S. Ofdclal price; . - . Hid. As.. BarMngtr Joint 4s !':! . N. ft W. 4a , nn inn 0. H. As N. 4 t100 ,101 , Sterling Taeaang Bat, ' New York, Not. 8. Sterling: Demand, 4X6.67: SO dsjs, 4S0.T6. i r Vsw Trk-loaaa 8Ursr. ' d.ilsl"lld.NOT- I1'''1"- bond: Bid. Ash. 104 106 104 10n ins 13 H3 7108 102 KH '102M 102 102 1.10 l.niaj 180 i:tnI 104 10S 104 106 116 10S OATS MARKET HAS -IIEllVYHISb Rapid Cain in Local Prices 0w ' )ng to Shortage of Supplies a at This Timeai. ' CAR SHORTAGE STILL , ! f iTHE PRINCIPAL CAUSE Home Wheat, and Flour Quiet for Sam Reason Chlcsgo V Market Holds- Well Despite Lower Cables From Liverpool v ' ' i ; ': t BBLAT1VB WHAT TAXOT58.' jli-. 'Ncf.a. Nn. I . fiarn. 1S0S. iVcembar ....I .73 A .72 .00 .87 U May"........ .77 T4. .77 j00l J0 July ,T .TSt, ,0014 414 Tb local oata market stand ta a Terr atrong position aad price are advancing Tory rapidly. Producers are now freely offered S2S a ton for No. 1 whit oete and $23 tor tba gray. The rapid rkw la Tatar I due to th oa usual delay la securing ear for transportation to market. Roth wheat and flour remain Inset re la tb local market with" a continuance of lack of transportation. , , . Chicago waa aomewhat firmer for wheat, al though cables were depreealn. Tba cloee wis Me to ifee But ner tnan yesterday. IJeernool opened with a loaa ta all three option and ckmed Hd to i under Thnreday. The. principal weakness aad press urs waa la the December. Official Chlearo . Orerbeck, Btarr Cooke eoaumay: ;" WHEAT. Open, . nirh. Low, rioa. Decwmber ...... 72 ' T3U May - 77 7H JalyV.. ....... 76 78 T2 78A T7 ; 76 C0B!t. . 42 42 . 43 V 43 -. d ' 4 . rieeember Mar a... 42 4 42 A 3B 44 A July .... OATS. Decombar ...... 84 S4 May SnZ- - 8nfc - 8,n$B S3B 1416 1420B , 870A - SAO - July . t3i S3 MK8S PORK. Janaary .,...,.1406 , 141T May J41S 142T 1406 1423 S7 -847 . sa TST TT0 LARD. ' December ...... SOT STS r January S4T 8sS May S4S S4T SHORT RIBS. January TOO 70S may nu tit ,. ' TIS, Chloage Oaah Waoat. . Chicago,. Not. S. Caah wheat: !fo. 1 red. T474c; No. S red, 727c:.K hand. tz'OIIdc: rto. b nam, 71014c; ri. 1 northern, T'.i; No. S northern, 7e81e Ko. S aprlns. CATTLE AND HORSES ARE ONLY ARRIVALS ISTo Hogs or Sheep Come During the Day-Latter Markets In Very Good Shape. ' Portland Tnlo . tockyrd, How. S. Lir tock receipt: . - i .' Boca. Oartla. I'W"? .................. , III ... Week ago. J". ' M , M7 Month ao 12 Jia Year ago.... ............ - 412 Todar'a total arrirala la the yard were ITT cattle and a car of horse. Csttl ar holding their owa. Bog end sheep arm. Condition a year ago: Hog a weak; cattle weak: aheep arm, 3Se up. - , ' Official Hreetoek price: 1 ' Hogs Beet eastern Oregon, 6.76; stock ara and China fat.' .8o8.&o. Cattle Beet eaatera Oregon ' ateera, SS.Ro-, feeders. I3.bO: best cow nd heifer, 82-60: (torker nd feeders, I2.T6; bnlle, fl.SO. Sheep Mixed, 40c; Ismbs, otc ' EASTERN CATTLE STEADY CMcsico jstarkst Also Oood fox jEofw . Rheep Are now. China so. Not. S. Lireetnek reratnra: Hon Cattle.. Sheer. Chicago ' .Ift.OO s oon, s.000 Kansas city B.nno S.nno S.ono Omaha ...... 4,000 1,000 8.000 Ho are ate.dy-to troag-wlth a,XX) left Tr from josterdsy. . Becelpt a yesr ago were X4,ias. rricee: ttixed, BOBOuesti; neary, ! 2n'tf6.40 rough, l6.SOdJ6.00; light, SS.S6SJ -12. .... Cattl Steady. '"' Sheep Slow. ' v.. ' ' PORTLAND STOCK MARKET snowstorm Ooes to tU0 Othni tmltm . , ' aVrs Battas. ' Onenr d Ales ' etock were th feature of tb trading oa tb Portland saock xchng today. During tbe -eeeahm 100 snare of Snow. tnrm were eold at 4 10. Other Bale wer 6.000 Bollloo at lie and 7,000 Park Copper at 124 e. ... .,....,,,- ... ... OfOclal price! 1 ' . . ' BANK . STOCKS. ' Bid. Aak. Bank of California , 866 Banker and Lumbermen' ...... ... 06 Kqultahle Sarlnga ft Loaa 87 Merchant National ............. W2 ' ... Oreswer Trust ft eyeing .. T. 110 . " . Portlsnd Trust Co ... 120 . United Bute NaUooal ........ 200 ; ... . . . . . . . . BONDS. Aaandated Oil 6 88 City ft Suburban 4s ... 0. R. ft N. Br. 4s 100 , St I "101 O. W. P. ft Ky. a ....i...,...,. 100 ,108. Port 1. ad By. 6 ..e..M...v.!, lot ,.,'U, MisceLLAN icnrK arnrwa '-I AUsk Packers' B2 , M Associated OH 63 6 Campbell's Oaa Burner. , ... 8 Cement Product .... ........... .... SO tfei .TSIepnon SB Independent Oa ... J. C. Lee Co , Oregon City Mill A Lumber.... 6 Oregon Life Insurance .......... ... Paelte Stetea Telephone ........ 100 Puget Sound Telephone.... ... I in km Oil 190 Tequlna Bay Telephone 7 MIXING STOCKS. ' AUska' Petroleum 14 Alaaka Pioneer "i 48 ' SO 118 10 JOJ . 101 AO . JO ' IT 06 1000 j oe o Blue Rlrer 0ld .1. 660 British Colombia Amal ... Bn II frog Tsrrlbl Cssradi . ......v.. Dixie Meadows .... ...... Gal Is her Gsrrln Cyanide Oolrond 04 si 02 04 08 100 08 68 o2 OS 10 00 on 08 II 10 ' 14 International Coal 64 01 OS 'oi ii m iiwi wn .... Lucky Boy Mountain View Nlcnla Coal North Falrrlew ..... 06 . Standard Conanlldated 10 Star Conanlldated ... Tacoma Steel 12 COEL'B D'ALINB DISTRICT. Alex 11 a-i A Is mend ST It 41 ' 22 800 'it , -ss 16 Bnllbm , i ( Pr King ST ..... 10 ..... sno 4 ..... 12 liertl Ilecla Happy Day ...... I'srk Copper Rmnlee-4 'erlboo llulh I'oaonlldateS ::::::::::::: Snowsboe Saaweterai ..................... u . m OHEY RATES ARE BEiliilS Call . Loans - Go to Fifteen Per Cent During th 0a and J ; Cause Stock Liquidation. : AUSTRALIAN COLD FROM FRISCO TO NEW YORK During the Dsr $1,680,000 Is Trans ferred Government to . Corns Again to Aid of Money Market I New York Market Mixed. : i KET GAINS. , .... ''w . , Aaacoada .. a 'LBSTUa ....... I Atchison Katy Car A rouwlry,... 'nt. Weotem... nmaigamatea ..... rennayiTanu H Colorado fuel...., Reading Baltimore , Rock laUod t. faul a. Mouthera Railway.. U Norther Pacific... it, ioutiiera Pacific... Brl lexaa Ftclfle.,.. Ullaoto Central... l U -, . .-....,. KIT LOSSES.' - . - Smelter .......... U N. Y. Central..,.,. Brooklya ilennrlanla Baltimore V. Southern Railway.. U Canadian t'. "vta Houthern ' Pacific... National Lead l'nloa factflc Tha New York atock market Buffered today from 16 per cent money. London contributed It part Coward depressing th market, Amerl csn there allowing loaa. Tb aum of S1.0H0,. 0t kt gold wa reoelred ta Saa rranclaco from Australia and was transferred to New York tbla mom In. There wa a report that a large sals of copper for March delivery had be mane ra new iorx at x?vc. Official a notations br Oesrback. Starr a Cook company I DBSOaUrnOB. Copner Co...... 111 110 "is 78 7S 183 164 153 " 8 iis ii7 78 77 ifi iio si 'si"' ,"is 'ia e-srssra mti : -je" . ! i3 130" ' 146 ii". i M "28 ::::: 'siii i V is isi 47 M 106 104 Am. Car ft round, com. do preferred Am. Cotton Oil, com... Aa. Locumotlre. com.. 85' T3 Sugar, com... 188 Am. Smelt., eom. ...... io 26S preferred Anaconda Mining Co.... Atrktsea. com.,.,...,. 08 oo preferred , , . . Baltimore ft Ohio, ema. Brooklya Bapld Tranalt. Canadian Paclnc, com... Cbl. ft Gt Weet.. eoai. Ctal.. MIL ft Bt. Paul... Chl. ft Nortbweat.. com. ita 118 T8i 174 "0 Chesapeake A Ofal...... 62 Colo, reel Iron, com.1. Cole, South., 2d pfd.... Delaware ft Budaoa 01 rle, com do Sd preferred. ...... do let ore f erred. . tlllnol Central..,.,..., Loularlll ft NaahrilU.. Mexican Central By.... M-. K. ft T., com...... 1T4 148 ii do preferred. Pederal Bmelter.. nistnier Missouri Psdnc7 National Lead...,..., New York Central.... Norfolk ft Western, com. no .firererrea. North AmerlcsB. Northern Fsrltc, eom.. Psclfte Mall Steam. Co. PennaylTanJa By P. U., L. ft C. do...., Beading,, com ,.. do let preferred...... step. Iron ft Steel, eea. do preferred Bock Island, com....... do preferred St. L, ft B. W..' eom... do preferred.. Southern Paclnc. com... Tan. Coal ft Iron Taxaa ft Paclnc..,, T.. St. L. ft W.. esaa., do preferred.....,,.,, Onloa Psclflr, eom...... do preferred. ......... V. S. Stel Co., com,. do preferred.. Wabash, com. do preferred.. Western Union Trie... 86 1 86 Wisconsin Central, com American Locomotlr, common, ax-dlridead of 1 pef cent- , . Total aalee for day, 600,700 share. CU xsooey closed SOS per cent. J,. ? rOBTXAltS BABX SIATHtTJIT. j'"; Cleartng, today. .11.124.(101 M Clearing rear go.... - 884.S88.18 .' Oaia today......................! 189,008.12 TJCTUFOOI. OaAIJf - Urerpool, Nor. 6 Offldl prices: ' WBBAT. OpsasU ' Ctow. December .. Ss 44 Ss 8d March 6 6d 6 4d May .m.... Oa dd Sa d COKN. December ... 4 4d . 4 8d January ... 4a d. 4a d 4 4 BIG SHIPMENTS ARE : ; MADE FROM ATHENA ' ' .' , ,v',. (Special DUpsteh t The Joaraal.t Athene, dr Not. . From January 1 to November 1, a total of 411 aarload shipments have been made from Athena over the W. A C. H., th branch Una of th Northern Paclflo entering this place. This showing I a considerable increase over last year.. In this total of 411 carloads th extensir trad of th Pres ton Partem Milling company figured to the extent of ttl carloads. Tbe Pres ton Parton compsny ships extensively over tha O. R. A N. also, but th Im portant port of consignments for Athena flour and mill-stuffs is Seattle, where th stock Is reshlpped to tb oriental markst. . ., , ,.- . BANK STOCK DEAL . TEST CASE HEARD (Special Dispatch ta Th JoerasLI " Salem. Cr., Nov. . Judge Galloway held sn adjourned seaslon of department No. I of the ctrduit court, during which he heard testimony on the petition filed by th creditor, of Gilbert Bros., In th esse of Roscoe C. Thomas, adminis trator, against A. T. Gilbert and others. The petition is filed for the purpose of securing an accounting from A. Bush relative to th purchase of 1(1 shares of stock In the First National bank of Moscow, Idaho, upon which an assess ment was Irrled.: Th object of th pro ceeaing Is to test the legality -of - the sale. - Additional , testimony will be taken today., ' ' Seaside Sunday Excursions. The A. A C R. R. R. will run. an ex cursion to Bessld and return every Bundsy at the round-trip rata of Take advantage of th low rat and- so tha ocean. Tickets for sal during the week at 14 1 Alder, street and at th ulnon depot, Sunday morning.; ' Preferr! stock Oaaned Ooeda. " Alien Letwir Peat Brand, ' It'a about time to think about -that turkey for Thankaglvlns. To be euro of sottlns something real cboloe, you had better aee your - dealer about It rather early, for soon he will be full of orders eind In the hurry and buatla. then might be aome- deficiency In quality. A toed turkey, one that Is properly fattened. Is worth from I to 16 ocnta a pound. mora than a bird that there's nothlna to except aome skin and bones. There la every . Indication that th sup. ply of turkeys will be considerably bet ter this year oa account of the dry weather we had early ia tbe year. 'This Is th proper, kind for successful tur key raisins;... Present prospects are tnat there will be fully as areat a demand for turkeys as 'a year -aso from Ban F react oo, , gome time so ths trad figured that ths destruction of ths Bay City by earthquake had put tha resi dents In such a position that they could hardly afford tha high prices they gen erally pay for tha holiday bird, but con ditions have changed again, and tha call from the south will be - as great as ever. '.This means that not alt the tur. keys will come to the Portland market and pricea will not be aa low as expect ed a few months as. By tha trade In general It is thought that the price will be about tha same as a year ago 1 eenta a pound, i' ....- ';, ,-, "s f j Those that can't afford -to buy tur keys at this price will very likely have plenty of chickens offered them at re markably low figures. Always at Thanksgiving time there ara heavy snip ments of chickens to market This Is the one time of tha year when they ar not greatly wanted and tha result Is that prices usually how very low levels at that time. Pucks' and gas ' are aomlnsr Into more favor alnce tha law went Into effect prohibiting the sale of the wild game.. In former years vsry low prices generally ruled on these two artlolea, but with tbe greater-aemana the values are going higher. It seems odd that out bora nt Oregon, where tha weather Is much milder tauut anywhere In tha far east or tha middle west, ws ara forced to .buy most of our eggs from saat of the Rocky moun tains. Just now practically all ths aggs sold In this market come from the east ern states. - At this time they are - of unusually good Quality and for that rea son tha local product is not so much missed. ' -..,': -. Don't buy -wormy or Infected apples. This Is the advice given by tha county DENIES HE WILL SERVE SEIITEIICE Nickell Declares He Haa No Idea of Abandoning Appeal of -Hit Case. ' SAYS HE WILL FIGHT r I TO THE BITTER END Rumor From ' Mcdford 1 That Land Fraud Defendant Hat Tired of Bat- ' tie for His Liberty It Stamped aa ' Without Foundation. ' A well-defined rumor coming from Medford, the borne of Chhrlae NlokeU, states that he has abandoned hla Idea of appealing hla conviction for suborna tion of perjury in connection with th "Emmlttaburg" land swindles and that he will appear In th federal oourt aa soon as it convenes one more and will there state his willingness to begin tbe service of his sentence. . - Nickell and his attorney. Thomas CDay, deny that there Is truth in the rumor and say that th battl will be fought to a finish. . - - . ' Th story coming from th south says that -Mr. Nickell has wearied of the delay In his appeal, which Is now pending . In the United States circuit court of appeals, and has also com to the conclusion that th cost - la too much, both of which conditions have turned him to th Idea that he will be soonest and cheapest out of. the trouble by Serving his sentence of It months on McNeil's Island and having It over. Nickell was found guilty of suborna hum. rvijur ... ... .-"-- . having been Indicted jointly with Mar. tin O. Hog. Harry. Miller and Frank Klncart. Th latter ;two men pleaded guilty and ware sentenced to one year on McNeil's Island. Martin Hog was sentenced to nix months In th Multno mah county jail and la now serving his sentence. Nickell appeal ea. The case - wu known aa ths . "Em mlttaburg" land Swindle and It was shown at th trial that th defendants procured men to fll upon government land- In southern Oregon after th pay ment or 1 10 location fees to th de fendants. The means ' of ' persuasion used by th defendants was th promts mad that as soon as title had been scoured th claims would b bought by a land syndicate called ths ."Emmltta- burg of New Zealand." Nickell wss a United States commissioner at th time snd also the owner of two papers, which profited through th tranaactlons. Mr. Nickell is known to havs taken exception to th heavy expense Inci dent to an appeal In the federal court. stating that from indications - thr United States court had not been In. tended as a tribunal for th poor.. Still h denies that he will abandon his ap peal. - When interviewed this morning st Medford h said: . I'll stay with It to tha and." . . ' 'v.' LASALLO A. MAYNARD DIES IN CALIFORNIA 'ioaraal Special Serrtee.l I ' Monrovia. Cel., Nov. - . After resi dence of a year In this city, where he cam In search of health, LaSallo A. Maynard, associate editor of . Leslie's Weekly, 41d her. - - RICH GERMAN WILL ". COLONIZE EMIGRANTS I Joarasl 8 Dedal Sereloe. I ' , OalTeerton, T Nov. I. William Markward or Pallia, Oklahoma, pn of th heir to a 160,000,00 estate in Oer-many,- has bought 10.000 acres' of land in southwest Texas, where he will colo nise several hundred of his country men, donating land to poor emigrant a. zr. noan'S ' Raguletsv cur constipation, .n i ii. at, aiitnaiais trre liver, promote digestion and appetite and easy pasBhsea of th bowels. Ask your drug gist for them. II cents a box. fruit Inspector, and he ought to know. He says that tba man who buys a box of wormy apples Is pacing double what they are worth, no matter what price is allowed.; Fruit infected with Ban Jobs . fccale,. while . not hurtful totha public health as far as known. Is very detrimental to the fruit Industry, Pew tellable firms sell wormy .or Infected apples at this time because good fruit Is so cheap. Most of the wormy fruit is, therefore, sold through hawkers or by growers direct. - Pish will be rather scarce today on account of 'ths storms which have raged oft tha coast during the past few days. Tha high water will also, bring, down a considerable amount of driftwood and this will put a stop to trap fishing for a short time. . - ' . Creamery butter Is selling at TO cents everywhere for the best city brands. The sharp cut in sugar prices , last week had th effect of causing con sumers to buy wary heavily during th past few days. . - vi Clams sad crabs have been out of the markets for two days-on account of us-1 favorable weether. .., --X few retail prices for .you!" ..' . Berries Huckleberries. 1 160 pound; strawberries, t(a box. - Frulta Bananas. 160 dosen; lerooria. t5c dosen: llmos, too dosen; apples. Too 0 11.66 box: plums. I6o basket; pine apples. I640o each; grapes, too basket; casabas, 40o each; chestnuts, lOo pound. VegeUble Eggnlsnt, 1I0 pound; peppers, bell. 10lto" pound peas, telephone. So pound; string beans, thro pounds for Ko; euoumbers, Ko dosen; summer squash. Io pound; new Calif or nla onions, Se pound;' potatoes, lo pound; green onions, 160 dosen bunches; sew carrots, three bunches for le; head lettuce, Se nead; radishes. Co a bunch; cauliflower. 100160 head: tomatoes, tl box; mushrooms, tto pound; celery, three heads, sto; sweet potatoea, thro pounds for 10a . -"" Freah Flan HaiiDUt, iotjiiho pouna; salmon, 10i91!o; sturgeon, Ito; striped ss, tOOiso; solss, llHOlso; biaeg cod. lie; perch, lOe:' flounders, loo; shad. 11 e; sea trout, too; crabs, lid each; salmon cheeks, lis dosen; shad roe, tto pound.. ' -.-. , -.,. . Butter and Bgga Beat creamery,' ss 07fc per twtf-pound roll: cooking,' 40 roll; fresh ranch eggs, 40e; eaatera, Ito doson. ' , v. - . . i . - Poultry Chickens, 110100 pound; ducks.. 7So0ll.ll each; squabs, 75o pair; spring ohlokens. 100 tlo pound. . , : C0l.GRESSr.1AH HLIJIf.lSOl WILL KOT RESIGN ' - -r Judge Bennett ' Denies Rumor That His Client Will Begin to r Serve His Sentence." : - Congressman John N. Williamson at Prlnevilla will not resign and haa tto Intention of serving bis . sen tone, as haa been Indicated by rumors. The rumors are now branded as false by Judge A. 8. Bennett of Th Dalles, at torney for Mr. Williamson. --r-. r.--r , "Upon hearing tha story which .had gained aome -small circulation to the effect .that Mr. WHUamsoa Intended to abandon his appeal and begin the serv ice of his sentence," said Judge Bennett this morning, ' I conferred , with my client to se if he had made any sueh assertion and found that there was ab solutely no truth to th rumor. He haa no such Intention. . ' "AS regards tha resignation - of Air. Will lam eon." continued Judge ' Bennett, "he has not considered such a step snd will not. I do not see why Mr. William son should take such a stop. . It would do th state no good. The governor could aot appoint a man to fill hla place and no election could be held before March, the time when Judge mils of Pendleton take th oath -of office. It would therefor be impossible to fill any vacancy which might be caused by the resignation of Mr. Williamson before Judg 111 would come Into office. But I know Mr. Williamson has not con sidered such a step, neither haa lis any Intentions of going to Jail." . DIES DURING HONEYMOON; tREMAINS BROUGHT HOfaE Mrs. Q. J. Blodgett Succumbs In Montpelier, Vermont, After Short Illness. . O. 3. Blodgatt returned from Mont pelier, Vermont., this morning bringing with- him the remains of Mrs. Blodgett, wno aied at Montpelier August a. S Mra Blodgstt. who was formerly Mrs. Ida Mclatyre, of Seattle, waa wsll known to msny Portland - people . who will mourn her . loss -because of her many estimable qualities. She was married to Mr. Blodgett in Seattle Feb ruary It, 1101. ' Their marriage was the culmination of a romance in thelr-llvea In that they were schoolmates in their native state of Vermont , After they left school Mr. Blodgstt moved west and did not heaf from the girl who be came Mrs. Blodgstt until 10 year later. Mr. Blodgett was injured In wreck of the Elks' excursion train, near Chehalla, about three years ago. While recovering from his Injuries In th hos pital be received a letter from- his for mar school companion inquiring whether he was th George Blodgett she had known la her youthful school days. She had read a'lout th accident in the newspapers and upon reading his nam Immediately connected It with that of her old friend. They met - later and were married. It waa while they wer on part of their honeymoon that Mre. Blodgett was. taken 11L They left Portland March II and traveled through the south and east. While in Boston Mrs. Blodiett was take.t ill. ' Bhe grew better later and went to Montpelier where her health Improved at flrat, but soon began to fall and shs died in a hospital In th astern city last August. v Mrs. Blodgstt's daughter, Mrs. D. D. Whedoa, accompanied by Mr. Whedon, arrived from Seattle this morning to be. present at the funeral services at Rlvervlew cemetery tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock. PRESIDENT ON HIS i WAY TO SEE CANAL i ' tionmal Special Senrlee.l Norfolk. Vs., Nov. I. Ihe president's ships psssed out of the capes at 1:40 this morning. The Louisiana tried to signal, but the fog and smoke obscured tb- message, ; t . . - . I Hlggl ...... Cli n- sea ........ iarke -. -Weit-.Bspan--TrrWkiatehrei; ' t. Twostep Maklnjg Eyea.TUser Walts Sweet Adeline. O'Ha re -I. Twostep Splfit of TJberty, ' v. . i.., ......-Wadaworta ; Walts prince of Pllsen. . .. - ..................... LAiders T. Twostep Walt TUl Sun :..,-- Shines. -NalUa-. , . . , . . Tllser t. Walts Sweet Remembrance ................St. Clair I. Twostep Everybody Works ;. . But father ..........Hager 10." Wslts I'm Trying So Hard to Forget You." . 11. TwosUp The Gondolier.. . , PoweU 11. 'Walts Sounds From Erin. . .................... Bennett le. Twostep The ' New Colo- . nlal ,. ......... Haiti ' 14. Walts Mocking Birds. .... .,..,........... Bohwarts ' - IB. Twostep University of Psnn. II. Walts The Rink. ' ' 1T. Twostap Why Don't Tou . - - Try r. . ......... .Van Alstyn It. Walts Morning Glories 1 Twin Voa TUser Home, Sweet Hotna, ; . Director- Mis 1st Hoch, ." ; :'V' V XI UUTat). KC5DAY KIG5T, KOV. 1! ' , ' AlrmlswlrrB, BOe, Wkatom, tflo. I TCEPAOFIC SYTiDICATE STORES which is now establlsTilng I, 10 and 16-ceot stores ia fifty of the principal cities , of the' Paclflo Coast offers ' 'to th public limited : number of its Preferred Shares AT $1C3 per Share Fur . .MtlTvntiiO o . OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANS authorised "deporlta-y f sf jviv nr th Company, - will receive t-. ; deposits' to h oredlt of , the Company for the num berl -tf shares desired and';..' " stock will . be ; delivered - -promptly, v . ,. .; :f.i ' For further mforrrtatloa, -' 'prospectus, eto address ,; , ' Trnman Reeves ; Sc'y and Treaa. '.-; ' Z art People's Savings , - TailsUaor, Ssaiatls. TUC ' HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED INTHE NORTH-4 WEST AT YOUR GROCERS. TAX EXEMPTIONS TO BE PLACED ON ROLLS '" ' . :: r (Special tX spate to Ta TcajraaL), ! HlUsboro, On, Nov. Th county , board of commissioners which is now la. session has Ordered th county dark to place upon tb tax rolls th tSOO ex emptions allowed by ths assessor and approved by the board of equalisation. Th assessor had his rolls In course of compilation at ths tlm of th de cision of the supreme court declaring unconstitutional th law allowing th exemption of $100 to each householder. and passed the matter to th oquallsa tlon board, which also omitted ths ex empt Ion. - . - - In view of the opinion of the attorney, general ' tha commissioners' court haa ordered th exemptions Added so a to avoid any question. , . g , ' POWER PLANT GATES V v WRECKED BY FLOOD ' (Specxil Dlepateh te The' Joarnal. : Forest Grove, Or.. Nov. I. Th nawar plant that runs the electrlo system af Forest Grove received considerable dsra ag yesterday and lights and power are now run by th plant formerly owned by the town. The floodgates of ths dam on the Tua. latin river, eight miles from here, were put out of .commission by ths freshet, caused by the late downpour of rain. Whether the dam can be renalrad 4a doubtful. The exaot amount of dam age dona Is not yet known. Some say tree coming down the creek oansed th damage. Th lights sr now being turned on, but only st an Immense cost, ss many cords of wood ar required to us to two engines, - There's nothing ao good for a throat s Dr. anre i noma Erl.otrio OIL Relieves any. Cures It In a few hours, 1. Twostep Admiral I I ljls-.-4 t a ccrrtt. Qh-?t-oS--Tw ' paua m aa. jewi. 11 i I