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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
19 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVflNINP, ' NOVEMBER 9. t 1EC3, mm 21 Lbs: Cane Grannlalcd Sugar H.00 BUTTER. Spring Brook Creamery . .V,4.vii...;.i50 Star frMmfrv I-.......'....:. ........ V..'...55 -JTwrtXake-Creamei y : : . ; ., it , . GOf vc -v'"-eggs. ? '.''-; : Guaranteed Fresh Eggs , . . . , ... . . . . . . . J .30? ' ' TEA AND COFFEE SPECIALS. 1 lb. U. Cjapan Tea . . .'.-.g. -1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. , . . ...... . . . 25 1 lb. E. B. Tea ...... .......... ...25 1 lb. Army and Navy Coffee. . . ., 15 1 IK Tnwn Talk Coffee....'....:.. ...20 at ; 1 lb. Monarch Coffee S5 CHEESE. ;: '":' t lbs." Full Cream Checserrrrv . ; .". . '. . . . .-Trr.35V' . M W SrKr M T ' I X lbs. Hu cream wieese. Swiss Cheese, lb.. ... . . . .20- . SOAPS. . 13 bars Elk Soap : .... ............. ....... ,.25V 13 bars Royal Soap. . ................. .. .....25s 8 bars Lenox Soap .....25e ' 8 bars Silk Soap .. . . . .. .25 " 8 bars Monarch Soap. .........,..25 " -7 bars Golden Star Soap . . i . .v: : rr: rrrrnT. .25 -8 bars XLNT Soap ... v ...... .. ... . .25 5 lbs. Lima Beans . ............. '. ..... . .25V 7 lbs. Navy Beans ....... ............... ....25e 7 lbs. Pink Beans .......................... .25 5 lbs. SmaU White Beans ..... .... . . ........ .25 '"'"'" ' ' EXTRAS. ' -g-ffcgrGold Dost ... ..... .Vt . . . .35 -Shredded Wheat ..... ,1Q Arm and Hammer Brand Soda. , . . . . . . . ... . . . 5e Bottle Ammonia .... ........................ 5' Bottle Bluing .5e - 3 pkga. Acorn Matches. ................... ... 25 1 lb. can 20 Mule Team Borax ................ 10 8 pkgs. Toothpicks ...... .. .25V .pkga.Jello .25 : CREAM. - - AH Kinds Cream, 2. . .... ... ........... '. . .15 8 bottles Tomato Catsup . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . 25 first and Taylor Streets Phone Main 1412 The crowds are still filling-the store. Every day' sees some new marvel, some startling, new revela tion of the fact that .The People's Market and Grocery offers absolutely unequaled prices on Meats : "' - and Groceries.. CITY'S LARGEST AND BUSIEST MARKET ' You will find in this market the best of everything. Prices below all competitors. - M EMM MEATS? 'M EATS! SIRLOIN;STEAK PORTERHOUSE STEAK-, PORTERHOUSE ROASTS SIRLOIN ROASTS BOILING BEEF,.,- POT ROASTS : HAMBURGER BOLOGNA SHOULDER STEAK WEINERWURST, 10c .....10c 10c ...10c .. . ...6c and 7c ...4..i2 pounds il5cl J...... 2 pounds 15c 4 pounds 25c 10c -LOOSErPORK SAUSAGE 3 pounds 25c . PRIME ROLLED ROAST BEEF -.10c VEAL ROASTS lpound-7cr8c and 10c Try our VEAL SAUSAGE .i..ii.:.:iipounid 1 5c CHOICE EASTERN HAM pound 1 7c ' 0ir Bargain Counter You will find loaded down with the choic est cuts of Government inspected meat at cut - rate prices Mrs. Champlin will giye'a Frfee Demonstration of Our Gold Medal Coffee BROOM SALE. 50c Brooms L, ............. s , , fr3S 40c Brooms . .................. .... . . , .25 "30c Brooms . ' ' .20 " - : T ITFISH. "' ' . . r' V S cans Salmon . .... I ....... . : i ... . 7. . . . 25 ; 8 cans. Domestic Sardines v.. V,....C...25 ' 3 cans Mustard Sardines .'. . . . . . . . . ; , . , . . . . . .15 1 dozen Alaska Herring. . . : .t.. ... . .... .... .20f ', VEGETABLES. ; . 3 Hot house Lettuce . .'. . '. . . ,. 1 , . . . ; . 10 10 lbs. Sweet Potatoes ,25 20 lbs. Burbank Potatoes . , , ; , . . , .25 1 12 lbs. Dry Onions . . .. .... ... . . . ... ... .V. .25e ; New Cabbage, lb.. ..... f . . . .... , , 2f : ' CEREALS. ' ' ', V ' ' Scotch Oats ; . . . ... ; . . . . ,10 Violet Oats2 pkgs...'.............. .. ...... .25 "Quaker Oats, 2 pkgs . i ..;;.........' .r. 25 , Force, 2 pkgs. ................. ..... ... , ... . .25 ' Grape-Nuts, 2 pkgs. ,25 ' Postum .20 Figprune "... '. . .". . . ... ..... , . . ..... . . . . .JZOj 10-lb.' sack Rolled Oats ....... .. . , . . .. . . .354 10 lbs. Corn Meal .......... :......,:.v...'.;.25rf 10 lbs. Graham Flour....... ...w.....,.... .25 -10 lbs. Farina . ; ; ; r. ..7, . ......... . . . . . . . . .35 2 cans of any kind of Cream for. . ....... . . . . . . 15 FOR YOUR FRUIT CAKE. ' , x 3 pkgs. Currants ;. i . . . i . r.;Tr ....... . 25 3 pkgs. Raisins 25 1 lb. Lemon Peel. ... i . . . . . . .... . . . . . . 20 1 lb. Orange Peel ................ ..........201 1 lb. Citron Peel '. ... ..... . . . . .30 - :: PICKLES Home Made Dill Pickles, quart. ...... . . ...... 10 Home Made Sour Pickles, quart. ......... v . . . 10 Home Made Sweet Pickles, quart .... . .. ..... .. 20e 2 bottles Pickles 15 Home Made Sauer Kraut, per gallon......... 30. .. . . CRANBERRIES. v3 quarts for .25et . :Vk'';; CABBAGE. : ", For Your Sauer Kraut. .. Per pound 7.. ..........lVi 1-pound Can Corn Beef. .. ... ..10 6 cans Deviled Ham .25 OnrSatnrfay $ale$ tit ery joccessftd tecime the public lias become perfectly assored of the absolute good faith In oar representations of the values to be offered., -No disappointment awaits those who come to share 'li the promised price advantages. ALIz-ORDERSFOR" ALBINAANDrEASTz:SlDE iM , . ; - 7-tt- : ; .max- aroma at cut usnr s&oox. neon uaxm ins. JCW ITOU AT tT HUT ITUII. TMOXM ICAXY 1493. MM CASH GROCERY . wxu txru to m rouownro 25. Lbs. Sugar for $1.00 With $5 Ordr of Qroert$t la all, Rapil&r prlo ft lb, for $! VEGETABLE SALE a-os Tbiiouow oat; I feanchM Bt 5 bunchM Turnip,.,.. ..5 bunches Carrots , 1 bunch Cclr ............. Ji4 t Cabbage (or 5 BUTTER. SALE ; Rancb Butter 404 Dairy Butter ............. .50 Oragna Creamery ...6S ' eaaa Cream . .V.,... lba. Rolled Oata, ........ .25 m-. Wllaon, at 7t f1rat.-wlll.flU roar order at the aboy prlooa. H will atao be pleased to show you', bis - Una of Oents Furnlshlnt-a. Proas Oooos. ata. - V Wo' lirrlta oomparlaon. . , v r Our price are rlgbt . We defy, competition. I Our wolcbts correct. Oar goods are sew. . . Above prices for the week, i Tour, money returned or satisfaction .giTBVi iiJ.ili . rn ruoii am' ' Vn AT CXTT MAMBT MXMO. cm iToai, , era . rnurr non non ma, 143. TTie Modern Market Attention! The Modem Market A Few Days Ago the Modern Market Threw Its door open to tbe publlo. The public took adventag of the ' T opening and hmve been going through tha saaao door erory day alnca and - T Z no doubt will keep on going through as long as there Is a door to go T Lll s ' VII' .UIV. WU. WU. ...WHIIII W Ul, VU A ..ftl.liWb Our motto la . -Qoallry and Plenty of If . When you are looking for fresh meats, fresh poultry and cured meats, remember QUALITY The Modern Market ' 7233 North 23rd Street . QUANTITY F florist Main 38 O 7 - The - -10 corovons t urn. bx.itk at im An urm an. s.uiaoMr' B,um ondeavored to hold both the Rainier and Modem Rainier markets up to the highest standard and through his , fair and ' Market aauar PnP' nM met with a great success. All patronage . , , appreciated. Phone orders promptly attended to, - , , A. H. Willett & Co. Wholesalo and Retail Oroccrs " "THK HOUSst OF QUALITY" " mimztz 0U2 Montv promptnesj and qualittv If yon esa't get what yon want at ear store yea will moot likely hay to do without It Our stock Is complete. Complete in quality as well aa In quan tity. Our serrlc Is excellent and deliveries prompt Thla makes a strong combination, so yon can dtpend on us for anything In the "grocery Una. , 128 QRAND AVENUE CEYLON TEAS. DIRECT FROM TUB GARDENS The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest - Tea to Bui II KPn J One Pound Equals Three No. t Ceylon and India . 1-lb. can. No. 1 C. and I.,' 1 lb...eSA No. 1 Ceylon and India U-lb. can. 40d. Na I C and 1 H lb...3Sa SOLD BV ALL GROCERS 1 S WHEN YOU BUY -BREAD -1 BUY Setter Mt IT IS BY FAR THE BEST OF FIVE-CENT LOAVES - Look for the Label At all grocers SEXxaxaEz: nc an gta-aaa axsxb - mni, Frank L. Smith Meat Co: Bar. mit An UOOBTS STB. FiaHTINQ THE BEEP TRUST" Keep away from the beef trust markets. Most of them claim they are fighting the . trust, but they are not. .'..' Beware of those other markets who claim they are fighting the beef trust They are V agents of the trust,' '. We have our own abattoir,' We buy out livestock on the grand Eastern Oregon Ranges. Not a pound of beef trust meat in our establishment. Trade with Smith. We are ready With tomorrow's tradei 42 Head of Prime Eastern Oregon Beeves Porterhouse Steak.' large. with a heavy tenderloin, per lb.. ..12ttd Small Porterhouse Steak, per lb. 104 T'-Bone ' Steak, with a heavy ten derloin, per lb, 12H4 Sirloin Steak, per lb. .'....104 Tenderloin Btsak. per lb. .104 Round Steak, per lb............ 10 Loin Steak, per lb... ...'. 10 Hamburg Steak, per lb ...... ...10 Porterhouse Roast Beef, per lb.lO Sirloin Roast Beef, per Ib......lO Prime Rib Roaat Beef, per lb..lOd Rolled Roaat Beef, per lb. ...... 10 Pot Roast Beet per lb .....8 Beef Stew, per lt..Lulutl,,.5 Boiling Beef, per lb 64 Corned Beef, per lb .6 50 Dead of Choice Eastern ; Oreaon Untfon . Mutton Shoulder Roast, per lb. . 84 Mutton Shoulder Chops, per lb.lOt Mutton Stew, per lb. . . . . . M . ... , .5 Mutton Breast, par lb..T... . . . .5 Leg Mutton, per lb...... 12H Mutton Loin Roast.. per lb...l2H Mutton Ixiln Chops, per lb.. ..1244 (5 Wheal Fed Porkers nov wzxxAarjrm TAuar Pork Shoulder Roast, par Pork Shoulder Chops, per Leg Pork, per lb......... Pork Loin Chops, per lb.. For lxila Koaat, per lo Pigs' Feet, per lb.,......, Lt lara, per id. Salt Pork, per lb. Ib..l2H4 lb..l2H4 .-..12H4 ......154 AOfj ..... .54 ..12H4 1244 ICO Bead of Veal Calves moat wzzAMXTTa talut VesJ Shoulder Roast, per lb.... 104 Veal Shoulder Cutlets, per lb..,104 Veal Breast, per lb......... 84 Veal Stew, per lb.............. .64 Leg Veal, per lb ....1244 Veal Rump Roaat. per lb.,.,1244 Veal Loin Roast, per lb. .....1244 Veal Rib Roast "par lb. .....1244 SUNDRIES Bologna Sausage, per lb..:,...S4 Frankfort Sausage, per lb.'. ,...'104 Our own .Lard, I lba for 604 Hams, per lb ..IT4 Breakfast Bacon, per lb.... .".1744 Liver, per lb.7vr;.Tr.7..";Trv....54 Hearts, par lb......;...".. 54 Our new retail market is the largest and most up-to-date in the city. It will hold hundreds a EM. . t . . . . n . . .1 . r. 1 1 a. . , 53 a 01 peopie ; we expect to cu 10 uiousanas. r meen expenenceu men cutters xo wait on you annsssxxxzxx: :ssas ALL DAY SATURDAY ,40c Coffee .4..., 25 Package Tea, 1 lb., regular BOc. .... t ............... A5i Package Tea, lb regular 35c. ... i ....... . . . . ..... .25 y . OTHER ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS B. B. COL, WELL Third and Jefferson Sts. ... phone Main 403 R 3ESSXZ3 liaMHMM T Meats 349-351 OAK ST. ' Fellows Gfcccrv Co PHONE MAIN 2596 348-350 ANKENY ST. Now Is the Time to Prepare for BELOW IS A LIST OF THE GOOD THINGS YOIJ WiXL NEED: Thanksgiving Remember Portland's largest and cheapest Cash Grocery Is always at the front with new and seasonable goods. vV.---r . " '..'f Don't Forget the Place OAK STREET; NEAR SEVENTH , . " -X A FEW OF OUR REGULAR PRICES New Crop English Walnuts, 1 lb... ..... 15f ; 3 lbs. Seedless Raisins.. v." ;25) 1 lb. New Brazil Nuts.. V"..20f 3 pkgs. Seeded Raisins.......... '....r..25 1 lb. New Filberts. .. ,.'.'.20f l pkg. Gleaned Currants:..... ....,,...10 3 pkgs. New Mine; Meat. .25t 3 lbs. Muscatel Raisins. . . ... . . . . . , .1.'. . . ,25f 4 lbs. Large Italian Prunes... ?..........25f 3 lbs. New Dates.. .;....V... ....... ...tf25 3 lbs. Fancy Black Figs.'...,;.'..r..,...;,25 1 lb.. Shredded Cocoanut.........,,,..,15fi R03E CITY FLOUR, fancy patent, per sack. . .. .. , , i. . . . . . :;. .V. . .;. . . .... ?1.15 BEST FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER, pcf roU .'. G0 NEAR EAST MORRISON PHON XAST 183 1'4 :xssxsss3 7 1 k -y-