,TUZ OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, rOHTIND, TiiurDAY nvruiKa. novemesh 8, it: 3. nSlUiTOuT DAR'iC IS SEEfl ONCE ,10RE Lhrtkout at North Maarl Rsmnrta r I y6JTAnawerlngDecrJp ....... . . T . ' , tlon of the Iverna.- BRITISH VESSEL NOW ' MANY DAYS OVERDUE ; . -v.- V Windjammer - Appeared ',, Off ' the . Mouth of th Columbia ! River ' Early Yesterday Morninrut Yan :' iphed as Quickly as She Came; ."Again the phantom bark baa "been ailttited off the moutti of the Columbia : slyer, 'but h, lav atlll outride ad; olianees are theA. aha, will not, make, port ' tot a while because hardly bad' she h've up on the. horhtonj within the aoope qC the telescope on North Head before lie vanished. That ooourred yesterday morning before daylight, but no, report , ot 11 waa made yeaterday. becauaa a tree M blown over the telegraph wire lead itg from North Head, , disabling the . etrvico. Lookout J one telephoned the news to Astoria. Uils morning, and from there It was telegraphed to Ulstj-iot. forecaster iieaia. -.. The wire to North- Head haa not, been, repaired yet and eoneequently. It le not known If the baric appeared, oft the river today, although, nothing was seen off her - early this '. morning. When . Bight ed yesterday she waa. 11 mile to Vhe northweat-of the Columbia, river, whion goas to ehow that ah did pretty .- well in weathering ta awful, sale ot Monday' and. Tuesday. ' ' There aeeme now no question of the ..phantom bark being the Iverna. which , la- long overdue here after having been . spoken off Tillamook lighthouse nearly a month ago. She haa been eeen In the distance many tlmee, but haa never , oome oloee enough to definitely - eatab- - Uah her Identity. In the meantime eov. - eral windjammers, have croeeed in ever the bar and tnarinera along the Portland waterfront are , beginning to wonder he- skipper of the Britisher does not ' make an attempt to get within reach of one of -the bar tugs. About 14 - days ago the- tug Wallula gave her ohaee for a dlatanoeof 10 mllee to eee ward, but the wind 'wan la toe lima. Juicer's favor anl ajtta, ou,tdlate0ed the, . tug. - - . A .queer tale- 1 eapaQtmS- when, the, , bar It Anally reaches port, for ahe must oertalnly have had some startling ex 'perlenoee' while beating around off the ooeat. Some believe that she haa been blown almost acroaa the Paclflo and - t)ack, while othera again are of the ORlnlon that she may have been as fur forth as the Aleutian islands. The Iverna would not be the flrst ' vessel,, to perforin this remarkable teat, ' however, because some to years or more ago one of the old American clip- tar ahlpa brought up at Yokohama after avlng tried to reach Puget sound.' a Sveek out from Ban Franctaco. Bhe hung around the eoaat for a couple of weeks and finally, got caught In one of the autumn gates Ve-nd drifted : clear - aoroea the ocean praotloally. In a help- jjeee condition. WAS ROUGHLY HANDLED . teem ckooae Johaa roolsa AaUvwa .y After ttormy Toyage. ' ; The ateam schooner Johan Poulsen - arrived from San Francisco early this tnornlng and went to, the mills of In- ' man, Poulsen A Co. to load a return . Chrgo - of lumber, - Captain jteeae . re ; - porta a very atomy voyage, all the way - Up the eoaat and more than once It waa feared that the luraeet drogher; wojjld, tyt live through the awful gale. . ' The Johan Poulsen ran Into the blow . Immediately after leaving Ban Francisco heads and after a few hours' experience - It was concluded to turn back and await ' aa abatement of the storm. . The worst . of the blow aeemed, over when she waa , again started for the ocean, but ahe ' had hardly reached open Water before Immense waves again vegan to rear up all around her. Captain, Reeae then de cided to stay with It and he finally tnade the Columbia river after one of . the most; exciting voyages ever re 1 corded. Luckily no one was Injured fad no damage waa Inflloted. : - DECKHANDS QUIT . feave ateamer peneec Becanae Oaa of Their ITunber Za Xajnred. A couple of deckhands; employed en - the steamer ' Charrea tC Spencer quit this morning, because, they say. the teamer carries a number of incompe- , tent "deckles." They refuse to work With men lacking experience and will lopk for other work. The ateamer has Secured other men to fill their places. ft. Stratton, the young deckhand Whose leg was caught by a mooring line and torn oft at the knee while as sisting in making the ateamer fast at Porters landing Tuesday afternoon, is ttlll alive and chancea are favorable for his recovery. He waa taken to St. Vincent's hoapltal last night. He not only lost one of hie legs, but alio fe- -elvedT severe bruises about the hJP J. Redmond." one of the witnesses to the accident, aayf that fltratton was Pd the boat and tried td throw the tnoorlng line around a cavil, when It caught and crushed him against the .cavit He fell from the deck Into the rlyer and awam for quite a while, al though one of hla lega had been eut off Completely, He was consolous for aev ergl mlnutea after having been hauled PB board and .apoke. with thoee -who fved him from drowning. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Colonel 8. W. Roeialer, United SUtes engineer, and Captain P. j; WerHoh. In- Sliector .of-thls ilghthouee- district. re turned from Puget sound lest night where they took Captain U. Sabres Pn - a tour of Inspection. Captain tebree, Who Is naval secretary ot the llghU house board. Started ' for Washington last night. Captain Werllch Will aUrt , far Alaska soon on the tender Heather, . which Is now loading supplies at As- torts. ' The ateamer Wauna Is towing the ateamer Northwest to Portland today. . fcbe will be Uken to the yards of the Pertland Shipbuilding cpmpany. In South Portland for repairs tod a general over- hauling. The Northwest was beaohed hear Kalama a few days ago after hav ing torn a hole in her hull on a sub. merged rock near shore. .'..,.' A number of new river craft will be) r out and ready for Mmmlnimi Among them are the new Iralda, Cap ' tain Weir's boat yet to be named and A boat being built at St Johna forthe powllts A Columbia River Transport- - lion company. t ' Thp steamer' Alliance sails thla even ing for Coos Bay. , Bhe will sign a full The abore gviestlon Is ottnu asked con enraloc Dr. Pierce's two leading mii- -elnes, Golden Medical Dlscovsrv- ana Jevorita rrescripiioo.- , Tha answer U that "Golden Medical Discovery Is i isiost fo'r.i alteret've or blood-purifier, avi tonic or invlgrater and ae especially, favorably In a cura tire wy ui ta all llie mucous lining str faces, as ol the 'wl passsgt. throat broa Mai U'bes. sW-aach. bowels and tiad encoring lara per eeat of eatr- Utkic. -ieUerA iseasa affect,. (nasal paas, the iiraoat, larynx, brou iaeaae agecU. 1- c J cola, stomaciwas catarrhal dyspepsia X bowelse(as mttw4. bladder, uterus or other TiTvIo orgTiTsi EifiCL ta aiifl v.-n Ing Ionic and nervine. For weak worn out, over-wt-rked women no matter what has cauised the break-down, "Favorite Prescription "will be found most efiectlva In building uathK, streajth, regulating the- womanly, fant ilonn, subdulua palD and- bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of the whole system, . A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving the foraulof both medicines and quoting. wdt scores of eminent mU; leal authors, whose. works. ara eonsulta by phTsiciansof all thLSchoalsof practice as guides. In prescribing, say of esch in gradient ehtering Into these medicines. The words of praise bestowed .on the several IngrcdlenU entering Into Doctor Pleree'S medicines by such writers should bare more weight than any amount of non professional testimonials, because such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they, sneak. . ... Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non aecret. and contain, no harmful habit- forming druirs, being composed of glyceric extracts of thn roots of native, American Medicinal- fore, plant. They are. both sold by dealers In medicine. Yon can t afford to accept as a substitute for one of these) medicines of known composition, vdv secret nostrum: ' ' . Dr. Pierce's Palleia, asoall. sngar-ooatod, easy to Uka as .candy, refnlate and 4ar lgwrato atojaacl. liver and bowel. the Gray Steam ahtp: company and the unlonfshavtng been settled. n The steamer Meteor, arrived at Linn. ton thla moiptlns to ' load . lumber for Ran Francisco. She la under charter tq the Portland Lumber ' company. The bark; C. J. Cheney, will arrive at the mllla of the Portland Lumber company today, or tomorrow, tt) load lumber there. Thei, achooner Admiral la on the way to Portland from San Pedro to load lumber for a return cargo. ' a - The Lower Alblna ferryboat. Lionel R. Webater. broke, one of her rudders thla morning whtle making a trip from the west, side ot the rWer. A large numbeg. of paasengera and, teams were delayed. The. Webateg la now Ud tap at her eaat side landing undergo! ngj re- . m - LUMBER FOR AUSTRALIA' enMsasssei-aSBBN ironreglaa Steamer Tnyra WW Soon Be .. Sera, jvosA. - v f, J. Moore A Co, have chartered the Norwegian steainer Thyra to load lum bee at thla port for Auatralla. ' She has Just arrived) at Port Plrle, Australia viia b vuiu of luuiur. irnin iiis port, and will return by way of San Fran- Cisco, for which port aha will take a cargo of coti, from Newcastle, . New Bwith Wales. 11 ' The Thyra belongs ta the same com. pany as the steamer Terje Vlken. whloh tf""-f""'Vi'- I'lfip"", y,JTH'vl,iln.,rc, VrtCe r avorlt PtrsrrlDtlon,,ls sdvIsM Ilefc Let Tht fytf - French Go's. Daring Propo sition to Sell a first Class Piano for a Very LittI? Honey Brings a Number of Buyers to Sixth and Burnside. The Cable-Nelson piano Drawing : The rain did not affect ourbuslness yesterdajr rnany -ladies 'literally waded through it to see this V. V y Cable-Kelson piano, an,d ; It'was worth theif while. A Cable-Nelson Piano i - A XXAsTO WOBT1 The Cable-Nelson ' piano oomblnee all the features Of tntrlnalc worth, eo un usual In a first-class piano, Tha Cable-Nelson woods are the flneat obtainable it's a known fact that the Cables-Nelson people are the heaviest ' bidders1 In the market "or nerd wooda. - ' Whatever may be necessary to produce a beautiful tone may be found In the Cable Nelson planot' . forty-five thousand la nee and It Is a comparatively tew piano, tyo, . ... qxxoAOO, vuvatyyu their product, and we are going to do-it in no half- hearted wfy, :.,r k,, .. ; . rJ . ..r- . .' We know the piano is, at) that bf ains and capital $an make jt, and it Is a sure winner. , r ' ' Will you look' at thb Cable-Nelson J . . Store open tonight Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co, , . , . - prorn, Ma-:er to Player . ' . SIXTH AND BURNSIDE GARFIELD WILL . : CONTINUE FIGHT Maw Secretary of Interior Ex pected to Be Meroilets To ' ward Land Fraud People.' r Tte retirement ef -Bthan Allen Hftch- cock. secret jy of the Interior depart". ment, ana tn appointment or james. n. Garfield, to his portfolio -Is Uken by local men Interested In the work of the -department, ta,'mfan. tha.t the prosecu tion of the land oaaes In Oregon will not be allowed to lag or atop. Mr. Our field Is known to be a fighter, and was one of the members of the Keep cora Yniu'slon appointed ly Roosevelt to ex pose unfaithful officials In the differ, eut departmenta and to Investigate vari ous abuses existing In governmental cir cles. - darfleld was also one- of the men who dug up the scandal of the Chicago beef . trust cases and afterwards went out after the Standard Oil law-breakers at Chicago. He la a young man, well Ml accord with the purposes of the RoOao velt administration and willing to fight to win his points. Being a young man and vigorous It ts surmised that he Will be, even. 'more, active In the work of cleaning up me, grafts ana irauas or um land.- off Ion. than,-waa. Hitchcock. It la not thought locally that tne resignation of General. Land Commis sioner Richards will have any effect on the ' Interior-- department or eause any change In the present polloy. It le taken for granted; that the man put in nia place will be. one. In accord with the views nt Secretary Gtarfleld and as able and willing to follow' out his leaA In clearing up abuses and cutting eut dead accumulations aa la Garfield himself. FIRE IS SWEEPING SUBURB OF. CANTON Ooeraal Special garvlee.) Canton. Nov. I A eonflagraUaa) la raging opposite the European quarter on tha islam a subura or nameoa. vne wind Is blowing and aver 100 houses have been destroyed. It Is believed that the European quarter la In no danger. - " ,t la now hero loading at the mills of the Portland Lumber company for Port Plrle, , The Terje Vlken Is said tej be under charter for three voyages, and now with the Thyra alao fixed to carry lumber In the same trade tonnage for about 11,000.000 feet haa already been secured, Captain Oulllxon of ' the Norwegian steamer Terje Vlken received Informa tion from Ban Francisco thla moroint that his wire yeaterday afternoon pre aene4T0in 'lt ' T aOy and that the mothej nn ye new captain are both MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. I. Condition of thear at I a. m.. obscured: wind east; weather. raining. ! Aatorla, Nov. T. Sailed at Vi4t p. m., achooner Alumna, for Sany Franolaco, and schooner W. H. Smfth, for Ke dondo. Arrived at t:40and left up at 4:40 p. ateamer Meteor, from Seat tle. Sailed - at til p. m.. British steamer Stratbnafrn, fbr Tatforaa, and steamer NomeX,tT- for Reon,,o- Ift no at S:SS D. JOi.. ateamer Whlttler. 'Ar rived at4 rie -a. m.. schooner Alice- Maci Uonald.1! tesrrdf'lU Bamson,-from San Franctaco. for $260 Proves an Card. ; In two instances where . it teemed little more than: curiosity it proved live business, for the (able ; Nelson won its way into . instant . favor, and they' bought without a particle of hesitation. J You cart lay what you please' and comment , as adversely aa you may a first class piano for $260 means business. .- We are under agree--ment ' with the Cable .Nelson ...people to selL three cars of their pianos at first cost, to advertise ..... i . . I J5Jg . . Quality Special prices throughout the; saie wiu unqucsuonADiy. oe qualities! and correct styles, m ' V7 , f ' I '"' , , ts, ih - i" ing: values prices hat, Yat, i 'riag pj ifMiiom$rtjU tppeal to" every: careful buyer. " Somi representative values are quoted -below, but tbet; are many others, for Roberts Bros, are the "Giver or Best VaiueX" K feci dearly prayer by the crowds that Intdeqtin? Oiepo ' Que Suit Room irieht at sny smilfr tim yeffif Gtreat u Ocat3.OT.50 .Over 100 in noob-v '. Coats are, berft, for you to choose from, ' -mixtures and nlaids.' latest 'models. 60 ' . inches 1 T JT. long, choice colors and tailored. Our. Coat Deoartment haa become famous for h$ ionderJu yalues shown, at; tese . BartraJh Friday Safes. Several styles are shown lit this lot, both,' lot women sd misses. CIV Come.. ajdy fpx Mt selecUpr. . .... . t I sUU: Plaid ,laadlpf? --tV . , An extraordinary, sale ol new Plaid Silk Wais worth 6.60. They w In doz jrejtty. stvles in a full line of rich colonnca. well made, ni -XcellentuaKtjrtaffeta7syp vaiuei at reguuu price, ya Saue, ionp row only at.". . . V.'. '. .7. ..... . , Qhpo Solo jig ITwll Qwlpo 87,863 r t- v ra ifV "' and Vow heels. Bargain Friday.'. i. 'T. 81.50 SB 99c For Boys' $1.75 leather, counters, no cut-off vamps, Bargain Friday . VV5.?, For Girls' $17 ' w Bargain Friday........ . ........ ...07a 04 For. first quaUty VpnVn'Rubte ; ;.Ql14tT. flal, 7o ead lpo About 200 pieces Standard Quting f lanpel, thj season's styles,' in both medium and dark colors; 'never befbfe told for le9s than 10c, yad. pedal d foft'Bargalrji 7a . criday at. A ......,..........., Jl. Biege Sttinqs. 14o Instead , o 20' About 12,000 yards new Btege Suiting, Sent Ot pretty oroDr own, excellent winl dally priced for BargaJ BAftOAIH fRttrAY: Pb7tbAd9 Fastest CrTTil Ctoyo rrrrr-rr Store. A, splendid portunitv uie teaaing urgam ent In the together with, tbertremely, low' tnrong tma store aauy. trrway mn p a grea argam y, , bo com. : , --a. with bargains. Our orices are- had such values presented ihem in 7csion'i and splendidly trimmed Fairs 9f Shoe by ac tual count ott sale at aa seac your" own3 price as yoj4 could, ask; They've. bcr gath- red ffor al( h$ good ahoe, places in this. . country with, fver an eye to -weather con . ditions. They won't Tall id' piece! the first w. W you ttd givti you mor,e, wanrwice, tne wear; 3rou pay fr- n jrH knpn wy 9? that ma guarantee to give you more than, we art in this; sale w can not ask you to. trade with ua, but tempt it. s For. Women.'s $2.50 pattnl leather, vici kid, Gnmetal cajlf arid y,eloaf calfBlilcJiftf:' fnd . ce Slibei. wUh wbter. weiibi taltL refirulif' Eox Women's $?.00 ' eavy' doybte Vple win ter weight Shoes! thcyrirc as honest s gold. Bargain- Friday .. . . . . ?f .99 Shoes, tha hax onfeplece sole, jnnet pies and putsid soes4 and tha yery kind voti want Jos vour V . . V:V. i . . . .T: f. . TJ. fa Shoes-rthey're new- fresh and e kt' H -A vaH - Sftlrtq $1.25-$1.50. Men's' fine French, Madws Golf Shirts, in a' Urge variety of light apd'dark patterns, all sizej ; not'a shirt in the lot worth leas than from $1.23 4 $1.50. Bargain Friday pblx' ' . .r - .f g '..' " us - 4... - , n I A - . . to buy good, seasonable, merchandise, at a savifig. . TQwowV city. The marked features of Friday's offerings lie in the excellent prices. For tomorrovt w have prepared these exceedingly tempt. in Qup. Suit always low. but we can oosltively as we'duote, today. .. ; Elcsaat Dillx Pottiooata fcr v.. . QOlaQQ, T5 Silk Fetticoats, made from, extra gooi qnality of rustling taffeta cilk; in black and att the desirable colors, having graduated accprdipn plaited flounce finished with, tucked ruffle, with underlay and dust ruje ; good value at SIBO. Bargain! Fri- ' E Aft : 7osaea'a 7aUxins Oldrta for - ;. v-: - oa3 ;: r 100 Women's and Misses' Walking Skirts, on sale tomorrow; at 60 pec cfnjt less; than regular, Pic Ifhes skirts" are all new models, made from, wor" sted plaids ad ixUi'reraisspme pUin.'tlotha,, in black 'and color: . W VQt a big crowd in, our wtoaic ana duit Galo of TZpiacnVi If-Orado T7iatcr . Over fifty lots' of from five to ten dosen to the lot Pur Chased,' from, patera lobbec anxious,' to'torn 'alj aurplus stock into ready cash;' " we were appealed to and secured tna. ptirt lot consisting 8SJ ozen. 'J ' , tf Z " Vmen'e vVoo'l and Slk; and Wool Vests and aota; yaluea 'uaKtfea Vt, SffiTA ?;!. 1 . 68l5 , A vast assortment ta select from, and you can secure al- 'a e..:'ji .. . a . e a . a e most any size, a somewnat unusual conamon in a saie. ot cnta kind! SUk and Wool Vesta of the -finest texture taiid-.trimV Vined fronts, FanU TiglxU'to, mltcfi: r : - -.-.4 hand trimmed. ( v ; 1 T Whrte'ot iUver aray. wool cashmere Vests and Pants. Wide SwisT ribbed natural Heavy weight all wool ilatlqta Vti; and Pants;. The entire purchase to be placed on our Bargain Underwear. Counter and sold tomorrow, all sjjea inth;' different Ipts, aq, exceptional! Opportunity to tfectire, splendid quality underwear" fcr. ttlf-' Yonrpboice yth,e -g.ggg;- V7inov Elopiepy . 2 Friday Opecial for ornery and Children 800 dozen CUidr.Ol't all wool heavy ribbed Cashmere Stock; ings, made w.ith. gray merino heel add toes, purchased t mighty discpunt from the regular price. These are a'splen drd'35c quAlityi'lWeface thim on. sale for tomorrow 1 R iCthe pilr feal 15c grade. . .r.. . . . T. f.T. :r.;:r.7?Tqj;f vmmnti hooiex fob xjouuij If you wear fleece lined stocking's hfre is n exceptional opportunity to Invest in the best "quality fleeced hoe "ever manufactured - 7 " l'OO tot?n Cfillf Fleeced OtocIdnRS Mde"in, ermf!ivx sjh dyed o'"SajroisdpriA jp6sitty.ery $he -best fleeced hose made at any price. These were purchased io retail a, 50c a" pair; but owing to lateness pf 'dcUve,rx weri iwuctd at ejcly, hiif-jprici We will place these, on sale ftVcured ,t exactly hal price. Wi will place these Boys' $1.50 Jertey Wool Sweaters, In plain colors; also a large kssortment of fancy stripes4 extr fin'gradd Voftedr$l-5? una . . . Mm J Hi Vcvluoo "' ' . . . 1 . ,,lr.t! t .ft ic Section state that our customers never , ' , "". "'." ' '-"T . Aeparunena iomorrsw nvnui- color wool Vests and Pants. J in 1 ! tinlott crew tedgy, 1 ' . " ' '." I' ma trouble -Betwsetl