The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 08, 1906, Page 17, Image 17

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    - . . . I .
Rules Committee Clva Cut 'the
:. Latest Interpretations on - -t,
Revised Rules.
JToniorrow'i Contest Will Be One.
,L. of the Hardest Ever Fought
. by, Rivals.
Washington Agrics and the. UnW
varsity of -Idaho Followers Hive
Many Old Grudges to Settle R. N.
Hockenberry Will Umpire Game.
' Tomorrow's foottbalt games between
the elevens - of th Washington State
colleire and the University of Idaho at
Pullman promises to be one of the
eloaaat and hardest game aver seen In
' tha northwest. ' There la no love loat
between tha Pullmanltes and tha etu
' dents of the University Of Idaho, which
la located only nine miles away, and al
though no foul play nor dirty work la
looked for, tha frame will be a strenu
ous one, and every inch of ground will
ba stubbornly fought for. ' -
Coach "Johnnie" Bender baa put tha
finishing touches On the W. B. C. eleven,
and although tha "Aggies" are not so
strong a some of tha big teams turned
out at Pullman In paat yaara they can
be depended upon to play a high quality
of football.
Over at Idaho. Coach Griffith has
profited by the experience of his man
In tha rocent' Oregon-Idaho gsmo, and
has perfected both his offense and de
fense. -.'..
Teams Tralr Blstnhsd.y r"'7
On form there . la vsry little dif
ference In the teams. Idaho played tha
Spokane Athletlo club aarly in the aea
.son. winning by 11 to 6, sad Pullman
defeated Bpokana last Saturday by 4 to
0, on a place kick by Halm, -the college
fullback. Both teems have exception
ally strong back fields, but are a trifle
weak In the forward line. On the ends,
Goldsworthy sad Minor are apparently
stronger than Bavldge and O. Arm
strong of Idaho, but Captain Larson and
Oakee, tha Idaho tackles, are more ex
perlsnoed than their Pullman opponents.
On defense. Idaho Isoks stronger. Her
showing against the -aplendld -team of
tha University of Oregon was a gallant
one. and It will take a strong team,.
Indeed, that can make conalstent gains
through her line. - ,,-,. - , !
Ohserlaf Oaased Trouble.
Tha action of tha Pullman rooters In
. cheering ' for Oregon during the recent
game at Moscow has so aroused the
wrath of tha Idaho players snd their
supporters that tomorrow's game prom
isee to be tha fiercest exhibition on raw
ord between tha colleges, with the pos
sible exception of the memorable same
of ISM, after which intercollegiate re
lations wars severed for four years.
R. N. Hockenberry of Portland will
- timplrs tomorrow game. -'
The scores Of tha Jdaho-W.J B. C
games of past years have been as fol
' Iowa: , ' '
14 VY C!, 1; Idaho, .
- 'lft W. 8. C lr Idaho.
ltlt W. 8. C, 10; Idaho,
. 101 W. B. C O; Idaho, I.
. -101 W, & G..171 Jdabo, 0. .'.-, -'
! W..a C ; Idaho, S3. . " .
JI04 W. 8, C., 0; Idaho, .
,1I0I W. & C O; Idaho. I. " ""
Games won: W. S. C. 4; Idaho, 4.
, The Government Bonds , showed some
form last night by taking three gamea
from the Oold Leafs, Tha latter team
started the second game like champions,
but their opponents alaed up the situa
tion and two atruck out. the others do
ing themselves some good. That was
the only tuns ths Bonda were in danger.
Barbour secured tha high average, xoi.
Olllesple rolled ths highest single game,
.117. . The scores:
, 111 2 ( Ave.
Barbour . .
14t 17 111 tOt
H tarn mere , ..174 141
... IIS
Davles . ..'.... . .
Olllesple ........ ..loT- 19
1TB 175
147 -1T
1 too
Row . . ..Ill 17
Krsas . re.-.
...... ntrtu 17 1
,. .7 S44
9tt -
(1) Ave.
114 144
18S 1T
174 186
. Ha 11
Knevae ; . ...i&n
Boulanger . . .... ...161
Sheffer 171
Oalllard . . .........1U
Hague ...
Ficien. .......lit
ToUls '. . 171 III 154
Tha Lyrics play the Commercial No. 1
team tonight. -
aTaval OourVatartUl Blta. . . .
. Boston, Mass., Nor. I. A eoart-mar-tlal
convened at the Charleatown navy,
yard today for the trial of A. 8. Porter,
a pay clerk on tha battleship Rhode
Island, who is charged with mlsapprcvt
pristine money-entrusted to his ear by
tha navy department . j
, ' . . ..1 .. .
' '
' -- "'. , ' ' , j'
J Lfc
T4 turnpike road
to peoples' hearts,
I find,
Lies through their
mouths, or mis "
take mankind.
ftter risssr. '
7 AT
' of
, baked
, please in
, It Is placed
package that
' National
Y wmrranted--you
M i - s? ft 4
penecioi Daicery
- ' :. . ,
- A
- As sn ssampls fay s psckags s( GRAHAM CRACKERS. Yon wul fawtaady rseogalss ,
their ssperioriry over sny ordinary Grakam crsckers yea ever tastsd. They aontsia all las gooi
S ths seat Gakua Bow eafcasW kj perfect bakiaf. .t
Secretary Reed Gives Out the Official
Results of the Last Meeting in
Which,' So Many Salient Points
Wert) Involved.
Ths Intercollegiate football rules com
mittee t its last meeting gave is num
ber of Interpretations to the -oewLtules
which will go a. long way toward mak
ing ths work of ths officials mors de
cisive and satisfactory. Of principal
intsrest Is the rule prohibiting tbs call
ing back of linemen to aid in interfer
ence. Tha committee Interprets this
rut with emphasis. Here are ths 1m
Dortant points paaaed upon:
Rule .J. Referring to agreements on
officials, designating authority. ec
tlon r. Not 1. It was voted that by
'Institutions involved be meant -the re
apectlv athletlo manajrsmanta of those
Rule V. Referring to putting the
ball In vtay from scrimmage, allowing
latitude to the. snapper back. 'XbX It
was voted that in putting the ball in
play the center rush may pass tha ball
back to on side and need not neces
sarily snap It through hla legs. In
either' ease the ball must leave his
Dosaesaion while ho is on the line of
scrimmage and must go first to a man
who la behind the line of scrimmage."
Rule V. Referring to signaling for a
free catch on klckout for try at goal.
"(d) It waa voted -that in case of a
punt out ths catcher need not raise his
hand as a signal for a fair catch."
Rule V. Referring to hurdling, "(n)
The rule preventing hurdling is In
tended to spply only to the man carry
ing tha ball, and was passed to prevent
a dangerous play. Under tha rules it
Is Intended to allow under "hurdling
in the lln'' stepping over a prostrate
player on foot at a time, oven though
both feet of ths runner be momentarily
off th ground St the sam time."
Rule IX.--Referrlng to offsld play
by the center, to -facilitate putting the
ball In play. b) It was voted that
ths center may have both hands offside
In snapping th ball back."
Rule XL Referring to movement be
fore ths ball Is in play, defining it more
clearly. '(b exception) In this rule
th word goal' Is Interpreted to mean
goal Una, -that is, ae long as a man la
running in a Una that takes him back
from th scrimmage line ha la conform
ing to this rule, but aa soon aa his line
of run brings him nearer to the lln of
scrimmage he is Infringing. .
Osat Osii Baok X4nsaa
V Rule XI. Referring to Brewing men
back from line .of scrimmage, prohibit
ing mass plays, "c (l) This rule has
caused some considerable -discussion.
snd to make tha intent clear the follow
ing waa paaaed: There are those who
have raised the Questions ss to -whether
it Is not possible to play a eo-called
center, guard, or tackle on defense aa
end or baok on the ofrenae thus reaiiy
gaining for" th five men ordinarily
playing the four middle positions In tha
lln th privilege of dropping - Daok
from th lln to run ' with the ball.
This Is wholly contrary 'to ths spirit of
the rule, which was -to prevent the
heavy linemen from being dropped back
from th line to carry the ball, unless
they be at least five yards baok except
th ends who -heavy or- light may
drop back anywhere behind the line mo
long as there are six men on the line
of scrimmage when the ball is put In
play, and on of those not on th line
of acrlmmag stands with both feet
outside of the outside foot of th man
on the snd of the lln.
-"If a captain, during th progress of
tha game, wishes to change a oenter,
guard, or tackle to a position In th back
field or at and, he may 'do so by speak
ing to the referee, but no player thus
vaoatlng the position of canter, guard
or tackle shall thereafter during tha
game go baok to sny ons of theaepo-
"The nvs middle men . of the line
"shall ba taken to mean the osnter.
guards and tackles that is, th play
ers usually known as such."
Rule XIV. Referring to the forward
pass, allowing, ao option of . penalty.
"(a) Exception 1. -wnen a rorwara pans
touches the -ground -without 'touching
a player1 oa lther side, the ball ia dead.
and goes to th opponents on tne spot
where th pass was made, sxerpt in
case that the ball crosses th goal line
without touching a -playsr of either
aid, when it is a touchback. In both
Instances -th penalty may not b re
fused. '
"In all rases of unlawful forward
pass, where the ball goes to the-, oppo
nents on the spot where tha paas was
sttempted, ths ball is dead."
Rule XVI. Rsfrrrtng to kicking a
And the tump flee folde post Is the
trade-mark -of -the National - Biscuit
Company. It points the way to the food
quality biscuit and crackers so perfectly
and properly protected; so cleanly
and freshly kept, that they never fail to
their mission to the appetite aad heart.
trade mark always appears In red and
on each end of a dust, and moisture proof
keeps the contents in their original condition.
Biscuit Company products are thus distineuished and
are thus protected and guided, b buying the most
To those men who are sick and have'
taken all kinds of nostrums, patent med
icines and -dosing your - systems until,
: you are a living drug shop and have
found no relief, we say this much,
"Stop it," before it is too late, and con
sult some one who knows how, to
prescribe .and who has made a
thorough study of such maladies as you have, and
if you don't you will follow the path that others
have trodden insanity, premature old age, life of
drudgery or death. Altho your future may look
dark and your life is of seemingly not much value,
yet 'there is. always a chance for . you. : We ' do not
claim to cure every .disease known to the medical
profession, but in our specialty
we wiil give you a horough examination free of
' 7J 7. Hours a. m.
St Lonis niediccTjCnrJ Soi Bispaasary
klckedf bail whan free In the air, allow
ing no option of penalty, "(b) Excep
tion J. It was voted where the rule
reads 'In case a kicked bail atrlkea th
ground. in th Held of play, thus put
ting the kicker's aid onslde. It may not
be kicked further or be kicked at while
on the ground or while bounding.' that
as this rule waa Intended to prevent the
ball from being kicked or kicked at.
th penalty may not be refused."
Now that Pat Powers has been re
elected president of tha eastern league
ha will dispose of his Interest in th
Providence club.
In a. recent voting contest for th
most popular baseball player In Chicago
"Jlggs" Donohue boat out Captain
Chance and won tlSO.
The two northern teams. . Portland
and Seattle, flnlahed. one, two, In- th
Pacific Coast league, with Los Angeles
third. "f .
'., ,' : e
Joe Grim, the human, punching bag.
Is going to show them out in Ban -Francisco
how to stay th limit.
' Hatty Baldwin and Benny Tanger
end Terry Martln-aad Willi Fltsgerald
are down for a bout at Chelsea tbla
month. , "
' A Pitts field, Massachusetts, hotel an
aounees that It will have a "gasjbag"
for th us of guests next summer.
The aludents at Columbl want foot
ball and thy want It badly, but Presi
dent Butler la waiting to see how the
new rules work before h gives th
word. . " '
t . " 'er -e -'-? . "
From th showing ' made1 so far it
looks as though th Carllsl football
team is out to make trouble for som
of th big fellows. -
(Special Dispatch t The Jearasl.)
University of Oregon. Eugen. Nov. I
The second team,' which plays th O.
A. C. second team Saturday, Is In fin
shape, doing more satisfactory work
than th first team. The lineup will
probably be Grout, center; Bellinger
and Wilson, guards; Hammond, Kilpat
rick or Volght, tackles; Stelwer. Hurd
of Erskln. ends; IL Oberteuffer, -full;
Lee Hurd and Hawley, halves; Woods,
quarter. Coach Besdek stated last night
that tha Work of the first teem was ufli
satisfactory yet. Two or three of the
men failed to com out and som of th
members aeemed to have got it Into
their heads that no more hard work is
necessary. The coach ' will play JiilM
Washington game two sets of backs
McKlm.ey. Clarke, and Zacbarlus for
heavy - bucking, and Moo res and Chan
dler and Clarke for lighter work. Moul
len will All tackle when Zachariua Is
drawn back. , Besdek la aleo planning
for a few more new plays. , .
fJonrsal 8 Dedal Service.
Chicago, Nov: 8. Representatives of
shippers' sssoclstlons throughout the
country met her today in conference
with th railroads regarding the adop
tion of a uniform bill of lading. An
agreement haa already been reached re
garding the liability of the initial car-
white. '
' - . -
' ' : f . .
m.i, oftT yy v.
, ... . , J : . r . -. ,., V
... 'J
Bstabushed as Tears
la Bortlaad.
charge snd if we cannot cure you we will say so
honestly and frankly.. '
; Don't neglect your case until it is to&late. Don't
let money stand between your life of drudgery and
good health,, Call on us and you will not regret it.
XOKB TBBATBTBBTl To those Who find tt lmpos
slbla to visit us, if you will take the time to write us
explaining your case in your own words, we will cur
you at home,, ss our home treatment has cured hun
dreds..' . r v.:'--.
of men's diseases
to p. m.; Evenings, T to I; Sunday a, I
Ws treat successfully sll SsUTATJ,
of men, also BLOOD, T BTOsLaOK,
. troubles. We cure 8 Y PHI LIS without
mercory, to stay cured. We cure stric
ture without operation or pain In IS
- days. ..............
We stop drains, night losses and sper
matorrhoea by a new method In a short
time. We can restore th sexual vigor
of any man under 60, and many over
60, by means of a local treatment pecu
liar to ourselves, - .
Th doctors of this Institute are all regular graduates, have had
many yaara'. experience, have been known in Portland for 16 years,
have a reputation to maintain and will undertake no case unless certain
cure can be effected.
We gaaranse a nx La vxy aaso w omderSake sa- sharg aw Cos.
OoasultaUon fro.
' W have such sonndenc In our methods that we will take, your case
without asking for a dollar until oured. '....'.
Lsttsrs confidential. Instructive book for men mailed free In plain
WIfPyou cannot call at offlc. writ for question blank. Horns treat
ment 1 successful. ''."'
Offlc hours a. m. to I p. m. ; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to II m.
OfBc in Van Noy Hotel, 624 Third Bt., Corner Pin. Portland, Or. ;
TOtraro iCBSf, Kxssu-Aaxs stxir, oij jdbbt.
Who are th vlctlma of TTrlnary, Kidney or Bladder Troublea.
Syphilitic or Mercurial Blood Poisoning, Lost Vitality, Impo
tency, Bexual Debility, 'Impslred Vigor, Premature Declln
from Recent Exposure, Mental Worry or Overwork. Rheuma
tism, Kcsema or Bait Rheum, Piles. Ulcers. Old Bores, Cough,
Impending Paralysla or Consumption, Stomach and Liver
Troubles, Loss of Ambition, unfit to enjoy either pleasure or
business, are cured for life by Xfr. Plerc when all others
have failed.'
Call os writs Dr. T. J. KSmOS. 11 JTlsst St, VorUaa4, Or.
Ckf Jbaaafy. - - flu. term.
mrm srowi f rata.
Theesst's Sxtrasl t Oaseas ea4
Tseem f"" ""t "
,serrse. sleel. wsMea. M. lUay
77i-Y- eeeeeles earrr. Uu
nnseeeeMisl see. MmII. ee
Howe Marua'a. SSi Waahlstea
st, rvrUaaa. Orero; or If atall fr
tattaat Be.. 4 Bedeas U Mew , Vers.
a tram xas
rier for damages to freight and also In
regard to making billa of lading nego
tiable on request. The principal point
now to be settled Is whether the rail
roads can collect SO per cent in- addrtlon
to their regular rates if they assume
anv liability for loaa .or dama-e of
freight. The ahlppers contend that the
oommon law compels them to aaaum
such liability In all cases, and that tb
railroad cannot -isgauy -maintain more
than on set of published rates. If th
present conference cannot reach ' an
agreement, on this- point the matter
probably will be referred to th Inter
state-commerce commission.
(Joanul Special Serrfce.) ,
New York. Nov. I. Ths directors of
th National ' Biscuit company are to
meet In this city tomorrow. Dividends
on both tne prererren ana 'common
stocks wUl be declared, although the
latter la not payable until January 16.
Aooordlng to current report In Wall
street no change will be made In the
rate on the common until after the close
of th company's business year, making
th payment due April 16, th same js
last year. The first' quarterly meeting
in the new period will ba held February
t. Thus, If - th -company - foltowarrat
Its policy' of last year-in declaring tn
extra dividend, action should be taken
st that time.
(Inarsal Special Serrlee.!
Council Bluffs, la.. Nov. I. The thlr-
ty-slxth snnual reunion of ths Society
of the Army- of the . Tennessee oegai
here today with an unusually large at
iim Naarlr thro score officers
of high rank were registered. Th morn
ing session waa- asvoiea 10 reports win
routine business. General Orenvlll it.
Dodge, president of th society, pre
sided. Th meeting win continue over
tomorrow. General Bmitn u. Ataina
delivered the annual address. other
distinguished participants, the most of
whom Are already her. Include General
O. O. Howard. , the only surviving com
mander of ths Army of ths Teaaos!
General Fred D. Grant. General John
C Black, Senator Warner of Missouri
and Mrs. John A. Logan.
, ily Vaot, -Th
tea gardens . of northern India
extend over 600.000 acres, and they pro
duos 1IO,000,M pounds of teaTr an
boss at a profll of about 1100 aa aero.
We'll treat any alngl nnoompllcatd all
msnt until December 1st tor 10.00
xxenrnrB to nv&orxoa Mxsxcxn m
tii stats or oasooi.
Bhenmatlsm, Asat aad Ohronlo.
Blood eolao, (reaonrkoea. . Tasiaeasla.
Sleaiasthsala. . Bervoms Sec Use. Varalyata.
. .. OlMt. yphllla. . Biles
Bladder and All Urinary ii
Bvery ease reeeivee pereoaal atteatioa aad
xawlnatlon. Bo laoozabla asa aoeepted.
a m. to 11 noon.
Widely Known
Root and -Herb
His laswse rasMSlea, rse tssreSleste
kick w lei port street freai the Orieat U
ier( asaatltles aaS sresare sad set ep
aee ta su ep-te-eate lakateiy. ne
sets. TTe&
soteoae er Srsga ef ear klaS
Tke Doeter rreets seeeeearany esa gsataaMaa
fa esre all stonerli tmahlea. eeterrfe,
ens. tbiHist. rkesnaneis.
IMne astf Vest feeeheeS
Taotrstrs aire
au nrvaTB
raise er siUleaaletf
sfSieteS. A eafe asd laatli
A eafe asd laities esre la tke sslefc.
eet Doeatble tleee and at
tke aaaew -eesi see.
atkle loe aeseet rreataaast.
It o eaaset aalL srHt. i
sad sireslar. lei 4 eeaee la stssisa.
eoirstrtTATToy ran.
tke O. See We Oktsaee MeS lease Oe., ISSH
lint SU, Oar. Maerlsea, Vertlaaa, Os,
Plaaas all tala Baser.
silsaaaaatwlanSabeaMkaew .
i seoeiuie weaearral
MAKYtL wMrliaa Savoy
I Tke sew Tiginl lnmt. Aiee.
esdtfvrOM. Ileal Max.
-Moat Ceneeelent.
tVBa.. aeueet se
Uluairaied took !. tt
full perueolara and .lirertinna In-
VatnaMetnlelea. MtRVBI. COX
bl S4 ST.. IIW 1 uan.
oauo oo SToaxs. -
Scott's Santal-Pepsm capsuiss
Feflef emaaette eeOstorrkef
tke SlatliteraDil luiaeia KleV
a. SO coaa mo rax. uares
alrklr sa4 sennMeetiT tke
orat raaee or Si saasa rosea
and Sileea, sesietaef e( kew
steaSlns. Akaoieteiy
bom ey sracsieea.
rrlee 100 . er T bmii.
eeia. fi jn, s seaes, aa.ia.
THE sahtaL-peps:x ca
WeessH. Clarke Oa.
"5) Pure, Safct Sure
iyr. Sandsrson'a Componnd
flavin end Cotton Root PHI a.
Ths nest and only reliable
remedv for DElATKI) i'K
RIOIMI. Cnra the mnet o-
stTnat -eases In I to 10 day a. Price II
Jar bo,,mallel In plain wrapper. A
reas T J. PIEHCE. D. U il TUst
street. Portland, uregoo. )
paetaavKM.. aeuepc se P- m acv
im - "ar
Wi ' i av
m -i a. in
ter Bale y
My Fee
la Any
v Is
9m. TATX.OB,
Tha XeSavdtsoT peolallst.
t do set aaneal eaeerlalb7 te tW'aaai
Ins tke cheapest cure in ask tux eurh s kxr
lee se $10 for the esre ef any saeaeipll
eated eaee of Male IMaorSere, bat I west
to reach all ases who object to paying tke
exnrbltaat feee heretofore chanted by ape
etallau. afy aietkods iosare eulek results,
ec 1 woald bare to chant Bore for siy
tkae. The eateoeae ta every ease saAertakea
at eertala er I eeuld aot Bold oat the pree
eelttoo to tffeet tae esre before sakaag the
Every Promise Fulfilled
I roe Id set eoattnee In teals aaa yesr after
year treat Ids thoesande et eeeee enssallv
with air keeiaeaa Intesrtty ahaohitely -inpeaeked.
aaleee 1 earriaS eat to toe tetter
every promise aaade sty paUeate. I am care
ful sever to andertake eases that have tone
beyoad help. 1 So not charge tor the flret
examlnattoa of patleste, end alwaya deter
mine to my absolute aatlifartloo that health
and stresttb ess he reatored la eekry ease.
Then I bring every adrasuure ef my 35
years' stady aad experience into action to
clear that mas ef Sleeeae. to ando the injsry
ef exeeeaes er akeee. and bnlid ap tke latest
toreee arhicb have ran down.
Hen and Men Only
Mr eraetlea w United to the Slaoreers e
the male snd la fortker eosAned to
theee special and ehronle affeetloae ef ' the
Kleie tract. . Tbeee bKlade, Spermatorrhoea,
et Vitality, Varicocele, grrlctare. Hydro
cele. Oentraeted uteoroera. voatasioaa Hiood
Polaoa. Bladder and Kidney Lneeaeee. I save
takes st theee all meat a eeneeiallr. heeasee
thoueaads ef lives are rained aad tkoseenda
ef mea are aot arhat they ahonkl be. keeaves
they are keld down by ehronle ereakaeea,
which the aware praetlrlng ohyerrlaa does
aot asderatsnd and asally,lae to isake
Uxht of by lelllnx the satleat that nature
will soon repair the waste. Bat tke drains
continue astll the vital force Is sapped from
the body sad both the mental and payaeeal
strsctsres ef the body eoUsaee. ;
I Have theHelp You Need
1 find tke ranee ef tke trouble first, and
direct treatment to that atwars. My aim Is
never to klde the symptoaM. bat to care the
ailment Completely and tborooshly. My eac
eeee la baeed so theee tnethods. which as net
ewaer er later be applied to year ease. .
For a plain, private talk. Ia eeasarttas set
pea will be saked ae Ineeeseaaeat er eiaker.
raeelnr qneaitona. All Information flren
yon will bare a direct and -ntel bearn. If
yonr eymptome are sot aerloaa, I will tell
you ae. If treetmest la seeded. I wilt ex
plain Ita eetkm and 'tell yon the probable
time reqewed . for tbe esre. I will sot, arse
my eerrtree epos yoa. If yea ere lacklnc
n atrenttk. ao one knows wkat tbe care
would mean to yon better than yooreelf.
I kave tke ftseat ewnlpped effleea ta eke
weat. Kvery member of my staff In a erad
aate, lltetiaad pfcyalcles. If yeaa eaaaet rail,
write me end I will (Ire yonr eaae persona!
attention and will reeoeet yoer privacy by
salnf saly plain sealed ear close.
Oar. Morrises and eeead Sta.
Prtvats Entrance, SSeH Morrleon It.
t . Portlaed, Or.
North Pacific S. S. Co.'s
Steamship Roanoke
.J."-(2,500 Tons)
Sails for San Francisco, Los Angeles
. : and Eureka,
Saturday, Nov. 10......... At 8 p. tn.
From Martin's Dock, oot Seven
teenth street. Take Sixteenth or S
street csrs. Ticket office 132 Third,
near Alder. Phone Main 1314.
H. YOTJNO, Agent.
S. S. F. A. Kilburn
tw Case Say. Bseefcs end Bee hmlaia
Rest salllsg from Portland rriday. October 11.
Rest Bellies has Saa rtaatmna. xaaeak. vsv a.
Oak Street Dock, Phone Main 2960
San Francisco O PcrUznd
YASKTBon travrci arsvugD.
Vyota I'erttand iAIneworth Iwll nt S p m.
. s. -Ooata Bloa" Bev. ISt; In Sll IS. f
S. B. "OoUrakie" Rev. 11-STi Be. T-I7 ST.
Tbe Onlr Direct r S4MaMta
1 JaaiF" U. OIti)., Aeent.
ptinne Main 2 S4S v.ahlnr"S st
a UruorfPaicina
Train to tbe East Daily J
i.??" i '"snmaa etaxlarel and tonfkn ewes.
sara dally to Oaaebe. Chleeso. Ssokeael
nw" epo- Us. Antes
"' i? Hostlnstoo. dir. t:SOam SSsas
fpokene riyer for PJaatera
Wlt.tos. Walla Walla. '
J"1'''?"- feor d Alaae end ' "
.?I""r eetlr. t IS pea S4Sai
A tUntle Eipreaa foe the Kaat
it-1 rTi""0"-."""' SitSpaa r.ttmm
rertesd-Hisss lore;, far sll -,
petntn between Bbras aed ''
PWtlaad. dally S-ISsm SSpsi
cor.UMniA aivaa Division.
'v aererls aud way points, coeneetls wtrk
7 '' ssd North Boneb. Stesmet
".'-. Aah-et. dock, leaeee S p. ax. sally.
JJ?fJ' Svndeyj mmmriaj. 10 p. Artless
m exeept Sasdsv.
Yairrffrr. ama annra
Cv Daytea. Orewoa Ctty and lanhtn ftest '
sta, steamers Rath snd Mosoe, Aeb-et. does,
e T a. m. rf. u a, hiujm i mm.
Saaa.;." -
sit akr arvna norm.
SW Lewlatoo, Idaho, snd way pnents tVees
Itlperin. Willi., a tea mere Spokane and twwte.
IT" W-T,..':9 - epoe arrtral Trala
Nc. 4. dally except Ba tarda?. Arrive s p. an.
dalle exeent Pridev. . . .
Ticket Office. Thtrd end Waehtnftos sta. ' u
Telephone Mam Til.
..;.wi "TINOBR. City Ticket Attest.
nv McMCBBaX. Oeaersl Paanoaser Aaaat,
Oseea Depot-. taeva.
Overlnad Kiareea Trains
lor Salem. Boeebera;. Aak- -mad.
Macreaaeste, Oxdee,
a rranrlaeo. Stock loa. . ' , 'X -
If Aacelea. II . Peeu, '
Hew Orieene aad tke east. S:S pm lilM BS1
Mornlns train eoaaeeta at
weoenaira sen. m.
! Sundae with Mount Ansel
end Rlreerton local ogM am
Cettaae Orova paaeasaer . .
connects at Woodbnra and
TJB lai
lease salty, axaapt Bee- -
Ik.ll. im.ii. u
rer Dallas and teWraaediate nointt Sally, T:SS
ml. .n a-lK n .p,1m Poeteaaat 1S:1S
a. m. aad S:X p. an.
- ror urns aad ears er iiewese snnwrsae nan
apply st City Ticket Office, or stattna.
iicseia ee Meiers potnin -nan Burnpsi aaav
Japan. China. Honolahi and . Anatralin.
City Ticket Office corner TUlreT sad Wash,
tnaroa erreeta. rnoas ntam tiz.
n or no-tMfiato
' Lew re. Anvra.
Tallowetone Psrk eXsasss City
St. Lsala Special for Ckekalls,
Centralis. Olympla, Urey'a - ,
Harbor, Sooth Bead. Taooma. ,: ;
Seattle, Kpokane. Levlatoa.
Baue. RlUlasa. Dsaver,. Oaaa-..r..iir-. ,-. -
he. Kanaaa City. St. Leal
and Bontkeast. dally SIOpa d:Hpaa
North Conat t.lmlted. eleetrle
lirbted. for Tacoma. Seattle.
Spokane. Batte. Mlnaeepelta,
St- t'aal aad tbe Beat. Sally. 1:00 pea TtSSaa
Pnset Sound Limited, for, Chekalw. Oes-
tralla, Taeoaaa aad Seat tie
only, dally :S0psa S:SSss
iwln city Bipeens tor -iaee-
ma. Seattle. Spokane. Ileleos.
Bntte. St. Paul. Mlaneapolle.
LlneolS. St. Joseph. Keness . . (
City. Omaha. St... Loala, with-.,
est ekenee ef cara Direct "V r T
oonnerttona (or all petata East '
aad Soatkesst. Sally II tS saa 10:SS sal
' 1 A 1 I ' i V
U tnC coftirofaAMX way
2 Overbad Trains Ds2y y
The Oriental Limited, ths fsst Mail1'
PorUand time schedule .
Dslly. Deity.
Lee re. Arrtre.
To sad from Spokane,
St. PeaL Mlnneepolle. . ; . .
Dulstk ssd all polsts '
Bast via Seattle..... StSOam T-O0 em
1UA pm I K pm
To sad from St. fanl.
Mlnseapelle. . Dolutb ,
end all poletu East
tie Spokane S:I8 pm SrOSsst
rest Rertkera teamaklp Oe.
Se tiles - ream - Sesttls tor Japes . aad
Cklaa aorta aad Manila. ssrrla pee
sensara snd rrelakt.
B. B. Deketa. JJsvomW M.
. S. S. Minnesota, January .
(Japan Mall SteasMhln Co.)
a S. Tense Kan will , sell from
teettle about Noveaaber IS for lapaa
aad Chlneee porta, esrrytsc paaaaeera
aad frelrht.
rer tickets, rates, berth. I ami a
tione. etc., call ea er address
er ntrnrsoar. O. 9. T. A. Its TatrS
,U, terUaad. Oxetea. Jraea Mala Sew,
Astoria St Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Oatea Depot Leae. Arrive.
Fas Msflteea, Rainier. Ctoba.
kanM. Vieatport, CUften, Ae-
i. a'aMnlflB. rleeeL
Bemmoad, rort BtsTeas, teesr- ' t
kart fata, aeeauie e w ..
Aetorta and Beaakere, exprees .
Sally - Tttmsm rwps
C. A. STBWABT. Commeretsl A ant, Stf
Alder a tree U Fkoae Mais Sua. .. .
Upper Columbia River
Clias. P, ;5;:nr:
T.esves Oe "'- ,,."'"r. ,?" '
' 1 i
3 I
t a ' t f
f?f uwsitIi
I Q loop a. anion) I
lay aoiiTta JOJ
es WeodbarncMtesSeld end
Albaar-Lekenoe krnachea.. a4:ISpea lliSSaei '
Corvallla paasesser I'Win etnApes '
Sheridan paasenser.. MtlO pm 10:20 am
Voreet Oroee pesseser....llt :00 am 1176 sni
roreet Oeoee iu.. ilfl'A naa T13 :0O am . -