THE OREGON . DAILY . JOURNAL. . PORTLAND. -THURSDAY v EVENING, ' NOVEMBER 8. 1SC3. School and Colhgo PcnnantsPclt Letters M$de to Yonr Order-Artistic Pictoo Froiuns Diittcrit!: Ihttcms end Columbia Yarns. Tomorro vT5 Meier & Prank Store's 876th Friday Surprise Sale Tomorro V--T5 Mckr , Frrnili Store's 076th Friday Surprise Sale 3000 C Styles.-Vah jr-.-V ' Tomorrow's Phenomenal Surprise Sale Offering of Men's High-Gradc Underwear wfllfobyVto be the greatest bargain, event of the year arid:this in face of the fact that men's winter underwear irKdesirable styles and grades is one of the scarcest lines of staple merchandise on 'the market -This enormous lot of J5,9Q0 garments rePresents hc clean-up of the largest and best-known mill in the Mohawk Valley- the; center (of the underwear- industry of America AlThigh-grade underwear pf the best style 25 dozen of one number, 15 dozen of another, 30 dozen of another and, sq .on-rank and worsted underwear in blue and pirik, silk and lisle underwear in blue and pink Best plated worsted ribbed underwear in blue, gray and pink Coopers :best quality worsted .ribbed' underwear :in gray, pink and blueSilk . and ; linen, flaked, form-fitting underwear in pink and blueFlat worsted underwear, finest? quality in gray and blue Dr. Wright's finest silk fleeced underwcar--Root'a ncavy twiuca, aii-wooi unaerwear,. etc., etc xui sizes in snirts ana arawcra immense assurmicm-r-Cucqnoiiucav jncn woo arq cmpiyycu wm yiau w vuiw w mc , store during the noon hour, or arrange to have mother, sister or friend come f oryou Underwear -bargains without equal in the history of Pot tland retailing The : : i 'r . i . :n i i. i. iu' t - i: - i. i i - entire mam aisie xrom morrison-STxeex entrance to tne elevators wiu uc Eivcn up io me unucrwear suc extra salespeople ana casmcrs insure ; v prompt attention to every one Arrange the housework so you can come early and share in the best. values-No maU. or phone orders filled '. ; None exchanged All are clean, new garments of the best style Values from $2 to $4cach Not a single garment worth less than $2; most ' $2.50 to $3.50 values Tomorrow only. See big Fifth-street window display Wise men will give attention to their underwear needs tomorrow." j-,t r . mm im r?--Mtaild-FRANK'S 876th FR.I DAY SURPRISE SALE r ' :T; 400 German China Pitchers, decorated in neat floral decoration! and gold; handsome pieces; 50c values. 15 400 German China Sugar and Creamers, neat decoration with pink and blue tints; reg. valqe 35c pair. .23 We are sole Portland agents for "Peninsular"-Stores and" Steel Ranges; 100 models, every good size and . ; style; every one guaranteed for 10 years. Basement : ,'. i , V ' . '" - fib jar'- MEIER. Q FRANK'S d76th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 100 Women's Tailored Suits $22.50 Values For $ 1 3145 the Suit Another Great Friday Surprise Sale Bargain in Women' Tailored Suits for tomorrow's 876th Friday. Surprise Sale 100 suits in the lot, all the new up-to-date fashions and mi iterials-rPony jacket and Prince Chap styles, with velvet vest L Collar and Cuffs trimmed with Persian gimp and fancy but- tons Jackets lined throughout Pleated skirts Also a line of Norfolk jacket suits, self-strapped 26 inches long Light " and dark plaids, brown, navy and green checks This grand, lot of suits secured from a prominent New York manufacturer at a great concession from the regular price All sues Splen did variety Grand valued-Regular .$22.50 suitsYour .choice tomorrow only at the very low price of, each $ 1 3.45 rDRUC SUNDRJttS AND f . STATIONERY. . ; ; j Your choice , from our -entire -line of - "HenckelV t steel manicure and nail Scissors at 20 per 'cent' on ttne Tegular prices, . wnicn ; ringe from 60c Mo ."$1.35. . ' Ex- -ceedingly great values at. each,: 20 PER CENT . OFF : Glogan'a Alcohol Stv manufsc tures its own gas; special. 43o Infants'. Water Bottles and Face ' Bags; .white or red rubber; 'pint , size;, regular 65c .Ai ; ues, at, each . . . L. i: -; -.-NS w -Eagle combination Water , Bottle and Fountain'. Syringe; ; every , oni guaranteed; rgreat fQ- value .at... 7t Kirk's Witch Haiel Soap; Sc cakes on sale at '3 cakes... lOf ' Woodbury's Facial' Soap, ; 1 L. at, per cake 1 UC. Tetlow's Talcum ".Powderin 1-lb." , cans; sprinkle tops; at.'. .. I9e v Pompeiianr Massage Cream;, large . size jar; great value at.... 63, Celluloid Dressing Combs, in shell only: great - value, at.. ...12 . BaU Top Hair pins;'' special.. 19 Eaton-Hurlburt's Hot - Pressed Vellum the new writing -papers all shapes -and sises;' 1Q. " 50c values, at. . ! i ' I, . : ! if. ' t-K- Q Frahk's" 876th Friday Surprise Sals omens $16.5Q Values. $10.85 " . ' . " 1 ", 1 ' - , ' ' ; Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers for tomorrow's 876th Friday- Surprise Sale a great special purchase of 100 women's three quarter length Box Coats in the very latest style and materials Handsome, serviceable garment at a price far below regular value Fancy plaids, checks and mixtures with velvet collar and cuffs, also broadcloth trimmed Both full loose box coats and tight-fitting cf- - ret are -included Coats that are well made and finished through ( ' M out, best patterns and colonngs A style arid quality crarment- other stores ask you $20.00 or 22.00 for This lot of coats to be sold tomorrow at the very exceptionally low price, of, the coat See Fifth Street Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Filled New coats, suits and skirts arriving by express every day The great est showing of women's ready-to-wear apparel in the West 2d Floor - MEIER. Q FRANK'S 676th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE r $6 Craphophoncs $2.73 57.50 Graphophones $3.95 la the Toy Department, Third Floor, for tomorrow's, 876th', Fridsy Surprise SaleTwo special lots of Graphophones to be sold at ridiculously low prices. . Lot 1 500 of the American Graphophone company's splendid. Talking Machines, No. 1 size, fX. nickel hornet record; every one guaranteed; OO.values at this special low price, each...... Vwf J Lot 2-r-500. of the American. Graphophone company's Talking Machines, fine aluminum horn, 1 record;; every machine .perfect; $7.50 values at. this special low price, each..,....,..' .V"7J See -Fifth? StreeVWindow Display. Mail orders 'carefully rilled. - - ' - - . . MEIER. 0 FRANX'S 876th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 200 Pairs Women's at 37c a Pair JFor tomorrow's 876th Friday. Surprise Sale 2,000 pairs of .Women's Extra Fine. Black Gauze Lisle Stock ings, all new goods,-Hermsdorf dye; sizes 8VS to 10; grandest values ever offered for the lLf g money; buy, all yon want of them tomorrow at this special low price, per pair.......... ,.Jt Great Sale of Rugs In all 'sizes-oriental and floral designs rich est colorings;and-combinations. The grandest ' values in Axminster Rugs ever offered.' Mail orders . will receive our prompt and careful attention. Order today. ' , 27x54-in. Axminsters; $2.50 values,' at.. f 1.69 27-60-in. Axminsters; $275 values, at..fl.88 36x63-tn. Axminsters; $4.00 values, at.. f 2.89 36x72-in. Axminsters; $4.50 values, at.. 83.45 High-Art Bigelow Axminsters, beautiful de signs and colorings, 24x48; $3.50 val.f2.4S 27x54-in. Velvet Rugs; $2.50 values, at. 81.55 Five great lots of Fiber" Rugs in dainty pat terns and colorings. -:.. 27x60-in. Rugs; our $1.65 vslues, at...81.0 36x72-in. Rugs; our $2.50 values, at... f 1.65 6x9-foot . Rugs; our' $8.50 values,- at , . 6-35 -Rug; our $10.50 values... 98.35 . 9xl2-foot Rugs; our. $12.50 values, at.. 89.85 3 I) Women's $3.00 L Shoes $1.98 Pair In the Shoe Section for two days only we offer 2,000 pairs of Women's fine shoes in all the best styles and leathers at a price . below actual manufactur- , ing cost Included in the assort ment will be found patent colt, gunmetal, velour and box calf shoes, made up in blucher, lace or button styles; single or dou- ble soles, Cuban or military heels; the new Potay foot form or straight lasts All sizes and widths Every pair in the lot ' regular $3 values--Your choice today and ' tomorrow at the ; -. less: mmmm V .... I - v- lfv .... - V . -i 6 --""T Mcitr a Frank's 876th Friday Surprise Sale mm -Ift the Clothing section for. tomorrow's. 876th Friday Surprise Sale we place on sale two extraordinary bargains in rheng high-grade Suits . and Over , wtBlTirsseason's most approved fashions and materials" Clothing tequal to the best custom-made garments Great variety Best Designs'. !(S.(5 Men's haruJ-tallored strictly all-wool Suits made by the leading wholesale tailpr8 pfAmerica Fancy worsteds, fancy tweeds, fancy cheviots, neat f patterns;, the season's handsomest effects for business" and dress wear ;' Every . suit perfect fitting, best linings and find- ' ;; ; V mgSJ , nanariauorca-iitfOugnout---ouiTj i scum g iregularly 'at- $220-$25 The exclusive clothier t' would ask; you $25-$2$ for apparel of equal style - and, quality. Your choice tomorrow at, per suit 20' men's high-grade Ovef coats, magnificent stylesEvery garment of this season's manufacture, three fourth and full-length coats in fancy tweeds ; , and cheviots, velours and worsteds--All made with hand-worked button " styles, and designs, very large assortment to sc 4ect'from--Regular $22.50-$25 values on, sale at Vj) ( this 'exceptionally low price of, per - garment r---- Greatest Value of the Season in Men's Finc -Overcoats. Men's Cravenette : V V : ?i . Raincoats $12.50 to $35.00 Each. ; , (So 6 5 T ' Youth, Age and the Woman. When yon were a . child you lonsrod . with cblldlah Impatience to b "crown up" you craved ' the . Independence ; which would be yoare when you reached the Mothu.UhJ.tlc ar of IS. , .: Nothlnc was to- be lost with youth, ' but all a-aloed by asre you were not 1 willloa- to pay the price exacted by ' Independence and experience,, and when . yon flrat realised that your skin had . loat Its rose flu.h, that your hair was bo lonrer brla-ht you felt oh rated, lm potenlly Indignant., that ' time should . you ettch a blow. - And then began the Ion battle with time that le, with ' the effects of time.. Ton tbousht only ' of the chance la your leoka and won dered Jealoualy why. when . you were always TlflUat and faithful In the mat ter of o.lnv beauty lotions.' dieting and .nerclee, that mea of your years - had . not bagua to shew, the eXIeota oc and yet bad seemed to take no care except In the matter of hytienlo living, and acme did not erven take that pre caution, yet looked younger than your self. What la the causer Have ' We been paying too much attention to externals and forgotten the things that really count T Forgotten that looks are gor erned to a great extent by the feelings, and cultivated the noneaeentlala at the expense of the eaaentlalsT Men. pay little attention to tle approach of wrinkles, and therefore do not worry them Into appearing so early they do not think so often of time and Its ef fect on their appearance, and conse quently time forgets them. We mletake eauaeeand effects; we think that faded looks are a cauee when they are the effect of other more vital things.. ...... Men lire In the outside, 'rushing, wide awake world; tbay have no time to dwell In the pat, but are ever recelr Ing new impre.aione, changing with the changing times; they do not allow the mind and heart to age, and there fore they "look" young. .Women have long - been - following false tactics In their methods, of I fight ing age. Lt them throw away s6me of their numerous "remedies" for thla and that merit of time and begin cultivating the mind and heart, take a vital Interact In the things of today and Ignore time. The woman who Uvea hyglenlcally will Uve longer and better than one who decs j fiofTand the eame may be said of man; but the woman who holds optimistic views of life and who realises that the pasalng ct time means progreeslon and that the present and future are of necessity better than the past, will lire long and be young aa long as she lives. - Beauty doctors will give Innumerable rules fo- keeping youth, but the only ones of value are those pertaining to health and right thinking. . . . Think young be young. ' It H For the Christmas Workerg." : Roods once more are fashionable and are made In light, airy kinds as well as' In the substantial fabrics that but ton on the automobile coats. - A silk hood and full plaited ruche to stand out like a ruff around the shoulders are one of the pretty fancies for evening, oft Silks, worked with splashy em broidery patterns, ara used, and other silk hoods are covered with chiffon, with full plaited ' ruches set -about the face. All-over lace la used also to make a hood and cape, which are lined In silk to match the light broadcloth ooet, and to be attached at night, either to wear la place of a hat or to make the coat more fanciful by being attached simply as a trimming. On a cream cloth ooat, cream lace Is used and lined with pink silk, or on a canary - broadcloth ooat white lace la lined In canary silk. An embroidery pattera is gives for . hood V : "r i' - - cape, the hood part of which Is cut In oval shape and shirred wlth ribbon. .. h n .. w Autumn Dress Goods. v., Just at the moment there Is a erase for prominent -clot h-flnlshed, plaids la a wide range of colors,, and It does not seem as though there was a sufficient stock of- .these goods to go around. - The majority of buyers, however, ara of the opinion that this demand Is only transitory, and as a consequence 'few are willing to take any chances In mak ing up goods In anticipation of demand. Some dealers are Showing a handsome line of plaids with a flannel finish. These goods are particularly adapted to the cuttlng-up trade, for ready-made suits, which Is operating extensively on them for lmmexllate delivery. The small check In. greens and blues Is regarded more favorably than the prominent effects for fall, and . la expected to continue strong. Paris gavd ' Its deolslon. - on - stripes, especially on cream grounds, and this deolslon seems to. be oonilrmed by. au thorities In this market.-- - . The Qtfeetloa of the kersey In connec tion with the women's wear, trade U a perplexing one. ' A good many orders were placed early In the season, but now buyers will not take the merchandise; Kerseys have been sold during the last few weeks at or below cost, and' yet there. Is . a feeling.. that, the . future will . develop a satisfactory' demand. It Is a difficult matter to ..cure the correct shade In brown, and certain goods on hand have been returned to the mill to. be dyed black. ' The same Is true of broadcloths, where the' brown Is perhaps most In evidence. The Textile Manufacturers' ' Journal says that agents' claim they airs selling twice as many blacks . as browns. In fact, black Is coming to be mors and more of a factor as the' season" pro. grosses, especially In plain goods, though a good manyr faney weaves are being shown for the coming selling period. . -.Her House In Crder. j . ' tor grease ; spots .' on -. carpet lay. a heavy, blotting paper over the spots and Iron with a. hot Iron. This may not bs a success where .the' spots are very large and have been allowed to remain too long, and In such cases apply plenti fully and faithfully- dry buckwheat flour; never' put liquid on such spots. If a carpet has seen hard servloe and Is badly soiled brighten, and clean by sponging the surface or rubbing with a solution of ammonia, borax and water in the proportion of about on table spoonful ' ef . liquid ammonia and an equal ' quantity of powdered borax to one quart of water. Clean one small plaos thoroughly and dry well with" a soft flannel before another Is touched. Ollt frames van be cleaned by wiping them with a small sponge with 'oil of turpentine; wet the sponge only aum stent to take all the -dirt and fly marks off, then allow the frames to dry them selves. . " Mildew la best removed by dipping the goods Into a weak solution of chlo ride of lime, then placing tne garment In -the- sun for a few minutes, after which rinse thoroughly. A heaping tea spoonful of lime to a quart of water Ik the right proportion.- Seven pounds of fruit, IH of sugar and a pint of .vinegar Is the standard Sroportlon for all manner of sweet piok ng. Th spicing may , be , varied to suit, tha taste. ,. . ' t To renovate leather . furniture, wash It with a . little . soap and water and When dry apply a little vaseline, rubbed In with the bands. Let It remain until next morning, then polish with a soft duster. ' This treatment will ' prevent the leather from cracking. ' ... Even with tha greatest ear there la bound to be trouble with someone get ting tangled up In the fly paper besides the flies. 1 When that time comes It' Is worth while .to remember that a liberal application of butter dissolves the sticky stuff so that it can be wipeu on at once. - When cleaning Jars, bottles (especially baby's bottle or bottles that have contained poison), try cleaning them by filling tha bottle half full of water and then a handful of bread crumbs. Shake well, then - pour out, and rinse with clean water.; Try" this. the result is simply wonderful. , Old bed ' spreads "make good table pada, trim them off to fit tha table and hero. If you hage to use lard in a cake in, plaos of butter always add a little . sale- Rub roasting pans with newspapers before putting them away and they win not rUst A poaltloe 0t salt mixed with the white of aa egg makes a powerful drawing" poultice for ' a felon. For toothache dip cotton in ' solution of salt Water ,and camphor ' and Insert in the tooth. Onion syrup prepared by sprinkling sliced onions with sugar and taken In teaspoonful doses every IS minutes until relief la i obtained is a favorite home remedy for croup, : , . k .. ... , , ", NEW FOOTBALL PLAYER COMES TO PORTLAND f i , ' ., ...... A eon was born this morning to Dr., and Mrs. W. O. Woodruff at thslr home. Tit Wasco street. "Mother and child are doing splendidly." says the physi cian, "and I hope that the' young fel low will be able to don i football suit and participate in the Thanksgiving me." Dr. Woodruff during his col lege days . was one of Pennsylvania's best players, and since coming to Port land has on more than one occasion put on a suit and helped out the Multnomah club eleven- r j