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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
THE "OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER ' 7.' 1S0& Yo;vDYc;!es xoziox xtt .xoaxxx sbssobuxxbp. , The Journal agoncy at Eugene " ha bean transferred to Harper Jamtaon, "with haadquartera .., at .Schwarsschlld s book store, where all ' changes, " com plalnta and naw subscriptions will ra- -ceive- prompt ? atuutlon. . . ; ' topiohtb AxvKoaam. . llelllg ,. Baker. . taiplre.,, ...... Ljrw. ..,.1... VWiiMlltMiii Peatagel ...... Wul .Kilea Beach Yew's Concert "At .Plsey Kldaf" A IWjil !; . - urom.r Agauiai ,....77 VmdMjlla ........ ..'....-....Vasdeellls . Juvenile Halloween, Jokers , continue to appear (or lecturca before Circuit Judu Fraur. Monday five boye who oapad the Portland Heights atreetoas tracka were lectured by Judge Ifraser, yesterday the six who soaped the Mlea lsslppl avenus tracka oa the eame night were In the Juvenile oourt, while lata to day the Halloween prank " playera ar reated by Officer J. J. Murphy In South Portland will belined up by the truant offlcesa. - Three of the alx accused of soaping the Mississippi avenue tracka looked unrepentant and Judge Fraaer thought it pst to require them to report periodically to Attorney Ralph Flaher, " who will act the part of probation of ficer. , r r " . The Northern Paclf lo Railway com pany announoea apeclai excursion rata from Portland to Kansas City and re turn account. Trana-Mlaalsslppl Com mercial congresa to ba held at Kansas City,' November 19 to tl, - Inclusive. Tickets will be on sals November 14 and 16. with 'going limit of 10 days from data. of. sale .aj! with final . return limit -f days from data of sale. The rata will ba 160 for tba round . trip, returning via direct lines. If the passengers wish to return through Cali fornia tha rata will be $716 for the round trip. Tickets will permit of stop over within limits both going and re turning. - - A petition has been fUed-with tha county olark asking that .the county road commissioners change tha cJbnty toed on Council Crest to coincide with Fairmont boulevard. Tha petitioners eKgTOgniXToTTRngliaTBy. C M. Keep and tha. Merchants' . Investment Trust company. . They allege thay own all tha land through which tha boule vard and tha county road paaa, that tha . two tboroughfaree begin and and at the earn potnta and that they desire tha change merely because they wish tha substitution of easy curves for sharp turns. ,! '-.' - i' j. ' Every lady and gentleman attending tha opening of tha- Outlet Clothing com pany, tha naw clothing establishment In tha new building at tha northeast corner of First and' Morrison streets, this evening, will be given a valuable souvenir present free of charge. The reception takes place from J:0 to 10 p. m. and will ba .enlivened by a band of tnuslo which naa been engaged for the occasion. This live Institution Is bound to make a great many people happy 'tonight. , , The Portland Commercial club will be host at a reception tonight at ita tem porary quarters . at Sixth,-and Alder streets. This will be tha first time ' since the fire destroyed the permanent home pf the club that It has entertained ladles or held one of Its reception even ings The principal event of this even ing will be aa Illustrated . address by Judge C B. Watson of Ashland on the soenle wonders of southern Oregon. " With his mind aa active aVever. but physically unable to move hand or foot. Professor J. D. Robb, who for many years was. an Instructor In the Port land publlo schools, lies In the Patton Home for the Aged, utterly helpless. Ha la suffering from nervous p rostra' tlon In an acute . form. Few of ble friends or former scholars know his ' whereabouts. He would be glad to see many of them. . Henry Tost, a lad residing at 765 Mallory, street, was knocked from his bicycle at Water and. Montgomery streets yesterday and narrowly ea- caped death. - The vehicle ran over his ' leg and the horse kicked htm on the head. The driver failed to render any . assistance and drove rapidly away. The - Injured lad waa able to go to his home without aid and the police "are seeking the reckless driver. ... Emma Sherman has filed suit against 7 the Portland Railway company for 16.000 for bodily Injuries sustained on - October It. at Montgomery and Thir teenth streets. .' She claims that abe - waa carelessly allowed to alight from a oar en the aide nearest the other tracka and that she waa caught by a car com ing . from tha opposite direction ' and was dragged about (0 feet A wood train, running on the Sixteenth street ear line- Jumped - the rails - this morning where the track tuma Into Washington atreet and tied up traffic for about an hour. Only Sixteenth street cars were held up, and passengers to the olty ware transferred to Portland Heights and Willamette Heights cars. I Lamb of Clinton, Iowa, a prominent member of the Weyerhaeuser - Lumber company, Is a guest of the Portland hotel, Mr,-Lamb Is accompanied by George F. Orde of Minneapolis and C. B. Mills of Clinton. They are In Port land on pleasure and for the purpose of looking up timber lands with a view of purchasing. , - Pen Currier and Betah Smith, charged with - forgery In having exchanged fraudulent checks . for small - amounts, both pleaded not guilty In the clroult court thla morning. A. H. Frlelinger, charged with larceny by bailee, was given two mors days In which to pre pare his plea. The Lumberman's Timber - company . filed artlclea cf Incorporation with the F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTERS RnAr1fl.1i fits in tha At. .ranging and Printing of m . t.i . uommerciai Dtauonery. Advertising Literature Two Phones, both Main 165 IRST AND OAK SELECTS IIAZELTON PIANO ; Well Known Salem Man Decide After Wide 1 i Investigation' . L. M. Gilbert, one of the best-known ranchers and fruitgrowers in tha atate. who has extensive interests , near Salem, has just plaoed en order' -with the Ellera Piano House for a maanlfl- eent Haselton Grand Piano, to be sent to hie home there. . Thla sale Is some thing of a feather in the cap of the Ellers firm and for the Haselton Co., for the order waa secured .only after Mr. and TWrs.-Qllbert, together with an ex pert piano crltlo, had. made a careful comparison of all the different makes upon the' market. The choice was finally decided In favor of the Haselton, which waa pronounced Intrinsically one of the moat remarkable instruments yet produced. - , - The Hsielton Piano, In a quiet but very positive manner, has been forcing Ita way into the ranks of the so-called "exclusive list" ef highest grade makes, by reason of its remarkable tone quali ties and. has reached a point where it la held la -esteem by the best musical au thorities second to no other .make. county clerk today. Harrison O. Piatt, Robert T. Piatt and George J. Perkins are the Incorporators.- The principal place of business will be Portland, the capital stock 1300,000. ' George Estes of the Oregon Trust' Savings bank will address the Admen's league tonight on "The Personal Letter as a Faotor In Bualneaa Building." The meeting will be held In the rooms of the board-of trade, first .flour- Cham bee of Commerce building. . The appeal of Em 11 Johnson, who was fined 126 in the municipal court for keeping his saloon open on June 4, elec tion day,- has been assigned to Circuit Judge Fraaer, who will hear the case as soon as J be finishes the . . Catherine Huntsman case. , gi ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blsckman'of Heppqer have arrived In Portland 'arid will make their home here for the win ter. Their eon Is attending school In TdrtlSn371CBdl MF. UlacKmSTTS many BUI Inesa Interests demanded his presence tu this City. The Needlework Guild of America will bold Ita annual distribution tomorrow. This afternoon the annual tea and ex hibit of clothing is being held In the parlors of the Unitarian church. Tou will save from It to 16 on every pair of eye glasses If you go to the Lit tle Optical Parlor, 181 Fourth street, near Yamhill. We are out of the high rent district. Before you purchase an Incubator and brooder get prices on the Standard "Chatham." Every machine guaranteed. George W. Foott, 121 East Morrlaon street, Portland. - Tour Byes Examined Free. We are still Belling eyeglaaaes at f 1.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger 4k Co.. Jewelers and optlolans. 111 Sixth street U Patro rarrt. aa-ltllan-labaTertl 4 yeare of age, baa been committed to the state insane asylum by order of County Judge Webster. . . V" ? Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock , at t p. m. - The Portland Retail Meat Dealers' as sociation will give a amoker next Tues day night in Eaglea' hall. Second and YamhIU street . . Tonight at I o'clock at Taylor Street Methodist church . Marshall Cboate Crouche will lecture on "The Simple Life." For oil and gasoline phone 'Red Tank Oil company. Main 1331. 141 First street, corner Alder. Woman's Exchange, Its Tenth atreet lunch 11:10 to 1; business men'a lunch. - Acme Oil Co. sells the best ssfety coal oil and fine gasoline. - Phone Eaat Tl. Bee Portland Washer, 106 Seventh at GAVE SUCCESSFUL TEST Hunts Aatomatlo Switch Does All That la Claimed for Xt. " "A practical try-out waa given the Hurst automatic switch on the tracks of the Oregon Short Line end ths Ban Pedro yesterday afternoon. The teat waa made ; under regular railroad conditions, and the results were In every way satisfactory. A number of prominent railroad men were present and the ownera of the de vice demonstrated tne practical Impossi bility of an accident occurring to trains running over tracka equipped with the switch. The Invention provides for the control of tha switch at all timea by the engi neer, and In the event cf the latter neg lecting this part of his duty, the train merely continues along on the main Una. 'A misplaced or an open switch waa shown toJe anJmposalbillty,aa-it la Impossible for a train to pass over the switch without automatically aettlng It for the next train, no matter which di rection it may be coming from. From Salt Lake Herald of November J, 1006. Y. M. C. A. Star Course. The strongest list of lectures and entertainments on the Pacific coast has been gathered together by the Y. M; C. A In Ita Star Courao this season: The numbers arc aa1 follows: Robert M. La Follflttcrtfnfred States senator from Wisconsin. . John'Kendrlrk Bangs, author of "A Houseboat on the tyx." The Rogers and Qrllley Co., kreat Newell Dwlght ,Hlllls, Plymouth church,- Brooklyn, 1 : The Dunbar- company, bell riggers, mala quartet! fun. - Jacob RUs. Mr. Roosevelt called Mr. Rlla "the. moat uaef ul -cltlien lnftew York." - . Prices Season ticket. Including re served seat, tl. Holders of laat season tickets, account unfilled dates, 12. Re served seat sale for holders' course, tickets opdns at .Y. M.,IO A, Monday, November It; at p. m. STOCK MEETING-TO BE T HELD AT CANYON CITY Canyon City, Or., Nov. T. A stock meeting will be held at -Canyon City November It 'for the purp6sef making graalng allot men ta In the western di vision of the Blue mountains forest re serve far 1907. The western dlclslon comprises thaupart of the reserve lying south and west of the Delia Military Wagon road. - - ' -Woman loves a clear rosy complex ion.' Burdock Blood Bitters purines the blood, clears the, restores cuddy sound health, , , DAY'S EVENTS 00 EAST SIDE - ewsHSjBjssBasaBBaBsasaBSasSBsssaB) ' V V - f Improvement ; Association De mands" Better : Fire Protect tion and More Lights. . EXTRA BATTALION CHIEF . TO BE ASKED OF CITY Indications Art That Weyerhaeueer Lumber Company Will Soon. Begin Erection of ; Their Projected Million-Dollar Sawmill Near St Johns. ' Bast adds Department. " "On a recent visit to Seattle," said M. I Holbrook, the well known SL Johns realty dealer,- "1 met the superin tendent of construction of the Weyer haeueer Lumber company. He told me that ha waa under orders to await in structions to proceed to Portland and begin tb construction of tha weyer haeuaera' 11.000.000- sawmill on .the lower peninsula, north of Bt. Johns. My Information from other aouroea confirms the belief that In a very abort time this Important Bt. Johna enterprise will be under way, and the whole lower penln aula will experience an unprecedented growth.' The Bt Johns council had a compara tively tranquil meeting laat night.. The rrntr-efth election J seems " ttrTiave imbued the heretofore acrappy members with the spirit of brotherly love. The fire-escape, -ordinance, requiring all three-story buildings to be thus equip ped, wasj)assedwlthputa dissenting vote. - Burlington street, which for several blocks through the center of the city fiaa lumma - hut little better than a mud hole, waa ordered put In better Shape, 'ins crosswaiaa on uii street and Jersey street were ordered put in passable condition. The place on Bur- llnalon where tne street car stops nw kMn - mmimm of ffrAAt nnnvtnpi to passengers who were required to slight in mud snd water. - The post office at St Johna waa moved last Sunday Into a room In the Mo Cheaney block, three aquaraa west of the old location. The owner of the Mo Chesney block gives the government four yeara free rent, and in addition In stalls the necessary postal furniture. Including 100 lock boxes. it la thought that the location of the post office In the western part of the city will draw considerable trade to -the buslnesa housea of that part of -the city. M. L. Holbrook announces that he Is preparing to plat his 70-acre tract" at East St. Johns, between Point View and Maegtey Junction. The seeming certainty that the Swift Packing plant and the Weyerhaeuser mill will be Con structed at onca has attmulated lots In East and North St. Johns-. A general movement .o.pinB uj m expenditure or iy man .v y . v. . nA tAsftdr hoard 'In nrovldlna better fire protection and mors street lights on the Eaat Bide waa inaugu rated by the Eaat Bide Improvement assoclstlon at its last nlght'a meeting. In dladusslng the proposition, tha vari ous speakers called attention to the fact that the Eaat Side comprised two-thirds of the area of the city and had more than half ita population, yet naa m than 400 lire hydrants snd but 40 lire alarm boxes. Attention wss also called to the fact that In portlona of the East Side territory, mere were uimrui t tainlng doaens of aquaree built up with handsome homes that 'had neither hy- M r. alarm tlOV. Resolutions were psssed declaring the sense of the association 10 pe mi fire hydrante and 40 alarm boxes Bhou . k. ,t lo on the Rast Bide. Dr. C. H. Rarrerty. of the water board, ex plained that the water wmmmw nau expended t250.OOO In laying a water Uiuml Tahnr ta Portsmouth. main w". .......... a distance of 11 miles, and that it waa a question if the water ooara wouia nave the money to Inatall tha number of hy d rants asked for, which would coat over (26,000. , A a will be aeen by the following reso lution, the association wanta an addi tional battalion chief stationed on the East Side: . "Resolved, That Engine Company No, Ta building, located on East Third and m.. m , t Hnar an unh 111 run In moat Are alarms."hould be moved to st least East Tweirtn or inwnin atreet. and that the preaenU running time card., which now requires 'thle en- .n.i a lUrmi on .the West Bide, b so changed aa to cut out thla part of Itrdutlea leaving tne kasi nine as it does when called to tha .West Side without protection during Its absence. "Resolved, That owing to the great territory to be covered on the East Side, that a alngle battalion chief Is not auf flclent to meet the expanding conditions, and that at least two battalion chiefs should' be located on the East 81de one In East Portland, responsible for the district to the southern limits of Sell-i wood and also Mount Tabor, and the other located In Alblna. probably at Portland Agents' for Duttcrick Pcttcrns.CoIumbia Yarns, Odtcnnocrr.Iittrc::: rWmamcUe" Sowing Machines, 13 Models, Prices from to $33 Ea. Every Machine Fully Guaranteed for 10 Years Tha 200 Dozen Men's Ties 2 5 c-3 5c Values at 1 5c Men's- , felts -t ech Sale extraordinary of "Men' , Four-in-Hnd Tie. 1 inches .. wide, immense assortment of patterns snd colorings, light and dark effects Regular 25c and 35c values; on sale at this J" phenomenally low 1 IT . price, each ........... 1 JC Men's' Gloria .Twilled -Umbrellas; plain and fancy handles in large variety, - 'Greatest umbrella values iq town at thla special price; each ... .... 1000 garments pi Dr. Wright's Health Under wear, fleece lined, all sizes shirts and drawers; regular $1.00 value; on sal '.at this 4LQ low price, per garment ............. T. -OC Great special line of men's stiff bosom Shirts in the best patterns and color- fT 1 f .," . ings; all sizes ,.. . l aUVI Fall -and'Winter-Hats all -thtmewesrlilockff fir stiff and sofl ; black and colors, at prices ranging from $1.50 C to . . , ......w.. eesew i awn at, vii ta $1.19 Arthtlc Picture Framlns toOrdtrlmmenn Line cf llzw 1 MouldingtAUOTdertPronaptlyExecnteei.LbwatPricea r IPG 2000 Prs. Women's Shoes $3 Values at $1.98 Pair In the Shoe Section for three daa only we offer 2000 pairs of Women's fine shoes in all the beat styles and leathers at; a price below actual manufactur ing costIncluded in the as sortment will be found patent colt, gunmetal, velour and box calf shoes, made up in Blucher. lace or button styles ; single or double soles, Cuban or military heels; the new Potay foot form or straight lasts All sizes and w 1 dths Every pair in the lot regular $3 values Your' choice todayrtomorrow and Friday $i.9a Mail Orders Will Be Carefully Filled New PJaid Dress Goods Just received by express a large shipment of ombre and shadow ". plaids in all the newest colorings and combinations brown, greens; blue and wine-eolors and a lull line ol Scottish 1 artan, plaids light and dark effects, at prices ranging from 1.00 per yard to $1.75 New Tweeds for.Coats-A very lage showing of new checks, plaids and mannish mixture tor-women s ana misses, gar- nn ments, at prices ranging front f 1.85 peryard tip ta V'VW School and College Pennants In the Toy Department, third floor, we' are showing a complete variety of school and college Pennants all schools are represented: High School, P. A., Columbia University, Yale, Harvard, U. of P.," Stanford, Berkeley, Multnomah, and many others. Felt letters made to your order. 24-inch Pennants, silk ribbons and binding, Portland and Oregon Schools . j .. . .,. , a.. . . w . ... t . .., .... 36-inch Pennants, same as above, 91.25 each; Arm Emblems, 20e each; Miniature Pennants for pinning on the coat, lOf; Pennant Banners, each r-....;.7r..V....... 7. ,.r:Trrr. :rr. .T5e Banners," Pennants and Emblems made to your order, Third Floor. - Hlabland. and responsible-for the dis trict of Alblna and the Peninsula. "Resolved. That this aeaoclatlon e preasea conndeiice In the elBclency of the Portland tire department. Its officers snd men. and that It la th. duty of the city to aea that It la provided with apparatua to rive protection to the arowlna city In both Ita bualneaB. and residence districts." ' - H. H. Newhall. 3. M. Healy, H. Prouty sod Joseph Buchtel were nameoV,aB a committee to co-operate with Miner Im- . ,,.iiiuiini In securing uru'fui.11 v m" additional Are hydranta and aUrm boxea. - The aeaoclatlon will orgs the council to place-Ha-hts at all Intersections on Orand and Union avenues between Haw thorne and Holladay avenues; alao en Hawthorns avenue, uasi uorroon tr t-o., Dnrnilila stret and Holladav avenue aa far east s Eaat Twelfth street. Streetcars Wanted. Now that Union avenue has been lm- nmvul - fpAm Rtirnsida tl Morrison street, the property owner there are anxious to gei streetcars hw un vna avenue. Several years a so, streetcars were operated on that part of Union avenue, but with the completion of the Burnslde "Erldne and the abandonment of the old Stark atreet ferry, the tracks were torn up and those cars came Into the city by way of the new' bridge. A meeting of Union avenue property hold ers has been called for tomoarow even ing at tha office of-Buchtel Mali. Eaat Morrlaon atreet, to consider and iinnl the host means of aettina cars back on that thoroughfare. Several new business structures ere under con sideration for that part of Union avenue and It la altogether probable that In a ahort time. It wlU become a formidable rival of Grand avenue aa a business street Street Qnestlom msvived. The Montavilla Improvement associa tions have revived the proposition of a atreet through tne Ladd farm connect- i.. trill ..mi. with - ITnat .-f 11 torn n atreet It is probable that a resolution Will he introduced at tne council meet ing this afternoon providing for a S0 foot atreet through the Ladd property. North Montavilla Is In a bad -way for good street connections west to the city. A portion of Villa avenue running west .... . unniavllla haft twn mail a street, and the rest ef It la a county roan. xne propwiuun in i niK0 iv m full city Btreet from the old city limit mi.n,.vni. arait In the enniunctlAii with EaSt Gllsan street It Is generally tnougnt mat lr ins Btreet la made to follow the route of the BY MAIL The Bank That Pays A E O U R C B:: S $ 1 e .4 O O e o o o This Bank has made the greatest per "ce'ntagebf gain in deposits during" the last "year of any bank in the Drrtied States. -..It-is,' moreover, a generally recognized leader, throughout the northwest, in ' BanKitifj by Mail lVhich it has developed in order to place , the "facilities . of this progressive Banking, House within the reach of thrift, people everywhere.."1',.',. . ' y .' Deposits are invited in any amount, from ' On Dollar upward, on which interest is , ""paid at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded twice a year. . will appreciate a request from you for our free Booklet, "Banking by MaiL" Oregon Trust & Sayings Bank .-Sixth 'and Washington Sts., Portland, Or. -t SAY LIFE RATES ARE HIGH Indiana - Committee Finds Incomes Too Great and Abuses Many. INDIANAPOIJB, Oct A special committee which has been Investigating . the office of the Auditor of State for a year, -with special reference to mutual ' and atock life Insurance companies, to day submitted Its report to Governor 1 Hanly. The genera) conclusion of the committee are that "the cost of life In- aurance to the publlo la too high. .The J 'resent maximum premium - rates for nsursnce are so much ' In excess of needs aa to permit of extravagant man agement of companies, theft of their funds, division of proflts and other great abuses, without rendering the companies Insolvent" The above committee, which ha Just completed Its report to tha Governor of ' -Indiana, Is at least. year behind m committee of Portland's most success- -ful business men, who arrived at the' same conclusion some time sgo. ' In stead of reporting their findings to Gov- , ernor Chamberlain, however, they In- corporated a company -for the purpose .of furnishing the people of the North- .west with life Insurance at the lowest possible cost consistent wlth-absolute safety. This company Is known as the Columbia Life at Trust Company, and the " Simple Life" policy Issued by them ' is the most practical and , economical guaranteed lire contract Issued by any company. All cash values, dividends, and other prises are eliminated from the "Simple Life" policy and the cost is re duced to about one half of that charged by other .companlea for "participating" policies. W. M. Ladd la the president, and T. B. Wilcox the vice-president of this com- -. pany. Montavilla branch of the Portland Rail way company, the Ladd estate will, fa vor it The two push clubs at Montavilla have not worked in harmony on the Villa avenue Improvement with the result that nothing has been accomplished, but it looks now as If they- sre to get to gether and hava a (0-foot atreet, inatesd of a patchwork of road and strtrt The resldenta along the road beyond Montavilla to Falrvlew have an ambi tious project of making that road a full SOO foot highway for the entire distance between Montavilla and Falrvlew. As an indication of the widespread Interest concerning Portland, mani fested In the east, the East Bide Im provement assoclstlon la In receipt of a letter rrom tha ottumwa Hriage com pany of Ottumwa. Iowa, asking for In formation about the proposed new steei bridge to replace the Madison Btreet bridge. The company writes that It would like to submit blda for the aree. tlon of the bridge whenever It le author ised. .- SALEM STUDENTS TO , DEBATE WITH FARMERS 'Special Dlnntrs to Tke JoaruL) Salem. Nov. 7. The Willamette Uni versity debating council haB-entered In to a contract with the Oregon Agricul tural college at Corvallla for the hold ing of a aeriea of debatea between the two Institutions. This year's debate to be held in Corvallla and Willam ette University will, propose the ques tion, and the "Farmera" will select the side they wish to defend. Last year the debate waa held here and the local disciples of Demosthenes were successful In winning the unani mous decision Cf the judges. It Is prob able that the debate will be pulled off between February 10 and Marco le. At the local college there appeara to be a renaissance, as It were. In forensloe. Both. men's debating societies are do ing excellent work - and th try-outs for the university teams bid fair to bring Tout the best talent In the insti tution. . . &o BROWN Oread eat Kawtsorae Aveauee. . rive-story stone aal Brick America Vlaa Apartment motel rises! la - Vortlaaa. Kansas City and Return $60. i Account eeventeenth annual aeaslon Trane-Miealsslppt Commercial congress, th O. R. A' N. Co. will on November 14 and II eell round-trip tlcketa to Kan sas City for 110. with a limit of l days from data Cf- Bale. Further particulars by calling upon CW, Stinger, city ticket agent , Third enJ Washington streets, Portland, ; x, T e V is ' ajan si i i IllaJ Si if" )t I il lenaWraMliHitfma A model home- -for permanent guests Jheerful flreplacea In every suite. Fin. est-table and elegant accommodations. Lowest ratea for the splendid service. Rlectrio elevator service day and night Ges and electric )hta throughout the building. Offlca, large parlor and dining-room on ground floor.' Steam heat telephone and not and cold water In every room. Six car lines - pass the door and 10 minutes' walk to business center. rer rooms aoad reservatloas apply em premises, e ring ap Tel. Bass. SSL Chinese anf Japanese Art roda. carved fnrnltnre. flee serene, revel Balanitis. Oolaonne, brasses, earvee hry, eo brolderlea, allka. eat at aresalBf gooes, etc., directly Impnrted. OAMTOV SJAZAAS. SO SIXTH ST. ' SENT TO PRISON FOR ' BEATING LIVERY TEAM (Speelal IHrietrk s Tke'JntrML) Pendleton, Or.. Nov. 7. Bert Leyde and Fred Pearl were each sentenoed to serve SO days In the Umatilla county Jail , yesterday for 'brutally beating a livery team. - On Sunday the two ' men secured a livery team from one of thevstables In the city, saying they Wanted to drive to Pilot Rock. They ere said to have run the team the entire distance, or as much of it as possible, and when they arrived at Pilot Rock one of tha men held the reins while the ether piled the waJiH The horses wete exUaustea eAd I Amimawtm. TONIGHT 8:20. HEIL1G THEATRE YAW A2TD AsSIBTniO) AATISTS. Prleee S2JDO, Sl.SO, .SI.OS, TSe. Oallery, '75c; sareserred. Sue. Opts T:0. Carrlagee at 10. w'sMJ. HelUg Theits-ert rrlday, Satardar, Snnday Nlshta Kwteiatier I, 10, 11, 'Oe Popular Price Matinee , . Batnrear. ACOCSTCS THOMAS' fiHUTUT DIlKt HARIZOfSA" i tS Bm am. SB CavalrraMa ea the Stage, renins Prieea 30c. SSe. BOe. TSe, 1. Poo alar Matinee Priceease. SOe, TSe. Beats selling tor eacagesaeat at thestre.- Oaacr I IICaUT Oregoa Theatre Co.. U ueerge Lk Baker. Ma safer, ALL THIS WSKK. ' " ' Baker Stock Company. In the great era ma. ....... "AT MUST IOOI.,T , Br Darld Hlialna. . , ; MATINEB SATl BDAT. -Kvenlng Prtcea, loe, 2fle.-.Sfte, SOe; Beat Weak, "teat, St B dMPIRB THEATRB Mala ltT Mil too W. geeaus, Maaage. , Plailiif the Eaatern KoaS Shows. , TOSIOHT. ALL WBBK. - - ' Pepalar-Priced Matinee Weaneeday sad Saturday, The Beantlfut. Bomantle Drama ef Meilea. FHeaawBTealag. lOe. SOe. SOe; All Matt- " ' sees, 10c. lOe. Xext Attraettoa. "Aa TalA la tae XQls. . LYRICTHEATRE zxx Bzonnrnia botzkixx- s. "The Octoroon" TOP FAMOUS MELODSAMA IK POUB ACTS. THE STAR Week of Nov. S. Telephone Mala X1U 1U1K STOCK C01UAJIT Preeenilng "BEOTHXa AOAUTBT bkotkzb." i Matinees Tuee4aja, Tharsdare. Satardars snd Sundars at S:HO p. an. Prices, log and 2ne. Ererr arenlug at S:1S. Prices, lue. S0 and Sue. Vest Weak, -A Mas ef Xystery.- The Grand Week ef Wee. I. THS trettis AKsaxwa co., "TRXBOHUOAX ftlAL." Charles Karris Xastiaca aad WUssa , Xarriaea Bretbet Allaire sad Laid ' Xlas Deretky See ' Master Xaiold Hart .Srsadlsospe r'eartkk ' tarksts. PantagesJheatre t. A. JOHNSON, Resides Maasger. Ntcbols sad Smna, Cesserty Pike Rldenrr - Brews sad Brows. Arborkke asd Blalee, Harry line. Beverly sod Daaeere. Lee White. The Btosraph. Ptrformaneee sally- at SO, T:SO. B P. M. AdaaisalaB, 10c. Basil aid seats, SOe. -Bnaxe, S5e. Any aeat at week-say siatlnee, top. 1 S He . . ; Z ? ' ' - C e : a?lT leO " A O. C.'sf-m"- )f lr1"'!! " were covered with wlfs from ti e r Ing they rtcelved. Ttieir wr err-, hy the marshal of Pilot Vk- .i t ease was turned ever Ut l'i. ,.'., (:: i .V