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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7. 1909. ti , iii i i i ii i i.i.aaawaaw 1 LM..M j. i i mm aap mm mm f V t- A DLDiiDER COSTS ,7 ' Portland, Oregon, Oeta Freight IV. ; Which Should Have Cone to Portland, Maine. r v GOODS ARE. STILL HERE AWAITING A BUYER V ' t, t . ' ' M RAILROAD The Goods Were Lost for SereraJ Months, and tha Maine Merchant Required Railroad Company to Re fund tha Money. " - At the terminal frelg hi yarda in Port land there ere now lyin three ere f freight that were Intended for Portland, Maine, f.ooe mtlee ewer. The rlroumeunoee that brought to Portland, .ere without pracafmit parallel in tna annate of rallroadl on tne moraine of Auruat It. In At pine. New York, occurred oneof the moat dieeatroue freight wrack Itf the hlatory of the A. B. relived. ' . - The wreck waa ctuitby a email and unimportant bridgebavin -been carried away., by a t lotto a terrtflo atorm. In the eeml-darkiieea of earlr morn ing the engineer .4f the Ill-fated train did not eee the' damage done to he bridge, and wKhout a moment'e warn ing the heavily-loaded train of eare thundered ti lte way and Into the yawnlngycavity left by JU dloappear ance -ofthe bridge.' When within a few fast nf tha ben IT the fireman aaw tha jlanaar. ahnnt. to the engineer to warn him anj ped from the ramdlv mnvi.n rah. But It wee too late, and the locomotive. logeiner wun eome or tne care, plunged Into the Mohawk river. IS feet below. four of the trainmen were kllle-1 and a greater part of the care were com pletely demolished, the woodwork Doing actually reduced to kindling wood. The qnls member of the crew to eurvlre the wreck waa the fireman. : who Jumped before tha craah. When the tangled cars were at laet righted and the goode were once more to etart on their way to their destina tion. It waa found that the bill were mlaalng from nearly all of them, and the railroad men their wita' end to know where the gooda belonged. Among the freight care were three eara of clothing,, men'e rurnlahtnge, grocerlea and ehoea billed from New York city to Dodge, Pltarerald Co., of Portland. Maine. Through one of the Inexplicable mis take that aometlmea ocour In -the inoei eyatematio organisation. , theae gooda when they were loaded. Into new care were billed to Portland. Oregon, inatead of Portland, Maine? Y.r orer two month now they have bean completely loot, aa the original shipping bllle ahow that they were to have been aent to the Maine. jlty; but. the sou-tag clerk had labeled them for the Portland that baa beoome - eo - f arooue - la the 'laet two yea re. . . - , . : Frantic -litquitiaa by (leram' failed to locate them, and the. firm to whom they had been conaigned refused all cUlvj on them and -the A. h iX railroad had to eettle with Dod ritagerald Cc fur thepv theriby renalrlng all title to'tte gooda In case ihey were found. Wedneaday of laet week they arrived In the Portland yards, and no uoh firm aa Dodd, Fltsgerald Co. being' located here, the A. A B. road waa apprised of the fact by wire, As the eastern firm " had ' long ago duplicated their order to the manufac turers and the A. it B. railroad waa now the, owner of the gooda, they at once decided that It would be far cheaper to sell them In thle lively western city than to go to the expense and trouble of shlpplnghem all the way across the continent again, and Ahey are now negotiating with the various merchants of this city In regard to arranging or the disposal of them. The amounts are eo large, however,- that few of the .ooel men care to-add that much to their regular stork, and It ma be that these much traveled gooda will yet go back to the eeetern marketa for dletrlbutlon. SALE m s TO ATT U U7 Uaw- U mm SHIPPING DIRECTIONS CONFUSED ONCCOUNT OF WRECK The A. C& B. Railroad Offers Three Carloads of Misseht Merchandise at Less 'than One-Fourth the Regular Retail Price. THIS SALE WILL BE UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION OF-MR-JOHN L.-KUTNER Through one of the most absurd and unheard of blunders ever listed in the history of American railroading, the A.& Br railroalhaye to dispose of three carloads dT high grade goods at reta for Dodd,- "Fitzferald & Co., of Portland, Maine, In the early morning of August 28th, the quiet calm' of an ideal ;siimmermormng at Alpine, N. Y., was broken by a rendmg crash, when a heavily-loaded freight train plunged into, the Mohawk river. -The terrible accident was caused by the bridge hav ing been washed away by a severe storm the night before. ' The hipping directions were, of course, lost off of the cars, and when the wreck was righted and by referring to the original bills of lading, the railroad men at Alpine started these cars on their way again. Three cars in tended for Portland, Miane, were shipped to Portland, Oregon. As these goods were completely lost for months, the railroad had to pay the Eastern firm for them, and when at last the cars were located in this city, and no purchaser for so large an amount of merchandise could be found, they decided to sell them at retail, and have engaged the spacious salesrooms at 34 N. Third St., corner Couch, and will offer them at retail for whatever they will bring, rather than ship them all the way across the continent again. ( REMEMBER THE PLACE 34 N. THIRD SI- COR. COUCH SALE BEGINS AT 9 A. M., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER .8, 1906 EE HERE AND WAIT FOR THE D00KS TO OPEN. NEVtK UIXD THE CROWDS. IT DOCT IMTTER IF TOD ARE CROWDED A BIT WHEN TOO HAVE SUCH A CHANCE AS THIS TO SAVE MAILORDERS- Will be promptly filled for anything we have on sale. We pay the express or freight charges on all amounts over $25.00. If anything you may order by mail is not satisfac tory we will return , your money. Address all Mail Orders to JOHN L. KUTNER, Mgr. 34 N. Third St, cor. Couch Blankets; Pillows AH wool; "worth $5.00 a pair for 181 Kerchiefs .'..''..'. Men's vr Wo men's; 25c' value, Feather H Pillows ; worth $1.25, for towels Fine Lin en Htick Towels ;. 25c value RWS $12 SlITK FOR $2.29 EACH Forced to sell this immense quantity of merchandise in six days, 'we make the price 7 Men's Clothing lower than anything you have ever been offered before. ' ' 7 . Iu any of the regular stores you would have to pay from $10 to $12. each for these neat Business Suits that any man can wear; sizes 85 to 42. , A stupendous bargain in 5e . tnis great saie-i-i-i . iTrnTrri t i . MEN'S SUITS In single, or dou ble breasted styles, made of fine worsteds or cassimeres, well lined and : well made, in perfect condi tion and. the lat est ' ; and best styles; worth $15 to $20. Sale price. .' mm now MEN'S SUITS In dress or business models, some of the finest makes in tended for Dodd. Fitzgerald & Co,'s best trade; most of them are the well known BrokaV Bros, make and a reg ular $35.00 quality; some are "worth $20, and some worth $30. Choice i.' make and a reg-' A LIST OF MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS or WOMEN'S COATS Lon short styles ; worth $10.- -H C Choice for ....... O Drw or $1.50 WOMEN'S SKIRTS -h walking styles ; worth $0. cnoice WOMEN'S WAISTS In silk or wool materials; 800 of them worth $3.50 to $5.00. : :::n" Sin Choice . ...... , ,. . . . . . ; . .OyC MEN'S SILK TIES Some ;ire worth 25c and some worth 50c. Your choice of the lot, , t MEN'S BLACK SLICKER COATS Worth $6,00 P 1 7 C eachr for-. .......... .... 1 O MEN'S OVERALLS Best made we can't print the name in them but they are dollar over- aiis. For . : ..... s. . . . . : . . oy C MEN'S LINEN COLLARS-Hn all sizes,', and the latest, styles ; worth ' 15c each. 'Sale price, . - 1 1 CW per DOZEN 2v'?l'"vit'C?-T- BOYS" SUITS; For boysof all ages ; some of them worth as high' as $10.00 1 Your Cl l choice ...... . .. 4)ITCJ MEN'S ' ' BLACK HOSE Fant black cotton in,plain. or fancy pa: terns : worth 50c to 75c. ' For .v,.....;.. $35 SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR $8.49 - Only 98.49 for the finest Suits and Overcoats you ever saw placed on sale. Dodd,' Fitzgerald & Co.. catered only to the best trade and their business was built up ty just such as these we offer you now, at less than one fourth what they would have sold for had "they gone to the store they were intendy ed for. . 4 .. i..v- ; '.y ' :A . .. . -Made of fine worsteds, cheviots, 'tweeds, vicunas, meltons, kerseys, and all the best cloths, and lined and made in the best possible manner. Come and. picK out, a suit ana overcoat ar inis saie, ior 11 13 , tne greatest chance to save: ever offered, to the men of .Port land. These Jine suits and coat v worth.-from $35 tor $45 each, for '. ..... 1 e e 5849 ... . vrv of the finest wool 5c MEN'S OVERCOATS. In the latest . styles,' made cheviot, in black or fancy patterns, Dodd, Fitzrerald's price- for. these would have been from made; with lars - and Choice MEN'S WORKING or DRESS PANTS ;A lot of nearly four hundred pairs, in the regular cut or the very swell peg top from $2.25 to Your choice- mm. sarly four hundred pairs, in ut .or the very C3C7. ! p-style ; worth jlm. T $4.00 the pair. ' H pH- MEN'S PANTS In all styles and in all grades by the thou' sand pairs. We shall sell these extraordinarily cheap because; -some-of the-xasesTwere broken -'.open 'and the pants were thrown on the ".car , floor." Take your choice of the; lotat -about one .fourth of what they are -.really ' worth. Pants worth as high as $3.50, the. pair. MEN'S $5 PANTS FOR". $1.25 r.WS FURNISHINGS MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS In plain white or fancy patterns, soft or stiff oosoms, wnn or witnour collars attacnedr &ome-ot the ttnest patterns and some of the best qualities ever offered for sale; worth from $1.00. to $3.00 each. You r choice of . the lot at special Round Up Sal only. ......... '. ..... , . . . iJ C. :9c MEN'S SUSPENDERS In hand some embroidered effects, some of them in fancv boxes for the holi days ; worth from 60c to $2.50, and oil sale here for only. MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS Heavy blue flannel, that are worth from $2.00 to $4.50 each, some with double back and front Youi; choice of any in the lot, . . ' 98C MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR Among this lot are several, dozrn of a make that is advertised to cell at very high prices, in all the -magazines; worth from $1.50 to 50 $3.00. Choice ....... O7C MEN'S WOOL SOX Good and heavy, and regular 25c kind. The price will be, per pair, " only .... 1 1 I t 1 t 1 9c WOMEN'S COATS COATS lt t long or short styles, snug or loose fitting models, and coats that were made to retail at $15.00 to $35.00 each, come in plain black or fancy colors, made with good linings and every one of them are very stylish.' 5 QC Choice -. . ir.i . . .. . VO.OO t -about one lis WOMEN'S SUITS Just 144 ctf them in this , lot and we will ; sell them for anv orice we can ?et. made of best grade of broadcloth, cheviot, and fine wool novelty goods; jc me. of them are actually worth as high as $45.00 in"theetaii-ayTT7The7 new fall styles with short or long jackets,, nicely trimmed, your choice .:!.,.h.e..te.'-....-....$4.98 WOMEN'S SHOES high as $6.00 the pair ma Ihe East, Choice ...... 31 I V WOMEN'S SHOES In all styles, made of patent leather, of the new gun metal kid, of vici kid, and in every new fall last they have the common sense" heels, Cuban heels or French heels, and they are worth as high as $6.00 the pair in WOMEN'S SHOES In all styles; another large lot; worth from $2.50 to $3.50 the pair. - - AO Your choice for.. ........... "Ow MEN'S SHOES VIc kid inibest" grade' of box calf shoes with the maker's name on them, but we can't tell you that A $4 Q( shoe for,' pair .3) 1 mOy Musfard 3c Bottle 25c bottles, telling at this sale ' Q Jor jonly . . .. Qy MOTS 'SHIRTS WORKING SHIRTS Of black sateen or in figured pat terns; worth $1.00 to 30rr $1.50. Choice ... . .... U7 C men's Vests MEN'S FINETSILK VESTS In beautiful .patterns, pearl buttons; worth from $1 5Qr to $5 each. Choice.. . '.QsK MEN'S COATS : ALLWOOL CQATS-01n- st . material.' 400 of the m ;' worth from $10 to $18.50 each.- Your choice-for.. ; J) I OVERCOATS lAlJarge-lot-of- very- fine Top Coats and Cravenettes; worth from $7.50 to $15.00 ; all I sizes. Your choice, only.; $1 WOMEN'S IVRAPPERS "In - percale or thousands of them ; worth high as $5.00. Your choice flannelette . , some 67c Worcestershire Sauce Regular 25c bottles: Sale price WOMEN'S. DOSE Finest grade of Ifose in cot ton or wool ; worth 50c t $2.00 ; plain or fancy. , Choice 9c ' .UuIBRELLAS With fancy handles , Gloria silk covered, and worth $2.00 to $5.00 each. Your REMEMBER THIS GREAT SALE IS AT 34 N. THIRD STREET, COR. COUCH r AT THE THEATRES. . "Arliona" Comlnf to the Heilig. . The eonlng hiuhot! at "Artaoaa." Mm drama by Aua-nstna TVMiaa, aatkar at 'Ala Uaia" and "la Mlawort." a tba Ilalllf kat nit Frtit.y. Mtanlay aM "o-Wit alahta, (Ca rmbr , 10 aa4 1U anih a apaelairka Mlt m Irly. will ba ana af Um nnal antabta avants of tha draaiath. aaaana. "Artaaaa." tba Maia atal4 tnrflrala. M a trpkallf Aaani aa fimf. Xba ayaaaa mod bMltlaaU at it ar laid aboat fraat(r army pnat an4 lrtibar Ing ealtM lanck. Raata ara aow aaUla. . -As Told In the HUls." . Ooa af tba klf tMat aalarM MmpanbM apiJaar tnf ta iMladraBM will ba araa la "Aa ToM- la tba Hllla." wbleh will piy a waak'a aacaca aaant at tha Bmptra taaatra.' atartlat a. it anday itlaa., Tba alar I aa that oVpanaa aa tba tatlTMnajaMt1ta at tba awaibara af tba caat ratbat tha amle alfarts and aliDallraa tbat la raal Ufa an ttnpmnablai or laipnaalbta. and Iha asrallant aatlaa af tba aararal aa ban af tba aawpaay BMata with aar, aapra tlatlaa, ... ...... ,1 - -. "The Lion and the Moum." Tbara la aothln la tha bonktnfa for tba nml araaaa tbat will attract tba latnvat af plartoara ta a araataT' tit xhaa 'Tha Lhw and tba Mnoaa." wbieh Uaar M. Harrla will prrarat bera la tba Tary aaar fattira. rbarlaa .Mi tba plaj.. "Tha Una aa4 tba Won."" la bnokad at tba Halite tbaatra a.xt McHda aad Tabular ahtht! Nnrawhrr IS and 13. wit b a BMtlaa Toaaday. Heat aala apana nrxt Patarday. TA Royal SUve. .' "A.Hoyal aiara" af tba Emptra rhb waak la a at ivy of rnmaatle aid Mnkw.. It la oaa af Um bkm4 kaaaUtal fradacltuaa ?at Altaa aa tba Emplta atata. Tbara baa alwaya baaa a abarm aboat aid M.itro and tba nlrtaraaqna aatlraa. who look Ilka ml Kp a lt IVhm. Tba pint oc tary mid la "A Royal laa'J hi aaa at tba amt tbrllllD and lataraatfnf aaar baard froaa a ataga. and an ana abvaM Blaa aaatnf ad baaiinf It. atitlnaa fatarday. "At Plney Ride." At Plnay Rldaa." at tha Bakar thla waak. la jmt tba anrt of play araryoaa Itkaa. rail af haart Intarntt. aonly aad awlft artlrm. alhratlnai ' tbrnaxhoal wttb atlrrlnf draautle affart. It kpraala ta all. aad aa amadar tba pnpalaf tbratra U flllad at aaary parfnraiancp. Tba play talla a ataa-y af tba vid T.mlnii awaatai aad It to ptU af arlflaaJ abaxactata -.- v . and plrtaraaqaa aranary. Tbara will ba a aiatl aaa Sattirday. Laat -tlaM Satarday alabt. ' Next Week at Baker. "toat- If Floora," tba hrimiubla conady which BMda tarb a kit M tba aaat aad raa aararalyaan, will ba tha Bakar of faring aaxt arark. - It la nnlta tha fanniaat play aaar atakl la rortlaad and tha artloa la moataat and llaaly. It la tha Wlllw Colllar or Uanrga Cnli.n anrt af coajady. . Opaalag tluaday aMIIpaa at tha Itokar. -Af the Star, r "Bratkat Aealaat Bratbat'. tka Allaa t cotnpaay at tha Star tbaatro baa a aMlndrama which hi ataklng tba btrtaal kind of a kit with tha lorara of .aeoaathiaal theatrical antartaln. aiant. Tbara la aethw arary atlnata aad tha adyaiitntva of tha hara, tba aomarty of tha andar Tlllala and tha pathetic lo.a aplanlaa ara all aa wall blaadad thai taay forai aa b-ra-la tibia parformaaca. . i . At the Lyric.; . : . Pkm Pmncclcnlta faiwma pli. "Tha Orto mmi.'' Is tlia attrartlna at tba l yric tnta w. and In It Mt ro)iaiiy haa a vtit'1 of ira fr.atu. r'rmili tannin ta aniiartna, tha I .n, oa of tha a-rataat ml a.r wrlt(.. ...II I A'-" a, liaM.a (iTtna tl t 1 I. la puriug t l i Tbalr du.1 kl tba hut act hi tha awat Mrltlr 'aa dual tba Uyrtr patruaa kara yal wit. aaaaad. At th Grt' 1 Thara la a " tha Grand this ' s N.llla Antrwa - a af -Tha t l'l" ttia bmt 1 t at I t 1: