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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING; NOVEMBER 7, 1008, i . . i .(... Good News for Last Portland A Letter to the Public All U Cars Pass . 1 ';v:. - - . ;... ii-2nus addrfasmg.thcjmblic Qf .Albirja's new Department Store we feel that we need not confine our words to the mere neighbor hood in which je-are located, In fact'we 'shal! endeavor td conduct out affair; on , so large a scale that our patronage will come from all parts of Portland.; "Our es tablishment has a frontage of 100 feet on Williams avenue and the full depth of the lots, and our merchandise consists of almost everything" required in the Jife of. humanity. Every inch of our five depart merits is occupied, and everything in the house is absolutely new and the very latest..-productions of -the factories and the mills.' The, manager of the enterprise has been forye'ars 'with the great EM PORIUM of "San Francisco, understands the methods of merchandising to. per fection, is acquainted with every: manufacturer ' and wholesaler in the country, is experienced in buying and. the value of everything 'offered on the markets of ; the business world. AVe. have located at ' Williams-avenue and Knott, street because of the great disparity in rents between this place' and those of the' west side .of ; tlie riverj and feeling confident that we can save our-patrons $2.50 on every $10 they spend with us,, and in some lines more 'than this, we soon shall find among our cus tomers patrons from every part of Portland. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT PAY PEOPLE TO TKAUE WITH US, WU MAlTttK MOW .7 DISTANT THEY' MAY RESIDE: FROM OUR STORE, because we will not have to be the burden of high rents and other attendant expenses of doing business m West Portland. We therefore (invite, the public to come tcf our opening, see bow a we; -areparticipate in outbargains,, become acquainted. with us, know'. what-good-. itl-L lows we are, nd thereafter dc constanipurcnasers ot. their necessities from us. - THE EMPORIUM, Williams Avenue and Doonrarid R andxS Cars Within 1 Block of Our House 17 .me " ' ; : - -U. - -:. Albina'i New Department Store, Williams Avenue and Knott Street ..t -A. ' I.. ' I v II tfc. V . a iwi sv saw jir . I '1 1.7' IPa. - v:.uC:v:-:;r Great Departments Largest and roost complete lines of Dry Goods, Millinery Men's and Women's Ready to-Wear uarments, Crockery and ulassware and urocertea Will Open for Business on at 8 a. m. Introducing to. the people of Upper Alblna such amazing bargains as, have had no parallel in the history of merchandising in Portland. For example, we will sell in our --4' -. -.-..r-t- ,-r- Grocery - Department - -; r 25 lbs. of the Best Dry Granulated Sugar for $1.00 And In other departments will be found such pocketbook attractions 6.75 $9.50 Men's Fine Suits and - - - - m9 a Ladies' Fins Fall Coats at FLANNELETTES. REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 15c YD-OUR PRICE" 8j Ladies' Fine Fall Sldrts $2.95 Ladles' up-to-date tailor-made ttlO Cft Suits, reg. price $40 to $602Ix Men and Women's Up-to-Date Shoes at Factory Prices 1 c 54 toS64 miliamsjlye. ((.OH.ttJVOTJ-jr.J - - Ladies' up-to-date Hats in our Millinery II Men's Hats, regular $2.60 and $3 grades Department at........ 98 to 83.50 and makes Our Price........ 81.40 And tHoii'aanr1 of other bargains eouallv as fascinating. Indeed, we shall asoire be known as THE uakuain ttsiABJLisnivittm ur ukluun, ana expect to soon extend our ramifications to, all parts of the' state. We are determined to sell merchandise at smaller prices than ever were heard, of before on this North Pacific, coast i BIG POWER PLANT NEAR GRANITE .Fremont Company's Electrical ' Station on Olive Lake Nearly Complete. TO FURNISH ELECTRICITY FOR MINING DISTRICTS Increased Activity in Gold and Cop - per Camps Will Result When Big : Stations Are Put Into Operation in Near Future. , : Ormnlt Or Not, T. Th. Framont Pow.r compnr ! IniUUinr an alaotrto pow.r plant, tb. power for which la an.ra.tMl frntn . Oil v. IiV. mnA T .t- craak.- When compute tha plant will ba one of tha larveat and moat complete in ma inland empire. . i OUre lake. bodr of water about II mllea weet of Granite, covering a lit tla over 100 aerea. haa been choeen aa a reaarrolr In which to atore water dur- paotty of tha reaervolr a large dam haa ieen built acroaa ' tha -outlet from tha lake till now they have a reiofrotr ea bla of holdlnc 100.000,000 aubte feet ot water. In connection with - Ollra lake .the water of Lout creek will ba uaed. , With tola large plant - f unletting .cheap power to tha mtnea there will ba Increaaed activity In mining In tha uranlte aiatrlct. and the water -will be Sta-atU VlpaUaa. ' From . the reaerrotr the water 1a to vm owiTerwi innjuin t-inca pipe wnicn la about alx mllea -In length, la brought icroea gulchea and over hllla till within 100 feet of tha . power-house, where It ib eonnectea to an immense Iron pipe which conveya the water on to the rower-house, where a preaaure of. 1,100 trei ta aitainea. ' r . i -Tha powerhouee la built of concrete Mocks, ft la Intended to hrttlse three inn bitiM,., . . k. i. .wv ... -. w B.nm.lVi w men are eon rected to the Pel ton wheel. The power- rouse la on tonro creev. atuiut two nrilea bova tha Red Boy mlneand It la tha intantlon of thla company to 'convey tha water aa It la discharged, from the first power-house under a 470-foot heed to a second power-house located it the mine. . y . i " . .4 Thla plant will generate BOO horse- I Va n I t. Tor IafanU and ChlMren. Jill Kind Yea Haia Aayj IzziW . Bears tha- J. power, which will ba need by tha mine, thua leaving tha power developed at the larger - plant; 1.200 horsepower, aa I surplua to ba Bold to neighboring com panlea. '' . K power transmission line ia being constructed from the power-house to Bourne, a distance of 10 mllea. There will ba als large copper wlrea In th! line atrung on polea aet 120 feet apart. Tha right ,o way followa up Granite creek to the Monumental mine and over the divide to Cable Cove; thence to the mlnea of the Bourne district. Tha right of way ia being cleared SO feet on each aide of the line. One hundred men have been employed In the construction work, and a largo fore will bo at work for some time. UMATILLA STOCKMEN AT SUMPTER MEETING (Arda! Dlueteti ta Tke Jeomal.t " Pendleton, Or., Nov. 7. A large num ber of Umatilla county aheep and cattle men left last night for the division of tha eastern dlvlalon of the. Blue Moun tain reaerve to ba apportioned by Su perintendent p. B. Bheller. Many stock men will be there from all parte of eastern Oregon. ' ' - : - A preliminary meeting will ba held today for the purpose of discussing af faire concerning tha range allotment. According to the announcement of the forest - reserve ,-off klalB,-a general re duction of 26 per cent will be made In tha number of aheep admitted to tha reserve. et apnng. However, the cut will be offset considerably by tha faot that lambe will not ba counted, whereas thla year two lamba were regarded aa one aheep. , . . ' . , PRESIDENT DISMISSES -ENTIRE NEGRO BATALLION i ' Joanal Sneelal Sanies. ' Washington,-. Nov. T. Unprecedented In the history of the army of tha United Etatea ia tha action of tha president. Just announced. In dismissing In dis grace from tha army an entire battalion of negro troopa because of Ita failure to disclose the identity, or soma or Ita members who had 'been guilty of vio lence and murder at Brownaville. Texaa. As an evidence, however, of hla Inten tion to ba fair to tha colored troopa, tha president haa accompanied thla ac tion by an order which may amount to the court-martial of a white army offl. car of high grade who waa charged with having -cast .. Blurs :- upon the- colored troopa The story of both actlona la told . in official correspondence made public by the military, secretary. FARMERS WANT ROADS ACROSS RESERVATION ' , (Rpeetal Dfepatcb h: The Joarast.l Pendleton, Or. Nov. 7. Farmera.of Umatilla county are very indignant that the county roads prayed for acroaa tha Umatilla reservation have been de nied by the government. They feel that It; is an .outrage that they should be hemmed. In and declare that Iridtan landa are not so sacred that . a white man carniot "encroach upon it" Many of the stockmen and farmers ac.jr they will not let the matter rest aa It la. ,,i . i , i . Brick ramlat! ' Albany, Or.. Nov. 7. Albany haa fa brick famine and building operations are seriously Impeded. On account of tha construction of a large addition to the. Agricultural college at Corvallla there haa been a great shortage la Urie line of building material. , , PRESIDENT IS TO VISIT ISTHLIUS Roosevelts Will Start for Panama Tomorrow to Personally In VV' spect Canal. k " VOYAGE WILL BE MADE ' BY THREE BIC WARSHIPS Yacht Mayflower Will B Used on River and Bay but Trantfer Will Be Made to the Battleship : Louisiana ' for Journey (Jaaratl Special Serrlee.) Washington, Nov. 7. Tha president was a buay man today. There waa eonatant a Cream of callers at tha White House. Some of them came to talk over the results of yesterday's elections, Tha .moat of 4hem, however, called simply to say good-bye to tha President and Mrs. Roosevelt, who leave tomorrow for their long . trip to the Isthmus of Panama. Mrs. Roosevelt spent a part of the day superintending the packing of trunks. Many clothes are necessary for the trip, not for show, but for health . and com. fort. On the return trip It la quite probable that the party will paas In a few days from tha warmth of the Car ibbean region Into tha rigor a or a north ern winter. Tha president has received numerous suggestiona from Dr. Rlxey and from Secretary Tart, Governor Ma goon and others familiar with tha cli matic conditions on the Isthmus aa to what it la wise to take along. ' ' The yacht Mayflower will be used to convey the President and his party down the Potomac river and Chesapeake bay. At the mouth of tha Rappahannock liver tha party will ba transferred to the bat tleship Louisiana, which will be escorted to the - isthmus By- tne crack cruiser a Tennessee and Washington. .Beside the president and Mrs. Roose velt, the party will Include Surgeon GeneraL. Rlxey and a clerical .force, headed by M. C Latta, aaalatant secre tary to tha president, r Military and naval aldea will also accompany the prealdent. . ... ZVsut Keteker Dead, rset-l Olspstek' t. Te JawiaLt - Bakor City. Or., Nov.. . 7. Leul A. Metsker, who pasaed away In thla city Sunday, waa - burled yeaterday. Hla death was cauaed by a cancer from which he Tiad Buffered for-ryears. Mr. Metsker was 01 years of agw. He waa born In Indiana, December S, 1145, and crossed tha plains to Oregon IS years ago. Ha settled on a ranch In thla county and haa alncs been well known aa s rancher and s stockman. The deceased laavea a widow and four daughters. ' - rovAAxaxA PAurs. , V . l..Mt.Ask A . paints yield to th piiietraMnf nfluno of Rullnrd flnow lJinlnint. It pne Xrntu to nrvpi and bone and, bev I aKan.kakil lsaM iKa kliwul Iras Kaaaall.. properties ar eonverd to vry parti or tha pnnyf anq ?ttci mmi wonnarrui i OI. . at Asa asil 1 A A - ' I Uiss. 7 ti BJV . ' v "U sa,. WW saTVAV W I CRAVEWETTES . That are " absolutely WATERPROOF and have the weight to keep you warm are the proper things for this cold, wet weather. Wc have a big stock to choose from, at $12.1 P S. Bromberger S Co. OothingrHataiandFurnishings 343 WASHINGTON ST NEAR 7TH cures. 21c, aoo and I Waodard, Clarke Si Co. A MO DERN SCHOOL LSO A MODEL SCHOOL. We are of-4 f ering - greater- opportunitiesito young people seeking a thorotigh"" business ; training than any similar institution bn the coast: ;." j " ; ; ' . . ' Why? , Because we will train you for successful promotion and place you in a position when competent. DAY and EVENING CAT ALOQUE r A BEHNKE .... BUSINESS WALKER TBt COLLEOE Phon Main 59 O Klkt' Building 1Ee Bostoni PacEdng BOSTON MARKET A3TO WB KIXDLT ASK THE PUBLIC TO LOOK OYER OTJR PRICES AMD 8KB FOR YOURSELVES WHO ARB THE TRUST FIGHTERS, AS OUR PRICE8 ARB THE LOWEST TET OFFERED. Porterhouse Steak, per lb...... 10a) Blrloln Steak, per Ib ..10 Prima Rib Steak, short cut. lb..lOa Chuck Steak, per lb ....6f 1 Shoulder Bteak, per id tje) Round Steak, per lb...., &0 Shoulder Roast Mutton, per, jb..T Pot Roast Beef, per lb 4,.T Prime Rib Roast Beef, per lb.. ..9 Rolled Roast Beef, per lb 9f Shoulder Roast Veal, per lb:....8e Leg Roast Veal, per lb HHs) Rump Roaat Veal, per lb.....HH Stew Reef, per lb...... 4f Short (Rlba Beef, per lb.,.. 4 Rolling Beef, per lb. 4 Beef for Minos Meat, per lb 4f Mutton Stew, per lb. 4 Liver, per lb Veal Stew, per lb. .......... ..., Corned Beef, per Ib..........,..B Breast Yea, per lb..... T Shoulder Veal Cutleta par lb.. ..9a) Shoulder Mutton Chops. per.Ib..9 Sausage, per Jb. ...... 8 Hamburg, per lb. ............ .6 Rib Veal Cutleta, per lb.,....lZH4 Loin Veal Cutlets, per tb...'.12H4 Best grade Hams, per lb., ..,.19 Breakfast Baoon, oar own brand, per lb .16f Pure Lard, our own brand. lbs. for .58A i Your Patronage of Homo Industry Helps Us to Lick the Beef Trust Do Not Pay High Prices After looking through other ; s'tores prices convince yourself by ' seeing the real" good .1 qualities of Men's and Boys Suits and Over coats, Shoes, Hats, Pants, Shirts, Under wear; also a full line of Blankets and Com forters at 33 per cent less in price compari-. s6n with other stores' prices. v 1 , JOHN DELLAR 181-183 FIRST ST., COR. YAmriLL, AND 53-55 N. THIRD ST:, XlCn. T