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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7, If MALE OFF iVATCII BULLETINS SaS-s-ss-S---B-sBaa I J-J ml, Mil I haGitnov , j; &SlAlLj2Vr J- La.a.J ?- .Ls,W MAV.V v ri ll COLUMBIA RIVER Steamer Barracouta and Al IN THE RAM X r--ane' MakrForrAfler Rid- '4 - --v. - ing Out Storm. FOUR-MASTED SHIP SEEN - NEAR TILLAMOOK ROCK .'!- . -v.T" !T"'-r--' v. ': frothing Heard . From the British V Bark lverna Which I Now Fully f4 Three Days Off the Mouth- of the .i Rivetv-Steatners Drifted. ,, - ' The steamers Barraoouta and All! 'nn irrlml In tha harbor thla mornlnc fter bavins rod eut the terrino gate tliat awpt oft the mouth of th Colum - fcia river yesterday '.and the-offl.eer o -'- "tooth report taavlnf b-n In the mtdat " ace, althourh they wer roughly handled ty the element. Th sale attained a inaimumiYeVocltyf mile an hour '"AnA Awrnm ih.rtlni. Hnth veaae-la .wer cut aide waiting for th flood tide to tamooth th bar. . which waa breaking err violently. . . - V The Alliance evidently fared th . 'worst because Captain Kelly report that although he held her full a team .KhMil smlnat th mitharl wind ah -xjrirted 11 mile north of th mouth of tie river during pne or th squalls, en arrived off the elver at 7 o'clock yes-" v terday morning and crossed in on th flood tide at-1 In th arternoon. Tin lUmiwuta' mnt In on tha -same tide fter having hung around in th vicinity f Tillamook lighthouse 'and th light- eship. .Captain Dor-"n aaya th Barra ; -oouta atood th buffeting, of the wavea " :en " Ihd h' did not bellev that th :.(.- ft. a if anawi alnnv a t th. rat tit t , 'miles an hour when told o upon reach ting port, 'although he knew th ahlp (was not laboring In light breese. it Captain Do ran report having sighted 'f four-maated ahlp atandlng out to sea 3 ear th Tillamook lighthouse yester- ' " ....... " " ' " - -behaving weJlv From th genaral ap pearance ' Captain Do ran bellev th Cesser was i Britisher and ladeiu Th -weather M jvery -thick, however, ao iti&t times it ' was Impoaaibl to se farther than a ship's length. However, J)e Is pertain thai ah waa not th bark vernal The- BarradoutS left Sin Fran- -siaco last Saturday witn a very ngni .'cargo, owing to the fact that th big liner Aiteo had cleared a, couple days before with (.600, tons Mr. this port. . i-aptain Keuy aaya in Alliance met srought weather on th entire trip this jaime. From th Columbia river to Coo jay ah bucked th southeaster that had ! commenced blowiae-ai-taa' tlaae and on her way back the gal kicked up such i m sea, Jbehlnd ,her.N that she . not only plungM butvgot' th corkscrew motion! with th Mult . that moat of th It ipaeaeng-ers took to their berth. j V . The Alliance brought a . full cargo. . eonalsting chiefly or dairy . producta. (mill material and - salmon. ' She will all forCooe bay Awporrow night. - CEIvTr!r?fARfcfErt JjtryrwUaom. Co. Xagr. Brltaak Bark ' "'"Jeyejr," Wilson Co. hare . laid th ;sritian oark Daigonard on th berth at ; Antwerp for Portland. Bh will load , general catgo and cement . The Pal 'gordii a. large -Teasel ef't.S.i tons' net xglotecand jrUlfarry ln-th nalgh. Tbohod er-SAOS ton of cargo. ' tala Is th nrst ship laid on th 'trrrm in cumjw I or in. xacinc coast zor several days, although therev Is a big demand for cement carriers for this -coast Importers say that rt la difficult i to not only obtain veaaela. but th c- ment .factories ar so .crowded, with or ders that It Is not th eaaleat matter to ' secure th material. ! , ..rTke Dstlirneiard wiU probably be ready to start on-her voyage by th first of . nezt month, eoaa. to reach hr-early In the aprinc ' ( i. ,; -.'i- . r-1 rr-n i o iiaiu riri pv, -r-rLWLn 10 nun HLAUI Jack Peterson's Steamer Will Ball for San rraaelsco STaxt Wedaesaay. The steamer George W, Elder Is now practically ready for service. It was announced thla morning that she will sail, from liartln'a dock In North Port . la rid for Ban Francisco and way points next Wedneaday night, carrying freight and ' passengers. ' Bhe will alternate with th steamer Roanoke of th North Cocoa beans trrow In . . fa a I A. pwu un am ixuan. i and limbs of a deli- . cats troolcal tree. It ucjr wnuua mix Hates more food val ue than beef. . ' We use the highest cost beans that, are grown, arid . there Is nothing In our cocoa but - cocoa. ' . t--. I. .V. 14 I. the most delicious of cocoas rns waitii a. Min ce, 1 t I V" ... - r II It. i ' II I " i 'i - III Latest Photo of Miss Matilde Town- , send. Who Is to Become the Bride of the Duke d' Alba Before the Sea son Wanes. T Pacifla Steamship company, plying be tween Portland and Port lx Angeles and touching at Eureka and San Fran cisco. eTha Elder, however, will .only go as far south as Ban Francisco. 'About all that' remains to be don to the now famous craft before she Is completed la to touch her up a little with paint Th hull Id now being given th final coat and the rigging Is being strengthened and made as good as new. Th stateroom hav been altered ' so that they ar now much mora commo dious than before th steamer went on the rocks at Ooble,' and she has accom modation for a couple of hundred peo ple without crowding. Captain Charles Johnson, on of th best-known marl- nera on th eoaat. will have command t -th steamer and a full -compeemeiit of- sailor has already been, eourtd. t W. Id. 8ml tie formerly of the O. R. tt N. Co.' excursion steamer T. J. Potter, will go as pursr.',, " 4 .. A striking feature In connection with the announcement of the sailing', date of th Elder la th fact that th steam ship Columbia of th Hariiman line will also be out and ready for aervic by that lime. ' She la scheduled to sail from. Baa Franelseo next Tuesday, ao that the two liners will meet at sea somewhere between this port and th Golden Gate. For. many years the two steamers alternated with each other in the Harrfman line, but they will' hence forth be oppoaltlon boats, th North Pa cific Steamship company having become Interested In the Elder. . - : ALONG THE WATERFRONT i ' . . Th schooner Mabel Gale wlir oe ln th harbor this afternoon to load a re turn cargo of lumber at th mills of Inman, Poulsen It Co. The bark. B. P. Cheney Is being towed to Rainier today, where ah will load lumber for a California port: The Eastern tt Western Lumber com pany bus applied to th Port' of Port land for th us of on of Us dredge to fill In th low lands of th mill sit In order to prevent th recurrence of fire In tb sawdust which ha hereto fore been dumped ' there. Th request will probably be granted as soon as on Of th dredges becomes available. The Southern Pacific . company Is clearing th river, bank on th eaat aid between th Burnsld and Steel bridges, where a lot of wreckage from old aoow dwellings has been piling up during th summer. ' The Hariiman liner Altec Is still dis charging freight' at Ainswortn dock. She will probably b there f5r several days and In th meantime th liner Bar racouta will discharge freight at Alaska dock. . r ' ; ;, Large shipments of f rash salmon ar being brought her from Coos Bay on the steamer Alliance. , This Is a new venture and Is said to be successful. j Comparatively lrttl work was don along th waterfront this morning owing, to th heavy showers. Th ce ment ships cannot worked with rain pouring Into the hold, so many of th longshoremen bad to II around union headquarters waiting ' for th weather to . clear up. Aaslstant United States Engineer D. B. Ogden returned from Corvallis- this mornlngwher he went a couple; of day ago to inspect th work being don by the snag-boat Mathloma. He found work progressing satisfactorily. .. MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. -.Left up at l": 10 a. m schooner Mabel Gale and bark C, P. Cheney. .Arrived at :I0 and. left up at 10 a. m., steamer Svea, from Ban Francisco. Arrived at 10 and left up at 10:10 p. m., steamer Johan Poulsen, from San Francisco. Arrived at 1111 a. m., ateamer Wbittler, from Port Har ford. Ballad at 11:16 a. m., steamer Nome City, for San Francisco. ' Ban Francisco, Nov. Tj Arrived yes terday, ateamer South Bay, from Colum bia river. Arrived today, ateamer F.'A. Unburn, from Portland. ' A at or 1. Nov. I. Arrived down at p. m., British steamer Strathnalrn. .Ar rived kt 1:2 and left up at t:IO p. m., steamer Barracouta, from Ban' Fran elseo. Arrived at 1:11 and left up at 1:10 p. m., steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay. ' ' ' ' Tokohama, Nov. I. Arrived, Qermah steamer Arabia, from" Portland. Aatorla, Nov. T. Condition of th bar' t f p. m., obscured; wind northeast; watbr, raining. , Brings Trouble to t " - . a Portland Firm ..i After' numeroua attampta and vexa tioua delays, a representative of the Nathan, Werthcimer Co., wholesale clothiers, - at 73 Front street, near Oak, this city, has secured the want ed store in Oakland, CaL, .for the disposal of the remainder of their immense stock of ready-to-wear Clothing. However, it cannot be moved into till November 18, and the firm ia "held OOn until then to open at Oakland. Rather than pack and store the clothing and incurring further expense, the firm haa de cided to continue the sale at retail Of Uli8' - - $50,000 Wholesale Cloth ing Stock of the Nathan &; Wertheimer Co.,. At 73 Front street, .near corned Oak, until, nest Saturday at 9:30 p. m, at actual New York Factory Cost, which means one half retail price or less. J2 ' ' . Over 10,000 Garments Men's and- Boy's Suits, Overcoats, r.ravrnertea and Pantamad in. our factory, 620 Broadway and 154 Crosby street, N. Y, will be on RETAIL SACRIFICE SALE The firm is dissolving partnership and retiring from Dullness, a sioca m 8.000 scan's Una Suits. " a...i.i.a a- 4nnhl and slnaie- UIU,I,U( breasted sacks; black, blue, gray, brown; nvforda and faahlonabl plaid; checks and silk mixtures. These lots consist of all color and kinds at eacn pno. ra-la. A (anmatnaak Clliantltl W fi-Jin6t describe each lot separately. Th price quoteo repreaani -aciuai mii"i-- cost and - ar - one-half regular - retail prices or leas. " 4.&-5-Lt JHO. -.Jig Mowins, eiw retail value. fi.SS Lot No. t Extensive display of tli retail values. f S.7t Lot No. t Business and dressy suit to 111 retail value. $ 8 Lot No. Elaborate 11 n suits to Ito retail valuss.- ' ' Lot '' No. :--Olgantl0 assort ment to 111 fetal! values. 111. SS Let No. I Ovr 1,000 sulta, values to 110: soma ar.ven sold higher Laj.raiaai. van . aa . wtata Ovjoa ad Orav- - This stock Is In excess of 1,100 gar menta. W only manufaelur th best an rinMt .' Csraftil dreaaera will really artreclat th corroctness of styles, woramansnip . ana me nenness of materiala - - . 14.11 Lot Not T Medium heavy lip to 110 overcoats.- . . . ; 17.60 Lot No. 8 Overcoat and Crav- ntta. in lis ratall valuea. Thaae -armenta ar hand-tailored. -'.- ' ' tit! T tin Silk Barn anA Ve-' -net Ian lined overcoats and all colors and kinds or jraveneties to vaiues. U. CO Lot No. 10 Select garments. Paddock overcoats, French back and extra fin eravenette to 121 value. ' ll.ti Lot No. TI Th highest elase of materials and finest style and work manship to III. valuea. !.. -MOO Pair rant. Embracing'" th leading fabric and styles of this year's Pantsdom. Prioes Quoted ar less than one-half actual retail valuea Blses from 17 to ! in bam, II told waist. .."i, . - Ito Substantial working 11.10 Panta ee Hundl-ds Bplendld ; to IJ 5 Panta , 1 -...,- ' 11.10 Vast : display . of up to 13.61 Panta t ' t 12.11 Extra, good, to 14.11 values at retail. 4 ! 13 86 Beat qualities average eur II retail value.. Ohlldren's Salts and Orerooata. Parents 'can bnly: fully appreciate tb leganc of these children's suits and overcoat by aeelng them. ' Th ele gance of style and high quality of ma terials and workmanship. Th low prioes quoted for this, th last week of this sal. . .-;' . ' j ' A Xtomm Om Aetual Taotery Cos, r Bringlng tb price . far below tba or dinary or trashy, kind at retail stores. pouble . sewed - taped - seam a, guars n4 teeed not'to rip. - ' Represents suits to 11.50 retail Valua Represents elegant r suits to fully 14 value. 11.10 Elaborate to II or vn better values. 81.16 Tremendous display to 17.10 value.- ' ."'. till Silk Velvets, etc, ally- 111 values.. . ... ' .. ,- .- 60o For cholc of 100 odd vesta. . jxposTAarr. Thar win be-no crmttnuanc of this al beyond next . Saturday, November 14. 1.80 p. m. This will be absolutely the last week,' as In this announcement Tteapectfully, ; ; ' , , ' Nathan & Wertheimer Co. T Front mX, Portland, O. ' Factory and Eastern W'holeaale te partmenta, 120 Broadway and 164 Cros by streets. New Tork. Firm dissolving, retiring from business. Tot Sale, Fla-leu-ae, . . i Safe, . desks, sample trunks, ' gla'as partition and all fixtures usually found In a wholesale bualnesa. Saturday night. - November 10, our - doors close forever at 71 Front street, near -Oak, Portland, Or. Remember, our store this week will be open evenings. . ' Prepare kport, Salem, Nov. 1 State Superintendent Ackarraan Is preparing his biennial re port which la to be submitted to th state printing department In a few daye. It will show that there are 21 chartered educational Institutions inthe tat. . Foe amies reemlt as th Waal Oak asue ef.Tae JonxsaJ. ... Crowds Surge About Journal .Of fice to Learn Story of Hughea - - -; Hearst Bate. BIG SEARCHLIGHT-TELLS , f TALE TO THE WATCHERS Under Popping Awnings and - Um brellas People Case at Sttreopticon Bulletins Displayed by The Journal '. to Oet Correct Returns. " ' Rain had no power to quench the in terest in the New Tori election return laat bight and until the laat bulletin had been received eager a roups .atood In th drenching downpour or huddled under dripping awning watching th bulletins and scanning th heavens for the signal flashed forth by Th Journal's big aearohllght an top .of th Qoodnough building. . .,.- Cheer rwr few and " far" between, but th - Interest wa Intense and held th watchera until th lal bulletin pointed to th faot that Hughea had won th battle over Hearst and thua would glv New . York another four years of Republican government. . Th Journal' searchlight, which reached It long. ' luminous finger ,.to the east or the west aa (th New Tot-k returns swung te Hughes or Hearst, waa a great . suoces during th early part of th night as Its bright-ry cut through ' th falling rain and made a signal which 'could be seen from every, part of the city. It gave notice of the progress of .events .to thousand of watchers In their homes -until late In th evenlrrg when an unfortunate acci dent to the mechanism put It out .of oommlssion. ' ' ' During, th early evening the light pointed to the west for Hearst, as Justi fied "by th returns whloh estimated Hearst's majority in flv figure. When th up stat returns awung the weight of th votes to Hughe th light veered to the eastward, where it remanled sta tionary until th Hearst gains In Brook lyn and Manhattan alarmed the New Tork Republicans and their, reports In dicated a Hearst victory. ' -A" short time after this th return ahowed a steady drift to Hughes and as th light waa about t awing to tba east, th ap paratus broke, forcing Its. discontinu ance. ' The Journal bulletin, however, kept th crowds Informed until the last returns wer received- and th election of Hughes waa assured. -... In spite of the steady drenching rain which swept th streets and-washed curb-deep -, Streams .down th gutter the crowds were good natured and bung to their tasks of watcMngr th boards with a grim determination to be In at the finish in spit of th weather. Some betting wa Indulged In but as a gen eral thing th money had been put up before th reporta, began to come and th whole Interest of th watchers was concentrated on the problem of whether their money was lost or won. Th crowds gradually dwindled. but Still at 10:11 o'clock a goodly number of th loyal were remaining In evidence .when The Journal bulletins announced that th returns justified th statement that ther was no longer any doubt "at Jh sueees of-Hughe. ... f -r - . - . 'I i t i i . There e nothing so good 'rove sere throat as Dr. Thomas aCciectno Vlh Cure It In a few hours. Relievee any pain in any part. Preferred Stock Oaaaad Oooaa. Allen a. Lewis' Best Brand. EASTxa-sT QPTTITTrjIw 0010 AJTT Setting forth a few facts about pur Jewelry Sec tion; its scope-its wares, methods, terms, prices Watches - Rings - Chains Bracelets .Necklaces ZLBrooches : ' 'Pins Cuff Buttons 'Diamonds Opera Classes Clocks Silverware Toilet Sets Cut Glass Novelties $1 AVLLK Eastern Outfitting Co." Washington and Tenth' . in itoi- will a TOVBOkaB if.11 too -BEST Gereal, Vitoc. W-m I v The. white heart of the wheat. A 2 lb. package ' A retailing at 20c, when cooked makes .1 2 lbs. i ? W-yf' ' of dainty creamy white food. ' 'I ' " XV StNv &v4 and one half cups of boiling water, salt to taste and boil f ' ' minutes. : ;.lf too thick add bxling water. Serve Sy " V : VI! Vl3ni--' N! hot' with cream and wgar. When cold kroaJiea VcC '"'""" "- Vs. ' adelk-iousluncJieondiiK yaskvV ' ' , t tJ 'Htmiti'' " lv w-t- yruP Numerous dainty SS, JvVxV (A saaag rs-e fcs ; " . ' WWnXX, VO faSjametMer-raS-MI tWUlO wSISfjsaa ',''. w w V vV.W. "'':A famS!!!i!9 , ' S- , - : " ''VCvv-X MARION TEACHERS IN : SESSION AT SALEM aselsl DisDsteh ta The Jon rail.) Balem, Nov.. 1. The . Capital City lis teeming With winsome echool today. All the teachers of the county ar her to attend th institute which open this morning at th high school building under th superintendence or Professor EL T. Moo re a, school Superin tendent for Martop county, .All th pub lto schools -hav bn- dismissed until Monday. Bom of the most prominent educators of the state are in attendance and th aeaalona promise to be both In teresting and -Instructive. v. Th program for. today follow: I. Organisation: l:lt, ction work: ll, recesa; 11 :10, "address, -Rottatlon Valuea," L. R. T raver; ,1:10. mualo; 1:41, section work: 1:01, recesa; :il. address, "Opportunity, J, H. Acker man. '".' --- ' ' " "' ' "".'. .' Evening Seaslon p. -tn. sharp, mu alo. Stalwart quartet; address of wal oom, Hon. Frank, Waters; response to address of welcome. R. W. Canfleld; music Stalwart quartet; reception to teachers by Salem Teachers' club. T0NAPAH MAN BUYS- - - BAKER COUNTY MINE ' aaaaMaaa T . --- (Speehii DMpateh tn The fetaraaU Baker City, Or., . Nov.. ,7. Through James Cavln the deal baa 'been. eon eiunmatad .whereby. W. . F. Orov ct Tonopah, Nevada, has purchased tb Tom Fain min In th Pocahontas country . from E. L. Kaokatt and aao- clatea. Th property Joins that of th Msttoon Mining company and It Is con sidered valuable. . , ' - . BASTX-MI QUTriTTUtq COMCPAOT No exclusive jewelry store in the northwest : offers ra more varied or ; bet- . ter selected stock of Jew-7: elry than you will find here." From the world's most reliable manufactur- . ers each article is carefully-- chosen by an expert buyer No . matter whether the j cost is great or small,', the i same discriminating care is used in making selec- -tions. . This accounts for . the uniform goodness of- , our goods. The guaran tee ofthis house goes with , every artitle we sell. ." It . means you are to have ab- 1 solute satisfaction or your money back." -It will give" us much pleasure to show -you anything in this line, : : and looking does not obli- T gate you to buy.1 ' Our plan ' of deferred payrnents will, . perhaps, interest you. It '' simply means that you can ' select what youwish'now ; and pay later at your con venience. Cash or credit, the price will be the same. R ! stmivi r.--. I 1 ' 1 ' II -W ou have had TOUR sar--now. let eaah d ITS talking.-- II I Pianos fqCash Only the R&& - French ; planned a Piano Selling Event which will taKe much of the wind from Retailers'sails The Beautiful .Cabte - Nelson Piano-; famous throughout the Central States makes aa initial bow in Portland-The Reed-French COre its sponsors $260 spot cash for one. Pianos, v We wnt to tell you a little sDouf the CablevNelson.' piano and how we came to have it. ' , About a month ago our eastern office made a deal r with the Cable-Nelson Co. of Chicago wherein it was v agreed that the Reed-French Co. would act as sponsor for the Cable-Nelson piano in the Northwest, pro-;, vided they would let the Reed-French Co. sell the piano in their own way. -, " : ' ', ; We do not 'want to bother you now with descrtp tions and all that sort of thing, . but the facts , afe : The Cable-Nelson piano is one of the most exquisite pianos in touch, tone and general appearance ever ' shown in Portland. We doubt there is a piano in the . world worth the money . the Cable-Nelson is (price - considered). ' . , -: ' ' Our store is full of Cable-Nelson pianos (three can ' having come in since 8 o'clock yesterday morning), 4 some in 'richest mahoganyothers in ; the beautiful . Circassian walnuts,, and still others in latest Flemish v oak effects. ' - ' ., The ' Cable-Nelson " piano on retail floors . sells -throughout the east for four hundred and fifty dollars, aqd no one doubts the getting of his moneyworth. - The Cable-Nelson Co. has consented for us to sell '. ...... three cars of their very finest product without profit to themselves, the one condition being that theymust be sold for cash) it would be foolish to sell an instru-" ment without profit and then distribute the terms for , , .payment over a period of months when they already ' have the cash in handso beginning today and for , probably a week to come we will offer these splendid ' Cable-Nelson Pianos at a price retail, dealers have never dared make -$260 is the spot cash price. Walt a tnlnutet After yen hare purchased the Instrument ' tf yen eay 1 Is not th beet piano r vr knew for th money, thn return th plane and tt your money. , e . -' Thl Is th Reld-rrench way it Is the fair way. . ' Pianos delivered at any railroadint Tn"WasH ington or Oregon for one half freight rate extra. Store operr nights. Rccd-Frcnch Piano Mfg. Co. . :s J"From Maker to Player" , V SIXTH AND BURNSIDE ' : Tti OIULGON DAILY JOURJNAL A NEWSPAPER, FOX. Piano GDmpahy , has of Jmerica's Greatest its. i. 'A .jr. ALL . THt PtOfLX t r