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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON ... DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING; NOVEMBER 7. . 1D03.. I jr. YOUHG FORGER IS HORSE THIEF .Hugo JbricbtJRent. Rigs. Fail? V to Return ThtJrrt and Sells the Harness. V v RELEASED FROM REFORM INSTITUTION ON PAROLE Youth Who Wai Saved From Penl- tentlary by ,; Leniency . of Court Take, AdvenUge- of Hia Liberty by ' Further Crime. ' ' - : ) "n Bncll -Plspsteh to The Jonraal.) J . 8alera, Or, Nov- 17. Hugo Albrlcht,. the 17-year-old grandson of Rev. H, F, Loss ner of this city, was arrested last aven tng .by - Sheriff Culver and. Policeman. BubIcH on he chars of larceny. Tues day evening ha (tola a team and buggy from th Whit Bros." livery . barn -at -Canby- . and -a - horse and -buggy ..from . Cbarlaa Tannic of thla city. After, hla arreat ha made a complete confession to the officers and vu locked In the county Jail. He will appear In Juatlca of - the Peace" Webster' a court to answer to the charge of 'larceny. . . Young ' Albrlcht called at the local stable and obtained" a single rig, "which he drove a few blocks on South' High street, ' tied the animal to a tree and came to town and sold the harness to -second-hand- man. ' , , Wholesale Bnslaess. v, .'; Sheriff Culver was also notified that a team was brought to the feed, sheds near Center and Kront streets and taU"' "".' the owner Jiad failed Jo. call lw. It It T".l: was aeon, ascertained that the team be longed to a livery firm of Canby. The Whits Bros. . came to the capital city ' last evening and identified the team and buggy as belonging to them, and also , Albrlcht as the young fellow who hn hired It and who sold the harness to : asecond-hand nwn- It seems that Al- , brlcfat went to Portland on horseback last week then returned to Oregon- City ' Brd i.mH nf hi. horse and saddle for 10. After having spent the money he walked to Canby and secured th team that ha drove to Salem. After arriving here, in order to 'have some spending money, he sold his harness for M. When - this sum had been spent be got another rig at the Tannke stable and sold the .harness for fl.10. - , -' -T J ' Tormerly a Torger. ' In' July. l0t. Albrlcht appeared be fore the circuit -court of Marion county and pleaded guilty . of having forged two checks. ,H was sentenced to senre two years in the state prison, but Judge Burnett used the clemency 01 a special 'law and. recommended that the county Judge cAnmlt the young forger to the reform school. About five weeks ago he ' was dismissed from that institution on narole. -..'.,' ' . His grandfather, Rev. Lossner, has made every effort to have the boy mend hla wars and many times th good old -been the victim or. xna wrong-4 doing of hla grandson. Hcppiziess in a Tc!;!et s - ' v ' : - , Perfect Health for Every One Pro ' cured at .Small Coat' , How many times have you sat down t your meals absolutely disgusted at the thought or sight of anything to eatT lie, many time have you r at your. meat Jl thou t the trace of sn appetite, but Just because It was ."time to eatr . 4 .- How many tlmea have you felt a gnawing, unsatisfied "still-hungry" feel ing In your stomach, even after you wera through eating? -'. -v How many times have you felt that lump of lead' on your stomach' after eating, whether your meal Was. Well cooked or not? ;'-:. ..-. .,...',...' ;', And how many, times have you suf fered a whole lot of other things from your stomach that you couldn't explain, but that made- you generally' soup on everybody and everything? . V ' . It is safe to'. say you couldn't telL Tou don't keep track of those things, of course, but, you - kniw you've suffered them. You 'probably hsve bad then for so long that they've become a habit with you, and you have come to the conclu sion that your fate la to suffer, them' Indefinitely and perhsM forever. -. And so men,-much like horses, stand ing unhitched at the hitching post, think they're tied, and so their habit makes them prlsoners.f' " . V '', r r But no : one -need have dyspepsia, nor Indigestion, nor'. loss of appetite, brash, irritation, burning sensations, heart burn, nauses,- eructations, bad memory, loss of vim and vigor and the happiness that comes from a healthy stomach and a good appetite if , he, will, only leave his old hitching post and tie himself to a new one. .one that will hold him to health, NjoyA ambition, and a dear mind aryl and "the sunshine that goes ' ed Is heaven!" And you 'can little tablet already pre- purpose, in Stuart's Dys is, those little cherubs of Alight found in thousands today, Listen one tngredl- oua little tablets win digest for you "J, 00b grains of food. This relieves your stomach- of the work of digesting until your stomach can get strong and healthy again. Your stomsch has been overworked ' and abused. ,: It's fagged out. - It needs , a rest. ' .. ' Let Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do the work of your stomach. - You wilt be surprised how fine you'll feel after eating, snd how lusciously good every- REBATE WITNESSES " TO BE PROSECUTED " , ' f jeenial Boecttl Service.) " Kansas City. Mo.. Nor. 7. It fa re garded as quite likely that Kansas City will again be the soene of Important rebate prosecutions.' as a result of ao tlon that 111 probably be taken by the federal grand Jury that convened today. -' Tha evidence brought to light In. the recent Thomas case, regarding rebates In connection with frelgbt brokerage transactions tended to show that many prominent Missouri river Jobbers. .had been guilty of receiving rebates. In fact, the Jobbers themselves took the stand and -testified to receiving rebates, being under tha Impression that . they ' were Immune from prosecution. The recent decision of the supreme court In tha Hals case, however, set down that there can be no Immunity for one who voluntarily testifies In a law suit to have violated the law. As a re sult of thla decision It Is thought prob able that the eases of tha Jobbers who testified . to receiving rebates will , be handed over tocher grand Jury for ao- tlon... '.'".' , - - . SIR THOMAS UPTON - IN. DAYTON T0M0R0W tfeerssl speelat Berries.) Dayton. O., Nov. '.Tha local com snittees have completed all arrange- . ments for the reception and entertain ment of Sir Thomas Upton In Dayton . tomorrow. . Governor Harris . and other publlo men of Ohio are expected to take part In the welcome to the distinguished visitor. Prominent yachtsmen from To ledo, Detroit, Buffalo, Cleveland aid Chicago also will attend. . . Mam Assessment, (Ssedsl Dispatch te The Joeraal.) 1 Albany, Or., Nov. t. The assessor of Una county last - evening completed - his summary of tha assessment- roll for th year ltot. ,Thls stands as It was equalised by tha board of equalisation. The total valuation of assessable prop erty according to ' thla statement Is I1MSM40 - the Tablets are thoroughly digesting ths food which your stomach couldn't digest before. 7 . . . . Have these tablets on' your dining table, and take on or two after every meal without faiL Then you will real ise as never before that th ' human stomach decides for every man whether he will go forward or. backward and besides, you'll forget you ever hsd a stomach to torment you. - PEARCE MEMORIAL CHURCH USED FOR DANCE HALL Universalist House of Worship at AIbanyJsRemodeecLfoL-L .New Purpose. . -''- SnecUI Dtspateh -te Te iomntl.T - Albany, Or., Nov. 7. The Universalist church of this city has been converted Into a dance hsJL . About It years sgo an old pioneer of this elty constructed th edifice and had It ooasecrated, to th service of th Universalist church. It bss been a monument to his memory and most generally known as th Pee. ret Memorial church. . . vr '. .,,. ' Service have been. , Intermittently held ln h building for th pest II years. Th congregation or th. flock of Uhlversallsta have never had a regu lar pastor and consequently th follow Ing ell off. and finally . th servioes were ' abandoned. . Todar tha . church ouuaing nas neen remodeled and was officially opened to the. publlo as a dance hall and general purpose building a few evenings ago. For th first time in the history of Albany - a church was the seen of a dance and parties waltslna to the Inspiring strains of music were more in evidence - than at any time thronged th building while vsed for cnurch and religious servlcea CASSIE CHADWICK IS AGAIN IN PUBLIC EYE 'i - . -easssessaeissssssssassss. , . , V (Jnarnsl pdl Service.) . Boston; Maes, Nov. 7. A ease involv ing th sensational financial dealings of Mrs. Cassie Chadwlck will be tried at th tern of th United BUtes cir cuit court which convened today. The ess" Is a suit brought by George C Rankin, receiver of th Oberlln. O., national bank, which failed through Its extensive dealings with Mrs. Chadwlck. against Herbert H. Newton of Brook- Unr to recover on a tlO.etO not riven to the bank by Mrs, Chadwlck and In dorsed by Newton. Ths defense maintains that th In dorsement on th not was obtained through false represents tlons. among tnese Mini me ciaim or Mrs. Chadwlck that she held a note of tsoo.000 of An drew Carnegie, and that the steel mag nat hem in trust lor ner an eetat val ued st t5.000.eoe. It Is understood that a deposition by Andrew Carnegi deny ing Mrs. Chadwlck' s claims will be In troduced In evidence. J Fic'srid RevieVy TJcoazines For November, now on sale in our Pattern Department. .Price 10c and 15c. TIKI tW - A 111 S km 1 S- at With every 5c you spend this store. Ask for them. They are good as gold. mm ' .'; THURSDAY TELLS OF TREMENDOUS , : Triumpbs on Handlierchiefs , Three striking Values that should crowd our aisles every "minute that this store is open for business Thursday r. - "Women's Handker chiefs Of " linen cambricj.' Swis s em- ; broidered, and hem stitched design, fancy -edges; perfect goods in every way ; ' ues are- 20c and 25c ' each. '. Thursday-the .Round Up - Sale makes-them only 12KcEach Women's' Handker chiefs Pure white cambric, hem stitched - the kind that sells any and everywhere at :'5c each : two , thousand and theregulafvalof .them -on-sale in ITiird btreet end ot the store Thursday, at a price that is phenomenally . low 25c Dozen Kimono Handkere chiefsNew designs and qualities, much above the ordinary. They corrie in the fiopular floral, ef ects, that every wo man wants now, and they are . standard 10c i values. Very special t for Thurs day . ,- ... :-. -' . 5c Each "Belter Under wear An Eilraordlnary Special - lor . Tbnrsday Women's Royal Combination Suits In" Jersey . ribbed style, trimmed with pearl buttons, silk finished, made . of Combed Peeler yarn,, sizes 4, 5 and 6: an underwear value to swear by at 75c the garment -an extra- ordinary Special for Thursday. COx Sale price, each ....... .JOls 9 linens and Three Thrilling Values From Ecch Section la Cie Eossi up sat: "TABLE LINEN 72 -inches wide, and a quality that is a remarkable value at 78c the yard. In the Round. CO XJp Sale at, the yard ... . .J0L OUTINQ FLANNEL Comes in dark only ; a quality, that sells for lyic the yard regu larly. Very special' Round Up PILLOW SLIPSj Made of good quality muslin, size 36x45 inches; .regular 15c I fl goods. Special at . . . .... I I L TABLE riLlNEN 6ttlnclies : wide, haH bleached, superior quality ; the regular price is 40c the yard. Round Up , '0Q Sale is only awtll ALL LINEN NAPKINS 22 inches square, in assorted pat terns and' some of the most beautiful designs made; regu--lar price $3 a dozen. d"0 Mf Sale Price ..JLrttJ SHELF- OILCLOTH Inatf colors'12' inches wide; 8c val ue. Very special Round Up Sale price ........... juI Prove It By the Oven Fire f Pot the wonderful KC Bak- int Powder to the test . Get a can on approval Yoor money , will be returned it yon don't agree that all we claim is true. You'Jl be delighted with the de licious, wholesome things that K f BAKING V POVDtSR will bring to life in your oven KC Baking Powder i two thirds cheaper and mikes purer, better, more healtmui iooa man otherpowders anywhere near K C Quality. 25 ounces for 25 ccnu. Qet it to-day I JAQUES MFG. CO. . Cbleag SI F. 'an... I wjsv Haw ::.In the Grocery SecUon Worcestershire Sance and Mustard Given Away Free WITH EACH POUND OF OUR FAMOUS MOCHA AND JAVA COF FEE, at 25c the pound on Thursday and Friday only, we will give 17111717 one 25c bottle of Worcestershire Sauce . . . . . . . .... .1: A ilJulj WITH EACH POUND OF OUR 50C TEA the , Tea that's famous for its flavor Thursday and Friday, we-will-' give one 25c bottle, of 17111717 'Mustard absolutely ............... . ........ . . . , . . WXJL GOLDEN EAGLE BAKING POWDER None better made; it's a regular. 40c goods, Thursday and Friday, the pound ........ ....'swO Is Thanlisfjivlng Cuflery on Sale - THIRD STREET BASEMENT RAZORS With white vegetable- handles,' fineljrtetnpered, and regular $1 and . ;.JQ $1.25 grades for .....:dh KNIVES AND FORKS In white metal, . just right for restaurant use. Special price, ?:.;;.;;...50c ...:....:.:$2.19 CARVING SETS With real "stag "handlesr knife," fork and steel; a splendid grade of steel that's tempered" just right. The , Round Up- Sale special price will be just In Padded , Box, 40c Extra. . 1 . We sell them ? so cheap we Vah't give you the box.. . J ; KITCHEN KNIVES AND FORKS With brown, white or black handles ; forks have ' four tines. Special for the sale, set of six C 1 each . . '. . . ..... ..... I ,0 TABLESPOONS TO MATCH THESE The set of six will be v - OC only-vv. . . .1 . iTTTTt XOC TEASPOONS TO MATCH Set of six.. .. ........ . ..15e Sillioline Once More at 7c the Yard , THIRD STR'.ET BALCONY That's a one-day special only, and to those who have not bought .any, of these -goods let us say that we advise you to hurry. This is the 'last time youH see- 11 at tnis price, viooa patterns, gwu quauiica, u ua tiic regular; width, so you know it s worth about double this price. . ; - . Sale price .......... . i ...... SILK FLOSS PILLOWS On sale i CRETONNES In rich colorings and unusually good designs, full yard wide and regular 18c goods. : gm Slile price v.... 1 C 7c for Thursday, and we'll sell them at ood reduction, too.- From A 5e down to ......... Rouiid Up Sale in the Suit Room Tomorrow GROUND FLOOR SECOND ST. ANNEX Women's Nuns Veiling Waists, come in dainty i colorstrimraeLwithdelicate Jace andmade4with ..four tails. in the prettiest styles. Pink, white, or blue, and they are worth $3.50 each. C O OQ 'Round Up Sale price,'each.. ....... ..,0iJ Women's Suits Semi-fitting coats, made of gray fancy Wool materials, trimmed with black velvet and buttons and plaits; ITIJ Cfl ce...,..J)I.JV regular $20 value. Sale price. Neckscarfs of French Coney, .black or brown. A lot. of. just .ten dozen lhat- is, we bought away under price, and tho they are worth $2 and $2.50, the sale price C 1 Cft , each......; I.UiJ Women's . Long Coats In checks or plaids, with velvet collars and cuffs, all shades .that fashion favors. Sale price Now Two Embroidery Extras Third Street Front -Embroidery, 4 to 8 inches wide, and qualities worth from 12j4c to 25c the yard, selling Hp , Thursday in the Round Up Sale for. .... ft, Fine Swiss Embroidery, in all widths, values range from 15c to 35c the yard. The 1 0 1 price for Thursday is, the yard..... LrC HORAN DEFEATED BY GUILD l!l MASSACHUSEnS Boston's' District Attorney Han dicapped by Lack of T -. -Funds.''' r: (Joaraal SpmM Bsrvlc.) Boston, Nov. 1. Govsrnor Guild was rcelsctad by .a considerably Increased plurality vr last yaar. His opponent. District Attornay John " B. . Moran of Boston, ths candldata of tho Demo cratic and Prohibition parties and the Independence lrasue, received a lartrer vote than that lven the Democratic candidate a yea sg-o. v - Wlth complete returns Mr. Guild's plurality today Is 12,041. - tho ticket vote belnc Guild. . 222,781; Moran, 1199.740. The Republicans reelect their enure state ticsei, aunousjn uuirani Governor Draper fell considerably be hind Governor Guild. -" Tha nest lealelatura will be Repub lican by. the nsual-majoclty In both houses aha this will Insure), the reelec tion of United States' Senator W. Mur ray Crane of Dalton.' . Tho Msssachusetts delegation to con gress will remain practically tha same. The outcome of the"-electlon waa a considerable ''"Disappointment to Mr. Moran and his fellow campaigners, K. Gerry Brown of Brockton, candidate for JU-utenant-s;overnor, ana ueorge rreo Williams of Dedham. ' The Moran campalsn was handicapped by lack of organisation, a meter cam pHlm fund and opposition from a large number of former- leaders of -the-Dem-or racy. The- vote came from the wage earners principally, as iwas shown by the strong Indorsement ;given the Suf folk county -llstrtct attorney in nearly all tha mill cltiea and other Industrial centers. . .. . EM GRAND JURY AFTER LIQUOR SELLERS ; TwcForgers Plead Guilty In Clr 7 cuit " Court of "' Lan ' County. MRS. LUCY MITCHELL ;: - IS ADJUDGED INSANE (eeetrl Dtapalrft tm TW jMraal.t The Dalles. Or Nov. 7. A womsn named Mrs. Lacy Mitchell -was brought to tha city Isst night from a railroad eamp near Lyls 'violently Inssne. She wss employed a coos ror tne railroad employee and had her two young sons with her. wnen sn ar rived she' was so violent that It took two men to hold her. . 8hv waa examined by Dr. Low to day and adjudged Inssne and unsafe to be at large. Th asylum suthorttles hsve been telegraphed and It - Is ex pected she will be taken to Salem to morrow. Mr. Mltchsll Is II years af . ....... ,' ...-'. (RlMelal Dispstra te The Joaraal.) -Eugene. Or Nov. 7. In th circuit court yesterday afternoon two forgers, Oliver Wslker and James Davlea. pleaded guilty and win be sentenced by Jonge Harris Saturday. Walker forged th nam of W. B. Andrews, a local ' lumber dealer, to a check for 111 and passed It on A Jeweler in payment for. a $t watch, receiving II In change, lie wis captured three hours after passing th check. Davles forged the name of Mrs. A. J, Do ran of Springfield to a check on an Astoria bank and cashed It st a local bank. Re was caughrin Idaho several days afterward. Th grand Jury Is said to b working on cases wherein the prohibition law la alleged to- have been violated. Testrrday afternoon . Indictments against five persons were returned, but the names are withheld from publlo an nouncement until arrests hav been mad. It la thought by many that' th In dictments are against Eugene men for selling liquor. -. Itr.j, M3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSk. Hartley II "Th? foal ersck st sitek." Made with "I4WOCOXD" . bottoaboles taat nolo. - rsll Sltrmmk. X slses if yoa waat them. 8 to 2S coats. GEO. P, IDE ft CO Makers TROT. M. T. MISS SULLIVAN DIES AT DALLES HFSPITAL (Spectat- WfieteS - te-Ta !. The Dalles. Or.. Nov. 7. Miss Msry M. Sullivan: died Monday night at the hospital from n .attack of typhoid fever. Her father and brother are both sick with the same disease st the -hqs-pttsL Three ycars'sgo her, mother, dlfif, id Mary, at that- time only 17 years managed tn set the part of hoie snd old. Add IF-Graves Tooth Powder. to your toilet necessities if you want the best results. It removes discoloratibns and tartar. An antiseptic a purifier a cleanser. Ask yoor dentist. Ask him' why. , la handy natal aaaa ur sslllss. Ise. ' i)f Ctsy:.' Tc:th Per i :r C:. Famous - An Interesting and valuable . ac count of the origin of "Home, Sweet Home," "Dixie," "fltar-Spangled Ban ner" and other beloved aongs. American By O08TAV KOBBB . . With special type designs snd' nn serous IlluatraUona Cloth, II. 0; leather, 12.60 net. . Postage, II centa. Song's Taos. T. Ovowsn Si Oa, STsw Tork. hold manager. About three-weeks ago the father was tsken sick at Waplnltla wlth thla ..disease .snd hla son Mark, who was employed st th Umatllls house, went there to bring his. father to th hospital and waa accompanied by the faithful daughter. All three ba ms tK"wrtn ?hr terrible disease and Mary passed to her" eternal home last night. Her father and brother are only able to alt ap. In bed' and th death of the daughter la a terrible Mow to them. yihother"-brother. Paul, who wss at tending -the1 law school at Omaha, re turned to Th Dalles when he learned of th sickness of bis father, brother and Sister: He Is th only member of th family now abl to do anything. , 't rrelghte la Zajaiwd. . v nerll Dispstra te The Joarael.t - Balenv Nov. 7. While under th In fluence of liquor Albert Watters, who drives a freight wagon, between Salem and Stayton. fell -from hla wagon In front of the OH a Co. establishment last evening and dislocated his rihoulder. A physician was at once summoned snd tha dislocation waa reduced and the Injured man provided with comfortable quarters in th otty Jan. :n The. lte?7 X Brewer X 'wt (OVI, Satlsfles Every Carefnl Drsamy : v t uwi Mm - 1 . . " - ' Ma4 to uh Every Fac - uhl - Shape) of Head. 'BEST BAT In the World for the liONET" BEN SELLING LEADTNQ CLOTHIER Torturing ecsema spreads -He burntns area every day. Doan'e Ointment oulck ly stops its spreading, Instantly relieves tha Itrhtng, cures It permanently. At any drug store. y VATCH 4 For the Greatest FUR SALE ever held in the West Nov. 16 and 17. J.M.Acheson&Co. I31FIPTH STRDCT Wholesale and Retail. Between Washington and Alirr C