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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
ao...-::..:-:-:-- .'v ... vvv, -,-.vA A THE - OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER T, 18C3. Of 60.284 . ; , J . ., , (Continued from Page One.) ' and 'Ltwla Stuyveeant Chaaler. Inde- " nendeace league and Democratic- noml una for lieutenant-governor. Chanler's " plurality in Greater New 'York U about '-" 1SS.0OO. 'Returns show tbnt la aoma of tha up-state countlaa Bruoe ran ahead of hla ticket. na ir Bruoe naa some , down to tha Bronx on an even footing .with. Hughes, tha plurality of Chaaler . . would have been a acant e.eue. . Figures at hand show that John a 1 'Whalan, Democratic candldata tar sac '; retary of atate, may coma' through .. winner by tha closest margin. As more complete returns .begin to come in by countlaa. It waa aaan that In ' aoma instances there waa a small but consistent load by tha lesser Republican candidates over tha'haad Of their ticket, Thla fact served only-to Increase tha v uncertainty regarding tha raault for tha offices below governor... "- ." Hearst apparently carried only two 7 counties In tha a tat a outside of Greater ,; New. Xorlu Theaa - wero Chemung -ud 2 Schoharie. v '. - i . XeOarre Vsec Knife, t 'Jflngre eounty, of which Patrick ' H. ' : McCarron la Democratlo laadar, laat , year gave Hearet for mayor a largo plu rality, but In tha vota for governor, MoCarren exerted all hla forces to re ' turn Hughea a plurality In hla county. , While Hearst succeeded ; in carrying ,Klngs county by a plurality of e.tts, i the returna for the remainder of tha atata ticket show that -hla .trouble with i MoCarren coat him dear. '. Tha plurality . .. In tha county, of tha Democratlo candt , . dates who were not affected by MoCar , rea'a order, exceeded that of tha bead of the ticket by more than SMOv. Had Hearst received -these- ai otee It would I have cut Hughea lead In tha atata prao tioelly In half. v COLORADO REPUBLICANS Besaoorata ' Cry - Fraud " and Want Xa tatry o)agrahataa for tha Senate. " I Journal KmU Berne. I '. I Dmnr, Cot, Nov. 1. Chief Justice , Oabbert waa yesterday reelected with ' i tba other Republicans, though greatly scratched. '. .i Simon Guggenheim will - probably succeed T. M. Patterson in tba ; United States - annate. - Democrats ara ; crying fraud and probably ah Jnvestlga- " tion will .follow. V- Republicans claln) 19,004 plurality on ftha enttra Ucket. ; . .. : t Kearly all tha Republican strongholds , hav. glvan increased majorlt'es and Pu- . . ablo c6unty, the home af Alva Adams, .Democratic candldata for governor, fell " far short of tba expected vota for Ad- ama, - giving him lets than 1,000 plu- rallty. - - --- ti Thar' anoSt Burprlslrfg feature of " tha ti election la tha comaaratrvaly smalt 'vota - returned for Llndsey and Haywood, ra f. apoctlvely Independent and Socialist . candidates - for governor. From all A aouroea It waa predicted that thay would cut deeply into tha vota of both tha old fc party-candMatea. -' ' ' Demoara'tlo B tita - Chairman Smith , concadea, Denver to tha Republleana by ,ooo, j --j,- -' ' '--A ; A ioWA IN DOVBT, Both Cnramtne and Verte Claim meo- . " tioa Await rarUa WawS." " " 'Jwiraal Srwclal Ssrvtee.) Dea Motnea. Iowa, Nov. T. The result of tha electlonr la still In doubt. The Dee ' Molnee Capital, the antl-Cummlna or- ''san. aaya that Porter," Democrat. Is .' elected by 12,000 plurality. The ewe, '-Independent, nays that the result la '- doubtful, but that Cummins la probably .elected by .00. The Republican com imlt tee .claims that Cummins will pull through by . 10,000. Tha Democrats 1 'larm that Porter will carry tha atate by 16.000. The reeult will not be known 'before- night t ? a r. ,?., i ..r Iowa will have 10 repreeentatlvee to Its next congressional delegation. It Is - believed that Major J. P. Lacey, for many years representative of the Sixth t district, has been defeated. In the First district, both Republicans and Demo crats claim vlotory. - Tba next legislature ' will be eafely " Republican, and on Joint ballot : will probably reelect Jonathan V. Dolllver to the United Btatee senate. . - JOHNSON'S BIG VOTE txty Thamsaag BCaJority Cot Oexaoerag '. In ti BepabUoaa Stronghold. ; . ' (Journal SpMlat Service.) St. Paul, Minn., Nov. - 7. Governor . Johnson was reelected governor by 0.000, the greatest majority ever given a gubernatorial candidate. The state la . THE BIO STORE WITH T H E BEST KNOWN KNOWN AS THE B EST n A ;''' 'I OUR GREAT A.v' SALSBURYe V I ! An Style An Color Everywhere the Salsbury Hats soft and derby ' are .- acknowledged, as the. standard in style, ' ' beauty and finish. HAT BRUSHES FREE. ' - ':'.'" SOLE AGENTS 'v--, A ' FAMOUS CORNER! MORRISON AND SECONp STREETS ' 1 The Kidneys Vhea jthsy ere weak, top Ji, or ttagnent tha whola system sailers. Don't neg lect them at this time, bat heed the warning of the aching tack, the Moated face, the sallow complexion. tha urinary disorcer, and bcc treatment at once with Koed'sSarsaparOIa which contains the best end Safest curative substances. . For testimonial of rwMrkaM car. mm or book ob) Nancys, no. o. 1 G i noow GOt Lowea, run. normally 40.000 Republican. All ' the rest of the ticket la Republican. A. L. Cole, Republican candldata for governor, ran far behind tha rest of hla ticket, tha election of which la claimed by from 1S.000 to 0.000 plurality. Tha returna on tha legislature, whloh will elect a successor to Bnator Nelson, ara meagar, but Indicate that the Re publican majority will be much re duced:- Eight of tha tirne -members of congress from the atata ara Republican. BROOKS CAINS Kepabllcaa Sovtfraoi of Wyoming Beta Heevte Tote Than Safore UMrsal Bpsetal aerrke.l Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. T. Sixty-one precincts out of tl give Governor Brooks, Republican, a plurality of 1,167. His plurality in the same precincts two years ago waa 1,1 10, and ha carried the atata by about 0,000. Mondell : la re elected to congress by the same plu rality. -The legislature la Republican by a large margin. .-- ,- " Texas . Solid Peaaooratto. ; i ' (Jnnrnal "neeltl Servlee.). -' Austin, Tex, Nov. t. The total vote cast did not exceed 400,000 votes all told, soma 135,000 of which represent the com bined vote of the Republicans, the reorganised : Republlcane, tha So cialists, the Socialist Labor and the Pro BTbia6nlyrBeaTcl"pTnnr the Democratic vote. The next legislature will be Democratlo overwhelmingly, there being on'y a alight chance for tha' Republlcane to get a member In the lower house out of a possible 12ft. - . - All the Democratlo congressmen were elected by good majorities. ' . -v STebraaka mepnblleaa. : 'V . . "' ( Journal gptcial Bwrlea-K Lincoln, Neb, Nov. 7. George L. Sheldon, Republican, for governor, has btn elected by plurality In excesa of that for Governor Mickey two years ago, which waa f.000. With the head probably la elected the balance of the atata ticket The World-Herald. Democratic con cede, the election of Sheldon for gov ernor by 10.000 plurality over Snellen berger. i 1 .; . Wyoming Bspahlloaa, . ' (Jo.rti.1 Bpaelal Servtee.1 " Cheyenne, Wyo.,. Nov. 7. The entire Republican ticket, trended by Governor Breoka,-haa been elected by majorittee of not leva . than 1.000, and possibly more. " The Republicans also wlacted the member of congress and the legis. lature, which, will elect a United Statea aenator. ...... . ' t - - . ' ' v . .BepohUoaaa Sweep Wlaconsla.. (Joanul Special SerTlee. Milwaukee. Nov. 7. The Republican state ticket, headed by Governor James C. Davidson, swept the state In today's election by - an estimated plurality, of at least . 40,000 over John A. Alward, tne Democratlo candidate, and hla col leagues. - v.,, , , BepubUeaaa Wis Delaware. . "(Jaarntl flneetal garrlr Wilmington. Del., Nov. 7. The Repub licans nave carried Delaware and elected Burton for eongreee ever Marvel, Demo crat They will also control the Dela ware legislature tnet win elect a- suo- eessor to United Statea Senator Alice. Republican.' ' sTorth Dakota Bepnblleaji. Journal Special Merrtre. ) Fargo, N. .i D.. Nov; 7.-Scattered re turna Indicate that Flak has been elected judge of tha supreme court ever Knauff. tne KepuDlican pomlneas For governor, Barlee, Republican, and tha reet of the RepublloaDs ticket are elected. -r i . - : , Democrat Win Teanseaee. V Naahvllle,' Tenn., Nov T. Reports from all over tha atate Indicate a large falling off In the Republican vote and that the majority of Patterson, Demo crat '. for - governor - will aDtroximata SO.tOO. . r THE tlTTLE PRICES CUOTHINO COMPANY iciiiisnio Congressional And Judicial-Tick- t ets Mak CUan Sweep -of the State. USUAL MAJORITIES ARE,;'.:... NOT GIVEN THIS YEAR Democratic Gab la Shown by Fact That Congregamcn , and Supreme Judge Do Not Get So Many Votet as in Years Past ' (Jearaal SseHal gmlee.) Seattle, Nov. 7. Although the reports from the atate are alow In coming In, returna from Pierce county, Spokane and King, .with tboaa that have been received from outalda oountlea, ara suf ficient to base an assertion that Humph rey, Jonea and Cua b man, the Republl- can congressmen, have-been all three- re elected by heavy majorities over their Democratlo opponenta, BUuikman, Byrne and Eshelman, ' Practically complete returna from 71 preclncta out of the tit outside Pierce, Spokane and King eountlee for congreas tnan give Cuabman (RP.) (.060, Jonea (Rep.) 0,061. Humphrey (Rep.) ,0i7. Byrne (Dem.) t.tlt. Eshelman (Dem.) ,06. Blackman (Dem.) 1,830. The vote shows a con.lderable falling off of tha Republican majorities over the lection two ytara ago, but thla may be explained In a measure that the -con-gressmsn . were carried along ' on the tidal wave that awept the atafe In far vor of President Roosevelt. . " 7 ' Delays Betnrna. Stormy weather all over the state Is responsible for the fact that only about a 60-per cent vote waa recorded ' la Washington yesterday. For tha aame reason, apparently, there la consider able delay in getting complete -returna and few total flgurea ara available. Thla delay, however, la occasioning no uneasiness, for the returna now In shew that the Republicans carried everything with one or two exceptions. The moat Important fight of atata Interest waa that la tha Twenty-fourth senatorial district where John 8. Mc Millan, atate rkllroad commissioner and Republican boas, struggled unavalllngly to maintain his prestige agatnat the on slaught of William Shnlts, also a Re publican. - Shults threw his etrength to Blair, regular Republican nominee, who won from Bishop, who, disgruntled . at not receiving the party'-, nomination, bolted tbe ticket and made an Inde pendent light backed by McMillan. Blair came out of the three counties, San Juan, Jefferson and Clallan, comprising the district with a majority of 400. In dications are that Meao Democrat, ran intra. - .-, , .- ; '. Democrat! Victories. In King county the Republicans car ried everything . with the possible ex ception of the onv aenator and tha known exception of one representative. Inrthe Thtrty-stxtBaenstorlI district Cottrell, Democrat, la believed to have won from Lyons by two votes, although the complete, returns may reverse this condition. Beck. Republican representative In the Forty-sixth legislative' district, waa defeated by Klrkpatrlck, Democrat, by a decisive vote.. Beck la a aaloonkeeper and the temperanoe vote encompassed his defeat ' . ' Tbe other Democratic candidates felT far ahort of making the . run It waa claimed' they would. Both parties Buffered equally . from the light vote caat In this stats, the Socialists alone keeping up - a good showing of strength, and despite the faot that the inclement weather Indl cated that the country districts would not ahow up a good vote, thoae local ities made a better showing, propor tionately, than did the cities. While William E. Humphrey. Wesley L. Jones and Francla W. Cushman, Re publicans, carried the . state , by large pluralities for. congressmen ait large, the Republican Judicial ticket did not run ao well, and of the latter Herman D. Crow and Mllo Root elected for two years' term, did not make the showing of Wallace Mount and Ralph. O. Dun bar. Who were elected for elx years' terra s to the aupreme bench. It -was' estimeted that - Jonea - -would be badly crlppel by the fight made against him by Samuel Gofnperg of the American Federation of Labor, but to the great surprise of . the most; Ban gulne, he made a good race In the labor districts and gained many ,votea In business circles through sympathy aroused br tha fla-ht aralnst him. Returns show that -It Is probable that tne Democrats nave won at least ten seats In the legislature. Two and pos sibly three of theee will come from King county. The defeat of Wllllama .and Lyons for the aenate and Beck for. the House is claimed ty tne Democrats and practically conceded by the Repub licans. - Rpokane and Pierce eountlea also contributed at least one Democratic member to the. assembly, while the Democrats of Skagit county claim two representatives for "the next house. . i " AT WALLA WALLA : i Democrats Are Bleoted Oounty Assessor, (Kpednl niapatch te The Jearaal.) Walla Walla. Wash., Nov. 7. Unof ficial returna from 2t out of 17 pre clncta In the county show that the Republlcane have made a clean sweep f with the exception of assessor, treasurer and possibly auditor. W. J. Honeycwtt, a Democrat Is elected treasurer over P. B. Hawley by approximately 100 ma jority, and M. Toner a Democrat- de feated Walter Cadman for assessor. La ter returns may show that T.- M. Mc Kinney, a Democrat, la elected auditor over J. N. MeCew. but It Is doubtful. Thfctloket elected follower "RepreKcn- tatlvea, Mordo McDonald, Emmet Hen derson, W. II. Weber, Republicans; sher iff, James Havlland, Republican: clerk. D. M. Hill Republican; prosecuting at torney. Otto B. Rupp. Republican; jtreaa urais W. J- Honeyoutt Democrat! as sessor? M. Toner, Democrat; school su perintendent, G. S. Bond, Republican! jostle of the peace, 3. 1. Huffman, Re publican; surveyor, George Winkle, Re publican; coroner, O. A. McMartln, Re publican; constable, Nels Peterson, Republican- ' 1 . ' : The Republican legislative and con gressional ticket was electad by 100 ma jority. . - 'OT CONTEST !fl:WilSllfJGTOII " '-A . . i . . ". 4.. Two Dmesraas Claim Tletery la Xlee tios oa Orays BarVo. ' -'(Bpeelal rtlapatrb te The Joemal.l Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. 7. An all-day aterm of exceptional severity Interfered with the else of the Vote cast yester day, especially In the rural district There were 1,610 voteacast of l,o registered here. The alecUon was boll eontested gad T .' ' ' 1 ' e ' " v , . , r- :.. . - , . much scratching waa dona, especially for auditor, ' sheriff and treasurer. Peter Clark. Democratlo candidate for auditor, claima the election, as does also Jamsa Bowes, candidate for sheriff Both ran ahead of their ticket On the oounty aeat removal tha vote stands about even and la consequently loot - Hoqulant cast one fourth of the vote against It The amendmenta to tba con stitution will probably be loat In thla oounty. The local Republican candl datea will all be elected by good ma Jorltlea Returns from remote districts will decide the close vote, REPUBLICAN SWEEP Spekaie Cooaty Bjeaog But Two Dem. (Special niacatch ta Tbe Joomal.t Spokane, Wash., Nov. 7. -Incomplete returna from . all parts of eastern Washington Indicate that tha Repub licans have made a complete sweep on the stats ticket and In nearly all of the counties have elected a . complete eounty and legislative ticket although on ao count of the alow count and difficulty In getting returna the returna will be Incomplete for another day. In Spokane eounty the Republlcana elect tba entire oounty ticket and ail but two of the legislative Ucket. A ; ... , IN THURSTON COUNTY- Democrats Carry Off trams of Of&oe .. : : of Oovnty. iSMdal Dttaatck. m Tha. Jaaraalt - - Olympla. W ash- Nov. 7. Complete returna In Thurston oounty show thai the Democrats elect one member of the legislature, Edmund Rloa, and tbe aherlff, treasurer, attorney - and clerk. The balance of the officers are. Republl can. REPUBLICANS CARRY KLICKITAT COUNTY .' (Special Diattefc t. Th. Journal.) Goldendale, Wash., Nov. 7. Returna from 10 out of 10 precincts In Klickitat county Indicate the election of the en ure Republican ticket . : ; ; ' On tha atata aenator and eounty treas urer the vote will be close, there being a hard fight on theae two. - ARIZONA RETURNS Joint Statehood: BUI Is XeroOeesly Sianghtered at BoOs. - UoaraaTSpecTaracTTlcf:r Artiona. Nov. 7. The ' ot In favor of joint atatehood In Arlsona la estimated not to exoeed 16pet oent of the total .vote and may be less. This estimate Is based . on partial . returns from 10 out of II eountlea. Twenty-nine out of .14 precincts In Maricopa oounty gave for tha Jotnture StO, and against the jointure 1.IBI. The legislature Is strongly Democratic, .-- ....... oeorgta Demooratle. , -. IJoarnal Bpaetal Servtee.t Atlanta. Oa., Nov. 7. The contest In. Georgia was In the First Congressional district, where Edwards (Dem.) waa elected by a plurality of about 4,000. The three candldatea for judges of the newly created court of .appeals were unanimously elected. . , . Worth Oaroliaa Democratic. I Uoamal Special Bervte Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 7 All Repub licans were defeated -in North Carolina. The vote was light but tha state is estimated to be Democratlo by about (0,000. The Eighth district ta doubtful and tha Tenth eloae, with tha Demo crats" In the lead.. - . - '.;''. Xa STew Btsrloo. jeatHl fesedal Service.)- -. Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 7 -Partial returns give joint statehood a majority of t.OOO. . Reports so far received Indi cate that the territory will go for Joint atatehood by from 4,000 to 7,000. An drews, Republican, leads as delegate to congress- . .; '- , ; i,. . riorlda (Jnsraal gpeelal Service.) . ' ' Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 7. All th Democratic congressmen of Florida are re-elected and tbe state ticket ear lied by decided majority. . The vote Indi cates -the defeat of the . Evergladea drainage constitutional amendment S to t. ..j -'..'....".... U-i' jV ., Alabama Xs Soltd.--Iloaraai Snecial Berrlc) Montgomery, Ala.Nov. 7 Alabama's vote waa remarkably-light. -The entire Demoeratlo ticket with tha exception of sheriff of Walker county waa elected and the legislature will not have more than three Republicans and Populists. ,r Arkansas Demeoratle. " - (Jooro.1 special service.) Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 7. The Dem ocratic candldatea for eongreee were elected In every district of Arkansas The vote waa light in all districts ex cept the fourth, , where a hard fight waa made. Mississippi Democratic ' (Journal Bperlal Barrlee.) Jackson. Mine, Nov. 7. The election lkVMisslsslppt paaaed off without Inter est the vote being light In each of the congressional districts. The Democratlo candidates were elected without opposi tion. i Khode Island Demooratto. . Uearsal Spawtal Sentee.t Provldencer . 1 Now. Incomplete returns Indicate that Mayor Hlggins of Pawtucket Democrat has carried the state for gc.wnor by s.000. ' yionderbna4 Tletoiioss, ( (Jesnal apeci! Semes. Wheeling, W. Vs., Nov. 7, Ths legis lature will be Republican by a majority of 17, Insuring the reeleotlon of Senator Elklns. LAND FRAUD CASES "Continued from Page One. ) " dona within a week or so. After Judge Wolverton has returned It will he pos sible to have soma Ida of how. tha work will be taken up. 1 do not think a grand Jury will be called at the pres ent time, but could not say definitely until after Judge Wolverton has re turned." Jmtge Hunt will go to San Francisco In February to sit upon tha bench of ths circuit court of appeals, according to Judge Gilbert, and el nee Mr. Heney e San Francisco prosecutions are ex pected to take him to the Bay City by January 1. It would appear that, the Only chance for the trial of the land case. In the Immediate future would be during December, as indicated by Judge-Gilbert . , Mllwaykfe ICountry Club. Eastern end California race , Take Sell wood and Oregon City carat.FUt and Alder. , Doan's Regulets cure constipation, tons the a omach, stimulate the liver, promote digestion and t ppetlte and easy pastingaa ok ins nowvis. Ask your drug- gist for them. H cents s box. Teeame of future greatness may la dace ncgleot of present opportunities. AV . ' - ' ; The People Rise to the Defense of :Pe-ru-na in the Home East and West, North la lira. Lid Rowland. Sit Orenshaw St, Chicago. 111., wrltea: "We think Peruna tha greatest medi cine on earth. One year ago laat winter my little boy had a very aevere cough. We had consulted the finest physicians of Chicago, and he got no better. "One night he had a very aevere apell of coughing. It aeemed aa If .he would never atop. My husband bought' a bottle of Peruna and the flret dose stopped a.e eoagaiaar. Wa-tinud giving It to him until ha was entirely -eared. He la a. atrong, healthy boy now. - "Parana saves me many doctor blUa." y m i j r I ri . i rm n i i i i u w f r w k n , AThe Knabe Pianor. first bijilt 67 rears ago, is today recognized as the high- est type 'of piario made and richly merits the position in the musical world which it holds. ; A'-'. '-: ,'' ' ' j-.. ;.- ' ;.'':. ,'"''(;.'..' '";;. ' " .. ' : : The ANGELUS Player developed during the past ten years to its present point o'f superiority is conceded to be the highest attainment in the invention and manufacture of piano playing devices. A ' '.A- .:-,';'. The KNABE-ANGELUS is the-nniorn)f a r Knabe Piano with "the GELtJSJnto one superb player-piano which has all the superior qualities of both "the Knabe and the ANGELUS, thus making. anv instrument which - is beyond question the finest combination of player and piano which is offered to the public . The mechanism of the ANGELUS is built entirely within the piano case, so that the instrument has practically the same appearance As an ordinary piano.; As the tone and touch are not impaired,; this player-piano "is perfectly satisfac tory to the accomplished pianist who plays it by the keyboard as well as to every one who plays it bymeans j)f jthe perforatedjolLIt is always ready to be played by either method. '-'A ';"' . ' - 'A ;"";'. A., AA " . . , Never before has the public had the opportunity of securing in one pur chase s such a piano arthe-Knabeandiilso the meahs'for r anyonelcTplay itTT -v' We invite you to call, to see, hear ; ancj .operate' it, 'in order that you may realize its superiority. . . . . - , ; . ; ' "v:. . : i, " A TEST .WILL" CONVINCE YOU .OF., ITS j UNQUESTIONED ; SUPREMACY. , " ,'. ' '. ' - ' ';;. ' -v-.'. Don't make the mistake , of paying 'a, big price for an ordinary instrument, when the same money will buy the very bestThe Knabe-Angelus.- . ' . - '.'-'a'Aa' "'('. '' THE HOUSE OF; QUALITY." ." ' ''''.' ' Sherman Glay S Company Corner Sixth and Morrison Seattle Tacoma Everett .! . . ; Pe sal - in A and South; Join A Home ta Twxaa. Miss IS. M. Johnson, Hitchcock, Tex wrltea: . .. n "Towr great medicine, Peruna, has restored me to health ones more. I am truly thankful to you. for your medicine. is certainly a catarrh cure. My sisters are surprised at my improvement' My appetite is good now. I sleep well at night I have no more palna, and no toackache or headache. "I will recommend Peruna to' all suf fering women. It" Is Just " what you claim It to be. When X began taking your treatment I waa wretched. Beraas, has) axed, ma of. all catarrhal trouble." Sts., Opposite Postoff ice, ' Bellingham Spokane , Los Angeles , Oakland " i . - ru - na Is Used ; linillffM aSkaf- aa.- - iiiiiiiu is ui nuuios - - i - As the A A Most Reliable Medicine 1b Washington. ' lira. Minnie Lappenbusch, R. F. D. 1 Buckley, Wash writes: '' T mrmm m iA fierlS. naf 1eV. ' run would help me, and after using Peruna and Uanalln, I am healthy. I have had two children slnoe I was sick, and work In the house and outalda also, "1 use Peruna for all kinds of Ills and consider It a excellent saedtolne. "I have aeven children. I keep your medicine In the houae almoat all tbe time, i can ao ail my nouseworx aione, which I was Incapable of doing oerore. -sl wlah every Buffering woman could know hew; Peruna helped ma." Knabe PORTLAND, OREGON. Portland , San Francisco Angelus Piano